Story: The Love Letter Lovelies (chapter 30)

Authors: Glee-chan

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Chapter 30

The Love Letter Lovelies

by Glee-chan


They ate and sang karaoke for the longest time so it was late by the time they had to leave. Emiko hadn't left an opening for Maria to kiss her since they entered, but the good thing was that they were having so much fun that Maria hadn't thought about it since. They were still laughing and pushing each other playfully when they left the cafe.

"I don't want to go home." Emiko spread her arms out and looked into the sky. "I'm having so much fun."

"Me too." Maria admitted, then tackled Emiko while she was spread open like that. She picked her up by her waist and spun her around. Emiko giggled like mad, trying to push her way free.

"Hey watch it!" A pedestrian exiting the nearby hotel said as they nearly spun into him.

"Sorry." Emiko stuck her tongue out at him and laughed.

He scratched his crotch and walked off, while Maria did all she could not to laugh at him. She placed Emiko down then took in a deep breath. Emiko ran behind her and jumped on her back. Maria nearly fell over from the shock of it but grabbed the back of Emiko's legs so she wouldn't slide off and hurt herself.

"Get off you're heavy!" Maria laughed.

"It's not nice to call a girl fat." Emiko was playfully bopping the back of Maria's head.

"Hey stop it!" Maria stumbled, then steadied herself against the hotel's stairs for balance.

"Let's go in here." Emiko poked Maria's left cheek with her finger from behind.

"Wha- What, that's a love-hotel?"

"Yeah, c'mon. I don't want to go home. Maybe they'll have some booze in the room's mini-fridge."

"Uh…" Maria looked at the hotel, and realized that if they got a room, they'd be alone and things might happen again. She wondered if this was smart to do, not after they had finally loosened up and started having fun. But still her body yearned for it. Emiko was so beautiful, and she seemed willing this time to go for it…

"Oh I see… you think if we go in here you're going to get lucky, huh?" Emiko hopped off Maria's back.

"I didn't say that, don't put words in my mouth."

"I'd rather put something else in your mouth." Emiko winked, clearly in a mood. She rounded around and grabbed Maria's hand. "Let's go!"

Being dragged into the hotel, Emiko purchased a room for them. The manager gave them an odd smirk as he handed a key to Emiko. Then she dragged Maria again to their room number and pushed the girl in once the door was opened. Maria managed to stay on her feet as she stumbled in while Emiko slammed the door behind her, then turned her head around as she gave a playful lock of the door.

"You're crazy." Maria told her.

"I know, I'm just letting my hair down. It feels nice to just… just do whatever I want."

Maria inwardly shook her head. Emiko was being the aggressor yet again. What did this mean? She watched as the other girl was at the mini-fridge looking for alcohol. Her butt was in the air as she bent over and Maria stared at it, forgetting about the complexities of their relationship, or lack of one. When she rose, Emiko turned around holding two small bottles of something yellow. Maria didn't know what it was, but Emiko tossed her one them. Barely catching it, she looked down and saw it was Brandy.

"Down the hatch!" Emiko popped opened her and guzzled the contents of the small bottle down in one go.

"Wait don't!" Maria tried to stop her but it was too late.

Emiko smiled, then coughed, and gaged. "Ouch! Ouch ouch ouch! It burns going down, don't drink it like that!"

"I know it does, that's why I tried to stop you!" Maria laughed at her.

Emiko's face was red and she shook her head. "Ughhh!"

Maria laughed at her some more, not being able to take it. "I can't believe you did that!"

"I didn't know it'd burn!" Emiko said with watery eyes.

Maria handed over her bottle to Emiko. "You want more don't you?"

"NO!" Emiko laughed, then coughed again. "No way!"

Opening her bottle, Maria tilted it upside down in Emiko's mouth. "Down the hatch!"

Emiko drink it, then spat out the last few drops, gagging. "Ow! Ow! You're so mean!"

Maria bent over laughing as Emiko clutched her throat coughing some more. "You're so funny!"

"It's not funny!" Emiko shook her head, getting ahold of herself. But apparently shaking her head wasn't a wise idea. She raised her arms up to steady herself. "Whoa…"

"Great, and now you're drunk." Maria wiped her eyes from the tears of laughter she had been shedding.

"It's your fault!" Emiko pointed at her. "You made me drink that last bottle."

