Just a few steps from the door to the arena, Celine could hear thunderclaps and walking into the brightly lit, sizable room, the first thing Celine sees is the raised circular fighting arena, it was about four feet high and the current occupants were Amu and Utah, already engaged in their training which Celine was quite excited to have such a close view of the action as she hurries closer to the side of the fighting ring.
Amu was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, while Utah wears a yellow sundress. Each of the fighters wore varying amounts of the protective Void Armor, Amu only wore the chest guard, while Utah, along with the chest protection, wore wrist and shin guards, along with long, black flat containers strapped to her legs that Celine knew contained a limited amount of water Utah could readily use.
Celine quickly saw the reason for Utah's extra protection as the twin-tailed blonde was in close range to Amu as they were briefly trading punches and kicks, though many of them blocked or dodged.
While Celine watched in amazement, Sakura pulls her from the fighting area and towards where Reni and Rima were; the short, long-haired blonde wearing a T-shirt and skirt. Both were sitting on one of the many benches while Nina sat on Reni's left shoulder, Eru and Lilith were both cheering on their respective friends and Kusu sat atop Rima's head. All three Fizers were dressed in their usual clothing, Eru barely clothed in her small red tube-top and tiny thong; Lilith covered up in a white knee-length dress and Kusu, wearing a dark blue leotard revealing her slim figure. Celine's eyes never leaves the action though as she blindly sits.
Amu and Utah's close-quarters combat soon has a winner as the two currently lock hands and Utah gasps out in pain as currents of electricity travel from Amu's arms, down hers, allowing Amu to lift her right leg and kick Utah in the stomach, knocking her a few steps back.
Utah though, in her recovery, sees Amu follow up and lift her right hand towards her, however Utah quickly lifts her left hand, pulling water from the container at her left leg and blocking a bolt of lightning with a crackling explosion. Dashing forward, Utah dodges two more bolts from Amu, who side-steps a straight punch to the gut, but barely dodges a quick-to-follow spinning kick from Utah, causing her to momentarily lose her balance as she staggers back.
This gives Utah just enough time to right herself from the momentum of her spin and thrust her right arm forward, sending a tendril of water from the reserve at her right leg to wrap around Amu's left ankle, tripping her and bring her down on her butt.
Amu though was quick to react and severs the tendril with a bolt of electricity, however, Utah was already acting out her next move as she dashes towards her. Gathering a large ball of water in front of her, Utah expertly ducks and dodges bolts of lightning, before performing a spinning leap and arcing her hands up, causing the ball of water in front of her to lower to the ground and form a small wave that picks up and carries Amu right out of the arena and fall back to her butt.
“Ahh frak!” groans Amu, quickly getting to her feet, “That's the second time you've caught me with that new move of yours!”
“Hehe...” chuckles Utah, before hoping down. “One to zip.” she adds, before pulling the water from Amu's clothing.
“That was awesome!” suddenly declares Celine, hopping to her feet and surprising the others with her cheerful outburst and Amu giggles as she looks towards her, commenting...
“Ah, so you two are here.”
“Seeing a fight so close is amazing!” adds Celine. “But isn't it hard to fight your friends!?”
Utah chuckles as she sits beside Rima and comments, “You get over it quick.” before Amu adds...
“When it comes to Utah, the moment you step into the ring, you're no longer her friend, but the enemy.”
“Really?” asks Celine.
“Yeah...” replies Rima. “Utah's merciless, she goes all out once a fight starts, she even broke Sakura's arm when she was still a beginner.”
“Geez, really!?” gasps Celine.
“Why are you bringing THAT up!?” gasps Utah with a frown. “That happened so long ago!”
“Just shows how merciless you can be.” replies Rima with a smirk, “Won't even take it easy on a beginner. You're a great fighter, but a horrible trainer.”
Utah only groans in aggravation.
Over the next forty minutes, Celine delightfully watches her friends training, taking turns sparring and trying out new or interesting attacks, it was a different experience from the live event a few days ago, the sparring sometimes stopped altogether with friends giving each other tips or pointing out mistakes one had made. It wasn't just competing, but friends helping each other. The others also took delight in Celine's excitement and cheers, mirroring the Fizers in excitement, though even the fairies excitement paled in comparison to Celine's, the Geelien was a true fan-girl of the sport.
During a resting period, Celine happily chats with Rima.
“So you mainly use your feet to fight?” asks Celine.
