Story: A Shadowlander's Tale: One's Purpose (all chapters)
Authors: Shinigami_Shimai
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Chapter 1
A Shadowlander's Tale: One's Purpose
By Kathryn K Williams
Author's Notes: This story takes place along side A Shadowlander's Dream: Book One - A Tale of Shadows and before Book Two - A Tale of Sorrows (coming soon) It is a side tale that does not really effect the enjoyment of either tale however some may want to read the first 4 chapters of this tale before reading Book Two of ASD. Enjoy!
Chapter One
The sun had descended to its place of slumber leaving trails for purple and golds on the clouds that drifted like balls of cotton candy in the sky. A wind rustled through a field of tall grass causing it to look like a sea of green against the prismatic sunset. For the most part it was a beautiful end to a nice spring day. However, for one young girl it was just the sign of the beginning of another bleak cold night. As the last remnants of light began to fade away the child crept out from the small set of bushes in which she had been hiding. The girl looked about in search of something. Almost afraid to move from her hiding place. Then the sound of footsteps could be heard. She was prepared for this. Staying low, awaiting with eyes prepared for any sign of movement. She peered out across the field in search of anything that would betray it to the thing the child feared. Off to the right the grass parted for a moment. The child watched carefully, there had to be no mistake that the movement was not caused by the wind. Eyesight strained in the moonlight she watched the grass ever so carefully. A shadowy form slid through the grass causing it to part on occasion. Fear filled the girl's eyes. Although she had been prepared for this, it didn't remove the fear that seeing such a creature caused on her heart. She burst into a run through the field, not wanting the creature to come into full sight, away from the shadow that slithered towards the sound of movement. The girl was not sure that she would be able to escape this time, however she would not stop to see how close the shadow was. All that mattered was getting out of the field and finding a new place to hide before she was caught.
She zigzagged through the grass in search of some means of escape when she suddenly burst out of the field to find herself standing on a broad flat surface. The child stopped for a moment baffled by the sudden change in her surroundings when she was flooded by white light. Something hit the girl with such force that she was were tossed off of her feet and she tumbled across hard pavement. The girl lay still on the road staring up at the sky. She tried to move only to feel pain shoot through her entire body. As the child drifted off, she heard the sound of voices calling out for help and a door of some kind opening. The cold touch of death brushed against the child's cheeks and she drifted into an endless slumber.
Kai awoke with a start. The nightmare of that night still hung heavy in her head. She rubbed her head as she tried to shake the feelings out of her mind. It has been over a year since she had awoken to find herself resting in a hospital, bandages covering one of her arms and her head. She could barely remember her own name, never mind how she got there. The doctors were baffled as to how she lived after being hit so hard by a speeding car. All she wanted to know was who she was. When no one came to claim her as their own she was sent to a foster home where she now stayed.
Slowly, Kai looked around her tiny room. The walls of the room were all made of a reddish brick and cement was squeezed out between them as if the building was made in haste. A small dresser and tiny bunk bed were the only things provided for her. The few clothes she gained where hand-me-downs from former residents of the small room she now called home. She used to share her room with another lonely girl, however that child was luckier then she for they found a loving home rather quickly. Kai wasn't sure if it was her looks, which were shabby at best, or her general personality that made her unwanted, but she really didn't care.
Carefully Kai pulled back the thin blankets and stepped out onto the cold wooden floors. She crossed the room to see herself for a brief moment in a small cracked mirror that sat upon the dresser. She was pale and had a rather petite figure. She stood not quite five feet tall and if it wasn't hard enough being an orphan child, being so tiny just added to the things kids at school could tease her about. She guessed her age to be about fifteen or sixteen, she was not positive for her memories were still on the hazy side. Her face was round and had a boyish quality to it. If she didn't know better she would have thought she was a boy. Her hair was a mass of short dark scruffiness that looked like a lion's mane. She fought with her bangs for a moment to find they were a pain as ever to manage. With a depressed sigh she gave up on her hair and continued across the room to a little window in a slanted wall, that only made the room seem all the more cramped. She pulled the window open and flung out the shutters, then stuck her head out to get a breath of fresh air.
Kai looked up at the summer sun happily dancing between clouds over the small town causing light to twinkle. Summer was almost over, however there was little sign of it leaving in place of autumn anytime soon. The air was filled with the smell of leaves and the sound of the many chirping birds of the morning hour. Kai curled up her arms on the windowsill and scanned the many houses that formed the town of Darken. For the most part the town looked like any other. Small wooden houses scattered here and there with a few stone buildings added into the mix. A corner bakery down the road. The steeple of a church in the distance, where Kai bet that families would gather on Sundays. She wondered which one could possibly be the home she was born in. Were her parents still waiting for her to come home? Or were they even alive anymore? Kai pondered this almost every morning as she gazed across the sleepy town. The unusual thing about the town was the large school atop a hill that the town was centred around. It stood taller then any other building and to Kai looked as if it was watching over the people. Almost making sure that no one was out of line. The idea sent a shudder through her spine and she wrapped her arms around herself.
"Kai, you awake?" A soft quiet voice mumbled through the door to her room.
Kai quickly pulled her head out of the window, "Yes." She answered looking over at the door, "You can come in Cindy." She beaconed the girl to enter.
The door opened and an even younger girl of about eleven-years-old entered the room part way. The girl had straight brown hair cut cleanly at the shoulders and was dressed in a grey T-shirt and blue jeans that were a tad too big. Her large dark eyes, which had no whites, held an almost dead expression to them. Also, there was a pair of unusual black curved markings above her right eyebrow, "Mrs. Mathews said to come down for breakfast." She mentioned in a hushed voice, when she spoke she sounded as dead as her eyes seemed. Cindy had been with the Mathews only a few weeks before Kai came to live there. The moment Kai set eyes on the girl she knew that this child had a rough past. More then once did Kai try to make friends with the girl, however each time Mrs. Mathews would enter the room the girl would close up or simply disappear entirely.
"I'll be down in a moment." Kai said with a stretch, "I need to get dressed first." Cindy hesitated at the door for a moment. Kai looked at Cindy curiously. Unsure if the girl was going to say something more or not. Cindy let out a tired breath and closed the door. Kai waited for a moment to see if the child would return and only when she was certain that she would not be disturbed did she open the old wooden dresser and pulled out a pair of worn black jeans that were too long and an oversized black T-shirt. Gloomily she stripped off her nightgown and began to dress. She first pulled on the jeans and rolled up the bottom of the pants up so they didn't drag upon the floor, then stood and played with the waist. They were a smidgen too large in the waist and merely sat upon Kai's nearly non-existing hips, showing off the top band of her white panties. She grabbed a thin brown belt from atop the dresser and buckled it tight around her waist. Satisfied her pants would not wander down to her ankles she pulled on the shirt and exited her room.
She ventured down a flight of rickety stairs to the livingroom. There was a stone fireplace along the wall closest to the stairs. Opposite that stood a sofa which had been pushed up against a large paned window. Thin white curtains only failed to block out the suns strong mornings rays. A large oval rugged carpet lay in the middle of the room with a wooden coffee table, that seemed to be hand carved, centred squarely. An old wooden chair was placed off to her right and a large rocking chair to her left. Here and there were several black and white photos of people that Kai assumed were family and other orphans that had lived here from time to time. The room held a warming, yet antique, quality to it.
