Chapter 9: Tomo-chan's fragile heart
(Where the author mixes Angsty Teenage Romance™ with Chinese Triads ... )
Through Yomi's eyes ...
(Sigh ...) I turn off my cell-phone and put it back onto my desk. Kaorin has just called me to know how I was doing, and to cheer me up; but in the end I was the one who had to comfort her, after she told me what happened today! Poor girl. She's really unlucky. At least those idiot Yanki delinquents will probably get expelled for all the trouble they caused. The principal will certainly jump at the occasion and palm them off to another school.
Still, because of them, my friends couldn't come visit me today. And I was so looking forward to it ... maybe they'll come tomorrow? And perhaps they'll bring me something nice and sweet to eat. Hmm, they probably think I'm still on a diet, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.
What time is it? Ah, 9:20 ... I think I'll read Tomo's manga again for a little while. I don't feel like lying down right now. That knot in my stomach ... It's been three days, and it still hasn't gone away. It's especially unpleasant when I'm stretched out on my bed; I feel that pull on my stomach muscles ... if I want to sleep, I have to curl up into a fetal ball. And when I wake up, there are only a few seconds while I feel relaxed; and then my belly quickly knots up again, as my worries come back to me.
Right now, I'm holding a hot-water bottle against my stomach, and it eases the tension somewhat, but it's still painful. Although I had read about it, I wasn't really able to imagine how the body could react physically to one's worries ... until it happened to me.
My parents are starting to get concerned; but I don't want to go to the doctor's ... what if he diagnoses a nervous breakdown? It can't be! I want to go to Okinawa with my friends! There's only ten days left until the trip ... what I am going to do? I'm so frustrated, I feel like I'm going to cry ...
Besides, what kind of worries do I really have? Is it because of that silly fight with Tomo? We're always fighting anyway. What was so different about this time? ... I think what surprised me was the way she suddenly went home without a word, like she had given up. That's really not like her.
I guess because I've known her for so long, I'm unconsciously used to the ways she normally acts; so that unusual reaction kind of shocked me ...
Anyway, the best course of action would be to reconcile with her quickly ... but I don't even know what I should be apologizing for! And why hasn't she called me? I heard from the others that she hasn't recovered from the flu yet, but still ... And I don't really want to call her myself; what would I say to her anyway?
Damn, since when have things gotten awkward between us?
Tomo ... after we graduate and go to different universities, I won't be able to see her everyday ... when will we meet again, and for what occasion? We could drift away really quickly. Besides, we have formed such a wonderful group of friends, it will be really sad when I have to part ways with them ...
As for now, Tomo and I sometimes hang out together outside of school, but it's usually her who comes over and drags me off somewhere ... what if she doesn't feel like seeing me anymore, after graduation? But it would feel weird if I was the one to go to her ... and what would we actually talk about, and do together?
Hmm, Yukari-sensei and "Nyamo-sensei" still seem very comfortable around each other; they often go drinking at a bar, or watch a movie together. But it's different than Tomo and I; they actually went to the same college and still work at the same school.
Well, anyway, I know I'll have to let go of my childhood soon. But I feel it's too early. In my mind, I probably view Tomo as the incarnation of my childhood; and that's why I'm afraid of her going away. And that's also the reason I've become so sensitive to what she says or does lately ...
(Sigh ... ) has that girl really wormed her way into my life like that?
I really don't want to let go of my childhood yet. Time has started to pass so quickly ... I still remember how long the school years seemed to last, back in elementary school, when Tomo and I were always playing together. Everyone thinks I'm so serious and stuff, but ... I don't want to grow up, so soon. I don't want to be an adult. I ... still want to play around ... with Tomo.
Damn it, I'm ... I'm crying ... Oh ... Oh God ... I feel so bad ... Ah ... what's happening to me? I clutch my hot-water bottle to my stomach, but it doesn't seem to ease my pain.
Oh, there's a noise at the window, a soft tapping sound. Could ... could it be? Quickly I dry my tears. I hope she won't notice I've been crying. Well, I already look like a zombie anyway, so she'll probably think I'm just tired and ill.
Alright ... I open the window ... Tomo! It's really her! She's wearing a white T-shirt and blue Bermuda shorts. She has a blank look on her face. Usually, when she wants to show her feelings, she makes amusing and exaggerated expressions; but when she's like that, it's impossible to guess what she's thinking.
She takes off her sandals and climbs in.
"Hey ... You don't look too well. I had the others on the phone today; they said you've been ill ... for three days." Her voice sounds flat, too.
"Well, yeah ... I don't feel very good. But it'll go away soon I think."
"What's with the hot-water bottle? Isn't it a little too warm for that?"
