Story: Cognitive Process (all chapters)

Authors: Fang

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Chapter 1

Title: One

WARNING: This fic contains incest.
You've been warned so you shouldn't flame me about it later. I should mention that this doesn't really have a specific spot in the time line. In the manga it would be after book 9 (the one where Tsuruko shows up) and before book 13. I have no idea in the anime. I'm sorry for the long AN!

Disclaim: I don't own Love Hina, and I don't think that I would want to. Just select characters, like Motoko and Tsuruko and Mutsumi and Kaolla. Yeah, yeah them. And.. and maybe Haruka.

Cognitive Process
Chapter 1: Visitation

Motoko sighed as she walked up the steps to the Hinata House. She'd had this ominous feeling all day, and couldn't quite shake it.

"I hope that 'whatever' is going to happen. I don't know how much longer I can take this!" she exclaimed as she slid the front door open.

"I'm back!" She shouted as took off her shoes, and noticed an unfamiliar pair with the others. 'I wonder who is visiting.'

Shrugging to herself, she went up to her room, and was shocked, to say the least, when she slid her door open. "Ts-Ts-Tsuruko!" Motoko gaped at her elder sister from the doorway, "What are you doing here?" She continued to stare at her sister, who hadn't said anything thing yet, she hadn't even turned around from her position facing away from Motoko.

'What could Oneesama be doing here so recently after her last visit? We already agreed I could stay here to train as well as to study for Tokyo U.'

"Motoko, dear. Come in and close the door. Do you need to be punished for forgetting your manners?" Tsuruko said without turning around.

Something in Tsuruko's voice made Motoko react instantly. Stepping into the room, Motoko slid the door shut, and then cautiously approached her elder sister. "Oneesan? Are you all right?" Motoko carefully placed a hand on her elder sister's shoulder. "Is anything wrong?"

Tsuruko turned to face Motoko, and Motoko was shocked at the puffy red eyes, and the tears sitting in her big sister's eyes. 'Whoever made Ruko-chan cry, I swear I'll make you sorry! No one causes Ruko- chan anguish, not without grave consequences!'

Motoko quickly engulfed her older sister in a comforting hug, drawing her head to her shoulder. "Ruko-chan, what's the matter? Please tell me." Because of the hug Motoko missed the slight widening of her sister's eyes.

"I... I caught Uwaki ... ch-cheating on me with Y-Y-Yamiko!" Motoko gasped when Tsuruko finished stuttering out her sentence. Yamiko was Tsuruko's best friend. They had grown, trained, and worked together ever since Motoko could remember, probably long before that.

"But sister, you were so happy together!" Motoko didn't /like/ them being together, but they /did/ seem happy.

Tsuruko bitterly chuckled lightly, "Apparently not. Oh, Motoko-chan what will I do? I don't want to go back yet, I don't think I could."

Motoko pulled her sister to her tighter, "Then don't, stay here with me for a while. We could train together again, or just spend time with each other." Tsuruko nodded against Motoko's shoulder. "Good." Motoko pulled back from her sister to look her in the eyes. "Let's go get you cleaned up. Or perhaps you would prefer to soak in the Hot Springs for a while?"

Tsuruko said she'd prefer to just go wash up, so Motoko showed her to the bathroom, and waited outside for her elder sister to finish up. Just then she saw Shinobu walking down the hall.

"Oh! Motoko, I was just coming to get you. It's time for dinner."

"Thank you, Shinobu. Could you please set a place for one more person? My sister will be staying here for supper."

"All right." With that Shinobu was off on her way back to the kitchen.

"You just about done, Oneesan? Supper is ready." Tsuruko stepped out as Motoko finished talking. In place of her tear-streaked face, was her usual, if you didn't include the demon Motoko-punishing face, pleasant smile. She inclined her head slightly, indicating to Motoko they could go.

Motoko lead them down to the dining room and showed her sister where to sit then sat down at her usual space. The rest of the Hinata residents appeared shortly after and began supper, talking about banal topics.

Nearing the end of the dinner Motoko got everyone's attention. "Excuse me everyone. I hope you don't mind, but my elder sister will be staying a while. I hope you all will treat her as you would me."

Everyone just nodded to show that they understood, and would gladly include Tsuruko in their home lives. Keitaro got up and walked over to Tsuruko.

"I'm Keitaro the landlord. You might remember me from our previous meeting." Keitaro bowed, but in a not so unpredictable klutz attack, had miscalculated the space between Tsuruko and himself, causing him to whack his forehead against the top of her head.

While Tsuruko was slightly dazed, Motoko's temper flared. Motoko stood, and pulling the Hinata blade, and became more demonic. "Urashima! How dare you attack Oneesan!" As Keitaro ran desperately away, Motoko gave chase. "ROCK SPLITTING SWORD!" Motoko yelled out one of her techniques, and was satisfied when Keitaro was blown into the stratosphere.

"Motoko! It was only a bump! There was no need to kill him!" Tsuruko said from behind her.

Motoko just looked at her elder sister like she was crazy, but then remembered her sister didn't know Keitaro was near immortal. "Oneesan, he's not dead! Just... blown into the stratosphere..." Motoko winced at how that sounded, but continued on anyway. "Keitaro, he's... Well for such intents and purposes, he is immortal."

"You're more deluded then I thought, Motoko-chan." Tsuruko scolded, while Motoko watched in terror as she saw the demon glint begin to enter her elder sister's eyes. Motoko was about to say something, but was cut off.

"She's right, Miss Tsuruko. I can't count how many times Naru, Motoko, and Su have beaten, blown up, and blown away Sempai, but he's still here." The other's agreed with Shinobu's statement, and Motoko watched, relieved, as her sister calmed down.

"All right then. I'm going to go meditate." Tsuruko left.

The rest of the night past on quietly, and when Keitaro returned, everyone agreed it was time for bed.

Motoko finished brushing her teeth and went back to her room. She had pulled out another futon for her sister earlier in the evening, so all was ready.

Entering her room, Motoko was not prepared for the sudden ambush.