"Where is that girl?" Mrs. Mathews grumbled as she removed a hot pot of oatmeal from the large cast iron stove. Mrs. Mathews was a rather large woman who liked to dress in old fashioned attire, which at that moment consisted of a long brown dress, that one was more likely to have seen in a pioneer village, and a white apron. She turned to look upon Cindy, whom had seated herself at the table in front of a small bowl of steaming oats, "Cindy, you did tell her to come down, didn't you?" She irately interrogated the girl.
Cindy nodded not letting her eyes leave her bowl. A teenaged girl with long golden hair stared at Cindy from across the table, "She's probably lying. She was probably to scared to talk to that girl and I don't blame her." The teen dipped a piece of toast in to the yolk of her eggs, "She is creepy. I wish she would go away."
"I wish you would shut up, Emily." Kai snarled from the kitchen's swinging doorway.
"Don't talk to my daughter like that." Mrs. Mathews snapped, "Sit down and eat or you'll be late for school.
"Why do I have to go to that stupid school anyway?" Kai demanded angrily as she sat in the chair beside Cindy.
"Cresthill is not a ‘stupid' school and I don't want to hear that you have been skipping again is that clear, Kai!" Mrs. Mathews ordered, slamming a bowl of oatmeal onto the table in front of Kai.
"I don't want any of that slop." Kai pushed the bowl away in disgust and got up from her chair.
"Where do you think you are going?" Mrs. Mathews prayed, as Kai pushed through the kitchen door, "You get back here and eat like you are told." She commanded.
"You aren't my Mother so stop acting like it." Kai snarled furiously, she put her shoes on, grabbed her backpack and opened the front door.
"Listen to me when I'm talking to you." Mrs. Mathews stormed out of the kitchen after Kai, "Don't you give me that lip."
Kai quickly slammed the door behind her with enough force to scare off a group of sparrows, "Will you just shut up for once?" She muttered as she crossed the lawn. Kai ran across the road and didn't stop until she was a good distance away. When she was sure that Mrs. Mathews did not follow, she slowed her pace and stuffed her hands in her pockets. She walked down the street in a huff, kicked at a small stone and watched it tumble down the road, ‘The nerve of that woman.' She reflected to herself, ‘Why can't she understand that I just want to be left alone. I don't belong here.' She ruffled her hair in frustration.
"She's just trying to help." A voice called out from somewhere above Kai.
Kai looked up to see there was a girl perched high in a tree. She had short light brown hair that curled upwards at the back and wore a blue skirt and white short sleeved dress shirt. A pair of large glasses were poised upon her tiny nose, "Oh, it is just you Anita." Kai let out a sigh of relief, "How many times have I told you not to look into my mind?" She half snarled at the girl.
Anita jumped out of the tree and softly drifted down, her feet not quite touching the ground as she floated along beside the girl, "I couldn't help it." She protested while fixing her glasses, "Your inner voice was so loud that I think that I could have heard it on the other side of town." She explained.
Kai continued to walk with her head down, "and stop showing off in front of me while you are at it." She said coldly.
"Huh?" Anita blinked and looked down to see she was still drifting inches above the road, her legs partially transparent to the rest of her body, "Oh, Sorry, it is second nature to me. I keep forgetting that you are a ‘Normal'" Anita's hand cover her mouth to cut off her own words, but it is already to late.
Kai stops in her tracks and clenched her fists at her side. As if being short and having no family wasn't enough she had to find herself going to a school filled with strange people. Kai didn't find the strangeness as unnatural. She didn't even seem to be phased when she first learned that her friend was ‘half dead' as Anita liked to call it. Even the fact that Anita drifted above the ground didn't bother Kai in the slightest. What did was the way everyone treated her for not being like the rest of them. She let out a deep sigh as she trudged along the sidewalk towards school.
"I'm sorry, Kai." Anita apologised profusely, "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I just..." She stumbled over her words trying to figure out how to right the wrong she just caused on her friend.
"I know..." Kai shoved her hands deeper in her pockets, "Just forget it and let's go to school."
"Kai..." Anita could not think of what to say. She let herself drift to the ground, her legs solidified as they touched the sidewalk and ran after her friend.
Cresthill High school looked just like any other school. It was a large building several floors high surrounded by lush green grass and trees. A stark contrast to the schools grey brick and steel framed windows that gave the building a bleak feel to it. The school might have looked normal, but the students were far from it. They ranged from ghosts who have lost their way to strange children with a darker purpose. Kai was still unsure why she was sent to such a school. It was not like she was unique in anyways. So she survived a head on collision with a car and left a dint in the hood with her head. That doesn't make her worth of Cresthill's unusualness now did it?
Kai stood at the school gates staring up at the building pondering these things and more when someone pushed her causing her to stumble into the stone walls that surrounded the school grounds. Laughter filled the air, however when Kai turned around her assault was nowhere in sight.
"Kai, are you alright?" Anita asked concerned for her friend.
Kai leaned against the wall and looked up at the blue sky, "What am I doing here?" She pondered aloud.
Anita frowned and looked at the other students as they stared at the two of them. She turned back to Kai and shook her head, "I don't know but I know one thing." She commented softly.
"And what would that be?" Kai asked grumpily, closing her eyes and crossing her arms.
"That I'm glad you are here." Arai stated with a small smile.
Kai opened her eyes to look upon the face of her only friend, "Thanks." She said with a half smile.
The two girls passed through the school gates and Kai suddenly stopped cold in her tracks. Anita looked at her friend stunned by her abruptly action, "Kai, is something wrong?" She inquired concerned about the way her friend's eyes kept darting around the schoolyard, "You are acting kind of strangely and for you that is odd."
Kai looked around, hastily in search of something. Finally she stopped when her eyes came across a small pale child, maybe a year or so younger then them. The girl's skin was as white as the purest of ivory along with her long flowing hair that was tucked around a pair of small pointed ears. She wore a long powder blue dress that gave the girl even more of a spectral quality then Kai's half-dead friend. Kai pointed the girl out to her friend, "Anita, who is that?" She asked inquisitively watching the girl drift across the school lawn.
Anita looks over to where Kai was pointing and adjusted her glasses, "Hmm? Oh her... I think her name was Ash... Ashley... Something." She thought to herself before continuing to speak, "She just arrived here yesterday, but of course you would know that if you hadn't skipped class again. The word is she came from the Western Wood just like yourself." She stated with a grin that disappeared the moment she received a warning glare from her friend, "Anyway, don't bother trying to talk to her. From what I've heard you should stay far away from that one. Something about her eyes..."
"Why is that?" Kai couldn't keep her own eyes off the pale girl, "She looks like a cute little girl. What about her eyes?" She probed even more curious. She could not understand it but something about the child struck her funny. Where usually the oddness of the students didn't make a difference to Kai, something about this girl peeked her interests.
"She doesn't have any." Anita declared in an eerie voice. Kai turned to see if Anita was pulling her leg. Anita ignored her friend's stares as she continued, "I mean everyone here is strange in some way or another, but she is plain creepy if you ask me. Supposably if you look into her eyes it is like looking through a window to hell... or something much worse." Anita finished with a creepy laugh.
Kai began to turn back and look at the child. "no eyes... That is a new one, isn't it." She mused more to herself, "Hard to believe any of that is true. I mean they are just rumours right?" She queried.
"Hard to say." Anita shrugged, "And I'm not the curious type to find out if it is true or not." She gazed at her friend who was still mesmerized by Ashley, "Is something wrong?" Anita inquired even more concerned, "You have not been acting like yourself today."
"I don't know..." Kai stated in a bit of a daze. There was something about the new girl that she needed to know more about. She was about to approach the girl when one of the senior students stepped up to the child.
"Say isn't that, that rich brat Marie talking with the new kid?" Kai asked inquisitively.
