Story: St. Andrews Double Cross (chapter 1)

Authors: HuntressDarkmoon

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Chapter 1

[Author's notes:

I've had this one in hiding for a couple of years.  The guys on my FFXI Linkshell loved it. LOL  Silly boys.  I thought maybe someone else would like to see the tip of the iceburg that is my dark mind.

Gotta warn you all, though, this one's not for the faint of heart.  BDSM is my game and I play it very well.  ;-)  I can't warn you enough, though, of the severe content in this one.

As for the other disclaimer, as much as I'd like to take credit for the FF legacy, I can't.  Nothing Final Fantasy belongs to me.  I just borrow it for my own devious purposes.  So, please don't sue me.

Comments are welcome.  Flames are ignored.  You've been warned.


Sighing, Shukou dangled her feet over the bridge in Windurst Woods. She looked around her, wondering what she was going to do. As a new adventurer, Shukou was ready and willing to embark on a new quest or mission. Smirking at her reflection in the water, she thought she would be ready to just shuttle someone’s mail to them, at this point. The young Mithra warrior had only been on her own as a new adventurer for a few days, but she had yet to find more than a few simple quests to keep her attention. However, after a few days, the quests had dried up and Shukou found herself staring at herself in the small stream while others fished around her.

Beside her, someone caught a moat carp. It splashed up onto the bridge noisily and Shukou shot to her feet. She couldn’t take any more of the absolute boredom that surrounded her and decided she was going to find her own adventure if it killed her. Wandering around Windy Woods, Shukou talked to a few people and got caught up on the local gossip. She stopped by the Auction House and checked on the prices of the newer polearms. After a while, Shukou gave up and headed back to the residential area to get some rest and some lunch before striking out again.

Shukou arrived at her house and entered to a shocking scene. Her eyes froze on the form of her house moogle, lying in the corner of the room. Shukou kneeled beside the incapacitated creature and set him up. "Hey, what happened?"

A quick glance around her house made it plainly obvious that Shukou had been robbed. However, the moogle’s words confirmed Shukou’s fears. "Robbed. . .We’ve been robbed! Kupo. . ."

Shukou tended quickly to the moogle’s wounds before checking her home to see what was missing. After a quick inspection, Shukou realized that she hadn’t checked where she hid her crystals. Reaching under her bed, Shukou pulled out the chest she kept her crafting crystals in. As she feared, it was empty. Shukou sat back and sighed heavily as the injured moogle floated behind her.

"Kupo. . .I’m sorry, Shukou," the moogle apologized. "They came in so suddenly, I didn’t have time to react."

"It’s okay," Shukou said. She closed the now empty box and got to her feet. "It’s not your fault. But who would want to steal my stupid crafting crystals? Anyone can get crystals. Unless. . ."

Shukou took the box and lifted the false bottom to reveal that portion of the container empty as well. She sighed again and slid the empty box back under her bed. Not only had the thieves gotten her regular crystals, they had also stolen her higher level crystals she had gotten from her crafting guilds. Those crystals, Shukou had to get back.

"Damn," Shukou cursed. "I was supposed to use those crystals to craft some high powered armor for my friends. . .I’ve got to find out who took them."

The moogle thought a moment. "I didn’t see who it was, but they sounded like Mithra, kupo."

Shukou rolled her eyes. "That can only mean one thing. . .Nanaa Mihgo." Adjusting her polearm on her back, Shukou got to her feet. She made a quick check of her armor and then paused to look at the moogle. "If I’m going to get those crystals back, I’m going to need some stealth. Can you help me out?"

The moogle spun in a circle. "Absolutely, kupo!"

Smiling, Shukou said, "Good." She dropped her polearm and her armor and stood in front of the moogle. "Job change; Thief."

"Job chaaa~~~~nge!!! Kupopopo!!" The moogle spun around as it changed Shukou’s main job to Thief and subbed her Warrior class as back-up.

Shukou grabbed some light clothing and strapped her dagger to her side. "Send a thief to catch a thief, eh? I’ll be back soon."

"Be careful," the moogle warned.

