Chapter 2: Sakaki-san's debut in the merciless world of fighting.
(Where the girls have an -- almost -- peaceful picnic.)
We're very lucky today; Chiyo-chan and I -- and Tadakichi-san -- were able to find the perfect spot in the park for our picnic, under the shade of a beautiful Shidarezakura tree, a Weeping Cherry with long drooping branches and pink blossoms.
We've spread a large towel on the grass and laid down some bentô boxes and cold drinks. Fortunately there are very few people here; I suppose they all went to more popular places, like Ueno Park.
As promised, while we're waiting for the others, I am showing Chiyo-chan some more Tai Chi forms, and it looks like she's really enjoying watching them. I wonder if I could convince her to join my class with Wang-sensei; although I'm not sure she would be willing to take in such a young student. But then again Chiyo-chan is a genius in everything; Sensei would probably spot her talent at first glance and welcome her with open arms.
Aah, watching Chiyo-chan gracefully perform 'Golden Cock Stands on One Leg' would really make me feel at peace with the universe ...
But then again, Chiyo-chan is already quite busy, with her being class president and all ... and I'm pretty sure her parents have her take art and music lessons already.
"Oy, Sakaki-chan, what are you doing? Are you trying to cut Chiyo-suke's head off because she bested you in last year's final exams?"
"No, No, Tomo-chan! Sakaki-san is just showing me some Tai Chi Chuan forms!"
"Wow! Cool sword Sakaki!"
I was once again lost in my thoughts and failed to notice everybody joining us. Kagura-chan is pointing at my sword, grinning brightly, and everyone else is staring at me; how embarrassing! Moreover, Kaori-san looks really shocked.
"Sakaki-san ... aah ... with ... a sword?"
Oh no! Why do I always find myself in those kinds of situations! Kaori-san is very shy and easily frightened. Despite that, she's always going out of her way to cheer me up, or to include me in her conversations. I'd hate for her to think I'm some kind of weird or violent person!
"Ah! I mean ... don't worry! It's not an actual sword! It's just um ... decorative. It's used for practicing the movements -- nothing violent, I mean. The blade can't hurt anyone, it's aluminum ... like a paper sheet, see?" I try to explain, while flapping frantically the sword's blade to demonstrate its harmlessness.
"What, you can't kill anyone, not even maim a little? Pah, boring!" says Tomo-chan, flopping down on the large towel, and grabbing a can of juice.
I hastily put my sword back in its case, and Chiyo-chan starts setting up the bentô boxes and drinks.
This is going to be a wonderful day; Tomo-chan, Koyomi-san, Kaori-san, Kagura-chan, Ayumu-chan, Chiyo-chan, Tadakichi-san, and I are having a picnic under the sakura trees. The sun is shining softly, a gentle breeze is blowing, the air feels light ... I close my eyes for a few moments and enjoy the moment, while my friends are chatting happily.
I watch them and smile a little. Hmm, if the Chiyo-fairy were to ask me "which one of them do you wish to look like?", I'd probably choose Kaori-san if I had to stick to my own age.
She could easily be called a traditional Japanese beauty with her lovely face; her small, slender body; and her shy and demure personality. Although she ought to let her hair grow more ... long hair is more feminine, after all.
"Hey, Sakaki, I knew it!"
"I just knew you were a fighter on the first day I saw you!"
Eh? A ... fighter? What is Kagura-chan saying?
"The way you move and all, it's obvious that you have some neat martial arts skills! And with that 'don't mess with me' attitude, and those scary piercing eyes of yours, you're like a wild untamed wolf! Ha ha ha! You're so cool, you show-off!" she exclaims, slapping me on the back.
"Ah! Speaking of wild animals, Sakaki-chan is much like a jaguar -- in other words, she is a tiger-person!"
"Er ... no, Osaka-san," says Chiyo-chan, "I told you before, tiger and jaguar are different!"
"You try to hide it, but I bet you're fighting all the time. Your hands are always bandaged; there's no way this kind of damage could be done just by cat bites!"
"That's right, Kagura! She's constantly challenged by delinquents who want to take over our school, and she defeats them bare-knuckled!"
"Stop spouting nonsense, Tomo! There aren't any delinquent High Schools nearby!" Koyomi-san interjects.
"Hehe, no wonder there aren't any gangs in the neighborhood with Sakaki here; I bet they're afraid of her!" laughs Kagura-chan.
