- The next day, Vevorus (Wednesday) -
- 10:34 A.M, Local School, Cafeteria -
Dressed in her usual attire of belly-revealing pink and white blouse and mid-thigh length white skirt, Celine was all smiles as she walks with her tray of food towards her friends, Helani and Gina, sitting beside each other. The Geelien smiles in further delight as she sees the pink-haired teen happily spooning some food into her girlfriends mouth.
However, as Celine arrives and places her tray of food down and begins to sit, Helani quickly comments...
“Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?”
“Have you forgotten, you have a girlfriend now.” states Helani. “You should be spending lunch with her, not us.”
“Oh, right...” replies Celine, taking a brief look around for a her new girlfriend as Gina adds...
“Lani's right, you should be all lovie-lovie with her right now. Heh, and tell me all the juicy info in Gym.”
Celine giggles from the comment as Helani jabs Gina in the side. Though the Geelien soon locates her new girlfriend, Katia, quite a distance from her, currently sitting alone at the furthest one of the circular tables near the far right wall.
“Well I'll see you girls later.” comments Celine, picking up her tray.
Celine only takes a couple steps to her right, before stopping and thinking, 'Maybe I should introduce Abby to her.'
Looking back towards Abby, seeing her sitting with her friends and brother, Celine turns and makes her way towards her.
Nearing her fellow Geelien's, Celine was a little surprised by how little her admirer/friend was wearing; a blue tube-top which successfully covers her larger breasts of at least a cup size higher than Celine's B's and nothing more, along with a pair of tiny matching denim hot-pants Celine wouldn't dare be caught wearing out in public, they were more like denim panties than actual pants. Celine knew Abby was more comfortable with herself, but didn't expect to see her dressed so, lightly.
Sitting at the right side of the table, relative to Celine, Abby sees Celine walking towards her and smiles.
“Hey Celine, I hear you have yourself a girlfriend!”
“Heh, yeah, I was curious, if your not busy, would you like to meet her?” asks Celine.
“Sure.” answers Abby, standing and leaving her group of friends, as Celine began to lead her towards Katia.
“So...” starts Celine with a smile. “Did you leave the house like that?”
“Hehe, yep!” answers Abby, before stepping forward and twirling briefly. “The schools dress-code is surprisingly loose.” she adds, before walking backwards as she adds, “Did you know, according to the rules, only your nipples, vulva and anus has to be covered? So a girl could come to school wearing ONLY those cloth strip things and be perfectly fine.”
“Seriously!?” asks Celine with surprise.
“Yep. Same goes for the boys too, their cock and balls have to be covered.”
“Wow, well what about wearing a skirt with no panties?”
“That still falls under the vulva being covered, as long as the skirt is long enough to cover it while standing. If it's one of those pointlessly short skirts were your flashing everyone all the time, it doesn't count and your pussy need to be covered.”
“Well that makes sense. Heh, there's a lot of girls here I've seen not wearing panties under their skirts, or bras. Haven't seen anyone here going pretty much naked though.”
“Hehe, it's not naked if your nipples, vulva and anus is covered.” comments Abby with a grin.
“Yeah, it's naked. If your not wearing clothes, you're naked.” adds Celine with a grin as well.
“Those strips are considered underwear.”
“Seriously!?” gasps Celine.
“Seriously. And hey...” replies Abby, stepping close to Celine with a grin, causing her to stop. “I asked where us being able to hide our nipples and vulva falls in the rules and guess what?” she asks with her hand behind her and her tail flicking back and forth.
“I'm not sure I want to know.” comments Celine with a smirk as she walks pass Abby, just steps ways from Katia, who spots them and greets them with a smile.
Abby though walks to Celine right and whispers to her ear...
“Technically, it's allowed.”
Celine only briefly looks to the grinning Geelien, who adds, “Heh, but I'm not quite brave enough to go that far.”
Ignoring her, Celine stops at the table, greeting Katia, who wore, from Celine's view, a light pink T-shirt.