"Yeah," Anita stepped back at the sight of the Amazon girl. To say that Marie was tall would be an understatement. To both Anita and Kai she was a monster and known to be quite the bully too. Not what you would expect from girl who was brought up around the finer things in life and was known to show up in school dressed in frilly pink dresses and showing off her newest earrings, "What could she want with such an odd girl. It is not like Ashley has any friends or is popular or anything." Anita stated aloud what Kai was feeling deep inside. Marie suddenly grabbed the little girl by the front of her dress, picks her up off the ground with one arm and stared at the girl maliciously.
"Why that self righteous little..." Kai hissed under her breath, "Who the hell does she think she is?" Kai ran towards the fray with her friend close on her heels, "Let her go Marie!" Kai demanded.
Marie looked up to see Kai running in her direction, "Hmmm..." Marie turned her attention to her new adversary while still holding the little girl in one hand, "Oh, The normal. Is there something I can do for you?" She asked casually, as if holding a little girl by the neck was an everyday event.
"Stop playing games!" Kai balled her hand into a fist at her side, "You heard me. Let her go... NOW!" She commanded this time.
Marie looked between Kai and Anita, Then back at Ashley, "Have it your way." She remarked with a shrug, "If you want her you can have her." She dropped Ashley to the ground causing the girl to land in a heap then turned on her heels and walked away.
"WOW!" Anita glomped Kai, "Kai, you are so cool!!! My heart was pounding so hard. I can't believe you stood up to Marie like that, I mean she could have killed you and still!! WOW!!" She rattled in a excited blur that Kai almost didn't catch all of.
"It was nothing." Kai crossed her arms behind her head and lightly blushed in embarrassment of the fuss her friend was making, "Marie is just a big bully. She never really scared me." The truth of the matter, Kai was terrified and her heart was still pounding to that very moment.
Anita glanced over to where Marie disappeared behind the school, "She is still scary if you ask me." She admitted with a shudder.
Kai kneeled down to Ashley's side, "Hey, You don't have to worry anymore. Marie won't be hurting you anymor-" At that moment the little girl opened her eyes. She did have eyes, contrary to what Anita believed, however they too were as white as her skin. The iris were even white and there was no sign of pupils, like some kind of strange ivory marbles. Kai found it hard not to stare into those eyes. Then her head suddenly filled with images of fire and darkness. The flames began to spiral and an image formed. A black silhouette of a strange bird created out of curved triangle markings. She could hear her name being called out over and over again.
"KAI!!!" Anita screamed into Kai's ear startling her out of her thoughts.
"Huh?!? Wha???" Kai looked around alarmed to find herself standing at the school again. The image still fresh in her mind.
Anita watched her friend carefully, "Are you alright?" She asked more worried then ever about Kai's behaviour, "Should I get the nurse?" She started to move towards the school.
Kai grabs Anita's hand, "No.. No nurse..." She rubbed her head, "I just saw something in her eyes is all." She explained.
Anita leaned close to Kai, "See I told you so..." She whispered into the girl's ear.
Kai looked at Ashley who is now curiously staring at her with those blank eyes. Her mouth slowly opens and closes, however no sound emitted from her lips.
"What is she trying to say?" Anita asked curiously watching the girl.
"Th.. Thank you..." Kai repeated the girls mouth movements, "I think..." She puzzled.
Ashley got to her feet and ran towards the school leaving the two girls alone. They simply stared at the girl as she disappeared into the school, suddenly the air filled with the sound of the school's bells ringing.
"Ahhhh!!!" Anita jumped in place, alarmed by the sound, "We are going to be late! Come on Kai." She started to run across the lawn and turned back to see Kai still standing in a daze, "Are you coming?" She asked more urgently this time.
"No, you go ahead." Kai waved her hand for the girl to continue on her way.
"You are not planning on skipping again are you?" Anita said placing a hand on her hip.
Kai rubbed her temple, "I... I just need some time to myself." She stated grimly.
"Oh..." Anita stepped towards the school and stopped again. She was torn between her duty to be a good student and her need to help her friend, "If you need me I'll be in class alright?" She asked, she really wanted Kai to tell her to stay, but felt like she would be more of a burden to the girl by imposing upon her request to be alone.
"Yeah...." Kai watched as a few strangling kids rushed for the school. She took a glance up at the building. She didn't feel like she belonged in such a place and at that moment really didn't want to be amongst so many strangers, "I'll talk to you later."
"See you during lunch alright?" Anita hesitated still fighting with her urge to rush over to Kai's side, but she had no idea how to support her friend. .
"Sure sure..." Kai said, she gave a silent plea that Anita would not leave her alone but could not find her voice to tell her that, "Get going or you will be really late." She nodded towards the school and gave the girl a weak smile.
"Later" Anita quickly turned around and ran through the doors of the school, leaving Kai standing alone with only the winds to keep her company.
Kai looked up at the sky and let out a tired sigh.
To Be Continued
Note: The world of the shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish visit my site and see some of the art based on this series at
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at
Chapter 2
A Shadowlander's Tale: One's Purpose
By Kathryn K Williams
Chapter 2
Kai opened her eyes to look up at the clouds. She had spent the last hour or so laying on the roof of the school letting her thoughts roll about in her mind. She found this to be the quietest place in the entire city, for no one ever seemed to visit there. Ever since her nightmares started to plague her dreams she would stretch out on the cool concrete gazing at the clouds. She wondered frequently about where she came from and how she got here. She had been told that she was discovered late at night near the edge of a dark forest that the residence have come to call the Western Woods, however no one seemed to talk very much about these woods or what was beyond them. She tried to ask on numerous occasions what was so special about the forest only to have her question either ignored or the person quickly changed the subject.
She go to her feet and went to the edge of the roof, which was encircled by a large chain linked fence. She linked her fingers between the chain and looked out over the town. Far off in the distance she could see the Western Woods. It looked just like any other dense field of brush, yet she was told to steer clear of that area for it was filled with mysterious creatures that would stop at nothing to take her life. Part of her considered that maybe death would be better then this life of loneliness. She spun around and leaned heavily against the fence causing it to make that musical "ching" sound that she enjoyed so much. She staring up at the sky again. There had to be an answer to the mysteries that surrounded her and those woods. She just needed to know where to look. Then a light turned on in her head and she felt so stupid. The schools library was filled with information about this world's history and people. There should be something regarding the woods and maybe she could find reference to where she came from.
Excitedly she pushed off the fence and sprung forwards. She opened the door to the stairwell and skipped down the stairs inspired by the notation that she may be able to solve the puzzle that is her life. The library was located on the top floor of the school so Kai found it easy not to alert her presence to any of the teachers. The libraries doors were large and carved out of a thick old red oak, while all the other doors in the building were constructed of cold steel. Kai had never ventured into the library before, however the sight of the doors gave even more confidence that the answers would lay beyond them. She gripped the thick vertical brass bar handle of one of doors and pulled it slightly opened to peer within it's confined. When she was certain there were no teachers about she slipped into the room and silently closed to the door behind her.
Kai stepped into the room to find herself standing along a long narrow balcony that stretched around the edge of a round circular room with a gentle slope and books lining all the walls. Brass piping had been woven together to create an elaborate railing the extended along the entire edge of the balcony. She approached a railing and placed a hand upon the thick brass piping. She peered over the railing into the depths of the room. It was like the library spiralled downwards hundreds of floors which was beyond impossible because she knew for a fact that her home room rested beneath her very feet. She turned and blinked in awe at the scale of the shelves around her. Books could be seen covering ever inch of wall to a point that was dizzying to the small girl. Ladder with wheel on the bottoms stretch high above her on more brass railings that ran around the top of the shelves. Every so often she could see a door in amongst the shelves that she suspected would lead to even more shelves lined with even more books. She let out a frustrated sigh at the seer scale of the madness. All hope of finding anything useful fizzled from her mind at that moment and she turned to leave before even starting. When someone spoke to her.
