Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 27)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 27

Title: Part 7: Chapter 27

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Seven: Crimson Nightmares

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Libraries, Blood and Broken Mirrors

Jenn stood at the top of a dark set of stairs clad only in her blue pyjamas. She shivered as her bare feet stepped down upon cold hard wood floors. There was no railing to be found, so she reached out to brace herself with the wall, walls that were covered in old posters that were so faded it was impossible to read them in the dim light that shone from the entrance at the bottom of the stairway. A cool breeze could be felt running down the stairs over Jenn's feet causing her to shiver even more. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to warm herself but no matter how hard she tried the chill seemed to seep deeper into her body and touch her soul. Her heart began to pound furiously as she reached the last set of steps, sliding a hand against the postered wall she began to creep slowly forward. Her fingers were the first things to exit the hall as they encircled the corner.

She blinked a few times as she poked her head out of the hall and looked around. As her eyes began to focus she could see that shelves lined all the walls and she was now inside a small bookstore or library, a bright light streaming from a line of small windows over the shelves. Jenn stepped into the room to get a better look around. Libraries always had a warming feeling to the girl and the sight of all the books made her smile. She glanced around at a couple small round tables that were low to the ground and remembered when she was young how she would spend hours sitting at those tables reading until they kicked her out. Gingerly, she touched the tabletop almost afraid that the table would crumble before her. She smiled as her fingers ran across the table's polished surface.

She lifted her head and took another look around. There was an eerie silence over the room, not like the usual silence that Jenn had become accustomed to in a library.  Something seemed very wrong with this silence. Jenn spun around and noticed that there was not another person anywhere in sight. She scanned around again and again in hopes that someone would step out from one of the many halls of shelves, but not even the sound of feet could be heard.

She then noticed something unusual about the shelves. There appeared to be something splattered across the books. Jenn approached one of the shelves to get a closer look. It was almost as if someone had splashed red paint across the room. She reached out and ran a finger along the spine of one of the books noticing that whatever it was it was still fresh. She looked at her fingers and began to shake as a faint coppery smell reached her nose; her fingertips were covered in blood. Her eyes widened and she started to look around the room more only to see that the blood was splattered across all the books.

She started to back away from the shelves when she distinguished one thin book sticking out from the middle of all the others. It looked so out of place from the rest that Jenn felt a need to find out what it was doing there. She reached out her hand and grabbed the book, taking a deep breath before pulling it off the shelf.  The book was tall and very wide and yet seemed to be only a few pages thick. Jenn did a quick flip of the pages to see that it was a picture book of some sorts. She turned back to the front to find that the cover was missing and a few of the pages had been torn out. The first page she could see showed a dark sketch of a burnt house. She turned the page to see yet another dark sketch, however this time of a girl kneeling with slashed wrists and what appeared to be a carpenters knife in her hand. Jenn looked closer and blinked a few times at the picture. The girl in the book looked just like her. Jenn turned the page to see a picture of the same girl lying strapped down in a bed with an IV bag hanging on a pole next to her. The next page still showed yet another picture of the girl this time curled up in a small room with a single window that was covered in steel mesh wiring.

The book tumbled from Jenn's hand and landed face down. There was a picture on the back showing a set of small gravestones and the caption "Dreams of Death." under the picture. Jenn stared down at the book, clenching her hands tight and suddenly she realized that she was holding something in her right hand. She glanced at her hand to see a grey carpenter’s knife with the blade extended and coated in blood. She grasped it firmly in her hand as drops of crimson fell to the carpet floor. Stunned, Jenn raised her right hand until her sleeve fell back to show a set of deep cuts running across her wrist, blood flowing steadily down her arm, soaking her pyjamas. Shakily she turned her other hand over to see that it too was covered in blood. She felt her knees grow weak as she collapsed to the floor and leaned against the bookshelves, the knife slipping from her hand as she felt her life begin to drain away.