“Yep, since I'm shorter, I don't have the reach of the others with my punches, but I do with my legs, so that's where I focus my training, so I'm not completely screwed if a fight get's close range.” replies Rima.
“Your legs must be strong then.” comments Celine.
“Heh, yeah, stronger than usual for someone my size, but I don't train enough to have super muscular thighs, thank goodness, I'm not going for the Chun-li look.”
“Chun-li look?” questions Celine.
“Heh, it's just an Earth video game character with massive thighs.”
“Hey Celine!” comments Sakura happily as she stands beside the Geelien. “You ready for that surprise I mentioned?”
“Sure.” replies Celine with a smile.
“Well, since you're such a big fan of the IPSL, how'd you like to have a shot at it?” asks Sakura.
“I'd love to, but I can't.” replies Celine.
“But that's not true, you CAN join in on the fun and I have figured out a way, at least just for fun with us.” replies Sakura.
“Really!?” gasps Celine happily. “I can be in the ring with somebody!?”
“Yep.” replies Sakura, before looking to her sister. “You ready?”
“Yep.” replies Reni, standing and walking to and onto the elevated fighting ring before looking to Celine. “Come join me Celine.”
The Geelien didn't know how Sakura had figured she could participate, but didn't question her as she quickly leaves her seat and joins Reni in the ring, though Amu smiles and comments...
“Ah, I see, smart thinking Sakura.”
Sakura chuckles from the compliment as she sees Reni guide an excited Celine to one spot, before walking to a similar spot away from her, before Sakura comments to Celine...
“Ok, this is how it's gonna go, Celine, the conditions for winning is to knock Reni down however you can, Reni's winning condition getting a head-shot on you.”
“W-What?” gasps Celine, dripping in embarrassment. “If Reni hits me in the head with a one of those big rocks, I'll shift into my liquid form in front of everyone!”
“Sorry, it's the only winning condition I could think of that would make the fight fair.” replies Sakura. “If you get hit anywhere else, it wouldn't do anything to you.”
“I guess you have a point...” groans Celine, before Rima comments to her...
“Hey just think of it this way, you have a reason to avoid the hits.”
“True...” replies Celine, before Sakura asks...
“So you still willing to give it a try with the conditions for winning?”
“Hmm... Under one condition.” replies Celine.
“What?” asks Sakura.
“Aside from only head-shots, if Reni knocks me down, that'll be a win for her too.”
“Ok, but I don't see how she'd do it though.”
“It's not impossible for me to lose my balance yanno.” replies Celine, “Heck, Reni could take out one of my legs.” she adds, before the girl in question grins and comments...
“Thanks for the hint.”
Celine gasps and groans from her mistake, bringing a couple of giggles from her friends.
“Well then...” starts Sakura, walking back and sitting with the others. “You can start anytime you're ready and remember, have fun!”
“I'll try.” replies Celine, giving a little smile, she still didn't like the idea that taking a head-shot was allowed, but understood the reasoning.
Looking towards Reni though, Celine nervousness quickly rose, she never thought she'd be in this position, participating in a Shakra fight, even if it was just for fun between friends.
“Before we start...” states Reni. “Let's go through a little training first. Dodging is an important aspect to a fight, if you can't dodge, you may as well not even try. I'm going throw a few rocks at you and I just want you to focus on dodging, ok?”
“Ok.” replies Celine, spreading her legs a little, ready to move.
“Good, I'm going to aim this first shot at your stomach, you can move left or right, it's up to you.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, eager to begin, before seeing Reni stomp her left foot, causing a rock about twice the size of her fist to lift from the ground and reach her waist before quickly spinning and kicking the rock with her right foot.
Combined with her nervousness and the speed of the rock, Celine failed to react in time before it passes right through the Geelien's stomach before Celine then hops to the right.
“Aww, man.” whines Celine, realizing her delayed response.
The others briefly giggle at the delay, before Reni comments...
“That's ok, it's your first go at this, let's try again.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, returning to her initial position.
Reni quickly preps another rock before kicking it towards Celine, who reacted quicker, but not quick enough as the rock passes through her left side, more of a grazing hit than a direct one.
“Better!” replies Reni.
“I think I got the speed of it down.” replies Celine, before returning to her original spot. “One more try.”
“Ok.” replies Reni.
With a third rock speeding towards her, Celine quickly noticed it was a bit higher than the two previous and managed to avoid getting hit in the stomach, but the rock catches her upper left arm, removing the limb from her body as the other end hits the ground with a splash, but Reni gasps.