"Oh. It's to ease the pain in my stomach ... I have a stomach-ache."
"I see ... " she frowns a little. "A new diet method gone wrong?"
" Well ... you know, something like that."
"Hmm, that's not good ... "
"But ... what about you? Aren't you ill yourself? Shouldn't you have stayed in bed? I thought you had the flu ... you might get a fever again."
"Oh that. I don't have a fever."
"Eh? But ... does it mean you're skipping school, just because you feel like it? Isn't that a little ... "
"I don't have a fever ... but I don't feel good at all."
She sits down on my bed and brings her legs against her chest. I can only see her eyes peeking from above her knees. She is still looking blankly at me. I sit down at my desk and leaf absently through my English textbook.
"Um, Tomo ... "
"Hm?" her voice is somewhat muffled by her legs.
"I'm sorry."
"I mean ... I will give you that manga back if you really want to read it."
"Well you know ... "
"Oh that one ... well it's alright. I mean, I've already read it."
"You have? But ... I don't understand ... "
"I though it was boring, anyway. I was wondering why you liked it so much. Things don't happen as in those sappy manga, do they? I hate them."
"Hmm, I don't think it's a good reason to hate them. You know, things also don't happen as in the violent manga you usually read ... still, you like those."
"How about what happened with Sakaki?"
" ... Heh. You have a point. So, after all, things could also happen as in that romantic manga," I say, holding up the volume.
"You really think so, Yomi?"
"Well ... maybe Kagura will declare her undying love to Sakaki or something ... hehehe!"
"Heh. Hehehe. Wouldn't that be funny, right? Hehehehehe." Tomo is chuckling softly from behind her knees. Normally, she would have been laughing noisily, jumping around and mimicking various funny love-love situations involving the two girls.
"Yeah, it would ... "
"By the way," she says suddenly, "won't it feel weird when we graduate ... and go to different universities? Me and you ... and the others?"
My heart skips a beat.
"Well ... yeah. We won't be able to see each another as often. I ... still have trouble picturing it. I mean ... I don't know ... "
Suddenly, Tomo jumps to her feet and starts taking off her clothes.
"What are you doing?"
"Going to sleep. I'm tired now."
She has flung her T-shirt, shorts and socks about the room and stands there, her thin body covered only by a small tank-top and boxers. Damn, that girl is really shameless, stripping like that!
Hmm, on the other hand, she's always wearing her swimsuit under her clothes when we go to the pool ... and after swimming she changes back under a towel. Come to think of it, that's pretty strange ... Tomo, prudish? I was under the impression that she was quite unashamed about her body, despite her always complaining her chest is too small. When was the last time I saw her completely naked? Maybe when we were kids, and took baths together?
Well, as for me, I'm not very confident about my body, so in the locker room I usually change quickly ... but not too hastily, and I don't try to hide, because it would attract attention to me. I don't want to be made fun of for trying to hide my body. (Sigh ... ) changing in the locker room is awkward. Well, there's also Sakaki who always changes under a towel ... and Chiyo-chan too. But then again, nobody would dare to make fun of Sakaki; and as for Chiyo-chan, she still has the body of a little girl, so maybe she feels somewhat ashamed. It must be difficult for her.
Why I am thinking of that, all of a sudden? And why has Tomo taken off her clothes? Hey, wait a minute!
"What are you doing? Get out of my bed!"
"I'm sleepy."
"You ... you're going to sleep in my bed?"
"Hmm." she turns on her side, her back facing me.
"Why you ... where am I supposed to sleep?"
" ... On a futon, or something."
"You ... you ... "
"I'm your host, so I get the bed."
"Well, I didn't invite you in the first place! Get out!" I try to pull her out, but she's holding onto the edge of the bed.
"Stop that. I'm sleepy. I can't sleep at home. Too noisy."
"Are ... are your parents fighting?"
"No. They're laughing and having fun in front of the TV."
"So what, they're not going to be noisy all night! Go home, and sleep in your own bed!"
"No matter what, I won't be able to sleep in my bed."
"Grrrr. This is MY bed! There's not enough room for two." I climb onto the bed and slip under the covers. I try to push her forward with my arms and legs, so that she falls off between the bed and the wall. That'll teach her! ... But I still can't pry her off. Damn it! I thought I was stronger than her! She's holding onto the edge of the bed as if her life depended on it.
"Hnngh ... get off! Hey, don't push me back! Stop that."
"I'm cold."
"What? Cold? What are you talking about? It's really warm in here. It's even warm outside."
"I'm still cold."
Her bare foot brushes against mine. It does feel cold.
"Do you have a fever? I told you to stay home!"
