“I got another question.” states Becky. “If you're in a water-tight box, how do you breathe?”
“I don't.” answers Celine, smiling as she sees the wide-eyed gasp from the girls. “Well, I should clarify, Geelien's don't breathe, but we still require air for our bodies to function properly. For example, if I was to enter a room and the air started to be sucked out, I wouldn't be able to maintain solid form and be locked into my liquid form until the air returned.”
“Weird.” comments Becky.
“If you think that's weird...” starts Celine, smiling. “I actually have organs.”
“Really!?” gasps Sammy.
“Hehe, well, even us Geelien's don't know why, it's a mystery to us. You can't see them just looking at me, but if I was to get an X-ray, you'd see partial organs, a little lung, some intestines, a rectum and even a uterus. Actually, if you were to stick your hand in my pussy and reach deep enough, you can feel my cervix. But since it and my uterus is the same as the rest of my body it can be easily pushed right though. So I could stick a two foot dildo through my pussy and right through my uterus and into my stomach.”
“Wow, that is weird.” comments Becky.
“Yeah.” adds Sammy.
“Well, I got a question for you two now.” states Celine. “When you trance, how much control of your body do you have?”
“Well...” starts Becky. “That depends on how strong the trance is.”
“Trances come in different intensities?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, totally!” answers Sammy. “A trance can be weak, it just makes us horny and wanna be naughty even if what we were doing wasn't naughty at all.”
“Yeah, then a trance can be so strong that all you can do is play with yourself or find someone else to be naughty with!” adds Becky.
“Wow, so it's possible to do normal things while you trance?” asks Celine.
“If it isn't too strong, it is.” replies Becky. “But why would we want to?” she adds, before Sammy actually answers.
“Wait, I think she means if were in a place that we shouldn't be naughty at.”
“Yeah.” replies Celine. “Can you resist the trance?”
“If it's a weak one, yeah.” answers Becky.
“OK, one more question, how aware are you when you trance?” asks Celine.
“What do you mean?” asks Sammy, while Becky adds...
“Well, what I mean is... are you aware of your surroundings while you're in a trance and can react?” clarifies Celine.
“Oh, yeah.” replies Becky. “If it's not too strong. Remember back in the tub? I was trancing, but when you said that there was poop in the goo, I wanted to leave.”
“You're right.” comments Celine, smiling at the memory. “So if there's something you have an aversion to, it'll override the urges of your trance.”
“If it's not a strong one.” adds Sammy.
“You two gave that answer to all my questions.” comments Celine. “It depends on the trances strength.”
“Well it's true.” answers Becky.
“Yeah.” adds Sammy. “A trance can be so super strong that we don't care about what's around us and there's no way possible to fight it. The trance can make us come without us even touching ourselves and sometimes, we don't even remember what we did if the trance is super, super strong, we just wake up tired and covered in our honey and our pussy and butts throbbing so good!” explains Sammy happily.
“Wow, sounds like it can be a real annoyance.” replies Celine.
“It's not annoying at all!” declares Becky.
“Yeah! It's awesome!” adds Sammy.
“Well then...” starts Celine with a smile. “If trances are so awesome, what's the naughtiest thing you've ever done? Trance or not.”
The two girls 'Ohhh' happily at the question, before Becky declares...
“Me first! The naughtiest thing I've done is with my mom! We were both trancing and we filled our tub up with our honey, enough that it would completely cover me if I lay down in it! After the tub was filled, my mom got one of those squirting things and stuck it in my butt and pushing the honey in my butt until my belly got big like it did yesterday! Then we switched and I filled her butt up then we took turns eating the honey out of each others butts. Then after that, I wanted my mom to fill all my holes with our honey, there was honey in my butt, deep in my pussy and even in my pee-hole! My belly was sooooo big then!”
“Wow...” comments Celine, in shock at what she heard. “I certainly wasn't expecting to hear something like that. You're body makes enough honey to fill a tub?”
“Well I had my moms help.” replies Becky, smiling.
“Still though, only two people can fill a tub, that's impressive. Where does all that honey come from?”
“My mom says it comes from these two ball things inside me.” replies Becky, pressing her fingers to the two locations on her abdomen Celine was familiar with.
“Oh, the ovaries.” comments Celine.
“Yeah! That's what the balls are called!” declares Becky. “Mom says that when I trance, they go into overdrive or something. All I know is that they make tons of honey when I trance!”
Celine then looks to Sammy and comments, “So what's your naughtiest thing?”
“Well it's not as naughty as Becky's, but mine is when I wasn't trancing.”
