A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Two: Awakening
Chapter Nine - Deadly Eyes
It was a night and a twelve-year-old Kimberly stumbled around the city in her nightgown. She was lost, alone and very much afraid. She wanted nothing more then to be with Natalie and her mother, however she knew that was impossible and she really didn't want to think about that. She shivered in the cold until she found an old dissolute playground and sat on one of the swings, wrapping her arms around her body to keep warm, trying hard not to cry.
"Hello?" A soft child's voice said from behind her.
Kimberly glanced around to see another girl about the same age as her, however much shorter. The little girl had soft greyish hair and a slightly boiish face if it wasn't for the girl's voice and the pink overalls that were cut into shorts Kim would have mistaken her for a boy. Kim simply stared at the girl and blinked, trying hard not to let her tears show.
"My name is Lauren. What is yours?" The girl asked curiously, with a smile.
Kimberly glanced around to see if the girl was really talking to her. When she was certain that they were the only others one in the park she spoke, "Ki... Kimberly, but everyone calls me Kim." she answered quietly.
"Kiiimm!!! What a nice name." Lauren cocked her head sideways, "Are you alone?"
Kim looked at the ground, "I... I'm lost." She stated with despair in her voice.
Lauren crouched so she could gaze up into Kimberly's face. "I'm on my own too. You want to come with me? Then neither of us will be alone." Kimberly blinked at the girl in confusion. Natalie was the only person who ever tried to be friends with her before, but the way the girl smiled at her made Kim feel she could trust this girl. Lauren stood and held out a hand. "Come on. I know where there's a warm place to stay the night.” She offered a hand to Kim, “You'll be safe with me. I'll protect you." Kimberly cautiously and took the girl's hand and was instantly pulled into the night.
Kimberly rubbed her eyes and felt a stabbing ache run through her body. She sat up quickly grabbing her shoulder, biting back the pain, "Nnnnnn!!!" She struggled against the scream that wanted to burst forth.
"HEY!! Don't do that!!" Jenn yelled out as she forced the girl to lie down again.
Slowly Kim opened her eyes and looked around, "Where am I?" She inquired through the haze of pain.
"The nurse's office." Jenn kept her voice low as she sat down on a chair next to the bed, "I told the nurse that you slipped and fell and I think she believed me.” She explained quickly then set her worried eyes upon the girl, “You've been asleep for over an hour now. How do you feel?"
Kimberly glanced down at the bandages and self-consciously pulled the blankets over her body, "H...have y... you been watching over me the entire time?" She inquired embarrassed that a girl had been looking at her practically nude body.
"I..." A flush covered Jenn's face, "I couldn't just leave you here not knowing if you would ever wake up. I didn't want you waking up alone not knowing where you were." She gave Kimberly a weak smile, " Besides, it gave me an excuse to skip class." She began to reach into her bag, "By the way, have you eaten? I still have some lunch if you want some." She pulled out a sandwich.
"Why? Why are you helping me?" Kimberly asked confused by Jenn’s presence, "I guess you've seen my arms and..." She wrapped her arms around her waist and trembled.
Jenn leaned back in the chair and gazed up at the ceiling, "If I told you it was because I hate math, would you believe me?" She glanced at Kimberly who gave her a weird look, "No, I guessed not." She leaned forwards in the chair setting her elbows on the bed. "Let's just say that you remind me of someone." She smiled at Kimberly who just stared back at her. Jenn handed the girl a piece of her sandwich. "Here, eat up. I have to get to my last class, but I'll be back soon enough, 'kay?"
Kimberly gingerly took the sandwich from the girl and slowly nodded.
"I'll be back in a hour or so..." Jenn assured with a smile as she stood up and prepared to leave, "You'll see: The time will fly by so fast you won't even notice that I'm gone. Oh and here is a new shirt and blazer for you." She pulled the shirt off the back of the chair she sat in, “The school always keeps some spares in the gym in case something happens.” She explained, handing the clothes over to Kim.
Kim took the shirt and glanced up at Jenn peculiarly, "Promise?" Kimberly whispered.
Kimberly's eyes looked fragile as glass and made Jenn want to reach out to take the girl in her arms and hold her "I promise." Jenn reassured and reach out to ran a hand through the girl's red hair.