"I don't have a fever." Her voice still has that quiet, flat tone. Maybe she really is tired. I wonder what's the expression on her face right now. She is still on her side, facing away from me.
She extends her arm, and switches off the lights. She then starts to push her back against me even more.
"Come on, stop it, you're going to push me off ... "
"You're so soft, Yomi."
"Please stop it with your stupid diets. It's better like that ... more comfortable."
"C ... Comfortable? What the Hell? Tomo ... you ... you want me to strangle you or something? You dare to call me fat, now of all times?"
I put my arm above her shoulder and reach for her throat. She sighs quietly, and tilts her head back, giving my hand a better access to her neck. It's very thin, and the texture of the skin seems really delicate. I can sense the faint pulsing of her artery against my fingers. I feel like I'm holding Tomo's entire life in my hand.
I squeeze. Just a little.
"Yomi." she whispers.
"When was the last time we slept together like this?"
"Uh ... Chiyo-chan's summer house?"
"No I mean, like this. In the same bed; not on futons next to each other with all the others."
"Umm ... "
"The class trip at the end of elementary school."
"Oh yeah ... well it was Hell for me, anyway! You were moving around so violently in bed, I never could sleep; I promised I'd never sleep next to you again."
"And you snored."
"I did not. Besides, during summer vacation at Chiyo-chan's house you're always keeping everyone awake on purpose, so that you're the first to fall asleep, and then you wake us all up in the morning. Feh ... I want to sleep peacefully tonight."
"And I wanna sleep now."
She puts her arm above mine and grips my wrist, prying my hand away from her neck. But she's holding onto it.
"Hey, give my hand back!"
She has started to breathe softly and regularly. What on Earth? She's already asleep? Just like that? And she's still holding my wrist in a vice-like grip, pressing my hand against her chest. Damn, how am I going to sleep now? This is going to be very uncomfortable.
Although ... I feel as if a wave of relief has swept over me. And ... my stomach ! The muscles have actually relaxed! Oh my God, I can't believe how good it feels! Tomo's body is not as warm as the hot-water bottle, but her back is pressed against my belly and all the tension has been washed away.
Haaah! The feeling of relief that comes after pain is something wonderful. That's why they say that to really appreciate the pleasures of life, one has to experience pain and privations at least occasionally. It sure does feel great to eat after a particularly restrictive diet.
Hehe, this also reminds me of that European philosopher of old who asked his servants to wake him up at night, so that he could savor the feeling of falling asleep again ... with Tomo in my bed, I'll probably get woken up quite often; she's always moving around ...
... Yes, always jumping around with vibrant energy ... although she sure seems peaceful right now; there's just that small rise and fall of her body, as she's breathing softly. She seems so frail ... I wish I could see her face.
This is bliss. Those worries ... earlier, they seem so ... silly and distant now. I mean ... I kind of made up with Tomo tonight, didn't I? And who cares about graduation and parting ways and stuff? ... It's still far away ... and Tomo is here right now ...
A thin and elegant Chinese lady was strolling among the cherry tree-bordered alleys of the park. She was wearing an ankle-length, high-collared qipao dress with a plum-blossom pattern, and a matching long-sleeved jacket. Her pretty face was adorned with a cheerful smile; only a few wrinkles were visible around her nearly-closed eyes, and there were a few white strands in her short hair. She was walking in small steps, softly humming what sounded like a Chinese children song.
The alleys of the park, lit by the moonlight and a few sparse street lamps, seemed to be devoid of people, but the dainty woman didn't seem worried. After all, this district of Tokyo was known for the safety of its streets, even at night.
As she was walking along an aisle near the edge of the park, she noticed two expensive-looking cars parked on the side of the road. She left the aisle and stepped on the lawn in the direction of the vehicles. Eight men, clad in dark business suits, came towards her. They were all sharp-looking, with neatly-combed, slicked-back hair and impassive faces. Among them was an old man with a thin beard, dressed in more traditional Chinese robes. He seemed to be oozing malevolence, looking like an evil Chinese mastermind right out of an old black-and-white adventure movie.
"Good evening, gentlemen," spoke the lady in a soft sing-song voice, "are you waiting for someone in particular?"
The dangerous-looking men stared at her with emotionless eyes.
"Hmm, don't you think you are somewhat lacking in discretion? Maybe you should also wear badges saying 'Member of the Yellow Baboon Chinese Triad' ... "
"It is the Golden Spider Monkey Society, woman," replied the old man in a raspy voice.
"Yes, yes, my mistake; please forgive this absent-minded old woman, Mr Li. I should have remembered the name, as your little organization has been bearing a grudge against my father since the 1960's ... for some reason.
