- Kellen home -
- 10:43 A.M., Next day, Telios (Tuesday) -
Celine, still sleeping, but now on her back, with the bed cover down around her legs from her unconscious movement, revealed most noticeably that the naked teen seems to have partly melted into the bed as she lay in a large puddle of her liquified mass, though not large enough for it to fall off the sides of the bed from the depression of Celine's body. The two dildos were also a part of her, the smaller, gifted one inside Celine's stomach while the longer one was halfway inside her pussy.
This was the sight that greets a nude Eda as she opens the door to her daughters room. Smiling, Eda walks to one of the windows and opens the blinds, allowing the sunlight in and drape across Celine naked body, causing a few twinkles of light to come from her body. The teen frowns a little from the light hitting her face before turning away from the light.
“Time to get up Celine.” declares Eda, smiling and walking to the bed, behind Celine, seeing the dildo inside her and reaching a hand through Celine's back, with a groan from the teen before Eda removes the toy.
Shortly after, the puddle surrounding Celine shrinks back inside her before she rolls to her back again and opens her eyes to look up at her mother, who smiles.
“Good morning.” greets Eda.
“'morning...” replies Celine, with a smile, before quickly looking around and sitting up on her elbows. “This isn't my room!”
“We moved here yesterday.” reminds Eda.
“O-Oh, yea, hehe.” replies Celine with a chuckle before laying back. “It's all still new to me.”
“Same for your father and I too.” replies Eda. “I woke up super early, most likely from the combination of being in a new place and the change in time.”
“What time is it?” asks Celine, before reaching between her legs and pulling out the dildo from her pussy and sitting up.
“Almost eleven.” answers Eda. “Didn't want you sleeping too late, so get cleaned up and come eat breakfast.” she adds with a smile and sticking the dildo she still held into Celine's chest, before heading towards the door.
“OK.” replies Celine, smiling and removing the toy before removing herself from the bed, retrieving the large mesh comb from the nightstand drawer and walking towards the window her mother opened, into the path of the sunlight and looking down at her body and arms, seeing tiny glints of light sparsely dotting her body.
Holding the comb in her right hand, Celine extends her left arm in front of her and places the metal mesh of the comb into her arm at her shoulder and moving the comb down her arm and through her hand. There were a few more glints from her arm and she repeated the process two more times until her arm was clear. Looking to the comb, Celine sees a small gathering of tiny crystals stuck to the mesh of the comb, before heading out of the room.
Entering the bathroom, Celine walks to the sink, turns on the faucet and moves the comb under the water, rinsing away the crystals, before resuming her cleaning, repeating the process with her right arm; then moving to her head, down to her chest, stomach, back, tail, waist and legs.
After ten minutes, Celine's body was as clear and transparent as it was yesterday. Just to make sure though, Celine returns to her room and walks into the sunlight, using it's bright light to look for any other glints she could see. After seeing none, Celine smiles and places the comb back into the nightstand before leaving her room, still nude.
Entering the dining room, Celine sees her mom and dad, who were also naked, sitting at the table eating breakfast, which was quite different from the usual, the two each had one of the protein drinks and on the plates in front of them were two, rather large, uncooked drumsticks and a couple cooked sausage patties.
Avery went with the literal 'eat-with-your-hands' method, grabbing one of the drumsticks by the meaty end and it shrinking as particles of it travels up his arm and into his body. Eda's method wasn't too much different, grabbing on of the drumsticks by the bone and sticking the meat portion of it into her chest.
“Good morning Celine.” greets Avery.
“G'Morning.” replies Celine, before entering the kitchen and seeing a couple more sausage patties in the skillet on the stove and retrieving a plate, then looking into the refrigerator see the pack of drumsticks that her parents were eating and taking just one, placing it on the plate and putting it in the microwave, just long enough to take to chill off before retrieving the plate and taking the remaining sausages, then one of the protein drinks and joining her parents in the dining room.
