Once in the bathroom, Celine removes her underwear and steps into the tub.
“Come in with me.” comments Celine.
“Ok.” replies Sammy, quickly pulling off her socks and stepping into the tub with Celine, who smiles.
“OK, now you see me solid and then...” starts the teen, before Becky and Sammy gasps in shock upon seeing Celine's body suddenly loose form and fall into a pool of goo in the tub, Sammy now standing in Celine's mass, lifting and lowering her feet a couple times.
“Whoa!” gasps the two girls, Becky getting to her knees at the side of the tub and placing her right hand into the warm puddle while Sammy squats down and does the same.
“It's so weird.” comments Becky.
“Yeah it is.” adds Sammy. “Can you still see and hear us Celine?”
The two receive a massive scare when Celine's face suddenly appears in the goo directly below Sammy, between the girls legs with a smile.
“Yep!” answers Celine.
“AHHH!” scream both girls as they fall back.
A quick spurt of pee leaves Sammy and onto Celine's face from the scare as she falls back in the gooey softness of Celine's liquid body, Sammy's pussy fully submerged in Celine's goo and releasing a few more shocked spurts of pee into the Geelien's body before regaining her hold.
“Don't do that!” gasps Sammy, with a brief giggle, though with a frown on her face. “You made me pee a little!”
“Hehe, I couldn't help it.” replies Celine. “...and you are supposed to be peeing remember? On or inside, it doesn't matter where. Actually, I have an idea...”
Sammy looks on in surprise when she sees Celine's goo beginning to travel up her arms, legs and waist.
“Hey, what are you doing?” asks Sammy, lifting her hands, but unable to escape Celine's adhering goo before it had completely enveloped her legs and reached towards her chest.
“Instead of me absorbing you, I'll do the next best thing and give you a taste of what it's like, I'll envelope you. You can be inside me without being absorbed.”
“Really?” asks Sammy, before gasping as she began to feel Celine's mass enter her pussy, a lot of it, stretching her open, causing her to release another stream of pee before feeling Celine's mass enter her urethra and began to directly access her pee, causing the little girl to slump back into the goo enveloping her, now up to her neck were it seemed to stop, while her body from the neck down was now in the warm embrace of Celine's body.
Meanwhile, Becky looks on in envy.
“Awww, you're so lucky Sammy, I wanna be inside Celine too.”
“You can join in too.” replies Celine.
“Really!?” asks Becky happily.
“Yep, while I'm in this form, and in this small space, I can envelope you too, so come join us.”
Becky immediately accepts the invite and removes her socks before stepping into Celine's liquid body, the teens face now disappearing and when Becky lowers herself to sit, she giggles when she sees and feels Celine's mass begin to envelope her, even reaching between the crevice of her rear.
“Hehe, you're so sticky!” comments Becky, testing how far she could move her arms and Celine's body remain clinging to her, it was as if she was in a pool of thick honey or syrup.
Before she knew it, Becky's entire body, up to her neck was enveloped into Celine's body before she gasps as she feels Celine enter her pussy.
“This feels so good!” declares Sammy, before lifting herself up in the goo and hugging Becky as they kiss, before Sammy pulls her back, returning to her back as Becky rests atop her while they both moan out from Celine's mass filling their young pussies and before long, began a thrusting motion.
Being horny since arriving at Celine's room, it didn't take long at all for the two girl's to climax, though they never break from their kissing, moaning as two large white clouds of their honey jet from their spread pussy and into the goo thrusting into them.
This event repeated twice more over the next few minutes and a now almost obscuring white cloud of the two girl's honey surrounds their hips before their kissing was finally broken as they each feel their anus widen to accept Celine's goo entering their rectum deeply and begin to thrust as well.
One more climax and cloud of honey leaving them later and Becky moans out as her eyes began to get clouded...
“You're making me trance Celine! More! Make me come more!”
Becky's request was answered on both girls as they moan out feeling their pussy and anus spread wider and now their bladders were being filled with the goo.
“I'm gonna coooome!” moans out Becky quickly after the increase of stimulation and a large, lengthy white cloud jets from her gaping pussy.
Sammy follows suit shortly after with another climax from her.
Minutes into the pleasure and three climaxes from a trancing Becky and two from Sammy, a white cloud began to form around the two little girl's chests as honey began to leave through their nipples from the amount of pleasure Celine was giving them.
For the next thirty, very vocal minutes, the two girls were treated to orgasm after orgasm from Celine's liquid form and the entire pool of goo had completely changed from the red/pinkish color to a very pale coloration from the amount of honey the two girls had released from their multiple orgasms.
