- 3:44 P.M. -
- Kellen Residence, Celine's Room -
A little over an hour after arriving home, Celine just finished her homework, relaxing back on her bed before reaching to her nightstand to the right of the bed, aiming for the TV remote, intending to watch a Shakra program when her gaze falls to a sparkling egg on the nightstand beside the remote.
Smiling, Celine passes by the remote and takes the egg, giving it a closer look; It was a deep, midnight blue and nearly as big as her hand.
The sparkling egg originally belonged to Sammy, who happily displayed her laying of it and many more the previous week. This particular egg was the biggest and the young girl offered it to Celine to keep.
Now, although reminding the Geelien of the event and Sammy, it also reminds her of whether her mother Eda shared her attraction to little girls. Placing the egg back on the nightstand, the Geelien leaves her room to head downstairs, but meets Eda arriving at the top of the stairs, dressed in a light pink, thigh-length dress.
“Hey mom, I have a question.” comments Celine.
“OK, ask away.”
“Are you attracted to little girls?”
“Only one.” answers Eda with a grin, briefly lifting her right hand up to Celine's cheek, bringing a little giggle from her.
“Besides me. Becky and Sammy for example, are you attracted to them?”
“Heh, no, their quite cute, and I'd join you girls in your naughty fun if you invite me, but I wouldn't say I'm attracted to them, why?”
“Oh, well...” comments Celine, feeling a little nervous at what this possibly meant. “What about grandma?”
“Nope, besides me and my sisters, she preferred adults.” answers Eda, before grinning and leaning closer to her daughter with her hands to her hips. “Why the sudden interest?”
“Well... at school today, I discovered something about myself I didn't expect.” answers Celine, averting her eyes with a nervous smile.
“That you're attracted to little girls?”
“So?” Questions Eda with a smile as she stands up straight. “Why do you look so bothered by it? Your new girlfriend has the body of a child like Becky and Sammy after all. It's obvious your attracted to that.”
“I dunno. It's just, I didn't really see Becky and Sammy as 'kids', just friends I like playing with.”
“Well that's good, you can look pass their age and just have fun, there's nothing wrong with that.”
“I know, but I never considered myself 'into' little girls before I meet Becky and Sammy. It's just a surprise, like my eyes have been opened to something that was right in front of me.”
“Ahhh, I think I understand now.” comments Eda with a smirk.
“You do?”
“Yep, when we first moved here, you were so nervous and scared of what others would think of you, but Becky and Sammy were so accepting of you and helped you open up and introduced you to all their friends in the neighborhood. Plus, with as attached as they became to you and as much time you spent with them, it's no surprise that you slowly developed an attraction to them. You spend more time with those two than you do with the other teens in the neighborhood.”
“True...” comments Celine with a smile as she gazes to the floor. “They were a big help in me adjusting to being here.”
Eda lifts her right hand back to Celine cheek and lifts her gaze to her.
“Despite the generations of knowledge you have, you are just five cycles old. You're younger than them, so perhaps that part of you just connects with them.”
“Heh, I'd say you're right, but my new girlfriend only looks like a little girl, she's a teenager.”
“But I know you're attracted to her body. You were so eager to meet a Nex our second day here, saying how cute they were.”
“...” Celine didn't reply, turning her gaze away as she drips a bit.
“Hmm, maybe you were always attracted to little girls, just not Geelien little girls.”
“Maybe...” replies Celine. “I know I preferred hanging around other Geelien's who looked like me, regardless of if they were like me or actual teenagers.”
“Well, looks like we solved it then; you like younger and older girls, just depends on what race they are.”
“Heh, yeah, I guess.” comments Celine with a smile, before turning and heading, back to her room. “Thanks.”
Celine gets a few steps away before Eda gasps and quickly stepping towards her daughter and lifting her right hand to Celine's right shoulder. “Oh, I just remembered, my mother's mom is attracted to kids.”
“Really?” asks Celine with a smile. “She didn't seem overly attached to me when I met her.”