Celine's method of eating was more 'normal' compared to her parents, pulling the meat from the bone and putting pieces into her mouth.
Moments into the family breakfast, Celine decides to break the brief silence with a question...
“So, what's the plan for today? There's still stuff that needs to be done, right?”
Avery and Eda briefly look to each other to decide who was to answer. After a short moment, they both start with “Well...” bringing a chuckle from Celine as well as themselves, before Avery comments, “Go ahead.”
“OK, yes.” replies Eda to Celine. “There is still some things that need to be done, specifically, I want to check the status of your enrollment to the local school and find out how soon you'll be able to attend.”
“Oh...” replies Celine lowly, not looking particular excited about that piece of information.
Seeing the saddened expression Celine had, Eda gives a small smile, before Avery comments...
“Your mother and I also need to start looking for jobs soon.”
“Right.” adds Eda. “Our guide called us earlier and said he was going to be visiting around one o'clock to see how we're settling in and answer any question we have. Also, I'd like us to get out and meet the neighbors and get acquainted with the surrounding area, driving around the city.”
“You want me to come with you guys, don't you?” asks Celine, clearly not liking the idea.
“Of course.” replies Eda. “You can't hide from everyone, you ARE going to school here after all, you have to get comfortable in your surroundings. Your father and I didn't have much problem when we went shopping.”
“She's right.” adds Avery. “I know you're afraid of how people here will respond to us, but the reactions were very good yesterday.”
“Yeah... mom told me that yesterday.” comments Celine, before sighing. “I just have to push through this fear.”
“Right.” replies Avery. “It's not like they can hurt us after all.”
“Yeah, you're right.” comments Celine. “I guess the absolute worse that can happen is turning into liquid and ending up naked in front of a group of people... I... I think I'd be able to handle that if it happened.” she adds, with a small smile, though dripping a bit.
“That's a good way of thinking about it.” says Eda. “Think of the worse thing possible and would you be able to handle it. Being naked wouldn't bother me very much though, especially if it's the worst case scenario.”
“Hehe, of course it wouldn't bother you.” comments Celine with a bigger smile towards her mother. “You like being the center of attention.”
“I certainly do.” replies Eda, using her left hand to caress her left breast, “I would need to teach others about us after-all, that means my beautiful, naked body as well!”
After chuckling at her mothers display, successfully brightening her mood, Celine takes a drink of the protein before commenting...
“Sometimes I really wonder how I didn't end up more like you mom, I know your nervous too about this, but your so good at pushing through it and be so open to completely new and alien things, I would've liked to have shared some of that confidence in the unknown.”
“Well I have time on my side sweetie.” comments Eda, reaching her left hand to Celine's head and stroking her hair briefly. “You're young, what your feeling is natural. Also, look on the bright side, you've already made two friends, Becky and her friend, remember?”
“You're right.” replies Celine, smiling. “That reminds me, I want to learn more about Becky and Sammy.”
“Really?” asks Eda.
“Yeah, a majority of my time with them, we just fooled around.” adds Celine, dripping a bit. “I know very little about them actually.”
“Oh, so it's true that Tragelians would rather have sex before getting to know a person?” asks Eda.
“That's the way it seems from my experience with Becky and Sammy.” replies Celine.
“Hmm, interesting...” comments Eda. “Well we also need to learn the customs and laws here. We know that Tragelians are a very sexual people.”
“Oh!” gasps Celine. “Becky told me that walking around outside naked wasn't allowed but as long as you wear panties, it was fine.”
“Really? Well that seems odd.”
“Yeah, Becky and Sammy didn't like it.” replies Celine.
“I wonder why that rule is like that.” comments Eda.
“Hey...” starts Celine, looking to her dad and mom. “So we've met Tragelians, Felines, Canines and Vehens, but no Nex, did ether of you meet a Nex when you went shopping?”
“A Nex?” questions Eda, looking to Avery, who looked intrigued as they both looked in thought for a moment before Eda comments... “Nex are the ones with wings, right?”
