Story: Tabula Rasa (chapter 2)

Authors: Janine

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Chapter 2

Title: One

Part One


Abbie Carmichael sat hunched over at her desk rubbing her temples with her thumbs. She had spent four years in the narcotics division putting people away, but if some perp were to have come up to her at that particular moment and offered her something to get rid of the migraine she was suffering through she would have seriously considered the offer before tossing their ass in jail.

Not bothering to look up when she heard a knock at her door Abbie called out in an irritated voice.

"What ever it is I don't want to hear it!"

"Another memorable greeting by the lovely merry sunshine," came the amused voice from the doorway. Abbie paused in her rubbing, she knew that voice, it was...Ricci, Toni Ricci. She smiled and turned her head to the side.

"This is a surprise," Carmichael drawled meeting Ricci's eyes. "Come in."

"Thanks," Ricci said making her way over to the chair in front of Carmichael's desk. Looking up she noticed Abbie's grimace and tilted her head to the side curiously before asking, "How're you doing? You look well."

"Thank you very much Toni, it's always a pleasure to see you too," Abbie responded dryly though she couldn't quite help the small smile that appeared on her face. Toni had always had that effect on her.


"Feels like the birth of Athena," Abbie answered wincing slightly, then she turned her attention to Ricci's bag. "You don't have anything in there that could help do you?"

"Will you have me arrested if I say yes?" Ricci asked playfully.


"That's nice of you...but I don't have anything," Toni responded.

Abbie straightened up and leaned back in her chair watching Ricci for a moment. She was a beautiful woman in her early thirties. Flaming red hair, and freckles, but it was her eyes that were her best feature as far a Carmichael was concerned. They were warm, mischievous, inviting, intelligent, but if you got on her bad side they could also turn to ice. Finally stopping her visual inspection she spoke. "Are you here for any particular reason or did you just stop by to give me shit?"

Ricci shifted in her chair, her face becoming serious. Carmichael had come to think of it as her business face. It was rarely seen outside of the office or the courtroom unless you really pissed her off. Ricci was one of the most unconditionally nice people that Carmichael had ever met.

"The Barrett case," Toni responded. Carmichael looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"What of it?" Abbie asked in a semi-suspicious voice that she couldn't help.

"I've been assigned to be you're co-chair," Ricci responded. Abbie leaned forward resting her elbows on her desk. "Last I heard Jack and I were still working that one." She frowned a little as she spoke, she didn't like being surprised.

"I just got word on my cell on my way out of the courthouse," Ricci said. "Have you been in all day?"

"No, I got in about half an hour ago," Abbie responded. She shook her head, "I haven't checked my messages yet."

Ricci was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. They both turned to look and see who dare interrupt them. It was Jack McCoy, so all was forgiven.

"Am I interrupting?" Jack asked from the doorway. As usual his hair was disheveled and his tie loosened. Although she would never admit it to him, or anyone else for that matter, Abbie found it disarming.

"No, come on in," she responded waving him in. McCoy looked at Ricci and nodded, they were sure to have seen each other around in the past even if they hadn't worked together.

"I've got some news," McCoy said making his way into the office. It was either stand or take the couch, he opted to stand.

"Let me guess...the Barrett case?" Carmichael asked watching as he moved around her office some more.

"So you've heard," he responded glancing at Ricci once more.

Leaning forward Abbie focused her gaze on McCoy. "What's going on Jack?" McCoy stopped walking and turned to face her.

"I've been subpoenaed. It's in relation to a case I worked a few years back, out of state. I won't be gone long, but I'll be gone long enough," he responded. Abbie nodded and leaned back in her chair. She was curious about this case but he wouldn't tell her anymore about it now, she knew that, so she decided to let it drop. Glancing over at Ricci, Abbie knew that Adam had assigned her to the case because of their record together in narco.

"When do you leave?" she asked him.