"MOTOKO! Play with me!" Kaolla jumped on Motoko, causing them to fall over. Kaolla began to laugh merrily.

"Not now, Su. It's time for bed, we can play tomorrow," Motoko said as she picked herself up, Kaolla still clinging to her.

"Aww, but I made a new Mecha Tama I wanted to try out!" Motoko just grinned as she carried Kaolla to the bed. As she set her down onto the futon, Motoko saw her sister smiling, bemused, at them.

Motoko blushed slightly, "Eh... Oneesan, this is Kaolla Su. She usually sleeps in here with me. If you would prefer her not to be here, I'm sure Keitaro or Naru wouldn't mind if she joined them." Tsuruko just smiled, which Motoko took as an okay, and went to settling Kaolla for bed.

"Night Motoko and Motoko's big sister."

"Night Su, Oneesan."

There was no reply from Tsuruko, so they assumed she was already asleep.

. . . . . .

End chapter one

I hoped that you liked it! In case somebody doesn't know, Tsuruko is Motoko's elder sister's name. I'm pretty sure they don't tell you in the anime, and in the manga, I have no idea if they say it in the original Japanese version, but it is in the translated one.

Also, I named Tsuruko's husband Uwaki because I think it seemed to fit.

Chapter 2

Title: Two

Disclaim: Refer to chapter 1

Cognitive Process
Chapter 2: Plans and Mischief

*A few mornings later*

'It's very odd here. Everyone enjoys each other; the landlord is worked like a slave, beaten around, and considered immortal. Naru and little Motoko seem to beat him up the most... well except for that Su-child. Motoko seems genuinely happy.' Tsuruko shifted on her futon, and looked over at her younger sister and had to smile at what she saw.

Kaolla was wrapped around Motoko like an octopus, and neither of them seemed to notice. 'It was really surprising the first morning. Actually, I think shock is more the word that should come to mind. Although, that display was much different than today.

*FLASHBACK* (3rd person POV)

Tsuruko had woken up to the sound of Motoko's voice.

"Shh, shh. I don't hate you, and I'll never leave you." That was enough to set Tsuruko on edge, but when she looked over and saw the position that Motoko and Kaolla were in, something went off.

Kaolla had her cheek pressed against Motoko's, tears were flowing down her face, and her arms were around Motoko her hands were gripping Motoko's hair. Motoko also had her arms around Kaolla; one holding Kaolla to her while the other was stroking her hair. In between whispered words, Motoko would kiss Kaolla's cheek.

Tsuruko rose, the demon glint taking over her eyes, her bird flew to her. She walked over to her sister, and loomed over her and Kaolla.

"Squee!" The phoenix shrieked.

Motoko's eyes flew open, to see her demon sister. Wondering what she had done, she realized what she and Kaolla looked like. Angry with her sister, Motoko shot her elder sister a glare, possessing a bit of demon, which she would never have been able to muster in other circumstances.

"NOOOO! Please don't leave me!" Motoko ignored her sister and went back to comforting the sleeping girl.

Tsuruko stared, and decided to sit down beside the futon and wait. 'Motoko- chan are you in a relationship with this child? If you are, why haven't you told me?'

'Squee? Squee, Squu, Squeee!' Kou, the phoenix bird, replied.

'You are so infuriating! I'm only looking out for her well being... you should know that more than anyone.' Tsuruko sat and watched her younger sister comfort the sleeping child. She watched as Kaolla slowly woke up.

"Wahh! Motoko, it was so scary! Big Brother said he hated me and, and that he never wanted to see me again! Then he left with someone, and I was all alone!"

"It is all right Su, it was just a dream. I am sure that your brother could not possibly hate you." They sat in silence for a few minutes. "So, Su. Do you want to go back to sleep, or do you want to play now?"

"Let's play! Let's play! I wanna ambush Keitaro!" Kaolla jumped up and ran out of the room to prepare.

Motoko turned to her sister. "What was with the evil look?"

"I thought that you were in a relationship with that child, and that you hadn't told me." Motoko blushed at what her sister had said. "How long has she been sleeping with you? /Why/ does she?"

"Su has been sleeping with me since shortly after she arrived. She had given a reason as to why she chose me, but I can no longer remember. As you might have noticed Su has nightmares, frequently, about her older brother abandoning her. I was quite startled the first night, I thought I was being attacked. When I realized it was just Su heaving a nightmare I tried to wake her. Su is a very deep sleeper and nothing I tried would work. The only other thing that I could think of was to try and calm her whilst she slept."

Motoko looked at her sister sadly, "I hate leaving on training trips because it makes me worry about Su. She either has to risk sleeping alone or see if any of the others will have her. Last time I left, she spent the night with Keitaro and Naru, and even with them saying she could stay with them when I had to train away, I noticed the strained looks."

Tsuruko nodded, and stood up. "Well I'm off. See you a little later, Imouto- chan, have fun with your ambush. Just don't kill the guy." Tsuruko left, with a 'squee' from Kou who was still on her shoulder.

With slightly widened eyes, Motoko contemplated why her sister called her 'imouto', when she had never referred as little sister before.


'I do feel slightly ashamed for the way that I reacted. Almost as if I was jealous. What do you think, Kou?'

'Squee, quee, squee.'

'Hmm, thank you. I think I should do that.'

(3rd Person POV)

"Hey Naru. What'cha doing there?" Mitsune asked as she entered the room and noticed Naru staring out the window.

Naru jumped, startled. "Whoa! Kitsune, you scared me. I'm just watching Motoko and her sister train," Naru said as she turned around to continue watching the two sisters spare. Mitsune shrugged, and decided it was time to get royally wasted. Pulling open her bottle of sake, she began to do just that.

"Hey, Kitsune?" Mitsune looked up, "What do you think of Tsuruko? I mean, why do you think she's here?" Naru looked at her friend inquisitively.

While downing more sake, Mitsune thought. "Uh, I don't know, hun. She doesn't really seem all that bad. She does seem a little confused or sad. I can't really say what brought her around these parts."

