A Shadowlander's Dream - Book One: A Tale of Shadows
By Kathryn K Williams
Part Three: Death's Corridor
Chapter Fourteen - Faceless Soul
Kimberly staggered backwards, "You!" She exclaimed as she suddenly realized that it May that stood before her and the memory of the beaten she received from the girl came forward in her mind.
"So you do remember me after all." May said her smile growing even larger, "Then you remember our little discussion from earlier."
Kimberly nodded her head slowly as she clenched her still aching side from where the girl had landed a kick earlier.
"Good, because I was beginning to worry about you." May said then, turned away from the redhead.
"Ummm... Do you know where we are?" Kimberly started to ask.
"Did you know we used to be the closest of friends?" May grabbed the top of one of the stall doors and set her forehead against the cold steel, "We used to walk to school every day and do everything together." Her voice was distant, "Did you know that autumn was her favourite season of them all. She loved the changing colours of the leaves and how the wind seemed to play music with them. It was almost as if she was happiest in the fall." She paused, deep in thought.
Kimberly gazed at the girl curiously, "Who?"
May turned and glared at the redhead with anger in her eyes, "You really are stupid, aren't you?" Kimberly flinched at the tone of the girl's voice, "Who else would I be talking about? Jenn, you fool... We were not in love once?"
"But I thought Kris and Jenn wer-" Kim began to speak, however she wished she hadn't as she noticed fury spread across the girl's face.
"Kris? KRIS?!?" May's voice rose until it filled the room, echoing off the concrete walls, "I was friends with Jenn long before that... that tomboy dyke entered the picture." She punched at the stall door, denting it; "Everything was perfect until she showed up. She was always sticking her nose into everything. Always blaming me for everything." The anger began to drain from May's eye and she leaned against the stall wrapping an arm around her waist, "She didn't care how I felt. No one cared..." Her voice drifted off.
Kimberly shifted in her place, trying to figure out what to do when May's eyes caught hers, "Ahh yes, then you came along." A sneer crossed the girl's lips, "It was kind of interesting. It would seem that Jenn didn't remember a thing about Kris. Everything was working out perfectly until little you showed up. How exactly did you get in here anyway?" She asked calmly, almost sounding as if she was uninterested in hearing an answer.
"I... I don't know..." Kimberly nervously pulled on her sleeves until her fingers could not be seen at all, "I fell, I think..." She tried hard not to look May in the eyes.
May stared in disbelief, "You fell?" She leaned against the stall and burst into laughter, "She fell!!!" The girl dropped to her knees in laughter, "All that work gone to waste because she fell!!!" She rolled over onto her back and starred up at the naked bulb, her face suddenly sullen; "To think that is all it took. One little girl..."
Kimberly's eyes darted around the room then back to May, "I'm.. I'm sorry... I just wanted to get back home."
May quickly sat up, "Home?" A perplexed look crossed her face as she stood up and walked over to Kimberly forcing the girl between two of the sinks and setting a hand upon one of them, "Is that so?"
Kimberly nodded her head, "I just wanna go home." Her voice was shaky and sounded far away. Fear was showing in her eyes.
May narrowed her eyes, "Then what are you doing back here? You could have turned around but you didn't. Why? WHY!?" She slammed her hand on the mirror next to Kimberly's head cracking it and causing Kim to let out a small scream.
Kimberly was shaking now. She looked away from May's angry glare; "I've been trying to figure that out for the past little while. I know I don't belong here, but something kept calling me. That maybe I would be able to find her." Kimberly admitted.
May stepped back, "Then what? You will live happily ever after?" She turned her back to the girl and stood directly under the light bulb.
Kimberly stared down at her hands, "No... just to... thank her... I guess" she said softly, "To tell her she is not alone." Her final words were so quiet that May could not hear them.
May smiled to herself, "You are really a horrible liar." She said with a small chuckle.
Kimberly stood up, "It's the truth." She said proudly. "I just wanted to thank her for listening to me and for understanding. That's all."
May started to laugh, "Well it doesn't matter because you will never see her ever again."
Kimberly stepped forward, "Why not? You know where she is, don't you!" Kimberly could feel herself growing bolder. She felt that this girl must be the key to finding Jenn, "Why won't you tell me!" She cried.