"Feh, no worries," Shukou said. "I’ll be in and out before they know it." Shukou waved to the moogle before departing her mog house.

Outside, Shukou left the residential area. She knew about where the cat burglar lived, as she’s been up in that area of Windy Woods a few times. However, the young warrior had never actually been into Nanaa’s huts to see what was stored there. Shukou only hoped hat finding her crystals would be an easy job. She had heard rumors that the famed cat burglar of Windurst hated to be disturbed and Shukou didn’t even want to guess what Nanaa and her two goons would do to someone they caught sneaking around their huts.

Shukou made her way to the Dhalmel farm just outside of the area where most of Windurst’s Mithra lived. She waved to Illu, the Dhalmel herder, and kept on walking back toward the clusters of Mithra huts. She passed a few Mithra she knew and waved to them. However, Shukou didn’t have any time to stop and chat. She wanted to get her crystals back from Nanaa Mihgo, get out of the area and put the whole mess behind her.

The area where Nanaa Mihgo lived was well known to all Mithra and a few Tarutaru with bad reputations. The few huts were a bit more run down than the others. Broken pots and random items from long ago thefts were strewn about the larger hut, while the single hut, where Nanaa was known to live, was relatively free of debris. After all, how would it look to have stolen items found in Nanaa’s own hut? Shukou paused on this thought for a moment and then shrugged. Her crystals still may be in there, after all.

Sneaking closer to the small area, Shukou noticed Nanaa’s two henchmen, Cha and Bopa, skulking bout the area. Shukou quickly ducked behind a pile of crates and crouched low. The two were speaking in such low tones that Shukou couldn’t make out what they were saying. So, she stayed hidden until the pair had passed by and left the area, no doubt to do some more looting of empty Mog Houses. Once they had left, however, Shukou rose from her hiding spot and advanced on the huts.

Shukou carefully made her way to the rear of the area, her sharp Mithra eyes alert for any sign of movement. Every fiber of her being was screaming out at her that this was not where she wanted to be. Ignoring her instincts and better judgement, Shukou pressed on. She peered around the corner and gasped as she saw Nanaa Mihgo, herself, standing by a table littered with maps and parchments. Cursing under her breath, Shukou ducked quickly into hiding and stayed there, hoping to whatever gods were listening that she hadn’t been caught.

After a few tense moments, Shukou peeked out toward where Nanaa Mihgo stood. Although the cat burglar hadn’t seen her, Shukou didn’t dare push her luck. Staying low, she carefully backed away and turned toward the bigger of the two huts. She was convinced that if Nanaa had stolen her crystals, she would have stored them in the larger hut with everything else the cat burglar had ‘collected’ from around Windurst.

Upon entering the large hut, Shukou paused to let her eyes adjust to the low light levels. She made a quick scan of the area to see if things were piled in groups. To her surprise, the cat burglars seemed to suffer from a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, as everything in the hut had a place and things were meticulously organized. Shukou made her way around the hut, checking piles for crystals, but she found nothing; nothing that belonged to her, at any rate. After a few more tense moments of searching, Shukou had to admit to herself that her crystals were not in this area. She sighed, shook her head and made her way back to the entrance of the hut.

As Shukou exited the hut, her eyes were again drawn to Nanaa’s hut. It would be a long shot and a dangerous one, at that, but Shukou had to check that hut for her crystals. She had worked too hard for them to just give them up now. With her mind made up, Shukou crept forward toward the small hut. She kept an eye out for Nanaa and her henchmen, but everything seemed quiet. Nanaa hadn’t moved from her planning table, while Cha and Bopa seemed to have gone on a long looting run. Shukou was almost convinced that she’d get out of this unscathed.

Shukou quietly crept into Nanaa’s hut and was amazed at what she saw. To her knowledge, no one had ever seen the inside of the cat burglar’s hut and lived to tell about it and now Shukou knew why. All around the hut were chests and bags filled to bursting with gil. Shukou paused in awe, wondering exactly how much money she was staring at. The whole hut seemed to glitter from every corner with gil and beastcoins and jewels. Shukou was half tempted to take some for herself, but she shook her head and refocused on finding her crystals.