Naru sighed, and continued on watching the sisters. "I just don't understand why she hasn't tried to attack Motoko, take her away, or tell her she is unworthy to be a Shinmei samurai. You know, like the last time she was here."

Mitsune cracked her eyes open to get a good look at Naru. Then she had a wonderful idea; she knew exactly what to do to find the answers to all of Naru's questions. With a mysterious grin Mitsune as good as vanished.

"I'm worried about them, especially Motoko. Tsuruko just /has/ to be up to something otherwise she wouldn't be here." She was surprised when Mitsune didn't have any input, so she turned around to query her friend, but Mitsune was no longer there. "Oh no, Kitsune. What are you up to now?"

"Fu fu fu. Do you make it a practice to talk to yourself Na-chan?" Mutsumi questioned from beside Naru.

Naru swirled around so fast she would have fallen, except Mutsumi was prepared and caught her. "Mu-chan! When did you get here?" Naru tried to pretend that nothing had happened.

"I think from 'I'm worried'. I decided perhaps I should let you finish before I interrupted your conversation," Mutsumi gave her patented 'idiot' smile.

"Did you see where Kitsune went? I was talking to her, but she left."

'I wonder... I think I will.' Mentally, Mutsumi grinned evilly, "She probably went to find a nice cozy kotatsu and some watermelon. Oh! Speaking of watermelon, Naru would you like a snack? Afterwards we could take a nap under the kotatsu." Mutsumi beamed cluelessly on the outside, laughed on the inside, but hoping nonetheless that Naru would join her.

Naru sighed to herself, 'Oh, that woman. She's always got watermelons on the brain. Oh why not? Maybe a nap will clear my mind.' Looking away from the still sparring sisters to Mutsumi, Naru spoke, "Sure Mutsumi, I think I could go for that."

Mutsumi beamed impossibly wider as she grabbed Naru's hand and began tugging her out of the Hinata house to her apartment next door. They bumped into Haruka on the way out. "Oh! Haruka-san, if anyone asks Naru and I are going to be at my house."

Haruka nodded, "Alright," then continued on her mission. She needed to talk to her good for nothing nephew, Keitaro. As luck would have it, she found him in his room, reading something that looked suspiciously like porn.

"Ahem!" Keitaro looked up startled, but when he saw who it was; he just marked his spot and closed the book. He then looked up.

"Hey Haruka. What do you need?" Keitaro was completely collected, not even appearing as the klutz he usually was. The klutz he never was when with family, only outsiders.

"I was just wondering how things were going with everyone, and what is up with Tsuruko." The woman's cigarette bobbed with her lips as she spoke.

"Lesse. I just saw Kitsune set off on some mischief, so she's happy. The others seem to be their normal selves, except for Motoko. Motoko seems really happy, I think it's because she gets to spend quality time with her sister. Hmm... Tsuruko doesn't seem to be even half as sad as when she first arrived. Actually, I don't think the sadness really affects her, almost as if it is an old sadness. I have also noticed that when no one's really looking, Tsuruko studies Motoko and it appears if she is confused about something." Keitaro looked at his Aunt, waiting for her input.

Haruka remained silent, and contemplated this information.

. . . . . .

End chapter 2

Hmm. I hope that this turned out all right. I also made it so that Tsuruko and her bird, that I named Kou (I don't know if the bird is ever named), have a telepathic like ability to interact. Also, I'm not sure if Shimei is really the name of the school.

By the way, in case anyone noticed or cared, I decided to ignore Sara. Let's just say she's off with Seta or something. I just don't see her in my plans or anything.

I can't think of anything else.

Chapter 3

Title: Three

Disclaim: Refer to chapter 1.
Cognitive Process
Chapter 3: Suspicion and the Eternal Walk

*Motoko POV*

"ROCK SPLITTING SWORD!" I attack as I dodge Oneesama's previous Thunderblade attack. I think that someday soon I may be able to defeat her and prove myself worthy.

My attack is dodged, and my sister comes at me to cross blades. We trade blows back and forth until, eventually, I am knocked from my feet.

She beams down at me as she holds out her hand, "Come, Imouto- chan, we shall rest now." I grab her hand and she pulls me up.

The last few days have been great. Oneesama has been sparring with me, and I think my skills have greatly improved. Yes, they definitely have improved considering how the first match left me on my backside in only moments.

"Motoko-han, if you continue on like this you may defeat me, but enough talk of the sword art. Come with me."

I follow my elder sister blindly. It's been great having her here. Except for the first morning when she saw me comforting Kaolla and became enraged, she has been awesome, I haven't been punished once, and I hope she stays longer.

Tsuruko stopped at the bathroom before the entrance to the Hot Springs. She put the sign up, not like that would stop Keitaro, and slid the door shut behind us once we had entered.

I felt a blush crawl up my cheeks as I watch my elder sister disrobe from the corner of my eye. 'She's so beautiful, one day I will be worthy. Hopefully very soon, especially before Oneesan decides to go home.'

(3rd POV)

Motoko turned back to undressing herself, trying to ignore her sister's presence for the time being. That didn't mean Tsuruko didn't mind watching Motoko. She had caught the look and had also noticed the blush on Motoko's face.

Tsuruko washed herself, and was done before Motoko finished undressing. Motoko looked up from washing herself to watch her sister leave, and found that her blush returned.

Tsuruko sat down in the Hot Springs facing the entrance so she could see when Motoko entered. Easing herself into the steaming water, Tsuruko sighed. "Ahhh, this is nice," Tsuruko purred out as her eyes slipped half closed.

Motoko entered a few minutes later, and was a little surprised to see her sister so relaxed. Her eyes were veiled behind their lids, and there was a small smile gracing her lips. Motoko blushed anew when she realized that while her sister's eyes were hooded, they weren't closed, which meant she was looking directly at her. Motoko moved to sit near Tsuruko, then sunk into the water as well.

They both sat in silence, Tsuruko completely at peace and Motoko wondering whether or not she should start up conversation. Eventually, Motoko just accepted the silence, and was at peace as well, her expression similar to Tsuruko's.