“Yeah, and their a lot smaller than normal and look really young!” replies Celine excitedly, which Eda smiles at.
“Well, well, your certainly excited.”
“O-Oh, well, I saw a Nex on T.V. yesterday and thought they looked really cute, I'd really like to meet one in person.” replies Celine, smiling.
“I see, well that means getting out into the public.” comments Eda, lightly teasing her daughter. “Anyway, I don't recall meeting a Nex while we were out shopping, though a very young looking family were the first to walk up to us and start up a conversation. I don't recall seeing any wings though.”
“We're they shorter than all the other people?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, I'm quite sure they were.” replies Eda. “The two mothers actually looked to be in their late teens.”
“They probably were Nex!” declares Celine happily.
- 12:48 P.M. -
After the family breakfast was over, Celine returns to her room, spending her time waiting for the guides visit by watching T.V., the teen quickly found herself attentively watching another Shakra program.
Such a sport was non-existent back on her home planet, and the moment she heard rumors about it, she was already hooked and wanted desperately to see it for herself and now she had that chance being on Merkolova.
The rumors she heard didn't do the sport justice! It was so fast-paced and violent, so many elemental powers, or Shakra, at play with various effects. Fights could last lengthy spans of time, up to twenty minutes with the fighters trading blows, or end within seconds of the bell ringing.
Some Shakra were more visually impressive than others, Fire could create large, loud explosions, propelling the opponent away; Water could make beautiful, reflective ice walls and bind an opponent to one spot; Electricity seemed particular vicious to Celine, it's user able to conjure up lighting with loud, thunderous cracks throughout the air, any opponent struck was immediately paralyzed long enough for a follow-up attack.
It was such an awesome, impressive sport, one that Celine could never participate in for obvious reasons, but it was perhaps the very reason Geelien's couldn't participate that drew Celine towards it, watching with amazement at the current match playing out on the screen, currently two Fire Shakra users.
Being naturally fearful of fire, that fear combines with amazement as she sees the two fighters repeatedly connecting with fireballs to the others body. Celine could only imagine what would happen to her if she was hit with such fire, she could probably survive one impact, but two would likely end her life. There was no risk watching though, which Celine happily did.
As the fight continued, Celine gasps and cringes from the hits. One fighter had gained momentum and was pushing their opponent closer and closer to the edge of the arena. Combined with the announcers commentary, Celine felt the suspense growing.
With one final fireball, the opponent was propelled out of the arena and into the guard-wall, however, Celine was shocked when the would-be loser propels themselves from the wall with a fiery explosion from their feet, lifting them up into the air, over their surprised opponent and sending a fireball to their back, knocking them off the side and directly to the grass below.
“Whoa! That was awesome!” declares Celine, before hearing the that the recovering fighter was declared the winner. “Guess touching the ground is what counts, not the wall.” adds Celine. “But it's weird though, the first match I saw yesterday had a fire user flying, I haven't seen any other fire users fly. The few matches I have seen though, the ones that are always in the air are... what was it... force users I think. Maybe that girl is the only fire user that can fly, I wonder why if that's true.”
About a minute into the next exhibition match between a level four pink-haired teen Electric Shakra user by the name of Amu Hinamori and a level five blonde water Shakra user called Utah, both of whom Celine was surprised to find out that they were declared as two of the top ranked fighters in the league, the teen soon groans when she hears the doorbell, it could only be one person visiting, interrupting what Celine knew was going to be a good match.
“Aww, did he have to come now?” complains Celine, looking to the slower paced fight playing out on the screen.
“Celine!” calls Eda.
“Coming!” answers back the teen, “Well at least it isn't a live match.” she adds, removing herself from the bed and quickly getting dressed, very briefly considering going without underwear, but deciding just as quickly against it and putting on her underwear and a similar set of clothing that she wore yesterday, only a change in colors, a matching white, belly-revealing tank-top and a upper-thigh length pleated skirt.
