Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 34)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 34

Title: Part 9: Chapter 34

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Nine: Shattered Glass, Broken Hearts

Chapter Thirty-Four - Shards of Fate

"Is... is she going to be alright?" Jenn asked nervously glancing down at her friend as Alyson placed the redhead gently onto her bed.

Alyson took another look at Kim's bandaged arm, and then sharply gazed up, "Where did she get cut?" She quickly demanded.

"The washroom..." Jessica stated pointing down the hall, "We still haven't cleaned it up so-" She was startled by Alyson unexpectedly getting up and pushing past her in the direction she had just indicated. Nicole followed close behind the girl. Jessica took one last look at Jenn and Kim before venturing after the girls, leaving Kris standing in the doorway.

Kris tried to find her voice as she stood in the threshold, one hand on the doorframe. She observed as Jenn slowly sat upon the bed next to Kim and gingerly brushed the redhead's hair out off her face. Kris felt her heart ache at the mere sight, however she could not take her eyes off the two of them. Jenn finally looked up from Kim to see her old friend watching her. She glared at the girl.

"What do you want?" Jenn demanded coldly.

"I..." Kris struggled with the word inside her head. There was so much she wanted to say, but didn't know how to convey them, "I'm sorry..." She guiltily said, lowering her head to avoid Jenn's gaze.

"You're sorry?" Jenn asked the anger she had for the girl could be heard clearly, "You lied to me!" She exclaimed.

"I..." Kris tried to look at her friend, but found it hard.

"You knew all this time and didn't even tell me." Jenn vexed, "Where you going to just pretend that May didn't exist or something?"

"No!" Kris countered, "I just..." she thought to herself for a moment, "I just..." She was no longer sure why it was that she lied. She clenched at the chest of her shirt with a trembling hand, "I..." Her eyes lowered to the ground.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." Jenn said bluntly and turned back to Kim's sleeping face.

"But..." Kris started to enter the room with one hand out reached towards Jenn.

"LEAVE!!" Jenn shouted, startling Kris so badly that she staggered backwards out of the room to lean again the far wall of the hall, "I... sorry..." She slowly righted herself, pulled the door shut before heading back downstairs.


In the washroom, Alyson set her sword next to the door before she hoped through the mess of glass. She watched her step carefully, making sure not to stir up any of the broken mirror or blood. She knelt low to the ground and peered closely at some of the splatters of crimson, then glanced up at the line of broken mirrors.

"Did she do this all on her own?" Alyson inquired quietly, almost as if she was afraid of waking someone, "Was anyone else in the room?"

"Not as far as we know." Jessica stated leaning against one of the stalls with her arms crossed, "As far as I know she came in here alone. Something must have really frightened her because she was shaking something fierce and rambling to herself."

Alyson stood up and approached one of the mirrors, "What did she say?" She continued to probe while examining the edge of the glass.

"Just that she saw May in the mirror." Jessica replied, "Maybe she really did see a ghost." She said with a shrug.

"But how did she know it was May?" Alyson asked, one eyebrow rose, while looking over at the dorm head, "She just arrived here, didn't she?"

Jessica was startled by this question. She never considered that before, "But Jenn believed her and said she saw May the other day."

"Maybe she did." Alyson returned to the mirror's frame and stopped. She abruptly turned around and surveyed the scene before her and then turned back again and gazed into the sinks. There was not a single shard of glass in any of them, "Did you clean the counter already?" She asked with a note of concern.

"No, why?" Jessica stepped around Nicole, who was standing near the door, carefully removing the daggers from the apples. Jessica patted the girl on the head before approaching the sinks herself and tried to find what was interesting Alyson so much.

"When a mirror breaks," Alyson explained pointing at the frame of one of the mirrors, "Most of the shards would have just toppled and come crashing down on the sink." She turned around and studied the glass of the floor; "This looks more like the mirrors exploded outwards at the girl."

"Are you saying the mirrors attacked Kim?" Jessica asked with a chuckle, "No matter how much people think this place is haunted, it isn't." She stated confident with her beliefs, "I've been here most of my life and not once have I seen a ghost."

Alyson knelt close to the ground to examine the blood trail, "I never said it was a ghost." Alyson stated.

Jessica merely shook her head, "Well, you continue to play detective. I need to check the office to see if there were any calls while we were gone." She began to leave the room and turned to Nicole before leaving, "Make sure Nancy Drew here doesn't get herself into to much trouble for me, alright?" She said with a smile.

"Sure!" Nicole said cheerfully.

"Just stay away from that glass." Jessica added. She took one last look at the room. She may not believe in ghosts or spirits but something about that glass made her shudder. She quickly turned away and left the room.

"Can I help?" Nicole asked excitedly as she wiped one of the daggers off with a paper towel and placed it in her pocket and the apples on the counter.

"Unnn..." Alyson was too lost in her thoughts to notice the girl. She was starring at a large piece of glass that was so thoroughly soaked that it turned flush. She leaned closer to the shard and blinked and then glanced at yet another and another, "Nicole, come here!" She called out to the girl.

"'Kay!" Nicole carefully crept across the room, avoiding the glass the best she could and knelt next to Alyson, "Yes?"

"Look at the glass and tell me what you see?" Alyson asked politely.

Nicole didn't understand, however she did as she asked and stared upon the shards of glass. Millions of multiple images of herself stared back up at her, "I see... mirrors..." She stated bewildered as to what it was the girl wanted her to see.

"Look over here." Alyson pointed at an area of glass covered in blood.

Nicole, yet again, did as she was asked, she expected to see the same things, however, "Where am I?" She asked even more confused. Several shards of glass in that area didn't show any reflection of the girls. One could see the reflection of the walls and the ceiling, but nothing of themselves. Almost like the fabled Vampire with no reflection. Nicole glanced at another shard and there she was staring back at herself, "What?" She queried.

Alyson looked back up at the middle mirror frame, a single shard still held firmly to it. She stood up to take a closer look only to find that this fragment too held no reflection, "We need to find Natalie." She said urgently, as she backed away from the glass, "Quickly."


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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