The two women sat that way, each lost in her own world, until the sky darkened unto night, and lights began to flicker on. They both rose, simultaneously, and headed towards to door.

As Motoko slid the door open, a sleeping Mitsune fell onto the ground, which consequentially awoke her. "Kitsune, what are you doing?"

Mitsune was still slightly dazed from being awoken, in one of Kaolla's stealth suits, so abruptly. "Uhh, eh heh. I don't remember?" Mitsune just smiled, hoping it looked drunk enough for her answer to pass.

Motoko didn't really care why Mitsune was there, just how she could have fallen asleep like that, and why she was wearing that suit with it turned off. "If you say so Kitsune."

'Phew, it worked! I'm so relieved that I didn't have to think up something else. It's not like I could tell them I was spying. Gawd! I never expected them to just sit in silence for the entire time.' Mitsune's look of relief slowly faded as she realized Tsuruko was still there, and the demon-glint, which was never seen used on anyone other then Motoko, was fixed upon her.

"You're up to something, aren't you, Kitsune-mesu? While my younger sister may not care what you are up to, I will not have you disrupting my Imouto-chan or me. The consequences of which, I do not think you would survive." Tsuruko's face reverted to its normal pleasant smile, "Have a good day!" She said as she walked into the changing room.

Mitsune let out a puff of air, 'Whew! That was freaky! No wonder Motoko is so freaked when her sister suddenly shows up.' Mitsune checked to make sure the sisters were gone, and once sure, she decided she could indulge herself in a short evil chuckle. When she had finished, she cracked open one eye and smirked. "Don't worry Tsuruko, I won't disturb Motoko or you, not now that I found what I was looking for."

Mitsune smirked her kitsune smile, stopped to pick up a shining object, and then she started on her way back to her room where she planned to finally get royally smashed.

Before she could even take three steps out of the bathhouse, Shinobu stopped her. "Kistune-san it's supper time. Have you seen Tsuruko or Motoko?"

"Oh, they've just finished bathing and have probably gone back to Motoko's room," Mitsune started to head for the dining room. Over her shoulder she said, "Good luck," and then she scurried off.

Shinobu watched Mitsune leave, then turned towards Motoko's room with a sigh. "I wonder how long Tsuruko is going to be staying. I just hope that she doesn't do something to hurt Motoko-san."

Once she reached the door, Shinobu gently knocked. After a few seconds Kaolla's head popped out. Shinobu blinked, "Su, why are you here?"

Kaolla grinned crazily, "Hello, Shinomu. I'm setting a trap for Motoko, I'll catch her soon, I tells ya!" Kaolla's head disappeared back into the room for a moment, before it reappeared. This time she emerged from the room completely. "Why are you here?"

Shinobu looked confused as she watched Kaolla tinker with some sort of device, but then remembered why she had come. "It's supper time! I came to tell Tsuruko and Motoko, do you know where they are?"

Kaolla had looked up excitedly at the mention of food. "Is it turtle soup? Are you finally serving Tama?" Kaolla began to drool as she thought of eating Tamago, her greatest rival.

"Su! I'd never cook Tama-chan!" Kaolla started to take off towards the dining room. "Wait! Do you know where the two sisters are? Su!"

Skipping down the hallway, Kaolla turned around. "I think they are on the roof!" she sing-songed as she turned back to her task.

. . . . .

End Chapter 3

In case anyone cares, I used 'mesu' at the end of Kitsune's name once because (one of) its meaning(s) is female animal, and I wanted it to show that Tsuruko was saying the name as it's real meaning, fox, instead of just using it as her name. I wanted this because foxes are cunning little critters, and that's what I wanted conveyed, and while a reader could easily tell the difference between Kitsune and kitsune, someone listening wouldn't be able too.

I had Kaolla call Shinobu 'Shinomu' on purpose (it's not a typo), because for some reason after they meet Nyamo Kaolla always calls her that. (No, I don't know why, and I don't know why Nyamo calls her that either... something to do with accent I think.)

Poor Shinobu, will her voyage to find the yummy sisters ever end? And what was that shining object that Kitsune picked up? Just what /is/ Kaolla plotting? What was the device in her hands? Will she ever get to eat Tamago? *sighs* Alas, not even I know the answers to these questions.

Chapter 4

Title: Four

Disclaim: Refer to chapter 1
Cognitive Process
Chapter 4: Dinner table manners

Shinobu sighed as she headed towards the roof. 'At this rate I'll never get to supper. I should devise a system. Maybe a bell system or maybe I could get Su to create something for me.' She reached the roof landing and saw Motoko and Tsuruko sitting peacefully on the roof under the stars. Their eyes were closed, and they both had a contented smile on their face. Shinobu took a moment to take them in before she began to speak softly, "Motoko. Tsuruko. It's time for dinner."

The two women nodded and stood up in concert. The three women walked down to the dining room, where everyone else already sat. Even Mutsumi and Haruka had joined them this evening. The late comers took their places, and everyone enjoyed dinner.

Supper was a silent affair, except for Naru making a strangled 'eep' noise every once in a while. Her face turned an odd shade of beet and whenever anyone asked what was wrong, her face would just turn redder while she shook her head from side to side.

Mutsumi and Haruka were both wearing similar smiles, and with the exception of Tamago, everyone was clueless as to why. "Miyuu. . . "

Motoko dropped one of her chopsticks, and leaned down under the table to pick it up. Just as her head went under, she heard Naru eep, which caused Motoko to look in the direction of Naru's legs. What she saw caused her face to turn crimson. Motoko hurriedly sat up and stared at Naru, who noticed the glance and her face went from beet to a purple tinted puce.

Motoko shifted her eyes from Naru, to the left, and saw Mutsumi still with her smile in place. Motoko looked at Haruka and saw that her smile changed from what it was to a barely perceptible mocking one, making it obvious that she knew; she knew and thought it was amusing that Motoko now knew.

"Motoko-han, are you alright? Your face had gone all red." Motoko snapped her head towards her sister, her cheeks flaming more then previous.