Jenn abruptly opened her eyes, her breathing coming out in quivered masses and she could feel her body shaking with fear. She tried to move only to find she was pinned by something. Raising her head she could see a head of red hair resting upon her chest. It took her a moment to realize that it was Kim curled up next to her with her head and arm resting upon Jenn’s body. Relieved she let her head drop back down onto the pillow and stroked the girl's hair as she tried hard to slow her heart down. Kim let out a soft moan and rubbed her face deeper into Jenn's chest. The feeling comforted Jenn's nerves and she wrapped her other arm around the girl, pulling her closer. Jenn needed the feeling of a body resting on hers.

"Mmmmmm..." Kim mumbled in her sleep while squeezing Jenn tightly in her arms, wrapping one arm under the girl to get a better grip.

"Shhhh..." Jenn softly kissed the top of Kimberly's head, "It's just me."

A smile played across Kim's lips as she squeezed Jenn even tighter while rubbing her cheek on Jenn's breast. Jenn felt a rush of pleasure from Kim's movement and Kim seemed to notice this because she pressed harder against Jenn. Jenn clenched her eyes shut and tried hard not to make a sound, however it became increasingly harder the more Kim rubbed up against her. Jenn then felt Kim's bare leg begin to move up her thigh between her own legs. Jenn rolled her head and let out a soft moan. Part of her knew that she should put a stop to this, yet another part of her didn't want to let Kim go.

Her eyes flung open when she felt Kim's fingers slide up under her Pyjama top and gently ran along her tummy. Jenn could not help herself, she moved her hand along Kim's back, running a finger long the girl's spine. Her heart began to race as she watched Kim to see if the girl would pull away, however Kim only snuggled even closer, rubbing her leg up against Jenn's. Jenn shakily placed a free hand upon Kim's bare leg and traced it along her thigh, pushing the girl's nightgown further up, listening closely to the pleasant sounds that softly arose from the redhead.

Jenn swallowed hard. She didn't know why, but she had this deep urge to touch the girl more. She struggled with her emotions, trying to sort out what she was doing when her thumb ran along Kim's inner thigh and she felt the girl's panties. Jenn could not resist running her hand along Kim's soft cotton underwear and mouth started to quiver. Her nose filled with a sweet smell and she licked her lips. She wanted more and became terrified of this feeling that welled up inside of her. 

 "Ummm.. Kim..." Jenn spoke softly, not wanting to startle the girl. She felt Kim's hand begin to run under her pyjama bottom and along her panty line and gently stroke her crotch. A tear filled Jenn's eye and she suddenly sat up and began to crawl backwards in the bed, "Kim, wait. Don't." Jenn's voice was shaky and she felt weird all of a sudden.

The redhead sat up while rubbing her eyes, "Lauren, what is wron-" She groggily started to say when her eyes fell on the scared look on Jenn's face, "Jenn?!?" She glanced around the room, trying to remember what had happened, then she noticed where she was,  "I..." She began to speak as she realized what she had just been doing, "I thought..." She stammered.

Jenn shook her head, "You were dreaming." She found it hard to look Kim in the eyes, "It is alright. I..."

"I'm sorry..." Kimberly could feel her body begin to tremble. She felt dirty and wrapped her arms closely around her body, "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you." Kim fell onto her side and curled up in a tight ball, "I'm sorry... I'm... dirty..." She sniffled.

Jenn stared down at Kim, who had now buried her face into her arms and was crying. Jenn moved closer to the girl and knelt beside her, setting a hand gently on Kim's shoulder, "Shhhh... It is alright." She whispered.

Kim shook her head in her arms violently, "NO, it isn't..." She mumbled into her arms, "I... I..." Another sob could be heard from deep inside of Kim's chest.

Jenn put an arm around the girl and pulled Kim into her lap. Kim protested and tried to fight Jenn, but was to weak and finally gave in and wrapped her arms around Jenn's waist as Jenn gently stroked the girl's soft long hair, "Shhhh... it is alright."

"But I.. I..." Kim spoke into Jenn's tummy, clinging to the girl, "I made you dirty."