"Hello?" A young polite feminie voice said from behind Kai, "Can I help you?"
Kai nervously turned around to find a girl, not much older then herself, standing before her. The girl was slightly taller then Kai and had long straight black hair that hung over the girl's beautiful long dark Victorian dress. She wore pale white foundation, or Kai assumed it was make up, black eyeliner and black lipstick. She looked as if she had just stepped out of one of the many old books that lined the walls, "I..." Kai found it hard to speak as she stared at the girl. Her mind raced as she tried to think of some excuse for her being there, "We were told to do research project on our family history and I thought I might find something here..." She cleverly lied and gave a nervous smile. She was struck by the girl's unusual beauty.
The girl blinked at Kai and thought for a moment, "Are you not the one from the Western Woods?" The girl hinted curiously as she took a step closer to Kai causing her to back up bit.
Kai nodded ever so slowly and broke her gaze free of the girl to look around the Library again, "I don't know where I'm from so I thought..." She was still in awe of the scale of the room, and the girl for that fact. She could not help her eyes from jumping back to her every now and then.
The girl quickly moved even closer, catching Kai off guard and making her stumble slightly, "I am so glad you came." The girl exclaimed with a smile that made Kai all the more nervous, "I've always wanted to meet you. I'm had a fascination with the Woods for a long time now. I know where all the material you need will be." She took Kai by the hand and started to pull her down the walkway.
"Uhh... thanks..." Kai was baffled by the girl's sudden change in mood. Aside from Anita no one wanted anything to do with her. She was feared by many as some kind of demon in the guise of a girl. Even Anita took some time to warm up to her. This was the first time anyone treated her in such an usual manner. Kai was not sure how to handle the situation. She then noticed that the girl had a pair of small black leather wings poking out of the back of her dress. She was not sure if they were part of the girl's clothes or not, when one of them waved at her. She was unsure if it was waving or it was just her imagination.
Kai was pulled towards a pair of large high backed golden wood chair with red velvet padding on the seat, back and arms. The chairs were set against the railing with a small night table of similar design. As they drew closer Kai's attention was drawn to the intriguingly carved arms and legs of the chair that were designed like large lizard like claws protruded from them. Two even larger birds claws had been carved into either side of the top of the chair. Kai pondered over if they represented dragons or some other monestrous lizard. When the girl sat Kai into the chair.
"Get ready for a ride." The girl stated as she ran over to the other chair and sat down with a slight bounce. On the night table was a small brass lamp with a glass shade covered with stained glass images of winged creatures flying through the sky. There were odd looking markings around the base of the lamp. The girl ran a finger along the markings causing several of them to glow. Suddenly the chairs lurched, "You might want to hold on to something." She commented with a mischievous grin. Before Kai could fathom what the girl was talking about the chairs rosed slightly off the ground. She turned her head to see that the bird claws on the top of the chair came to life and latched to the railing. Kai grabbed onto the arms of the chair unsure of what to expect when they were suddenly sailing around the balcony at an increasing speed. The book rushed passed them like a blur and Kai was beginning to feel like she was on some kind of warped amusement part ride. Downward they spiralled into the depths of the library. Shortly the books disappeared and the girls were plunged into complete darkness.
"Where are you talking me?" Kai demanded.
"To the deepest part of the library." The girl stated with a grin of amusement, holding her hair in place as she turned to look at Kai, "Some of the older books are down here." Suddenly the chairs came to a halt and the girl got to her feet, "Here we are!" The girl exclaimed with a twirl, she waved her arms around the room she had brought Kai too. This area looked nothing like the rest of the library. The ceiling was low and wood beams could be seen overhead. There was a small window high up on the wall that was covering in a yellowish film. Kai was certain that they had gone down and not up so what lay beyond that window was a curiosity. Lines of shelves comprised of a large portion of the room and the rest was filled with long wooden tables with small over hanging yellow lights. There was a layer of dust and dirt on the floor that made Kai wonder if anyone every ventured down here in years. It reminded Kai more of a dusty, dim attic then a library. Kai spun around the room in stunned bewilderment. She could not believe such a place existed within the walls of the school. The girl set her hands on her hips in satisfaction of Kai's wonder struck expression, "Impressing is it not? You can find some of the oldest information about this town up here. Most stir clear so you don't have to worry about being bothered by anyone." She turned and gave Kai a broad smile revealing a set of tiny fangs, "By the way, I'm Vivienne. Pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand and presented the back of it to Kai.
Kai stared at the girl's long black nails that poked out of holes cut in the finger tips of the lace gloves and scratched her head, "I'm Kai... same..." She started to look around the room trying to think of where to start.
Vivienne looked down at her hand then at Kai, "You are not very gentlemanly now are you?" She hinted with a mark of distaste.
"Since when are girls gentlemen?" She countered with glaring at Vivienne.
Vivienne blinked at Kai, "I'm sorry... I... You just look..." She stammered and flushed.
Kai rolled her eyes, "I know... I'm well aware... I checked myself." She remarked looking at the many shelves, "Where would I find books on the woods?" She inquired trying to change the subject.
"Here let me help you." Vivienne ran down the hall closest to where they stood, "I have found several stories about the subject, however most are myths and legends so there is nothing concrete." She explained as she skimmed the titles of the books.
Kai followed closely behind the girl not wanting to get lost, "Anything is better than nothing." She remarked looking at the books. All looked extremely old and large, most of the titles had faded away. She had no idea how she would find anything in this mess.
Vivienne ran a finger along the books until she came to a stop on a large tome about the size of her forearm, "Here you go." She pulled the book off the shelf and handed it to Kai who had to use both arms to hold the monster, "That covered most of the myths of the town and surrounding areas. The rest don't have much of anything wood itself. If anything, that will give you the answers you are seeking.
Kai clumsily opened the book and looked upon it's pages, "Dreams and the Ghost that haunt them?" She read aloud.
"Yeah," Vivienne smiled delighted with herself, "It is cool. There is a lot of things in there that I would never have thought about. Oh and..." She stood on her tip toes to grab a smaller book from the topmost shelf and placed it atop the other in Kai's arms, "This may have some more info about the town itself. Interesting but not very helpful. You can take it over to that tables near the front of the room if you like." She nodded towards the lines of table, "but I can't let you sign them out and sorry for all the dust. Like I said none get's down here much."
"Thanks." Kai carried the tome to the tables.
"I need to go back upstairs." Vivienne said, a little saddened, "I'll check on you every now and then, alright?" She offered with a smile.
"Sure." Kai replied coolly, then set the book down with a thud that sent dust everywhere and plopped into a nearby wooden chair while waving the dirt out of the air, "Thanks... again..." She half coughed with a wave over her shoulder.
"Your welcome." Vivienne watch Kai begin to pour through the pages of the book. When she didn't get another response she frowned. She plopped down in one of the gold chairs, crossed her legs and headed back up into the main area of the library.
