A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Eleven: Lost and Found
Chapter Fifty-One - A Second First Kiss
"This place is giving me the creeps." Kima concluded.
"It’s like before, only where are all the people?" Kim noted scanning the street they now walked down the middle of.
"The stage is set only there are no actors." Kima looked up at the moon as it rose in to the sky, "Doesn't it feel like time is moving rather slowly or is it just me?"
"Where are we?" Kim asked gazing into the window of yet another passing house in hopes of spotting any sign of life, "I mean we aren't dead, but at the same time..."
"...The town is..." Kima finished Kim's thought, "I wonder if this is some form of hell."
Kim shivered at the thought, "Eternity alone with your reflection." She let out a depressed sigh.
"What is so bad about that?" Kima asked offended by her other half's remarks, "You are hopeless." She shook her head in disappointment; "You could try to get along with me seeing as we are 'stuck' together, as you put it so nicely."
"I just want to go home." Kim stated bluntly.
"Maybe we should." Kima suggest, "Our old house should be just around this corner somewhere. Don't you remember?" She pointed down the road; "You can see our school from here. We used to walk with Natalie along this strip everyday. Remember?"
Kim studied their surroundings, "I don't remember living around here." She said doubtful of her double’s memories.
"Yes, we did!" Kima exclaimed as she started into a sprint, "It was just around this corner."
"Hey!" Kim began to run after her twin, "Wait up!" She called out, she may have not liked her reflection, but she was right. It was better then being alone.
Kima began to round the corner then unexpectedly stopped in her tracks and ducked behind a brick wall that fenced off the neighbourhood she was about to enter. Nervously, her eyes darted around.
Sensing there was something wrong Kim crept up along the wall towards her twin, "What is it?" She asked in a whisper.
"Jenn..." Kima said seeming rather stunned then anything else.
"Jenn?!?" Kim jumped to her feet only to have her double pull her to the ground, "Hey!" Kim called out, perplexed by her doubles actions.
"Shhh..." Kima silenced Kim in a warning fashion, "Something is strange. She was younger..." She explained.
"Younger?" Kim asked confused, "How so?"
"A lot younger..." Kima stated then thought to herself, "She looked just like that girl we..." She blinked and stared at Kim, "She couldn't be?"
Jenn knew she was disobeying a direct order from her mother and she knew that she would be punished if she was caught, but she needed to see that redhead again. There was something about her and maybe she could explain to her what was going on. Why she was having dreams about knowing the girl in the future? She shook her head at the idea. It couldn't be possible. She looked down at her tiny hands. There was no way she could have gone backwards in time. It must have been a weird dream, however that still doesn't explain how come she remembered meeting Kim before this day. She glanced up at the house that the girl had pointed out only an hour before, She had been standing on the lawn staring at the house for the past ten minutes now trying to sort out her thoughts when the door opened and Kim stepped out.
"Hi..." Kim said shyly from the top of the steps to the patio, "Did you get into trouble?" She asked her eyes nervously darted around the neighbourhood, almost in search of something.
Jenn shrugged, "Not really..." She rubbed the toe of her shoe in the grass while trying to think of something else to say.
Kim glanced back towards the house then down the road and back to Jenn, "Would you... ummm... like some pop?" She asked timidly.
"Sure!" Jenn responded with more excitement then she intended, "Umm… That is if it is alright..." She blushed.
Kim gave the girl a cute smile, "You can come inside if you like." She said as she turned and started back towards the front door, "It’s dangerous to be out at night."
Jenn half skipped up the stairs and across the patio. Inside the house was pretty much like all the other mobile homes. There was a small couch and chair in the living room that appeared like it had seen one to many days of use and a TV that stood upon a metal stand, not much different from her own home. Kim opened the fridge, "We have orange." She stated picking up one of the cans and offering it to the girl.
"Thanks." Jenn took the can gratefully. She didn't open it right away; instead she rolled the cool can between her hands as she glazed around the room some more. The sound of the fridge closing caused Jenn to spin around and face Kim once again.
"You want to see my room?" Kim asked, her bashful nature seemed to be having an effect on Jenn and the idea of seeing the girl's room made her mind so muddled that she could only respond with a simple nod, "Okay." Kima passed by Jenn and turned down the long narrow hall that Jenn still found hard to get accustomed to in these places. Every single time she had to go down these halls she felt as if the walls were going to close in on her. When ever she could she would leave out the front door and come in the back entrance to avoid the hall entirely. Mind you Kim's room was near the beginning of the hall so the journey wasn't all that bad and before that unsettling feeling could seep into Jenn they were already out of the hall and she let out a sigh of relief as she entered Kim's room. The room itself was small, not unlike Jenn’s; there was a small pink dresser against one wall and a bed under the window, which was also pink with a pink blanket. Jenn glanced around the room in awe at the brightness.
Kim sat upon the bed and let out a weak sigh, "I know... It's too pink, isn't it?" She asked sheepishly, she picked up a stuffed teddy bear and hugged it in her arms.
