Over the next few days, Celine and her parents get to know their surroundings more, along with meeting more of their neighbors, who happily welcomed them.
To Celine's surprise, one of their neighbors was a Nex family across the street from them; The couple only had one child, a one cycle old baby, whom Celine found very cute with her tiny wings; The baby also took a liking to Celine as well, specifically her tail.
Two of their new neighbors were a family of Felenes, one, were an elderly male and female couple, who had children, but were grown and had their own life, though the couple did express delight in frequently looking after their grandchildren.
The other Feline couple were a younger male and female in their forties. The couple had three children, a nineteen year old daughter, a fifteen year old son and twelve year old daughter. All three children were intrigued by Celine and her parents and were the source of the majority of the questions they answered.
Another family they meet, Celine found interesting; it was a mixed race family, consisting of three parental figures, all females, one Vehen, Felene and Hybrid Tragelian. All three were young, none over the age of thirty; the Vehen being the oldest at twenty-nine, the Felene at twenty-five and the Tragelian being the youngest at twenty. The family had four children, all also girls, an eight-cycle old Vehen, who was the daughter of the Vehen adult and the three other children being adopted, one fifteen-cycle old Felene, a twelve-cycle old Hybrid Tragelian, and ten year-cycle old Canine.
Celine, along with her parents were shocked to learn that the twenty-cycle old Tragelian parent was once the Vehen and Feline's child, or rather, is their fifth adopted child, but while not married to her parents, had joined them in the role of parent for the four others.
After the meeting of the neighbors, Becky and Sammy decided it was time to introduce Celine to their friends, which consisted of just about every other kid and teen in the neighborhood and Celine having meet many. There was a group of them that frequently played together though.
From the younger Felene couple, the twelve-cycle old girl, who was introduced as Brandi, Celine quickly found mirrored Becky and Sammy's naughty behavior, but she was much more easily satisfied.
All four children of the mixed race family were part of the little group. Kali was the name of the eight-cycle old Vehen; Patricia, or 'Patty', was the fifteen-cycle old Felene, who was the self-proclaimed leader of the group; Janice being the name of the Twelve-cycle old Hybrid Tragelian and Rachael was the ten-cycle old Canine, who had a more than a sisterly love for her older sister, Patty.
Becky and Sammy surrounded themselves with the girls of the neighborhood, very like-minded girls, as while the group could entertain themselves with quite 'normal' activities, like video games, watching movies or playing outside, even helping each other with their homework; though Celine was only told that last piece of info, not shown. The group was a gathering of naughtiness all feeding into each other!
Celine had only officially met the group for not even twenty-four hours before she was in Becky's room, moaning loud and long from numerous fingers, tongues, tails and cericks teasing her as she was the main course of a teen and pre-teen orgy. Celine seriously wondered, despite what they'd told her and seen, that the little girls did nothing but naughtiness.
But Celine didn't complain at all...
- Three days later, Shakrus (Friday) -
- 6:46 A.M. -
- Celine's Room -
Now though, despite all the stresses and concerns, unwillingly moving here, meeting various strange new people, exposing herself to the public; Celine now faced her biggest problem yet...
What to wear for her first day of school!
“Ohhhh, I have no clue what to pick!” declares a nude Celine as she faces her open closet, presented with her various clothing; shirts, tank-tops, blouses, skirts of varying lengths, a few pants and even a couple of dresses.
“Should I go with covering up or how I usually like to dress?” thinks aloud Celine, before starting to pace back and forth in front of her closet. “It's my first day, so what I wear is just as important as my attitude in my first impression... If I'm covered up, they might think I'm trying to reject meeting people or seem timid, but if I go with less, they may think I'm trying to be suggestive...”
The teen soon comes to a stop and placing her hands to her head with a groan before squatting down.
“Neither of those would be true though! Ok, I might be a little timid, but I do want to meet others and I don't dress the way I do to be suggestive, I just like it. But wait... If I dress the way I usually do, I have to think about what kind of underwear I wear in case my skirt flips up... I'd probably be able to get away with any color but black though, so I'm good there.”
After a moment, the teen looks back to her closet and stands up, looking through the selection.