"They have to be here somewhere. . ." Shukou cursed under her breath and moved more toward the back of the hut. She found a few bags of crystals and her heart leaped. Hoping her crystals were among these, Shukou began inspecting the bags. After a few attempts, she found a small bag that happened to contain the exact number of crystals she had lost, including the special, high-powered crystals she had earned from her guilds.

Ecstatic, but still nervous at being in enemy territory, Shukou tied the small bag to her belt and turned toward the door. The area still sounded quiet enough, so Shukou was fairly sure the coast would be clear for her escape. However, in her haste to get out, Shukou failed to notice a floorboard that stuck up a bit. Her foot caught on it just right to make her lose her balance. With a curse and a startled cry, Shukou found herself falling forward into a pile of gil and jewels.

The noise from the crash could be heard throughout the area and as the last coin came to rest in front of Shukou’s face, the young warrior had a heavy feeling of dread well up in her chest. Quick with fear, Shukou scrambled to her feet, checked that her crystals here still with her and made headlong for the door of the hut. Her heart raced and she could hear her frightened pulse pounding in her ears. For as long as she had been adventuring, Shukou had never been as scared as she was at that moment.

Just as Shukou thought she would escape Nanaa’s hut with her hide intact, Shukou ran straight into the well-armored form of Windurst’s famed and feared cat burglar. The force of the collision forced Shukou back into the hut. She lost her balance and landed hard on her rump, the bag of crystals scattering across the floor of the hut. Shukou’s heart froze as she looked up at the interested face of Nanaa Mihgo. The fierce Mithra stared down at Shukou with a look of restrained anger overshadowed by a distinct interest in what this brash young warrior was doing in her hut. With one hand on her hip and another clutching a short lash that hung at her belt, Nanaa locked eyes with Shukou.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" With a swift, fluid motion, Nanaa grasped Shukou by the front of her shirt and roughly drew her to her feet.

Startled by Nanaa’s unexpected strength and the speed at which the cat burglar could move, Shukou found her voice would not respond to the question. She hung in Nanaa’s grasp like a kitten caught in a wrongdoing, unsure of what to do or say. After a tense moment of silence, Nanaa drew Shukou in closely and locked eyes with her.

"I don’t usually entertain visitors in my private rooms," Nanaa said in a low, even voice that dripped with anger and bore a dangerous undertone to it. "So, maybe you should explain your presence here, pretty kitty. And be quick, before I grow impatient."

Shukou swallowed hard, not knowing what the cat burglar wanted from her. She looked around the floor, where her crystals lay scattered about and decided that, perhaps, the truth would be best. Facing Nanaa, Shukou took a shaking breath and tried to speak. "I. . .I. . ."

Nanaa suddenly set Shukou on her feet and shoved her back so forcefully that Shukou wheeled backwards. The back of her legs slammed against something and she tumbled onto a low bed. The momentum of Shukou’s fall sent her head crashing into the wall of the hut, the force of which addled her mind for long enough to give Nanaa the distinct upper hand in the rapidly deteriorating situation.

"Now," Nanaa said, advancing on Shukou, "let’s see if we can get you to answer my question honestly."

Confronted so directly by the cat burglar, Shukou found her tongue suddenly freed and she blurted out everything that had happened since she found her house had been broken into. Speaking quickly, Shukou kept her eyes cast down from Nanaa, not daring to see her reaction until the whole story was told. Finally, Shukou ended her tale and indicated her crystals on the floor with a shaking hand.

"I just came to get them back, I swear," Shukou admitted. Falling quickly silent, Shukou dreaded what the Mithra burglar might do to exact her revenge for being invaded. Looking up cautiously, Shukou tried to gauge Nanaa’s reaction.

For a long tense moment, Nanaa said nothing, but kept her piercing eyes pinned on Shukou. Then, she shifted on her feet and leaned closer to Shukou. "I don’t believe you."

Faster than Shukou could panic, she found herself in the cat burglar’s iron grip again and back on her feet. She heard noise outside the hut and her heart froze in fear. It sounded like Cha and Bopa had returned from their mission. Nanaa Mihgo cast a glance out the door of her hut and called to her henchmen.