"Anyway, perhaps you should keep a lower profile; I doubt the local Japanese Yakuza would be very happy to know that a few foreign gangsters are waltzing all over their territory ...
"By the way, do you really think I didn't notice your spying on me for the last four days? ... Earlier today, you sent a text message on my student's cell phone under my name, asking her to come to the park for a late evening training session, right? I'd appreciate it if you didn't involve her in all this ... "
"The entire Wang School shall be destroyed," Mr Li spoke.
"But of course ... in that case, why don't you pay a visit to my father first? He must not be that difficult to find. I think he's playing 'Wise Old Taoist Master' somewhere on Mount Wudang. Or if you wish to start with an easier target, how about seeking my foolish ex-fiancé? He learned a few tricks from my father, so technically he belongs to the Wang School ... Right now, he's making Dollars by teaching 'ultimate street-proof self-defence' in America.
"Mr Li, I thought you were a wise man. If you behave impolitely towards my student, I might not be able to forgive you ... Besides, you should be careful when dealing with her. You know, she is a very sensitive person, and doesn't react well to ... turbulent situations. She might not show the same self-restraint and ... tact as myself."
The old man winced slightly.
" ... Although last time we met I should have remembered that a disruption of the chi flow has a more dire effect on the organs of a man of ... your age. I hope you didn't have too much trouble finding a kidney donor ... Why, how silly of me to ask, of course you found a donor, you are a Chinese Triad, after all."
Mr Li made a small gesture, and his men started to remove their jackets, shirts and ties, revealing tattooed, muscular bodies. A few weapons appeared in their hands; twin crescent blades, short butterfly swords, and tong-fa.
The bare-chested gangsters started to surround the frail-looking lady. They were advancing slowly, in wide, strong stances, muscles tensed, ready to leap into action. Those who were not carrying weapons had their hands in the shape of a hook, index finger outstretched.
"I see you have been teaching these new youngsters your incomparable Kung Fu, Mr Li ... What did you train them in, this time? Looks like the Northern Praying Mantis Style. Hmm, I remember it was White Crane last time, and before that ... err, Snake ... or was it Tiger? Fufufufu ... do you have to use up the entire menagerie before giving up?"
Miss Wang sighed. "Let's make it quick then; my student will be here soon, and I wouldn't want her to witness an unpleasant scene ... Oh, I see you kept your drivers waiting in the cars, just in case. Good thinking!"
"Kill her."
"One last thing, gentlemen; I must thank you for showing this lonely old woman your enticing, manly bodies ... with those rippling, well-defined muscles." Miss Wang didn't alter her neutral, relaxed posture, hands still folded inside her sleeves. However, her smile widened eerily and her eyes opened all the way, pupils shrinking to pinpoints. All of her sudden, her face looked incredibly menacing.
"Truly, you look like ... perfect pressure point dolls."
"Yukari, will you stop that ... why do you have to spend that much money in drinks, right after you receive your paycheck? And why do I have to carry you home afterward?"
"Ok, so nexssst time, you ... pay ... my drinksss."
"No way in Hell."
"Shut ups ... or I show eeeeveryone that love letter of yours ... Heehee."
"Not if I kill you first."
"That'll teach you ... and you think you're such a good ... teacher ... hee hee hee. Y'know, I still got it, that looove letter. I bet you wish you knew where I hid it, right?"
"Bah! That stupid Sakurai-sempai! ... Still, I sure showed you when I sssnatched him away from you!"
"Yukari, if you want to live a long, healthy life, you'd better not mention that when you're sober ... "
"Hah! T'was all your fault anyway! I'm NOT petty and low and mean and stuff ... as you thhhinks ... YOU were the bad girl ... always you."
Minamo sighed sadly, not bothering to reply.
"Eeeeeverything I do is for your sake anyway, and you don't even buy me a few drinks to show your gratitude ... "
"Hmm, that sign says 'Minamoto Hospital, 300 metres'. Maybe I should carry you there ... in the state you're in ... "
"Nope, I wants MY bed. And I wants your Danish pillow. Hehehe ... "
"Whoa! ... Oh my God, those two cars nearly run us over! What on Earth? Looked like expensive foreign cars. Damn, who do they think they are, speeding like that in a residential area?"
"You're one to talk, Yukari ... "
Through Sakaki's eyes ...
Hmm, I wonder why Sensei asked me to meet her in the park so late in the evening. Although I know the neighborhood is safe, I feel a little afraid. I wish Tadakichi-san was here ...
Sensei's message said it was about training, but I hope the real reason isn't about the fight at school today ... Well, that can't be it; how could she have heard about it? Although a lot of people probably saw that big brawl in front of the gates ...