"Shhhh... You didn't do anything wrong." Jenn continued to talk in soft whispers, "I..." She thought about how good it felt to have Kim so close to her, "I like being close to you... I just..." Images of what she wanted to happen entered her mind and she closed her eyes against them. The thought of touching Kim like that made her feel no less than the girl's father. Kim rolled over in Jenn's lap so she could look up at the girl. Jenn let out a breath and gazed down at Kim, softly stroking the girl's cheek, she felt Kim shiver at her touch and Jenn started to lean over wanting nothing more then to taste the girl's lips when at that moment the door opened and Natalie entered the room.

"Kim, are you alright?" She strolled over and dropped down on the bed next to the girls.

Kim glanced up in embarrassment, "I… I'm alright, Nat." She found it hard to look the girl in the eyes.

Natalie gave the two girls a curious look, "What were you two up to about just now?" She asked giving Jenn an interrogating glare.

"Nothing," Kim replied giving Jenn a quick glance.

"That's right... Nothing." Jenn said with a smile. She then turned to Natalie, blinking, "Hey what are you doing here? Why didn't you knock?"

"I came by to tell you that breakfast is ready, when I got a feeling that Kim was in trouble." Natalie glanced between the girls, "I guess I was wrong. Sorry to disturb you." She stood up, "Everyone is already in the Cafeteria so if you want to have a shower in peace now would be the time." She suggested.

"Thanks." Kim said, smiling at her friend, "I think I will take one." She started to stand.

"I'll see you down stairs." Natalie gave Jenn one final disapproving glare before leaving the two girls alone.

"She is quiet protective, isn't she?" Jenn asked, still watching at the door as she sat up.

"That is Nat for you." Kim said with a sigh, "She is harmless... or used to be..." She said a little concerned about her friend.

"It is nice to know someone is watching over you." Jenn stated, "I just hope she doesn't see me as the enemy." She nervously laughed.

"Why would she think that?" Kim asked, digging through the closet for some clothes.

"I don't know..." Jenn flopped back in her bed and watched Kim's back. She wanted to wrap her arms around the girl and pull her back into the bed, however shook the thought out of her mind. For some reason she felt that if she approached the girl, Natalie would barge back in there again. Kim returned to Jenn then gave Jenn a quick hug, "What was that for?" Jenn asked, looking up at the redhead. 

"Nothing," Kim forced herself to smile, "I'm going to have a shower." She began to leave the room, then stopped at the door, "Thank you..." She said without turning around. Before Jenn could respond, Kim disappeared out the door, leaving the girl to her own thoughts. 


Kim walked down the hall until she came across the bathroom. She approached the threshold of the room and looked within.

The room was large, with a long counter of sinks running along one wall with a set of small mirrors were hung above each sink and toilet stalls along the other side of the room. Kim set her things on the counter and took a better look around. She found an opening in the wall at the end of the toilet stalls. She peeked through the opening to see and adjoining room with a line of shower stalls running along both walls. As Natalie said, there was not another soul in sight.

Kim stepped into the shower room, opened one of the stalls and turned on the water. Kim smiled as warm water pelted her hand and stepped out of the stall as she proceeded to take off her clothes when she noticed her panties felt wet. She put her hand in them and pulled them out to see a clear substance over her fingers, "No..." She mumbled as she sunk down the wall next to the shower, wrapping her arms around herself. Tears began to fill her eyes as she thought about Jenn's touch. She wanted to feel the girl's lips against hers, yet she tried to convince herself it wasn't like that, but she knew it had to be true, that she really did love girls.

"I told you so." An echoing voice suddenly said.
"Who's there?" Kim nervously asked and glanced around, holding her dress close to her body.

"And here you kept insisting that it was just because Lauren looked like boy." The voice again spoke, "What a laugh."

Kimberly suddenly stood up her eyes scanned the room, searching the other room until her eyes fell on the mirror and her own refection.

"Nice to see you are enjoying yourself." Her refection said with a smile.

"No..." Kimberly stumbled backwards, "Get away from me..." Her voice now distant and scared.

