Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 4)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 4

Title: Chapter 1-4


Returning home, Celine leaves one sexual environment for another as she and her mother 'mark' the teens room, before a rather unique three-some arises.]

“I'm back!” announces Celine.

I'm in the kitchen.” answers back Eda.

Celine quickly heads to the kitchen, seeing her mother putting the last few groceries in the refrigerator.

“Hey Celine.” greets Eda, closing the frig door. “You didn't need to come right back, you could've stayed and enjoyed yourself.”

“Well I wanted to come back.” answers Celine. “...And help you with the groceries, but it seems I'm too late.”

“Heh, that you are.” chuckles Eda.

“Where's dad?”

“Upstairs, checking out the rooms.” replies Eda.

“Oh, well, how was the shopping? What were the reactions like to you being there?” asks Celine.

Eda gives a small smile, before commenting, “Is that why you wanted to stay here?”

“W-Well, partly...” answers Celine lowly, averting her gaze from her mother.

“It went well.” replies Eda. “There was some stares and whispers, but no one was negative towards us that I could see. A few people even walked up to us wanting to learn about us.”

“That's good.” states Celine with a small smile.

“Yes it is, well then, how was your time here?” asks Eda.

“Well, Becky introduced me to one of her friends and now I have two new friends.” comments Celine, her smile growing.

“That's wonderful!” declares Eda with a big smile. “So what did you three do?”

“Well we started with a water-fight, then we moved to Becky's room.” replies Celine, smiling.

“And what happened there?”

“Well... stuff...” vaguely answers Celine, grinning and avoiding eye contact.

Eda though, grins with assumption, “Ohhh, I see...” she comments, walking to her daughter and placing her hands to Celine's shoulders briefly before moving to her cheeks as the teen began to drip. “Did your new friends make you come?”

“Yeah.” answers Celine, soon looking up to meet her mothers gaze, smiling.

“Did you make them come?” asks Eda, lowering her right hand down to Celine's side, bringing a gasp from the teen as Eda's hand enters her once again.

“Yes...” moans Celine, briefly closing her eyes before Eda places her lips to her daughters, who lifts her hands up to her mother's cheeks as the two enjoyed the intimate moment, before Celine gave a muffled moan as their lips meld together momentarily before Eda pulls back, thick strings of their combined bodies appearing and separating before their lips reform, Eda smiles as she also began to drip.

“We should continue this in your room.” comments Eda.

“Ok.” replies Celine with a smile.

Celine gives a breathless sigh as her mother removes her hand from her side before the two leave the kitchen and head upstairs to the teens room, meeting the husband and father on the way, whose name was Avery and Eda commenting that she and Celine were going to have a little fun, which the man, just smiles and gives an 'ok'.


Once the two had entered the room, the very first thing they did was undress, quickly, Eda pulling her dress off to reveal she lacked any underwear, her ample breasts and smooth, curvy figure free to the air. Celine only manages to strip down to her panties before she's stopped from going further as Eda steps to her, placing her left hand to Celine's cheek and her right to the small of the teens back as she resumes their kiss, which Celine quickly began to return fully.

Lifting her hands up to her mothers shoulders, their dripping bodies seem to meld at the point of contact as they move their hands along each others bodies, gooey strings connecting them to each other as they occasionally pull their hands and arms away, even their lips as Eda pulls back with a smile.

“How far would you like to go?” asks the woman, using her left hand and brushing some of Celine's hair from her face.

“I'm in a really good mood, so all the way.” answers Celine, smiling as well.

“Wonderful.” comments Eda, before moving her right hand to Celine's belly and the teen gasping out again as Eda's hand enters her and moves down to the waistband of her panties, though shown by another gasp from Celine and her thighs trembling a little, Eda's arm may have stopped, but not her hand inside her daughter, whom felt her mother caressing her from the inside out as the crotch of Celine's panties shown the imprint of fingers.

After a few moments to get accustomed to the pleasure, Celine lifts her left hand to to her mothers breasts, palming the large orb for a moment before her hand slowly melts into Eda's breasts with a moan from the woman before Celine gasps as her arm was suddenly swallowed up to her elbow.

“Hey! Not so quick!” quickly states Celine.

“Hehe, ok.” giggles Eda, before Celine gasps into a moan from Eda's continued rubbing of her pussy from inside her.

Celine does though remove her trapped arm, quickly reforming her lower arm and hand before commenting...

“I want you to do it slow.”

“That was my intention.” comments Eda, grinning. “I just wanted to have a little fun.”