“Hey, I hope you don't mind if I introduce you to my friend.”
“Not at all.” replies Katia, before looking to Abby and greeting her. “Hi, I'm Katia.”
“Abignal, but you can all me Abby if you want.” replies Abby, before sitting down across from the Nex, and Celine sitting beside Abby to her left, who looks to Celine with a grin and commenting, “So, you're into the young one's huh?”
“I-It's not even like that.” comments Celine with a slight frown and spooning some food into her mouth as Katia giggles and comments...
“I dunno about that, you did say you like my adorable little body and you admitted to having consistent sex with two little girls in your neighborhood.”
“Reeeeeeaaalllly?” questions Abby, now bringing a dripping from Celine. “CONSISTENT sex with TWO little girls?”
“It's not like that.” comments Celine, with a nervous smirk at what her friend and girlfriend were implying. “I'm not into little girls.”
“Your actions don't match your words though.” comments Katia, before Abby adds...
“Perhaps I should've used my younger form on you, we probably would be together by now.”
“But you're not!” quickly declares Katia with a smirk.
“Ok, ok...” replies Abby with a smile as she lifts her hands. “I was rejected, I get that.”
“Good.” answers Katia, before looking to a dripping Celine. “I was just teasing, I don't care if you like little girls, as long as I'm your favorite 'little girl', hehe.”
The comment brings a small groan from Celine, she never considered herself 'into' little girls, but that seemed to change with Becky and Sammy who happened to be little girls. Perhaps fearing rejection opened her up to accepting arms of open-minded children more than she thought.
“Even if I was into little girls, so what, it's not like it's a crime.” comments Celine, spooning some food into her mouth.
“Exactly.” comments Katia.
“You seem to be embarrassed by it.” points out Abby. “So I just had to tease you about it.”
“Same here.” adds Katia.
“Anyway...” starts Celine, “While we're on the subject, I may as well tell you, concerning the two little girls I told you about. Since you said you don't have sex with anyone else, I've decided to cut back my sex with them to the weekends.”
While Abby and Katia look surprised, the Nex asks, “Seriously? Why?”
“Well it seem unfair to me if I'm still having sex with other people while you're not.” replies Celine, followed by Abby...
“But you're still fraking them.”
“Well I couldn't just cut them off like that after how long we were together.”
“Or maybe you just don't want to stop fraking them.” comments Abby with a smirk.
“...” Celine says nothing but a small groan, there was a bit of truth to the comment.
“Celine...” starts Katia with a smile. “I'm really flattered that you'd do that, but like I told you, I'm fine with it, you really don't need to do this.”
“I want to.”
“Well...” starts Katia. “Thanks.”
“Have you told them?” asks Abby. “How did they take it?”
“Yeah, I told them. They were of course, upset, they even called Katia selfish.”
“What!?” gasps the Nex. “Hold on a sec, I'm completely fine with you having sex with them, what did you tell them!?”
“The truth!” quickly answers Celine, a little nervous that her new girlfriend was getting a bit upset with her. “I told them you were ok with me still being with them, and said because you chose to be with only me, I decided to cut back on sex with them.”
“Well...” starts Abby with a smirk. “If anything, they should've called YOU selfish.”
“That's right.” adds Katia. “I haven't even met them and they already think I'm the bad guy.”
“Sorry.” replies Celine with a little smile. “I'll try to straighten it out later today.”
“Well then...” starts Abby, looking to the Nex. “Why were you sitting alone when we came? No friends?”
“I have friends.” answers Katia with a smile. “I usually eat lunch with two close friends of mine, ones absent today and the other one is on her way.”
Moments after the Nex's comment, a second Nex, with blonde hair braided in a single ponytail reaching her lower back walks up pass Abby, wearing a Purple T-shirt and blue jeans, sitting at the right side of the table, placing her tray of food down.
“Hey Katia.”
The new arrival quickly smiles looking at the two Geelien's, adding... “Ohh, one of them is your new girlfriend isn't it?”
