Story: A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (chapter 15)

Authors: Shinigami_Shimai

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Chapter 15

Title: Part 4: Chapter 15

A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams

Part Four: Through the Glass Darkly

Chapter Fifteen - Hearts Intertwined

The sun shone down on a small town, playing hide and go seek with the clouds, as young grade schoolgirls could be seen walking towards school. One small, teenaged, girl in particular happily skipped along the curb easily balancing on the edge without a thought in the world, her long, golden blonde, hair flowing behind her, and her skirt, bouncing with every step. She rounded the corner waving to at a passing group of girls along the way. Ahead of her she saw another girl, around the same age, with long red hair standing at the corner of the street. This girl seemed to be too busy staring at the ground to notice the world passing by.

"Hey, Morning Kim!" The blonde yelled out, waving to her friend.

The bounce in Natalie's step rapidly faded as her friend lifted her head up to revealed a dark black bruise over her right eye and she stopped in her tracks, "Morning Nat..." Kim said as she tried hard to force herself to smile and pretend like she didn't notice the way her friend was staring at her.

"Kim..." Natalie felt all the happiness within her wash down the sewer drain at her feet. In the past few years that Natalie had known the redhead the girl she would to show up with a bruise or two, claiming that she fell on the way home. Recently, Natalie found out otherwise and seeing the depth of the sadness in her friend’s eyes was eating away at her heart. "What happened...?" She asked bluntly, however she already knew what the answer would be.

"It is nothing..." Kimberly said as she turned away from Natalie's gaze, "I... I just fell in the tub..."

"Bull..." Natalie finally had enough of the dancing around the subject. Everyone in school knew the truth, but no one knew what to say about it. Today, Natalie had enough of pretending like nothing was wrong, "You are the worst liar there is, and everyone can see through it, but they refuse to say anything." She was shaking with anger.

Kim flinched at her friend’s sudden burst of anger, "Natalie, really it's nothing." She had seen that look in Natalie's eyes before and usually it was just before someone was laying on the ground after picking on Kim, or anyone else for that matter.

"No, it is not nothing!" Natalie was truly angry and hatred could be seen in the girl's eyes, "I shouldn't have allowed this to continue for so long." Natalie stormed past the redhead towards the apartment building that stood behind Kimberly.

"Wait! Nat what are you doing?!?" Kim tried to grab for her friend, but Nat dodged out of reach. Fear rose up in Kim as she chased after her friend who was already at the stairs that spiralled the balcony halls of the three-floor building.

"I'm going to have a word with that father of yours." Natalie snarled as she began to mount the stairs. Natalie may only have been thirteen years of age and under five feet tall, but she held a strength that has been known to cause even an adult to back down.

The two girls reached the third floor and Natalie didn't pause as she made a left turn down the walkway to the apartment that Kim called home, with the redhead close behind her. Kimberly was visibly terrified, nevertheless she stayed close to her friend's side as Natalie stopped at the door labelled "Harrison" and knocked hard, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for a response.

"Just a moment." Came a soft voice and the door opened to reveal a tall thin woman with beautiful white skin and short reddish brown hair that had been recently trimmed and a long yellow dress with a white apron tied around her waist, "Why, hello Kim and Natalie. Did you forget something?" Mrs. Harrison said looking between the two girls as she was busily drying her hands on the apron.

Natalie began to open her mouth when the woman moved to push her hair over her ear causing her sleeve to fall down, exposing a dark bruise mark in the shape of fingers around her wrist. Natalie tried to fathom how hard someone would have to grab a person's arm to make that kind of mark,  "I..." Natalie glanced up into the woman's eye then back at her friend's to see the same fear in both of them. Natalie turned back to Mrs. Harrison as she quickly pulled her sleeve back down to once again cover her arms, "I was wondering if I could get a drink. I ran most of the way here and am thirsty." She asked tentatively. Kimberly let out the breath she was holding.

"Sure." Mrs. Harrison turned away from the door to enter the small kitchen that was right next to the entrance. The sound of the fridge door opening could be heard and her voice lingered from within, "Will orange juice do? I still need to get more groceries." She asked.

"That would be great." Natalie replied.

"Kim dear, you want anything as well." The sounds of glasses being moved around in the cupboard drifted along with her mother’s voice.

"No, that is alright mom." Kim answered, "I'm fine."