May turned her head and gazed at the girl, "Why not?" She smiled except that this time a set of small fangs poked out from the edge of her mouth, "Because you will not leave here alive that's why." She brought her hand out from behind her to show that it was now twisted into long hooks and claws. Not just her hand but also her entire arm looked like jagged bone. She swung at the redhead, barely missing the girl and crashing into the sink to her left, sending shards of porcelain flying through the air. Kimberly covered her head as she scrambled to get away from the insane demon child.
"You can't hide from me." May yelled at Kimberly's heels, "I know every inch of this place so run all you like." Her laughter could be heard echoing off the walls.
Kimberly tried not to slip on the wet floor as she ran, finding a pair of double doors that she didn't remember seeing before. Not thinking twice about it she dashed across the room and pushed through the doors into a locker room. She glanced around the room then ran down one of the aisles, through another set of doors into the hall of a school. She was somehow in her new school again. Confused, she stumbled around, and then turned to her left to see May walking down the hall towards her.
"What do you think?" She said, waving clawed arms around, "It's real down to the last detail. Every day is fall, just as she likes it and soon everything will be back to normal." She turned back to Kimberly, "That is, of course, once I get rid of you."
Kimberly fell backwards and kicked at the ground trying hard to escape this nightmare. It had to be a nightmare; that was the only way to explain all of this. She rolled over and started to crawl forward when her eyes fell on the reflection of a girl in a glass cabinet. The girl was pointing at a door across the way. Kimberly got to her feet and ran for the door. She pushed it open then stopped. She found herself standing in yet another washroom. This one was smaller and was more modern than the last however at the same time it didn't seem to have an exit other then a small window.
One of the stalls opened and out walked Jenn. Kim stood in complete shock as the girl for whom she had searched for so long walked passed her, up to the sinks and started to wash her hands. Kimberly stepped forward and tried to find her voice. She reached out a hand towards Jenn wanting nothing more then to touch her, to make sure that this was not another part of this
Hellish dream.
Jenn glanced up at Kimberly and smiled, "Oh, Hi May." She said. The words caused Kimberly to freeze in place. Fear filled her eyes as she turned around to see May standing at the washroom door. Her face was warm with a bright smile and her arms were no longer hideous deformed claws.
"Hey Jenn?" May asked while stepping into the room. It was as if she was ignoring Kimberly standing between the two of them. She walked straight towards the sinks and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "How was your weekend?"
"Great!" Jenn replied with a smile, "Yours?"
"Good," May answered back.
Kimberly stepped back not sure what to think. She did not stop backing up until her shoulder bumped into the washroom stalls causing the door to bang open, but the sound did not seem to effect either Jenn and May in any way. It was almost as if the two girls could not see her at all.
May continued to stare at herself in the mirror but her smile began to fade, "Jenn, Can I ask you something?" She said quietly.
Jenn looked up at May, "Sure anything."
May's head lowered and she stared into the sink, "Anything... I sometimes wonder..." It sounded like she was struggling with the words.
Jenn stepped closer to May and touched her shoulder, "You know you can trust me." She said, "We have been friends since kindergarten 'Friends till the end' and all that, remember?"
When May looked up into Jenn's eyes the pain May was going through became very clear. She opened her mouth except that no sound came out. May returned her eyes to the sink again, "I'm sorry." She muttered.
Jenn placed an arm around her friend and pulled her close, "It is alright. You can tell me." Jenn whispered into the girl's ear.
May's arms wrapped around Jenn's waist and squeezed her tight, "I'm scared." May's whispers were almost sobs.
Jenn slowly swayed while stroking the girl's back, "There is nothing to be afraid of. I'll always be here for you."
May pulled back enough so she could look Jenn in the eyes, "Really? Always?" She asked with tears in her eyes.
Jenn smiled back at the girl, "Of course. Is that what was bothering you?" She asked with a chuckle.
May gave a weak smile, "I love you." She said softly.
Jenn laughed, "and I love you too."
May brought a hand up and brushed Jenn's cheek, "I will always love you." She leaned forward, not letting her eyes off Jenn's until their lips touched and the two girls kissed.
Kim could not believe what she was seeing. May and Jenn were... but she thought that Kris and Jenn... Her head started to spin. She looked back at the girls as May's hand started to move up Jenn's thigh and under the girl's skirt. Kimberly suddenly felt the need to get out of that room and was about to leave when Jenn pulled back from May's embrace.
Jenn could not look May in the eyes, "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..." She stammered and she turned to leave.
May tried to pull Jenn back into her arms, "No don't go. I need you." She pleaded.