“Ok then...” replies Celine, before it was Eda's turn, gasping as her arm inside her daughter was also swallowed up to her shoulder, causing the surprised woman to drop to her knees from the rapid pull.

Though the woman quickly pulls back and reforms her arm with a chuckle, as Celine lowers herself to her knees with her mother.

“Now we're even.” comments Celine.

“OK then.” replies Eda, returning their lips to each other before actually moving her right hand under Celine's panties to tease and rub Celine's lower lips with a moan from her.

By now, a small puddle of their combined fluid surrounds the two, Celine though didn't let her mom be the only one giving pleasure as she moves her right hand to Eda's own lower lips, stroking them, bringing a moan from her mother.

This exchange of pleasure continued for a couple of minutes with Celine's moans quickly growing before the teen broke off the kiss with an orgasmic moan from her as fluid floods her panties.

“Well that was quick.” comments Eda.

“S-Sorry.” replies Celine, before leaning against her mother. “I stopped mid-way before I came back, so I didn't come.”

“I see...” replies Eda with a smile. “You came back ready to pop.”

Chuckling briefly and leaning against her mother, Celine gives a moan as she could feel herself joining with her mother, who moans as well, the teens legs rather quickly melting into the combined puddle. Eda and Celine's entire front melds together, though the panties Celine still wore was trapped between their joined fronts. Celine still had her left arm and hand available, her right having been swallowed between their bodies, but Celine moves her left hand around to Eda's rear, teasing her mothers anus before commenting...

“Wait, I wanna come again before you finish.”

“Let's come together.” comments Eda, her right hand emerging from the puddle between Celine's thighs towards the teens covered crotch yet to be absorbed and with a shocked gasp from Celine, Eda pulls the crotch of the panties aside and inserting her whole hand into her daughter's dripping pussy.

“Heh, forgot about that.” giggles Celine, before removing her left hand from her mothers rear and lowering her hand into the puddle and her hand reemerging in a similar position between Eda's thighs and pushing her hand into her mothers pussy with a moan from her.

What proceeding for the next couple minutes was a unique form of sexual activity only Geelien's could do as the mother and daughter pair moan in dual pleasure from the thrusting of their hands into each other's pussy from the puddle of their combined fluid.

Celine was the first to groan and Eda stops her thrusts before asking, “Mmm, you're close?”

“Y-Yea, you?” replies Celine.

“I can feel it coming, go faster.”

Celine quickly does and increases the pace of her thrusts, before groaning and moaning from Eda's resumed, but slow thrusts.

Shortly after, although Eda began to groan from her approaching climax, Celine quickly moans out, declaring, “Do it!” as she climaxed, fluid gushing out around Eda's thrusting hand.

Immediately after, Celine's moan increases in volume, along with Eda moaning out as Celine's entire waist, panties, climaxing pussy, tail and all quickly melds into Eda's, the panties momentarily trapped inside the woman's body as she gives her own climaxing moan as Celine's orgasm brought on hers and the two combined into one more powerful climax as fluid floods out of Eda's pussy.

Joined at the waist, Celine and Eda's moan's briefly harmonize before the rest of the teens body merges into her mothers, finishing with her head swallowed into her mothers chest and the woman lays on her back grabbing at her left breast and fingering her climaxing pussy intensely as a large puddle surrounded her.

Celine, inside her mother, could also still feel the combined pleasure of their orgasm, along with the pleasurable and comforting warmth of this most intimate embrace, no limbs, no body, just pleasure surrounding her, enveloped by it, even becoming it for her mother.

When the combined pleasure of the climax passes, Eda continued to pleasure herself and Celine sharing in the sensation, but not quite as intensely, though she did reabsorb much, but not all of the goo surrounding her. Eda seemed to be continuously melting, but able to balance out the rate of her mass loss with reabsorbing it, allowing a persistent puddle to remain under her.

After absorbing her daughter, Eda's body had changed a bit, a little taller, a foot at most, hips wider, but most noticeably, were her breasts, much of Celine's mass being transferred to them and were considerably larger, easily at least double and more the original F-cups, very easily allowing Eda to suck her own nipples without the need to move her head as she fingers her dripping pussy which seemed to flow like a faucet and produce loud wet squelches from Eda's fingers moving in and out.

“Ohhh, Celine, you make your mothers breasts so much better!” declares Eda, before moving her hand from her pussy to pinch and pull the nipple of her neglected right breast and she resumes licking and sucking her left breasts nipple.