“Oh! Sorry!”
“That's ok.” replies Celine with a smile, reforming her left arm and absorbing her mass on the ground. “I'm sure that's going to be a pretty normal thing, I just have to avoid the same thing happening with my head or legs.”
“Ok, well speaking of your head and legs, how about we try dodging a head-shot?” replies Reni.
“Uhh...” answers Celine warily.
“The sooner you face it, the easier you'll be able to deal with it and it won't hinder your actual fight.” comments Reni.
“... You're right.” replies Celine, before standing up straight. “Just hit me, the quicker I deal with it actually happening, the better.”
“You sure?” asks Reni.
“Yeah, the whole school saw me shift yesterday anyway, at least this time, it'll be with friends.” replies Celine.
“Ok.” replies Reni.
Rocky gauntlets cover Reni's hands before the blonde readies another rock, lifted higher in front of her before punching it towards the Geelien, however, the rock doesn't reach a height to hit Celine in the head, instead, it hits the Geelien in the chest, taking her shirt and bra with it as it passes through Celine's body, with a gasp from her and covering her chest as she drips from the unexpected stripping.
“Oh, sorry!” gasps Reni.
“Heh, well it's better than shifting into a puddle.” replies Celine with a little smile.
“I'm really sorry.” repeats Reni. “Head-shots are normally against the rules, so at the last second, I aimed at your chest.”
“Well that's good for me.” replies Celine, before nervously uncovering her chest, her breasts smooth and lacking nipples.
“You're not going to get your top?” asks Reni.
“There's not really a point.” replies Celine, giving an embarrassed smile. “If I worry about losing my clothes with you throwing rocks at me, then I may as well not even try. There's just some things I'm going to have to accept as a Geelien if I really want to do this.” she adds, before surprising the others as she pulls down her skirt and panties, dripping considerably as she now stands naked in front of her friends, though her crotch completely smooth, like her breasts, hiding her nipples and labia helped ease her embarrassment a bit.
Retrieving her bra and top, Celine walks to the edge of the ring, near her friends and was about to drop her clothing on the ground, but Sakura quickly stands and offers to hold them.
“You're certainly committed to this huh?” asks Sakura, smiling.
“This might be my only opportunity.” replies Celine, smiling despite her embarrassment as she stood naked in front of her friends, only Sakura and Reni had seen her naked, but it was the first time in front of the others. “I can't let anything get in the way.”
“That's the spirit!” cheers Sakura, before returning to her friends, but Amu speaks up...
“Hey, quick question, you don't have nipples or a pussy?”
“I do.” answers Celine. “But I can hide them, thankfully.”
“Lucky you!” declares Rima. “You can be naked but not show anything! Like a doll.”
Celine giggles at the comment, before, wearing only her shoes now, returns to her initial position in front of Reni with a smile.
“I'm ready for that head-shot. I don't feel pain, so you don't have to worry about that.”
“Ok then...” replies Reni.
The following rock being sent towards her head stayed on course, but deviated just enough to graze the left side of Celine's head, briefly losing an ear. Reni's next attempt missed completely, whizzing pass the right of her head, causing Celine to smile and comment.
“Your aim is making me feel better.”
“Oh shut up.” groans Reni. “I'm aiming with projectiles over a distance, a head-shot is harder than a body-shot.”
Reni's next shot was dead on though as the rock hits Celine in the face, causing her head to burst like a popped balloon from the impact and her body quickly looses form and falls into a puddle.
“Bulls-eye!” declares Reni happily as Amu, Utah, Rima and the fizers gasp at the sight.
Celine though only remains in her liquid form for just a couple of seconds before the puddle rises into a column and Celine's nude body reforms, now barefoot and dripping considerably.
“W-Well...” starts Celine, her arms crossed over her chest. “Now that that's happened, we can start.”
“You sure?” asks Reni.
“Yep.” replies Celine, unfolding her arms with a smile. “I'm eager to go a few rounds, I just have to knock you down, right?”
“Yep.” answers Reni. “Anyway you can do it and I have to knock you down or get a head-shot.”
“Well after taking three tries with me standing still, I'm not so worried about that now.” replies Celine with a grin, readying herself and lifting her hands at her sides.
“Suddenly confident huh?” asks Reni with a smile. “Since you can take hits like a sponge, I'm not going to go that easy on you.”
After Reni's multiple attempts get a head-shot on her, Celine was quite confident in her ability to win, body shots were of no concern to her as rocks would simply pass through her. While in motion Celine figured the chances of Reni getting a head-shot was close to zero, so all she had to worry about were any shots to her legs.