"Now now." Her refection stepped up to the mirror, "We know that IS impossible." It's grin broadened, "You know we're stuck with each other. Just you, me, and guess who else is here?"

From the left side of the mirror stepped May, "Hello again. I see you are having fun with my friend." She reached out her hand, blood dripping from her slashed wrists, touching the mirror and leaving a bloody handprint, "Be sure that I will return for her... and you."

"Leave me alone." Kim cried, "It isn't my fault!"

"First you said it was because Lauren was boyish." Her reflection sneered, "Now you are blaming someone else."

"You are the one who asked to sleep with her." May snarled, "You wanted to be with her."

"No!" Kim protested, "Not like that... I just..."

"More excuses?" Her reflection taunted the girl, "Next you are going to say it is because Jenn has short hair."

"Leave me alone." Kim covered her ears, "I didn't mean to, honestly." Tears flowing steadily down her cheeks.

"That is not how it seemed to us." May continued, "You seemed to be quite enjoying yourself. I bet you wanted her to continue. Wanted to feel her inside of you."

"Shut up!!!!" The ghost girls voice filled Kim's ears and she struggled against the sound, "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" She screamed.


"Do you always wear that jacket?" Kris taking account of Natalie’s leathers as she picked up her tray of food and follow the girl across the cafeteria.

"Why not?" Natalie asked coldly, "It was a gift fro-" Natalie abruptly stopped in her tracks, causing Kris to lightly bump into her.

"Natalie, is there something wrong?" Kris asked, concerned as her new friend unexpectedly abruptness.

Natalie was trembling and held her food tray so tightly that her knuckles became white, "Kim..." She whispered her tray tumbled to the ground followed closely by Natalie herself.

"Natalie!?!" Kris dropped to the side of the girl, when Natalie carefully got to her feet again.
"Kim’s in trouble." Natalie swayed slightly, before starting towards the exit while holding her arm.

Kris began to follow when she set her hand in something wet. She lifted her hand to see it was covered in blood, then she noticed a trail of blood dripping from Natalie's right arm, "Natalie, wait!" Kris called out after the girl.

At that moment Jessica stepped into the Cafeteria and was about to give her usually moring greeting when she noticed the pained expression on Natalie’s face and all playfulness died upon her lips, "Natalie, what is wrong?" Jessica grabbed hold of the girl as she nearly fell yet again. She saw the trail of blood, "Someone get me the first aid kit!" She commanded, “Quickly!!” Just as one of the girls got up the dorm filled with the sounds of screams.


Jenn was pulling on a tank top and a jean shirt when she heard a loud crash from down the hall. She ran out into the hall to see a couple other girls standing around, confused by the sound. Then came the screams, they were piercing and filled with such terror that Jenn could feel in her heart. Jenn quickly followed the sound and arrive at the bathroom. The moment her hand touched the door the screams cut off and the halls filled with an eerie silence. Swallowing hard Jenn pushed through the door to find each and every mirror was broken and shards of glass scattered across the tile floor, mixed with drops of blood. She could hear the shower was still running mixed with the sounds of sobs. Double-quick she tiptoed through the field of glass and entered the shower room to find one stall open. Inside Kimberly was curled up on the ground shaking violently and mumbling incoherently to herself. A trail of blood could be seen running from the girl, spiralling down the drain.

"Kim!!" Jenn stepped into the shower, ignoring the fact that she was still dressed and turned off the water.

"Is everyone alrig-!" Kris's voiced yelled out as she came running around the corner with Jessica close by. Kris stopped when she saw the mess, then trail of blood, "What happened?" She said, concerned more about the girls then the mess.

"Get some bandages!" Jenn called out without looking at whom she was giving the order to. She pulled Kim's arm away from her body, the girl was to terrified to resist, and looked upon a large gash that ran along Kim's right forearm from wrist to elbow.

