Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 36)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 36

Title: Part 9: Chapter 36

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Nine: Shattered Glass, Broken Hearts

Chapter Thirty-Six - Blurred Vision

The sound of Meatloaf's tell tale voice softly drifted throughout Natalie's room as the "Bat out of Hell" CD played on a small CD player on the desk as Natalie sat upon her bed, staring at the ceiling. She had stopped crying only moments earlier, however now she just had her circling thoughts to contend with. More than once she had asked herself why she never told Alyson how she felt and why she believed the girl felt the same. Natalie thought for certain that the girl would have known her feelings. She seemed so knowledgeable of the world at large that Natalie genuinely thought the girl would have caught onto her advances. And yet now that Natalie thought more about it she realized how stupid she had been in believing there was more to Alyson's actions than just being protective of her.

Pulling out the necklace from within her shirt and letting it sway before her eyes, she considered tossing the thing out. All this time she thought of the gift as so much more then just a simple protection pendant, however at that moment she felt that she, herself, was dense for not noticing how Alyson shrugged away her affections. The necklace was nothing more than a rock and Natalie suddenly felt ashamed of herself for thinking it was something more. She proceeded to pull off the necklace and tossed it onto the bed opposite her own and watched the stone bounce across the bed into the corner and slide down the crack between the bed and the wall. For a moment she was about to get up and retrieve the thing when there was a knock at the door.

Natalie just watched in silence as the necklace finally disappeared behind the bed, until another knocking at the door jolted her out of her thoughts and she finally spoke, “Who is it?" She asked, not really wanting company and yet didn't really want to be alone either.

"It's me..." A soft voice said from beyond the wooden door, "Kim."

"Come in!" Natalie called out, quickly sitting up and wiping at her eyes with the bottom of her shirt. The door opened and Kimberly entered the room still in her bloody bathrobe, "How you feeling?" Natalie asked, trying hard to cover her own pain, "How's your arm?"

Kim rubbed her left arm, "It is alright, I guess." She said with a shrug and she crossed the room and sat on the bed next to Natalie and gazed in the girl’s eyes, "Were you crying?" There was concern in her tone and eyes.

"No!" Natalie lied, "Just something in my eyes."

"Oh," Kim studied at Natalie closely, "I missed you." She said softly.

Natalie blinked at the girl, "I missed you too." she repeated the sentiment.

"Really?" Kim moved closer, forcing Natalie to lean back slightly. Part of Kim's robe fell opened and Nat could not help, but to peer within their folds. Nat wondered what she would have seen if the redhead didn't have so many bandages covering her body then shook her head and returned her eyes at the girl's.

"Really!" Natalie admitted. Kim had a look in her eyes that was unsettling to Natalie, then the redhead suddenly sat back and Nat gave out a short sigh of relief.

The CD changed tracks and "Two out of Three" began to play. Kim glanced at the stereo then back to her friend, "You didn't have something in your eye, did you?" Kim asked boldly, "You are laying here, alone, listening to Meatloaf. Don't tell me everything is perfect."

Natalie was startled by Kim confronting her like this, "Well," She rubbed the back of her head. Kim was never the type to question her, even when Natalie's lie was so transparent. Usually the girl would just leave things as they were with no questions asked. Natalie tried to think of how to deal with this change and flopped backwards upon the bed with her arms behind her head, "Sorry, I just didn't want to worry you." She lightly closed her eyes.

"What is bothering you?" Kim asked, leaning back on one elbow and setting a free hand softly on Natalie's tummy.

Natalie opened an eye and looked at the girl who smiled down at her, "It is nothing." She propped herself up on her elbows and cocked her head, "Since when have you been so full of questions?" She inquired.

"Oh," Kim lightly traced a finger across the tummy of Natalie's t-shirt, "A lot has changed since we last met. You could say I've grown up more."

"Is that so?" Natalie gave the girl a curious look, "Is something wrong? You are acting weird."

"I'm just concerned about you." Kim lightly placed her head on Natalie's stomach, "I missed you dearly." She said softly.

Natalie lay back again, "I'm sorry to worry you." She said, staring up at the ceiling, "I just have a lot on my mind." She closed her eyes and set a hand upon the girl's head, stroking her hair.

"Maybe I can help." Kim stated, her hand gently pulled Natalie shirt up to expose her belly, "Remember when we were younger," Kim trace a finger around the girl's belly button, "and we would lay like this during lunch hour. Just the two of us."

Natalie could feel her temperature rise as goose bumps rush across her flesh, "Yeah..." She swallowed, recalling the memory, "I sometimes wished the bell would never ring." She smiled at the thought.

"It won't ring here." Kim said, she unzipped Natalie's jean skirt and slipped her hand into them.

"Wait!" Natalie sat upright forcing Kim to do the same, "What are you doing?" Natalie stared at the girl confused by her sudden forwardness, "This is not like you. Anyway, I thought you liked Jennifer?" She asked nervously.

"What gave you that impression?" Kim grinned seductively at Natalie and proceeded to crawl closer to the girl, forcing her against the headboard.

"Kim, stop it." Natalie nervously tried to find a way to escape, "What is wrong with you?" She stammered.

"Nothing is wrong." Kim leaned in closer to the girl, "I just want you." Her lips touched Natalie's and she gave the girl a deep kiss while skidding her hand down Natalie’s thigh, under her skirt.

The door suddenly burst open and Nicole entered the room, "Sis, there is a prob-" She stopped in tracks and stared at the scene before her. Her sister was laying half across the bed with an arm around Kimberly, whom in turn had a hand up Natalie’s skirt. Nicole glanced from one girl to another, trembling, "Natalie..?" She was confused by what she was seeing, "How... how could you?" She muttered.

"It is not what you think!" Natalie began to free herself from Kim's folds, trying to keep her skirt from falling down, when Alyson entered the room.

"Jessica wasn't in the office-" She stopped in the door. Her mind try to make some sense of what she was seeing, "I... I'm sorry..." She quickly turned and left the room.

"Alyson wait!" Natalie pushed Kim off of her and zipped up her skirt as she ran after the girl.

"Alyson, would you wait up!?!" Natalie called out after the girl as they ran down the stairs to the second floor and back to the washroom where Alyson found her sword still laying where she had left it. She unsheathed the blade and turned it on Natalie who stopped dead in her tracks, "Now wait a second here." Natalie put up her hands in protest.

"Stay away from me!!" Alyson shouted, holding the sword between them, "Here I was beginning to believe your lies about love." She mumbled, "You are no better then everyone else around here."

"Now that is not fair!" Natalie countered angrily, "Won't you let me explain?" She pleaded.

"What is to explain?" Alyson asked waving the sword to keep Natalie at bay, "I caught you literally with your pants down."

A door opened down the hall and Jenn stepped out into the hall, "What is all the yelling about? Kim is still sleeping you know?" She said in a hushed voice.

Natalie turned to look at Jenn, "Sleeping?" She asked in confusion, "Kim, is still with you?" She inquired.

"Yes, why?" Jenn glanced between the girls as they ran to the room to look upon the redhead's sleeping form, "Is something wrong?" Jenn asked.

"The mirror..." Alyson slapped herself on her forehead, "Why didn't I see it before?" Her eyes widened and she approached Natalie, "Where is your necklace? Are you not wearing it?" She was almost in hysterics.

Natalie touched her shirt, "I... I took it off... only a moment ago..." She looked around, "Where is Nicole?"

"Is something wrong?" Jenn whispered softly, glancing from Natalie to Alyson and back again.

"You... you stay here..." Natalie nervously whispered, "Keep an eye on her..." she quickly, yet quietly left the room and closed the door.


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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