Arriving downstairs, Celine sees her parents and the guide from yesterday occupying the living room, currently standing near the front door. Eda and Avery were also dressed, Eda wearing a tank-top, bra-less, barely containing her breasts and a knee-length jean skirt. The Feline was dressed in his same business attire, a white shirt and slacks, he also carried with him a small shoebox-sized box.
“Well...” starts the Feline. “Now that everyone is here, let's begin. Can we sit?”
“Sure.” replies Avery, before the group head to the two couches, the Feline sitting in one and Eda, Avery and Celine sitting in the other.
“Ok...” starts the Feline. “As I informed you two on the phone, unless a problem arises, this will be my last meeting with you three. I'm here just to see how things are going, give you some final pieces of information and to answer any questions you have. But firstly, I'd like to give you these...” explains the Feline, opening the box to reveal three watch-like devices and handing each one to the three Geelien's.
“I'm sure you've seen just about everyone with similar devices on their arms or belts.” Comments the Feline. “These are Communication Devices, simply called a Comm. They're multi-purpose, able to communicate with others, access The Net, atomize and store things, and download programs to expand it's functionality.”
As the Feline speaks, the three Geelien's slip on the devices, Celine and Avery placing it on their right wrist, Eda on her left.
“The ones you have though are the basic model.” continues the Feline. “They are able to call anyone whose contact information you have, access the Net and have limited storage capability. All Comms are also waterproof and shock-resistant, so you don't need to worry about it getting wet, their designed to work even if fully submerged.”
Celine presses a button on her Comm, briefly surprising her as a blue screen pops up, showing a set-up menu.
“Cool.” comments Celine.
“Well then...” states the Feline with a smile. “How was your first day here?”
Eda was the one to answer first, “It went very well. My husband and I went shopping and while we received some understandable stares, no one was negative towards us and a few people even came up to us wanting to learn about us.”
“That's great.” comments the Feline. “So you didn't feel uncomfortable being out in public?”
Eda and Avery briefly look to each other before the man replies, “We were a little, but as we spent more time interacting with people, we got more comfortable.”
“Good, and what about you Celine?” asks the Feline, looking to the teen, who was occupied with getting herself accustomed to her Comm, though quickly looking towards the Feline when he spoke her name. “How was your time here while your parents were gone?”
“Oh, uh...” replies Celine, quickly replaying the events with Becky and Sammy in her mind and dripping a bit and averting her gaze with a smile. “Well, it went really good, better than I ever imagined it going. I played with two kids who quickly accepted me as their friend.”
“Well that's great.” comments the Feline. “First day here and you've already made two friends. It seems everything is going smoothly for you guys.”
“It sure is.” replies Eda. “We plan to start introducing ourselves to the neighbors today.”
“Good, well I have one more necessary piece of info to share with you, Eda and Avery.” comments the Feline, lifting the Comm of his right hand up and bringing up a window. “We've found a few employment options that would be willing to offer you a job. You're not bound to these choices though, your free to look for any job you'd like. Will one or both of you work?”
Avery answers first, “I'll be the one to have a job.”
“Down the road, I'll get one too.” adds Eda. “But for now I'll just be the Homemaker.”
“Ok, these suggestions are available for the rest of the month, I'll transfer the list to your Comms.” replies the Feline.
After taking a few moments to teach Eda and Avery, as well as Celine how to accept transfers with their Comms, Eda looks to the list and a quick smile comes to her face.
“Erotic entertainment?” Questions the woman. “One of our options is to get paid for sexual activity?” she adds.
While Celine said nothing, the teen drips noticeably.
“Hehe, well it's just one of many options.” replies the Feline. “Jobs in erotic entertainment are quite popular and are always looking for new themes or people.”
“And I'm guessing a Geelien would be quite popular, at least initially.” comments Eda, smiling.
“Mom...” groans Celine, looking to her mother with a frown.
“Hehe, ok, ok...” chuckles Eda.
“Well then...” starts the Feline. “Any questions?”