Kai opened her backpack and pulled out a piece of paper with a sketch she had made of the image she had seen in Ashley's eyes and placed it beside the book. She started to read over the old text in search of some form of information about herself or the image. She stopped on a page with a drawing of a large dog made of fire and read the caption below, "and from the depths of hatred was formed a dog whose body comprised of nothing but flames and breath smelt of burnt flesh..." She shuttered that the mere thought of meeting something like that. She picked up the smaller book and flipped through it's pages. As Vivienne had said this book was more technical and dealt with a lot of the theories about the inhabitants of the city of Darken. Before long she found herself engrossed in the fables and legends of the city only a year ago she had woken up in. Time drifted by and it was several hours before she came across the first mention of the forest and it's unusual history.
"The Western Woods exists at the westernmost edge of Darken" She read aloud, "and covers most of it's boarder to the north and west making travel to the west near impossible without trying to journey around the dreaded woods. It is rumoured to be the home of demons and creatures related to death and decay. Many have claimed to have seen the shadows within the woods to move in unnatural ways. As if it were somehow alive in some way. Many dared to venture into the forest in search of some path to a nearby village only to never return again. To this day only those wishing for an end even journey near the woods at night.
Even more unusual than the creatures of the woods are the strange appearance of children found near the edge of the forest. Every few years a child is found lying close to the edge of the woods with no recollection of how they got there or where they came from. Many times these children have no memories from before they appeared at our boarders. Some claim that spirits guided the children back from the dead so they could have a second chance at life. While others believe that there is a darker reason for these children's existence and that darkness will befall the town for allowing them to stay. To this day no one has a clear answer."
Kai slammed the book shut, "Yeah, yeah and on my eighteenth year I'll steal everyone's daughters and lure them back into the realm of death." She flung the book over her shoulder in disgust, "As if..."
The book hit a surprised Anita in the middle of her face before falling to the ground with a heavy thud, "KAI!!!" She approached the girl with a clenched fist.
Kai looked up to see her friend floating over her, "Oh, hi Anita, I didn't see you there." Kai said unaware that she just hit the girl with a book. She looked around to see that the moving chair was nowhere in sight, "How did you find me down here?" She puzzled.
"I drifted down." Anita explained, the anger melting away at the sight of her friend's eyes, "Vivienne told me you were down here, but I couldn't believe it was true." She leaned over Kai's shoulder to see what it was she was reading, "Were you here during all lunch? I was looking everywhere for you."
"Yeah, I've been here since second period." Kai stretched and let out a small yawn, "Why what time is it?" She asked noticing for the first time that there were no clocks in the room.
"Almost two o'clock." Anita stated, "What are you up to down here anyway?" She inquired curiously floating a little higher while keeping her hands on Kai's shoulder to get a better look at the tome before her friend.
"I'm studying." Kai replied leaning over the large book again.
"No really, what are you up to?" Anita repeated with a small chuckle.
"If you really want to know," Kai said with a defeated sigh, "I'm researching something I saw when I looked into that girl's eyes." She explained, "I'm having troubles finding any useful info here. Have you any idea how huge this place is?" She let her eyes drift over the pages of the book, "Never mind how interesting the towns history is. Almost makes me wish I hadn't skipped all those history classes. Are there really demons in the Western woods?" She inquired peculiarly.
"Uh huh," Anita was suddenly struck by how stupid she had been, "That is right you when they found you near the wood you didn't have your memories. I didn't realize how much you didn't know about until now." She felt ashamed of herself for not considering this before.
Kai shrugged, "Here, take a look at this." Kai hands over the paper with the she sketch on it, "I saw those marking surrounded by a pillar of flames." Kai explained as she turns back to the books, "I remember hearing something about this kind of thing, but can't recall what it means. What do you think, Anita?" She inquired and back to the book. She turned the pages awaiting her friends response. When none came she became worried, "Anita?" Kai turns back to her friend. Anita stood rooted to her spot staring at the sketch in her hands and tremble ever so slightly, "Anita, Is there something wrong? You know what it means don't you?" She probed her friend.
"This is a great sketch." Anita suddenly burst out into false cheerfulness, "I was just thinking that you should look into become a comic book artist or an illustrator or something." She said with a fake grin.
"Stop fooling around!" Kai got up from her seat and glared irately at Anita, "I know when you are hiding something." She stormed over to her friend, not letting her eyes weaver from the girl's, stopping when their foreheads almost met. "You were bragging for weeks about being the top of our class in Shadow and Dream Lore. You know what this means, so spill it." She demanded with teeth bared.
"Kai, you're scaring me..." Anita whispered nervously. She lowered her eyes in defeat, "Fine, since you insist." She turned and headed towards one of the further aisle. "You're more than likely to discover the answer on your own sooner or later anyway." She stated dismally with Kai quickly stooping to grab the small book off the ground and followed after her, "Almost everyone in Darken knows what it means," Anita continued, "because we are told stories about it from the very day we're born." She spun around to glance at her friend causing Kai to stumble and nearly drop the book. Anite leaned against one of the shelves with her arms crossed and her eyes lightly closed, "You already know how the Realms of Shadow and Death exist almost side-by-side right?" She probed as she took off her glasses and cleaned them on the hem of her shirt.
"Sort of." Kai sat down on the edge of a nearby table across from her friend and opened the book in her arms, "It said here that there were several realms and that they were all linked in some way or another." She stated as she flipped through the pages.
Anita replaced her glasses and fixed them around her ears, "The main realms are Shadow, Light, Death, Dream and Nightmare." Anita explained further, "They exist off one another. Somewhere in the Realm of Death in a place known as The Hall of Candles live nine sisters. The Sisters of Death as they like to be called. Angels of Death or Grim Reapers to others."
"Yeah." Kai stopped on a page in the book, "There was mention of them but I skipped it. I didn't think they would have anything to do with this."
"That is where you are wrong." Anita's look grew long and a depression filled her eyes, "These sisters roam the worlds in search of those who have passed away. They bring the dead back to The Death's Corridor for their eternal slumber." She looked at Kai's sketch, "There are two distinct things about the sisters that can tell you if you are facing a true dark angel. One is that usually they have huge wings growing out of their backs, sometimes they are feathers and other times they are something else, however their wings can fold up and entirely disappear making spotting one rather hard. They are instead replaced by an odd Tattooed winged pattern on their backs." She turned down the aisle next to her and grabbed a book off the top shelve and flipped through the pages of the book until she stopped on a page and brought it to Kai, "Tattoos just like the one you have drawn here." She flipped the book around and handed it to Kai with her sketch placed between its pages. The book showed a page of winged drawings. Atop the page was the title, ‘The Nine Sisters of Death."
Kai shakily took book from Anita and compared the drawings to her sketch, "But wha... what does this mean?" She stammered in complete astonishment, looking from her sketch to each of the nine tattoos in the book until she found one that matched and read out the caption, "Keelia: Sometimes referred to as the Destroyer of Souls or the Fiery eyed Demon of Death. Known to hunt down ghouls and faceless that escaped the Realms of Death. She is relentless and never gives up until the hunt is over. Probably the most distinct of all the sisters for she has six large wings and flame tattoos running along her entire right arm." She turned to her friend in confusion, "What does all this have to do with me?" She asked frantically.
Anita slumped in a chair beside Kai and laced her fingers together, "It is said that if one sees any of these images in their dreams then that person will come face-to-face with one of these Dark Angels. Either to come for their soul..." Anita trembled and clenched her arms tightly around herself, "or someone close to them."
Kai let out a forced laugh, "That is a good one." She chuckled, "You're always such a kidder. What does it really mean?" She looked down at her friend who's head was lowered and there was a dark atmosphere drifting from the girl. "Anita?" She probed gently setting the book to her side, "You were joking right?"
Anita turned her head away and remained silent.