“But what to pick though? I got my underwear figured out, but I still need to pick something to wear over it... some kind of middle ground would be great-wait!” comments Celine, before gasping as she pulls aside a shirt to reveal a couple dresses and a smile coming to her face. “That it!” she declares, pulling out out two dresses. “One of these would be perfect, I'm covered, but I still have the comfort of a skirt... Wait...” she adds, her smile fading.
“What would they think if I come to school in a dress? They might think I can't make a decision. Ahh, I'm back where I started!” declares Celine in frustration as she drops to her knees and sits back on her legs.
Shortly into her frustration though, Celine hears the familiar sound of her mothers giggling and looks towards her open door.
The woman reveals herself, stepping from the left side of the door, nude as well and continuing to giggle a bit.
“Hehe, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to listen in on your problem.” comments Eda, smiling and walking to her daughter and joining Celine on the floor.
“Well, I'm open to any suggestions.” replies Celine. “I can't decide at all and I still need to decided if I want to do anything with my hair and if I should wear any jewelry! This is my first day and I don't want to screw it up!”
Eda could easily see Celine was quickly getting worked up and places her hand to her daughters shoulders.
“Ok, ok, now calm down, you're making yourself a nervous wreck.”
Celine sighs and leans against her mother, placing her head between Eda's breasts.
“What should I do?” asks Celine.
“Well, first of all... “ starts Eda, stroking the teens head. “I don't think you should wear any jewelry, as nervous as you are, you'd probably overdue it. If you just have to have something, I suggest a pair of small earrings and that's it. For what to wear...” she adds, before pushing Celine upright and looking her in the eyes with a smile. “Wear what you feel comfortable wearing and dress for yourself, not other people.”
“But-” replies Celine, before Eda places a finger to the teens lips.
“But nothing, dress for you, not others. If people don't want to talk to you because of what you're wearing, then their not worth your time, right?” comments Eda.
“...Yeah.” replies Celine, with a small smile.
“Good...” adds Eda, briefly kissing Celine on the lips. “After-all, if you wear what YOU want and not what you think other people would like, you'll start in a better mood. Now then...” comments Eda, getting to her feet and helping Celine up. “What do you WANT to wear?”
“Well, I'd like to wear what I usually do.” replies Celine. “A shirt and skirt, but-” she adds, before a finger returns to her lips.
“Then that's what you should wear, no buts.”
With a sigh and a slump of the shoulders, Celine answers, “You're right.”
Eda smiles and brushes some of Celine hair from her forehead and briefly kisses her there.
“It's gonna be fine Celine, as long as your yourself, you have nothing to worry about.”
“OK.” replies Celine, looking up to her mother with a smile.
“Good, well your father and I are going to get dressed.” comments Eda, patting Celine's shoulder before turning and walking out of the room.
Moments after her mother leaves, Celine looks into her closet and places the two dresses back in, before gives a sigh...
“Dress for me...” she comments.
- 7:17 A.M. -
Eda and Avery were currently in the living room, sitting on the couches, watching the morning news, when they see Celine come down the stairs and a smile coming to Eda's face when she sees what her daughter wears.
A belly-revealing tank-top and a mild-thigh length pleated skirt, a few twinkles of light at her ears revealed she opted to wear a pair of small earrings. Her hair was the same, but without her bangs, revealing her forehead. The teen though was dripping considerably.
“You look very nice.” comments Avery.
“Thanks.” replies Celine.
“You sure do Celine.” adds Eda. “...and I'm sure you feel better than if you were to pick something else.”
Celine gave a nervous chuckle, before Eda stands and walks in front of her daughter and places a hand to Celine's shoulder and leaning towards her left ear.
“Are you wearing underwear?” Eda whispers.
“W-What? Of course I'm wearing underwear.” replies Celine.
“Are you sure.” adds Eda, leaning back with a smile.
“Of course I'm sure, I wouldn't-” replies Celine, placing her left hand to her crotch, immediately stopping herself with a gasp, dripping even more before lifting her right hand up to her chest, but it was easy the see the lack of bra straps.
“W-What the!?” gasps Celine.
“Go put your underwear on.” comments Eda with a smile.
Celine immediately turns and hurries up the stairs, before Eda giggles.
The teen returns shortly after with an embarrassed frown on her face.