"Yeah, and even the Yakuza avoid the area! I heard a rumor that some Yakuza goons tried to extort protection money from that grocer just around the corner while Sakaki was doing her shopping, and she gave them a major ass-kicking! Nobody has seen them ever since."
Y ... Ya ... Yakuza? What on Earth are they talking about? Everyone's attention is focused on me again; I'm speechless, and I could die of embarrassment.
"Will you stop inventing stupid rumors already Tomo!"
"Now, now, Yomi-kun, you should be grateful to Sakaki-chan here that we're able to live in a peaceful neighborhood."
"Hehe ... it's true, I do feel safe when I'm walking with Sakaki-san!"
Oh, not Chiyo-chan too! ... Besides I'm the one who feels safe walking with her because of Tadakichi-san.
"Yeah, and remember, she saved you that one time you were kidnapped by the Yakuza, Chiyo-chan! She went all the way into their evil lair to rescue you, and defeated everybody!"
"Err, that was probably a dream, Osaka-san!"
"Oooh, is that so? That explains why she was able to run on the ceiling ... "
"Ah! I had that dream too!" suddenly exclaims Kaori-san; " ... err, that is, I mean, aah ... "
"Wh ... why would the Yakuza want to kidnap me?"
"Heh, as a future ICPO officer, it's obvious to me: for ransom, because your parents are so wealthy. Or maybe they're after your genius brain so that you can build a doomsday weapon for them," explains Tomo-chan proudly. "Besides, you're so easy to catch", she adds, grabbing Chiyo-chan's pigtails.
"Aauuuu! You ... you would rescue me, wouldn't you, Sakaki-san?" Chiyo-chan asks, looking up at me with teary eyes.
"I ... um ... aa, I would do my best; but your father would do a better job, I think."
"My father?"
Everybody is looking at me expectantly. I'm even more embarrassed now.
" ... He can deflect bullets after all."
"Hmmm? Is that so? ... Bah, you could dodge the bullets anyway; don't try to shirk away from your responsibility of protecting Chiyo-suke! She's counting on you."
"You should find something else to do than watching stupid American flicks during the school break, Tomo." remarks Koyomi-san.
(Sigh ... ) everybody is having a surreal conversation about me, and I don't understand half of what they're saying. And why is Kaori-san muttering something about ... leather coats and dark shades?
Kagura-chan is pulling me by the arm.
"C'mon Sakaki, show me some of your cool martial arts skills!"
"I ... I don't know what you're ... "
"A FIGHT! It's a fight!" suddenly shouts Tomo-chan. "Hey, you're always boasting how strong you are, Kagura, but I bet you can't beat Sakaki-chan here! Come on, do you have the guts or don't you?"
"You're the one always boasting and challenging Sakaki to stupid contests, Tomo; even more so than Kagura."
"Don't ruin our fun, Yomi. Come on! Beat each other up! Or are you some kind of scaredy-cat Kagura? I bet Sakaki-chan can kick your ass any time of the day ... "
"Ha! I'll show you! This time I won't lose! Come on, Sakaki, let's do it!" the short-haired athlete shouts, getting resolutely into a stance in front of me.
"Yay! Go Sakaki, defeat that evil Karate-girl!" shouts Tomo.
"Do your best, Sakaki-saaan!" waves Ayumu-chan.
"Auuuu ... ah, I mean, it's dangerous, we shouldn't ... what if ... err ... don't lose, Sakaki-san!" Chiyo-chan calls worriedly.
"Oh God, why am I friends with those people?" sighs Koyomi-san.
"Hey, how come nobody's rooting for me!"
"That's because Sakaki is the hero, and you are her evil arch-rival!"
"Ha! I'll show you all! I just got my black belt last month! Come on, Sakaki, let's have a fair bout and fight sincerely! I won't hold back!"
"GO, GO, SAKAKI-SAN!" suddenly screams Kaori-san at the top of her voice, startling everyone.
My God, what am I going to do? It's the first time something like that happens to me; faced with any kind of violence, I know I'm completely helpless. I am paralyzed by fear, and I can't even open my mouth to emit a coherent sound.
In addition to being in our schools swimming club, I know Kagura-chan has been practicing Karate for quite a few years; and knowing her, she's going to hold nothing back.