I'm glad you like'em.” states Celine in Eda's mind. “I wouldn't want my breasts that big.

“Ohhh, you don't know what your missing!” comments Eda, before pinching and pulling her left nipple now and rubbing her thighs together.

Shortly into Eda's self pleasure, the husband walks into the open door of the room, briefly smiling at the sight, before commenting...

“Hey you two, I found a written note in one of our dresser drawers.”

“Oh really?” asks Eda, getting to her feet and turning to her husband with a grin, continuing to tease her nipples with a moan, though Celine comments.

I found a note too, heh, it lead to a dildo.”

“Oh...” comments Eda, before walking to Avery, leaving a melting trail behind her before pressing her breasts against her husbands chest. “Celine says she found a note too, it lead to a dildo.”

“Really?” asks the man with a smile, as he places his hand to Eda's waist, before the woman coos as his right hand enters her and he pulls out Celine's panties from her and tossing them towards the bed. “Perhaps we should see what the owner left us.”

“Heh, it can wait.” comments Eda, lowering her hands to Avery's shorts, unbuttoning, unzipping and letting them fall to the floor, revealing Eda wasn't the only one going commando as his currently unaroused cock was revealed. Eda gently began to fondle the organ as she continued, “We already marked Celine's room, how about we do ours next?”

“Absolutely.” replies Avery. “Not just our room, let's mark the whole house.”

“Lovely!” declares Eda, kissing her husband for a few moments before pulling back with a grin and happily hurrying towards the their room, her sizable breasts bouncing with each step.

The man chuckles at Eda's gleeful horniness as she enters the room giggling, Avery steps out of his shorts and picks them up before heading towards their room.

His smile grows when he sees Eda sitting on the side of the bed, one foot on the floor and the other lifted onto the bed, presenting herself to him as she teases her flowing pussy with one hand and her right nipple with the other.

“Come on...” urges Eda, grinning. “What's taking you so long, give us that that cock. Our pussy is getting impatient.”

“Well I can't have that, now can I?” replies Avery, pulling off his shirt and walking towards Eda, who quickly lifts herself fully onto the bed, laying back as her husband joins her on the bed and leans over her, smiling and grabbing at her large breasts with a moan from Eda.

Her moan was soon muffled as her husband kisses her, though only briefly as he lowers his lips to her chest, licking the valley between her breasts before claiming her right nipple in his mouth with a gasping moan leaving Eda.

The woman though, soon places her hands to her husbands head and lifts him from her nipple.

“Mmm, no... no teasing, Celine already got me warmed up, we want that cock. Fuck us already!” declares Eda with a grin, caressing the mans cheeks, who smiles and sits up.

“You always get so horny when you absorb Celine.” he comments, before Eda's grin grows when she sees her husbands penis suddenly double in length to two feet and girth doubling. “You want this?” he asks, grabbing his larger cock with a bigger smile.

“Yes!” declares Eda eagerly. “We want it!”

“Does Celine really want it too?” he asks, leaning over Eda and placing his cock to her pussy but not pushing in, causing Eda to coo and squirm her hips, teasing herself against the cock-head.

“Yeah, Celine wants it too.” answers Eda, before Celine, quickly assuming what was about to happen, comments...

Come on! Not again!

Shortly after, Eda's entire upper body widens, even her head, soon a third, much smaller breast forms to Eda's left, before a second emerges as Celine's head splits from Eda's, the two girls upper-bodies literally conjoined at the side, still retaining one set of legs and arms.

Celine though groans in embarrassment and quickly comments, “You two know I don't like doing this!”

“You know though I don't like you taking the easy route and speaking through your mother.” states her father, smiling. “So say it yourself, do you want this cock?” he adds, pushing a little of the head of his cock into their eager hole with a moan coming from both, Eda and Celine.

“Y-Yes...” answers Celine lowly.

“Yes, what?” teases Avery as a gasp leaves Eda and Celine as the head of his cock fully slips into their pussy.

“I-I want your cock!” declares Celine a little louder than her first answer, though closing he eyes. “Give us your cock dad, p-please.”

“Yes.” adds Eda. “Please, give it to us, fuck our shared pussy!”

“Gladly!” declares Avery as he suddenly thrusts all two feet of his cock fully into the pair, his length visibly reaching into their belly, just under their breasts as a loud gasp comes from Eda and Celine.

“Yes!” exclaims Eda. “Go all the way through our pussy!”

“More!” declares Celine, using her control over the left arm and hand to grab at the bed under them. “Deeper!”

