Chapter 3: Kaorin writes a soon-to-be popular yuri manga.
(Where we have a peek at Kaorin's interior world of Teenage Angst™ ... )
Aah, Sakaki-san is so cool ...
Today she was shining even more brightly than usual, displaying perfection in everything she said or did.
Sakaki-san's stoic attitude makes her sooo attractive! She radiates absolute confidence, like nothing can ever touch her. She appears so strong in both mind and body, without ever having to show off. Although during yesterday's Hanami picnic she allowed us to see a fraction of her hidden power.
Not only is she the epitome of strength, but there's also an air of serenity and gentleness about her. Most people don't see past her stern facade; however she sometimes shows her kind-hearted side to her close friends.
She appreciates beauty in all things; sometimes she stops for a few minutes on her way home to admire some flowers in a garden. I've often seen her show kindness to small animals, even to a naughty cat that bit her; it naturally comes from her willingness to protect the weak.
Yes: a flawless angel, strong, beautiful, intelligent and kind. Blessed with many more qualities than any boy could ever hope for.
Yesterday morning's episode at the park ... well, it kind of gave me bittersweet feelings ... On the one hand, Sakaki-san acted breathtakingly cool; but on the other hand, it reminded me how of little importance I am to her.
I wish I could be a closer friend, but I just don't know how to act in her presence; and she already has so many great friends ... Aaah, I feel so inadequate! How could I make her need me, too?
Chiyo-chan, so small and cute, is the one who Sakaki-san has chosen to protect, and has taken, so to say, under her wing. They spend so much fun time together, and Sakaki-san's eyes always seem so full of kindness when she's looking at her little pigtailed friend.
I wonder ... if I were to throw myself into some kind of danger, would Sakaki-san do her best to rescue me, too? Oooh, I've got to stop harboring such stupid thoughts, I'm beginning to turn into some kind of obsessive weirdo!
But Chiyo-chan's isn't the only girl I am envious of; there's also Kagura, who is constantly hanging out with Sakaki-san and challenging her to various silly contests. However, far from getting annoyed, Sakaki-san seems to be quite fond of her friendly rival's energetic personality.
But something about Kagura's attitude worries me. Her stubbornness in issuing challenges to Sakaki-san in things she knows she has absolutely no chance of winning ... is it because she is trying to attract her attention? Or is it even more than that?
Aaargh! This uncertainty is killing me!
Since yesterday's picnic, my worries have actually worsened. When Kagura crossed the line with her horsing around, Sakaki-san put her back in her place gently but firmly.
It was obvious to me that Sakaki-san knew how to hold her own in a fight, but to think that a woman's body -- albeit unusually tall -- could possess so much strength ... she sent Kagura-san flying just with a slightly disdainful gesture, and then caught her in her arms at the last moment ... that was really amazing!
Sakaki-san never speaks about her family (I'm too shy to ask about it ... all I know is that her mother is allergic to cats), but I'm convinced she was born in some kind of ancient samurai lineage, which would explain where she learned those skills.
Anyway, that was probably very humiliating for Kagura, but still ... aaaah! What I would have given to be in her place! Sakaki-san's attitude was ... so domineering, like she could have done anything she wanted to her defeated opponent. And the way she gazed at Kagura, with just a slight hint of arrogance, and scolded her gently in her husky voice, telling her to act more like a girl ... it sent shivers to my whole body.
And it's obvious that Kagura-san was also under the spell, seeing how strongly she blushed and how ... well, love-struck she looked. She made a surprisingly quick recovery, but during the rest of the picnic I noticed her staring more than once at Sakaki-san with an expression that showed more that mere admiration.
Aaargh! Now I'm certain of it; it's completely obvious that Kagura harbors feelings for Sakaki-san! And what can I do? As her rival, I wouldn't have the slightest chance; she's cuter, funnier, and much more outspoken. That's just not fair, my love for Sakaki-san is the purest and the strongest, I know it ... (sob)!
