Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 21)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 21

Title: Part 5: Chapter 21

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Five: Innocent Pains

Chapter Twenty-One - Lonely Tears

Cherilyn lay in her bed staring up at a small photo she held at arms length. The photo was old, but one that she held close to her heart. For it was a photo of Tanya and right now she was beginning to wonder what her friend was up to. She rolled over on her side keeping her eyes close on the photo and let out a deep sigh.

The door to her room unexpectedly burst open at that moment as her roommate came bowling into the room, a spunky little kid at least four years her younger with short cut dark brown hair, which was held back by four little pink hair clips. Cherilyn was about to tell the girl to be quiet, when she was attacked by the child, "Cherilyn, You have to come quickly!" The girl shouted, while pulling on Cherilyn's arm, "You are needed!!!" She said enthusiastically.

"Kid," Cherilyn had no time to deal with this youngster so didn't even bother to remember her name. Even with them being roommates and all, "What could be so important that you must shout loud enough to wake the dead?" She allowed herself to be pulled into a sitting position while letting out a fake yawn, pretending that she had been asleep the whole time.

A frown came across the little girl's face, "It's Tanya." She had worry in her eyes, "I was in the lobby and she came running through crying." 
"Oh no..." Cherilyn let out a deep sigh as she stood with the kid still pulling her arm. Part of her expected this. She knew things were too good to be true.

"Come on!" The little girl pulled on her roommate's arm as Cherilyn let herself be lead down the hall.

"All right already." Cherilyn always found this the most interesting thing about the students here. For the most part they were very selfless, always thinking of others well being. It never ceased to amaze her how many would come to your side when you were in need. Not to say they all were like this, just a fair number. The academy had its fair share of self-centred girls. Most of which lived on the fourth floor and kept to themselves.    

Cherilyn found herself not being lead to Tanya's room, like she suspected she would be, instead she was brought to the first floor where she was dragged through the lobby and into the Cafeteria washroom where could see a small group of girls standing near the door, whispering to one another. One of the girl's turned to see Cherilyn and came running towards her.

"Oh, Cherilyn I'm glad Shelly brought you." the girl nervously played with the hem of her skirt.

"How is she?" Cherilyn inquired glancing passed the girl at the washroom door.

"She locked herself in and won't talk to anyone."

"Let me take care of this." Cherilyn walked up to the door and knocked softly.

"Leave me alone." A muffled sob came from behind the door.

"Not likely." Cherilyn replied, "It’s me so open the door." She waited in silence for a moment, then a faint sound of ruffling movement could be heard followed soon by the lock clicking open and Tanya peeked through a crack in the door. Just from that small amount Cherilyn could tell that Tanya had been crying a lot. The girl's eye was red and tears could be seen still brimming in the corners of her eyes.

"Cherilyn..." Tanya spoke softly afraid that she may break into another wave of tears.

"Hey there." Cherilyn forced herself to smile, "Can I come in?" She requested. The door opened part way, only allowing for Cherilyn to enter before it was quickly closed again. Tanya huddled in the corner behind the door, her eyes on the ground, unable to look at her friend, "So what happened?" Cherilyn bluntly asked, "Were you able to see Jenn?"

Tanya slowly nodded as she wrapped her arms around herself. She opened her mouth to speak only no words ventured forth.

"What is it, Tanya?" Cherilyn took a step closer to her friend only to see the girl shrink into the corner ever so much more.

"She's gone..." Tanya finally managed to whisper.

"Dead?" Cherilyn gasped and clasped her hand over her mouth.

Tanya shook her head, "West wing..." she mumbled, "All... all her things are gone..." She stammered.

Cherilyn leaned heavily against one of the washroom stalls, "Geez, She might as well be then." She heard a small sob escape her friend’s lips and wished that she had not said anything, "That is not what I meant..."

"Yes it is..." Tanya slid down the wall and hugged her legs, "No one ever returns from the West Wing."

Cherilyn let out a deep sigh. She could not think of any way to reassure her friend. No one in the East Wing knows what lies within the Western walls. She would love to be able to tell her friend that everything would be just fine, however she was not sure if that would be true. Cherilyn approached her friend and sat down next to her, "Come here." Gingerly she placed an arm around the girl and held her tight. Wishing for some way to relieve Tanya of her newfound pains.

Tanya sobbed into her friends shoulder, "It's just not fair." She mumbled, "They should be here. I'm all alone again."

"That is not true." Cherilyn lifted the girl's chin and looked the girl in the eye. There was so much sadness and pain in the girl's eyes that it caused Cherilyn's heart to ache. She leaned closer to Tanya until she could smell her hair, "I... I'm here for you..." She moved a little closer until her lips brushed against Tanya's, "and I love you." She gently kissed the girl, softly at first then deeper. Tanya's arms wrapped around Cherilyn neck, being pulled into the kiss. Cherilyn set her hand on Tanya's knee and began to slide it down the girl's thigh, under her shirt.

Tanya abruptly pushed Cherilyn away, "I... I'm sorry." She quickly got to her feet and ran out of the washroom, pushing her way through the crowd of girls still waiting outside.

"Tanya, wait!" Cherilyn dashed after the girl, however just as she was about to catch up to Tanya she slammed her bedroom door in Cherilyn's face, "Tanya!!!" Cherilyn knocked on the door, "Tanya, let me in."

"Leave me alone." Tanya yelled through the door, "Just leave me alone."

Cherilyn backed from the door, "I..." This was the first time Tanya had ever yelled at her and it tore apart her heart, "I'm sorry..." She mumbled then ran off to her own room, buried her face in a pillow and let out a sorrowful scream.


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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