“Yep, can you guess which one?”
While Celine was a little embarrassed, Abby was all smiles as she soon comments, looking into the Nex's eyes...
“It's me, I just looove you're adorable little bodies-”
Abby is quickly responded with a shove from Celine.
“Cut it out, Katia's little body is mine!”
“Really now?” questions Abby with a smirk, while a shade of red comes to Katia's smiling face.
“So you admit it.” comments Katia. “You're drawn to my childlike body.”
“N-No!” gasps Celine, immediately beginning to drip. “Argh, I didn't mean to say that!” she adds, following a giggling from all three, before Abby adds...
“You get flustered so easily.”
“Nngnh... fine...” replies Celine, looking to Katia. “I admit it, I like little girls, I like fraking them, I'm attracted to the Nex because of their childlike adorable bodies and cute little wings. There, now you can't tease me about it anymore!”
While dripping considerably in embarrassment, Celine felt a sense of delight, admitting out loud something new she discovered about herself. While Celine thought admitting it would stop the teasing, she was wrong as the blonde Nex comments...
“A proud pedo huh? It's good to be honest with yourself.”
Celine's response is a groan of annoyance.
“Hehe, ok, ok...” replies Katia. “I think we've teased Celine enough about this. I have to introduce you all, Celine, Abby, this is one of my best friends, Nel; Nel, Celine and Abby. Celine's my girlfriend.”
“Hehe, I was able to guess that from her reaction to Abby.” comments Nel.
“So...” starts Abby, looking to Nel. “Is there anything Celine should know about her new girlfriend that she won't admit herself?”
“Come on Abby.” comments Celine, “It's only our second day together.”
“I think it's a fair trade for admitting your pedo tendencies.” replies Abby with a smirk.
“Hmm...” comments Nel, looking to Katia, who blushes a little, before the blonde gasps with delight. “Oh! I got it!” before standing and quickly hurrying past Katia and to Celine's left.
“Wait.” states Katia, “What are you gonna tell her!?”
“Nothing embarrassing.” replies Nel, before leaning towards Celine's left ear and whispering, “Katia LOOOOOOVES chocolate!'
“Really?” asks Celine with a smirk, looking to Katia and seeing her blush growing.
“Yep, it's pretty much an addiction, so much so that she's not allowed to even see it and she'll do pretty much anything for chocolate.” adds Nel, before returning to her seat as Celine comments...
“Wow... good to know.”
“What did she tell you?” asks Katia.
“Nothing embarrassing.” comments Celine with a smirk, though quickly looking to Abby. “And don't you dare read my mind!”
“Heh, ok, ok. Secrets about your girlfriend can stay with you.” replies Abby, before Nel asks...
“You can read each others minds?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “When Geelien's absorb each other, we can know what the other is thinking and look through their memories.”
“Wow, cool.” replies Nel.
“Hey Celine...” starts Abby. “I have a genuine question about you liking little girls, no teasing.”
“Fine...” sighs Celine. “What is it?”
“Is there anything specific you like about little girls? 'Cause I have to be honest, I think a girl closer to my own age and more developed could do everything a kid can- no offense to you two.” asks Abby, before speaking to the two Nex, who both comment...
“None taken.”
“Well...” starts Celine. “There's more than one thing I like about little girls. One thing is the amount of energy they have and their willingness to try new things. It's not like older girl's don't have those qualities either, but when it's a little girl, it's just, I dunno, it seems more attractive to me. But, if I had to pick one thing specifically, then... I'd have to say... their pussies!” adds Celine with a little smile and dripping a bit as she quickly sticks a large spoonful of food into her mouth.
“Reeeally?” asks Abby with a grin, “Their pussies huh?” she adds, followed by Nel.
“Please, tell us more. As Nex, we're doubly interested.”
“Heh, we sure are.” adds Katia.
Both Nex were giving a big blushing smile, bringing a chuckle from Celine.