Jenn placed a finger on May's lips, "I'm sorry but it just can't be." She pulled out of May's arms, "I love you but not like this." She began to step towards the door.
"Oh but you can love Kris, is that it!" May's said. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes, "Why?"
Kimberly all of a sudden felt sorry for May. Kim wanted to reach out to the girl when she noticed drops of crimson falling from the girl's fingers, pooling on the white tile floors. She glanced up to see May reach out a hand towards Jenn, a cut etched deep into the pale flesh of her wrist.
Jenn did not seem to notice the gruesome scene before her and pushed the washroom door open, "That is a different story." She walked out of the washroom without so much as a glance back.
Kim shook her head then let her eyes fall on the floor. The blood was now running along the tiles to a small drain in the centre of the room. Kim's eyes followed the trail back except it didn't stop at May's feet. The crimson path ran between Kim's own legs behind her. Kimberly turned around and peered into the stall to find May was now lying on the floor of the stall, bloody handprints marking every wall of the stall. Kim scrambled to the girl's side and tried to think of what to do. She glanced up for some paper towels to see another May standing over her in the stall door.
"You now understand don't you?" May asked, nodding at her own dying body.
Kimberly shook her head in confusion, "Understand what? That you killed yourself because you were rejected?" Tears filled her eyes, "She loved you and you know it. How could you have done this to her?" The thought made all the fear she felt before replace with anger.
"Yes she does." May said with a smile, "and she will always love me."
Kim stood to her feet, "What are you talking about?" Her eyes meet May's and would not let go, "You mean this world? Do you really think that by repeating this day that she will love you?" Kim was now visibly angry.
"Well yes actually. That was until Kris showed up." May sneered at the name; "I had her all to myself until that bitch started to interfere." She stepped closer to Kim, "Then there is you. Do you realize just how much damage you caused by being here?" May's fangs returned and her eyes again filled with darkness, "Don't think I'd forgotten." A clawed hand began to reach towards Kim, forcing her further back into the stall, "She was supposed to be with me after lunch and not with you!"
Kim felt her bravery quickly wash away when faced with those taloned fingers, "I already told you." Kimberly began to stammer, "I didn't come here on purpose."
"Well, it's too late to change things now isn't it?" May said with a sinister smile.
"If you are her closest friend then what do you think your death would have done to her?" Kim felt her courage recovering as she stepped forwards, "Do you have any idea what it feels like to lose a friend?"
"I just..." May stumbled backwards, "Why couldn't she just love me?"
"She did love you." Kim noted, "Losing you is probably killing her."
"No, No!!" May clenched at the sides of her head, "She didn't love me. She didn't!" Tears began to stream down the girl’s cheeks.
The lights started to flicker and fade leaving the two girls alone in the dark. A single light drifted down until it fell between the girls revealing itself to be a large glowing feather. Panic could be seen on May's face as the feather passed her nose while Kimberly only felt warmth emitting from the feather. It did not make her afraid at all and she couldn't understand May's fear.
"N... no..." May began to sob as she spin around, "I don't want to go!" She yelled, swinging her hand wildly behind her cutting into something. She glanced down at her claws to see there were lines of blood.
"That was not very nice." A voice said from the darkness, "You would think that we were not welcome here." Out of the darkness stepped Gwen. Three slash marks on her cheek stood out against her white skin. She wiped the blood away with the back of her hand and smiled at the girls.
"Gwen?" Kimberly muttered in awe.
"Nice to see you again." Gwen said with a smile.
May stepped back, eyes widened with terror "I... I'm sorry." She fell backwards into Kim's arms, "Don't let her take me." She pleaded, clinging at Kim’s clothes.
"There is no need to be afraid." Said another voice from the darkness. Another young winged girl not much taller than Gwen stepped out of the dark. She was clad in long brown robes with a sash around her waist and a hood pulled over her head. Deep bluish hair hung loosely over her left eye while the right side was kept in a neat tight braid off to the side of a long face. A sad eye stared out from the shadow of her bangs at May, "Gwen will not hurt you." She said while offering a hand out to May, "Nor will I."
"NO!!" May yelled pushing away from Kim and broke into a run, only to find her way instantly blocked by Gwen. May turned to run in another direction to be blocked by the angel yet again, "Get out of my way!" May ordered Gwen.
