Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 22)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 22

Title: Part 6: Chapter 22

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Six: When Darkness Calls

Chapter Twenty-two - Western Dorm

The group of girls exited the clinic and walked along the paths behind the school. Jenn, now dressed in a baggy long sleeved shirt and a long dress that the Sophia had brought for her, silently watched the scenery pass as they went along. For the most part everything seemed like the way she remembered it. Although things looked the same something seemed different. Like the fact that she didn't remember there being a West wing to the school for instance or the little mall out back or even the dorms. She tilted her head to the side... nope, that didn't seem right either. Her head felt hazy and she rubbed her eyes.

"You alright Jenn?" Kimberly asked softly, there was concern in her voice.

"My head feels weird." Jenn mumbled, "It all feels like I'm in some weird dream."

"Yeah, so do I." Kim admitted shyly.

"Don't strain yourself." Kris said, "It will all come back to you."

Jenn gave the girl a curious look, "What about you?" She finally asked, "How do you remember Kim as well?"
"Beats me." Kris shrugged, "It's not all clear to me either. I mean how do either of us know Kimberly."

Jenn could not take her eyes off the west wing as it loomed overhead to her left, tall walls of irregularly shaped red bricks stacked one on top of another, windows framed with crudely carved grey stone arches and old wooden shuttered and long vines of ivy stretching its way up the wall as if it were reaching for the sky. Why could she not remember being here before? She slowly turned to look at the eastern dorms in the distance and her eyes widened. She quickly glanced around the area again as apiece slipped into place. She remembered a picnic area that lay off to the right of them and as her eyes scanned the area they fell upon the same bench that Kris and her would sit and chat away the evenings and there was the tree she loved to rest under on warm days. It was all the same and yet it wasn't.

"Jennifer?" Kim asked gently, not wanting to startle her friend.

"I remember..." She continued to study her surroundings and then her eyes fell on the small house down the path. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes, "That house..." She stumbled forwards to get a better look at it. It was a small two-floor building with white panelled walls and green-framed windows and doors. A small patio took up the front of the building with a small swing bench outside and a yard surrounded by a small white picket fence. She was certain she knew that house from somewhere; her eyes fell on Kris, "KRIS!!!" She called out excitedly.

"What is it?" Kris was startled by her friend's sudden outburst.

"That house!?!" Jennifer uttered, "You lived there... didn't you?" She uncertainly pointed at the tiny house.

Kris stopped in her tracks, "You... remember?" Kris began to tremble ever so slightly.

"I don't know." Jenn replied rubbing her head, "I just saw you in front of that house and... it was like... you belonged there..." She whispered still confused by her own muddled thoughts. She could feel tears threatening to overcome her.

Kris took a deep breath, "I did live here..." She smiled looking back at the building; "It is the Head Mistresses’ home. They let me stay there for a time."

"Really?" Natalie eyed Kris closely, "I didn't think any kids lived here with the Head Mistresses."

"I'm their niece after all." Kris stated, dodging Natalie's hunting glare.

"Uh huh..." Natalie said, not fully accepting the girl's answer, "You love being the little mystery don't you?"

"What about you?" Kris returned the girl's gaze, "You still haven't explained how it is that you happened to be at the pool last night or how Jenn knows you."

"That is my secret." Natalie crossed her arms behind her head and gazed up at the sky.

"Now who is being the Mysterious one, Hmmmm?" Kris taunted the girl.

Kim giggled softly, "You two are cute together."

"Now don't be pairing us up." Natalie playfully warned the girl, "What about you two?" Natalie give a sly grin, "I hear you two are getting along rather well."

"Who told you that?" Jenn demanded, her eyes falling on Kris, "Kris?"

Kris raised her hands in defence, "I didn't tell her a thing." A smile formed on her face, "However you have to admit she is right."

"I could tell just by the way you look at each other." Natalie stated, "You are both easy to read."

"I am not!" Jenn protested, "Kris, am I really?" She partly pouted.