Kim was surprised that she didn’t pull back for the first time in years. The feeling of Jenn’s fingers caused her to shiver, and then Jenn quickly turned and ran out of the room. Kim stared at the chair in which Jenn had been sitting only moments ago and down at the shirt she held in her hands. She raised the shirt to her nose and inhaled the smell. She stopped herself and blinked at the shirt. She pulled the blankets over her head and buried her face in the pillow, letting out a deep pained sob.
The time did not 'fly by' for Jenn as fast as she would have liked it to. It was pure torture having to sit in class and listen to the teachers go on and on about things she already knew. She could not keep her mind off of Kimberly, her soft red hair, those oddly beautiful eyes and small breasts. She shook her head trying to clear the thoughts that threatened to invade her mind. She scanned the class and wondered how many of the girls around her were thinking the same as she was, dreaming about the softness of a girl's kiss. One of the girls noticed that Jenn was looking at her and Jenn gave a small wave, causing the girl to blush and quickly turn away.
Usually she would play along with the game but now... now her heart ached the more she thought about Kimberly's sad eyes. This was the first time she felt so close to someone that she didn't even know. She wished there was something she could do to take the girl's pain away when she was startled by the bell announcing the end of the day.
Slowly, she got up and stretched when someone tapped her on the shoulder, "So where have you been all afternoon?" came the sound of May's annoyed voice.
"May, I don't have time right now." Jenn returned with equal annoyance in her own voice, "Could we leave this for another day? I'm tired." She grabbed her bag and stuffed her notebook into it, then prepared to leave.
"Did you have fun with that girl?" May demanded coldly as Jenn headed out of the class.
Jenn turned to glare at May, "This has nothing to do with her and you know it, so leave her alone." She was now beyond annoyed with May's attitude and if the girl did not drop things Jenn was afraid she was going to snap.
"Did you know she's been kicked out of four schools in the past two years? Seems she has quite the reputation for being a psycho." May remarked with a smirk, proud of her investigation skills.
Jenn stepped up close to May and gazed her in the eye, "I'm getting tired of your garbage, May. Kimberly has never done anything to you so why don't you leave her alone." Jenn requested through clenched teeth, trying hard to keep herself from showing how angry she was getting with the girl.
May was finding it hard to look Jenn directly in the eyes, but could not avoid Jenn's gaze, "She's... She's weird and I don't understand what you could possibly see in her." May retorted, covering up just how much Jenn's gaze was affecting her. "I always knew you were strange, but come on Je-" Jenn slammed her hand on the desk, startling everyone in the room and even making May jump out of her skin.
"That is enough out of your mouth." Jenn snarled. She was seriously angry now, which was rare, so everyone listened, "I don't know what your problem is lately, but I've just about had it from you.” Her voice rose to a roar, “You’re always getting in my way and butting into my business. So why don't you shut the hell up for a change?! And leave me alone, Alright!?" Jenn turned away and stormed out of the class.
As Jenn stomped down the hall with her hands in her arms, crossed before her chest. She noticed Kris leaning against the far wall with her eyes closed. The girl opened one eye and looked up as Jenn approached her, "May bothering you again, is she?" Kris inquired casually.
Jenn did not slow her pace as she passed her friend, Kris quickly pushing off the wall and following close beside her. "She's beginning to really piss me off with her attitude problem.” Jenn seethed, “I wish she would stop with the games for once." She remarked, rubbing her hand, which was now red from hitting the desk.
Kris thought to herself and when she spoke her voice was very calm, "Well sometimes it's not that easy for some. You've both changed a lot since getting here and I think she feels like she's losing a friend."
"You sound like you're talking from experience." Jenn glanced over at her friend curiously.
Kris gazed out of the windows that ran along one side of the hall, "You could say I've lost a few friends." She fell was silent for a moment then spun around to face Jenn again, "Oh! You still up for tonight?" She inquired, that warm smile that Jenn had grown accustom to upon her face.
"Yeah, I'll be renting some movies along the way home." Jenn returned the smile.
"Something R-rated?" Kris suggested eagerly, while winking and poking Jenn in the side with her elbow, causing the girl to break out into laughter.
"Stop it, Kris, or I'll have to hurt you." Jenn laughed.