"A few days from now," Jack responded eyeing the door. "I've got to go make the arrangements," he continued making a vague hand motion towards the door. Before turning to leave he focused his gaze on Abbie again. "Keep me posted?"

"Will do," Abbie responded. "Oh, and Jack?" He stopped where he was and turned around. "Good luck."

"Thanks," he responded, then, "Ms. Ricci." With that he headed out the door and down the hall to the left. Once he was out of sight Abbie turned back to Toni.

"Have you been briefed?"

"All I know is it's a double homicide," Ricci responded.

"Alright," Abbie said working her temples again. "Are you hungry?"

"Always," Ricci responded with a grin.

"There's this Italian place around the corner..."

"I know it," Ricci said. "Are you sure you want to go out?" Abbie smiled at that.

"Yeah. I'm more interested in the pharmacy beside it than that garlic bread though."


Ricci watched silently as Abbie popped the top of her newly purchased bottle of Advil and started fighting with the protective cotton inside. She had always wondered what the cotton inside those bottles was for, besides pissing people off that was. She continued to watch the scene playing out in front of her trying not to smile as Abbie started ripping at the cotton sending little pieces of white fluff into the air. With anyone else Toni would have just reached over and grabbed the bottle taking the cotton out herself, she had a talent for that, but she wasn't with just anyone and she knew that Abbie would not appreciate it no matter how good the intent. She could almost picture the look of pure irritation that would cover the other woman's face.

Returning her attention to Abbie she noticed that the brunette had gotten out two pills and was now downing them with the restaurant's complimentary water.

"I guess this means we won't be asking for the wine selection," Toni commented once Abbie had taken her medicine. Abbie just looked at her for a moment before picking up her glass and taking another sip. Toni ignored her and reached over for the case file sitting in front of Abbie. She picked it up and was about to start looking through the contents when their waiter arrived. His name was Chris if you could trust the name tag. He was young, nineteen maybe and had a fashionably hip goatee. Under his apron thing he was dressed all in black and Toni was sure that he was majored in the arts.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked politely though his attention was scattered around the room. TV had reduced his attention span to that of lightening bolt Ricci was sure. She had a cousin like that who was twenty and couldn't concentrate on anything for more than ten seconds.

"I'll have a Coke," Ricci told Chris.

"And for you ma'am?" he directed at Abbie. She looked up at him with a slightly amused look on her face and Toni knew that not many people referred to her as ma'am.

"I'll have an Iced tea," Abbie told him. Chris scribbled on his note pad for a moment before looking up again.

"The day's special's are..." he didn't even manage to get out one of the specials before Abbie interrupted him.

"I'll have the fettuccini." Chris glared at her for a moment before scribbling down her order. Toni got the impression that he had worked very hard to memorize those specials and didn't enjoy being interrupted. She concluded that Abbie had hurt his feelings.

"I'll have the chicken penne," Toni told him when he focused his gaze on her. He scribbled some more then turned and left the table.

Once Chris left the table Abbie retrieved her file from Toni and opened it up. After skimming through the contents she returned her attention to Ricci who was eating what had to have been her fiftieth bread stick.

"What would you have done if we hadn't come out? There's nothing edible in my office," Abbie commented. Toni looked up at her, her eyes were gleaming and Abbie wondered what she was thinking.

"I would have managed," Ricci responded vaguely. "So," she said changing the subject. "What have we got?"

"On the surface, a hold up gone bad. The accused is a 54 year old woman. She and her husband own a grocery store near Jersey. Two nights ago after closing time two teenage boys came into the store. Around ten minutes later shots were fired, the boys were killed, and Mrs. Barrett called the police."


"She claims self-defense," Abbie responded leaning back so that Chris could place her drink in front of her. Ricci did the same and then as fast as he had appeared he disappeared.

"Right," Toni said reaching for her glass. "What's the catch?"

"Neither of the victims was armed. Not unless a can of Coke passes for a deadly weapon these days," Abbie responded derisively.

