Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 4)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 4

Title: Part 2: Chapter 4

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Oct 03, 19__
I fall too fast...
I remind me.
I fall too fast...
As she looks at me.
I fall too fast...
She approaches me.
I fall too fast...
Sits next to me.
I fall too fast...
She talks to me.
I fall too fast...
She touched me.
I'm falling too fast...
She smiles at me.
I'm falling too fast...
She danced with me.
I'm falling too fast...
She held me.
I'm falling too fast...
She is kind to me.
I'm falling too fast...
She kissed me.
I've fallen too fast...
She came home with me.
I've fallen too fast...
She curled up with me.
I've fallen too fast...
She slept with me.
I fell...
And she ran from me....

Chapter Four - Toothy Shadows

Somewhere deep within the city, while the inhabitants quietly slumber, something swiftly moved from shadow to shadow. If a passer-by happened to see it through the corner of their eye, they would simply have mistook it for the silhouette caused by moonlight through trees. This dark form, however, didn't truly exist in the realm of the physical eye. No, it was of a different nature and it had a purpose that moonlit night as it slid across the ground toward a small apartment building. Without hesitation, it scaled the wall, stopping from time to time to peer upon the sleeping forms within, in search of something.

On the fifth floor slept sixteen-year-old girl, Kimberly Harrison. Her long red hair clung to her unnaturally pale skin as she tossed and turned in her powder blue nightgown. A moan escaped her lips as she squeezed her eyes tight against whatever horrors tried to take hold of her dreams, Kicking at her blankets in a vain attempt to fight off the invisible intruder. Something fell from the ceiling to land upon her cheek, a sticky, slimy substance that glistened in the moonlight. As the girl sleepily attempted to wipe it off her face another drop landed on her hand.

Finally she was able to pull herself out of the nightmare to find herself staring up into the pit of darkness that was once her ceiling. Around the edge of the walls a set of jagged teeth emerged and a long whip like tongue dangled from the centre, dripping saliva onto the girl. Before she could regain her wits the tongue shot out at her like a spear, piercing her shoulder, pinning the child to the bed and causing a shooting pain to rip through her body. She watched in horror as yet another tongue emerged from the depths of the creature's mouth and began to whip around before her eyes. As the second tongue flew towards the girl she let out an ear-shattering scream.
Kimberly fell out of bed, flailing her arms about wildly. Her screams could be heard throughout the tiny apartment, resonating off the walls. Slowly she began to calm down, and as she pulled her arms from around her head she could see she was alone in her room; a stream of sunlight shone across the ceiling telling her that once again the night was over and she would have to face another day. She lay still in the middle of her room for a moment, trying to regain her breathe before rising to her feet and fixing her nightgown. She took a look around the little room to get her bearings. All around her were boxes, boxes of things that only weeks ago she had neatly packed away for what felt like the hundredth time.

She turned to gaze at herself in the dresser mirror. Her face had a childlike appearance to it, soft round cheeks, dabbled with a sprinkling of freckles surrounded by long flowing fiery red hair, made her appear to be twelve instead of sixteen, now her eyes; that was entirely different. People used to say the eyes were a window to one's soul. If that were true then this girl's eyes showed a soul that had been torn into a million pieces and scattered to the winds. So tired were those eyes that they looked like they belonged to someone twice her age. She found herself transfixed by her own eyes, a deep dark orange with flakes of white. She sometimes wondered if those eyes really belonged to her. So many people have mentioned how beautiful and unique they were, yet she felt someone so ordinary as herself did not deserve anything beautiful.

She gazed deeper into her eyes in search for the other person that hid deep within. She knew that girl was in there somewhere, could sometime feel her trying to crawl her way out of the depths from which she had fallen. Kimberly took a deep breath and closed her eyes; it became a ritual of hers, she didn't want the girl to come out while she was not in the safety of her own home, so she would force her deeper inside with every passing day.  Slowly, Kim turned away from her image until her eyes fell on a small picture frame sitting on the corner of her dresser. She gently picked up the frame and gazed upon the photo within.

The photo was of a beautiful young lady with shoulder length reddish brown hair. Although the woman had a smile on her face, her eyes also conveyed otherwise. The girl lightly touched the photo and whispered to herself, "Good morning, mother."  She set the photo back down, then cautiously began to move about the room to find her new school uniform hanging on a hook attached to the back of the door to her new room. She took the cloths off the hook and carefully placed them neatly upon her bed, being sure to smooth out any wrinkles that appeared. She examined the uniform for a moment before pulling off her nightgown and attentively took each article off the hanger before slowly putting on each layer. Kim turned to peer at herself in the mirror as she fixed the tie in place, making certain that it was straight. She then pulled on the sleeves of the blue blazer until only the tips of her fingers could be seen peeking out. Not even the sight of herself in a new uniform could cheer her up this morning. She felt lost in its folds, almost as if she was not worthy of wearing such fine uniform as this.

Only when she felt she was ready did she dare venture out of her room. Silently she opened her door and poked her head out, glancing up and down the long narrow hall. When she was sure the coast was clear she crept out of her room, only stopping for a moment to take a peek inside the next room. It was also filled with boxes, and a double bed stood in the middle, its blankets undisturbed. The girl backed up and continued to weave her way through the boxes and clutter.

Eventually she found her way to the kitchen. She looked around one more time and only when she was certain she was really alone did she let herself breathe. Quickly she opened a box marked "Pots" and dug around until she found a frying pan, setting it on the stove. She then opened the fridge and grabbed two eggs and some bread. The eggs popped and crackled with life on the pan as she buttered the bread, then grabbed a plate from yet another box. When she was finished eating, she washed all the dishes and set them in a drain rack that she found with the plates. At last she picked up her school backpack and took one last glance around the apartment, knowing far too well that she would have to unpack everything herself this weekend.


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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