“Heh, well you were barely half a cycle old, she likes kids to have a few cycles first. But I don't think you should point to her as the reason for your attraction to little girls. You know as well as I do that likes and dislikes have little in relation to the parent, especially in this case, two generations apart.”
“I know, but there's SOME relation.” replies Celine.
The comment brings a chuckle from Eda, before commenting, “Heh, well perhaps you two can share stories with each other, she'd love a partner, I'm sure.”
- 4:23 P.M. -
- Ellen's Home -
Wanting to learn a bit more about Nex and in turn, Katia, Celine decided to visit the only Nex friend she had in the neighborhood, Ellen, who lived around the corner from her house to the right.
Shortly after a ringing of the doorbell, the door opens and one of Ellen's mothers greet her, who looked very much like an older teen, with shoulder-length light-pink hair, dressed in a tank-top covering her slightly smaller chest compared to Celine and a pair of jeans.
“Oh, hello.” she greets with a smile.
“Hi Ms. Frame, is Ellen home?” answers back Celine.
“Yep, just a second.” answers the Nex woman, allowing Celine in, before heading up the nearby stairs, where the Geelien soon hears her speak to her daughter, “El, you have a guest.”
Moments later, Ellen walks down the stairs, dressed in a tank-top and jean skirt, with boyishly short red-hair that covers the back of her neck.
“Hey Celine, what's up?” greets Ellen, standing on the second to last step facing the Geelien, just over eye level with her chest.
“Well, I'm sure you've heard, but I have a new girlfriend.” replies Celine.
“Heh, yeah, Katia right?”
“Yeah, you know her?”
“Oh, so you assume I know her 'cause were both Nex?” questions Ellen with a smirk.
“Hehehe, no of course not.”
“Heh, just teasing, but yeah, we share second and third hour together. So I know her, but we're not friends.”
“Well I was just wondering if you could tell me anything I should or shouldn't do related to Katia being a Nex, or if there’s anything you know about her that you think I should know.”
“Oh, ok, well I know for a fact that Katia freak'n LOOOOVES chocolate, it's an obsession for her. She'll do just about anything for it.”
“Hehe, yeah, one of her friends told me that.”
“Oh, well her friends would be your best bet at finding stuff out about her.”
“Yeah, I know, but I figured, it wouldn't hurt to ask.”
“I see, well from what I've seen, Katia seems to like light touching, stuff like this...” comments Ellen, stepping towards Celine and lightly stroking her upper arm, then lifting her hand to the Geelien's cheek. “...And this.”
“Well I can certainly do that.” answers Celine as Ellen returns to her previous spot on the stairs.
“Just don't pat her on the head, she really hates that and being treated like a kid, which is ironic 'cause she's quick to use the fact that she has a young body to tease others or get something from someone.” comments Ellen with a smile.
“Heh, yeah, she told me about that, but I didn't know about the getting stuff from people part.”
“Oh yeah, Katia's a big tease. I'm pretty sure she gets off on it, especially when she finds out someone likes the kind of body we have.”
Celine quickly recalls the little display Katia had given in the locker room.
“Yeah, I remember her saying something like, 'teasing is harmless fun' or 'teasing is my foreplay' or something like that, I just know she likes to tease.”
“Heh, well we did agree to take our relationship slow, so I guess I can look forward to a lot of teasing.”
“Yeah you can, but that's all the info I know about Katia, obsessed with chocolate and likes to tease, you should ask her friends for anything else.”
“Ok, thanks anyway, is there anything in general about you I should know?”
“Yeah, a couple things, like kissing.”
“What about it?”
“Kissing is a very important thing for us, especially tongue kissing, since our tongues produce a special chemical that mixes with the saliva of others, Nex in particular, that brings us and the person we're kissing pleasure and increased desire when we kiss someone that we feel strongly for.”
“Wow, really?”