"I'm sorry again," Kris tried hard not to laugh at her friends pouting, "Natalie is right again."

"You two are so mean." Jenn crossed her arms while Kris and Natalie laughed.

"Well here we are." Kris announced as they approached the West Wing Dorm. It was a four floor L-shaped Victorian building that looked very much like the Western wing of the school, with a set of stone stairs leading to a pair of glass doors framed in red oak and large picture windows along the ground floor.

"We are living here?" Jenn asked in astonishment as she gazed up at the massive structure, "It looks kind of deserted if you ask me."

"Don't let the outside fool you." Natalie leaped up the stairs, pulled the door opened and bowed, "After you ladies." She said with a grin.

"Thank you." Jenn passed through the door closely followed by Kim.

"You are such a gentleman." Kris teased Natalie.

"I am not." Natalie half objected with a slight chuckle, letting the door close behind her.

Inside the dorm had an open, airy feel to it, the walls were an pale off yellow with deep red wood framing the large windows that covered two of the walls. There was another set of oak double doors at the far end of the room. To the left were groups of black leather couches set in three circles around wooden coffee tables. One group closest to the door had a stereo; the one furthest away had a TV while the middle one had a small shelf of books and magazines. Several girls sat on the couches; a pair of girls was curled up on one couch, listening to the stereo that was softly playing  "Runaway Train" by Soul Asylum. To the right two girls stood near a set of two pool tables set on angles from the wall. There was a stairwell leading to the second floor next to the entrance they had just entered and at the far end was a small office with a long sliding window on the side of it. Everything was silent as a number of girls stopped what they were doing to look up at the newcomers.

An older teenaged girl peeked out of the window in the small office and quickly came out of the room towards the group of new girls. She was clad in worn jeans and a camouflage t-shirt, that cling tightly to her frame. Her hair was in an extremely short military cut and a pair of wire-rimmed glasses were perched upon her tiny nose, "You must be the new recruits." She said with a broad grin, "I'm Jessica, the Dorm head, it is nice to meet you all." She said glancing over the group, "Now don't tell me, let me guess." Not waiting for any replies as she crossed her arms behind her back and turned to face Kris and studied her closely, "Hmmm... tall, curly blue hair, lady killer eyes. You must be the Head Mistresses’ niece, Kris." She said with a smile.

"Yeah." Kris nodded, slightly amused by the girl's antics, "Nice to meet you." She smiled.

"Same I'm sure." Jessica smiled brightly at Kris before moving to Jenn and stopped as she gazed down at the girl and placed a hand on her chin in thought, "You must be the one who created the Hen Club in the East wing, Jennifer right?"

"Ummm..." Jenn blushed deeply, "Yeah... but how did you know that?"

"Slightly Asian with short black hair and an adorably cute blush." Jessica leaned closely to Jenn's ear, "Plus I keep tabs on all the young lesbians in the East wing. You never know when they well move the cute ones out to our end." She ran a finger under Jenn's chin, making the girl shiver and step back, which in turn caused Jessica to break out in laughter.

"Is everyone here like you?" Jenn nervously asked, curiously looking around at the other girls who were covering up their own snickers.

"You may find you are not as alone as you felt in the Eastern Dorms." Jessica explained with a glimmer in her eye, "And we are very glad to have you as part of our group." Jessica pulled herself away from Jenn to look down at Kimberly, "Well, aren't you a little beauty. That red hair and those eyes." She said, letting out a sigh of content, "Now, who would want to hurt such an innocent lovely like yourself?" She asked, reaching out to touch Kim's cheek so she could get a better look at the girl's injuries only to have the girl back away and hide behind Natalie.

Natalie stepped between Jessica and Kim, "Leave her alone, Jessie." Natalie snarled.

"Well if it isn't Natalie," Jessica crossed her arms in front of her, "Why am I not surprised to see you all banged up? Where's your girl?" Jessica asked cynically, while glancing around the room, "Or have you replaced the boi for a girl?"[3] Jessica teased craftily.

