A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Six: When Darkness Calls
Chapter Twenty-Four - Concerned Apologies
"But Daddy, I love her!" Kris cried out.
"Impossible!" Her father countered, "There is no way you can understand the meaning of that word."
"But Father!!" Kris dropped to her knees trembling, "Can't we just-"
"Never!" Her father snapped, "You knew the consequences when you went to her. Julie will make things right again."
"NO!!" Kris pulled on her father's sleeve, "Please don't harm her. She means everything to me."
"You should have thought about that before hand." Her father pulled his sleeve from the girl's grasp.
"I hate you!!" Kris cried, "I hate all of you!!!" She ran from the house.
Kris sat backwards in her desk chair, watching the sun slowly move across the sky. Very little seemed to have changed since she was last at the academy. Even with moving from her Aunts place to the Western dorms things were pretty much the same. It might have been because she spent so much time at the Eastern dorms before, she remembered visiting the dorms first thing in the morning of every weekend, just so she could be with her friends.
However things were simpler back then. She turned her head to look upon the photo on her desk. The exact same photo as Jenn had. She dug it out of her suitcase the moment she got back to her room. She let out a deep sigh and buried her face in her arms.
The door opened and Jessica entered the room, "Evening there, Kris!" She cheerfully greeted the girl.
"Evening." Kris mumbled her face still obscured by her arms.
Jessica quietly closed the door and scanned the room. Kris's suitcase lay open on the girl's bed, yet nothing seemed disturbed. Jessica walked across the room and pulled her desk chair over to Kris, "Are you planning to mope the entire week?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip. Kris simply shrugged, "Listen, I wanted to apologize about earlier." Jessica said as she rubbed the back of her neck, "I was having a weird couple of days and you know..." She walked over to the other desk.
"Yeah," Kris lifted her head enough for her eyes to be seen, "I've had my fair share of those days."
"I hope you are not bothered by staying with me." Jessica asked, "I know you are used to having a room to your own and I'm usually down in the office so I thought... I don't know..." she let out a deep sigh and leaned against the window, glazing out at the sunset.
"You should be apologizing to Kim." Kris said distantly, "She is the more sensitive one."
Jessica crossed her arms, "Don't tell me you are not the sensitive type. I saw the hurt look in your eyes when Jenn choose Kimberly over you. I know all about you two." She nodded at the photo, "So don't try to tell me there isn't something between the two of you."
Kris sat up abruptly, "You know nothing." She angrily said, "You have no idea the things Jenn has suffered through."
"I was not talking about Jenn." Jessica stated point at the girl, "I was talking about you. You can't keep burying your feelings for the girl like that or it is going to bury you."
"What would you know about it?" Kris snapped, "You haven't lost someone you love."
"You are not the only one who has suffered." Jessica countered, "I never thought you to be so stupid. Have you been so blinded by that pain of yours that you can't accept why you are here? There is a reason your aunts sent you to live in the Dorms and they personally asked that I'd watch over you for them."
"They did?" Kris seemed started by this thought.
"They thought this place would do you some good," Jessica stated calmly, "However, know this, if you plan to hide away in here like you did at your Aunts, after Jenn tried to kill herself, I'll be right here to drag your butt out of the room. I'm not going to let one of my girls just let themselves spiral into darkness. Not while I'm the head of this dorm that is."
"But..." Kris gazed out the window again, "She can't love me anymore... it is forbidden," Kris stammered" "... and she... she has some... Someone else..." she buried her head in her arms and sobbed.
Jessica slid her chair closer to the girl, wrapped her arms around her and gave her a hug. Kris unravelled her arms, enfolded the girl and squeezed her tight, finally letting herself cry.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com