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." Maria shrugged.

Emiko walked over to the bed and plopped down on it. "I feel all warm and fuzzy now."

"That's because you're drunk." Maria reminded her and sat down next to her.

"I'm not drunk. I'm not even slurring."

"You don't always slur when you get drunk you know. You're just a tipsy."

"Don't drunk people get horny, or something?"

Maria laughed. "Sometimes… Don't worry I won't take advantage of you."

"Hey, you should get drunk too." Emiko stood back up and made her way back to the mini-fridge. "I don't want to act stupid on my own."

"That's not a good idea." Maria went over to the mini-fridge to stop her, but Emiko had already pulled out two more small bottles of Brandy.

"It's your turn!" Emiko demanded. "Down the hatch!"

Hours later Maria woke up next to a naked Emiko. Her head was pounding from a hangover, but her legs felt like jelly. She vaguely remembered the night before, but most of it was a drunken stupor. She groaned as the light coming from curtains in the window felt like laser beams in her eyes. Whimpering, she pouted and flopped back on the bed again.

"Is it morning?" Emiko asked in a moan.

"Yeah…" Maria companied.

"Ughhh." Emiko must of rolled over on her back. "My breath tastes horrible."

Maria sat up and crawled over her. "It doesn't smell that good either."

"Shut up." Emiko smirked. "If you love me, you'll kiss me."

Maria lowered herself automatically then stopped. Her brain just registered what Emiko was saying. "Wait…"

"Yeah…" Emiko rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "Let's go out for real."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm hungover and I feel like throwing up… but I've never been happier. I want to be with you."

Maria kissed her. Then both of them pulled back and gagged. "Yeah, we need to freshen up before we do that."

Emiko laughed then glanced at the clock. "Oh no… you have to visit Yui-chan soon."

Maria looked at the clock as well. Part of her wanted to forget it. She had a headache and a new naked girlfriend in front of her. But Yui was important too; she was getting better knowing that Maria was cheering her on. She didn't know what to do.

"Go." Emiko smirked and pushed her. "We can celebrate tonight. Maybe without the Brandy."

Maria smiled wearily. "You sure?"

"Yui-chan needs you too, I can't be selfish." Emiko sat up and went in for a kiss, then stopped herself. "Right… we really need to wash up first."

After arranging to meet up afterwards, Maria left the inn with a smile. Emiko had accepted her, she couldn't believe it. She still wanted to feel cautious of the whole idea. She knew that Emiko was walking into a world she never had experienced before. In a sense Maria had a it easier, since her sister was also a lesbian and they had each other to confide in. But Emiko was walking in blind. Maria wanted to be supportive and gentle with her, she didn't want to scare her away.

When she reached the hospital, Maria realized she was wearing the same clothes she had on since yesterday. She hadn't thought of that. Yui was bound to notice and would ask questions. Inwardly she wondered if she should come out with it and just tell Yui about Emiko, or if she should wait until she got better. She didn't know.

As Maria neared Yui's room, the door was open. Before she could enter she saw that Shiho was already there, and the two of them were in a conversation. She held back, wanting to announce herself before she walked in just in case they were talking about something private, but just as she was about to knock on the door she heard Shiho say something interesting.

"…you can't keep lying to yourself, Yui-chan, it's not healthy."

"I know, but it's for her own good. Maria is my best friend after all." Yui replied.

Maria shrank back, and pressed herself against the wall so she couldn't be seen. They were talking about her?

"But you love her. Even if she doesn't feel the same, you should at least tell her how you feel so you can get over her." Shiho continued.

Maria's heart skipped a beat. Yui loved her? No, that was impossible.

"I can't tell her that." Yui's voice sounded high. "I don't want to lose her."

"It's going to hurt when she finds someone you know…" Shiho went on. "You'll have to pretend to be happy for her. How do you think I felt when Mako-chan decided on Kaede-chan? It sucked. If it wasn't for Sora-chan I'd-"

"But I don't have a Sora-chan." Yui interrupted. "Once Maria's out of my life I'll have no one… I'd rather hurt than have nothing at all."

Maria's legs shook. She stepped back lightly, tip-toeing away, then when she was a good distance she walked out the building. Yui loved her? Those times when she was drugged, when her guard was down, she was trying to tell her. But Maria was too stupid to figure it out. She wasn't in love with Makoto. She was only obsessed with Makoto because Makoto was the type of girl that Maria liked. It all was making sense to her now. But what now? Yui loved her, but Maria just had finalized things with Emiko. Maria felt like she was hyperventilating.