“Ding! Ding! Ding!” declares Sakura happily. “Fight!”
Celine immediately charges towards Reni, intending to simply tackle her for her first win.
However, this didn't bother Reni, the blonde actually smiled at Celine's obvious tactic and quickly readied a rock, no higher than her knees and kicking it towards Celine's legs.
The Geelien though, expected this action and manages to hop over the rock, skipping below and pass her as she closes the gap between them.
“Gotcha!” declares Celine happily.
However, Celine tackles empty air as Reni dodges to the left and the Geelien gasps as she staggers forward a couple of steps to regain her balance.
“You really think it's going to be THAT easy?” asks Reni.
Celine then feels Reni's right, rocky fist punch through her lower back and out of her stomach.
“Crap!” gasps Reni. “I forgot!”
“Heh, yes.” replies Celine. “It is that easy!” she adds happily, turning around and successfully tackling Reni to the ground, before quickly removing herself and hopping up and down happily. “I won! My first try and I won!”
“Nice job!” praises Sakura.
“Congratulations!” adds Rima.
“Beginners luck!” declares Reni, getting to her feet with a little frown. “Let's go again!”
“Ok.” replies Celine happily.
The two return to their beginning position and after another 'Ding! Ding! Ding!' from Sakura, Celine started off running again, but not directly at Reni, circling around towards her. Coming from her first win, Celine was quite confident in a second one and predicted Reni to attempt to attack her legs again, at which point, Celine would make a bee-line straight for the blonde.
However, while Celine quickly thought out her plan just before the start of the second round, just seconds into starting, Celine was a little surprised as she sees Reni produce multiple rocks around her and began kicking and punching them towards her. While they all miss, Celine was forced to duck and jump over a few rocks and given their rate of fire, Celine couldn't find a gap to rush Reni.
Soon, one rock passes a little too close in front of her face, briefly removing her nose, causing her to gasp and abruptly stop, balancing on one foot as she fought her forward momentum.
“Gotcha!” declares Reni.
Celine looks towards her friend in time to see a low flying rock hit her below the knee, severing her supporting leg and dropping her to the floor.
“Ha! One-to-one!” adds Reni.
Reforming her leg and standing, Celine happily comments, “Again!” before jogging to her starting point.
Over the next fifteen minutes, Celine thoroughly enjoys herself, copying different strategies she'd seen on T.V. and getting tips from Reni and the others. Celine was having such a good time, she completely forgot she was naked and didn't care when she briefly remembered her nudity at times.
By the end, Celine's once clear and clean body was covered in dirt and small rocks, which, in a way, covered her nudity.
“This was so much fun!” declares Celine, shortly after lowering herself from the elevated ring, rushing towards her friends, still naked as she hops up and down excitedly. “Can I do this with you guys again, PLEASE!?”
“Hehe, sure.” replies Sakura, before the others express their approval as well.
“This is like a dream come true!” declares Celine happily, before Reni hops down from the ring behind Celine and comments...
“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself so much, you really need a shower now though.”
“Yeah, I do.” replies Celine, looking down at her body, before heading towards the exit. “I'll be right back.”
“Whoa, whoa!” gasps Sakura, quickly standing and gathering up Celine's clothing and hurrying to the gleeful Geelien. “You're naked, remember?”
“Oh, right, hehe, I'm just so excited, I forgot.” replies Celine, before taking her clothing.
“Anyway, there's another surprise I have for you...” replies Sakura, leading Celine further from her friends, closer to the entrance/exit to the arena.
“What is it?” asks Celine, smiling.
“You remember taking those pictures a couple days ago, right?”
“Those model ones?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, I sent them to the agency I worked at that same day and I got a call after school today about them.”
“R-Really?” replies Celine, dripping in embarrassment. “W-What did they say?”
“You're in!” declares Sakura happily.
“Really!?” gasps Celine.
“Yep, they said they'd be interested in checking you out. I'll give you the contact information of my former agent and you can just call her to set up an interview when you're ready. She's really nice and won't pressure you.”
“U-uh, t-thanks.” replies Celine nervously. “You're not kidding or anything are you?”
“Nope, I knew they'd be interested in you. If you don't want to do it though, you don't need to call, but you should at the very least, set up an interview and see how things go and hey, maybe you could get you mom in on it and model together!”
“Heh, I'm sure my mom would jump at this.” replies Celine with a little chuckle.