“Yep.” answers Ellen. “The effect is reduced for a Nex when they kiss someone whose not a Nex, but for that other person, they tend to get more aggressive in desiring the taste of a Nex's tongue. I know some friends of mine though, if they don't feel a strong enough surge of pleasure when they kiss someone, they'll break off their relationship with that person.”
“Yeah, it's basically our bodies way of saying we chose the right person and rewarding us. If a Nex gets kissed real good, they'll even orgasm.” comments Ellen with a smile as a light blush rises on her cheeks. “So in a way, making out is more important for us than sex.”
“Wow, that's amazing.” replies Celine, before looking down with some concern. “I dunno if you're tongue would work on me though. Do you know if Katia's the type who would break up with me over it?”
“I honestly don't know. But if you don't mind, we could test it.”
“But neither of us like each other that way.”
“That doesn't matter, there's still a small effect I'd feel if there is one.”
“Well, ok.” replies Celine, stepping forward, leaning down a bit and puckering her lips, but Ellen giggles and shacks her head.
“I don't think I need to kiss you on the lips, your hand would be same as your tongue wouldn't it?”
“Oh, well, yeah...” replies Celine, feeling a little embarrassed at her assumption as she stands up straight and Ellen takes her left hand and lifts it to her face, before licking the palm of the Geelien's hand.
“Hmm...” hums Ellen, looking up in thought.
“Sorry.” replies Ellen, looking to Celine with a little smile, releasing the Geelien's hand. “I got nothing.”
“Oh...” comments Celine sadly.
“Hey, not all Nex base their relationship on their first kiss. It's not like your relationship is over. Has Katia said anything about kissing? Using my friends as an example, Nex who base their relationship on the first kiss mention kissing a lot and try to get the first kiss as soon as they can. So the fact that you two haven't kissed yet, suggests Katia's not that type of Nex.”
“True, but it's only been two days.”
“That's plenty of time for an innocent, quick peck on the lips.” comments Ellen with a smile.
“I guess...”
“Anyway, on to the other things... I'm pretty sure it goes without saying, but we don't like our wings pulled on, it's hurts, It's also rude to touch our wings and/or stomach without asking.”
“Yeah, those are pretty obvious.”
“Another is, it varies some, but we can be really emotional.”
“We can be really childish too, since we age slower than other races, we tend to retain some childish behavior, some more than others.”
“Heh, even more ironic for Katia.”
“Hehe, yeah, oh, we also have the ability to communicate to the land beneath our feet when we're bare foot.”
“Wow, really?” asks Celine with the unexpected news.
“Yeah, it's not very useful in our everyday lives though. It's more of a one-way communication from the land to us, we can know if the ground under us is healthy or not.”
“Oh, well what condition is the ground here in?” asks Celine.
“It seems fine to me, but my moms say the more developments that the land has been under, like our modern living, with the roads and houses and stuff, hurts and weakens the land. There is a difference when I've been in a forest though.”
“Hmm, well I guess that would make sense for a forest.” comments Celine, before Ellen gasps and rushes to a door further into the home, opening it to reveal it's a closet.
“Oh, there's something else you should now about us that's really cool, but I'd rather show you than tell you, come in the closet with me.”
“Uh, ok.” replies Celine walking towards Ellen and into the closet, quickly followed by the Nex and closing the door, surrounding them in darkness.
Celine wondered what to expect, but after a few seconds, notices an odd, faint white glow in front of her.
“What the...” comments Celine, seeing four faint glowing lines and a circular shape above, following Ellen's giggle, the glow moves, soon, Celine realizes the glow mirrored Ellen's height and gasps. “W-Wait a minute, are you glowing!?”
“Hehe, yep. A Nex's skin has a faint glow. It can only be seen in pitch black though and it's not bright enough to be any use. Heh, the dying light of a flashlight would do a better job of lighting anything up.”
“Wow...” comments Celine, lifting her hands up to Ellen's dimly glowing arms, seeing that where her clothing didn't cover, there was a faint glow. “Amazing, does your entire body glow?”