Avery said nothing, only grinning in delight at the mother/daughter moans and gasps as his cock visibly grows, reaching a little deeper, reaching into their chests.

Eda and Celine's moans and gasps suddenly grow in volume again as the lengthy, thick cock retreats, though not fully before returning into them.

This quite unique manner of sex, the man fucking both, his wife and daughter's shared body and pussy with his now nearly three-foot cock, reaching depths impossible or at least fatal for any non-geelien race continues over the course of a very quick fifteen minutes. Eda and Celine sharing multiple heightened climaxes as their moans fill the room and travel throughout the house.

Avery gave a slight groan and moan, but continues to thrust without stop as Eda and Celine moan out louder yet again as the man grabs each of their breasts, pulling and teasing their nipples as more orgasms quickly follow.

Celine and Eda's mass continue leaving them, Eda's breasts being the most noticeable thing to shrink in size as the bed overflows with their liquid falling off the sides and their limbs drip rapidly, their toes and fingers seeming to meld together, their hands and feet appearing more like mittens and socks.

It was minutes later, the man's increased groaning told of his moment nearing and it was Celine, not Eda, who was the one to eagerly declare as yet another climax reaches them...

“D-Do it dad! Ahhhhh! F-Fill us up! Fill us upppppp! Drown our bodies in your cum!”

Eda and Celine didn't have to wait long at all before he gives a loud moan as he buries cock into them as a darker fluid bursts from the head of his cock and into their chests, briefly swirling around inside them with a quickly harmonized moan from Eda and Celine before a slighty darker pinkish fluid burst out of Eda's body between her and Celine's heads to the bed.

After the first lengthy ejaculation, the man pulls back as his penis begins to shrink in length, allowing following lengthy ejaculations to remain inside Eda and Celine's body.

When the man's climax had finally ended, his cock had returned to it's normal length inside Eda as the darker fluid forms a swirling, tapering column inside her towards the penis, which Eda and Celine smile at seeing.

“So much to absorb...” comments Eda, moving her right hand into her chest and swirling it around even more.

Celine soon separates herself from Eda, pulling her upper-body free and allowing her the use of her right hand, though her mother whines as her breasts fully shrink back to normal.

“Aww, you're leaving already?” asks Eda, smiling, as Celine separates their lower bodies, and stands to the right of the bed, smiling as well.

“Shouldn't we move on to another room now?” asks Celine.

While Celine had separated from her mother, the teen still shared some of her fathers cum in her body, slowly moving throughout as it gradually began to disperse.

“Hmm, you have a point.” comments Eda, before sitting up and grasping her husbands cock. “At least one orgasm a room.”

“I'll follow you two.” replies the man, smiling as he gestures with his hands for Celine and Eda to lead.

“Let's go to the other bedroom.” declares Celine, heading out of the room.

Eda happily follows her daughter, her tail flicking excitedly, while Avery brings up the rear.


“Oh! I have an idea!” declares Eda with a smile as the trio walks into the room, before the woman turns to her husband and drapes her arms around his shoulders, kissing him lovingly for a few moments as she wraps her right leg around him. “Let's join up.” suggests Eda. “I'd like to borrow that cock of yours and fuck Celine real good.”

Celine, only smiles at Eda's comment, walking to the bed and sitting down, though lowering her right hand between her legs to tease herself, bringing out a soft moan as she slowly fingers herself.

“Sure.” replies Avery, smiling and wrapping his arms around Eda's waist and kissing her.

The two quickly moan as the man begins to meld and merge into Eda, taking only seconds before Eda was the only one standing with a moan, lifting her hands up to her breasts, caressing them as they quickly grow to their previous size.

Turning around, Eda grins at Celine, who smiles, leaning back slightly on one hand and spreading her legs as she continues to tease herself, giving a moan as she rubs her clit, her pussy drools with a thin stream leaving her. Celine's smile grows when an erect cock, her fathers cock, grows out just above Eda's pussy and grows to two feet in length and two inches in girth. Like the rest of her body, the new appendage drips as well.

“You want this cock Celine?” asks Eda, grinning, stroking her new appendage.

“I've already answered that.” comments Celine.

“Well you wont have a problem answering again then, right?” asks Eda, walking in front of her daughter, her cock level with Celine's mouth.

“Heh, you two always want me to say it.” comments Celine with a smile.

“It's nice to hear. So do you want it or not?”