“Thanks.” she comments to Eda, still standing.
“No problem, wouldn't want you facing that kind of embarrassment your first day.” replies Eda.
“Why'd you ask me if I was wearing underwear anyway?” asks Celine.
“Heh, it happened to me when I was about your age and it was my first day to a new school.” replies Eda, smiling.
“Really? You went to your first day of a new school without any underwear?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Eda, “It may have been around other Geelien's, but it was still really embarrassing. With as frustrated as you were getting, I thought that you might repeat my mistake.”
“Thanks mom.” replies Celine with a smile. “If you hadn't said anything, I would've been humiliated.”
- 7:24 A.M. -
- Local School -
“Do you want us to go in with you?” asks Eda, as the car stops in front of the school, behind an unloading bus.
Looking out, the distance between her and the door of the school was considerable and students filled it, causing Celine to quickly think that they should have came much earlier. But, there was nothing she could do about it now, so, with a calming sigh and dripping a bit, Celine answers with a smile...
“No, I'm good.”
“OK then.” replies Eda. “Good luck and have a great day.”
“Thanks.” replies Celine, before opening the door and stepping out of the vehicle.
After exchanging good-bye waves, Celine walks towards the school, quickly seeing numerous heads turn and eyes staring at her and whispers among them. Celine though did her best to ignore the obvious attention she was attracting and looks straight ahead to the school as she walks.
Celine was a little surprised when a couple of students, girls, walk pass, looking back at her and greeting her with a smile, which Celine quickly returns with a smile of her own.
'So far, so good...' thinks Celine.
Once she walks through the doors and into the school, Celine found herself presented with two hallways and a crowd of students talking and walking where ever they needed to be, small groups even gather around lockers.
Walking in, the stares return and Celine briefly pauses from the shock of so many eyes on her. She felt herself dripping much more.
'Ok Celine...' thinks the teen. 'This is it, get it together, just gotta get to the office.'
After a sigh, Celine continues walking, directly ahead, hoping to meet an adult to tell her where the office was. Along the way though, as she walks through the crowd of students, Celine hears a varying range of comments clearly directed and referring to her.
A couple brings a smile to her face, such as some comments about how pretty or cute she was, even compliments on her tail.
It wasn't all positive though, one comment in particular hurt to hear...
“Eww, another one of those dripping weirdo's.”
Although the comment hurt, it intrigued Celine.
'Another?' she thinks. 'Does that mean I'm not the only Geelien here!?'
The negative comment actually brings a big smile to Celine's face at the idea that she wasn't alone. To her surprise, Celine manages to find the school office without any aid, to the left at the end of the hall she was walking.
Entering the room, where a small group of people occupied, walking around and working with transparent screens above their desks, Celine walks up to a desk, where a Felene woman stands.
“Can I help you?” asks the Felene.
“Yeah, today's my first day and I was told to come here to get my list of classes, my name's Celine Kellen.”
“Oh, ok.” replies the Felene, tapping the desk to her left and bringing up and smaller screen and tapping a few selections before the window disappears and a small glass-like object materializes and the Felene takes it and hands it to Celine, who sees a list of five classes and a smile coming to her face when she sees her first class, Math; The others being Science, Racial History, Physical Education and Foreign Languages.
“Nice, Math is my favorite subject.” comments Celine.
“Good.” replies the Felene. “Do you have any questions?”
“Yeah, I do actually.” answers Celine. “Are there any other Geelien's here beside me?”
“There is.” replies the Felene, bringing a big smile to Celine's face.
“Yes.” replies the Felene with a smile. “Two actually, a brother and sister. They arrived Vevorus (Wednesday), I don't think their in your grade though.”
“That's ok, I'm just happy that I'm not alone! Thanks!” comments Celine happily.
“No problem.” replies the Felene. “By the way, you can find your classes with the three-digit number beside the name. The halls have number ranges listed, so just match your classes number with what's listed on the hall and your good.”
“Ok, thanks.” replies Celine.
“The seven-thirty bell should be ringing any second now...” comments the Felene, before a bell rings for a moment. “There it is, that's the ten minute warning before classes start at seven-forty, there's another five minute bell. Since this is your first day, you'll be excused if you're late, but even so, try to make sure you're in class by the third bell ok? Best to start on time.”
