A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Two: Awakening
Chapter Eight - Blood Soaked Feelings
Jenn carried the redhead down to the nurse's office and was surprised when the nurse did not even bat an eye at the bleeding girl in her arms or her own torn clothes and believed her entirely when she told the nurse that Kimberly only fell. The nurse led the two girls into her office and left them alone. Jenn gently set Kimberly onto one of the beds then quickly closed the curtain around the bed. She grabbed a first aid kit and bandages then returned to Kim's side.
Thoughts rushed through Jenn's head while she stared down at the girl before her. 'What have I gotten myself into this time?' She stopped for a moment with the first aid kit held closely to her chest, struggling with the feelings within her heart. She shook her head it can't be possible. There's no way that Kimberly could ever have feelings for her, so why was she even thinking about it?
"Friends." She stated aloud, "I'll just be her friend. Everyone needs a friend, right?" Confident that she had convinced herself, Jenn sat down next to the bed and opened the kit and stopped again. She thought back to that boy holding Kim. Hurt welled up in her heart as she remembered watching the girl of her dreams kiss a boy. It felt as if someone had ripped out her heart and thrown it to the wolves. She could still feel the sharp pang jabbed through her chest, clenching her chest she tried hard to force the agony away.
Jenn gazed down at the sleeping form of the girl who just rescued her, confused, as to why did she get between the two of them? She could have just turned around. She could have not got involved, except that there was something about that boy that felt wrong. Her eyes fell on the blood smeared down the front of Kim's shirt, then her attention moved to the crimson that had transferred on her own shirt while carrying the girl. It was real, she could smell it and feel it against her skin, and it could not be a dream? Or if it were it would be the most vivid one she had ever had.
She leaned over Kimberly and waved a hand in front of the girl's face. "Hey, you going to wake up?" She inquired softly. There was no answer. Jenn swallowed hard as her gaze shifted back to the blood. It was not like she was afraid of blood, far from it. It was more like she felt embarrassed to take the girl's shirt off so she could bandage her wounds. She laughed to herself then pulled off the girl's blazer before grabbed a pair of scissors to cut away at Kimberly's shirt, starting from the holes Lauren had left.
Her hands moved swiftly as they stripped off Kimberly's shirt and tie, then bra and began to clean up the blood with a damp cloth. She was amazed to see that the bleeding had stopped all on its own, but this allowed her to concentrate more on bandaging and cleaning up without worrying about having to call a hospital. She tenderly dabbed the damp cloth at Kimberly's soft white skin. Trying hard to keep her mind on the task at hand however she could not take her eyes off how beautiful the girl looked. More then once she found herself struggling with the need to kiss the girl; wondering if that would wake her up like in those fairy tales. Jenn quickly shook the thought from her mind and returned to bandaging the wound.
After some struggling Jenn finally managed to satisfactorily wrap up Kimberly's shoulder and chest. She found herself stopping at one point, scanning the girl's arms. They were covered in cut marks, some fresh and other partly healed. Not deep enough to kill, nevertheless they still looked rather painful and there was a large bruise on her side that looked very recent too. She turned her gaze back to Kim's sleeping face and wondered just what was going through the girl's mind. Was she sleeping peacefully or being haunted by something that Jenn could not comprehend. Jenn finished off the last of the bandages, fastening them in place, then she gently laid the girl back in the bed and pulled the covers close to the her chin.
Jenn turned to leave, however seeing Kimberly lying so defenceless like that made it very hard. She told the nurse that she would be right back and to tell Kimberly if she woke up. She found a pair of extra uniforms in the Gym locker room, changed out of her blood soaked clothes and made sure she grabbed some for Kimberly as well. She then took the stairs two at a time back up to the roof in search of her book bag. She found it undamaged at the far end of the roof. She quickly scooped it up and ran as quickly as she could back down to Kimberly's side.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com