Story: No Living in the Past (chapter 8)

Authors: Allaine

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Chapter 8

Title: Author's Notes

Dear readers,

Rather than prolong the suspense, I thought I'd indulge in something all us f/f writers have to use sooner or later - "Notes".

Right now I'm working on two fanfics (with an occasional one-chapter side project in between) - the one you're reading now, and another story based on the animated Justice League cartoon that is aired on Cartoon Network (very soon to become Justice League Unlimited). Generally I like to alternate chapters, to give myself a break from writing in one universe or the other.

Generally, that doesn't happen.

Two factors affect what I write, and when I write it. One is readership. There was a period for a few weeks back in mid-spring when I really didn't have any work on my desk. I did a lot of writing during that time, and the great majority of it was the KP-verse. You may remember a point in time when the chapters of Green, Black, and Blue were coming fast and furious, something like one new chapter every two-three days. That's why. And there were two reasons I focused on that story. Three, actually. One was I wanted to finish it. Two was, as stated above, readership. You were averaging something like twelve reviews a chapter, and I wanted to keep the fires a-burnin'.

The third reason is the other factor I mentioned above. It was because every time I finished a chapter, I really, Really wanted to get to the next one. The whole Kim/Shego post-kiss angst was, IMO, extremely juicy stuff, and I didn't want to leave it on a shelf for long. So I was pouring the chapters out for me as well as you. Odd as it may sound, I too wanted to see how it ended. Even though I already knew.

At this point, my work as a whole has slowed down due to an increased workload AND night classes. So if you wonder why these chapters have been less frequent, there's a reason for you. Another, however, is that I've temporarily shifted focus to my JL fic. I wrote two chapters in a row, and then I said to myself, "Okay, time to write Living in the Past 8." And then I changed my mind. Even though you, the readers, have been as supportive as ever, the Second factor is asserting itself more powerfully. I really, Really want to see what happens in chapter 12 of my JL story, even though THAT story doesn't generate the amount of feedback that my KP stories do.

(Which, btw, is also meant to let you know that these notes are not a cry for more feedback. Obviously any writer wants it, and more of it, but you've all been quite good about this, and regardless, it's not a question of feedback. Selfish as it may sound, what I want is taking precedence over what you want . . . but don't stop writing! :D)

At any rate, I have no new KP chapter today, and probably none next week either. I need to write my JL fic some more. It's all about momentum and excitement. I wrote a few chapters of Living in the Past in a row because I was loving the latest strife between Kim and Shego, and Chapter Seven was smashing, I thought. So much so, in fact, that I wonder if the remainder of the story can compete with it.

This is not, however, a suggestion that KP will end. Another reason I want to finish the JL piece is that I have no intention of writing a sequel, whereas I have plans for three more KP stories after this one. So on the plus side, the faster I get finished with the JL story, the faster it will cease taking time away from writing the KP chapters.

This has been an explanation to all the fans waiting (somewhat) patiently for updates. Thank you.

Sincerely, Allaine

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