"Come on, tell me you were only kidding around." Kai demanded in frustration of the girl's silence, "Anita?" She reached out to touch her friend.
Anita only shrank into the chair even more and turned transparent.
"Oh, I see..." Kai said dismally. It all became clear to her now. Anita had never lied to her before and the lack of a response told Kai that this was certainly not a joke. She suddenly perked up, "I know! You're the expert on this kind of thing. You can just explain to them that they have the wrong person. Problem solved." She resolved clapping her hands together in satisfaction.
Anita instantly solidified and sprung to her feet knocking the chair back. She glared irately at Kai, "You don't get it, do you?!?" She yelled at the girl, slamming her hand down on the table, "This is death we are talking about and I'm a partial ghost. Half Dead!"
"Ack, A Zombie!!" Kai pointed accusingly.
"I AM NOT!" Anita retorted outraged by her friend's lighthearted manners to the situation, "For once in your life will you be serious?" She screamed at Kai, "If a Sister so much as catches whiff of me she won't think twice about finishing off what was already started and I'm not ready to go yet." She exclaimed frantically, "Kai, I'm sorry." She sobbed and dropped back down into a new chair, the rage in her voice died away. Replaced only by fear and sadness, "I can't... If it was anything else then you know I'd be there for you, but why did it have to be something like this?" Tears streamed down her face, she dropped her face into her hand and let out a series of chocked sobs.
"Anita..." Kai jumped down from her seat and gingerly set an hand upon her friend's shoulder, "Please don't cry. Everything will be fine" She cooed softly, "Neither of us are going anywhere. You'll see." She declared with a genuine smile.
Anita set her sad eyes upon Kai's bright blue eyes, "Promise me..." She pleaded, "Promise me that if one of those Dark Angels comes for you, you'll run like I did. Run as fast as you can. Promise that we will go to school like we always do. Just you and me..."
Kai smiled down at her friend, "I promise." She stated firmly, "We'll go to school together tomorrow and every day after that. Nothing will tear us apart... not even Death."
To be continued
Note: The world of the shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish visit my site and see some of the art based on this series at
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at
Chapter 3
A Shadowlander's Tale: One's Purpose
By Kathryn K Williams
Chapter 3
Kai stood upon the rooftop, once again staring out upon the world below, ‘What am I going to do?' She pondered, ‘How can I out run death? It is impossible.'She fell backwards, grabbed onto the fence to keep her balance and looked up to see a black raven landed upon the top of the fence, "Hey there birdy. Do you know how I can keep my promise with Anita?" She asked the feathered creature. The raven looked down at Kai and when there eyes met Kai felt a familiar feeling drift through her mind. She cocked her head at the bird. There was something about it that she remember, "Bre...nna..." She muttered in a dazed stat as she found herself being drawn into the black eyes of the bird.
"Get Back Here!!!" A voice yelled out causing the raven to abruptly look up and release its hold on Kai. Kai followed the bird's gaze to the far ends of the roof where she saw Mary roughly holding Ashley by the arm and pulling her closer.
Kai shook her head as she pushed off the fence and began to stroll towards the disturbance. The raven took flight and landed gently upon Kai's shoulder, "I was never into all this destiny stuff anyway." Kai told the bird as she reached up and scratched it on the side of the head, "If I'm going to die then it is going to be on my terms." The raven cawed in response, "You will help me right, Poe?" Again the raven cawed in response and Kai grinned maliciously. She could feel something boiling inside of her. She didn't understand what was coming over her but the sight of Mary wildly wrenching such a frail looking child around inflamed Kai to no end. She clenched her fist at her side as she approached the two girls, "Afternoon girls," She greeted them with a sly grin, "Nice day for a walk, isn't it?"
Mary turned to scowl at Kai, "You are either very brave or very stupid." She affirmed coldly.
"Actually," Kai smiled at Poe, who in turn looked down at her then back at Mary and cawed. Kai faced Mary once again. This time there was an intensified glare, "I have a date with death and decided to let you come along for the ride." Her grin broadened and she could feel her canine's twitching and ached lightly.
Mary pushed Ashley to the ground, "If that is the case, then..." She lifted her right hand to her face and the wrist suddenly wrenched backwards and twisted around on it's own. Bones cracked and joints snapped as her hand grew in length and shape. Fingers becoming long jagged claws and tiny spikes appeared along her arm.
Kai simply grinned at the girl, "I see now. Your just a Dream Ghoul. Trying to feed off a poor innocent frail girl." She shook her head in shame, "And here I thought you were more then that. You are the lowest form of creature in this world." She proclaimed, snarling at Mary.
"Why you little!" Mary leapt at Kai with blood in her eyes.
"Poe." Kai nodded at Mary and the bird sprung from Kai's shoulder and flew at Mary.
"You think you can stop me with such a lame trick?" Mary batted at the bird as it pecked and scratched at her. She didn't notice Kai rush at her from the side until she felt Kai's fist hit her hard in the face. Mary quickly turned and slashed at Kai. Two of her claws tore through Kai's shirt and pieced the soft flesh of the girl's stomach.
Kai dropped to the ground clenching her wound as blood poured out on to the concrete. Kai lifted her hand to her face. It was red with blood. Her blood. She raised her head to see Poe swooping at Mary keeping her from ascending upon its wounded master. Kai's eyes became blurry and an image of Anita's sad face floated in front of her, "I'm sorry." Kai mumbled reaching out for the image, "I was foolish. I'm sorry." She was about to let death take her when a new more intense pain shot through her entire body. She screamed out in anguish as fire raced through her veins. She could feel the bones in her back and shoulder blades crack and shift. She clenched her eyes shut and curled up in a ball wishing nothing more then for the pain to stop. Tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped into the pool of blood below her. Kai opened her eyes to see drops of blackness swirling in a river of red. She focussed upon her refection in the blood to see black tears were streaming from her eyes as if she was wearing mascara. The tears began to flow together and form black tattoos around her eyes creating several curled triangles the spread out across her face. Suddenly another wave of pain rushed through her back and she could hear her shirt tearing. Kai placed her hands on the ground to steady herself and arched her back. She stared at the ground as a great shadow formed over her.
Mary swatted at the bird to the ground. Satisfied that it wasn't going to continue its attack she turned to face Kai once again only to be surprised to see Kai raising to her feet. Three pairs of massive feathered wings spread out behind the girl blocking out the sun. Kai raised her right arm to shoulder leave and black ink started to run out from under her short sleeve. It spread across the girl's arm like wild fire created a flame like tattoo designs that wrapped around the girl's entire arm stopping at the back of her hand. Mary staggered back realizing that she was not facing any ordinary girl. Fear filled her eyes as Kai began to approach her. Kai clenched her fist and the tattoos leapt to life. Flames crawled across the girl's skin burning the hem of the sleeve but not flesh. Kai suddenly lunged at Mary.
Marie leapt up into the air just as Kai's hand brushed passed her hair. She landed on the corner of the chain link fence and crouched with her feet under her, knees to either side and elbows upon her thighs, "I see." Marie stated with a grin, "So that is where you were hiding. I thought at first you were this ashen girl." She nodded down towards Ashley, whom was now getting to her feet, "I see I was mistaken. Now that you've revealed yourself let us continue this hunt on another day." She stood to her full height and leaned backwards until she fell off the roof.
"WAIT!!!" Kai ran to the fence in time to see the girl flip over in mid air and land gently upon her feet then casually walk away.