Gwen simply smiled down at May, "I don't think so." and before May could try to run again Gwen had a hand around the girl's throat, "I don't think to highly of runners. Or Faceless." Her wings extended and spread out wide reaching for the sky.
"What!?!" May choked against the death angel's hold.
Kimberly watched in amazement as the angel set a hand on May’s face and began to pull what looked like misty light out of the girl. Slowly a form started to shape between the angels fingers and a strange porcelain mask could be seen over May's face. The mask only had one triangular slit in the centre and what appeared to be a single eye staring out of it. The angel pulled at the mask forcing it out of May's body until finally the two came apart and she let May drop to the ground, tattered cloth billowing out from below the floating mask in her hands, if it wasn't for the fact that it was moving one would think it was just a costume and nothing more. It flailed about in the angel's arms in a vain attempt to get free, however Gwen only continued smile at it. She took one hand and shoved it into the centre of the robes and Kimberly had to cover here ears as the creature let out an unearthly howl.
The angel did not seem effected by the screams as she twisted her hand deeper inside the robes almost in search of something. She pulled her hand out and bits of light could be seen shining through the cracks between her fingers, and then she smashed the mask on the ground shattering it into tiny pieces. A small marble eye rolled across the ground stopping at Kim's feet staring up at the girl. Something came over the girl and she felt the urge to stop the eye from looking at her so she did just that. The eye made a sickening small pop as the redhead's foot crushed it to the ground.
May started to rise to her feet while holding her head, "Unnnnn..." She staggered a little as she tried to stand. Angelina caught the girl before she fell to the ground again, "Where am I?" May asked bewildered.
"Safe. My name is Angelina." Angelina said softly, "It is time to go home now." and she began to lead May into the darkness.
"Wait!" Kimberly started after the two when Gwen stopped her.
"It is not your time yet." Gwen said calmly, "You were very brave you know that?" She said with a smile.
"I just wanted to help her." Kimberly said as she watched as May and Angelina disappeared into the distance.
"But you are needed somewhere else now, am I right?" Gwen said nodding behind Kimberly.
Kimberly turned around to see a pair of double doors. She turned back to the angel, "T.. Thank you." She bowed and ran towards the door. She did not see the angel disappear behind her as she pushed through the door to find herself standing on a long beach, in her nightgown once again. A long cliff running off to the right and a bright red sun could be seen setting over the ocean. Near the waters edge Kim could see Jenn, in a hospital gown, lying in the sand with the waves lapping at her feet. Kim slowly approached the girl to see that she had her eyes shut and appeared to be fast asleep. Kim gazed down at the sleeping girl. Jenn seemed so peaceful laying there, the wind playing with her hair. Not wanting to wake her just yet Kim slowly lowered herself into the sand next to the girl and watched the setting sun. After a while Kim glanceed back to Jenn. The girl didn't seem to move since Kim got there. Kim leaned over the girl to see if indeed she was alive. Just as she was lowering herself closer to Jenn's face her eyes snapped open causing Kim to jump backwards and land in the water.
"Kim?" Jenn said startled to see her friend. She then turned bright red and looked down at the ground.
"What’s wrong?" Kim asked then she noticed that the nightgown was sopping wet and she could see right through it. She turned several shades of red then crouched into the water again to cover herself up when she felt something move under the water, "huh?" Kim turned around to see what it was when she felt it touch her ankle and quickly stood, "There is something in here!" She exclaimed.
Jenn recovered from her embarrassment, "What do you mean?" She started towards Kim when suddenly the girl was dragged under the water, "KIMM!!!" Jenn called out as her friend disappeared under the surface.
Without hesitation Jenn ran into the water and dove in. Kim struggled against whatever had a hold of her leg as she was dragged deeper into the murky waters. Jenn swam down quickly and took hold of Kim's arm. She tried to pull the girl to the surface; nevertheless whatever had a hold on the girl was now pulling the two of them into the watery depths. Jenn swam deeper and tried to pry the hands off of Kim when the face of a person came into light. The face was slightly charred, it was the face of her mother and the look on the woman's face was almost sad. The woman let go of Kim to reach out towards her daughter. Jenn blinked in confusion and started to reach out for her mother when Kim suddenly grabbed the girl by the arm and started to pull her to the surface. Before they could reach the surface of the water something got a tighter grip on the girl's legs and pulled them down with more force than before, dragging them into the darkness below.
To be Continued...
Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.
This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts page at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/
For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts page at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159
Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com