"Hmmm," Toni commented. "Have you spoken to her yet?"

"No, I still have to go see Briscoe and Curtis."

"Tag team?" Toni questioned.

"Why not?"


The station was buzzing as usual, uniformed and un-uniformed officers moving about doing their part to make the city a little safer. Standing by a desk near the water cooler were two women, a leggy brunette, and a red-head, both of whom were drawing the attention of the male officers, and if one looked closely enough some of the female officers as well.

"What have you got for me?" Abbie asked looking down at Briscoe. He and Curtis were seated while she and Ricci stood. More than once she wondered how the police were expected to fight crime when they couldn't even afford chairs.

"The investigating officers were O'Brien and Stewart with the 69th. They got the call around 10:30 p.m., arrived 10:45 p.m. The boys were already dead," Curtis responded.

"Any witness? Inside or outside the store?" Ricci asked dividing her attention between the two detectives.

"No one was in the store but them three. As for outside, Mrs. Barrett don't remember and those boys ain't in any position to tell us," Briscoe responded dryly.

"Is that it?" Carmichael asked looking between them.

"It was pretty cut and dry as far as our job goes," Curtis responded.

"We didn't exactly have to search far and wide for her," Briscoe added with a shrug.

"So O'Brien and Stewart with the 69th?" Ricci asked making sure she had the names right.

"Those are your guys," Briscoe responded taking a sip of coffee.

"Thanks," Abbie said before nodding to Ricci.

"Always a pleasure," Briscoe called after them with a smile. "We finally get some broads coming around here that look like that and I'm too old and you're too married to enjoy it," Briscoe continued turning to Curtis.

"It?" Curtis asked smiling.

"Them," Briscoe corrected with a look in the direction the ADA's had left in.

"Keep dreaming Lenny," Curtis said as he reached for one of the many files on his half of the desk.

"I will."

"Is this what I have to look forward to as I get older? Being horny and undersexed?" Curtis asked glancing up.

"That and aching joints. Aging's a bitch I'm telling you," Briscoe responded shaking his head.

As they exited the station Toni raised her hand in a useless attempt to block a gust of cold air blowing directly into her face. Moving out further onto the sidewalk she turned to look at Abbie.

"Your call," she said simply as she rubbed her hands together.

"I want to talk to O'Brien and Stewart first," Abbie responded looking over at Ricci. The other woman looked miserable, and she was rubbing her hands together so fast Abbie was sure they'd fall off.

"Walk or taxi?" Toni asked.

"Definitely taxi," Abbie responded pulling a pair of gloves out of her pocket. "Here," she said shoving them in Toni's direction. Toni looked up at her then down at the gloves then back at her before reaching out for the gloves and gratefully pulling them on.

"Thanks mom," Toni said with an affectionate smile. Abbie simply smirked at her before taking a few steps to the curb to hail a cab.


"So what are you two? Like the D.A's or something?" O'Brien asked as he walked briskly through the precinct. He was a burly man which was nice, he was clearing a path for Carmichael and Ricci.

"We're not 'like' the D.A's, we are the D.A's," Abbie responded sidestepping to avoid an irate young woman who was showering some poor officer with some colorful choice phrases.

"Whatever," O'Brien responded dismissily. "Look, I'm real busy, what is it exactly that you ladies want?"

"We'd like to speak with you and officer Stewart about the Barrett shooting," Ricci interjected noticing the look Carmichael was shooting at the back of O'Brien's head.

"Like I said, I'm real busy, besides Stewie's not here right now. Why don't you just read the report, huh? That's why we write 'em. It ain't to help our grammar you know," O'Brien responded as he slapped a passing officer on the back.

"Obviously," Abbie muttered. "We won't take up much of your time, but we need to speak to you."

"I just told you lady, Stewie ain't here," O'Brien responded gruffly.