"I just. . . was reminded about something embarrassing," Motoko's voice held a slight lilt at the end, almost as if she was asking a question.

'Please believe that, it's not like I can tell you I saw Mutsumi run her hand up Naru's thigh, or that for just a brief moment it was under the skirt she was wearing!' Motoko's face went a deeper shade of red the longer she thought about this revelation, and the longer her sister remained silent.

Tsuruko's eyes narrowed, she knew when her sister was lying; regardless of the situation. Right now, for whatever reason, Motoko was doing exactly that. The decision was to punish or not to punish?

'Should I? I don't like being boldly faced and lied too, especially not by family.' Kou let out a small screech that caused Motoko to focus on it and sweat.

'Oh no. . . she can tell. . .' Motoko began to pray, to whom she did not know, but pray she did. 'Please don't do anything, please don't do anything!'

Tsuruko allowed the demon glint to enter her eyes, 'I think I shall wait. Yes, let her ponder and worry.' Tsuruko's demon like eyes took on a more fiendish look as she smiled sweetly at Motoko before she began to eat again.

Mitsune stared at Tsuruko, and the expression on her face. Shuddering, she cast a pitying glance at Motoko, who was gloomily eating her rice. 'Poor gal, it's so obvious she's going to get it, but the question is why?' Mitsune looked at Motoko a little longer before she decided she had to hear whatever was said when Tsuruko took action.

Meanwhile, Naru had an internal dialogue running, and it went something like this.

'Oh no! Motoko knows, and I just know that at the very least Tsuruko will know about this before the end of the day. It's bad enough Haruka walked in on us. ARGH! If Mutsumi hadn't attacked me in Haruka's Teahouse earlier today, nobody would know.

Yeah, well it's not like /you/ were doing very much to stop her, now were you?

So what? It's not my fault I like her. Besides, I didn't see /you/ doing anything!

What did you want me to do? It's not like /I'm/ the Brain.

If you're not then who is?

Eh heh, that would be me.' The Brain said in a meek voice, obviously not wanting to get into the argument.

'Well, where were /you/ when all of this happened?!

I short-circuited, what else do you think would happen without blood flow?! Blame the libido.' There was a pause of silence.

'What? I'm not going to get into this! Isn't it a /bad/ thing to have /two/ voices? Let alone four?' There was more silence, before the original three began to argue again.

'What about Keitaro?

What about him? /You/ are the one who always runs away from him!

/You're/ the one always beating him up, so you guys are even. Besides, does Keitaro even want us? No, who cares about what Keitaro wants. Do /we/ want him? No! He's so much of a screw up around everybody.

Except for maybe Haruka, mind you she'd probably whap him harder than we do.

Yo! All's y'all shut it!' A new voice bellowed.

'Who're you?' The first three asked.

'I'm crowd control, now buzz off! Someone's trying to talk to us.

And now back to your original paid programming.' The Brain said, which caused snickers from within.

"Naru! Naru are you there? C'mon are you listening?" Naru blinked her eyes to see Keitaro's hand waving in front of her face. Still half thinking about her reverie, Naru absently punched him away and a smile of relief crossed her face.

"Geez, won't he ever leave me alone?" Everyone at the table stared at Naru. Naru stared back in return; at least until she eeped and her face went red, which caused Motoko's face to follow suit, which finished it for Tsuruko.

"Time for your punishment, dear sister!"

. . . . . .

End Chapter 4

And now, for the illustrious author's comments.
I hope that I can get the next chapter out within the next week or so, but school has many pressing end of semester assignments. . . besides them fruit flies won't count themselves.

*walks off muttering about fruit flies, the next chapter, and wondering if there are any muses that could possibly inspire something other then crap for it*

Chapter 5

Title: Five

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to . . . The Gatherer.

Disclaim: Refer to chapter 1.
Cognitive Process
Chapter 5: Of 'Ni no Tachi' and turtles?

Tsuruko rose from the table like a bat out of hell, eyes glittering, mouth twisted in a mockingly innocent smile, energy rolling off of her. She grabbed Motoko by the hair, and with respect for the Hinata house, started to drag her outside.

"Wahh! Oneesan! What are you doing? What did I do? Let me go!" Motoko cried as she was pulled, kicking and screaming, from the table into the hallway where she was then thrown from the window. Tsuruko leaped out behind her sister, pulling out her katana as she landed.

"You know it's not right to /lie/ to me Motoko-han! I will /not/ allow it. FIGHT ME!"

Motoko skidded to a halt and watched, paralyzed, as her sister glided towards Motoko in all her demonic glory. 'Gah! I have to fight, but more than that I HAVE to win! Otherwise, I will have to tell her, most likely in front of everyone and I can't do that!'

Motoko stood, drew the ever present Hina blade, and took up her fighting stance. Tsuruko watched the changes overcome her younger sister, watched as her usually gentle eyes became possessed and sinister, watched as she became one with the creatures the Shinmei school works so hard to seal. Tsuruko watched as Motoko became like her, prepared for maximum battle, one with the demon within, one with the world around, and Tsuruko knew. A small, sincere smile briefly flittered across her face before she attacked.

(Motoko POV)

I stood while I pulled out the Hina blade, the same blade Keitaro gave me to defeat my sister last time, and a new feeling overcame me. 'What is this? I. . . I feel so calm, so ready. I also. . . I also feel as if. . . something were off, but that that off feeling seems to be radiating an eagerness. It's taut, ready, for battle.' I stare at my sister, and I swear that I saw a brief smile.

'Did I really see that? Damn, that's creepy! Why is everything so clear?' I look to my friends, and see them back away a little. My eyes widen in shock, 'I'm demonized, I've only been half there before. Here she comes!'

I leap out of the way as she attacks with a lightning fast slash. She disappears for a moment before I sense her to my right. I jump up to land briefly on the roof to gather a quick survey of the ever-changing landscape of the Hinata house grounds. Tsuruko is where I last felt her, waiting calmly.

Smirking, 'I think I'll play with her,' I leap up into the air and land in a tree. Climbing down gently, I basically teleport behind her.

