- 2:47 P.M. -
- Kellen residence, living room -
Entering her home, Celine happily declares...
“Mom! Dad! You won't believe what happened at school today!”
“What is it!?” comes Eda's excited reply as she hurries out of the kitchen, wearing a pink, knee-length dress.
“Where's dad!? Is he here!?” asks Celine excitedly.
“No, he's still at work.” replies Eda.
“Oh yeah, that's right, well I'll tell him when he gets here. Guess what!?”
“I officially have a girlfriend! My first one!” declares Celine happily, briefly hopping up and down.
“Oh that's wonderful!” replies Eda happily and hugging her daughter. “I'm so happy for you!” she adds, before pulling back and asking, “What's her name?”
“Katia and she's a Nex! She's so cute too!”
“Oh.” replies Eda, clearly a little caught off guard.
“What?” asks Celine.
“N-Nothing, I just wasn't expecting it to be a non-Geelien. It's just as wonderful all the same though.”
“So your not disappointed or anything?”
“About you not having a Geelien girlfriend? Of course not!” replies Eda with a smile. “So do you two have any plans today? Do I get to meet her?”
“Hehe, we decided to take things slow for now.” replies Celine with a smile. “I told her I've never had a girlfriend before, so she didn't want to rush me into anything.”
“How nice of her.”
“We exchanged Comm numbers though, so we can call each other whenever we want.”
- An hour and a half later, 4:23 P.M. -
- Celine's room -
Even after happily informing her father about her first girlfriend, who was just as happy as Eda with the news, Celine was still very excited as she lays back on her bed, staring up to the ceiling. The TV was on, but the Geelien's focus wasn't there.
'Maybe I should call her?' thinks Celine. 'I wonder what she's doing right now... hehe, maybe she's wondering what I'm doing.'
Celine giggles before quickly sitting up.
“I need to find something to do in case she calls, but what do I do? Chores would be kinda boring, I could ask mom or dad... mom would probably want to frak- wait a minute! The one important thing I forgot to clear up with Katia!”
Celine lifts her Comm and quickly inputs her new girlfriend's number, after just a few rings, a window appears revealing Katia's smiling face.
“Hey Celine, I was just thinking about calling you! I thought it might be a bit silly though since we talked right after school.”
“Me too.” replies Celine. “There's something I wanna ask you, it's really important.”
“Ok.” replies Katia.
“Do you want me all to yourself or is our relationship open?” asks Celine.
“That's a good question.” replies Katia. “I forgot to bring that up. Do you prefer one over the other?”
“Yeah, but I want to know your view on it first.” answers Celine.
“Well, I prefer being with just the person I'm with, but it's not a deal-breaker for me if my partner can give me a good reason why they still want to frak other people. Although our relationship isn't too serious right now, I think getting this out of the way would be a good thing.” explains Katia.
“Yeah, well, I prefer the open kind of relationship.” replies Celine.
“I see...” replies Katia, smiling a little. “I suspected that. I just have a couple questions; If you frak your parents, that doesn't bother me, so aside from your parents, is there anyone else right now that you consistently have sex with?”
“Yeah, two little girls in my neighborhood, heh, it's almost everyday. I do have sex with a few of their friends off and on, but it's not very consistent like with the two little girls.”
“That's it?” asks Katia, looking a little puzzled. “Just two little girls in your neighborhood and their friends off and on?”
“Yeah, heh, what, you were expecting more?” asks Celine with a smile. “I've only been here a couple weeks.”
“Heh, well yeah, I was expecting a lot more.” replies Katia with a little giggle. “There's no one at school you have consistent sex with?”
“Nope, actually, the only people from school I've had sex with was; Sakura, once, Reni, once and I guess Abby sorta counts.” answers Celine.
“Wow, well I'm fine with what you've told me, when the time comes, I want you to stop having casual sex with other people, specifically Sakura, the two little girls are fine though.” replies Katia.
“Why Sakura specifically?” asks Celine, wondering why Katia would single her out.