“Oh, yeah.” replies Eda. “I'd like to check the status of Celine's enrollment to the local school. The sooner she can start going the better.” she adds, before a low groan comes from the teen.
“Ah, yes, your daughters enrollment...” comments the Feline, accessing his Comm again, going through a few screens for a moment, before, “It looks like everything is good; tenth grade, her classes... yep, everything checks out, Celine can start as soon as tomorrow if you like.”
“Tomorrow!?” gasps Celine, appearing to melt rather than drip as as two puddles form, one under her rear on the couch and the other at her feet. “That's way too soon!”
“Hmm...” thinks Eda. “Yeah, that is a bit sudden.” she adds, bringing a relieved sigh from Celine as the teen reabsorbs her lost mass.
“Ok, then the next opportunity for her to first attend is Shakrus (Friday).” replies the Feline.
“That's better.” comments Celine. “That way I have the weekend to recover.”
“It's settled then.” states Eda. “Celine will begin school at the end of the school week.”
- 1:54 P.M. -
Shortly after the guide leaves, Celine may have avoided one nerve-wracking situation with attending school the next day, but encountered another she couldn't avoid.
“Aww come on!” whines Celine, standing in the living room looking at her parents standing at the front door.
Eda quickly replies, with some sternness coming to her voice now, “Celine, I told you, you're not going to hide here in the house. We're going out as a family; This will help you when you attend school later in the week, you'll be accustomed to the people here.”
“But we aren't even going anywhere!” complains Celine.
“That's the point.” replies Eda. “We're just going out to mingle with the various people of this planet. After-all, you say you want to meet a Nex, that won't happen if you stay in the house.”
“...” Celine says nothing, but looks away from her parents.
A frown soon comes to Eda's face as the woman states firmly, “Celine! We are going together, right now! If I have to repeat myself, you'll be coming in the box.”
Celine gasps and looks to her mother, stating, “But you didn't bring it!”
“We bought a suitable replacement while we were out yesterday.” answers Eda. “So ether way, you ARE coming.”
“Fine!” retorts Celine angrily. “But I'm changing clothes!” adds the teen, hurrying up the stairs.
Once Celine was out of sight, Eda sighs, before Avery places a hand to her shoulder.
“She's just scared.” comments the man.
“I know...” answers Eda. “All of us are.”
“Well, maybe you are.” teases Avery, causing Eda to playfully push him.
Moments later, Celine returns, bringing a sigh from Eda.
“Oh come on Celine, really?”
“I'm not going out into the unknown all exposed.” replies Celine, now covered up, wearing a long-sleeve shirt and jeans, along with a cap.
“You're being silly.” comments Eda.
“Are we going or not?” asks Celine, arms folded in front of her
Eda turns and opens the door with a sigh and the trio leave the house and enter the car they were given to use.
Pulling out of the drive-way and heading down the street, Celine sat in the back seat, quite angry with a frown, arms folded across her chest. The teens attitude was very similar, or more appropriately, mirrored her behavior the previous day as they leave the old house of her home planet.
Deep down though, Celine knew her parents were just trying to help prepare her to be around and interact with the people of this planet, she knew she couldn't stay in the 'safety' of her new home, but it was only the second day they were here! Celine wanted more time to adjust; Becky, her mother and the little girl's friend Sammy, three new people, it was a pace Celine was comfortable with, not going out into the public with the expressed purpose of having people look at them, starring and whispering.
Minutes into the trip though, Celine's anger was slowly fading in place of fear as her frown shifts to an expression of concern. Celine was confident she could handle a small group of people with negative responses to her, but a crowd? Short of being exposed to fire, which was unlikely, Celine knew she couldn't be hurt, but that left her with the possibility to be humiliated. What if she couldn't maintain her solid form and shifts into a puddle? Attempting to reform would leave her naked, with people surrounding her, she didn't even want to think about it!