Standing in front of the building having a mental break down wasn't a good thing. She wanted to get away. As she turned to walk down the street she saw Kaede and Makoto coming along the same path, going to visit Yui themselves. They spotted her. Makoto waved with a smile, but it quickly left her face.

"Maria, what's wrong?" She shouted from the distance they were at. "Is Yui-chan okay?"

Maria's mind was in a whirl. She stumbled off the pavement into the street. Kaede started running towards her. Maria blinked, her mind barely registering what was happening. Kaede was screaming, tears were coming down from her cheeks. There was no noise. Maria couldn't hear anything. Kaede was pointing frantically, screaming all the more.

Maria was in a daze. She couldn't hear or understand anything. Why was everything moving in slow motion? Kaede was pulled out of the street by a Makoto, who was also crying. It dawned on her that something scary was behind her. She turned around. When did that bus get there?

She felt like she was flying. Why did it hurt so much to fly? She closed her eyes as she saw a car pass under her. She thought she should try and fly higher, it was dangerous to fly so close to the road. Then she floated over the street and all at once the slow motion world she was living in became real time. She felt her body lifelessly slam on the street. It was rolling out of control. She felt so fuzzy. Or was she in pain? Why was it so bright?

She was on her back now. The sky was so blue. Some bald man was looking down on her, but he was blocking the clouds. Maria wanted him to move but he wouldn't. He kept shouting at her in panic. She couldn't hear him… just some strange noise. Kaede and Makoto were over her now. They looked so upset. Why were they crying? Maria smiled at them. Makoto was speaking to her but she couldn't hear her either. What did she want? It was so bright.

She wanted to go to sleep. How strange was that, going to sleep in the middle of the road? But it felt so comfortable. Or maybe it hurt? It was hard to tell. She looked at Kaede who was bawling so hard spittle was coming from her mouth. She didn't want her to cry. Maria liked her better when she was calm. She smiled at her again. She wanted them to know it was okay.

Then it dawned on her that she was dying. She thought she'd be more shocked at this, though in all honestly she'd never considered it before. Death was supposed to be a bad thing, right? But if it was so bad, why did she feel so calm? She looked at Makoto's head, which was buried in her chest wanting to let her know it was okay. She turned to Kaede again, remembering someone important.

"Yui-chan…" Maria said. It was so loud. It was like she shouted it but she knew she didn't. It was the only sound in the world, her own voice. "Yui-chan..."

Kaede was nodding her head vigorously, saying something. Why couldn't she speak up? The surrounding area became even brighter. Why was the sun shining so bright? She looked beyond Kaede feeling as if the world was changing in front of her. There was a man behind the crowd of people, he was shining as bright as the son, and looked to be the kindest person she ever saw. She didn't know who he was, but his smile made her feel better. She smiled back at him. He reached out his hand towards her. He was shining bright. He was warm.

Suddenly the pavement and everything around her felt like ice. She wanted to be next to the man. She could barely see Makoto and Kaede anymore. She felt herself rise and float over to his side. He embraced her, and even though it was a stranger she felt like she knew him. It was as if her father had given her a hug. She snuggled in his arms for a moment, then noticed he was looking solemnly away from her. When she pulled away to look down at what he was looking she felt a bit shocked.

It was her own body, mangled looking, broken, covered in blood, and sprawled on the street. There was a crowd surrounding her, people running from the hospital with emergency equipment. Makoto was draped over the lifeless shell, shaking in tears, while Kaede was holding her rosary out, praying. Maria remembered that Makoto had said she collected them. She wanted to reach out and comfort them, but she knew she couldn't.

"Goodbye everyone." Maria said after a moment. She gave all her love to everyone. This life was over, but a new world awaited her.

[End notes: Part IV is next, don't worry!
Ah... Maria's death. I'm really sorry if everyone got attached to her, but in the coming chapters you'll understand why I did it. I really felt moved writing that, and while the "Angel" might be a bit much, I think it was fitting.
The brandy incident with Emiko chugging the small bottle in one go... yeah that happened to me. And let me tell you, it really burns. Everyone made fun of me for a long time for that. Word for word that's what happened.]

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