“Yanno, Sakura has a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, Takeda, I think, I met him when I first start coming to the school.” replies Celine.
“Sakura doesn't act like she has a boyfriend at all.” comments Katia with a little frown. “She'll frak anyone whose nice to her and her 'boyfriend' isn't any better, their both the class Cum Dumpsters.”
“Wow, Sakura's a, Cum Dumpster?” asks Celine. “I've heard her mention that once, but I didn't pay any attention to it.”
“A Cum Dumpster is a person who gets filled with everyone's cum, they 'dump' all their cum into the person, usually to overflowing. It's not really a nice thing to be called, at least at school, but Sakura likes it and doesn't even try to hide it.” replies Katia, expressing confusion at the end of her statement.
“Oh, I didn't know that about her.” replies Celine.
“Sorry, I know she's your friend and all, she is nice, but if we weren't classmates, I wouldn't associate myself with someone like her.”
Although, despite hearing this, a smile comes to Celine's face.
“It's weird.”
“What is?” asks Katia.
“You're not the first person to say something like that about Sakura. I met one girl who called her a slut, and Mindy called her that yesterday, do you think of her that way too?”
“Well, slut is kinda harsh...” comments Katia.
“I've spent the night at Sakura's home though and part of the next with her and Reni.” replies Celine. “From my time with her, Sakura is the furthest thing from what I consider a slut, she's just honest and straight-forward with what she likes.”
“Well you may be right, all I have to go on is her behavior that I see at school, I never bothered to spend any long period of time with her.” replies Katia.
“Maybe you should.” comments Celine.
“Maybe, but not now, I have a new girlfriend!” states Katia, bringing a smile back to her face.
“Hehe, so, is their anybody that YOU have consistent sex with?”
“Yep!” replies Katia happily, with a blush rising on her cheeks as she seems to reach to something and Celine gasps as Katia presents a thick, green colored dildo, looking about a foot in length and two inches thick. “I call'em the Green Monster! Hehe.”
The additional comment brings a giggling from Celine.
“That's not a person.” replies the Geelien.
“I have a VERY good imagination.” replies Katia with a grin.
“Can that even fit in you? It looks as thick as your wrist.”
“It fits alright after I warm myself up, I can't take it very deep though, just a little pass the head, but it's taking it out that can be hard sometimes, cause I tend to tense up when I try to pull it out.”
“Hehe, seriously though, is there anyone you have sex with?” asks Celine.
“Yep, I'm not a Tragelian yanno, a Nex's sex drive isn't as high as a mountain. Plus Tragelian's are nearly immune to all STD's, so they can have tons of sex without a care, that's not true for us 'normal' people. So my friend here satisfies me quite well between partners.” replies Katia, waving the toy in front of her.
“Heh, well now I feel kinda bad.” replies Celine. “You're sticking to one person while I'm having sex with other people.”
“I'm fine with it though.” replies Katia. “It's not like I have to worry about some little kids taking you from me... Although, I'm sure I look just like those kids, being a Nex and all...” she adds, eying Celine. “We have small, child-like bodies that attract certain kinds of people.”
“Heh, you don't have to worry, trust me.” replies Celine, although she quickly thought that Katia did remind her of Becky and Sammy, it wouldn't look strange if she was playing with them. “I'm not interested in them like that.”
“Good.” replies Katia, smiling before another female voice is heard from Katia's end and she answers back that she as coming, before looking back to Celine. “Well I gotta go, one of my moms wants something, it's nice we got this little issue sorted out.”
“Yeah, seeya tomorrow.” replies Celine.
The window closes after the parting comment.
“I probably should start to cut back on the frequency that I have sex with Becky and Sammy...” comments Celine. “If Katia's going to just be with me, I should try to do the same. Heh, I'm sure those two are going to be pretty disappointed, I hope they understand though.”
Celine leaves her bed with a smile.