Well and thoroughly scared, Celine was dripping considerably, with her choice of clothing though, it wasn't so obvious, but her pinkish/red fluid began to melt over the neckline of her shirt, along with the waistline of her pants.
“Celine...” comments Eda, currently driving her car, looking to her daughter from the rear-view mirror.
“What?” asks the teen, looking to her lap.
“I know your scared, so to make it easier on you, how about you chose our first stop? As long as it's not back home, we'll go anywhere you want.”
“Really?” asks Celine, looking towards her mother as her mood brightens a bit. “Anywhere I want?”
“As long as it's not back home, anyplace you see or can think of, we'll go.” answers Eda.
A smile soon comes to Celine's face, “Ok.” answers the teen, looking out the window for a place to visit.
The teens goal was to pick a place as least populated as possible, they had recently left the residential area and was entering a shopping area, with various small stores and a few larger ones, along with a couple sparsely located fast food restaurants.
Celine quickly came to the decision that a restaurant would be the best choice. Maybe it was the time of the day, but judging by the number of vehicles in the parking lots of the restaurants she saw, they were the least populated places.
“A fast food place!” declares Celine happily. “Let's go to one of those!”
“Ok.” answers Eda. “Any particular one?”
“Not really...” answers Celine, though one restaurant caught her eye, one with two golden arches positioned in an 'M'. “How about that red and yellow one, M C Donalds?”
“Ok.” replies Eda, before after a few moments, stopping briefly at a traffic light, the trio enter the parking lot and soon into a parking space, bringing a sigh from Celine.
“Guess its too much to hope that we'd use the drive-thru...” comments the teen lowly.
“There's very little interaction with that option.” replies Eda. “Now come on...” she adds, as she leaves the car, along with Avery. “Let's see what kind of food they have here at this M C Donalds.”
Following another long sigh, Celine quickly collects herself, in more ways than one before opening the door and stepping out. After a quick look around, Celine didn't see anyone currently out, she notices a few looks from people in their vehicles passing by, but nothing else.
Following her parents towards the building, Celine's nervousness grew rapidly and briefly stopped at the door to fight back her bodies dripping, she wanted to draw as little attention to herself as she could and she knew the sight of her body appearing to melt would draw many more stares.
Looking to her parents though, Celine sees that they were dripping as well, not too much, but it would certainly be noticeable close-up, though they didn't seem to be fighting it.
“You're going to go in there dripping?” asks Celine.
“Well trying to fight it would just make it more obvious.” replies Eda, smiling, before Avery adds with a smile of his own...
“This is who were are, besides, the more you concern yourself with how people will respond, the more nervous your going to get, which means the more your going to drip, so...” states the man, before placing a hand to his daughters shoulder. “Just relax.”
After a moment, Celine's shoulders slump as she looks down to the ground.
“You're right...” replies Celine, before her dripping returns, a little more than her parents. “I'm just setting myself up to be humiliated. As long as I can prevent shifting into complete liquid, I'll be happy.”
“Good.” replies Avery, before pulling Celine's hat from her head and handing it to her. “Now lets go try some Merkolovian fast food.”
“OK.” replies Celine, before the trio walks into the building.
Walking in, it wasn't very populated, one Feline male sitting at a table preoccupied with something on his Comm, a young adult female couple consisting of one Feline and one Vehen sit together across from each other talking and giggling. A third seat was occupied by a Tragelian mother and her small child, a boy who looked about five or six.
The eyes quickly turn to Celine and her parents, which brought a quick pang of nervousness to Celine, causing her to drip a bit more. The teen though averts her eyes from the ones looking at her and follows her parents to the counter to order.
The person taking their order was a young adult, female Feline, whose name was Hanna, from the name-tag she wore, her furry ears twitch noticeably upon seeing them with a smile.
“Hello! Welcome to McDonald's.” greets the woman happily.
“Oh...” comments Eda with a smile. “That's how it's pronounced, we were calling it M C Donald's.” she adds, bringing a chuckle from Hanna.
“I'm guessing you guys haven't been here long, huh?” asks Hanna.
