Story: Double Trouble (all chapters)

Authors: TheM

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Chapter 1

Title: Double Trouble

by theM
Rated R for implied naughtiness - and lots of it.
Archive: Sure, just let me know.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, no harm intended. They belong to Marvel.
A/N: Introducing the Double Trouble universe. I've got some more fun planned in here... LATER. Lots of thanks and hugs to my beta Jazmine.

On the other side of the Wall

The sounds from the room next door were unmistakable, and Jubilee unsuccesfully tried to block out them out. She grimaced. That was like the fourth time tonight. No sense denying anything. She'd been counting. Where the hell did these women get the energy?!

Jubilee peeked at her new roomie M, who probably wasn't asleep either, but had at least managed to close her eyes.

Jubilee decided she positively, absolutely HATED timetravel. Like Bobby would say, it made for messy bookkeeping. And after recent events, she'd considered several additions to that statement. Like also hating parallel universes. They made for even messier bookkeeping. And it got really, really, REALLY bad when the Summerses also get involved. The current mess defied any bookkeeping attempts anyone would care to try. Not that she wasn't trying in her head anyway.

She blamed Rachel Summers, but that wasn't a good starting point. Let's see. Call this place Earth A. Now somewhere out there in the multiverse we've also got Earth B. Earth B's in a parallel universe which was mostly the same as this one although there were, naturally a lot of differences which are the reason it wasn't this universe in the first place. Also, as far as could be figured out Earth B was about 3 months behind Earth A speaking in terms of time but that was hardly relevant in the grand scheme of things. What WAS relevant is that the High Evolutionary from Earth B, yes him again, got it into his head to rid Earth B of mutants. Yes, again. Also relevant, on Earth B Rachel Summers didn't die. Last relevant piece of information, the Forge of Earth B was even more arrogant a build-all than the one on Earth A.

Okay, so the High Evolutionary wanted to get rid of mutants. He was aware of Rachel, which meant he knew his old "Poof! Everybody loses their powers!" trick won't work. Seeing as how Rachel was friends with mutants and unless he found some way to neutralize her he'd find himself getting stomped on by an angry Phoenix and all. Which was bad, at least if you were the High Evolutionary. Enter Forge. High Evolutionary convinces the guy that can build everything to build him something that'll make mutants, and Rachel, go Poof! for him. Even their Forge didn't know how he did it, but given the results, Jubilee hoped it still hurt him. A lot.

Anyway, that Forge builds machine to shuffle all known mutants into a parallel universe like sane persons do with dust and carpets, then happily announces there is no power source that'll manage to actually make it work. Which is good. High Evolutionary remembers Phoenix, cosmic avatar of dangerous stuff and, at times, closest thing to a competitor Galactus has.

Which was bad. Lots of energy right there in one little Phoenix Force. Could you guess why Jubilee blamed Rachel Summers yet?

Yes, she did.

And all the Earth B's mutants in Mr. Evolutionary's database ended up on Earth A. Remember that we'd designated Earth A as "this place"? Aside from established couples, everyone in the mansion now had a roomie that could borrow their clothes.

Jubilee wasn't entirely sure why the hell they ended up here, but that was beside the point. Where did that leave them?

Double the mutants! Double the fun! Easily three times the random property damage! Wasn't it wonderful?

Jubilee sure didn't think so, unless someone had changed the definition of 'wonderful' to include things like 'really bloody annoying' on her while she hadn't been looking. Maybe she'd ask one of the Hanks. If they still managed to understand regular english after being in the lab together for days. Of course, waving a bag of Twinkies in a hypnotic pattern should work as well as ever.

Her own double was a large part of her negative reaction. It wasn't that they didn't get along, or that she begrudged said double that she had a stable relationship - okay, so that might be just a teensy little part of it - or even that, judging by the sounds alone - dammit why couldn't they keep it down - it was a quite passionate one. It was more that the other person in that relationship was Monet St. Croix.

Her first reaction that it would never happen had ran headfirst into the fact that, in another universe or whatever, it obviously had already. The other Jubilee and the other Monet insisting they got to share a room just like their Scott and Jean had been something of a shocker. The fact that her counterpart, along with M's, was apparently getting quite a lot of mileage out of the bed didn't help Jubilee's uneasiness. Nor did that Jubilee's local M was now rooming with her didn't exactly help either. Quite the opposite.

The final nail in the coffin being that the room the prof had 'helpfully' assigned to their counterparts was the one next door. Jubilee wasn't sure whose coffin it was, but she was willing to make a suggestion or two. Starting with Rachel Summers, or whoever had decided these rooms didn't need soundproofing. M and her had a LOT more information about their doubles' sex life than they'd ever wanted. Which made for a very weird situation between them.

Okay, so maybe she had always know she wasn't quite as straight as the two-by-four up Scott's ass. And she might have looked the Algerian girl over in the showers. That was only natural wasn't it? So maybe she'd found the other girl attractive, even back then. At times. That didn't mean anything, and her personality was something of a turn-off. Right? Though if she really had to, maybe she could even admit - to herself - that she wasn't all that sure which person in the relationship between M and Everett she'd been jealous of. Even if it might have been Ev.

DAMMIT! Not supposed to think that way! The uneasy friendship she and M had finally settled into was quite enough for her!

Wasn't it?

Someone was moaning loudly on the other side of the wall. Jubilee felt queasy when she realized it was her. Well, her counterpart. Same diff. Her stomach couldn't quite seem to figure out what reaction was called for.

Rolling onto her back and pressing back into her pillow, Jubilee considered the unfairness of it all. Even in a normal relationship it wasn't exactly fair that the other party had to reconsider the whole thing once one of them did. Still, she could have dealt with it if it had just been M saying that she liked her and wanted a relationship. She thought. Probably. Maybe. After a short period of like, being completely freaked out.

As it stood, they had both simultaneously been forced to re-evaluate the whole just friends thing by people that didn't even belong in this friggin universe. They'd both freaked, too. They still had to figure things out from there.

As a particular loud moan from her own counterpart seemed to call her attention to M lying just across the room, Jubilee forcefully dragged it back to the easy-to-deal-with problems of other people.

She supposed it was a bright side no one could use the old "nobody understands me" routine anymore. Even if old Fearless... BOTH of him... were angsting about the whole situation and wondering if they should redo their vows to their Jeans -the woman, not the clothing- and how the hell they were supposed to tell them apart. The misses Grey seemed to enjoy messing with their heads. It might not be nice, but it sure was fun to watch.

And she really should be happy for Rogue. It was a lucky break for the Rogues that they discovered her power canceled itself out. Meaning she could touch herself. Well, her counterpart too, and... well. It went from there. The few mutants with morals around were still arguing over whether it should be classified as incest or merely masturbation.

Jubilee would classify it as hot monkey sex herself, but who ever listened to her.

Thinking of hot monkey sex, the couple in the next room was still at it. A scream of "Oh god!" followed by several repeats of "Oh yes!" broke her line of thinking.

Jubilee noted her Monet... wait, when did M become "her Monet"?

Skipping that question, *M* was also awake, and staring at her from her own bed. Jubilee had the uncomfortable feeling Monet didn't just know what she was thinking, but was mirroring her thoughts.

Another muffled "Oh yes!" managed to make it though both the wall and Jubilee's focus on other things.

Jubilee closed her eyes, and pushed her pillow against her ears to block out the sound. It wasn't working too well. Hadn't worked any better the past week either. But the noise wasn't Jubilee's REAL problem.

Gnashing her teeth, Jubilee desperately tried to stop wondering if her Monet was a screamer as well.

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