"You two, keep an eye out! I’ve got a thief to deal with and I want no interruptions!" Nanaa turned back to Shukou and drew her close enough that Shukou could feel the heat of the burglar’s breath on her face. "And now let’s see if we can get some truth out of you, thief."

In a startling moment of bravery or stupidity, Shukou croaked out, "You’re the thief, Nanaa Mihgo! And everyone knows it!"

To Shukou’s surprise, Nanaa actually began to laugh. "How amusing. The pot calling the kettle black."

Nanaa struck quickly and slammed her open palm across Shukou’s face, which sent the startled warrior sprawling onto the floor. Shukou had enough sense to curl up into a fetal position before Nanaa’s booted foot found her gut. She exhaled sharply and tried not to cry out. As Nanaa reached down to grab the back-stranded warrior by the throat, Shukou grasped the burglar’s wrists in her hands to steady herself. As Shukou fought for breath, Nanaa Mihgo carried her by the throat to a smaller room in the back of the hut. There she forcefully threw Shukou to the floor. Shukou began to rise, but was stopped by the stern glare she caught from Nanaa.

"Don’t move if you value your hide, kitten," Nanaa warned. She locked the door behind her and turned back to Shukou. "It’s time you learned why I’m the feared cat burglar of Windurst."

Shukou looked up at Nanaa Mihgo, trying to hide her fear, but knowing that she had gotten herself into some serious trouble this time. She had half a mind to reach for her dagger at her side, but it probably would have done her no good. The cat burglar’s proficiency with weapons was said to be almost as good as her thieving skills. And Shukou didn’t want to find out.

When Nanaa turned around to face Shukou again, the young adventurer stared up at her captor defiantly. "What do you think you’re going to do with me?" Shukou demanded.

Reaching for the lash on her belt, Nanaa cracked it sharply and a sick grin crossed her face. "Extract the truth, of course."

"I could choose to fight you," Shukou challenged.

"Hmm, true, true. You could do that." Nanaa unbolted the door and called to her two thugs. "Cha, Bopa, we’ve got a challenger here! Mind showing her who’s in charge in this neck of Windurst Woods?"

Shukou scrambled to her feet and drew her dagger as Cha and Bopa stormed into the room. Taking up a sturdy stance, Shukou prepared herself for combat against odds that were as grim as they could come. She quickly sized up her two opponents, but before she could get off one attack, Cha struck quickly. As soon as Shukou blocked Cha’s attack, she realized her mistake, as Bopa came in with an attack of her own that Shukou couldn’t dodge. Shukou felt Bopa’s armored fist connect squarely with her gut and the air rushed from her lungs, leaving her gasping for breath. Her dagger fell from limp hands to the floor where Cha kicked it into the shadows.

Before Shukou could focus on the room around her, she was grabbed from behind by Cha, who locked her arms up tightly and forced her to her knees. Bopa snapped a leather restraint to each of Shukou’s wrists before slamming her fist into the warriors’ stomach again. Shukou gasped for breath, desperately trying to think of a way out of her situation. Her mind whirled in panic and dead-end options as Cha and Bopa dragged her to her feet before Nanaa.

The cat burglar sneered down at Shukou as she ran her lash lightly down Shukou’s cheek. "So, now do you understand who’s in control of this situation? Hmm?" Nanaa looked at her two thugs and snapped, "Bind her for now and leave. I’ll finish this on my own."

Without a word, Cha and Bopa forced Shukou over toward the back wall. Casting a scared glance up, Shukou could see two chains hanging from the ceiling and her heart froze. The two Mithra thugs bound the restraints on Shukou’s wrists to these chains and raised her so she could barely reach the floor. Once they were done, the two of them left the room silently. The door shut ominously and Nanaa made sure to lock it behind them before turning back to Shukou.

"Such a cute little kitten to challenge me," Nanaa said, drawing her lash across Shukou’s neck. "And did you really think you’d get away with breaking in here and stealing my things? Hmm? Perhaps you should be taught a lesson."

Shukou met the cold eyes of Nanaa Mihgo and a shiver coursed through her body like a wave on the sand. "I. . .I only came to get my crystals back. . ."