"What the hell was that all about?" Kai exclaimed in astonishment. She looked down at the marking upon her hand. The flames had died down but the tattoos were clearly etched into her skin. "What is going on here...?" She turned her hand over in amazement of what she was seeing. She looked down to find that the wound upon her stomach had completely healed. She turned to Ashley who was smiling up at her.
"What is going on up there?" Call a voice from the stair well.
"Crap!" Kai searched around for a means of escape when she looked up at her wings. The sounds of people rushing up the stairs began to increase in numbers. Deciding there was no other choice Kai ran across the roof and jumped into the air. Her foot touched the top of the chain linked fence and she pushed off of it soaring high into the air. She looked down to see some teachers burst out onto the roof and run over the Ashley's side. Then she noticed Poe flutter into the air and land upon the stair well entrance where a short haired girl sat. She was dressed in a white dress shirt, v-neck sleeveless sweater, black neck tie and slacks. Poe jumped up on the girl's shoulder and she pet the animal before looking up at Kai and waved.
"Brenna?" Kai muttered to her self. She felt she knew this girl and wanted to ask her questions, but seeing as the teachers were now looking up at her she decided it would be best to flee for now and figure things out later.
To be continued
Note: The world of the shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish visit my site and see some of the art based on this series at
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at
Chapter 4
A Shadowlander's Tale: One's Purpose
By Kathryn K Williams
Chapter 4
Kai glided upon the winds. She spread her wings out wide and soared high into the air. She never felt so free in her entire life. She felt that she could stay up in the clouds forever. ‘Is this why Anita liked to float around.' She reflected. It was so peaceful as she let the winds carry her higher into the sky. After a time she decided to come down. Below she found her foster home and dove down to land upon the roof. She crawled across the shingles until she found her window. Grateful to see it still opened she climbed in only to have her wings get caught on the window frame. She twisted and managed to get one of the smaller wing through the window and her right leg only to find herself even more stuck then before.
"Oh come on." She growled at the wings while pulling on the feathers, "Please work with me." She pleaded, but the more she struggled the more she worried that someone might hear her, "Why is it that I had to have six wings of all things?" She wondered when she felt someone watching her. She spun her head around to find Ashley sitting upon the top bunk of her bed, "How did you get in here?" She asked the albino.
The girl jumped down from her spot and crossed the room with her arms crossed behind her back. She examined the situation then pointed that Kai's wings and smiled.
"Your willing to help me?" Kai asked a tad sceptical. For some reason she sensed she could understand what this girl was trying to say.
Ashley nodded and her smile brightened. She walked around behind Kai and started to work at one wing after another. With some effort the two girls managed to free each wing. When the final wing came free Kai fell through the window to the ground. Ashley ran around the girl and looked under the wings until she found Kai.
Kai looked up at the girl with a sheepish grin on her face, "I must look so graceful right now." She commented. Ashley offered her hand, which Kai took, and helped her to her feet. Kai's wings were so large that they bent along the low slanting ceiling. She looked up at the wings then over at her tiny bed. "This is just not going to work. There has to be something I can do about these things."
Ashley tugged on Kai's shirt causing her to face the girl. She placed her hands together in front of her chest and closed her eyes, then opened them and smiled at Kai.
Kai cocked her head in curiosity of what the girl was trying to say. She mimicked the girl's movements and closed her eyes. The image of the winged tattoo appeared before her eyes as it did when she looking into Ashley's eyes. But she didn't feel fear this time. There was something calming about it this time. The image slowly faded away and when Kai opened her eyes she saw Ashley smiling brightly at her. She pointed above Kai. Kai looked up to see the wings were glowing then faded away leaving only a few remaining feathers floating in the air. Each feather weakened and vanished before landing upon the floor, "Wow... How did you know that?" She asked the girl in astonishment.
Ashley simply smiled and shrugged then skipped over to the bed and sat upon the bottom bunk and continues to smile at Kai.
Kai only shook her head, "You are one strange girl." She remarked then looked at her right hand and the tattoos cover it, "Mind you I guess I'm pretty strange too. What is with these tattoos?" She looked at herself in the mirror, "I look like I'm a punk rocker or something. Wait!" She spun around so the back of her torn shirt was facing the mirror and saw that now a tattoo of the she saw in her mind covered her entire back, "Does that mean... That I'm a Sister of Death?" She puzzled and shook her head in shock then glanced over at Ashley, "Would that trick work for these too?" She inquired pointing at the tattoos.
Ashley shrugged and her face grew long as if she was saddened by the prospect.
Kai gave the girl an odd face, "Do you like these?" She remarked.
Ashley quickly nodded and smiled again.
Kai turned and looked at herself in the mirror again, "I admit that some of them are cool looking but I can't go around like this. Mrs. Mathews would kill me." She closed her eyes and wished there was a way to make the tattoos disappear. When she opened them the tattoo began to seep backwards into her eyes. She was startled as the dark lines appeared to be moving under her eyelids only to discover that there was no pain. She peered down at her arm to see those tattoos were also moving back up her burnt sleeve. She let out a sigh of relief and smiled at her image in the mirror when she noticed something very odd about her teeth. She opened her mouth to see that her top canines and first premolars were pronounced, like some strange vampire. She ran her tongue along her fangs and looked closely at her eyes. While the right irus had returned to it's natural light blue the left remained a glowing yellow. She closed her eyes and opened them again to find that now the right eye was yellow and the left one blue. She blinked a few times to see the colours switch places with every time she closed her eyes. "What gives here?!?" She growled at her refection, "This is driving me insane. Why do other magical girls gain a breast size and shorter shirts while all I get is fangs, different coloured eyes and wings that tear my clothes to shreds?" She ranted in frustration.
There was a soft rapping at the door that interrupted Kai's rambles. Ashley got to her feet and opened the door to allow Cindy to enter the room, "Mrs. Mathews want to speak with you." She said to Ashley, then turned to leave when she noticed Kai standing there, "I didn't know you were home." She said shyly then noticed something was different about Kai. She entered the room more and approached the girl causing Kai to take a step backwards. Cindy looked deep into Kai's eyes and gave her a knowing smile, "I thought so... you are one of us after all." She said with a grin, "Mrs. Mathews is angry so you should leave before she finds you are home." She nodded towards the window and turned around to leave the room.
"Thanks Cindy." Kai said as she watched Ashley and Cindy leave together. Quickly she stripped off the ruined shirt and pulled on a new one before climbing back out the window. She had done this many times before and found it rather easy. She slid down the shingles until she came to the edge of the roof and leapt off. It wasn't very high and Kai never once hurt herself. Now with her new power she was even less afraid. She just hoped that her wings didn't suddenly decide to spring out again and tear yet another shirt. She landed softly and let out a sigh of relief when her wings didn't appear. She run to the front door and opened it.
"So you finally return." Mrs. Mathews stated angrily, "Where in lords name have you been? The school declared you missing around lunch hour. You'd better have a good explanation."
"I went for a walk." Kai explained while entering the house, "I told you I didn't belong there." Although now she was beginning to wonder if someone at the school knew more about her then she did.
"You are so impossible at times." Mrs. Mathews remarked and turned away from the girl, "Well you are just on time then. It would seem since I took in one child of the Western Woods it was decided that I'd be able to handle two of you. I'd like you to meet your new roommate, Ashley."
Kai stumbled into the room, "Ashley?!?" It suddenly made sense to her way the girl was in her room. Anita did say that the girl was from the woods and still, "I thought she had a home? I mean I saw her at school today and everything."
"Her old family found her too strange so she lives here now." Mrs. Mathews let out a sigh of frustration, "My house is filling with nothing but degenerates that no one wants." She stated as she left the room.