All right. It's decided. During the upcoming school year, I'll do my best to get closer to Sakaki-san, despite how low my chances are. What do I have to lose anyway? At the very least, I'll be able to become a better friend for her.
I just hope I'll end up in the same class as her, like during the two past years. If I were sent to another class, I'd be devastated ... oh, I'm getting paranoid; there's no way something like that will happen. Yukari-sensei doesn't like to memorize new names, so there aren't going to be any changes this year, I know it.
(Sigh ... ) I've started drawing sketches of Sakaki-san again. This is sooo pathetic. Well, I'm the one who is pathetic, not my sketching. My drawing skills have actually become quite good lately, I must say ...
Hmm, not bad ... Sakaki-san in a black business suit, leather coat and dark shades, fighting with a sword against Yakuza, running on the walls and dodging gun bullets ... Maybe she'd look even better if she had slightly longer bangs and wore a headband?
... Sakaki-san in samurai robes, riding a horse, shooting at her enemies with a long bow. She would make a perfect Tomoe-gozen! I know! Sakaki-san in a miko costume! Oh, how wonderful ...
Still, she's also wonderful in her school uniform. Although I wish our uniform were a little less boring. Hmm. ( ... scribble, scribble ... ) Maybe a slightly wider skirt without pleats, and a blouse with puffy shoulders ...
Yes, Sakaki-san looks so elegant; she should belong in a wealthy aristocratic family and go to a prestigious private school.
If only things happened like in manga ... let's see: the beautiful girl admired by all is secretly in love with an unpopular shy girl without any self-confidence. But I don't ... I mean the shy heroine doesn't realize it, because she can't believe someone so wonderful could ever like her; although deep in her heart, she herself yearns for the beautiful girl.
How tragic! Besides, there's a super-cute and popular boy also in love with the shy heroine ... so the beautiful girl feels she should step back for the sake of her secret love's happiness ... so both the heroine and the beautiful girl suffer silently and ... oooh, the delicious angst!
( ... scribble, scribble ... ) I can't believe I'm spending the whole day drawing my fantasies, but at least it seems to ease my heartache a little.
Although that noise my little brother is making in his room playing his stupid Gundam Wing games is starting to grate on my nerves!
"Souma! Lower the sound on that console already! I can't hear myself think here!"
(Sigh ... ) little brothers ... already thirteen and still acting like a spoiled brat.
Anyway, this fantasy is getting boring; it's not like just drawing a rose garden will be enough to make the story as deep and moving as in Maria-sama ga Miteru ... Mmmm, the level of suffering isn't high enough, I think ... they should be torn from each other by Fate! Yes, by the Gods themselves! Lost in an endless cycle of reincarnation and suffering and sacrifice (I can't believe what I'm drawing ... )
Hmm, a war between Gods ... yes, that gives me the perfect opportunity to bring in the miko costume later.
( ... scribble, scribble ... )
Let's see, the town is plunged into turmoil by a sudden attack of mythical creatures ... and amidst the chaos, the beautiful girl hurries on horseback to get to her love and save her! Hmm, what kind of creatures should I draw ...
( ... scribble, scribble, scribble ... )
Yes ... the town is destroyed by ... GIANT MECHAS?
I throw my pencils and papers about the room and pull at my hair.
I stomp to my brother's room, thrust the door open, and scream:
"Souma! Didn't you hear me? I told you to lower the sound on that console! And don't you have anything better to do than playing your stupid ... ROBOT games all day long!"
"Uhh? Sorry, did you say something, nee-chan?"
"Grrrr ... forget it, I'm going to take a long walk outside."
Aah, that nice stroll helped me cool down. I went down to the bookstore and purchased this beautiful photo album of the last Mars exploration missions; I'll bring it to the next meeting of the astronomy club. On a whim, I also bought a cute Necoconeco doll at a toy store. I wonder what urged me to do that ... oh well.