“W-Well, a little girls pussy is just so small and cute, and hairless...” answers Celine looking down at her shrinking amount of food. “Their perfectly shaped; puffy little outer lips, hiding their small inner lips perfectly with the prettiest little slit, bonus points if their clit is hidden behind the lips too. I really love it when they get aroused too, so plump and wet, with their tiny clit coming out to play. I just want to bury my face between their thighs and make'em come over and over as I fill them with my mass.”
Celine herself was surprised that she was turning herself on detailing why she loved little girl pussies and gasps with embarrassment as she hears the three all comment...
Causing Celine to lift her gaze up to them and stutter out as she drips considerably...
“D-Did I r-really j-just say all that!?”
Abby is the first to comment, grinning and patting Celine on the back.
“You really ARE into little girls. You even turned me on a little.”
Followed by Nel, “That's a definite from me.”
“Me too.” adds Katia. “I think my panties might even be a little wet.”
Celine soon groans as she places her hands over her face, commenting, “Why do I get myself into these situations?”
Although she didn't expect an answer, Katia gives her one...
“Maybe it's just your way of getting yourself to open up. Like bonding through trauma and stress or something.”
“Heh, if that's true, I'd prefer a less embarrassing route.”
- 11:35 A.M. -
- Girl's Locker Room -
Although becoming accustomed to changing in front of the other girls in the room, down to just her bra and skirt currently, Celine became acutely aware of Katia's presence directly behind her changing into her own Gym clothes.
'This is silly.' thinks Celine, dripping a little as she places her shirt into her locker, before nervously removing her skirt, briefly standing in just her matching white bra and panties as she also places the skirt into the locker and removes her Gym shirt and shorts. 'I've changed in front of everyone, Katia included, since I've been here for the past week and a half, why do I feel so embarrassed just because she's my girlfriend now?'
Hearing a small groan behind her, Celine looks back over her left shoulder and sees Katia, wearing only a pair of pink panties hugging her narrow hips, her back to the Geelien and her arms lifted in a brief stretch, with her small wings fluttering. With the stretch ending, Katia removes her Gym shorts from the locker, leaning forward a little as she steps into them and pulls them up over her panties.
Celine failed to realize how much she was enjoying the sight of Katia's small, half-naked body, her tail flicking side-to-side, until she hears Katty to her left whisper to her...
'That's quite a big smile you have.'
Celine immediately looks to the Felene with a gasp of embarrassment, but the resulting gasp draws Katia's attention and Celine notices from the edge of her vision, the Nex turn to face her, still topless, revealing her flat chest and tiny pink nipples, along with the strip over her belly, though Celine quickly turns her attention to her locker, before Katty giggles and Celine hears her comment...
“She was checking you out, hard.”
“Hehe, really?” replies Katia. “If I knew you were looking, I would've given you a little more to see.”
“T-That's alright.” answers Celine, quickly resuming her changing, putting on her shirt first, before Katia comments...
“Hehe, you make it so easy to tease you. Anyway, I wanna talk to you a bit, so can you stay here in the locker room after everyone leaves?”
It didn't take very long for the number of students to dwindle as they finish changing and Celine sat on the small bench between the lockers, waiting for everyone to leave as Katia stood in front of her, leaning back against the Geelien's locker.
With the last student leaving and the sound of the door closing, Katia starts...
“So, first things first, what did Nel tell you?”
Celine couldn't help giggling from the question, seeing a small blush rising on the Nex's cheeks.
“You're still worried about that? I told you, it's nothing embarrassing.”
“Then tell me!” declares Katia with a frown. “It just bugs me how eager Nel was to tell you.”
“Hmm... ok, if you want to know so badly, tell me something interesting about you, then I'll tell you what your friend said.”
“Ok, let's see... well, I don't like being pat on the head, kids get head pats, but I'm not a kid. I hate it when people mistake me for a kid or treat me like one.”
“Well, you do look like a kid.”