"I won't let you win, Oneesama." I whisper in her ear before bounding off to hide near a rock. I smile when there is no visible change. Knowing I'm probably pushing my luck, this time I teleport to her side, and lean close to her ear, "I promise I'll prove myself worthy this time." As I bound away, I can feel her following me.

I whirl around, "THUNDER BLADE," and watch as my katana completely misses, but the after wave managed to blow Oneesan away from me, giving me the chance to prepare after my little stunt.

"Ho ho ho! You're pathetic if you think that will stop me!" Tsuruko taunted.

(3rd POV)

The two women stare at each other, demon possessed eyes into demon possessed eyes. For an eternity they stared, until they abruptly flew at each other. Hack. Slash. Thrust. Block. Fly apart. Diagonal up slash. MIST FURY SLASH! Dodge. AIR SPLITTING SWORD. Slash. Feint.

The two women were a barely perceivable mass of motion. The on lookers at the balcony only see the two sisters when their weapons meet, even then only for half of an instant. Finally, "Shinmeiryuu Ougi Zanmaken: NI-NO-TACHI," one sister fell, while the other remained standing, at least for only an instant, before she too fell.

Motoko and Tsuruko pulled their bodies towards each other, panting, bruised, and sweating. Motoko was the first to speak, "So, who won?"

Tsuruko just smiled. Gazing absently at the sky, she noticed the residents of Hinata dorm standing by the window, watching Motoko and her. "I don't know, Imouto, why don't we ask them?"

Motoko looked to where her elder sister was gazing and noticed, for the first time, that everyone was staring at them. She sighed and started the long voyage to a standing position. Once she was standing, she looked up to her friends, "Hey guys, who won?"

The group continued to stare at the siblings, perhaps in shock, perhaps in a daze. Motoko grew impatient with their silence, "Hey! Pay attention!" The gang blinked a collective blink, which was slightly comical, and turned their restored gaze to her. "Who won?"

They all broke out into smiles. "Who's standing, Motoko?"

Motoko glared, "I am, but I fell! I have no idea who fell first! It's who fell first that matters, not who's standing NOW."

"Oh me oh my. Motoko, it appeared that you were the second to fall. I believe that means you win," Mutsumi beamed down at Motoko.

"YAH! MOTOKO YOU'RE SO COOL!" Kaolla yelled, as Motoko fell back down.

"I won? I actually won? I did it. YATTA!" Motoko stared up at the sky, which was almost completely dark, if not for the stars and bright moon. 'I did it, I finally won. I've proved my worth as a swordsman. I can finally. . .'

"Come on, Imouto. It's time to go in." Tsuruko was holding her hand out to Motoko, who grabbed it and pulled herself up. The two sisters, who now looked completely untouched and not at all like they just fought, walked back into the Hinata house.

They took a quick dip in the Springs, but didn't stay long. Motoko opened the door to her room, and let her sister enter first. The weary woman entered, unsuspecting. "Wha-"

Motoko ran into the room after her sister, and couldn't help but laugh. Tsuruko had been caught in Kaolla's trap, a trap obviously meant for Motoko. She was hanging from the ceiling by rope over a pot of something. A few feet away Tamago was similarly trussed up, over a similar, but smaller, pot. A very short distance away was the funniest thing to Motoko: a glazed eyed, drooling Kaolla.

Motoko was nearly collapsed from laughter, before she realized that the rope was slowly lowering Tsuruko into the pot. Sobering slightly, she jumped up, grabbed her sister, and cut the rope as she came down on the other side of the pot. Setting her sister down, she moved towards Kaolla.

"Su! As much as I don't like that thing, you can't eat her!" Kaolla looked up at Motoko, reluctant to draw her gaze from the slowly descending Tamago.

"But she's my ultimate rival! The only one I can't defeat! Why can't I have some turtle soup?"

Motoko tried to think of a good enough reason. "Uh . . . because everyone would miss her? Besides isn't she Naru's or Keitaro's?"

Kaolla grew exasperated, "If the Turtle Lady would just hand over a male! I could have tons of Tamas, and create a feast!"

'I got to think of something, because there is no way /I'm/ untying that thing. What could I possibly use to convince Kaolla /not/ to eat the stupid turtle, at least not right now.' Motoko thought hard, and she would have thought long, but she didn't have the time. Then, a lightning bolt struck her. 'I swear I'm so slow! Why didn't I think of this earlier?'

"Su, it's time for bed. You need to put your paraphernalia away so we can go to sleep." Kaolla deflated like a popped balloon. Sluggishly Kaolla released Tamago from her bonds. After the worst part was over, Kaolla conjured up a remote, pushed the red button on it, and they all watched as the two pots mysteriously vanished.

Leaping up to hang off of Motoko, it was obvious Kaolla was back to herself. "Motoko, am I ever going to catch you? How do you always escape the clutches of my traps?"

Motoko laughed, "You missed me today, Su, but you got Oneesan." Motoko smirked down at Kaolla, then whispered, "And I think you caught the harder target. Besides, I'm on to you, you've made me one paranoid person!"

Kaolla beamed at Motoko, then bounced off of her right into bed. "Beddie- time. Sleep, and sheep for all on board." She pulled the cover up over her head as she burrowed into the futon.

Motoko looked at her sister, who was in bed and already asleep, and smiled. Quietly, she whispered, "Night Ruko-chan," as she shut off the light. Lying down, she noticed Tsuruko's bird, Kou. Her last conscious thought was, 'When did the bird show up again?'

. . . . . .

End Chapter 5

All right! You'll have to forgive my less than good fight scene, because I've never written one before. I'm actually sure if I did a little research on sword fighting to learn some of the names for the moves, it would have been better. But I'm lazy, and could come up with a thousand excuses, but let's just say I didn't feel like it.