"Like you could." Kris pushed Jenn up against a wall and held the girl's arms over her head with one hand. Jenn blushed as she looked up into her friend's eyes. "What you going to do now miss 'I'll kick your butt'?" A smile played across Kris's face and she placed her free hand under Jenn's chin so she could not break away from her gaze. Jenn always felt a weakness to those eyes and right now she was sure she had lost.
"Kris..." Jenn was lost for words. She wished that for once Kris was being serious. Her eyes fell to the girl’s lips and could feel a hunger growing in side of her, wanting nothing more then a chance for a taste. She licked at her own lips and quivered in anticipation.
Giggles could be heard from down the hall and Kris noticed they were being watched by a couple of girls and let Jenn go. The girls giggled and whispered to each other some more as they stared at Kris and Jenn, before they ran away.
Jenn let out a sigh of relief, "For a second there I thought you were serious." She was not sure what she would have done if Kris had really kissed her. She forced the hunger deep inside and locked it away. Not wanting to deal with it at that time.
"I was just teasing you." Kris laughed.
"And do you 'tease' all the girls like that?" Jenn glanced at Kris curiously.
Kris turned her back to the girl, "Nope, you're the only lucky one." She stated as she started down the hall, then turned back around and gazed at Jenn, "I just realized something. Why are we going this way when the exit is that way?" She inquired; poking down the hall in the opposite way they had come.
Jenn moved passed her friend, "Because there's someone I promised I would see when school let out." She replied simply.
Kris quickened her pace so she could peer in Jenn’s eyes, "It's that new girl, isn't it?" She remarked with a grin.
Jenn blushed a deep red.
"I should have guessed you had a weak spot for redheads." Kris’s grin broadened.
"It's not like that!" Jenn retorted defensively.
Kris stopped smiling, "She reminds you of yourself, doesn't she?" She remarked seriously.
Jenn was shocked by what Kris said, "Ho... how'd you know that?" She stammered nervously.
"I can see it in your eyes." Kris turned away from her friend.
"Kris?" Jenn stopped in her tracks and stared at Kris’s back as she walked away from her.
Kris stopped and let out a sigh before turning around to face her friend, "Come on now;" Kris gave a smile at the girl, "You don't want to leave your girl waiting now, do you?"
Jenn slowly shook her head and rushed to Kris’s side. The two of them walked in silence down the long hall. Jenn thought for certain that she saw a glimmer of pain in Kris’s eyes just a moment ago, almost like the other day, but could not think of how to bring it up. Before long they arrived at the nurses office and Jenn pushed her thoughts to the side as they open the door
The nurse turned to glance at the two girls as they entered the office and smiled at Jenn, "Well, hello again. Your friend has been asking for you since the bell rang."
"How is she doing?" Jenn inquired, concerned and somewhat nervous.
"Hmmmm..." The nurse tapped her pencil against her lip, "Well, you were right, it was only a scratch, which is odd because I remember it being much worse when you first walked in. But now..." She lost herself in her thoughts.
"Ummm," Jenn nervously stood on one foot then another. She was hoping that the nurse had not caught onto her little lie, however it made no sense, the nurse should have noticed the large bandages and blood everywhere. Things were beginning to lose their rationality and Jenn was finding it hard to clear her head of the disorganization. It felt to Jenn like someone was playing with her world and this was only the beginning. She almost feared what the rest of the day would hold, when Kris’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.
"What happened? You weren't hurt, were you?" Kris asked there was a note of concern in her voice.
"No, I'm just fine; Kimberly just fell down." Jenn tried to convince herself that she was not lying to the one person she didn't like to lie to.
Kris looked Jenn in the eye, "I see." was all she said. Jenn could tell her friend didn't believe her, but knew that Kris would not confront her on it right away.
The nurse turned back to Jenn, "That reminds me, I couldn't get an answer from Kimberly's father at work or home, so could you make sure she gets home safe and sound?" She gave Jenn a warm smile.
"Sure thing." Jenn took this chance to avoid Kris's gaze and turned back to the nurse, "I should go see her now." She then slipped behind the curtain with Kris following closely behind.
"You going to explain, or do I have to force it out of you?" Kris whispered into Jenn's ear.
"I'll explain later tonight, alright?" Jenn was not sure how she was going to explain what happened because she was still trying to sort it all out herself, and she didn't think Kris would believe her even if she did tell the truth.