She soon found out that words were a mistake. Nanaa’s lash came crashing against Shukou’s bare midriff, causing the warrior to cry out for the first time. Nanaa smiled faintly in an evil, sickening way before replacing her lash on her belt and drawing her dagger. She let the cold, sharpened steel slide down Shukou’s throat to her chest before coming to rest above her tunic.

"Words to slaves," Nanaa said, "are as useless as clothes. They don’t need either."

As she spoke, Nanaa let the dagger easily slice through Shukou’s clothing. Shukou didn’t dare move as she felt the blade passing dangerously close to her stomach. She could only close her eyes as her clothing was shredded and fell to the floor. When she felt the blade of the dagger against her throat, Shukou opened her eyes to see Nanaa still smiling at her.

"You look much better this way, kitten," the cat burglar said smoothly. "It will be much easier to train you in this manner than before. Don’t you agree?"

Shukou began to shiver in fear. She had lost all control of the situation and didn’t know how long she could trust Nanaa to let her keep her life. In a timid voice, Shukou asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

Nanaa laughed under her breath faintly. She pressed in against Shukou from behind and gently cupped her breast in one hand. "Oh, a little of this, a little of that. Who knows?"

Whimpering softly, Shukou looked away again as Nanaa continued to fondle her breast. She reached up to grab the chains around her wrists and clenched her hands tightly around them. A stray tear fell from her eye as she wondered how she was going to get out of this. The feeling of Nanaa’s hand moving down her body brought her back to reality. Shukou tugged at the chains, but it only served to make the leather restraints cut into her skin.

"Now, now," Nanaa scolded lightly, "you’ll only get hurt doing that. Perhaps you shouldn’t be restrained as you are." She ran a finger down Shukou’s cheek and forced the warrior to meet her gaze. "Do you think you can be trained differently? Or should I let you hang here and think about your actions?"

Shukou found that breathing was becoming difficult. She tried to raise up on her toes to get air into her lungs, but her arms were beginning to burn from the effort. "Please let me go. . .You’ll never see me again, I swear."

Nanaa laughed in her throat. "No, you amuse me, kitten. I think I’ll keep you around until I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson." Letting Shukou swing freely, Nanaa stepped back and grasped her lash in her hand once again. "After all, I did catch you stealing from me. It’s time we taught you who does the stealing around here."

With an effortless flick of her wrist, Nanaa Mihgo sent the lash cracking against Shukou’s backside. She smiled, seeing the bound warrior jump in shock. Drawing back, Nanaa sent the leather lash snapping across Shukou’s ass again, this time drawing a sharp cry of pain from Shukou. The Mithra warrior could only clench her hands around the chains and hope that this would be over soon.

"Are you beginning to understand, kitten?" Nanaa came around in front of Shukou and raised the warrior’s chin with her lash. "I really think you should apologize for trying to steal from me. Don’t you?"

Shukou somehow managed to get herself together enough to shake her head. "No, those were my crystals and I want them back."

Nanaa snapped her lash back to her side and scoffed. "You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you? Most Mithra learn after a few lashes. I find they don’t generally like pain."

"I won’t give in to you," Shukou croaked past the burning pain flooding her body.

"Won’t you?" Nanaa taunted lightly. "Well, then, let’s up the stakes, shall we? I’m sure I won’t mind in the least, but I wonder how long you can hold out for. . .?"

Nanaa let the threat hang for a tense moment as she placed her lash on a nearby table. She looked over the items that lay on the same table and paused, giving her new captive some thought. After a brief moment, Nanaa took up two short poles, one that bore a leather cuff on each end. Turning back to Shukou, Nanaa gave the bound warrior a smile before slamming the ends of the poles into Shukou’s stomach. Shukou jerked forward with a weak cry and hung limply from the chains above her.

"Just a precaution, kitten," Nanaa assured her. "I can’t have you trying to escape."

