Story: But I'm A Girl (chapter 7)

Authors: Glee-chan

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Chapter 7


"What is it?" I asked the girl. I couldn't even remember her name.

"Are you really dating that Hoshino girl?"

"I told you I was."

"But you're a girl."

"I know I am."

"And she's a girl."

"I realize that. We're in that kind of relationship."

"But-" The girl looked like she was struggling. I took a guess at what she was thinking.

"No I wasn't trying to fool anyone that I was a guy, people just assumed I was. I kept telling people I was a girl but no one would listen. So I decided I'd dress like this. There, does that answer everything?"

"I wasn't going to ask that." The girl looked slightly taken back. "I was wondering… how come you went out with her and not me?"

That surprised me. "What? Well, you thought I was a guy, so-"

"Did Hoshino already know you were a girl then?"


"Then how come her and not me?"

"I-" I was baffled at this turn of events. "I didn't know I liked girls back then." I admitted, pretty lamely. "I said yes because she-"

But at that moment Miyu showed up. Even though she looked at the situation and looked as confused as I felt I was glad she was there. "Yes?"

"I'm Akiko Fujiwara." The girl turned to Miyu, as if she would provide better answers than I was giving. "I asked Haneda-san to go out with me before, but she turned me down, then said yes to you later on. I just wanted to know why."

Miyu looked taken back with the forwardness of Akiko. I couldn't blame her. "Oh. I just asked her."

"What makes her so special?" Akiko rounded on me. "We're both pretty…"

"Why do you care?" I blurted out, as I tend to do when I'm cornered. "You wanted to go out with me because you thought I was a guy. Shouldn't you be relieved you didn't get stuck with some lesbo?"

Miyu shifted her weight on her feet, and I felt maybe I was too rude on how I said that. In the end that's what Miyu and I were, lesbians, and I just sort of made it sound like we were doing something gross. But Akiko seemed the only one unfazed by what I said.

"No one ever turned me down before, that's why it bothers me." Akiko narrowed her eyes. "You said before that you didn't know you liked girls until you dated Miyu, which means she did something different initially when she asked you out. What was it?"

"T-That's none of your business." Miyu told her meekly.

"Why does it matter?" Akiko turned on her.

"Because it's personal." Miyu's face was pink again. "A-And you can't have Akira-chan. S-She's my girlfriend."

There was silence for a while. My heart was pounding watching Miyu defend herself. She's so shy it must of took a lot out of her.

"C'mon Miyu-chan. Let's go."

Miyu ran behind me and grabbed my arm. As I started to walk towards her apartment, Akiko just followed us as if she was invited as well. After a few minutes I stopped and turned on her. Akiko was not the least bit intimidated.

"Stop following us."

"I want my answer." Akiko crossed her arms under her chest.

Miyu looked at me, then to her shoes. I could tell she was out of her element here. Truth be told I was as well. But Miyu had been as brave as she could be, and wanted me to be the "guy" in this situation. I hated it. I'm just as shy as she is, but I can hide it better.

"Because I could tell she really wanted to date me." I blustered out.

"So did I."

"Yeah, but like you said, you can date anyone you want. So when you asked me, you expected me to just say yes. Miyu-chan asked me and expected me to say no. I looked at her and I knew I couldn't."

Akiko snorted. "That's a lame excuse."

"Well that's what happened." I fumed.

"So you're going out with her because she's such a loser she thought you'd turn her down? Meaning you took pity on her. Pathetic."

I don't know when or how I did it, but time skipped. The next thing I remember was Akiko holding her cheek, and the palm of my hand stinging from the impact of a slap. I never before had hit someone in anger before. Unless it's my bother, but rats don't count. But those words Akiko said stung me. I couldn't take someone calling Miyu a loser like that.

"What the hell!?" Akiko rubbed her face.

"Don't talk about my girlfriend like that." I was conscious of Miyu shrinking behind me.