It's not that she's a violent person, really, but she just doesn't know her own strength. Besides, she usually acts before thinking; like when she punched Ayumu-chan in the solar plexus to stop her hiccups; or when she kicked Tomo-chan in the head because she was asked to do something flashy in front of the video camera.
But I know that beneath that tomboyish attitude, she really is a very emotional and feminine girl. I saw her more than once cry and apologize when realizing that her rash actions had harmed other people. Right now, I'm really afraid of getting hurt; but above all, I don't want our picnic to be ruined and Kagura-chan to cry because of it.
What can I do? I've got to move or say something, but my feet feel like they are rooted to the ground, and I'm starting to hyperventilate.
"Wow, Sakaki looks really dangerous right now! You can still withdraw, Kagura!"
"No way in hell! Here I come!"
She advances towards me, bouncing quickly on the balls of her feet. Now my breath seems suddenly caught in my throat, and my limbs feel cold. I have to move somehow!
Kagura-chan's roundhouse kick is hurtling towards my head much faster that I had thought possible. But strangely, it seems also as if time has slowed down. I can see Kagura's body as if it were shined upon by a white light, and everything else looks grey and blurred.
All of a sudden I'm able to breathe and move again. My mind clears and I can see everything at once around me very distinctively.
I lean back from her incoming foot and my right hand gently guides her leg on its intended path ... abruptly my arm does a short whipping motion which somehow flings the leg away from my face at incredible speed.
In the mean time I notice that since I am leaning back, one of my feet has risen from the ground for balance, and touches Kagura-chan's supporting leg behind the knee. Suddenly, it seems like her body is spinning above the ground so quickly that it looks like a blur.
Come to think of it, that movement I just did with my hand feels familiar ... like I was painting a cloud in the air and ... Oh my God, Kagura-chan! She's falling head first to the ground! She's going to get killed!
Fortunately, I'm able to catch her in my arms at the last moment.
I feel that strange rush that overpowered my body slowly fading away; Kagura-chan's staring at me with wide eyes and slightly parted mouth. I suddenly realize how small she is compared to me; she's always moving around so energetically, I never really noticed it before. But with me holding her in my arms like this, she seems so little and vulnerable ... just like a kitten.
AAAAHHH! What on Earth am I thinking at a time like this?
It seems like my body is paralyzed again; the silence is almost deafening. A blush is slowly starting to colour Kagura-chan's bewildered face. I've got to do or say something ...
"You should act more like a girl, Kagura. If you always do rash things like this, you will get hurt eventually. And I don't want that."
What on Earth is wrong with me, and what's with my tone of voice? I didn't mean to sound so harsh! Why can't I ever find the right thing to say?
A strong gust of wind blows and makes my long hair flutter; we're suddenly surrounded by many pink sakura blossoms.
Oh, my. I've never seen such a strong blush on someone's face. I hope that Kagura-chan won't be too angry at me for saying such things. Who am I to judge her behavior like this anyway?
Everybody else is gaping at us. Kaori-san looks like she is about to faint. Oh God, this is the most embarrassing moment in my whole life!
I manage to pull myself together, and gently put Kagura-chan on her feet, but she collapses limply to her knees, looking up at me with those wide eyes and completely flushed face. It seems like she is even more shaken than I thought.
If I say something now, I'll probably mess up things even more. So I just turn on my heels and go sit under the cherry tree with a heavy sigh.
"Wow, she handled you like a baby, just like I predicted!" suddenly states Tomo-chan in a loud voice. "Defeated you just with a flick of the wrist. Well, I hope she didn't crush your ego too much!" she adds, slapping Kagura-chan on the back.
"Will you stop that, baka! Kagura looks like she's in shock! Don't you know the meaning of tact?" shouts Koyomi-san.
"Oh my! Kaorin-chan is in shock too!" notices Ayumu-chan.
Chiyo-chan sits down next to me and claps her hands.
"Wow, Sakaki-san, I couldn't follow exactly what you did, but that was ... amazing!"
"Yup, just like I said, Chiyo-suke, leave it up to Sakaki-chan to protect us from delinquents and wild Karate-girls!"
(Sigh ... ) I feel like closing my eyes and forgetting about my surroundings for a little while.
Suddenly Kagura-chan springs to her feet and points at me wildly.
"Whoa, Sakaki! That was ... that was ... TOTALLY AWESOME! I knew it! You're the ultimate fighter! You're an invincible warrior, a killer! You're a killer, Sakaki!"