Now sure that Shukou was too hurt to give her much trouble, Nanaa kneeled down and took the pole with the cuffs. She strapped Shukou’s ankles into the restraints on the bar and slid them out, so Shukou’s legs were spread and immobilized. Then Nanaa transferred the leather restraints around Shukou’s wrists from the chains to the second bar and spread them, as well. Shukou instantly fell to her hands and knees, unable to keep her balance. She tugged at the cuffs, but could not get them to loosen. Embarrassed at her position, Shukou looked up at Nanaa.

Nanaa grabbed the pole that bound Shukou’s wrists and yanked her sharply so the warrior was pulled back onto her butt. Naked and exposed, Shukou could only look away as Nanaa gazed at her prize, like she was sizing up a jewel. With a satisfactory grunt, Nanaa then secured the top bar to a solid metal ring low on the wall. Shukou was barely able to sit up until Nanaa yanked on the spreader bar at her feet and secured it to a similar ring on the floor. Now spread-eagle and bound to the floor, Shukou could only wait for whatever punishment Nanaa would give her.

"Much better," Nanaa said, kneeling beside Shukou. "I always find it easier to train my captives in this position. They’re so wonderfully exposed this way. . ." To emphasize her words, Nanaa drew her hand from Shukou’s neck down to her stomach, pausing before she reached her cleanly shaven mound. Smiling into Shukou’s frightened eyes, Nanaa slid her hand to the warrior’s cunt and fingered her gently.

Shukou gasped and cried out. "Stop. . .please, don’t!"

"I’ll stop, once you’ve learned your lesson," Nanaa promised. "But I think you’re still too stubborn to admit your mistake. After all, who was stealing whose crystals?"

Shukou’s obstinance won over her better judgement. "They were mine!" However, she instantly regretted her outburst.

"Really?" Nanaa suddenly forced her finger into Shukou’s hole and snarled into her face. "You’d better learn quicker than this, kitten, or I may have to get rough." She leaned over Shukou and began to suck on her breast, reaching over to fondle the other one with her free hand.

Shukou squirmed and whimpered, trying to hide her discomfort behind her rapidly disintegrating pride. The more that Nanaa explored her body, however, the more her body betrayed her. Shukou could feel an embarrassed flush climbing into her cheeks as a different kind of heat flooded her lower body. As Nanaa sucked and fondled her tits, Shukou could hear her cries of defiance turning into moans of pleasure.

"Hmm, what’s this?" Nanaa looked at Shukou, her fingers gently squeezing one of Shukou’s nipples. "Seems you are learning, kitten. Or, at least, your body is." She ran her fingers lightly over Shukou’s breast before squeezing her nipple again. "It’s responding well to your training. Look at how hard your nipples are." Pausing, Nanaa withdrew her other hand from Shukou’s cunt, revealing a wet substance glistening on her fingers. "Oh my, and what’s this?"

"Please, stop. . ." Shukou begged, growing hotter with each passing moment. "Please. . .no more."

Nanaa moved to straddle Shukou and grinned maliciously down at her. "Oh, but I’m just getting started. You need far too much training for me to let you go now. Besides, if you learn well, I may let you go on a little errand for me." Her hands went to Shukou’s breasts and Nanaa leaned in to kiss Shukou deeply, her tongue probing the bound warrior’s mouth forcefully.

Shukou couldn’t answer, but could only whimper softly until Nanaa withdrew, smiling in that way that had made Shukou so nervous earlier. "What do you want from me?" she asked, fearing the answer.

"Later," Nanaa promised. "I think, for now, I’ll just enjoy my new plaything. Until I’m sure you’re ready to carry out my orders."

With that, Nanaa slid further down Shukou’s body to suck on the warrior’s tits. The sensation from Nanaa’s expert ministrations made Shukou moan louder as her body began to writhe beneath the cat burglar. Nanaa slipped a hand between Shukou’s spread legs again and searched until she found the warrior’s clit. She grazed her fingers across it, reveling in the reactions she was getting from her new toy.

"It’s okay to admit you like it," Nanaa coaxed, pushing her knee up against Shukou’s mound as she withdrew her hand. She placed a dripping finger against Shukou’s lips and slipped it into her mouth. "And I can tell you like it. Why not say so?"