“Ok.” replies Celine with a smile, before turning and leaving the room and out into the fading crowd of students, her tail swaying side-to-side quickly from her renewed, happy mood.
Matching her math rooms number with the hall she needed to take, Celine easily finds her first class.
While still in her cheery mood, Celine's smile wavers a little as she nears the door and sees a few students entering the room, glancing at her. Celine still continued forward though and enters the room herself; seeing a scene that was quite familiar to her, students talking among themselves, some sitting at desks, others standing. Even the teacher was part of them; a Felene woman sitting at her desk at the head of the classroom, wearing a knee-length yellow dress, talking to a couple of students.
Looking to the long white-board, Celine sees the familiar math problems written out.
Still though, just seconds upon walking into the room, the conversations died down considerably as the students turned their attention to the new girl. The focused stares cause Celine to begin dripping once again.
“Excuse me...” comes a girls voice as Celine sees a blonde Nex walk by her and into the room, causing Celine to gasp and step aside.
“O-Oh, sorry.” quickly replies Celine, moving away from the doorway she was blocking.
After moving out of the way, Celine hears the talking among the students start up again, a few comments about herself were heard again as well, things like...
'Hey, it's another Geelien.'
'I wonder if she's nice.'
'She's kinda cute.'
'She looks really nervous.'
There were no negative comments, which brings a smile to Celine's face.
“Celine?” asks a female voice to her right.
The teen turns to face the teacher, who smiles at her.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “Celine Kellen.”
“We've been expecting you, my name is Erin Quest, but I will only answer to Mrs. Quest. Would you be ok with introducing yourself at the start of class?” asks the teacher.
“I don't mind.” replies Celine.
“Good, you can go take a seat at my desk while we wait for everyone to arrive.” comments the teacher, placing a hand to Celine's shoulder and leading her to the desk and sitting at a smaller chair near the teachers larger one.
So far, aside from the small about of negative comments from when she first stepped into the building, Celine was pleasantly surprised by how well it was going, she wasn't dripping very much and she continued to hear positive comments from the students, a couple entering the room even took the time to walk up to her and greet her, though the teacher quickly shoos them away, telling them they would have time to say their greetings at the start of class.
With the five minute bell coming and going, the students continued to file in, some even rushing into the room as time started to wind down. A surprising, but mildly amusing scene soon takes place when the final bell rings and Celine suddenly sees a female student with short, pink hair, suddenly appear halfway between the teachers desk and the door with a small swirl of air briefly surrounding her, causing the skirt she wears to flutter and briefly flash her nude lower half and the small pink bush of her pubes.
“Made it!” she declares with a smile, before the bell stops ringing.
“No, you did not.” comments the teacher flatly. “You have to be in the room BEFORE the bell, not during it and you know using your shakra during school isn't allowed.”
“Aww, come on!” whines the girl. “Can't you make an exception this once? If I get another tardy, I'll have detention!” pleads the girl.
“Then learn to be on time...” replies the teacher. “Now go sign-in at the office.”
“GO!” repeats the teacher sternly. “Unless you want me to add disrupting the class to your tardiness.”
“Argh! You're so mean!” declares the girl angrily, before disappearing as quickly as she appears.
Celine smiles at the little scene, it was a familiar sight back on her own planet and she herself have fell victim to a strict, rule-enforcing teacher.
The teacher waits until the tardy girl returns, walking through the door this time with an obvious look of anger on her face and not saying a word as she walks to her seat. With the class assembled, the teacher stands and asks Celine to stands beside her, which she quickly does as she now stands at the front of the class, all eyes solely on her now and beginning to drip again from her nervousness.
“Before we begin class...” starts the teacher, gaining the students attention and the lingering whispers stopping and the teacher placing a hand to Celine's shoulder before resuming... “As you can see, we have a new student. I expect you all to help her feel welcomed and treat her nicely. She'll now introduce herself and answer a few questions if she feels comfortable enough.”
A moment after the teacher walks by her and returns to her desk, Celine felt her nervousness grow a few levels as she was left alone at the front of the class, all the expectant eyes on her, waiting.
'OK, this is it.' thinks Celine. 'My first impression starts now.'