“We arrived yesterday.” answers Eda, smiling. “We're just out to get ourselves familiar with the area and the people.”
“Well it's always nice to meet new races.” comments Hanna. “Your people are called Geelien's, right?”
“You're right.” replies Eda.
“Well then, what will you be ordering?” asks Hanna.
“Hmm...” thinks Eda, looking up to the display of the selection, before looking to Celine. “How about you chose first, since you picked this place.”
While the teen had calmed a bit from Hanna's rather normal response to them, which actually surprises her, Celine was still dripping and looked nervous as she steps closer to the counter.
“Uh...” starts Celine, looking up to the display. “How about... one large size fries and... what's a, McChicken?”
“It's just a chicken sandwich.” replies Hanna.
“Oh, well I'll have that and it'll be it for me.”
“Ok.” replies Hanna, before pressing a couple buttons on the console in front of her, before Eda comments...
“And I'll have, that Big Mac meal, that looks good.”
Avery finishes with, “I'll have the same.”
“Are you gonna eat here or take it to go?” asks Hanna.
“We'll eat here.” answers Eda.
After inputting the trios orders, Hanna tells them their total, a little over thirteen credits and Eda comments, lifting her left arm wearing her Comm.
“I'd like to pay with our Comms, we just recently received them and and I don't know how to use them to pay, that's one of the things I forgot to ask about.”
“OK, it's really simple.” replies Hanna. “There's two methods available, quick payment or exact payment. The quickest and most used option is the quick pay, you just move your Comm into this circular scanner here.” explains Hanna, pointing to a sizable, upright circle to the side of her console. “Once you hear a beep, the transaction is complete. The second option, exact payment is just what is sounds like, you select how much you want to pay from your Comm, before having it scanned, allowing multiple people to share in the cost, instead of one.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Eda, before inserting her Comm into the scanner, before quickly hearing a beep. “Thanks for explaining that.” she adds with a smile.
“No problem.” states Hanna with a smile as well, “I hope you guys enjoy your time here on Merkolova. The majority of people are very open to new races coming here.”
“Really?” asks Celine, with a small smile coming to her face.
“Yeah...” answers Hanna. “The people who are outright against it are the minority. After all, Merkolova isn't called the number one melting pot planet for no reason, it has the most diverse range of races living here than any other planet in the system.”
“Well that makes me feel better.” replies Celine.
“Heh, you're likely to get annoyed by how frequently people ask you guys questions first before you encounter a lot of negativity.”
“Well...” starts Eda with a smile. “I'd certainly like that first option.”
Shortly after, the trios orders arrive, each with their own tray, after thanking Hanna for the great service, Celine and her parents head towards a place to sit and Celine immediately sees the previous costumers looking at them. While the Feline man only gives them a brief look before turning his attention back to his Comm, the female couple and the mother and child's eyes remain on them. Celine could see the couple smiling and whispering to each other, the fact that she didn't know what they were saying worried Celine. The couple did greet them with a wave of the hand though, which Celine and her parents return, but she didn't have any problem understanding the child, who points to them and declares...
“Mommy they look weird! Why do those people look like that?”
The mother quickly shushes her child, before looking back to Celine, Eda and Avery and apologizing.
“I'm sorry.”
“That's ok.” replies Eda with a smile, before directing Celine and Avery to a spot to sit across from the mother and child, though in clear view of the others.
Eda and Avery sat together while Celine sat alone across the table from her parents.
“I don't mind answering your child's questions.” adds Eda, before looking to the boy and commenting, “Our people are called Geelien's, and we look like this because our bodies are composed of a fluid, or gel.”
“So your a mermaid!?” asks the child.
Celine couldn't stop the sudden giggle escaping her, having no clue how the child could guess they were a sea creature, the teen also noticed that the Feline man had apparently finished what he was doing with his Comm and gets up to leave. Eda also chuckles from the little boys comment, but only briefly before answering...