Shukou sucked Nanaa’s finger, tasting her own juices on her tongue. She moaned louder than she had before, throwing her head back as Nanaa continued to explore her body slowly. "I can’t. . ."

"Embarrassed? How cute." Nanaa kissed Shukou again before sliding even further down her body to come to rest between Shukou’s spread legs. "Let’s see if I can loosen your tongue a little."

Staring for a moment, Nanaa took in the sight of Shukou’s body, well toned from years of training and tanned from fighting in the sun. She ran an appraising hand down Shukou’s stomach and let it come to rest on the warrior’s mound. Without a word, Nanaa ran both her thumbs between Shukou’s legs, drawing them closer to her wet cunt with each stroke. When her thumbs met, Nanaa slipped them between Shukou’s pussy lips to spread them apart. She smiled and sighed satisfactorily at what she saw.

"Very nice, kitten," Nanaa praised her captive. "You’ve never been used, have you?"

Shukou turned her head away and closed her eyes in embarrassment. "Please, don’t."

"Answer my question," Nanaa demanded in a soft, yet stern, voice. "You’re a virgin, aren’t you?"

"I. . ." Shukou whimpered softly, but found she couldn’t answer. However, when she suddenly felt Nanaa’s rough tongue slide across her swollen clit, Shukou cried out loudly. "Yes, I am!" She gasped as she felt her body crying out for more. "I’m a virgin. . ."

Nanaa laughed in her throat. "Good girl." She crouched down between Shukou’s legs and ran her tongue across Shukou’s clit again, listening to the girl moan and cry out in pleasure. Nanaa moved in deeper to suck and nip at her clit as she introduced two fingers into Shukou’s dripping cunt. Slowly working her captive up, Nanaa decided it might almost be time to bestow her first mission on the warrior. However, there was still one lesson that needed to be learned. She drew back, licking her fingers and smiling, mostly to herself.

"I think, kitten, you may almost be ready." Nanaa went to the table again and grabbed a leather strap-on, which she began to fasten around her waist. "However, I always like to make sure before I send my minions out to do my dirty work. I think you’ll be ready, after you learn where your true pleasure will come from." Kneeling between Shukou’s legs again, Nanaa rubbed the fake cock against the warrior’s sex as she spoke.

Daring to look at Nanaa, Shukou gasped at what she saw. "No! Please, don’t do this!!"

Nanaa laid a hand on Shukou’s stomach to keep her balance, even as Shukou struggled to free herself. She brought the fake cock to rest on Shukou’s cunt and gently positioned it before thrusting forward with one, fluid motion. As the leather instrument penetrated her, Shukou cried out loudly, feeling as if she would be torn apart from the pain. The cuffs at her wrists and ankles bit sharply into her flesh as she struggled to escape. Above her, Nanaa Mihgo pressed in further, burying the dildo deeply into Shukou’s cunt.

"How do you like it, kitten?" Nanaa demanded as she thrust herself deeper into Shukou.

Shukou’s cries became more and more impassioned as her body and will broke down against Nanaa’s torture. She tried to keep silent, but more and more her true passions were begging to be released. Clenching her teeth, Shukou whimpered as Nanaa continued to ride her harder and harder. "Please, let me go! I can’t take this anymore!!"

Grinning, the cat burglar grabbed Shukou’s hips firmly to steady herself. "You can take more. But I’ll let you off easy this time, if you promise to go on a little quest for me."

"Anything!" Shukou cried.

"Good girl." However, Nanaa didn’t stop riding Shukou just yet. She kept pounding against the bound warrior until Shukou’s moaning could be heard outside the hut. "I want you to take something of mine to Bastok and get it appraised. If it’s worth anything, bring it back to me. If it’s not worth much, just sell it."

Shukou tried to nod her compliance. The sound of Nanaa’s words rang in her ears as she felt her body coming closer to the edge of its tolerance. "I will, I will, I will. . .Nnng!!"

Nanaa fucked Shukou until she was sure the young warrior could stand no more. When Shukou’s cries became broken gasps for mercy, Nanaa slipped her fingers between Shukou’s legs and played with her clit. Shukou’s mind reeled with emotions she had never felt before. Her whole body tensed and the young warrior threw her head back with a desperate cry.

