Story: Fata Morgana Coils of Hope, Fear, and Tragedy (chapter 6)

Authors: The Eternal

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Chapter 6

Title: Parallels

[Author's notes: AUTHOR’S NOTE; First off I want to apologize. I don’t want to make it seem like I am withholding chapters I had some serious writer’s block this chapter and it was infuriating. Coupled with my laptop having some major problems I’ve had to use a different computer so unfortunately updates will be sporadic.]

Pain, frustration, helplessness, these feelings and more swirled through Violet’s mind as she lay once again in Doctor Sunbright’s medical room. The fact that Veral could so easily manipulate her powers made her feel like nothing more than a leaf subject to a cruel and uncaring storm. Veral and her Void, Phage and The Forsaken, it felt like Violet was caught in the middle of a blood feud and she was unable to prevent any casualties from occurring. A tear of frustration and rage slid down her cheek. A single question kept running through her mind; “How?” How was she going to stop them, how was she going to be the hero she should be? How… it took Violet a moment to realize that she was not alone. Mirage stood in the doorway still clad in her white spy suit. “Feels like déjà vu doesn’t it?”

“You don’t have to do this alone.” Mirage’s voice had a slight crack to it as she said this.

“What? Oh… I was talking out loud wasn’t I?”

“You don’t have to do this alone Vi.” Mirage repeated a little more forcefully. “Just because Veral is a you from an alternate universe it, it doesn’t make her you.”

“I know you’re right but…” Violet let the thought linger unable to articulate the various emotions she was currently feeling. “How are Edna and Lucius?

“Lucius had a dislocated shoulder but he’s fine now he wanted to go back home and let his wife know everything is okay after he made sure you would be alright. Edna however was subjected to the telepath’s powers. There doesn’t appear to be any lasting damage but she’s still in a daze.”

“And my family?”

“Just some scrapes and bruises. Your brother saved my life today.”

Upon hearing this Violet couldn’t stop the tear from running down her face. “I didn’t know that, all I saw was Mom pulling you to safety.”

“It’s okay Vi, I’m here.” Mirage said as she ran her fingers through Violet’s hair bring her head in close for a hug.

“In that moment when I saw the car explode… I don’t know why I feel like this, we’ve been on several life threatening adventures but I feel so empty like there’s a… a void inside me. Even your embrace feels cold.”

“Violet…” The sight of her lover so run down and defeated left Mirage fighting back tears of her own. Violet needed to see her strong right now, she needed a pillar. “Maybe that telepath did something to you or maybe there was some sort of delayed reaction to what Veral injected you with.”

“The rational part of my mind knows you’re probably right but it’s so hard for me to believe it for some reason.”

“Vi it sounds like severe depression and if I had to hazard a guess it was caused by Veral. You never exhibited any symptoms of depression in the years we’ve been together.” Upon seeing the look that Violet gave her Mirage leaned in to give her lover a peck on the head. “I do have degree in psychology remember, comes in handy as a spy.”

“I don’t think a therapist would be completely helpful if my depression is supernatural in nature.”

“We’ll figure something out, we always do right?”

“Yeah…” Violet attempted to muster some form of confidence in her voice, but even to her ears her response sounded flat.

“I’ll spend some more time with you and then in a little bit I’ll look over the N.S.A. data base to see if there is anything concerning magical phenomenon. Failing that I’ll ask Global Justice for help.”

Violet couldn’t help but snort at that. “Global Justice? You’d be lucky if those tight asses give you the time of day.”

“I’m not scared of Betty and where your safety is concerned well…” Mirage let the thought hang in the air.

“You won’t do anything too crazy right?”

Before Mirage could answer the rest of the Parr family walked in, their super suits sporting a layer of dirt and grime from their efforts at helping those injured from the battle. While the Parr family made sure each other was okay, Mirage did some quick thinking. The unfortunate truth was that neither GJ nor the N.S.A. had much experience with magical phenomenon. The only real options left to her at the moment were to pour over what they managed to recover from Veral’s jungle lab and hope they could gain some information from the captured cultists. Ultimately the outlook was grim either way. Veral was a smart woman, implanting the means with which to further her mysterious agenda into Violet while simultaneously attacking Violet’s self-esteem and ability to control her powers. It was almost flawless, almost. Mirage couldn’t place it but something seemed off.

“Mirage, what’s on your mind?” Helen asked upon noticing the inquisitive look on Mirage’s face.

Mirage couldn’t help the rueful smile that graced her features. Were Violet was concerned Mirage was virtually unable to hide her thoughts and feelings. She supposed no she knew it was good thing. Violet brought out the honesty in her, she always has. “I was just thinking about Veral’s motives. If Violet is so important to her plots why not capture her. She hasn’t even made the attempt.”

Violet snorted dismissively. “Veral’s a nut job who wants revenge and will drag everyone down to get it.”

“True.” Just then everyone turned to see Agent Dicker walk into the room. “Veral is insane and willing to make exorbitant sacrifices to reach her goals, but that’s just it. Despite her immense losses she still has managed to gain something at every turn.”

“What did she gain this time Rick?” Mr. Incredible asked.

Taking a moment to glance at Violet who was obviously doing her best to power through her weariness, Rick let out a heavy sigh before continuing. “Veral’s telepath pulled valuable information from Miss Mode namely the possible location of the rogue super HedgePhase.”
Violet immediately felt Mirage tense at the name of the man who killed her parents. “It’s okay Mirage I’m here.”