"I said leave her alone." Natalie took a step closer to Jessica and Kim hide behind Jenn, "She is off limits."

Jessica watched as Jenn wrapped her arm protectively around Kim, "I seee..." She said knowingly, "She is already called for. Understood." She patted Natalie on the shoulder, "She is off limits iffffff..." She turned to face Jenn, "Jennifer says she is." She gave the girl a broad grin.

Jenn glaced from Jessica, to Natalie then at the frightened look on Kim's face and back to Jessica, "She is." Jenn said protectively.

"Okay then!" Jessica stood up straight and turned around, "Do we have any doubles left?" She called out across the room.
Another girl walked over to the office and reached through the window to grab a large book and flipped through it, "Hmmmm... We have one on the second floor. Room 2-3." The girl stated.

"Good," Jessica beamed and turned back to Jenn, "I'll let you two share the same room." She winked.

Jenn felt herself flush, "Ummm..." She stammered, "Where is Kris going to live?"

"Oh?" Jessica glanced at Kris reflectively, "That is correct. The niece was your second in the club, now wasn't she? I'll leave the choice up to you." She turned and started across the room, "Let me show you around the dorm.  Please take your shoes off before entering. You'll receive indoor shoes later."

The girls did as they were told as Jessica continued her introductions to the dorm, "If you didn't already know we are all given a weekly allowance. The amount depends on how well you do in school and if you don't skip too often." She glanced at Natalie, "Like some of us." She approached the office with the girls following close behind her and a few other tag alongs, "Also, you will be expected to help out with the chores from time to time. You'll find a schedule posted on the side of the office wall." She tapped a bulletin board next to the door, "The Cafeteria can be found through those door." She pointed at the double doors at the end of the room, "We have three scheduled meals and you can grab a snack from time to time, just make sure you mark down what you've taken on the pad next to the fridge, so we know to get more. Breakfast is at-"

"Jenn?" Kim pulled on Jenn's sleeve, "Can I..?" She whispered to embarrassed to finish the question.

Jenn turned to face Kim, "Do you want to stay with me? I mean you could always stay with Natalie."

"But..." Kim looked up at Natalie.

"You worried about her?" Jenn asked concerned, "She seems alright."

"But she has someone." Kim mumbled, "It is not like before."

Jenn thought she understood, "You don't want to be in the way." She asked.

Kim shuffled in place, "Sort of..." Her eyes shifted around.

"Are you two with us?" Jessica called out from near the cafeteria doors.

Jenn took Kim's hand in hers, "Come on." She started towards the other girls, "Jessica?"

"Yes?" She grinned almost as if she knew what was coming.

"Kim wants to stay with me." Jenn stated, avoiding Kris's disappointed gaze.

"Is that so?" Jessica looked at the red head, "Do you want to stay with Jenn?" She asked gently.

Kim nodded shyly, "Please..." Her voice was almost a whisper.

"Alright then." Jessica walked over to the office and opened the book on the windowsill, "You two can have 2-3 and Natalie can have her old room. So that only leaves... Kris..." Jessica flipped through the book then suddenly closed it, "Kris can stay with me." She leaned on the windowsill, beaming at the girl.

"Oh great." Kris placed a hand upon her head.

"I'm sorry Kris." Jenn apologized.

"No, it's alright," Kris said with a reassuring smile, "And I think it is a good idea."

"Well shall we visit your rooms?" Jessica asked gleefully. The group followed the girl on the rest of the tour.


To be Continued...


Note: [3] Jessica was referring to the fact that Natalie was dating Alyson, who is very boiish, and now is with Kimberly, a very girlish girl. Some people have a problem with boi-boi relationships in the lesbian community and will make fun of those who are boiish and lean towards boiish girls. In Jessica’s case she is just noting that Natalie has had a change in taste and this interested her.

Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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