Oh! Although I have been informed that Kou is suppose to be called Shippu, I'm not going to change it. Mainly because I don't want to read book 13 yet, and I'd already named the bird. Bai bai

Chapter 6

Title: Six

Disclaim: Refer to chapter 1.
Cognitive Process
Chapter 6: I Dream of Demons and various other lovable creatures

*Later that night* (1st POV)

Walking down the hall I'm currently in, I stop at the door near the end of it. I look around, hoping to see something familiar, but there is nothing. I study the door for a few moments, it's a bit bigger then most and, instead of the usual rice paper, it was made of something dark. It makes me think of a nightmare, because very once in a while a dark purplish image would flit across the screen door. The images were similar to something, the only familiar thing in this whole place.

Just as I'm about to become lost in the dark screen, a muffled scream pulls me to my senses. Drawing my blade, I reach out my hand to slide open the odd door, but I pause for just a moment, not wanting to touch the eerie material. In the pause, I hear a grunt, and that breaks my hesitation.

Throwing the door aside, I rush into the room... only to stare in shock at what I see. I slowly back out of the room, and slide the door quietly shut, hoping they didn't see me.

Turning to face the hall, I run in the direction from which I originally came; desperately hoping that there would be an exit. There had to be an exit, for there is no other way for me to have entered this place.

Sprinting away until I am no longer able, I sink to the floor. 'What... why... /how/ could they do this to me? Without... without! There's nothing to hold me back! I need the restraints, without them... Why did they do this to me?'

"WHY?!" Pulling my knees to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and bury my face in them. Huge sobs wreck my body as I sit on the floor. After a few minutes my tears slow. I have this urge to stand and begin walking to somewhere, and I decide to follow it.

I wander aimlessly, as far as I know, down the same hall I've been in the entire time. After an eternity of a few minutes, a new door comes into view. It is not exactly there, for it is quite blurry and half faded out. This door, too, has images fluttering across it. Oddly, I begin to feel better.

Unlike the other door, something pulls me to open this one. On the other side is a scene of two similarly clad girls, one carrying a sword, beneath a tree on a sunny day. "Become a great swordswoman, Motoko." As they hug, I can't help but to smile.

I wonder if she knows yet, for I cannot remember. I continue to stand in the door, watching their happiness when I notice a darkening.

'MU-WHO-HA-HA-HA-HA' echoes strangely through the air. I push my blade up slightly so it is at the ready, and prepare myself to defend this precious place.

Between one blink and the next, the entire scene changes in front of me. A girl is running towards a man who is carrying a woman, behind the younger girl is the elder girl from before. When the man notices the girl running towards him, he turns around and runs towards her, transforming into an ugly, giant turtle. The girl turns the other way and runs away.

I watch as the elder literally transports in front of the other girl and attacks the beast with the Shinmei school's finishing move. She then turns around to the younger girl, who is looking upon the elder with adoration, and with eyes glazed with demon, she is saying it is time for the younger girl's punishment for running from such a trifle.

After watching the scene, I realize that she knows, even with all action for or against, she knows. A tear rolls down my face as an ache blooms in my chest, an ache I know resonates with one of the girls before me.

I turn from the room and enter the hallway, to once again wander it aimlessly. I walk only a few short steps before another door appears before me. This one stands out sharply in contrast to the other doors. A fading light shines from this door, with no images.

I can guess just what is behind this door, and having no desire to open it, I turn away to wander once more. My course of action is hindered when the hall shrinks to encompass only me and the door.

Excepting my fate, I turn to slide open the door. I step into the darkness, and as the door shuts behind me, the room lights up. All around me fly scenes of the two girls as they age and then become women. I wonder what I am supposed to see or learn in this room.

Not minding this room, and seeing no danger, I walk further into it looking for something. After a few minutes of aimlessly searching, the images slowly come to a halt, all for one that is still flickering.

Walking to it, I understand why it flickers. In this image there is a weathered old cage. Inside of this cage there appears to be a sorrowful old pigeon. I look upon it with pity. Judging by the age of the cage and the bird, that pigeon has never been free.

Striding purposefully to the cage, I open the latch, and free the poor pigeon. I watch in amazement as the pigeon took flight. Astonished, I watch as the old bird flies like a kamikaze pilot, having no regard for its safety. I smirk, "That old bird still has life in it yet. But why is it here? Why would anyone trap a pigeon in such a way?"

Shrugging, I continue to look around, but there is nothing else. I return to the door and exit back into the hall that has reformed. I begin to walk randomly once again, but stop and glare as something steps in front of me.

'That is the most hideous thing I've ever seen. Almost too hideous to describe.' I can't help but stare at the red creature. Black lines flow down its face, rope like creatures fell from its head, its body cloaked by a swirling shroud, and its decaying hands rested upon a wicked sword that looks a lot like a scimitar.

Breaking from my daze, I prepare to draw my own weapon, but find I am unable to move. Finally, I realize that I am bound, unable to move because of the creature's 'hair' which holds me in place. I struggle to escape the creature's grasp, but only gasp when I feel the monster's locks bite into my body, securing its hold upon my person.

I watch horrified as the thing's lips part in a hideous grin, revealing gruesomely gaping pink teeth. "Aoyama-han, mine you are finally," it paused and then bowed sarcastically. "Forgive for not introducing self properly. Zenfaran am I, and enjoy I shall destroying the last of the Aoyamas, the bane of the demon world!"

In abject horror, I gape at this oddly familiar Zenfaran. 'My sister, how could it have possibly gotten my sister?" Knowing it is stupid, but unable to resist, "I am not the last Aoyama!"

I flinch as it leers up at me, "Oh, but are you? The other, her dreams so filled with sweet, sweet fear and terror!" Its lids finally open to reveal completely milky eyes, save for the black irises, steeped in madness. "The voice coarse of her sound as screamed she out the name of some man. Such loveliness before I have heard never. Tender, such a lullaby." Zenfaran's grin pulled back into a complete smile, as he whispers, "Bothers you, doesn't it? Wasn't your name on her lips?"

I just glare but his smile remains. "Such luck, have I, to be able to both of you have in one night. Knew who the disciples of feared Shinmeiryuu would defeated so easily be. Barely even had I to try."

