A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Ten: Struggles Twofold
Chapter Forty-Three - Brand-new You
Natalie and Kima exited the mall with several bags in their hands. A fresh spring breeze rushed passed them, causing their hair to flutter. Kima smiled at the feeling and ran a hand through her newly cut hair, "I wish I'd cut my hair earlier." She exclaimed, then ran off across the field with her arms out stretched and spinning around, "Do you really like it Natalie?" She asked her friend.
Natalie surveyed her friend's new look once again. Kima's hair was cut shoulder length with the back layered, she left the front with intent to let the bangs grew out, Natalie thought the hairdresser going to have a heart attack when Kima told her how short she wanted it. Kima also sported new attire comprised of a pair of baggy brown cargo pants and a tight black tank top. Natalie still found it hard to keep from staring at the girl in astonishment over the transformation. Even though she had been there during the whole process Natalie still found herself stunned by how different her friend looked and how well this new style suited her, "You really look great." She finally mustered to say, "Really."
Kima blushed and spun around one last time then gazed up at the sky, "I never felt so free before." She smiled and closed her eyes while staring at the sun, a small tear formed in the corner of her eye, "Too bad it won't last." She said sadly and lowered her head.
Natalie approached Kima and set her hand upon the girl's shoulder, "Everything will work out, you'll see."
"But what if I don't want to go back?" Kima said in almost a whisper, "What if she never accepts me?" She rubbed her eye with the back of her hand.
Natalie watched this for a moment. No matter how different the two Kimberly's acted they were still very much alike. She wrapped her arm around the red head and pulled her close, "It is alright." Natalie said ever so softly, "She just needs some time to sort things out. She'll come around. You'll see. You both are a part of each other."
Kima pulled back a little, "Yeah, you're right." She wiped at her eyes one last time then took a deep breath, "She needs me." She said with a smile, and then spun around and started to run towards the western dorm, "Come on Nat. I want to show Kim our new look." She exclaimed excitedly.
Natalie rubbed the back of her head. She felt it was not going to be easy to get used to this new Kim, "Hey wait up!" Natalie called out as she ran after her friend. The two of them laughed as they crossed the grass towards the Western Dorm and bust into the building still laughing and giggling however their cheerfulness died away the moment they stepped into the lobby.
Sitting upon one of the couched was Kimberly, Kris and Jessica and across from them was none other than Head Mistress Sophia. She turned to watch the two girls as they entered the room, "I'm glad to see you are enjoying yourselves." She said with a smile.
"H... head Mistress!?!" Natalie nervously glanced from the head mistress to Kima, who was now hiding behind her, "Jessica!?!" She glared at the dorm head.
"Don't look at me." Jessica put up her hands defensively.
"I came of my own accord. "Sophia stated as she stood, "I was worried about Kim here, after Amy told me about her wounds I wanted to check on her myself. Then I received this." She tapped on a brown folder in her lap; "I thought something was unusual for I have never received a double copy of any file before." She peered around Natalie, "However, this is a little unexpected." She smiled at Kima, "I will not harm you. Let's have a look at you." Kima nervously stepped out from behind her friend.
Kim abruptly stood in shock, "You cut my hair!?!" She exclaimed, stunned to see herself with short hair, silently she had always wanted to have short hair, to feel the breeze on her neck but was too afraid to ask. Now here was her other half, a braver half, doing all the things she only wished she could do, exposed arms and a tight sure that showed off just how much she had developed over the years, along with a new haircut. Sadness filled the girl's eyes that Kima noticed and was about to open her mouth when Jessica jumped to her feet.
"Wow!!!" Jessica said in astonishment as she approached Kima, eyeing her up and down, "I thought you were a cutie before, but now this sight really makes my heart ache." She reached out to run a hand through Kima's hair, causing her to shivered at the girl's touch and gave Jessica an intense look that Jessica could only describe as hunger. Kima bit her lip and reached out to caress the girl's cheek with the back of her hand and it was Jessica turn to step back from the red head, swallowing hard and blushing.
"Carefully Jessie." Natalie said with a sly grin, "This girl can give you a run for your money." She chuckled softly.
"I... I can see that..." Jessica had to shake her head, "Maybe we should put a sign around her neck warning the other girls."
Kima blushed, "I'm sorry..." She turned her gazed to the ground, ashamed of herself.
Sophia approached Kima and examined her over closely, "This is definitely something." She remarked, "You look exactly like Kimberly and at the same time." She took the girl’s chin in her hand to raise her eyes to meet her own, "There is something there that was not present in your counterpart's eyes." Sophia herself found it hard to pull away from those ruby red eyes. She too needed to shake her head to clear it before proceeding to open the file she held in her hand, "It never ceases to amaze me how accurate these files can be."
"What does it say?" Kim asked curious what was written about her reflection.
"Nothing special." Sophia said lightly, "Just that she has a fresh cut along her left arm." Nodding towards Kima's arm, causing the girl to wrap her arms around her stomach, "The most interesting thing is the photo." Sophia turned the file around so that the others could see. Upon the upper right corner of the first page was a small picture. It showed Kima with the same short hair and clothes that she wore at that very moment.
"But I just cut my hair!" Kima stated in confusion, "How could...?"
"How can a reflection come to life?" Sophia simply returned.
Kima nervously fiddled with the bottom of her shirt, "I don't know... I just..." She felt cornered and was looking for a place to hide when Sophia gave the girl a reassuring pat on the head.
"No need to worry." She said with a grin, "You are both welcome here. No one is going to take you away."
"Really!?!" Kima's eyes brightly light up, "I can stay here???" She asked excitedly.
"Yes, you can stay as long as you like." Sophia stated with a nod, "However, I would like you and Kim to see Amy tomorrow if possible."
"Why me?" Kim protested.
"You got cut as well did you not?" Sophia replied.
Kim shyly gazed at the ground, "yeah..."
Sophia knelt next to Kim, "I know that you may not like your reflection, but try to get along with her, okay?" She gave the girl a wink, and then stood up, "Now that you all are aware that we know of Kima's presence you don't have to worry about hiding her anymore. She is welcome here just like the rest of you."
Jessica let out a sigh of relief, "I was really worried about how we were going to handle that." She said.
Sophia turned to look at Jessica, "The next time you find a new girl here don't be afraid to tell us. We more than likely already are aware that they will be arriving, we just need to be told when they get here. Alright?"
Jessica felt embarrassed, "Sorry Head Mistress"
"No need for apologies." Sophia assured, "Which reminds me. You will have a new addition to the dorms sometime soon. I hope there is enough room."
Jessica ran over to the office and brought out the book of room listings, "We still have some openings, however it is becoming a crowded year." She expressed a bit concerned.
"That it is." Sophia said with a sigh, "I'm sorry if this is a rough year on you all." She apologized.
"Nah." Jessica closed the book and glanced at the group of girls that she'd just made into friends. Her eyes fell on Kris and she smiled then returned her gaze to Sophia, "I think this is going to be a great year." She said enthusiastically.
"I'm glad." Sophia said, "Myself or Missy will return from time to time to check up on things. Have a good evening girls." She started out of the building with the girls saying their farewells at her feet.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com