Kim's mother returned with a small glass of orange juice in her hand, "Here you are." She handed the glass to Natalie with a smile, "It sure is getting hot out lately hasn't it.?"

Natalie nodded, "Yeah it has... Thanks." She drank the juice quickly then wiped her mouth with her sleeve before she handed the glass back to Mrs. Harrison, "We should be getting to school or we'll be late." Natalie said softly. She was not sure why she was talking so quietly but she felt that she needed to for some reason when near Kim's apartment.

"Well have a good day at school." Mrs. Harrison said with a smile, almost as if there was nothing at all wrong with the world or the fact that she and her daughter always seemed to be bruised.

Kim's mom waved to the girls as they began to walk away. When Natalie stopped and turned around, "Mrs Harrison..?" She asked.

"Yes?" The woman stepped out onto the balcony path.

"Would it be alright if..." Natalie ran a hand through her hair, "If I stayed the night?" Kim stared at her friend in disbelief. No one has ever asked to stay over at her house before. More so since the incident that forced her family to move once again.

Kim's mother smiled at the girl, "Sure, would you like to stay for dinner too?" She asked. It almost looked as if the colour in her face brightened at the idea of her daughter having a friend over for the night.

"I have a gymnastics class after school but I'll try to make it on time." Natalie said with a grin.

"Kim," Mrs. Harrison turned to her daughter, "I'll need you to pick up a few things when you get home from school then. So can you make sure you're here as soon as possible?"

"Ummm..." She glanced from her mother to her friend and back to her mother again, "Al.. Alright..."

"Good, then it's settled." Mrs. Harrison said clapping her hands together, "I'd better get to cleaning the house then. You two get going to school now." Before the girls could turn around Kim's mother was back in the apartment, closing the door. 

Kimberly blinked at her friend, "What just happened?" she stood dumbfounded.

"I decided." Natalie said with her eyes closed.

"Decided what?" Kim asked.

Natalie opened her eyes and looked into Kimberly's, "That I will never let anyone harm you again. I'll protect you no matter what. I promise." She did not take her eyes off the other girl as she spoke.

Kimberly felt her face redden, "I..." she could not find the words to speak.

"Come on..." Natalie said as she headed back down the stairs, "We are going to be late for school." She smiled up at the redhead and something within her moved. Natalie grabbed her chest making sure that Kim didn't notice. For a moment she closed her eyes and when she opened them again everything was all right.

The two girls ran the rest of the way to school, arriving just as the final bell rang out.


Gymnastics practice was demanding on Natalie as usual. Her coach was pushing her harder and harder with each day. The school competition was just around the corner and they needed their best girls in top form, which meant that Natalie would be feeling it for the next couple of months. Natalie walked along the sidewalk and stretched. For some reason she was feeling more then the normal aches and pains that she had grown accustomed to. It felt almost as if someone had hit her hard in the side during practice, but she didn't remember anything like that happening. 

She looked down at her watch and saw that is was just a bit past six pm and thought that maybe she would still be able to make it to Kim's for dinner. She was starving. Soon she found herself standing at the foot of the stairs to Kim's apartment building and she got a sinking feeling deep within her soul. She didn't know why, but it almost felt like something dark fell over the building. Quickly the girl mounted the stairs two at a time until she reached the third floor. The moment her foot stepped on the landing she knew there was something indeed wrong. She turned to see that the door to Kim's apartment door stood wide open and a light trailed out from the kitchen.

Natalie broke into a run and as she stepped into the apartment a wave of fear crept onto her heart. Her eyes immediately fell on a clutter of utensils that lay scattered upon the floor along with the drawer they came from. She stepped carefully over the clutter of knives and forks and crept into the living room, where she stopped in her tracks and felt the strength sap from her knees.

There, before her, lay Mrs. Harrison next to a small night table, a large pool of blood formed around her head. Not far away Mr. Harrison lay face down with a long, blood soaked, kitchen knife laying next to him. Natalie felt her own stomach turn and the need to throw up as the smell of death hit her nostrils. Suddenly panic rose in her as she realized that Kimberly was nowhere in sight, "Kim?" She said softly at first, "KIM!?!" She then yelled. She quickly stepped over the bodies and checked her friend's room, then the others. Kim was nowhere to be seen. She quickly ran out of the apartment and scanned over the path balcony, "KIMBERLY!!!" She yelled into the setting sun.