“We’re here.” Dash quickly corrected her. Upon noticing the look Mirage gave him he elaborated; “I know how much you mean to my sister and vice-versa. As far as I’m concerned your family your problems are our problems, right?” Dash asked as he turned to his parents.

“Yes of course.”

“We’re all going to get through this.” Helen added as she stretched over a hand to both her daughter and Mirage. “As a family.”

Helen’s words struck a chord in the super spy. Sure she and Violet had been together for a few years and she certainly couldn’t imagine her life without the younger woman. But family, could she really… it was a thought she had been toying with for a few weeks but she didn’t know what to make of it. Before this train of thought could continue Jack-Jack burst into the room, his shoulder length blonde her disheveled and sweat beading his brow.

“Sis, everyone, I’m glad you guys are alright but everyone you need to come outside. There’s some thing here and it’s asking for Violet.”

Curious and more than a little worried the group left the doctor’s room to find Dr. Sunbright outside the building staring at someone floating a few yards above them. As the group got closer they saw exactly what the cause of Jack-Jack’s unrest was. A decrepit figure gazed down upon them a malevolent light shining from his empty eye sockets. The tattered finery he wore did nothing to conceal the rotten, leathery flesh that clung to his bones, the group was at the very least thankful for the veil that covered the majority of his face. No one wanted to see what the monstrosity’s face looked like underneath it.

“Heroes of this world I am Phage and I bring you dark greetings!”


Veral let out a roar of frustration as she swatted aside some of the foliage of the South American jungle she and Grigori found themselves in. “If we do not find HedgePhase soon I will turn this entire jungle to ash!”

“Patience Veral! I sense a super is not far off.” Grigori for his part was simply glad his robes and helmet provided magical protection against the humidity, that said the telepath had some serious questions for his companion given recent events.

As if sensing the turbulence plaguing her companion Veral stopped walking and without turning she simply said; “Yes.”

“I’m sorry?”

“The only thing that matters to me anymore is Phage’s defeat. I do not care who kills him anymore. That being said, I’d still prefer it if the plan continued as normal, we will revive a piece of The Void using Violet as its host, take control of its mind with your telepathy, take control of its body with HedgePhase’s powers and have it kill Phage.” Veral than let out a heavy sigh before she continued. “My… my rage demands that I continue down this path, however if for whatever reason… I was wrong.” Veral let the thought hang in the air for a few moments.

When it became apparent that she was not going to continue Grigori stepped forward and calmly placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m with you until the end.”

“Thank you Grigori.”

“It’s my pleasure. The super I sensed is roughly a half a mile ahead shall we continue?”

“Yes and be sure to leave just enough of his mind intact for him to still be able to use his powers.”


Dr. Sunbright and the Parr family looked on in horror at this disturbing revelation, much to Phage’s amusement.

“You?! You’re Phage?! Violet did nothing to hide the venom in her voice as she spoke the monstrosity’s name.

“I see you’ve heard of me, all good things I hope?”

“Why are you doing this?”

Phage let out a loud cackle upon hearing this question. “I’ve had someone ask me that question in at least sixty six different universes. It never gets old!”

“We’ll be the ones who stop you here!” Jack-Jack yelled as he unleashed a volley of lasers from his eyes. Phage merely threw up one of his decrepit hands and created a two portals one to intercept the lasers and the other behind Jack-Jack. Reacting faster than even he thought possible Dash pushed his younger brother out of the way, taking a laser blast in the shoulder for his troubles. Worried that Phage would follow up with another attack Violet enveloped the entire group in a crackling force field.

Phage let out another bout of cackling laughter. “I have fought you all several times throughout the multiverse. I can counter each and every one of your abilities, just because your force fields have some minor differences this time doesn’t mean I can’t absorb them!” With that Phage extended his hand towards the group. But after a moment he noticed something was wrong. It was as if there was nothing there. Curious he instead sent out a small volley of green flames which Violet’s shield easily stopped. “Curious, I see your shields, they obviously work but I can’t absorb them.”

Deciding to take advantage of Phage’s hesitation Violet dropped her force field. “Now Mom! Speedy, get ready!”
Not needing to be told twice Elastigirl extended a fist towards the undead monster as Violet created a ramp out of her force fields for Speedy to run up on. Upon seeing what his sister intended Speedy ran towards Phage ignoring the sharp pain shooting through his shoulder. Phage merely responded to the onslaught by floating a few feet higher Speedy attempted to jump and tackle him, the pain in his shoulder however only allowed him to pull off the undead’s left leg.

“Oh my!” Phage then dramatically gestured toward his damaged limb. “You actually managed to damage my body. Well this is amusing but as fun as this is I have more stops to make good day Incredibles our final battle will have to wait for another time!” With that Phage disappeared in puff of black smoke.

“Dammit!” Violet yelled as she punched the ground. “We almost had him!”

“Don’t worry sis”. Speedy said as he waved around Phage’s severed leg. “That jerk doesn’t have a leg to stand on.”

Violet couldn’t help but grin at her brother’s lame pun. Maybe just maybe they stood a chance after all.

[End notes: ENDING NOTES: A bit shorter than I would have liked but given the circumstances mentioned above I wanted to get something out there. I hope you all like this journey so far and that I’ll get my laptop fixed soon and continue writing in earnest.]

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