“H-Hi.” greets Celine, with a smile as she nervously grabs at the front of her skirt. “My name is Celine Kellen and, as you can obviously see, I'm a Geelien. I'm five cycles old, I have one mom and one dad and I don't have any brothers or sisters. I-I didn't want to come here at first, because I was afraid of how people here would respond to me, but the few days I've been here and meeting my neighbors, I'm starting to like it. I-I h-hope I can make a lot of friends here...” states Celine, fiddling with her skirt more, she felt like she was rambling, but she was so nervous, she couldn't stop and her gaze had lowered slightly to the floor in nervousness, not to mention the considerably amount of mass that was pooling at her feet, which the teen knew was the source of a few giggles. “I'm a really nice person, if you give me a chance I'm sure you'd like me...”
Celine gasps at her last comment.
'No! That sounds like I'm begging them to be my friend!'
“N-No! That came out wrong!” declares Celine. “You don't have to give me a chance- I-I mean, I'd like you to, but I'm not asking, I... Ohhhh.” groans Celine as she sees a number of students smiling and giggling, it had started out so well, a simple introduction, she was screwing it up so badly!
“Ahem, Ms. Kellen.” comments the teacher.
Celine, turns to look at the teacher, who points to her and states...
“You're skirt.”
“Huh?” replies Celine before looking down and gasping as in her nervousness, she saw the reason for the students smiling and giggling, she had pulled up the front of her skirt, failing to release it as she lifts her hands, exposing her panties to the entire class, which Celine quickly rectified as she pulls down her skirt, before her comm falls through her arm and to the floor from the fluidity of her melting body.
Very embarrassed now and her opportunity to give her best first impression ruined, Celine was seconds away from running out of the room, before she hears a clapping; looking up, she sees a girl with long purple hair, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, standing nearing the middle of the room and clapping her hands, before commenting...
“It's ok, you did good, right guys?”
“Yeah.” replies another girl, clearly the first girl's twin, standing in a row beside her sister and clapping as well, with shoulder-length hair and wearing a blouse and pleated skirt. “It could've been worse, at least you're wearing panties.”
Shortly after, the majority of the students stand and clap their hands, not all were part of the attempt to cheer her up, but Celine was very confused, she had just flashed the entire class her underwear, but no one was pointing and laughing at her, they we're clapping, trying to cheer her up.
If Celine had the ability, tears would be rolling down her cheeks right now, instead, she continued to drip as a smile comes to her face.
Celine soon sees the teacher return to her side and pick up her Comm and offer it back to her, taking it and placing it back on her wrist before looking out to the class as their clapping slowly comes to an end as they return to the seats.
“Thank-you.” comments Celine, with a big smile.
The girl who first started the clapping quickly stands and declares, “And I'll happily offer to be your friend! My name's Alma Hons.”
“Me too!” adds her twin, lifting a hand. “I'm her sister, Lina Hons!”
“Me three!” declares a blonde Tragelian. “Reni Bragou at your friendship service!”
'Bragou?' thinks Celine to herself, before asking, happily. “Is your sister Sakura Bragou!?”
“Hehe, yep.” replies Reni.
“You're related to a famous Shakra fighter!?” asks Celine happily.
The question and Celine excitement brings a few giggles from the class and a Vehen girl comments...
“I think we have another member to the fan-club.”
“Ok, ok, you guys...” states the teacher. “You can get more acquainted with Celine later, it's time to start class. Celine, you can choose one of the empty seats.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, with a smile and moving from the front of the room to join the class, surprised yet again at how nice the people of Merkolova were.
Given math was universal across planets and the fact that it was Celine's favorite subject, the teen didn't have any problem at all in joining the class on today's lesson. While Celine was still a little too nervous to volunteer giving answers to math problems the teacher written out on the white-board, the teacher made Celine's nervousness a moot point as she calls on her a couple times to answers the displayed math.
Mrs. Quest certainly didn't let the fact that Celine was a new student let her off easy, once her rear met the seat, she was part of the class and expected to participate. Celine actually thought that it was because she was a new student that the teacher frequently picked her, aiming to test her knowledge.
In the end, Celine flawlessly made it through the teachers little test, earning herself a few 'Ooooh's' from the students, and a Felene boy commenting lowly, 'Cute and smart'. An embarrassed chuckle is Celine's only reaction from the comments.