A neighbouring door opened and someone peeked their head out, "What is all that yelling about?" Someone asked as they stepped out into the evening air. Natalie stumbled around bewildered. She had to find Kimberly. She pushed past the person without thinking and ran down the stairs. She was responsible some how; she knew she had to be.


Streetlights shone across Natalie as she woke up from yet another nightmare. For the past few weeks her dreams were getting increasingly detailed and stayed fresh in her mind. Memories of Kimberly like she has had even night since the day Natalie found her friend's family dead. However, there was something different this time. There was more then the usual recollections. Kim was in the Alleys with another girl and a strange shadow unlike anything she had ever seen before. She could still feel Kimberly's presence close to her heart, could almost smell Kimberly's hair. She gripped at her chest tighter as the feelings of losing her friend again began to fill her heart and mind. She spent over the last few years fighting this feeling of loss, however today it was much stronger and for some unexplainable reason it felt as if it were pulling on her.  

Natalie began to roll over in the bed only to notice that her entire body ached. She felt like she had just received the beating of her life. She turned over to see short, scruffy, light brown hair poking out from under the blankets. Natalie lightly set a hand on the sleeping body that lay beside her. A soft moan could be heard from the bowels of the blankets, then an arm emerged as a girl with a long, boyish, face rolled over on her back, still sound asleep. The street's light almost made the girl's skin glow and Natalie leaned closer to placed a light kiss upon the girl's cheek.

Natalie reached out and brushed a lock of hair out of the girl's eyes, "Alyson?" Natalie whispered softly not really wanting to wake the girl. Over the year the two had grown very close and Natalie could not think of living without her presence. Alyson was so princely in her own ways. She watched out for Natalie ever since the day they met so long ago. Natalie didn't mind, actually she felt safer with Alyson around, more so whenever Alyson's brother was around. There was something about the man that shook Natalie to her very core. She was not sure what it was about the man, it might have something to do with the way he just appears out of nowhere. It was as if he was a shadow. He never made a sound and the way he looked at Natalie made her a shiver at the mere thought.

Her hand touched a small pendant that hung around her neck, a small amethyst crystal on a silver chain that Alyson gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday. It was small and not very flashy, nevertheless Natalie loved it all the same and on nights like this one she found herself holding the pendant firmly in her hand and remembering the first day they met. Sometime she would hold it tight enough to leave red marks in the palm of her hand. She stared at the pendant for a moment. Watching it sway in and out of a beam of moonlight. Again she gazed down at the girl next to her and she held the crystal close to her heart.


Natalie searched all over town for Kimberly. Night fell faster than she was ready for and soon she found herself lost in the back alleys of the streets; calling out Kimberly's name everywhere she went. At one time she heard a police siren wailing out in the night and she found herself hiding from the sound without knowing why. Before long she was so lost she became scared for Kim as much as for herself. She leaned against a brick wall trying hard to stifle back the tears. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them a strange fog had surrounded her.

Natalie became suddenly very aware of where she was. She coughed and covered her mouth as the thick mist tried to fill her lungs. Something under the surface of the fog began to circle around her creating small ripples in the cloud; "NO!!" she spun around to see the mist starting to funnel into a twisting column like an inverted tornado. A pair of blood red eyes opened up at the head of the column and scales began to form along the surface of the cloud as the top half took on the form of a giant albino snake while the rest of the body of fog encircled the girl.

Natalie turned to run when the snake struck out at her and grabbed her by the leg with its tail, causing the girl to fall to the ground. Natalie let out a terrified scream as she started to feel herself being pulled backwards towards the creature.

A person ran passed Natalie and jumped into the depths of the mist. The sounds of fighting could be heard, but Natalie was too busy keeping her eyes shut. She felt her leg being released and she crawled beside a dumpster and cover her ears as an awful high-pitched howl filled the night.

Almost as soon as it started the sound ended and yet Natalie stayed cowering in her hiding spot. Her saviour stepped out from around the corner and gazed down at the shaking girl. The full moon backlit the person so Natalie had trouble-making out who it was. The person reached out and grabbed her by the arm, forcing Natalie to her feet.

"NOOO!!!" Natalie began to protest, "Let me go! Let me go!" She cried.

"Will you stop crying already?" A rather deep, yet female voice said, clearly annoyed by Natalie's reaction to her, "I thought you were stronger then this."