“That probably makes it more naughty since you were fully aware of what you were doing.” comments Celine, smiling, bringing a giggle from Sammy.
“Hehe, well, I had just laid some eggs, four of them I think and I was still super horny from laying them and I had the idea to put them in my butt, so I did and I loved it! It was my first time doing it, so I didn't know when you put the eggs you lay in your butt, they give off a really weird energy for some reason that feels REALLY good! So I started masturbating with my eggs, I stuck three of them in my butt and started pushing the last one in and out of my pussy. It felt so good I started coming over and over and it made me trance. It was one of those trances that I don't remember what I did though, which sucks, causes when I woke up, I woke up in an orgasm, rubbing my cerick and my eggs shooting out of it and covered in honey.”
“Wow, you had put your eggs in your cerick?” asks Celine.
“Yep, after my eggs came out, I started sucking on my Cerick, drinking up all my honey when I would come.”
“Wow, you two are more naughty that I ever thought!” Comments Celine with a smile, bringing a giggle from the two.
“What about you?” asks Becky. “What's the naughtiest thing you've done?”
“Oh yeah!” adds Sammy happily. “How naughty are you Celine!?”
“Hehe, well, let's see...” comments Celine, placing a finger to her chin in thought. “Hmmm... I dunno if I have anything that I would consider really naughty.”
“Aww come on!” replies Becky. “You gotta have something!”
“Yeah, with your gooey body, I'm sure you got something!” adds Sammy.
“Hmm, maybe I'm just thinking about it wrong.” comments Celine. “Something that would be normal to me might be really naughty to you... Ok, let me think... Oh, I got it! It's something I like doing with my parents.”
“Ohhh, so you get naughty with your mom and dad too?” asks Becky.
“Yep, all the time. My mom and I were being naughty when you guys came.” answers Celine, before gasping as her body suddenly started dripping.
Celine was getting so comfortable with the girls she was letting embarrassing things slip, the girls didn't need to know she and her mother were having sex when they came.
“Ohhhh, really!?” asks Becky and Sammy happily, before Sammy adds, “What were you two doing?”
“U-Uh, I'd rather tell you about my naughty thing I was going to say.” replies Celine.
“Aww come on!” urges Becky. “Tell us both! What were you and your mom doing!”
Celine slumps her shoulders with a sigh, she had already let it slip out, no point in trying to retract it now...
“Fine.” comments Celine with a smile. “Before you guys came, I was watching T.V.-”
“What were you watching?” asks Becky.
“A Shakra competition.” answers Celine with a smile. “I've been a fan of it ever since I heard about it and I really love it after seeing it on the T.V.”
“Cool! We love Shakra too!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah! What's your favorite Shakra?” asks Becky.
“Well I don't have a favorite, at least not yet.” answers Celine. “But I do like the fire one.”
“I thought fire was bad for you though.” comments Sammy.
“It is?” asks Becky.
“Yeah.” replies Sammy. “Yesterday at your place, when we wanted Celine to absorb us, I called my mom for permission and she basically threatened Celine that she'd use her Shakra on her if she ever hurt me.”
“Wow, why is fire bad for you?” asks Becky.
“It's lethal to us.” answers Celine.
“Wow, really?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, fire can melt us to a point that we can't reform and if we lose too much mass, we die.” replies Celine.
“Wow, then why do you like Fire Shakra?” asks Becky.
“I dunno really. It's probably the dangerous aspect of it and the fact that a person can have complete control of it and seeing people getting hit with fireballs and explosions that would likely kill me with one or two hits just amazes me.”
“Wow...” comments Becky and Sammy adding..
“Can ether of you use Shakra?” asks Celine.
“We both can!” answers Becky happily.
“Yep!” adds Sammy.
“Wow, so what Shakra do you use?” asks Celine.
“Mines Water.” answers Becky. “Level two, I can move water around.”
“And mines Force.” adds Sammy. “I'm a level two too, and I can move things without touching them and I can fly!”
“You can fly!?” gasps Celine.
“No she can't!” declares Becky with a smile.
“Yes I can!” retorts Sammy with a pouting face.
“Hovering isn't flying.” replies Becky.
“Yes it is! I'm not touching the ground, so I'm flying!”
“Show me!” quickly comments Celine with a big smile.
“OK!” replies Sammy happily, before to Celine's shock, the sitting girl lifts right off the bed about a foot.
“Whoa!” gasps Celine, moving forward on her hands and knees and moving her right hand under the floating girl, encountering no obstructions. “You can really fly!”
Sammy giggles proudly and crosses her arms over her chest, though Becky comments...