“Yep, some parts don't have much of a glow though, like my fingers or toes.” answers Ellen, lifting her arms and Celine could see just two patches of light, guessing to be the palms of her hand.”
“Do you know why your skin glows?”
“Yep.” answers Ellen, before opening the closet door and flooding the room with light, before she walks out, followed by Celine. “Like our wings, it's a leftover trait from our ancestors, when we had self-illumination like some of Merkolova's Fisers do.”
“I didn't know Fiser's could glow.”
“Yep, really brightly too. Heh, I'm guessing you don't know that Nex are actually fairies, do you?”
“You're a fairy!?” gasps Celine. “Like the Fizers?”
“Yep. The Nex slowly changed over time into what we are today. Our wings were longer in the past, so it's suggested that with time, we'll lose them.”
“Wow, so the Nex evolved from being tiny like Merkolova's Fiser's?”
“Yep, but we wern't quite that small, about twice as big. We actually have a second name that's been given to us, Evolved Fairies. It's more of a quick description of what we are though. It's easier just to say Nex.”
“Yeah, if your ancestors are fairies it seems a bit redundant to call you an Evolved Fairy. Heh, but I guess for people like me, who don't know much about you, it's a simple way to describe you.”
“Exactly. But try not to call your girlfriend that, some Nex don't like it, but calling us Fairies is ok, since that's what we are.”
“Ok, just drop the 'Evolved' part, that won't be hard.”
“Great, so, anything else you want to know about us?”
“No, at least nothing I can think of. Thanks for everything you told me.”
“No problem, if you have any other questions, just ask.”
“Ok, seeya later.” replies Celine, walking to and out of the door.
“Seeya.” comments Ellen, however, Celine was only a few steps away before Ellen calls to her. “Oh! Celine wait, there's something else you should know!”
“What?” asks Celine, turning around.
“It's nothing big, but at home, Nex generally like to have as little clothing on as possible, naked is highly likely. Just a heads up if or when you visit Katia at her place.”
“Oh, hehe, ok.” replies Celine with a smile. “My family is like that too.”
“OK, when meeting new people, Nex will wear clothes, but some won't, I dunno about Katia though and her family.”
“OK, is there any reason for the lack of clothes though?”
“The freedom, that's all. Heh, it's nothing sexual, at least not usually.”
“Ok, thanks again.”
Just moments into making her way back home, Celine's mind drifts back to the kissing dilemma she was now aware of.
'If kissing is so important to Nex, I'm sure Katia's thought about it.' thinks Celine. 'I know this is gonna bother me until we kiss and I'd be a nervous wreck when do, do it... I could just call her and get her view on it.'
Deciding to act on her thought, Celine stops and lifts her Comm to make the call, waiting a few moments before a window appears about her Comm to show Katia's smiling face.
“Hey Celine, what's up?”
“Hey, I just finished talking to a friend of mine and they said kissing is really important to Nex.” answers Celine.
“Yep, it is. A good kiss alone came make a Nex come.”
“Well, my friend told me that if a Nex doesn't feel anything with a kiss they'd break off their relationship with that partner.”
“Ah, yeah, I'm not one of them though.” answers Katia, bringing a big smile to Celine's face. “While I understand the reasoning, I just find it silly that you would use one moment to decide the fate of your relationship, when there are so many other factors.”
“It's a relief to hear you say that.”
“Really? Why?”
“Well, the friend I was talking to is a Nex, and she licked my hand as a test.”
“Oh, why would she lick your hand?”
“'Cause my hand would be the same as my tongue.”
“Ah, gotcha. So, did she feel anything?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
“Aww, well that sucks. But it kinda makes sense though; You're not flesh and blood.”
“Heh, yeah, you're not gonna dump me, are you?” asks Celine with a smile.
“Nah, like I said, there are many other factors other than kissing, I just hope you can make up for the loss though in other ways.” replies Katia with a smirk.
“Oh that I certainly can do.”