“Yes.” answers Celine, before bringing a coo from Eda as she leans forward and licks the head of the cock. “I want it, I want it so bad mom.” adds Celine, smiling, before briefly sucking on the head of the cock, causing her mother to moan. “I want you to stick it in and fill me up till I overflow with your cum.”

Eda grins and places a hand to Celine's head.

“To be resistant to it, you're very good at asking for our cock when you do.” comments Eda, before placing her other hand to her daughters head and bringing a brief, muffled gasp from the teen as Eda thrust her hips, forcing all two feet of her thick cock into Celine's mouth and out through the back of her head. “Mmm, you ask so well I can't help but give it to you!”

Eda gives two more thrusts through Celine's head before pulling her cock back fully.

“Will you suck our cock?” asks Eda.

“OK, but make sure you come in my pussy, ok?” replies Celine. “It'll be a waste if you come in my mouth and it shoots out the back of my head.”

“OK, but remind me just in case.” states Eda, smiling.

Without further delay, Celine lifts her hands up to her mother's cock, holding it steady before leaning in and licking at the head, bringing another coo from Eda, before a moan follows when Celine began to suck and lick the head of the cock.

For about the next minute, Celine brought her mothers moans out only from her focused sucking on the head of the cock, but Eda adds to her pleasure as she lifts her hands back to her breasts, squeezing them as she also moves her tail between her legs to tease her dripping pussy.

Celine earns herself a lengthy moan from her mother as she began to take more of her mother's sizable cock into her pliable mouth. After just a few back and forth motions though, Eda was quickly disappointed when Celine pulls her mouth away, though the teen comments...

“Soften up some.”

The cock immediately reduces in firmness, but still erect enough to stand at attention own it's own. Moaning quickly resumes from Eda as Celine takes the cock into her mouth again, more of it as well, instead of going through the back of her head though, the cock bends down into her throat as Celine began to swallow the length of the cock, bringing a long moaning from Eda as Celine soon reaches the base of the cock, placing her hands to her mother's hips.

The retreat brought an equally long moan from Eda.

“Ohhhhh! Yes! Swallow our cock!” she moans as Celine pulls the cock nearly fully out, before making the return trip.

A very quick seven minutes pass as Celine deep-throats her mothers cock, never fully leaving her throat and with the woman’s increased moaning and comments of praise, Celine knew her mother was close and pulls her cock free of her mouth with a whine from the woman as Celine smiles at her, though slowly stroking her cock.

“I'm close!” declares the woman.

“Did you forget already?” asks Celine. “I want you to cum in my pussy.”

“Oh, that's right.” comments Eda.

“It's a good thing I was in control...” replies Celine, before releasing her mother's cock and turning herself around with her back facing Eda and leaning forward on her hands and knees, presenting her rear and pussy to her mother. “Now fill this hole with all the cum you want-Ah!”

Celine barely finishes her statement before feeling her mother's hands grab her waist and bringing a sharp gasp of surprise from her as she felt the sizable cock easily stretch her pussy as the cock suddenly filled it, but only one foot of its length.

Celine's gasp quickly shifts to a pleasurable moan as Eda begins to thrust quickly.

Within a dozen or so thrusts, Eda moans out as she comes, joined by Celine as the darker fluid jets deeply into Celine's body, very briefly seeming to fill up an internal organ from the neat circular outline before the darker fluid suddenly expands out, gathering in the teens belly, swirling around with further streams of cum into her body and mixing into the nearly dispersed cum of her father.

Eda's climax, lasts just moments, but a large, swirling, dark 'cloud' now occupied Celine's body, who lowers her head to the bed with a smile on her face.

Removing her still erect cock, Eda strokes herself with a smile, gazing at Celine's dripping body, specifically her labia and anus.

“You're not tired, are you?” asks Eda.

“Of course not.” answers Celine.

“Good.” replies Eda, reaching her left arm around Celine's chest and lifting the surprised teen up on her knees before a gasp leaves her as she felt all two feet of the cock fully bury itself into her through her rear opening. “Have you forgotten what you said? I'm going to fill you up till you're overflowing.”

“Heh, you don't have enough mass for that, even with dads help.” comments Celine.

“True, but that just means you have to lose some...” comments Eda, before Celine gasps into a moan as her body began to shrink and appear younger, as Eda began absorbing her, stopping at around the visible age of seven or eight. As a result, the shrink in size caused the two foot cock to take up much more space inside Celine, reaching into her chest, nearly into her neck and the cum inside her also took up much more area, almost her whole torso.