- 7:36 P.M -
In the twilight hours of the day, Celine was all smiles as she made her way home from the Bragou's, currently in front of Becky's home, Celine was just in time as the door opens...
“Seeya tomorrow Becky.” comments Sammy.
Looking, Celine sees the pink-haired little girl walking out of the house, wearing a yellow sundress.
“Seeya.” replies Becky, the blonde wearing only a smile, before gasping as she spots Celine. “Hey it's Celine!”
The two girl's quickly rush towards her, Becky neglecting to put on panties.
“Hehe, hey you two.” greets Celine with a smile. “This is the first I've seen of you two today.” she adds, before looking to Becky and continuing in a stern, but playful tone... “But Becky, you're not supposed to be outside without any panties on.”
“Hehe, well you can come home with me!” replies Becky, taking Celine hand and leading her back to the front door of her home, followed by Sammy, but Celine quickly recalled her chat with Katia and what she decided on doing and figured now would be the best time.
“Hey, wait.” starts Celine, stopping at the front door as Becky takes a few steps in, but looking back. “There's something I need to tell you two.”
“What?” asks Sammy, walking between Celine and the door and Becky walking out besides Sammy, adding...
“What is it?”
“I got myself a girlfriend today.” states Celine, smiling, bringing a gasp of delight from the two.
“Really!?” they ask in unison.
“Yep, she's a Nex and her names Katia, she really cute too.” replies Celine.
“Ohh...” coos Sammy. “Their wings are pretty!”
“They have two pussies!” adds Becky.
“I agree and yep.” comments Celine, “But I have to let you two know something and I'm sure your not going to like it, but I hope you understand. I'm not going to be able to have as much naughty fun with you guys as we usually do.”
“Awwwwww!” whines Becky and Sammy, quite clearly shocked and disappointed. “Why not!?” they ask.
“Well my new girlfriend only wants to be with me and no one else and while she says she's ok with me being with you two, I just don't feel like it's fair that I can be naughty with other people and she's not.”
“Your new girlfriend is selfish!” pouts Becky.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “I don't like your new girlfriend!”
“Heh, come on you two, it's not like we can never be naughty again.” comments Celine, smiling nervously. “I just want us to cut back some, how about we save the naughty stuff for the weekends? We can still have fun the other days, there's plenty of other things we could do that doesn't involve naughty stuff.”
“But the naughty stuff is the funnest!” insists Becky.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy.
“Come on guys.” comments Celine, lowering herself to her knees. “We can still be naughty, just on the weekends. I wanna do my best for my new relationship, can you two help me out?”
The two little girls give a pouting expression, before looking at each other, turning their back to Celine and leaning close to each other, and whisper between themselves, after a short deliberation, the two turn their attention back to Celine and Becky asks...
“We just have to wait until the weekend?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine with a smile. “Once the weekend comes, we can be as naughty as you two want to be, I promise.”
“Will you spend the night at our houses this weekend?” asks Sammy.
“Both of your houses?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” confirms Becky. “Friday, you spend the night at me or Sammy's place and the day after, the spend the night at the other one's home.”
“Heh, and I'm guessing both of you are going to be there both nights, huh?”
“Yep!” answers the two happily, before Becky adds. “A whole weekend of naughtiness!”
“Hehe, ok then...” replies Celine, extending boths hand to the two. “It's a deal, I promise to spend the night at your homes this weekend.”
Becky and Sammy giggle in approval, before instead of shaking the Geelien's hands, they each place Celine's hand to their crotch, before...
“Becky!” gasps the blondes mother, Hazel, walking in front of the open door, dressed in a tank-top and jeans, spotting her daughter. “You know you're not allowed outside without any panties on, come back inside!”
“Ok.” replies Becky, briefly guiding Celine's fingers into her pussy, before leaving, a thin string of honey connecting them as the blonde giggles and steps into her home. “Seeya this weekend Celine.”
“Seeya.” comments Celine, smiling, before pulling her remaining hand from Sammy with a whine from her and adding. “I've taken enough of your time, you should get home before it gets too dark.”
Sammy, quickly grabs Celine's right hand and comments...
“Walk me home.”
“Seriously?” asks Celine with a smile.
“It's getting dark...” replies Sammy, stepping close to Celine as if she were scared. “It gets scary walking home alone this late.”
“Heh, fine, fine, but no trying anything naughty.” replies Celine, before beginning to lead Sammy back to her home, who gives a cheerful reply...