All right ... let's go back to my pathetic scribbling and ... ack!
"Wh ... what do you think you're doing, Souma! Put this down at once!"
"Hey, sis, it's not a bad story and all, but there's too much romantic and lovey-dovey stuff there. I changed a few things to make it cooler!"
"H ... how could you, you little brat! You actually dared to come into my room, read my story and scribble on it?"
"Bah, I can draw much better than you anyway. Look at that! Cool, right? That guy was a total wimp, I made him much cooler."
"Whaaat? You gave him your own name? And you changed his hair so that he looks like you? I can't believe this! Who do you think you are?"
"Yeah, and I gave him a cool bike! And a cool uniform! And look at that, isn't that mecha totally badass?"
"Noooo! What did you do to the mythical creatures?"
"Face it, sis, maybe you know how to draw roses and sparkly stuff and all, but when it comes to mecha, you have to leave it to a pro! Yours looked like that corny Mazinger from the Seventies!"
"Shut up! I tried to make them look like giant knights and samurai! Those here look utterly ugly like your stupid Gundam, and ... KYEEEEEEEEE! You ... you ... YOU RUINED MY BEAUTIFUL KISS SCENE!"
"Bah, what's with the girls kissing? It's the cool guy who should get the cute girl anyway; or even better, both of them! Anyway, look at these totally bad-ass power attacks in the background! And these totally cool fighting poses! Uwaaaaaaaaah! Toryaaa!"
"I'm ... I'm going to wring your neck, you moronic, perverted, snot-nosed BRAT! Come back here!"
"Hey, what's with you? That's how you repay me for helping you? You can't catch me anyway, nyaaaaa!"
"Just you wait, no matter where you hide, I'm going to find you and ... Here you are! Argh! Stop running around!"
"Oh my, Kaori, did you actually draw this?"
Oh God, noooooooo ...
"Yeah Mama, isn't it cool? Nee-chan drew all of the sappy stuff, but I did the cool parts. Did you see the mechas?"
"Well, that's great, sweetie, you both seem to have inherited your father's artistic skills."
"Uh, Mama, Nee-chan's turned into a stone statue ... "
"Hmmm, that's really a nice story, very romantic. Oh, that shy girl with the bob haircut somehow reminds me of ... "
"Kyaaaaa!" ( ... snatch ... ) "Kyaaaaaaaaaa!" ( ... scribble, scribble, scribble ... ) "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" ( ... scribblescribblescribblescribblescribble ... ) "D ... Done ... (huff ... huff ... huffffff ... )"
"Wow, Kaori, you know, you really should become a manga artist! With that kind of speed, you'd always be able to meet your deadlines! Hmmm ... you're right, the main character looks much better with long, blond hair. It makes a nice contrast with her lover's dark tresses. Still, no matter what, that shy girl reminds me of ... "
" ... Your Mama herself! Hehehe! Ah, I still fondly recall my high school days. I had this nice sempai who ... well ... I wonder how she's doing right now ... Ahem! Anyway, maybe you ought to continue this, and send it to a publisher; who knows what might happen. Ah! I almost forgot! Dinner will be ready soon."
"Hey, Mama, what about my mecha? Are they cool or what? Oooowwww! Nee-chan, stop it!"
Author's notes: Yes, this is a blatant reference to Kannazuki no Miko, which is a masterpiece of unintentional humor ... When I watched the scene with Chikane-chan on horseback, I instantly thought, "what on Earth have you been smoking, Kaorin?"
-- Tomoe-gozen: a famous historical figure of medieval Japan. She was one of the very rare female samurai. Famous for her skill in combat, she fought during the Gempei War, in the late 12th century, as a general to a powerful daimyo (feudal lord), Minamoto Yoshinaka. Many women of the warrior class knew how to use weapons in order to defend their home, but it was extremely rare for a woman to ascend to Tomoe's status.
By the way, "-gozen" is not a last name; it is a old term meaning “miss”.