"Then we'll just speak to you. If we need to get in touch with officer Stewart later on we will," Ricci answered. She decided she had better intervene since Carmichael was way past hating this guy.

O'Brien took off his hat and ran his left hand through his hair, before putting the cap back on and staring at the clock for a long minute.

"Fine. Over here," he responded then he began to muscle his way across the station again.

"Shit!" Abbie yelled shielding her eyes.

"Bet you wish you had your gloves now!" Toni called back smiling though there was no way Abbie could see her through all the snow even though they were less than a meter apart.

"Is that an offer?" Abbie asked blinking as a chunk of snow flew in her eye.

"I never pictured you as an Indian giver," Toni responded following Abbie. Thank god Abbie was wearing black or else Toni would have lost her in the snow. It was a mess out there, an absolute mess.

"Come on," Abbie said reaching behind her and feeling around until she grabbed Toni's arm. Once she had a firm grasp she yanked Toni into a doorway.

"Where are we?" Toni asked raking a hand through her hair. So far she just knew that they were indoors, and to her that was okay.

"My apartment," Abbie responded brushing off her jacket. Toni looked around at what was obviously a lobby.

"It's big," she commented tucking Abbie's gloves into her pockets for safe keeping.

"It's upstairs," Abbie responded with a smile.


Carmichael walked into her apartment turning on some lights then concentrating on getting out of her snow soaked gear. Ricci however moved slower looking around at what was visible of the apartment. It was a neat apartment in appearance and decoration. It had everything in it that an apartment should have. From where she was standing Toni could see into the kitchen. There were pots and pans hanging above an island, and a bowl of fruit sitting on the counter. In the living room was a TV and VCR, a stereo system, a couch, two recliners, and a glass coffee table. The apartment had everything that a home should have, but to Toni it didn't feel lived in. She knew instinctively that Abbie didn't spend much time there, in fact she was certain that the couch in Abbie's office got slept on as much as her bed did. She smiled, just like the couch in her office.

"You can come in you know," Abbie called to her. Toni turned her head to the side and saw that she was now in the kitchen puttering around. What she was puttering for Ricci didn't know.

"What, no written invitation?" Toni responded kicking off her shoes.

"'Fraid not," Abbie answered. "Do you, ah want coffee? Something to eat?" she continued shifting her glance between Toni and fridge. Not that here was much to offer in there.

"Coffee would be great," Toni responded making her way into the kitchen. "You cook?" she continued questioningly as she leaned against the island. Abbie looked at her with a wounded expression before answering.

"Not well," she admitted with a smile. "However coffee I can do."

"Luckily for both of us I can cook," Ricci said as she watched Abbie open a cupboard.

"From scratch?" Abbie asked without turning around.

"Of course," Toni responded.

"What can you do with mayonnaise, crackers, and yogurt?" Abbie asked as she put the filter in the coffee maker.

"I can take that take-out menu off of your freezer and call in for Chinese," Ricci responded moving towards the freezer.

"You are good," Abbie said as she turned around.

Ricci dropped her chop sticks into the tiny painted box full of Loew mein and looked over at Abbie.

" basically this is what we have so far," Abbie was saying. "Closing time for the store is 10:00 p.m. At ten Mrs. Barrett took all the money out of the register, then went outside and turned on her car. She went back into the store turned off the lights in the back room and when she came back out two boys were knocking at the door. Despite the fact that they were closed she let them in, then approximately ten minutes later six shoots were fired and both boys were killed. Mrs. Barrett calls the police, they arrive fifteen minutes later. Mrs. Barrett's car is still running but there are no other vehicles in the parking lot." Abbie paused momentarily to breathe and Toni spoke.

"And she shot them because she believed the first boy was holding a knife."

"That's her story anyway," Abbie agreed.

"So I take it we're paying Mrs. Barrett a visit tomorrow," Toni stated leaning back. Abbie simply nodded and picked up her chop-sticks.

