Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 31)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 31

Title: Part 8: Chapter 31

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Eight: Grave Convictions

Chapter Thirty-One - Childish Worries

"Here we are." Amy stopped at the foot of a large tree and gestured to a plaque that lay at the foot of the tree.

Jenn ran up to the tree and looked upon the plaque, "In Memory of May Young, let her rest soundly and her heart finally be at peace." A tear rolled down her cheek as Jenn's knees started to give way and she crumbled to the ground, "Oh May!!!" She sobbed, "Why didn't you come to me?"

Kim dropped to her friend's side, "I'm sorry Jenn." She could not take her eyes off the plaque. It was just like the one she saw only the other day, just a lot cleaner.

Jenn clenched onto Kim's bathrobe, "Why? It makes no sense." Kim held her friend tightly letting Jenn continue, "I just saw her the other day." Jenn buried her face in the girl's robes, "Why didn't she say anything?"

Kim let out a sigh remembering the scene she had witnessed only the night before. May's confession and in turn her death, "I..." Kim found it hard to speak. She wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't form in her mouth. How could she tell her new friend the reason behind May's death?

Jessica stepped forwards, "I'd only heard stories about that day." She said quietly, "They say she was found in the washroom. No one knows what brought her to doing such a thing." She spoke so softly, almost as if she didn't want to wake to girl that slept so far under the tree.

"Why wasn't I told?" Jenn cried hysterically, "Why???" She looked around at the girls that stood around her.

"We have a rule around here." Jessica said gazing up at the tree, "'Let those discover for themselves what is trapped within their hearts and minds.'" She looked down at Jenn, "It is hard to tell someone when you know it will only hurt them more."

Jenn stared down at the plaque once again, "Why can't I remember?" She whispered.

Kim suddenly glanced up to notice Kris and a couple of others approaching, "Who are they?" Kim asked part out of curiosity and part wanting to protect her friend from prying eyes.

Natalie followed Kim's gaze and was startled to see Alyson standing there, "Alyson?" She said, discontentedly at way her friend was staring at her, yet not moving towards them. Then she saw her little sister running towards them, " Nicole?" Natalie blinked, even more surprised then before.

"Hey Natalie!!!" Nicole called out as she skipped their direction, "Amy! I have those files for you." as if on queue Alyson started after the girl, leaving Kris nervously leaning against a tree. Jenn glared angrily at the girl from where she sat.

Amy stepped towards the bouncing girl, "I completely forgot about those." She said shaking her head, "I'm sorry, you must have searched everywhere for me." She apologized to Nicole.

"Alyson helped me." Nicole stated happily, "And I met a new friend." She grinned handing the files over to the nurse.

"I see." Amy said returning the girl's grin, "Thanks for bringing the files." She took the papers from the girl, and then turned to Alyson, "And thank you also Alyson. It has been a while. How are you doing?" She asked taking the papers from Alyson.

"I'm fine." Alyson stated unkindly, it was very apparent that Alyson didn't stand for Amy's presence.

"I'll be the judge of that." Amy flipped through the papers; "I would like to see you for a check up sometime soon." She stopped on one of the files and became lost in her thoughts. She peered up from the papers for a moment, "I need to get going. I'll talk to you all later." She turned and started heading towards the school without waiting for a reply or goodbyes.

"Thanks again Amy!" Jessica called out after the nurse only to receive a small wave in return.

"Hey Alyson," Natalie finally found her voice.

Alyson glared irately at the girl, "I don't know if I should hug you or hit you." She stated, both anger and tears could be seen in the girl's eyes.

Natalie cringed at Alyson's harsh words, "I'm sorry... It was sort of an emergency... I found Kimberly." She nervously pointed to the redhead.

"I see that." Alyson said not so much as giving the redhead a simple glance, "We need to talk." She took the blonde by the hand and hastily pulled her away from the group.

"Ohhh... lover's quarrel?" Jessica teased.

"Shut up Jessie." Alyson snapped then dragged Natalie to a set of trees in the distance.

"What's wrong Alyson?" Natalie asked uneasily, "Are you mad at me?" She suspected that Alyson would be a little angry at her disappearance, but was not too sure what to expect out of the girl.

"I don't know what I feel." Alyson bluntly stated dropping to the ground under a tree and watching the group of girls that they just left, "So you finally found her?" She asked dismally.

Natalie sat down next to her friend, "Yeah," She admitted looking over at the redhead, "It was like you said. I followed those feelings and it brought me to her. It was rather weird though."

"Weird?" Alyson broke from watching the girls to face Natalie, "How so?" She asked genuinely curious, she always had an interest in the disappearances and reappearances of the residents of the Academy.

"I don't know..." Natalie thought about how to describe that night, "I found her and that black haired girl sitting next to her in the school pool, but not exactly."

"The pool?" Alyson turned her head to look in the direction of the pool, "Do they have any idea how they got there?" She asked puzzling over the situation.

Natalie shook her head, "Nope, and stranger still was the shadow that was trying to pull then under. It was bigger then anything I'd ever seen before and more then that there was a strange feeling of loneliness coming from the creature and I could feel another presence too. Something strong and dark with an intent to kill."

Alyson looked down at the ground not saying a word.

"Alyson, are you alright?" Natalie leaned over to get a closer look at her friend, "You seemed rather down." Natalie suddenly got an idea. She produced a couple of small throwing daggers from the inside of her left sleeve. Smiling at the knives the girl gazed up at the tree to spot a few apples hung overhead. She tossed the daggers into the air and when then returned to her hands they protruded through two apples. She handed one of the apples to Alyson who took it and rolled the apple over in her hands. Natalie proceeded to extract the knife from her apple and began to peel it.

"Natalie..." Alyson took a deep breath while staring at the apple, "I'd like you to stop fighting the shadows." She said quietly.

"Why?!?" Natalie was startled by the girl's requests and cut deep into the apple nearly cutting her own thumb, "Haven't I been of use to you?" She flustered.

"It is not that." Alyson tried to pick her words carefully, "I don't think it is safe."

"And what if I refuse?" Natalie was frustrated, why would Alyson suddenly be pushing her away like this, "I want to be with you. I was going to come back as soon as Kim was settl-."

"YOU CAN'T!!" Alyson stood up sharply.

"Why not?" Natalie countered, "Don't you love me?" Natalie said bluntly then regretted her words when she saw the shocked look on Alyson's face. The fact was that neither of them had talked much about their feelings didn’t help and Natalie clenched her shirt where she would feel the necklace against her skin, "I... I'm sorry... I thought..." Natalie stammered. The two of them had spent so many nights together that she could not help falling in love and she genuinely thought that it was the same for Alyson, "Forgive me..." Natalie dropped her apple and ran off towards the Dorms.

"Natalie!!" Alyson called out to the girl, but couldn't find the strength to run after the girl. She slowly picked up the apple Natalie had just dropped, "I'm so stupid..."


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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