Unfortunately, even with all the positivity towards her, it was during one of the quite moments in the class, with the students working on an assignment and the teacher at her desk, that Celine encounters not so positive actions towards her.
Silently going through the math problems on the screen above her desk, Celine felt something suddenly poke her upper right arm and looking revealed a small stylist was stuck in her arm.
Removing it, Celine knew it had been thrown at her, looking around, Celine could see no one that stood out to be the culprit, so she warily returns to her assignment, knowing her first bully wasn't going to stop there.
A couple minutes later, Celine feels the poke again, this time in her neck and quickly looks towards were the second stylist came as she removes it, this time though, she was confident in locating her bully; the tardy girl from earlier, whose name Celine found out at the roll call was Gina Stance, who sat one row across from her and a couple seats back. The girl was the only one to be suppressing a giggle.
Gina looking at her after a moment confirmed it with a smirk at her, before Celine sees the girl materialize another stylist from her Comm and in plain sight of her, take aim at her, before...
“Gina!” declares the teacher sternly, causing the teen to quickly pocket the stylist and look to the teacher. “I know you're not throwing things again are you?”
“No Mrs. Quest.” answers the teen, turning her attention back to her assignment.
Celine didn't have a clue why Gina had decided to pick on her, but now she knew Gina was the problem student of the class, just about every class had at least one back on her home planet and it seemed no different here.
Celine was able to finish the rest of the assignment without issue and a few minutes later, other students beginning to speak to each other suggests the others were finishing up their assignment as well and with Celine looking towards the clock on the wall, there was about ten minutes left of the class before moving on to the second and Celine figured the teacher allowed the students to converse with each other near the end of class, proven as she feels a poking of her right shoulder from behind and a girls comment...
Turning around, Celine sees the blonde Nex she moved away from before the start of class, she didn't remember her name though.
“Hi.” replies Celine.
“I'm wiling to be your friend too.” comments the Nex with a smile.
“Thanks.” replies Celine with a smiles as well. “You all have been so nice to me.”
“Well you've given us no reason to be mean to you.” comes a boys voice to Celine's left and turning back around to see a Vehen boy standing at her side, though Celine was quickly surprised when she finds that a small crowd had gathered around her, all smiles and willing to get to know her.
“Yeah...” adds a Tragelian girl with short blue hair. “Having a new student is always good. How do you like Merkolova so far?”
“Well...” starts Celine with a smile at the cheerfulness surrounding her, “I'm starting to like it a lot. My neighbors are really nice and helped me get over my concern about being here.”
“Do you like sports?” asks another girl, a Felene.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “But my favorite, ever since I heard about it back on my home planet, is the IPSL! Even though it's not something I could participate in, it looks so amazing!”
The small crowd giggles with Celine's excited response, before...
“What a weirdo...” comments Gina, remaining at her seat. “You're in love with a sport you can't even do. Meet a water or fire user and your dead, literally.”
Gina was quickly berated by the other students for the uncalled for comment, which brings a smile to Celine face and encouraged her to join the comments and add...
“If you're going to tease me, at least get your facts straight, I wouldn't die If I'm frozen, I just wouldn't be able to move.”
Gina frowns and folds her arms over her chest, looking away and muttering something under her breathe.
With Gina silenced, the others turn their attention back to Celine and Alma was the next to ask...
“So do you have a favorite Shakra?”
Celine smiles at the familiar question.
“Yeah, fire.” answers Celine. “Even though fire is lethal for me, it just amazes me that someone could have complete control of it like that, even covering their whole body in it. Even people getting hit with the fireballs amaze me.”
“Hey...” starts a Tragelian boy. “Whats surprised you the most since you've been here?”
“It's how nice and open people are here that was really shocking to me.” answers Celine. “I was expecting the worse. I could count on one hand the amount of people that have responded negative towards me though. Even with me screwing up my introduction, you guys wanted to cheer me up, I wasn't expecting that at all, thanks again.”
“Nice stripes by the way.” comes Gina's teasing remark.
While Celine looks to the girl with a frown, the majority of Celine's potential friends ignore her and Celine hears another question and turns her attention back to the people around her.
To Be Continued