Toni was bent over poking in one of Abbie's cupboards as the brunette attorney came out of her bedroom holding a bundle of clothes. Shifting the clothes under her arms Abbie walked into the kitchen then placed her bundle on the island before leaning over and looking at Ricci.

"Abbie!" Toni called out.

"Yes," the Texan drawled from behind her. Toni jumped up at the sound of her voice banging her head on the edge of the counter.

"Shit, don't do that," Toni muttered rubbing the back of her head.

"Sorry," Abbie said in a tone that conveyed she wasn't sorry at all. "I'll put on a bell or something, will that make you feel better?"

"Actually, yes," Toni responded leaning back down. Reaching back inside the cabinet she pulled out a dusty bottle of vodka.

"Where'd you find that?" Abbie asked curiously. She didn't remember buying that. But then again it had been a while since she had cleaned out her cupboards. And by a while she meant never.

"Behind a box of mini-wheat's," Toni responded standing up. "Breakfast of champions, huh?" she continued with a grin before blowing off the bottle.

"Before you get to drunk to stand up why don't you put these on?" Abbie suggested pushing the clothes towards Toni.

"I take it it's still snowing out," Toni said reaching for the clothes.

"Cat's and dogs. Or is that raining? Either way it's pretty bad, the anchors for the weather network are going wild," Abbie responded.

"Alright, I'll be back. Don't start the party without me," Toni called over her shoulder as she headed into Abbie's bedroom to change.

Toni tossed the clothes on the bed then carried out a visual inspection of the bedroom. It was considerably more cozy than the rest of the apartment and she knew that this is where Abbie spent most of her time when she was home. The room was painted burgundy. She loved burgundy. After looking around the room for a few more seconds she walked over to the bed and looked at the clothes Abbie had chosen for her for the first time.

"I'm gonna swim in these," she muttered looking at the track suit. It was from the University of Texas track team, no doubt left over from Abbie's track star days. She smirked, usually she had to be 'going steady' with someone before she got to wear their hero clothes. Toni was sure the outfit looked wonderful on Abbie's five foot nine frame, but it would be considerably less flattering on her.

Toni glanced at the window before taking off her clothes. Checking the window before changing had always been a habit of hers since she was a kid. Once she was out of her suit she picked up the maroon track pants and just looked at them for a moment. She smirked to herself as she pulled them on, and thought, after three years I'm in Abbie Carmichael's pants, then she shook her head as if that would erase the thought and pulled on the sweat shirt. Picking up her discarded clothing she took Abbie's lead and hung them over a chair. Before heading out of the room she looked into the mirror. She was right, they were big on her.

Abbie looked up from the papers she was reviewing when she heard the bedroom door close. She focused her gaze on the hallway and a few seconds later Toni emerged. Abbie couldn't help the smile that worked its way across her face at the sight of the other woman. She hadn't intentionally picked anything out that would make Toni look goofy, it was just that pretty much anything she owned would have been big so she went for the outfit that would have the best effect. Still, despite the fact that Toni looked ridiculous she managed to pull off cute. She looked cute in her clothes.

"Don't you even start," Toni said pointing at Abbie as she took a seat beside her on the couch.

"Somebody's sensitive," Abbie commented still smiling.

"Why did you have to be so damn tall?" Ricci asked although she too was smiling. She knew she looked ridiculous.

"Good genes and lot's of milk," Abbie responded flexing. She was wearing a pair of track pants and a T-shirt.

"Oh Ms. Carmichael you're so strong!" Toni gushed in a sarcastically fawning tone.

"Funny," Abbie replied as she closed the folder she had been looking in.

"I thought so," Toni agreed. "Have we finished the business portion of the night?"

"Yes, and at the hideously early hour of 9:00 p.m.," Abbie responded.

"We'll put in extra time tomorrow," Toni said with mock seriousness. "'s time to find out who the real woman is," she continued picking up the bottle of vodka.

"Bring it on."

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