"Huh?" Natalie stopped fighting and looked up at the girl who stood before her. She found herself blinking at a tall boyishly handsome girl only a couple years older then Natalie. She was clad only in tight black leather pants and an oversized leather jacket with a zipper that started at the girls left shoulder and ended at her right hip. The jacket was unzipped to reveal a black t-shirt underneath. A long katana was held firmly in the girl's right hand glimmering against the moon's light, "Alyshione???" Natalie asked in confusion. 

"So you do know my name." The girl said as she sheathed her sword on her back.

"Everyone knows you." Natalie said, still in shock at whom she was talking to. Alyshione Dalfort, or Alyson to those who would call her a friend (which there were very few), was the most popular girl in the area. No one knew where she came from, nevertheless over half the girls at Whispering Hills Academy dreamed about getting a chance to talk to her, or, in some cases, even go on a date with her, "What are you doing out here?" Natalie asked, befuddled.

"I should be asking you that same question." Alyson examined the girl up and down, "I thought only East Wingers were foolish enough to wander here at night." She said as she started to walk away, almost as if she really didn't care to hear the answer.

"My friend is missing..." Natalie felt her eyes drift to the ground, "I promised I would protect her and I've already failed her." A tear brimmed in her eyes.

Alyson stopped and gazed up at the sky, "I really miss seeing the stars." She said to no one in particular, "Come on." Alyshione nodded down the road, "I guess I can help you find your friend." She started down the road without waiting for Natalie's reply.

Natalie tried hard to keep up with Alyshione as they wove their way through the maze of back streets. No matter how lost Natalie felt, it was almost as if Alyshione knew exactly where to turn; as if she had ventured these dark roads many a time over her years. Before long the two of them found themselves back on the normal streets. Natalie let out a sigh of relief as she watched a car slowly pass by. She thought for sure that she would never escape the maddening maze of alleyways.

Upon stepping out of the alleys Alyson quickened her step as she crossed the road heading toward a small set of complexes off in the distance. Natalie found herself having to jog in order to keep pace with the girl. It was like Alyson never ran out of breath, never paused to make sure she was on the right path, and never even took a look at her surroundings. Not once did she even look back to see if Natalie was keeping up. The two walked down the street until they arrived at a sidewalk that lead up to a small two-floor condo. Without hesitation Alyson took out a set of keys from the back pocket of her pants and opened the door, leaving the door open for Natalie to enter. Alyson did not turn around to see if the girl followed her as she took off her shoes, dropped the sword in an umbrella stand (which held three other swords as well as two umbrellas) and began to strip off her jacket, showing off the tight white t-shirt that she wore underneath, "You can close the door anytime." She said as she hung her jacket on a hook on the wall.

"Oh, Sorry." Natalie quickly entered and closed the door, but did not move from the doorway.

"Would you like something to drink?" Alyson asked as she entered a large kitchen that stood off to the side. The wall had a long window cut into it, with wooden shutters that were currently open, so Natalie would see into the kitchen and watch as Alyson opened the fridge and pulled out a jug of juice.

"Yes please." Natalie said politely. She had never felt so nervous before in her life, and could not keep her eyes off Alyson, the way her shirt formed perfectly to her athletic body and small chest, as the girl opened the cupboard, grabbed a pair of glasses and began to fill them.

Natalie blushed as she noticed that she was staring at the girl and stared down at the ground. 

"Have a seat in the living room. I'll be right with you." Alyson said gesturing over her shoulder.

Slowly, Natalie began to remove her shoes. She glanced around the living room, which was located to the side of the kitchen. Another set of swords hung on a rack above the couch and many odd-looking porcelain masks lined the walls. Natalie found herself standing in awe of the array of things around her. The entire room held an air to it that made the girl feel small standing in the centre of it all.

"I hate those things." Alyson said nodding towards the masks in disgust as she entered the room and handed Natalie a glass of juice, then plopped down on the sofa, "My brother has been collecting them for years." She shivered, "You're probably tired from your adventure. Sit." She more commanded this time then asked.
"Thank you." Natalie said as she lowered herself beside Alyson. She suddenly realized just how tired she really was, as every part of her wanted to collapse and the glass began to slip from her hands.

"Oops." Alyson grabbed the glass from Natalie's hand and set it down on the coffee table, "Maybe I should take you to bed?"

"No no... that's alright..." Natalie tried to stand, "I don't want to be in the waaayyy..." It was like her legs would not respond and she fell over, landing on Alyson’s lap.

