Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 29)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 29

Title: Part 7: Chapter 29

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Seven: Crimson Nightmares

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Deathly Reunion

Kris lay upon her bed staring up at the ceiling, Jenn's accusation still ringing in her ears. Should she have kept May's death a secret? Should she be keeping her feelings a secret? Where was this all leading her? She rolled over in the bed, with her back facing outwards and curled her knees close to her chest as an overwhelming pain filled her heart. 

"Now this is a sight I missed" A voice said from behind Kris, "You huddled in bed like you used to do all the time."

Kris did not turn around to see who spoke, "What are you doing here, Gwen?" She asked while she rolled over and crossing her arms behind her head.

The Angel of Death sat upon the desk chair, her wings faded away leaving only a few glowing feathers drifting through the air. One floated near Kris and she reached out to touch the feather only to have it disappear in her hands. Gwen gazed upon the photo on the girl's desk, "Angelina told me you were back, so I thought I would give you a bit of a holler." She said as she leaned her back in the chair and looked, upside down out the window as the sun crossed the sky.

"I don't care for your company, so why don't you just go away." Kris said, wrapping her arms over her eyes.

"Now that is not the Aigneis that I remember so dearly." Gwen said, getting up and walking over to the girl's side.

Kris uncovered her eyes to glared angrily at the Angel, "I'm not Aigneis, and you know it, so stop bothering me." Kris's word where like acid to the angel and she winced in pain.

"Oh, that is right," Gwen spoke more to herself, trying to cover the hurt, "You changed your name didn't you... what was it? Crystal or something like that?" She watched Kris in amusement.

"Kris Tallet!!" Kris was getting angrier every moment she had to look at this girl whom she once considered her sister, "Now if you don't have anything better to say, then I have things to do." She sat up and started to get out of the bed.

"Actually I do have something you would have an interest in." Gwen said with a grin.

Kris stopped on the spot, "Please... I am not in the mood for games right now." She said softly, almost dismally.

Gwen pointed to herself, "Me? Games? I think you have me confused with little Carey. When have I ever played any games on you?"

Kris let out a deep sigh, "Never... I just..." Kris slowly shook her head, "I just want to be left alone."

Gwen appeared beside Kris with an arm around the girl's shoulder, "You know full well that I defended you against Father. He had no right to treat you the way he did."

"Please don't remind me." Kris let out a deeper sigh then looked at the girl, "Didn't dad forbid you all from visiting me?" Kris asked curiously.

"Yeah, but when have I been known to listen to father?" Gwen said with a slight chuckle.

"True." Kris smiled, "You and Angelina were always getting into trouble with him."

"We all love you." Gwen added, "I wish that Julie and Dad would stop being so closed minded about everything."

"Did you come here just to reminisce?" Kris asked still suspicious of her sister.

"No, I brought a gift for you." Gwen started to dig in her pockets.

"What ever it is you can keep it." Kris started to walk towards the window. Below she could see Amy, Jessica, Natalie, Kim and Jenn leaving the building, "Where are they all going?" She said, a sense of unease wormed into her soul, then watched the girls for a moment and noticed the direction they were moving, " No..." She whispered then turned and started out of the room.

"Are you sure you would not want this?" Gwen pulled her hand out of her vest pocket and opened it. In the palm of the girl's hand was a small glowing light.

Kris turned around and stared at the light with eyes wide open, "Is that?" She refused to believe what she was seeing, but it just had to be. She could feel it deep inside of her, "You didn't?

"Angelina and I thought you would want this back." Gwen took Kris's hand in hers, "I hope you can one day forgive us."

"What have you done?" Kris exclaimed, "You can't just waltz into someone's mind and take what you want. Even if it is locked away."

"Well then, it is now up to you to do as you like with it." She placed the light in Kris' hand and watched her sister's eyes close as the soft glow washed over her, "Throw it away, keep it or give it back. It is all up to you." When Kris opened her eyes, Gwen was gone. She opened her hand and the light was gone as well, but she could feel it inside her chest. She felt as if she were holding Jenn close to her. She could almost smell the girl's hair and feel her skin next to her. She shook her head slowly, "What have you done...?" She mumbled to the empty room.


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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