“She can only float about two feet from the ground.”
“You're just jealous cause you can't fly!” answers back Sammy, sticking her tongue out at her friend.
“Whatever...” replies Becky, before looking to Sammy with a grin and moving her left hand under her floating friend. “Although, it does let us get into nice positions...” she adds, before Sammy gives a gasp as Becky pushes two fingers into her hovering friend's pussy, causing Sammy to fall back to the bed and her body weight causing Becky's fingers to reach deeper.
“Ah! No fair! My pussy was completely defenseless!” declares Sammy, before reaching her right hand between Becky's legs to finger her pussy with a giggle from her.
Celine watches in amusement as just a couple seconds into their teasing of each others pussy, the two quickly reposition themselves for better access to the others wet slits, turning to face each other, spreading their legs and returning their hands to each other pussy as they began to kiss and moan.
Although, Becky soon pulls back with a gasp and looks to Celine.
“Wait, we can't leave Celine out.”
“I don't mind...” replies Celine, shaking her head. “I have no problem at all watching.”
This brings a giggling from Sammy, who comments...
“You wanna watch us be naughty?”
“Joining us would be funner.” adds Becky, smiling.
“Maybe I will join you, but I wanna watch for now.” replies Celine. “Afterall, I never got around to telling you what me and my mom where doing before you guys came and my naughty thing.”
“Oh, that's right!” comments Becky.
“Ohhh, tell us while we play with each other!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah!” adds Becky. “Tell us naughty things while we be naughty with each other!”
“Hehe, sure.” replies Celine, before seeing the two girl's return their lips to each other and their moans returning as the movement of the fingers resume. “Well then, I left off on I was watching T.V., ok, then my mom comes into the room and sits on the couch with me, oh, and she had a bottle with her, that's important for later...” starts Celine, before the two girls give a louder moan as they lift their other hand to tease each others nipples, before they break their kissing and Becky lowers her lips to Sammy's neck, bringing a gasp from her.
“Sammy likes her neck licked.” comments Becky, as she licks, for a few moments before their lips return to each other.
“Shortly after my mom sits...” continues Celine, lowering her right hand to her own dripping pussy as she watches the two little girls. “She starts to rub my leg, then up the back of my skirt and she starts rubbing my butt.”
Becky and Sammy soon end their kissing again, before Sammy brings a gasp-turned-moan from Becky as she leans down to her chest and licking at Becky's left, erect nipple while she pinches the other with her fingers. The slight change in position had caused Becky's fingers to slip free of Sammy's pussy.
“After my mom pulls down my panties...” continues Celine, beginning to finger herself. “She sticks two fingers in my butt and starts to move them in and out.”
Becky soon after gives a gasp as Sammy closes her lips around the nipple and sucks, while her right hand continued to tease Becky's pussy as the small blonde leans back on her hands, enjoying the pleasure of Sammy's mouth and fingers.
Celine could no longer remain watching and moves closer to the two and places her hands to the girls butts, caressing them for a moment before slipping her fingers between the crevice of their cheeks to their anus.
“For the next few minutes...” continues Celine. “My mom just moves her fingers in and out of my butt at one steady pace while I watched T.V...” she adds, before a soft moan comes from the two as Celine's pushes two fingers into the girls tight, rear opening. “Just like I'm going to do with you two.”
“Go deeper!” moans Becky, before a sharp gasp comes from her as with one squeeze of her exposed nipple by Sammy, a quick spurt of honey leaves her nipple and with a moan soon coming from Sammy, suggests that honey began coming from the nipple in her mouth.
“Nope.” answers Celine simply with a smile. “Just short, slow thrusts...” she adds, bringing a whine from Becky before a wet squelching sound is heard and Becky gasps out...
“I'm gonna come!”
The blonde moans and the squelches increase in volume as Celine sees Sammy's hand between Becky's legs begin to rapidly thrust, soon bringing a groan from the blonde before Celine felt the little girls anus tighten around her fingers as she releases a loud, orgasmic moan, her body trembling vigorously under the pleasure. While Celine didn't move her finger deeper into the girl, she did add to her pleasure as she slips her other two fingers in, widening the clenching hole and bringing more of Becky's moans out.
When Becky's bliss ends, the blonde breathes heavily for a few moments before Sammy's pulls her lips back, lifting her honey-drenched hand and licking it, with a smile from Becky and without Sammy saying anything, Becky leans forward to resume their kissing as she returns her hand between Sammy's legs and bringing an immediate moaning from her as Becky's teases and strums her clit.