"It would seem that you were in the Alleys a bit too long." Alyson said as she helped the girl sit up again. Natalie suddenly flinched in pain as the girl touched her side, "Where does it hurt?" Alyson knelt next to the girl, examining her as she clenched her side.

"It's nothing." The blonde said between gasps for air. It suddenly felt as if her ribs were broken, or what she thought it would feel like to have her ribs broken, "It happened during gymnastics practice. Nothing special." She didn't want to burden this girl with her problems, and she felt she should really be getting home.

"Yeah right." Alyson grabbed Natalie's shirt by the bottom and quickly pulled it over the girl's head and tossed it on the back of the sofa. Natalie blinked not sure how she found herself to be sitting in her training bra, "Let me see what you did to yourself." Alyson said as she inspected Natalie's chest, "This is not good." Alyson stared a large bruise that was forming on Natalie's side, which was an odd yellow colour and seemed to be spreading along her ribs. She gazed into Natalie's eyes almost searching for something within them, "You promised..." She said the words almost too soft for Natalie to hear.              

At that moment the front door opened, "Alyshione?" a deep voice called out as someone entered the house.

"Over here brother." She didn't let her eyes leave Natalie's as she spoke, "We have company."

A large tall man stepped out of the doorway and into the room. He towered over the two girls as he took off his long white cloak to reveal a dark black uniform that almost pulled the light into it. His white wiry hair hung loosely in his eyes as he looked down at the two girls. They bore into Natalie as she glanced up at him, then as she suddenly realizing that she was topless and quickly covered her body with her arms, turned away from his gaze and tried to hide in the sofa. The man tilted his head to see the bruises along the girl's side, and then turned to hang his cloak upon a hook near the door.

"She is a 'promised.'" Alyson said to her brother's back.

"As I see." He replied, as he began to head down the hall to the back of the house, "If you want to keep her she will be your pupil, not mine." He said as he disappeared down the hall and up a set of stairs.

Alyson's eyes glittered and she yelled after her brother, "Can she really stay?" There was a note of excitement in her voice that made Natalie feel a little uneasy.

"Just remember: She is your responsibility." The man's voice drifted from the depths of the house.

"'Keep her?'" Natalie repeated in confusion, "What does he mean 'Keep her'?" She asked Alyson.

The shorthaired girl turned back to Natalie, "It just means that you can stay." Alyson said with a smile, "And you did say you wanted to find your friend, right?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with staying here?" Natalie was even more confused, and the look in Alyson's eyes was beginning to scare her a bit.

"Drake and I are... explorers..." She said, grabbing her glass as she sat upon the couch again, "He taught me everything I know and if you want to help your friend you are going to need to work for it." She took a sip of her drink, "I'm guessing that your family doesn't really notice when you are missing now do they?" 

"I'm adopted... They don't seem to care if I'm alive. I don't think they will care if I leave." Natalie said sadly, however no matter how much her family hated her she was suddenly not sure coming here was such a good idea, but if it helped her find Kimberly she would do anything, "But what was this about a 'Promised?' And why do you both seem so interested in this bruise of mine?"

Alyson set the glass down; "You mentioned that you made a promise to someone." She looked Natalie in the eyes; "I can see it in your eyes. A promise to protect someone." She didn't let her eyes waver from Natalie.

Nervously, Natalie's eyes darted around, "Yeah..." She turned and gazed at the floor, "I promised Kim that I would protect her." She tried hard not to let her emotions get the better of her as she felt a bout of tears begin to form, "But I failed."

"No you haven't. That bruise is your link." Alyson said pointing to Natalie's side, "When you made that promise your souls were intertwined to the point where you now reflect her pains."

Gently Natalie touched her side, "So Kim has the same bruise?" She asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"More than likely she has a broken rib, or at the least a small fracture." Alyson took another sip of her drink, was not fazed by any of their conversation.

Natalie watched the girl perplexed, "How... how do I know any of this is true?" She asked.

Alyson set her glass on the coffee table and adjusted her seating so she now faced the girl, "Because we are the same." She then pulled off her own top. Natalie stared at the girl for a moment, stunned by the fact that the girl wore no bra and then her eyes moved to the many dark yellowish slash marks that covered her entire chest, they angry and appeared very deep, but they were only on the surface. Natalie almost wanted to reach out and touch them, but stopped herself, "I promised someone once too.” Alyson continued, “Now I have to live with their pains. The only good thing is that as long as I feel their pain I know they are still alive." She leaned closer to Natalie, "And that one day we will meet them again. As long as you keep her in your heart it will lead you to her."