The two girls now rest on each other breathing quickly from the blissful orgy of orgasms, though they give a whine as their pussy, anus and urethra shrink back to normal from Celine leaving the well used orifices; although, there were a few dark objects that leave the girl's anus, before Celine reforms her upper body with a smile, the same very pale red the rest of her body was, she was more white than red.
“Hehe, I think I may have gotten carried away there.” comments Celine.
From reforming her upper body, Celine's goo no longer envelopes the two girl's body completely, Becky's upper body was uncovered while Sammy's shoulders and nipples were exposed.
“Why'd you stop?” whines Becky, looking back and Celine could see her eyes faded, proof that she was still in her trance.
“Yeah, we want more.” adds Sammy.
“Geez, even after that you still want more?” asks Celine, before Becky giggles.
“Hehehe, you're all white from our honey.”
“Heh, well I can't selectively absorb things.” replies Celine. “I can't absorb you guys cum without absorbing you too, along with a couple 'gifts' you guys left in me.”
“Huh?” questions Becky.
“What gifts?” adds Sammy.
Celine lowers her hand into her liquid body and pulls out an impressively thick log of poop.
“This gift.” state Celine, bringing a giggling 'Ewwwwwwww!' from the two girls. “Heh, yeah, that's why I said I think I got carried away, I went so deep inside your butts that your poop came out when I pulled out. I'm certainly not going to be absorbing your poop.”
“So our poop is in side you right now?” asks Becky.
“I'm holding one arn't I?” replies Celine with a smile.
The two girl's quickly attempt to leave the tub, but find it impossible as Celine's goo acts like thick glue, not allowing the two to get to their feet to leave, even attempting to climb out of the tub proved difficult as the goo would simply pull them back into the tub.
“All fun and games till poop is involved huh?” comments Celine with a giggle.
“Let us leave!” declares Becky with a giggle.
“Yeah, poop is nasty!” adds Sammy.
“Maybe I should return the gifts.” comments Celine.
“How?” questions Becky, before Sammy states...
“She's going to put our poop back inside us!”
“You can do that!?” gasps Becky.
“I sure can.” replies Celine, before the two girls gasp as they feel their anus spread again and the two once again scramble to leave the tub, though finding that they could now with a giggle from Celine as they literally fall out of the tub and onto each other. “Hehehe, just kidding.” teases Celine. “It's partly my fault for going so deep anyway.” she adds, before reforming her body and standing, her entire body a white-ish, pale red. “Do me a favor though you two, because of all your cum in me, I can't see any of your poop, so go to my room and look inside my nightstand by the bed and take out the biggest comb you see in there.”
“Ok.” replies Becky, as the two girls untangle from each other before leaving the room, while Sammy sits in front of Celine, smiling.
Becky returns moments later with the large mesh comb.
“Is this the one?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, that's the one.” replies Celine, before taking the comb from Becky and beginning to run the comb through her body, causing the two girls to look on in amazement as a number of poop logs is separated from her body and fall to the tubs floor.
“Wow, that doesn't hurt?” asks Sammy.
“Nope.” answers Celine. “It actually feels good. We Geelien's use combs and other devices like these to separate dirt and crystals from our body. A clear body is what we Geelien's think of as pretty.”
“Crystals?” questions Becky.
“Oh, yeah, over time, our bodies develop crystals, it can happen throughout the day, but lack of movement over a long period of time causes them to grow much more quickly. A perfect example is while we sleep. So it's kinda like a shower that you take to clean your bodies. Everyday when I wake up, I strain out the crystals that have developed during the night.”
“Ohh, cool.” replies Sammy. “Are the crystals worth money?”
“Uh, I dunno.” replies Celine. “The crystals are considered a waste product like pee or poop to us, so the thought of them being worth anything never crossed my mind.”
“I bet they are!” declares Becky. “What do you do with the crystals, do you save them?”
“Of course not, their like pee and poop to us.” replies Celine. “I wash them down the sink or throw them away.”
“Aww.” whines both girls.
Celine, after being satisfied that no more poop was left in her, gathers up the rather small pile of poop on the tub floor and steps out to the toilet and dropping the waste in by melting away her hands, and reforming them, free of any lingering residue and flushing the toilet.
“Now then, I can absorb all this yummy honey you girls have given me.” comments Celine with a smile, before the two girls look on in amazement yet again as the white of Celine's body began to fade and dissipate. “Mmm, fresh honey is so good!” she comments, bringing a smile to each of the girls face, before Becky asks...