“Oh!” gasps Celine. “I still need to continue my story!” she adds, briefly forgetting what she was previously doing from watching Becky's climax. “Eventually, my mom pushed the bottle she had into my butt and started fingering my butt again while it was in me.”
The comment brings a giggle from the two as they kiss, though Sammy's moan quickly interrupted it as Becky's teasing of her clit continued.
“Soon after...” continues Celine. “My pussy needed attention so I started to finger myself until I came. After that, I turned to my mom and started kissing her like you two are doing now...”
After a particularly loud moan from Sammy, Celine widens Sammy's anus like she had done with Becky and the little girl suddenly lifts herself up on her knees, separating her and Becky's lips with a moan.
“She's gonna come!” declares Becky happily and quickly moving her fingers side-to-side over Sammy's clit, with a slur of naughty, wet sounds.
Sammy groans for just a few seconds before her moment reaches her with a loud moan as her honey gushes out of her and down her thighs from Becky's rapid hand movements spreading it all around. Sammy gave a few involuntary jerks of her hips, each movement causing smaller amounts of honey to be released.
Coming down from her high, Sammy's rear meets the warmth of her honey covering the bed under her, before the two girls interlock fingers, close their eyes and kiss, with a few giggles and moans leaving them from Celine's continued slow thrusting of her fingers in their spread anus.
Although, moments later, Celine sees the two girls turn their heads to look at her and opening their eyes with a smile, and Celine could see both girl's eyes were clouded.
“What?” asks Celine with a smile. “Are you two trancing?”
“It's your turn.” states Becky.
“Yeah...” adds Sammy as the two girls turn their bodies towards her and pushing Celine onto her back as they loom over her with smiles. “You've made us come so good but you haven't come at all.”
“We need to fix that.” comments Becky.
The two girl's earn a quick gasp from Celine as they each claim a nipple, licking and sucking, but not forceful enough to suck the Geelien up.
“A-Ah... h-hey, wait, I haven't finished telling you two about what me and my mom were doing.” declares Celine.
“I don't care about that anymore.” answers Becky, before Sammy adds...
“Me neither.”
The two resume teasing Celine's nipple with their tongues and lips before bringing another gasp from the teen as they both use their legs to spread Celine's and lower their hands between Celine's thighs, each fingering the Geelien's wet, gooey pussy. Soon, a lengthy moan comes from Celine as the two girls focus on a specific spot, Becky moving her fingers in and out of Celine's melting pussy while Sammy teases and rubs her clit.
Both nipples and now her pussy and clit, with four points of stimulus and the girl's seemingly expert ability of their actions, Celine was reduced, literally, to a squirming, moaning and quickly melting puddle on the bed under the pleasure of two little girls.
Celine still retained the form of her teen body though, so Becky and Sammy still had places to tease, but much of the bed was covered in a wide puddle of Celine's mass and the two girls, sucking on Celine's nipples now started to taking in Celine's melting body into their mouths. The two don't swallow though, both choosing to more lightly tease Celine's nipples with their tongues more than their mouths.
Regardless though, with her interrupted fun with her mother and the sexual conversations and acts with the two little girls without coming at all and multiple spots of constant, incoming pleasure, it was no surprise to Celine when she felt herself speeding towards a rapidly approaching climax.
Which comes with a pleasure-filled moan from Celine as fluid gushes out of her pussy and Becky and Sammy speeding up the actions of their hands to her pussy and clit, further heightening her pleasure and lengthening it's duration.
To Celine's mild surprise though, as she started to come down from her cloud of bliss, the two girls continued their actions as if she hadn't come, slowing a bit, but still faster than when they first started.
“O-Ok you two, I came, mmm, y-you can stop now.” comments Celine, smiling and moaning from the continued pleasure.
The teen sees the two girls open their clouded eyes and look at her with a smile as they continued to tease her nipples and her pussy and clit for a few moments, before stopping their nipple tease and Becky commenting...
“One's never enough!”
“Yeah...” adds Sammy. “Coming over and over is the best!”
“We're gonna make you come over and over!” declares Becky, before the two girl's return their tongues and lips to Celine's nipples.
“Ohhh, ok then...” moans Celine, before reaching her hands to the girls rear and teasing their anus again.
Over the next fifteen minutes or so, words were a rarity as moans and gasps fill the room. The two trancing nymphets manage to bring their Geelien friend to orgasm three more times, before the two were surprised as Celine suddenly gained the upper hand on them as she shifts into liquid before reforming behind the two and a shocked gasp leave them as Celine inserts her entire hand and part of her lower arm through the girl's anus and reaching deep into their rectum before beginning to thrust.