"That’s it," Nanaa coaxed, pulling the dildo from within Shukou so she could focus on the woman’s clit. She ran her tongue through Shukou’s wetness and continued to fondle her clit with her dexterous fingers. "What’s wrong, kitten? You sound like you’re going to die?" She laughed as Shukou continued to writhe underneath her control. She paused for a moment to gauge Shukou’s reaction.

"Please," Shukou begged in a weak voice. "Please, don’t stop now."

Nanaa faked shock in her voice. "Oh? First it was please stop and now it’s please don’t? Hmm, I don’t know. Now why would you want me to continue?"

Shukou blushed fiercely as the cat burglar questioned her. She gasped as Nanaa grazed her clit with a fingertip before blurting out, "Please, I can’t stand this feeling! My body feels like it’s going to. . .to. . ."

"Come?" Nanaa smiled into Shukou’s face. "Say it, and maybe I’ll consider your plea." When Shukou hesitated, Nanaa rubbed her clit again, lightly enough to elicit a response from the warrior. "Come on, now. Say it loudly."

"I. . ." Shukou whimpered once more before turning her head away from Nanaa. "I’m going to come!"

Nanaa grinned as she furiously worked her fingers against Shukou’s clit. With a loud cry, Shukou’s whole body tensed as a wave of pleasure like she had never felt went crashing through her body. Wave after wave assaulted her, until Shukou finally fell limp to the floor, gasping for breath and afraid to open her eyes. She did, however, when she felt Nanaa loosening the restraints around her ankles and wrists.

Getting to her feet, Nanaa took something from a pouch on a low table and tossed it at Shukou’s feet. Shukou, still too weak to stand up, looked at her feet to find a sharp, gray stone on the floor. She looked back up at Nanaa, as if awaiting orders.

"You have your mission, kitten," Nanaa said. "Take my stone to Bastok and then report back here to me. Understand?"

Shukou got to her knees, retrieved the stone and watched as Nanaa left the hut without another word. She was somewhere between shocked and numb at what had just happened. Getting slowly to her feet, Shukou grabbed the edge of a nearby table to steady herself.

Shukou staggered from Nanaa Mihgo’s hut in borrowed clothing, clutching the sharp, gray stone to her chest. She had her instructions from Nanaa and had every intention of following through; mostly out of fear, but also out of a growing sense of lust directed toward the dominating Mithra thief. These two emotions warred in her mind as she half-staggered back to her Mog House to prepare for her journey. She, being a warrior at heart, wanted to deny both feelings, especially the fear. However the more she thought on the events of that morning, the more Shukou had trouble denying that Nanaa Mihgo had gotten to her. It was a feeling so strong, that even when Shukou had crossed over the threshold to her home, she could not bring herself to calm down.

Inside, the moogle that watched over Shukou’s home was pacing in mid-air. It stopped when it noticed Shukou and flew straight to her. "I was getting worried, kupo! It’s been almost two hours since you left."

"Two hours. . .?" Shukou sighed. "I guess it was a stupid idea, after all. . ."

"Shukou?" The moogle hovered in front of the distracted warrior.

She didn’t answer, however, but walked past the moogle, as if it didn’t exists. Sitting on the edge of her bed, Shukou sighed heavily, her eyes glazed over as if she was lost to the world. All she could see before her was Nanaa Mihgo’s evil grin. All she could feel was the way the cat burglar had touched her. Shukou bent her head in shame. She had lost and now she was trapped in a deal she dared not escape.

Clutching the sharp gray stone, Shukou rose and faced the moogle. "Job change; Warrior."

Nodding once, the moogle complied without his usual antics. Shukou grabbed her armor and her polearm and made sure everything was ready for her departure. She placed the stone in her pack and slung it over her shoulders. As Shukou turned toward the door, she paused and looked over her shoulder. The moogle hovered in the center of the room, watching her, concerned. She tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

"I’m going to Bastok," Shukou said. "Watch over things while I’m gone, okay?"

The moogle nodded. "I’ll watch over your items, kupo. . ."

"I know. . ."

To Be Coninued?

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