“It's good though that Katia's ok with my parents, I wouldn't even want to stop feeling that closeness with my mom and sharing that experience with each other.”
- Kitchen -
Eda was currently in the process of placing a single plate she had washed, into the cabinet, before a cheerful Celine walks into the room.
“Hey mom.”
“Hi Sweetie.” greets back Eda with a smile as she turns to face her daughter.
“I just finished talking to Katia about if our relationship should be an open or closed one and although she'd prefer a closed one, she said me having sex with my parents didn't bother her.” states Celine.
“Oh, well that's a relief.” replies Eda. “I don't think I could keep my hands off you.”
“I felt the same.”
“I would try though, if you ever decided to only share that experience with one person.” replies Eda, walking to her daughter and placing her left hand to Celine's cheek.
“I'd never ask that.” states Celine, smiling as she lifts her right hand up to her mother hand on her cheek. “It would be my deal-breaker.”
Eda only smiles as she lowers herself and brushes Celine's bangs back to kiss her on the forehead before the teen continues...
“Heh, I'm in a really good mood right now, are you busy?”
“Not at the moment, I am planning to go out with some of my friends later today...” answers Eda, before smiling. “You have an idea to kill some time?”
“I sure do!” replies Celine happily and taking her mother's hand and leading her out of the kitchen.
- Thirty-six minutes later -
- Celine's room -
On the teens bed, Eda's form had shrunk to mirror Celine's teen form as the two embraced each other, face-to-face and legs intertwined as their combined mass pools around them and falling off the edges of the bed.
Ending a kiss, their melding lips parting in quickly thinning strings, Celine, the twin whose back was towards the closet, smiles and comments...
“I could never give this up, the way I feel when I'm with you is better than anything I've ever experienced, especially when I'm inside you.”
“It's the same for me.” replies Eda, lifting her right hand to Celine's cheek. “You've come from me, you are me and I'm you, we'll always share this closeness with each other, just like I still share it with my mother. I don't doubt though that a time will come that we won't do this much anymore.”
“Then I'm going to enjoy this as long as I can.” states Celine, before resuming their kissing.
Although, only a few seconds in, Celine's Comm, which rests on the night stand, begins ringing. Celine pulls away from her mother and retrieves the device, placing it on her right wrist as she sits up.
“Maybe it's you're new girlfriend.” suggests Eda with a smile, Celine though only giggles before answering the call, but was a little disappointed when Sakura's face appeared in the screen.
“Oh, it's Sakura.” comments Celine.
“Well sorry.” replies Sakura with a smile.
“No, I didn't mean it like that!” replies Celine.
“Hehe, I know, you just got yourself a girlfriend, I'm sure you'd rather be talking to her than me.” states Sakura.
“Not really.”
“It's ok to admit it.” replies Sakura. “Anyway, do you have anything planned for today?”
“Not at the moment, why?” asks Celine.
“Since you're such a big fan of the IPSL, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me and my friends to watch us spar and train.”
“Really!?” gasps Celine happily. “Like my own private IPSL event!?”
“Hehe, if you want to think of it that way, sure.” replies Sakura.
“Awesome!” cheers Celine, before looking to her mother, who smiles and quickly answers...
“You can go.”
“One more thing Celine...” starts Sakura. “I have a surprise for you, but you'll have to wait for it.”
“Can I get a hint?”
“Nope, no hints, I'm sure you're gonna love it though.”
- 5:40 P.M. -
- IPSL Training building -
After joining with Sakura, Celine found out that Reni and Nina would also be coming and Amu, Utah and Rima would be meeting them at their destination, along with their Fizers, Eru, Lilith and Kusu.
Currently, walking through the large building containing multiple training rooms, some clearly occupied from the sounds coming from them, Celine, dressed in a belly-revealing blouse and mid-thigh length skirt, was joined by Sakura, to her left, who also wore a blouse, her skirt knee-length; Reni, to her right, was dressed similar to Celine, though her skirt was even shorter, just reaching forward or a quick breeze would easily flash her pink panties. Nina, wearing a green, leafy dress, calmly sits on Sakura's head.