The two were face down and butts up as they moan in pleasure from Celine's soft limbs painlessly and pleasurably stretching their holes. Just moments into her thrusting, Celine could see fresh honey ooze from the two girl's hairless, blushing slits and flow out of them steadily.
Becky was the first to come, although not announcing it, her louder moan from her climax was clear, along with two large 'globs' of honey spreading her pussy open briefly before wetly falling to the bed as a large volume of honey briefly flows from her clenching, climaxing pussy.
Sammy was quick to follow, declaring, “I'm cominnnnng!” before a large gush of honey ejects from her as her quivering labia clenches repeatedly in pleasure, larger amounts of honey being released with each orgasmic clench of her pussy.
“So much honey...” comments Celine with a grin at the amount the two girls release from their climax and the increased flow coming from them. “Do you ever run out? I bet you two still want more huh?” she adds, pulling hands from their now mildly gaping anus before palming their hot, oozing labia's, absorbing what flows out of the slits as she caresses the puffy mounds and brings soft moans from Becky and Sammy.
“Well you guys are certainly having fun!”
“AH!” gasps Celine in shock upon hearing Hazel's voice, quickly pulling her hands from Becky and Sammy as she turns to see Hazel and Erin standing at her wide open door, both women blushing and smiling.
Celine nearly shifted to her liquid form from the embarrassing shock, instead, only loss enough mass to shrink to her child form.
“H-H-How long were you two there!?” quickly asks Celine, before Becky and Sammy gain her attention again as they whine about why she stopped and Celine sees them wiggling their rear at her, with honey still oozing steadily from their eager slits.
“Not very long.” replies Hazel, with one arm under her breasts and her other hand on her cheek, Erin meanwhile, caresses her upper right thigh, quite close to her crotch, she looked restless as she adds...
“We're just getting ready to leave and came to get our daughters.”
“Nooooo!” whines Sammy, before Celine gasps as Sammy drapes herself over Celine, who then falls to her back as Becky joined her and adds...
“We're not done yet!”
“I can see that.” replies Hazel, smiling. “But you two both know we were only visiting for a short while. So get dressed and come meet us downstairs.” she adds, before she and Erin leave.
“Awwww...” whines the two girls, their eyes showing that they were still under the effects of their trance.
“Hehe, well, looks like we have to start this up again later.” comments Celine, quickly reabsorbing her mass and returning to her teen form.
“Make us come again!” declares Sammy, wrapping her legs around Celine's and rubbing her oozing, puffy labia against Celine's leg.
“Yeah, one more orgasm before we go!” adds Becky.
About seven minutes later, downstairs, Eda, Avery, Hazel and Erin stand near the front door waiting on Becky and Sammy when the two little girls come down the stairs, along with Celine, fully dressed. While no longer in their trance state, the girls were still clearly horny as they each rest a hand under their skirts. Masturbating in clear view with giggles and soft moans leaving them.
“It was very nice meeting you two.” comments Avery and Eda adding with a smile...
“And your daughters, for the little time that they were with us.”
“It was very nice meeting you three as well.” replies Hazel, before Erin adds...
“And thank you for welcoming us into your home, and correcting my wrongly held view of your people.” Erin then looks to Celine before continuing, “I owe you an apology for the way I spoke to and about you yesterday, I'm sorry.” Extending her right hand, Celine smiles and reaches her hand to Erin's.
“Apology accepted. You're behavior was understandable though, you were just concerned about Sammy's safety.”
“Heh, your mothers right.” comments Erin with a smile.
“What?” asks Celine.
“You are more mature than your age, I don't think many other teens would say something like that.”
“Oh, hehe...”
With that, the four leave, Becky and Sammy giving a happy good-bye and waving their free hand, their other still busy under their skirts.
“Well...” starts Eda as she closes the door and looks to Celine with a smile. “Seems Becky and Sammy have really gotten attached to you.”
“Hehe, yeah...” embarrassingly replies Celine, before her father adds, with a grin...
“Seems you have too, given the the moans we all heard.”
Celine suddenly lost a considerable amount of her mass at that comment.
“Y-You could hear us!?”
“Of course we could.” replies Eda, smiling and placing a hand to Celine's cheek and briefly kissing her on the lips. “You three were quite vocal, Becky and Sammy in particular, also, you seem to have a very sweet smell, what have you been absorbing?”
With a gasp, Celine suddenly recalled absorbing the large amount of Becky and Sammy's honey, particularly in the tub, she was so into it, she never even thought about taking on the smell of the girl's honey.