"No." Jenn quickly replied she realized that had replied to quickly because Kim seemed saddened by the response, "I like pink! Really!" Jenn stepped closer to the girl while looking around the room. She noticed a few stuffed animals across the dresser and on the floor bears, cats a racoon and a pink panther. Her eyes again fell on the redhead before her and she found herself being drawn into the girl. She stepped ever so much closer, not able to take her eyes off that beautiful red hair and those ruby eyes, "Your eyes are beautiful..." Jenn said almost in a daze.
Kim blushed and glanced at the ground, "They are weird." She countered, rubbing her eyes in shame that the girl had been looking at them, "Dad always tells me that they are unnatural." She glanced up to find her own eyes trapped by Jenn's gaze.
"I don't think so." Jenn replied still not able to remove her eyes from the girl's. She was now standing close enough to Kim that if she wished she could reach out and touch the girl and she truly desired to do so. Since the first day she saw those eyes she wanted to looked deep into them and free the girl of all the pain that resides within her soul.
"I..." Kim too could feel something draw her towards the girl as well. As if something powerful was pulling them closer. She bit her lip and tried to pull back only to have Jenn raise her hand and touch the girl gently on the cheek. Kim shivered against the touch, Jenn's fingers were still cold from the can in her hand, "I... we..." She shook her head she could not understand the feelings that were rushing through her mind. Finally her eyes broke free of Jenn's and she place her pop on a night table next to her bed, "You don't want to get close to me... I'm... dirty..." She hugged her teddy closer and buried part of her face into it's head, "and nasty... always thinking of filthy thoughts... I try not to... I just..." She mumbled into the bear.
"What makes you think you are dirty?" Jenn set her pop next to Kim's and slid up onto the bed beside Kim only to have the red head move a slight bit away. Not far away, just an inch or so.
"I..." Kim lifted her head slightly and let out a sigh, "I've been watching you..." She admitted feeling ashamed of herself.
"You have?" Jenn was more amused by this idea then anything else, "How long?"
"Since we moved in." Kim's feet swung from the bed, "You didn't seem to notice me so I thought you already knew I was dirty and didn't want to be around me."
"I'm sorry..." Jenn's eyes shifted, it was now her turn to feel embarrassed, "I have been too busy with my own thoughts I guess." She let out a sigh and rubbed her head, and then looked at the red head, "Have you ever thought about kissing another girl?" She blurted out.
Kim turned a bright shade of red and started to squirm in place, "Ummm..."
"I'm sorry." Jenn quickly apologized noticing the discomfort she was causing the girl, "I didn't mean to scare you. I just... Geez... I can be such an idiot. I'll go..." She was about to stand when Kim grabbed her by the sleeve.
"No..." Kim said, still not able to look at Jenn, "I have... a lot..." She said in a whisper, almost too soft to be heard.
"Huh?" Jenn was a little confused by the girl's remarks, "You mean... is that what you meant by being dirty?" Jenn inquired. Kim simple nodded her head. A tear began to form in her eye and Jenn placed her hand upon the girl's cheek causing Kim to look up at her, "Then so am I." Jenn admitted.
It was as if a dam broke inside of Kim as the tears flowed down her cheeks, splashing down upon her teddy. She reached out and clenched at Jenn's shirt, letting the stuffed toy fall to the ground, "I'm sorry." She apologized with a sob.
"Don't be." Jenn patted the girl on the head, "I'm not." She stated with a smile.
Kim gazed into Jenn’s eyes to see if the girl was serious, "You don't think I'm dirty?" She shakily asked.
Jenn shook her head, "Not at all." She wiped one of the tears off of Kim's cheek and stared into those deep red eyes. Her heart began to pound out of control and it felt like it was being pulled towards the red head, "Not one bit." She repeated and placed a soft kiss upon the girl's lips. At first it felt as if Kim was going to break away, but instead she sunk deeper into the kiss and wrapped an arm around Jenn. A rush of emotions filled Jenn's soul as she experienced her first kiss for the second time. Jenn now knew why she felt she knew Kim when they saw each other walking to school, the reason why dreams of the girl felt so real. What was missing in her life? But the question still remained. Why would she forget such a wondrous moment as this? She got her answer with the sound of the bedroom door banging opened.
"What in hell do you two think you are doing in here?" Came a very burly and angry voice. Jenn quickly broke free from the kiss to turn and see Kim's father entering the room. She skittered backward away from the man, searching for a means of escape.
"Daddy!" Kim jumped to her feet and quickly approached her father only to be knocked to the ground by one of his muscular arms.
"I don't want to hear from you." He yelled angrily at the girl, "We leave you alone for one moment and what do I find you doing?" He turned to Jenn, "And you! Who do you think you are?" He snarled at the girl.
"I..." Jenn stammered trying to think of an explanation, but she was not fast enough and the man was coming towards her, reaching out for her. Fear welled up in her mind as she suddenly remembered the punishment this man would give her if he got his hands on her again.
"Dirty little bitch!" He snapped at Jenn as he grabbed for the girl. Jenn managed to slip under the man's large grasp and duck around him. Before he knew what was going on Jenn was already out of the room and running down the hall. She broke out of the house, leaped down the stairs, falling to the ground and scrambled to her feet wanting nothing more then to escape the nightmare from within that house.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com