Size wasn't the only change though, with a gasp, Celine sees her arms shrink to nothing, along with her legs, the teen-turned-child was now just a torso, though Celine still retained her tail. Melded to the waist of Eda, Celine appears to trade places with the cock, though with it visible inside Celine and Eda pulling her hips back a little only to thrust into her daughter with a moan from the teen, shows that she still had the cock.

“Yes... this will do nicely.” comments Eda with a grin and holding her daughter at the waist.

“Really?” asks Celine with a chuckle. “My arms and legs?”

“Well this way, you certainly won't be able to hold all the cum I fill you with.” comments Eda, moving herself onto the bed, turning Celine around on her cock to face her before placing Celine on her back and bringing out her moans as she began to thrust her two=foot long cock through Celine's anus and into her shrunken, limbless body.

Her responses limited, Celine could only moan and squirm her torso in pleasure as Eda thrusts into her rapidly, with the sole purpose of orgasm and filling her daughter's body with her cum. Celine though did manage to reach a single climax, her body arching in pleasure, moaning out loudly as fluid gushes out of her pussy.

As Celine comes down from her moment, continuing to moan and squirm from Eda's persistent thrusting, the woman soon declares...

“I'm gonna come!”

Within seconds, Eda moans out loudly in orgasmic bliss as her cum rockets from her cock, easily and quickly reaching into and filling Celine's head with a moan from the teen. During her climax, Eda remains aware enough to control the depth of her thrusts as she sees more of her cum filling her daughters body.

Within the span of about eight seconds, every remaining inch of Celine's body was darkened, even her hair, with her mothers cum, who continued to fill her as she moans, thrusting herself fully into Celine again and grinning when she sees her cum shooting out from Celine's head.

“You're all filled up! You can't hold anymore!” moans Eda as cum shoots through Celine's head a couple more times before Eda sighs with relief, shrinking her cock to nothing. After the large amount of mass being transferred into Celine, Eda's body had noticeably changed, she and her breasts were slightly smaller.

Separating herself from Celine, Eda smiles when she sees Celine groan briefly, her arms and legs starting to reform before giggling and going limp as a large, dark puddle suddenly spreads out around her entire body resting on the bed.

“Hehe, it's too much to absorb at one time with my body like this, at least give me back my arms and legs.” declares Celine with a giggle.

“Hehehe, you look so cute being overfilled.” comments Eda, lifting her daughter up off the bed and seeing the excess cum quickly draining from her body like a faucet.


- Later that night -

Walking into her moon-lite room, Celine was completely naked with a smile on her face.

“Today was a really good first day.” she comments happily as she walks to and crawls into her bed, laying on her stomach and closing her eyes, ready to sleep.

Her mind quickly began replaying the days events; Celine really didn't want to come to Merkolova for fear of the peoples attitude towards her. The responses weren't as bad as she thought it would be though, their first official meeting of the neighbors, went better than she ever thought it would and made two very good friends, Becky and Sammy.

The two little girl's really made her day, so accepting of her. The only thing she regretted being with the two was not learning more about them, spending much of their time together fooling around pleasuring each other. Celine would've liked to have known the two a bit more before doing what they did, but it didn't bother her too much.

This was a whole new world with different customs and rules, plus Sammy and Becky were Tragelian's after-all, it just proved the rumors she heard true, rather than getting to know the person first then get more physical, Tragelian's behavior was reversed, sex was first and getting to know them came after, at least it seemed to be the case.

Celine couldn't help the chuckle from leaving, commenting to herself, “I think the only thing I know about those two is that they would run around outside naked if they could, Becky likes Sammy to lick her clit and Sammy likes Becky to suck her cerick. Oh and I did find out the trances are true, but that applies to all hybrids. Oh well, I'll just have to make a point to learn more about them tomorrow.”

Thinking about her time with the little girls though, Celine smiles as she moves her tail between her legs to tease her lower lips.

“I really did have fun with them though.” she comments, turning over, spreading her legs as she adds her right hand between them along with her tail as she lifts her left hand up to her left breast, teasing herself with a moan. “Heh, they'd probably like it if I told them I played with myself while I thought about them. Hehe, mmm, I would like to absorb them though, I bet they'd like being inside me. I wonder what effect absorbing them would have on me since their Tragelians...”

Moments into her self-pleasure, Celine gasps and she quickly leans over towards the nightstand and opens the drawer, revealing the two didoes and a smile coming to Celine's face.

“Almost forgot about you two. Time to put you guys to work.”


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