Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 26)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 26

Title: Part 7: Chapter 26

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Seven: Crimson Nightmares

Chapter Twenty-Six - Frightful Confrontations

The sun peeked over the rooftops greeting a new day and Alyson squinted at the infernal light. She had been up all night thinking and she was not ready to greet the sun as of yet. It had been two nights now since Natalie's disappearance and Alyson was beginning to worry. She could not find the girl anywhere in the Alleys and today when she returned from her ventures she found the girl's clothes missing without a single note or word from the girl. She paced in her room as distress built up in her stomach when she heard the sound of the front door and burst out of the room to see whom it could be. Her enthusiasm died the moment she stepped into the living room to see her brother removing his cloak.

"Good morning Alyson." Drake said in his usual monotone voice that didn't tell anything about the man's emotional being.

"Morning brother." She replied as she entered the kitchen, pretending she came out to find something to eat.

"How was your day?" Drake leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen.

"Fine," Alyson opened the refrigerator, pulled out a carton of milk and set it on the counter.

Drake scanned the house, "Where is your little friend?" He inquired.

"I don't know." Alyson shrugged, pulling a glass out of the cupboard, "I haven't seen her in days." She turned around and was startled to find her brother standing right next to her.

"Is that true?" He asked, his eyes boring into Alyson.

"Y… yes..." She stammered, It was rare to witness Drake's anger, however when he shows it the one who receives that anger should beware not to provoke him any further.

"I allowed you keep that child around here for your amusement and it would seem she is interfering with my work." Drake grabbed Alyson by the arm, "I was hoping that it was not your pet, however seeing that she is unaccounted for makes me wondering where my little sister's alliances lie." He squeezed the girl's arm.

"Owww!!!" Alyson screamed out in pain, "I don't know where she is. She just left while I was sleeping. I didn't know she would get in the way." She cried out, "Truly brother, I didn't know."

Drake pushed the girl up against the counter, knocking the milk over and causing it to spill across the counter, "Remember, you are mine and I can break you as quickly as I made you." He let go of the girl and shoved her into the counter corner, "If I find you little friend interfering again I will make certain that she bleeds and her screams will be heard by the Lords themselves." He quickly exited the room, leaving Alyson to lick her wounds.

Milk dripped from the counter, splashing upon the ground and soaking the girl's socks. After a moment's time Alyson began to move. She pulled a dishtowel off the stove and started to sop up the milk off the floor, then moved along the edge of the counter. She picked up the carton and tossed it in a garbage pail near the door. Returning to the counter she dropped the towel in the sink and rinsed it out before cleaning up the rest of the mess. Only when she was finished did she tend to her wounds, bruise marks that had taken on the shape of fingers along her forearm. Alyson opened the freezer, grabbed some ice and dropped them in the centre of the towel, folded it up and set the pack on her arm, wincing slightly against the pain. Quickly Alyson grabbed her jacket and pulled out a sword from the umbrella stand before carefully exiting the house. 


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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