My head falls forward as its words sink in. 'My sister, gone? Do I seek vengeance? Or do I submit? What is the point of living without her? Even when we are apart, knowing that she is well is what lightens my day... that and knowing she is far away from me as I don't do something foolish.'

"What to do, what to do? So many people you knew? Just how expected am I to choose? Really, no way is there I can lose!" Zenfaran grins maliciously at me, and I am so drawn into it, I don't notice the changes that occurred around me.

Its teeth were abruptly covered, and I was released from my thrall. I gasp when I notice that I'm no longer in the hall, and that the demon is no longer in front of me. Instead Uwaki stands in the demon's place, a kind smile playing across his features.

"You were always such a good person, even to the point of your own sadness. It's so easy to see why she left you, as it were, by yourself, in a world not quite your own."

Uwaki's pitying grin was enough to make me want to vomit. The jerk, like he has any idea what he's talking about, all he ever did was become an effect barrier between the two of us, keeping us even from our sisterly relations.

"Bastard, what would you know? You don't even have a proper job, sitting around pretending to teach, to write. Then you commit adultery to fornicate with Yamiko! What gives you any right to have any say of the things that happen between my sister and me?"

I watch Uwaki smile, a smile exactly like Zenfaran's earlier one, and am once again pulled into a thrall. This time, I am not so taken in, I notice as the world changes about me, taking me to a place that's dark and gloomy.

"No fear have, the beginning is this only, place of dark is needed for so many wonderful images I for you have to properly project!" I watch as he turns and sweeps his right hand casually from left to right. Immediately the entire gloom is lit by frozen scenes.

I gasp as I see what some of them contain. Not all of them are of me, some displaying my sister. One or two begin to flicker, motion taking over the still images. They move together and create one scene.

In this scene, my sister and I are running together through a field of what looks like wheat. I'm trying to think of where we could be to have wheat around us, but get drawn back to the picture when I see a change in it. Uwaki is now in the scene, standing near my sister, probably about to do something contemptable.

I glower at the images of him picking her up and spinning her; glower as her laughter rings out; glower as I just stand by and watch. I watch in silence, and in pain as I realize that this is what it must have felt like, to just stand and watch. I've never really been one to do it, but now I knew.

The scene flickers, then fades out. I look around for Zenfaran, but before I can see in the darkness, a new scene appears. We're together, my sister and I, we're sharing gentle kisses. I watch the scene happily, the emptiness in my heart lessening at what could be, but I'm worried about what comes next.

Of course, I was right to worry, for as my eyes focus on this scene, another flickers briefly over it, before it becomes one with what I am currently watching. An oddly familiar man enters the room, and she looks at me with all the questions in the world. My image self just smiles sadly, and I realize that she's leaving me. My heart sinks, and the pain in my chest is unbelievable.

I find it impossible to move my eyes from the scenes flashing in front of me, no longer pausing in between shifts, just one morphing into the next. As I watch them, the pain in my chest changes slowly from pain to agony to an overly cruel torture.

What passes for my chest cavity now holds within it a startlingly familiar feeling. Slowly it spreads, my body quaking as it makes its way throughout my body. There's no stopping the depraved laugh that begins to come from my mouth.

Looking up, a positively devilish smirk looms upon my lips. I know what's to happen, but the fool brought this upon himself. I draw my sword easily, despite the bonds that vainly try to hold me in place. I taste the air, and smell if too, before a grin replaces my smirk.

I flash behind Zenfaran, slashing him with my blade before I flash away. I repeat this process many times, remaining cruelly silent, never making a noise as he wails out into the darkness. I pause in my anger, and watch the demon laying on the ground panting. Even as I watch him, I can feel his body repairing itself.

Suddenly, I feel a shift, both in myself and in the demon. A dark, inky aura begins to sip out of Zenfaran, it's color still managing to contrast with the gloom around it. In the aura an infinite seeming amount of mouths appear, each one grinning hideously, each grin just like the one that was able to pull me into a trance previously. Each little, or big, mouth branching out onto it's own limb, appearing like an enormous squid.

He isn't the only one to change, I feel it in myself, and I can see it. My aura, a violently dark violet, is flowly from me, my demon eyes appearing it in. From each set of eyes, the most fearsome creature appears, the mighty turtle.

"Waited long have I, finally for the one I could some fun have with." He's grin is entirely insane, and he is obviously prepared to fight. "Your flesh, shall I taste. First, I duel one worthy of duelling."

I shake my head at him sadly. What a fool, I could almost pity him, especially because I'm in no mood to play. I feel it around me, just like I always have when this form comes into play. This time, I think I understand how to bring forth my devoted servant, and waste no time in doing it.

I watch in satisfaction as a giant turtle appears in front of me, formed of my aura. As the demon continues to rant and rave, I wave my hand, and the turtle simply drops it's jaw, and encloses Zenfaran in it, destroying the nuisance post-haste.

As I begin to pull my aura back in, I hear a deep chuckling. Before I can figure where it is coming from, it stops. Whispering around the room like some forgotten secret are the words, "You're more demon then human, you, your sister, your entire family. Each time I have this battle, it's so quickly that I get consumed, so easy to play their emotions, so easy to make them believe." The chuckling resumed briefly, but then the words continued, "And now, for falling so easily, you are trapped here forever, doomed to relive each moment over, desperately trying to solve where you went wrong."

The laughing reached a new high pitch saying, "Don't forget to let that pigeon fly if you want to finally be free," before it began to fade, it's words slowly sink in. I look around me, and realize the images had flickered out, leaving only the darkness, leaving only me. "I am forever yours," Came a final remark, and I realize just why Zenfaran was oddly familiar. I scream, and can't stop myself, screaming until all the air is lost from my lungs, and pushed from my body, and the darkness becomes all that much more dark.

And then, I'm jolted, still screaming.

. . . . . .

End Chapter 6

I should mention the last bit, with the aura, was kind of inspired by Hellsing. *grins* Arucard is so awesome. Although, nothing from Hellsing really makes an appearance, it was just inspired.

AN: Can anyone guess who Zenfaran is? (I don't think I really gave much clue, but still.)

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