My God, what a mess. In the end, every one of them was called into the Principal's office ... Fortunately I wasn't called, although it was all my fault. However, someone might still tell the teachers what I did to Yamamoto-san.
I don't really understand what happened ... probably everyone told him about my violent tendencies, so Yamamoto-san thought I was a bad person who had offended him on purpose. Even though I'm only a girl, the fact that he challenged me to a fight really proves that I must seem like a monster to everyone; not a real girl.
(Sigh ... ) I'm really afraid of being called into the Principal's office, when he hears about what I have done. He looks so stern and intimidating ...
Anyway, it's rather unlikely that Wang-sensei knows about what happened, but I feel somewhat worried. I can't bear to imagine how angry she would be.
Ah, there she is! She's smiling; it's a good sign. Hmm, she's wiping her hands with a red silk handkerchief ...
"Good evening, Sakaki-chan! I'm so sorry I called you here so late!"
"Good evening, Sensei ... Ah! You have b ... blood on your hand!"
"Oh, that ... umm, well, I cut myself on the finger this morning while I was cooking. I'm so clumsy, hohoho! Looks like the cut has just reopened."
"Here, Sensei." I give her a band-aid.
"Why thank you! You sure are thoughtful!" She puts it quickly onto her finger.
"I always have some band-aids with me ... " I blush.
"Well, anyway, I have called you to ... show you some special shiatsu massage techniques. You know, the chi flow in the body is different according to the time of the day, and these particular techniques work best between 9 and 11 PM, when the Triple Warmer Meridian is at its peak. But ... apparently, the weather isn't good right now."
"The weather?"
"Yes ... the weather. The atmospheric pressure, you know; it also influences your chi. It is too low tonight. Um, let's not go to the park after all ... I'm really, really sorry for calling you here for nothing."
"Oh. Well, if it's because of the weather, then it can't be helped."
"Hmm, it's nearly 9:30. I suppose you have already eaten dinner, Sakaki-chan?"
"Well, no, actually. Since I thought we would be training, I didn't want to move with a full stomach."
"Really! Hmm, it's Saturday tomorrow, so you don't need to wake up early, right?"
"Um, no."
"Great! As an apology, I'll invite you to a nice little Chinese restaurant I know; it's still open at this hour. You must be hungry ... Do you like Chinese cuisine?"
"Um, well, yes, I do, but ... "
"Ah, you'll see, this restaurant serves genuine Chinese cuisine, not the tasteless stuff other restaurants usually feed uninformed customers. It's in the next district, but we can drive quickly there with my car. Don't worry, I'll give a call to your parents ... "
"Ah, um, thank you, Sensei ... "
"You'll like it very much, I'm sure ... Moreover, a few times, I saw a very cute cat there; maybe we'll see it tonight, if we're lucky ... "
Through Yomi's eyes ...
... Hmmhh ... wha? Oh, right, Tomo's here. In my bed. Ah, she's moving around. Just as I thought, she woke me up, 'cause she can't stay still ... even in her sleep.
Haah ... stop that! I'm lying on my back and I don't want her arms all over me. Hey, she's moving her head onto my chest? ... Stop it.
"Mmh ... Yomi. Gimmie that pillow."
Uhh? Pillow? Grrrr, is she calling me fat again? ... Oh, I gotta stop with that ... paranoia ... It's not like she'll insult me in her sleep or something!
Still, I put my hand on her head; I want to push it away. I can't sleep if there's that kind of weight on my chest.
... Well, it doesn't feel that heavy. If I synchronize my breathing with hers ... then it's ok. Hmmh ... her head is light, probably 'cause it's empty. Heehee ... empty head ... hehehe ... Her shampoo smells nice, like, umm, something ... Lavender? No ... what am I saying, it's some other flower, like ... hmm, I don't remember.
Oh? The hair ends are tickling my hand. Ah, that's right, her hair is short now ... But I think it's better when it's long and sticks out on the sides; it's funny ... although it's nice now too. Hmm ... so silky ...
Author's notes:
-- Qipao (or Cheongsam): the archetypal one-piece dress wore by Chinese women. Its simplicity highlights the natural beauty of the female figure; also, it usually has slits on the side in order to give a glimpse of the legs, and a high, tightly fit collar which flatters the slender neck.
-- Tong-fa (also called tonfa or tuifa): weapons derived from farming implements; they are short sticks with perpendicular handles. They used to be popular in Okinawa. Nowadays, in a lot of countries, the police have adopted batons based on the tonfa design. -- Twin crescent blades and butterfly swords: traditional Chinese short bladed weapons.