Jessica knelt down with a first aid kit already in hand, "Move over." She commanded, taking Kim's arm from Jenn. Jenn stopped for a moment and blinked at the girl, then moved out of the way. Jessica glanced at the wound, "Someone get Amy!," Jessica called out at the small crowd of girls that began to gather, "HURRY!" She added more urgency to her command

"I will!" One of the girls replied and dashed out of the room.

"What happened here?" Jessica asked calmly as she opened the first aid kit and grabbed some gauze.

"I... I don't know" Jenn stammered,  "She seemed fine when she left our room."

"What is going on here?" Natalie weakly pushed her way through the crowd, clenching her own arm to her waist, "Kim, are you alright?"

"Natalie!" Jenn called out to the girl, "Something happened to her."

Natalie grabbed a bathrobe from a shelf, while stepping around Jenn, "Kim! Kimmy? Are you alright?!?" Worry could be heard in Natalie's voice as she joined Jessica in the stall and wrapped the robe around Kim's shoulders.

"Nat?" Kimberly seemed to be pulling herself together again. She blinked a few times and glanced around at all the girls watching her with concern in their eyes. Her eyes then fell on Jenn, "May..." was the only word that escaped her lips.

Jenn glanced at Kim, "May? What about her?" She asked confused.

Kim shakily lifted her other arm and pointed at the remains of the mirror, "In the mirror. Blood... so much blood." She whispered.

Jenn turned around to see what Kimberly was pointing at with a puzzled look across her face, "Mirror? How could she be in the mirror?" She turned to Natalie, "What is she talking about?"

"She must have remembered something frightening." Jessica said, with as much calm as she could muster, but was having troubles with the amount of blood that continuously seeped through the bandages as quickly as she applied them.

"Where is May anyway?" Jenn turned to ask Kris. "Is she here?"

"No..." Kris lowered her head, avoiding Jenn's eyes.

"Where is she? Is she in the Eastern Dorms?" Jenn rose to her feet, "If she hurt Kim in any way I'll..."

"Isn't she the girl that committed suicide last year?" Came from one of the girls from the crowd. A few girls murmured, then noticed the pale look on Jenn's face and everyone fell silent. 

"Killed herself?" Jenn scanned the crowd, "What do you mean?" All the girls were now looking at the ground and Jenn turned to Kris, "What do they mean 'suicide'?" She glanced down at Kim who was still curled up in the stall next to Natalie, "How could she... I mean I just saw her the other day... When?" She glanced down at her own bandages. "How? WHY?!?"

"I'm sorry." Kris said, approaching the girl's side.

"Why didn't you tell me?!?" Jenn yelled, looking up at her friend with tears in her eyes.

"What did you want me to say?" Kris countered and turned to face the ground, "I was hoping you would remember on your own time."

"So I've been living in a dream all this time?" Jenn was losing her grip on her emotions. Part of her knew what they were saying was true, but another part didn't want to believe it, "This can't be happening. You're lying!!!" She pushed her way through the crowd and ran out of the washroom cutting her foot on a piece of mirror but not really noticing. Tears welled up in her eyes as she ran down the hall to her room and slammed the door shut.

Kim stumbled to her feet, "Jenn, wait!" She called out after the girl.

Natalie grabbed the girl by the hand, "Let her be." Natalie said.

"No!" Kim cried out, "She is my friend and she needs me." Kim broke free of her friend's grasp and chased after Jenn, the last of the roll of bandage fluttering after her. She opened the door to find the girl curled up in the corner of the room sobbing, "Jenn?"

"Leave me alone!" Jenn wept.

Kim closed the door and crossed the room till she stood before the girl, "Would you leave me?" She asked calmly.

Jenn looked up at the girl in her bloody stained house coat, "No... no..." She stammered, "but... How... how could she... she was my best friend... Why... didn't she come to me...?" She sobbed.

Kim sat down next to the girl, "Maybe..." Kim tried to put things into words, "Maybe she didn't want to bother you with her problems." Kim said sheepishly.

Jenn turned her hands over and stared at her wrists and the bandages that covered them, "I..." Tears rolled down her cheeks and Kim wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling Jenn into her lap, letting the girl sob into her chest.


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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