“I know...” answers Katia with a sigh. “My adorable little body is a double-edge sword.” she adds, folding her arms over her chest.
“Hehe, well I think it's unrealistic to use your natural childlike charms and dislike it when someone treats you as such.”
“Yeah, yeah... the downside of being adorable.” comments Katia with a sigh, but soon grinning and lifting her shirt to expose her belly with a strip over where Celine guessed her secondary Vulva was. “But, I love the advantages of it, especially on people with certain 'interests'.” adds Katia with a sway of her hips.
While smiling at the little show, Celine gaze lifts to Katia's face.
“Interests huh? Well, I know of YOUR interests too.”
“Really? What would my interests be?” asks Katia, lowering her right hand down to her shorts and pulling the front down a bit, exposing her smooth, hairless pubic mound, but not her lower lips.
“Hehe... Chocolate.”
Katia's eyes widen with a gasp, removing her hands from her clothing, covering herself again as a big smile comes to her face as she quickly steps towards Celine and grabs her shoulders.
Celine is both, shocked and delighted with the immediate reaction she receives and was urged to tease her about it, but...
“Sorry, I don't.” answers Celine, smiling as she shes the crushed look on Katia's face before the Nex steps back against the looker.
“Yeah, guess you wouldn't just keep that on you.”
“Are you really not allowed to even see it?” asks Celine.
“Nel told you that too?”
“Yep, why do you like chocolate so much anyway...” asks Celine, quickly seeing Katia, close her eyes and shutter as she wraps her arms around herself.
“Mmm... chocolate... I don't like it, I LOOOOOVE it!” Answers Katia before Celine's own eyes widen as Katia lowers her right hand between her legs with a blush growing on her cheeks. “It's so creamy and sweet. It coats the tongue so wonderfully. And the smell, ohhh, the smell!” she adds, before moaning as her right hand began to move between her legs.
Celine, not expecting such a response, was at a loss for words, simply commenting with an “Uhhh...”
That brief comment though brings Katia back to reality with a gasp from her as her face reddens like a tomato and snatching her hand from between her legs.
“O-Oh! S-S-Sorry about that! I-I just haven't h-had any in a while.”
“Wow.” replies Celine with a smirk. “I think I see why your not allowed any chocolate.”
Katia shutters again.
“C-Can you not say it?”
“What? Chocolate?” asks Celine with a smirk.
Katia quickly crosses her legs with groan.
“Wow...” comments Celine with a big smile, before standing. “Just saying it effects you like that?”
“I-It's been so long since I had any, and hearing you bring it up just makes me crave it so, so, sooooooo much.”
Seeing Katia's little body shutter without a single touch delighted and aroused Celine greatly, she wanted to touch her, in the more intimate way, but couldn't bring herself to do it as her hands clinch into fists at her sides, soon moving behind her.
“Well this is ironic, you said you wouldn't attack me in the locker room, but I'm having to hold back attacking you, I don't know whether to stop, or to go all the way.”
“What's stopping you?” asks Katia with a smile. “My little body is shaking with desire. How can a little girl lover like you resist this?”
“Time is helping.”
“I'm fine with a quickie.”
“That's not what I mean, this is only our second day together and we both agreed to take this slow. So, as much as I want to touch your trembling little body, I have to resist.”
“Heh, we did agree to that.” replies Katia, though her trembling fades some as her body calms. “You have some pretty good self-control, for a pedo, hehe.”
“But not me...” replies Katia, before moving away to Celine's left. “If I don't take care of this, I'm gonna need a new pair of panties that I don't have and I'm not a fan of walking around with wet panties.”
“Hehe, ok, seeya in a few minutes.” comments Celine with a smile before seeing Katia quickly turn and hurry to the back of the locker room towards the small bathroom, before giving a breathless sigh as also felt quite aroused, thinking to herself. 'I wonder if mom is into kids, I couldn't have just spontaneously developed an attraction to little girls, their bodies specifically...'
To be continued