“Have you ever absorbed poop?”
“Once...” admits Celine, looking embarrassed to answer. “When I was younger.”
“What does poop taste like?” asks Sammy.
“Um... it had a kind of sour taste to it, it wasn't horrible, but it's a waste product of the body and I don't absorb waste, I have standards after all.”
“So you don't feel pain?” asks Becky
“Nope, instead of pain though, we feel pressure, which can be uncomfortable.” answers Celine. “Same thing if I were to lose a limb, I'd feel I brief pressure, but no pain and I can just reform my limb.”
“Cool.” replies Sammy.
“Oh hey...” starts Celine, smiling. “I know something you can do that'll be entertaining for you...” she adds, before turning her back to the girls. “Grab my tail.”
Oddly, at this request, the two girl's looked wary.
“What's wrong? Grab my tail.” comments Celine, waving her tail in front of the two.
“You're not going to fart at us, are you?” asks Becky.
“What's a fart?” asks Celine.
“Smelly air that comes out of your butt.” answers Sammy.
“Oh, well Geelien's don't fart.” answers Celine. “Just grab my tail one of you.”
“Ok.” replies Becky, before she grabs the end of Celine's tail.
“Now pull.” states Celine, smiling.
The wary look returns to the girls faces and Celine adds, “I'm not going to do that fart thing, I couldn't if I wanted to, now pull.”
Becky and Sammy look to each other for a moment before Becky give a tug on Celine's tail.
“Harder, really pull, like your yanking something to you.” comments Celine.
“Ok.” replies Becky, before with a harder tug, she gasps as she pulls the Geelien's tail right off and Becky falls to her butt as Celine's tail melts in her hand.
“Your tail” gasps Sammy, looking to Celine's tail-less back.
“Oh no! I'm sorry!” gasps Becky.
“Hehe, it's ok, it's ok.” replies Celine with a giggle, before to the girls surprise, Celine's tail grows back and moves around. “See? I told you, I can loose a limb and reform it.”
“That's so cool!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah it is!” replies Becky, getting back to her feet.
“Can I pull your tail off too?” asks Sammy.
“Sure.” answers Celine, directing her rear to her.
With a grab and pull, Sammy giggles as the detached appendage quickly melts from her hand and Celine's tail reforms, before the Geelien turns to them and extends her left arm out to her side and presents the large comb to the girls.
“Wanna try cutting off my arm?”
“Oh me!” declares Becky, quickly grabbing the comb, lifting it and bringing it down on Celine's extended arm, severing it and falling to the floor with a splash before Celine's arm reforms.
“COOOL!” declares the two girls.
“Me next!” adds Sammy, taking the comb and taking aim at Celine's extended arm and slicing it off, before it reforms again.
“What if I cut off your head?” asks Sammy, and Becky 'oooh's' at the question.
“How about you do it and see?” replies Celine, smiling.
Sammy excitedly pulls back and quickly swings the mech comb at Celine's neck, sending the Geelien's head flying to the tub as her body suddenly turns to a puddle at the girls feet, ooohing and giggling at the sight, before the mass began to rise and the goo coming from the tub, up and over it's side to join it's larger mass before Celine reforms in front of the two girls.
“Ta-da!” comments Celine.
“Awesome!” declares Becky.
“Hehe, feel free to hack away.” replies Celine with a smile.
The two girls quickly proceeded to happily do so, for the next ten minutes or so, taking turns cutting and hacking off parts of Celine's reforming body. Both girls were breathing quickly from the energy they were putting into the swings and Becky currently had the comb and lowers the comb from another prepped swing to ask...
“Hey, if you can't feel pain, how do your parents punish you?”
“Yeah...” comments Sammy. “That's a good question.”
“Heh, well...” starts Celine with a nervous smile, lowering her arms. “There's not a lot of options for punishment, but what options there is, there very effective, the most common method is being confined in a box.”
“A box?” questions Sammy, while Becky looks puzzled as well.
“Yeah, as punishment, a Geelien would be forced into a small, water-tight box. For us Geelien's, we're so used to being free to change our form that being confined like that is just horrible since no matter how we change our body, it doesn't do anything in such a small space.”
“Have you ever been put in a box?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, a couple times, but I really try to avoid it. Hey, let's go back to my room.” replies Celine.
“Ok.” replies the two girls before they pick up their socks and leave the bathroom and Celine follows them out and to her room, where they return to their previous locations on the bed, having tired of cutting Celine up, though don't bother putting their clothing back on.
To be continued