"Fine, you owe me an explanation, or I will tickle it out of you tonight." Kris grinned maniacally.
Something about when Kris smiled like that always tickled Jenn funny. She supposed the grin was supposed to look frightening, however to her it looked sillier. Jenn tried hard not to laugh as she turned to find Kim not in her bed.
They found the redhead standing at the window gazing out at the blue sky, now wearing the shirt that Jenn had found her. She turned when she heard their voices and a small smile broke out across her face, "I was beginning to think you were another dream." She said softly.
"Nope," Jenn smiled back at the girl, "I'm very real and so is this pest here." Pointing at Kris, "Kimberly, this is my best friend Kris. Kris, this is Kimberly."
Kris took a deep bow, with one hand across her waist and the other off to the side in a gentlemanly manner, "Pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Kimberly" She then took Kim's hand and placed a light kiss upon the back of the girl's hand.
"Ummm...You... you can call me Kim." Kim stammered as a light blush crossed her cheeks.
"Kim it is, then." Kris said as she straightened up and gave the girl a smile that made her blush deepen.
"Are all the girls in this school like you two?" Kim asked, a slightly flustered by the idea and glancing between Jenn and Kris.
"I sure hope not!" Kris said sounding a little worried. "There are already enough problems with just this one around." She said as she ruffled Jenn's hair.
"Hey, will you cut it out?" Jenn hit Kris's hand away and fixed her hair, "I'm not the one who keeps kissing girl's hands now, am I?" She said with a sneer.
"Ummm..." Kimberly tried hard not to laugh then glanced at Jenn, "Thank you for finding me a spare shirt and for staying with me and..." She stammered
Jenn stepped closer to Kim and set her forehead on the girl's while looking her in the eyes, "No problem." She said softly, not letting go of Kim's eyes, "Don't worry too much about it. Like I said, you can trust me with your life, and that goes the same for Kris too." Kim felt her entire body flush.
Kris watched the two girls with a broad smile on her face, "Well, come on girls. We don't want them to force us to stay overnight now do we?"
"Yeah, I'm getting tired." Jenn pulled herself away from Kim, "I'm so happy that it's Friday." The group of girls started on their way out of the school.
The three of them walked side by side as they set out into the autumn air. Kimberly tried to keep up as Kris told tales about life at an all girls’ school, from tales about club activities to tales about their adventures at and outside of the school.
"Once there were so many girls trying to talk to Jenn that she locked herself in the girls’ washroom, not wanting to come out." Kris laughed. "She was so cute when she arrived at the school. I knew right away that she would be a challenge to my spot as top girl in school. Just didn't think it would only take two months."
Jenn reddened and glanced from Kim to Kris and back to Kim. "I'm sorry, don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about." She said to Kim.
"Don't be modest." Kris's grin broadened, "It only makes you cuter when you try to deny it." She laughed more.
"KRIS!!" Jenn growled at her friend.
Kris stopped laughing and noticed that Kim also was bright red and staring intensely at the ground. Kris scratched the back of her head, finally realizing that maybe she had said too much after all, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass the two of you."
"Yes you did!" Jenn glared at Kris, "Anyways, don't you have somewhere you need to be?"
"Somewhere?" Kris blinked.
Jenn shook her head in disappointment, "You were so busy talking that you didn't notice we passed your turn. Aren't you going to be late for Cram Classes?" Jenn said.
Kris scanned her surroundings, "Well what do you know..." She laughed to herself while scratching the back of her head, "Well, I'd better get going." She turned to Kim. "It was nice meeting you. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I'm usually very kind and charming." She glared at Jenn, who stifled a laugh, then turned back to Kim. "I hope to see more of you." She finished with a smile.
Kim slowly nodded, still blushing.
Kris started to jog backwards. "Jenn, I'll see you later tonight. I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with you." She waved, then turned around and ran down the street.
Jenn waved back at her friend, watching the girl disappear around a corner, she spoke as she did so, "I'm sorry about my friend. She's usually not like that." She turned to look at Kim. The redhead's eyes were wide as if she has just seen a ghost. She started to sway and Jenn caught the girl as she began to fall. "KIM! KIM! What's wrong?!?" She glanced around and frantically called out to anyone who would listen, "Help, HELP!!! ANYBODY!!!"
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com