Natalie cautiously slipped out from under the blankets while holding her side, which was throbbing, but not as much as the side of face, which stung. She carefully snuck out of the room and entered the washroom where she flipped a switch next to the door flooding the room with light. The washroom was small enough only for one person with a small mirror hanging over a small sink next to a toilet. Natalie approached the sink and turned on the water. She looked at her reflection as the cold water filled her hands. A large bruise had formed over her right eye and her lip was broken open. She gingerly touched the bruise and winced in pain. The sight of the wounds worried Natalie even more. She quietly turned off the light and returned to the bedroom where she found her jean skirt and a t-shirt, then got dressed.

She took another glance at Alyson's sleeping form before carefully tiptoeing down the hall towards the front door. The feeling in her chest grew stronger with every step and it was almost calling to her. She quickly grabbed a long rectangular metal box, with leather straps coming off the sides, off from its hook on the wall. It was about the length of her forearm and placed the instrument along her right arm and buckled it in place. She then put on her black leather boots, pair of red ski goggles and leather jacket, before grabbing her tattered canvas cloak, all gifts from Alyson. When she was finish dressing she opened the door to peeked out into the night. Only when she was sure that there was no one about did she push through the door and plunged into the darkness of some nearby trees. She took one last look at the house that had been her home this past while, before turning away and running off to find out what was calling her so late in the night.

"Kimberly." She asked to herself while gazing up at the starless sky, "Where are you?"

Keeping her mind on the image of her friend, she wove her way through the city. No destination in mind only following the feeling in her heart and allowing her feet to take her where she needed to go. If her heart told her to turn left she would do such without a single hesitation. Alyson taught her how to follow these feelings long ago, however this was the first time it was strong enough to get a clear picture of which way to journey. Every other time the feeling would fade only moments into her travels, however this time the sensation was only building upon itself with every step she made. Before long Natalie realized where the feeling was bringing her and before long she found herself stopping before the gated archway of Whisper Hills Academy. She glanced around quickly to see if she could have possibly made a mistake, again the feeling grew in strength and it was crying out to her from somewhere beyond the gates. She took a deep breath and quickly marched towards the entrance.

Ignoring the lights of the buildings in the distance Natalie turned off the path and trudged across the lawn, wet from nightly sprinklers. A new sense of urgency started to enter the girl's heart and she broke into a hard run until she came across a large chain linked fence, which was meant to keep the students from using the pool area after class was out. Natalie quickly scaled the barrier and sprinted across the patio towards the large body of water normally used by the school's swim team. She circled the pool, her eyes alertly searching the clear waters. She finally stopped at the deep end of the pool in confusion. She was certain her heart was telling her to come to this location, however there didn't seem to be anything there, even the water seemed calm. Then her eyes fell on something unusual. Not far from where she stood there was a small ring of ripples. She started to move closer to the edge of the water to see the ripples begin to grow in strength. Suddenly a hand burst through the surface of the water. Instinctively Natalie tore off her cloak and jacket and pulled the goggles into place before plunging into the pool. Beneath the surface she discovered two girls struggling to reach the top, one she realized right away was Kimberly, however there seemed to be something pulling them down. Natalie dove even deeper to find a dark mass forming below the girl's. A shadowy tentacle was wrapped around one of their legs and slowly dragging both deeper into the depths of the unknown.

With a slight twist of Natalie's right wrist and a long blade sprung forth from the device beneath the girl's sleeve and she swam at the darkness to find herself faced with a pair of glowing red eyes and a mass of teeth. Natalie didn't hesitate for a moment as she plunged the silver blade into the shape. Many tendrils of shadow shot forth at the girl, however Natalie easily dodged the creature's attacks, cutting a tentacle here and there. With each slash of her blade she dove closer to the mass until she plunged her bladed arm deep into the depths of the darkness.  A low gurgled roar could be heard as the creature let go of its prey and the three girls were propelled out of the depths. Natalie quickly grabbed hold of the girls and swam them to the edge of the pool where she hauled the girls out of the water and flopped on the ground between the girls, panting heavily. A smile crossed her face and she began to laugh uncontrollably and let out a whopping holler of delight, “I found her Alyson!” She cried out into the night air, “I finally found here.”


To be Continued...


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at:

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at:

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @

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