Ashley bowed her head in shame and Cindy patted the girl on the shoulder. The two smiled at each other as if some strange silent bond had formed between them.
"Well I'm glad to see you have found a friend, Cindy." Kai commented kicking off her shoes, "You two are good for each other." She nodded in approval when there was a knocking at the door, "I've got it." She opened the door to find Anita standing on the porch with Kai's backpack in hand.
"Kai!!!" Anita exclaimed, tears brimming in her eyes. She threw her arms around Kai and hugged her tightly, "I thought you were dead." She mumbled into the girl's shoulder, "Where were you? They found your bag pack on the roof and I was so worried."
"I'm alright." Kai replied, "Everything is just fi-" Kai felt something deep inside of her shift, her right arm twitched and her fangs ache. She let go of Anita and stared into the girl's tear filled eyes. Her mouth quivered and she licked at her lips. She quickly lowered her eyes from the girl's.
"Kai?" Anita became concerned for her friend, "What happened to your ey-"
Mrs. Mathews poked her head out of the kitchen, "Why Anita so good to see you. Come in, Come in." She looked down at Kai who was slightly trembling, "Why don't you invite your friend in? Sometimes I wonder about you child. Why can you be more like Anita here? She is smart and intelligent. You should try to follow after her example."
Anita blushed lightly, "I'm not all that." She faked modesty.
Kai grabbed Anita by the arm and turned her head away from everyone, "We are going to do some homework, alright?" She pulled Anita into the house and closed the door after her.
"Kai?" Anita inquired confused by her friends actions. Kai was never interested in studying before unless it was something personal. She then noticed Ashley standing near the stairs with Cindy, "Ashley?!? What are you doing here?" A pang of jealousy wove its way through the girl's heart.
"She is staying with us now." Mrs. Mathews replied, "If you like you can stay for dinner too. I'll make enough for everyone."
"Thanks." Anita called out behind her as Kai dragged the girl across the living room and up the stairs with Cindy and Ashley right behind them. Kai pulled Anita into her room and sat the girl upon her bed then rushed to the other side of the room. Ashley closed the door after Cindy entered and sat beside Anita, smiling up at her.
Anita return the girl's smile with a nervous one, "Kai, what is going on here?" She probed, worried about her friend.
Kai clenched at her chest and held onto the window sill. Her arm felt as if it was on fire and her teeth ached something furious, "No... not now... I promised her..." She pleaded with her body. Trying to command it to not take her over again.
Anita got to her feet, "Kai?" She stepped forwards to have Ashley reach out and touch her hand. She looked down at the pale girl to see Ashley had fear in her eyes and was shaking her head violently. She turned back to Kai, "Why won't you let me help you?" She asked ignoring Ashley's protests and approaching the girl.
Kai looked at her reflection in the glass of the window to see the tattoos were yet again spreading across her face. She slammed her eyes shut, "Stay away from me!!" Kai screamed. There was fear and frustration in her words.
Anita staggered backwards for a moment, "Kai, what is the matter with you?" She moved closer, "Why won't you look at me?" She suddenly grabbed Kai by the arms and spun her around to look into Kai's fear filled eyes, "Kai, your eye?" She was startled by what she saw.
Kai looked away from Anita to see herself in the mirror again. The tattoos had yet again retreated and Kai let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, it is just that eye again." She muttered.
"What happened to her your eye?" Anita asked frantically. She let go of her friend's arm and put her hand to her mouth, "Did... did a Sister touch you?" She asked in terror.
"You could put it that way." Kai said with a exhausted sigh.
"She is one of them. One of us." Cindy suddenly piped up with a broad smile on her face, "I knew she had to be. I could feel it." She placed a hand upon her chest, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"What the hell are you going on about?" Anita probed the girls, "What are these two doing here anyway? Did you tell them about what happened and not me?"
"Ashley is now under the care of Mrs. Mathews and shared my room." Kai explained with a deep breath, "Cindy... well..." She looked at the girl and shrugged, "I have no idea what is with her."
Anita shook her head in frustration, "Why do you keep dodging my questions?" She grabbed Kai by the shoulders, "What is wrong with you?" She demanded.
Kai's body overflowed with the same sensation as before only more intense then before, "I- Said- Stay- Away!!!" She snarled as she doubled over and toppled to the ground.
"Kai!!!" Anita dropped to her friend's side and tried to hold her only to have Kai push her away.
Kai suddenly lifted her head to glare at Anita. Streams of black tears run down her face and her fangs where beared, "Don't you understand?!" She sobbed, "I am the death you fear so dearly." She grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled it up just as her wings burst forth and once again filled the room. Anita scrambled backwards until her back hit the dresser, "I don't want to take you." Kris cried as she curled up in a ball, "But this body..." She let out a deep sob and curled into a ball. Suddenly there was a light tapping at the window. The Kai looked up to see Poe sitting on the sill tapping on the window frame, "Poe..." She wiped at her eyes as she curiously watched as the bird jumped off the sill. It hopped over to Kai and looked her in the eyes.
"What is a crow doing here?" Anita asked frightened by the black bird.
Kai got to her knees and picked up the bird, "He is not a crow. He is a raven." She stated petting the bird. Ashley and Cindy crossed the room and carefully knelt to pet the raven. The bird rubbed it's head against Cindy's hand causing the girl to giggle in glee.
Anita closed her eyes against the image before her, "This can't be happening." She stated shaking her head in dismay, "How can you be one of the Sisters of Death? You were hit by a car and knocked out cold. Nothing is supposed to be able to do that to a Death Angel."
Kai looked up at her wings, "I don't know what happened but I want to know."
Suddenly Poe fluttered his wings and broke free from Kai's hands. He flew to the window sill and turned to the girls, "Follow me. Follow me." It cawed. Then flew out the window.
Kai jumped to her feet and ran to the window to see the raven glide down to the street where he landed upon the shoulder of the same girl that Kai saw on the roof, "Who?" She asked aloud and squinted down the road at the girl, "Brenna?"
"Brenna?!?" Anita got to her feet and tried to find her way around Kai's wings, "The guardian of the Western Woods? She who will guide those to salvation or death?" She finally found the window and looked out to see the girl with the raven turn and started to walk down the road, "Is that really her? Where is she headed?"
Kai looked down the road, "The Western Woods..." She muttered. She turned around to run after the girl only to find her wings caught on the ceiling again. Sighing in frustration she closed her eyes and concentration. The wings and tattoos again faded away.
"That is amazing." Anita remarked in astonishment as her eyes followed one of the glowing feathers as it drifted to the dresser and vanished. She looked up in time to see a portion of the tattoos on Kai's back before the girl fixed her shirt.
"Come on." Kai demanded, "We have to catch up to her." The group of girls ran out of the room and down the stair to find their shoes.
"Where are you all off too?" Mrs. Mathews asked curiously, "Dinner will be done in a few hours."
"We are just going to the park." Kai lied as she hastily pulled on her shoes, "We'll be back in a few." She flung open the door and stepped out onto the patio to see Brenna fading in the distance, "Come on." She urged.
Anita stumbled out the door while still pulling on her second shoe, "Is she still there?" She inquired looked around.
"I saw her disappear down the road." Kai replied as she ran out onto the lawn.
"Wait for us!" Cindy called out as she held Ashley's hand tightly and the two of them came fumbling out of the house.
"Make sure you are all back in time for Dinner!" Mrs. Mathews called out after the girls as they ran down the street towards their new destiny.
To be continued
Note: The world of the shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish visit my site and see some of the art based on this series at
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at
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