"See, Yomi, she recovered pretty quickly ... "
"Sakaki, tell me! What's your secret, where did you learn your cool killer arts? Is it Ninjutsu?"
Oh, thank God! I can't believe how relieved I am that Kagura-chan is in high spirits again, and doesn't feel anger towards me! I blush and lower my eyes.
"Um ... I don't know about that, really; martial arts are not what I -- "
"Kagura-san, thank God you survived!" interrupts Ayumu-chan all of a sudden. "Did you realize you just went against a master of the dreaded Dim Mak style?"
"Dim Mak, or Death Touch ... the legendary secret martial art of ancient China," Ayumu-chan says in a scary monochord voice. " ... it is said that masters of this style are able to control the flow of energy inside their opponent's body with a single touch and ... have their internal organs burst messily!"
"Oh my God!"
"You mean she can make people explode just by touching them, like in Hokuto no Ken? Neat! She's even more powerful than we thought!"
Are they talking about The Fist of the North Star? Last year our cousins from Sapporo came to visit for a week, and in the evenings their son would watch reruns of that animated show on our TV. All that disgusting violence, and those distorted faces, full of hatred! I couldn't bear it; I was only able to watch it once for a few minutes. Afterward I went to bed, cried myself to sleep and had horrible nightmares.
I can't believe they are comparing me to ... oh, it's too much, I feel my eyes filling with tears.
"I sympathize with you Sakaki-chan," sighs Koyomi-san, patting me on the back. "Everyone, stop it! Sakaki-chan said she practices Tai Chi Chuan; it's perfectly harmless. And Kagura just tripped earlier, like the clumsy Bonkura she is."
" ... And now if we could just focus on what we came here for, that is the picnic and watching the sakura blossoms?"
"Yay, food! Food! Food!" yells Tomo-chan, diving onto the towel and grabbing a bentô box.
"Fufufufu ... that's where you're all mistaken!" Ayumu-chan says in the same eerie tone of voice. "Tai Chi Chuan is actually Dim Mak disguised as a harmless exercise -- "
"Damn it! I knew she wouldn't quit that easily."
" ... In order to hide from the imperial authorities, the assassin masters enclosed their deadly pressure point attacks inside the seemingly peaceful Tai Chi forms. Since you were taught the forms, Sakaki-chan, those terrible fighting techniques have been ingrained into your body without even your knowing! You may not realize it yourself, but you are a walking killing machine!"
I look at my hands fearfully ... it's not true, is it?
"Oh, for crying out loud, Osaka ... " Koyomi-san stuffs a rice ball into Ayumu-chan's mouth, which she starts chewing slowly with a cheerful expression.
Things seem to have calmed down now. Everybody is enjoying Chiyo-chan's delicious homemade food, and watching the beautiful pink petals carried by the breeze. Looks like it's going to be a nice day after all.
Ah! Koyomi-san and Tomo-chan are sampling some of the food I prepared myself yesterday ... and they seem to be enjoying it too! Oh, I wish they would ask who made it ... should I tell them I love to cook? But what if it sounds silly, coming from an unfeminine girl like me?
"Anô ... what's the matter, Sakaki-san, don't you like those spring rolls? I know I'm still not very good at making them."
"Oh, of course I do, Chiyo-chan, they're delicious, really!" I assure her, putting my hand comfortingly on her head.
"Aaaah! Be careful, Sakaki-chan, you just activated Chiyo-chan's Hundred Convergences Point!" suddenly exclaims Ayumu-chan.
"It's the most sensitive pressure point of the skull, located on the Governing meridian, which regulates your Yang vital energy flux trough your brain and spine! If activated, it could cause a massive rush of Yang energy to your head! And since Chiyo-chan's brain is so powerful, it probably means that there is already a lot of Chi inside it. It might explode in a matter of minutes!"
"Aaaargh! I can't believe it! Doesn't that girl know when to quit already?"
"Don't be so insensitive, Yomi! Don't you realize that Chiyo-suke's precious brain is in mortal danger?"
Chiyo-chan's teary face slowly turns towards me.
"You ... you didn't really activate it, did you, Sakaki-san? You didn't, right? ... Auuuu! Undo it! Please undo it! Please undo it!"
"I, umm ... No, I mean, err ... (Sigh ... ) here you go ... " I pull on her pigtails gently to release her chi excess.
"Aww, so no messy exploding heads today after all?"