Akiko dropped her hand, a red imprint still on her cheek. "Whatever. Do what you want." And with that she turned around and walked away.

We stood and watched her go, and with Miyu's gripping my arm again my rage subsided. Then all at once I felt so scared. What the hell would have happened if Akiko had decided she wanted to fight? I'd get my ass kick, that's what. What in the world was I thinking?

"Are you okay, Akira-chan?" Miyu spoke so quietly I barely could hear her.


"I'm sorry about all the trouble I'm causing."

"It's not your fault." I said automatically, then realized it really wasn't her fault and repeated it with the emotional weight it deserved. "We knew it's be hard for people to accept us… let's just hope that was the worst of it."

We walked towards Miyu's apartment quietly for a while, both consumed with what had happened before. When the fear left me, I felt kind of cool. I stood up for myself and for Miyu. Maybe I wasn't such a wimp after all, even if it was foolish to stand up to a bigger girl.

"You're not… are you?" Miyu spoke out of no where.


"You're not just going out with me because you're taking pity on me, are you?"

"No!" I said, a bit too loud. Loud enough that Miyu jumped.

"I know you were on our first date." Miyu mumbled. "I'm such a loser."

"Miyu-chan…" My brain was wracking itself trying to think of the right thing to say. "I wouldn't change my whole life just because I felt sorry for someone. I really care for you."

It was the first time I said something like that. It was the first time anyone involved in this bizarre relationship admitted something more than just "I think you're cute" or something like that. I almost said something as close to "I love you." I knew I cared for her, that was true. But I also knew that, making out aside, we only went on one date. What if was showing my hand too soon by saying that?

"Akira-chan." Miyu was smiling.


"You're scared aren't you?" Miyu's smile was still there.

"I kind of just blurted out my feelings." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I'm glad you did." Miyu gave me a quick kiss. "I was feeling so horrible before, but now I'm the happiest I've been all day. Even if Akiko-san hadn't said anything, deep down I kept thinking 'This isn't going to last, any minute now she'll stop feeling sorry for me and leave.' I've even cried about it."

"You have?"

"In case you haven't noticed, I have self esteem issues." She smirked slightly.

"Man, I'm really glad I didn't go to an all-girl school. It really messes you up, huh?"

Miyu giggled. "Akira-chan… I… I care for you too."

I placed my hand behind my head and pretend to be cocky. "Of course you do, I'm so great, afterall."

Laughing, Miyu gave me a playful shove. "Oh, some ego you got there."

"Not really." I laughed.

"But… I do care for you. And I'm happy you stood up for me. I'm not so good at that sort of thing."

I wanted to tell her I wasn't either, but it seemed stupid after I was playing the leader in so much of our relationship. I even carried her out of a burning building for crying out loud. So instead I gave her a kiss.

When we arrived at her apartment, neither were in the mood to fool around. It seemed like we reached a milestone, and it felt too important to finish that with feeling each other up. Though I wouldn't have minded it. Instead we oddly just watched some TV together. Nothing special, just watching a program she liked, cuddling. When it was over we kissed a bit and I went home.

I wondered if this was what it was like to be in a normal couple. Sadly my lack of experience was a bad thing here. I couldn't really rely on Miyu, she seemed to be depending on me. Part of me wished she'd take the lead, though I have to admit feeling awesome standing up for her.

"Are you still seeing that girl?" Kenta asked me in a hush tone after dinner that night. I still hadn't told my parents about me dating a girl, and it wasn't until he had asked me in such a manner that I actually thought of it.


"Oh." Kenta looked unsure of what to say. "When can I meet her?"

"You want too?"

"Yep. She better be pretty if she's going out with my sister." He said, trying to sound casual about it, but I can tell he still was weirded out by the idea.

"Thanks." I smiled at him. "I know it must be hard for you to understand…"

"When did you know that you liked her?"

That was a fair question. But it was hard for me to accurately pin-point the moment I decided that I liked her. So I shrugged. He laughed.

"That sounds just about right."

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