“Heh, no, we're not mermaids, we don't live in the water.”
The child leaves his seat, his mother reaching and failing to catch him before he walks next to Eda and pokes her right arm with a giggle. Eda gives a smile to the mother, silently telling her it was ok.
“You look like your melting, like ice cream!”
“Well, we appear to be melting because we're nervous.” answers Eda. “We Geelien's drip and melt when we're nervous, scared or sad. It's like blushing for you guys.”
“Cool!” declares the child.
“Ok Honey...” states the mother. “Come back and let them eat.”
“OK.” replies the child, returning to his seat.
The little chat Eda had with the boy had actually calmed Celine a bit, she still sees the female couple glancing at them from time to time, but the three were able to eat their food without problem, which they didn't find bad at all. Eda and Avery, unlike earlier in the morning, actually use their mouths to eat.
At least for the first location they visited, Celine found that she was much more worried and concerned than she needed to be. The few people they had encountered were nothing but nice to her and her parents, or at the very least, not negative towards them.
Aside from the little comments from the little boy and Eda happily responding, Celine and her parents where able to enjoy their meal in relative silence. Celine was actually a little disappointed when the mother and child leave, the Feline and Vehen couple being the only ones left with them.
It was perhaps a minute after the mother and child leaves, Celine and her parents nearly finished with their food, that the couple stands and walks towards them with a smile, the Vehen was the first to greet them with a “Hi” and a “Hello” from the Feline, Celine and her parents return the greeting, before the Vehen asks...
“I have a question, if you don't mind.”
“Not at all...” replies Eda. “Go ahead and ask.”
“Ok, I don't know if what I'm going to ask is considered rude to you, but if it is, I'm sorry.” comments the Vehen.
“All I can do is say yes or no.” replies Eda.
The Vehen smiles and looks to her friend, stating, “Told you.”, to with the Feline gives a little pout and replies...
“Well I think it's a rude question.”
Celine smiles from the little exchange, apparently, the couple were debating asking the question.
“Anyway...” starts the Vehen, looking back to Eda. “Can I stick my hand into you?”
“Hmm...” thinks Eda with a smirk. “Considering we don't know you, that is somewhat of a rude question.” she adds. “However, I'm willing to offer a compromise; instead of your hand, I'll give the ok for you to use a finger instead.”
“OK!” replies the Vehen with a smile. “Would your shoulder be ok?”
“That's ok.” replies Eda, before the Vehen places her index finger to the woman's right shoulder, before pushing her finger in, actually taking a bit of pressure before the Vehen's finger plunges into Eda's shoulder, bringing a bigger smile to the Vehen.
“Heh, that's so weird and cool at the same time.” comments the Vehen, moving her finger around in an up and down and circular motion, before pulling her finger back and looking at the digit, it was wet, but not dripping. “What does that feel like for you?”
“It's just a pressure.” answers Eda. “We Geelien's don't feel pain.”
“Wow, well, I guess that makes sense, since you're bodies are like goo.” replies the Vehen.
“I got a question.” comments the Feline. “Is it true that when you absorb someone, you gain their traits?”
“Yes, it's true.” replies Eda. “If I absorb my husband here...” she adds, leaning against him and hugging his arm, with a smile, and him as well. “I have access to his wonderful-”
“Mom!” gasps Celine.
Eda giggles, before continuing, “Well, let's just say, I can properly satisfy both, men and women.”
Celine groans with her mothers answer, that wasn't particularly better. Seems she should have worried less about other people and more about her mother.
To Celine's utter surprise, the rest of the outing went great. The family visited a grocery store and while they received the expected stares and the occasional obvious avoidance by some, Celine was completely shocked by how nice and open people were and frequently coming up to them and asking them questions about themselves.
Celine was even lucky enough to meet a Nex family and the two exchanged questions, Celine in particular was very happy asking and answering questions from the Nex teen she talked with, each of them examining parts of the others body, Celine focusing her attention on the Nex's small wings.
To be continued