“We're headed to room six.” states Sakura. “The last one, the others should already be there.”
“Hey Sakura...” starts Celine.
“Does this place have a sauna?” asks Celine.
“Yeah.” answers Sakura. “There's also a spa here to relax after a long, intense training session.” she adds, before Reni asks...
“Why would you want to know if theirs a sauna here though? That would be like a death-trap for you, wouldn't it?”
“I'm sure it would be.” replies Celine. “It just intrigues me that non-Geelien's would use a room like that.”
“Wanna go check it out?” asks Sakura.
“We have to meet up with the others though.” replies Celine.
“It'll just take a second.” states Sakura, before taking Celine by the hand and leading her back where they came. “Come on.”
“I'll go on ahead.” comments Nina, before flying from Sakura's head and towards Reni, who continues in their original direction.
Sakura leads Celine into the woman's shower room, the Geelien could hear a few showers gong on, but to her relief, didn't encounter any naked strangers, before Sakura leads her to a white door with heavily tinted windows.
“Here it is.” states Sakura.
Celine places her right hand to the darkened windows and could easily feel the heat.
“The door's hot.” comments Celine.
“Of course it is.” replies Sakura, before opening the door a little and peeking inside. “It's empty.” she adds, before fully opening the door and Celine felt a rush of heat hit her, causing her to take a few quick steps back and to the side, opposite to Sakura, out of the path of the heat. “Oh, sorry.” replies Sakura.
“That's ok.” replies Celine, before walking to the side of the door, and giving a brief peek into the room, seeing that it's walls were a bright white and a bench traveled across the walls of the room, in one corner of the room though, Celine sees what she recognized as hot coals.
Feeling her head quickly beginning to drip though, just moments into looking, Celine returns to the side of the door and looks to Sakura with a smile as her tail flicks back and forth.
“What?” asks the blonde.
“It's strange...” comments Celine. “I should be terrified of a room like this, but I'm just curious.”
“Heh, it's not strange at all.” replies Sakura. “Some people are excited by dangerous things.”
“And this room is certainly dangerous for me...” replies Celine, before peeking into the room again, and smiling at an exciting thought. “Hey, is it possible to get locked in there?”
“Nope, for obvious safety reasons, there's no lock and the door is slightly smaller than the door-frame, so the heat won't make it expand and get stuck.” answers Sakura, before smiling. “You want go in don't you?”
“Just a couple seconds.” replies Celine, smiling and moving back from the door.
“Hmm, I probably shouldn't let you, but that could lead to you trying this alone. ...Five seconds, no more, you walk in, I close the door and I'll count to five and you come out.”
While Celine was just as nervous as she was excited, also understandably fearful, the Geelien quickly steps into heated room and the door closes behind her and she could hear Sakura's count.
During her brief stay in the oven of a room, Celine could feel and see the immediate effect of the heat on her body, which gains a glossy shine as her mass began to evaporate from her and her lifted hands melt like hot wax.
With only five seconds, the room's door opens soon after closing with Sakura commenting, “Times up.”
Celine quickly leaves the room with a giggle as Sakura closes the door.
“Hehe, that was exciting!” comments Celine.
“I'm sure it was.” replies Sakura with a smile. “You basically walked into an oven- hey, your tails gone!”
“Oh.” replies Celine, looking back and seeing her lack of the appendage and reforming it. “Guess my tail would be the first thing to go in that situation.”
“Well lets get you a protein shake or two from a vending machine and go join up with the others.” replies Sakura.
After getting herself two bottles of protein to replenish some of what she lost, Celine and Sakura were headed the room their friends had gathered, on the way though, Celine was reminded of her new girlfriend's comments about Sakura.
“Hey Sakura...” starts Celine.
“I remember when you visited my home for the first time and you mentioned to my dad that you were the class Cum Dumpster.”
“Yeah, I am.” replies Sakura, smiling.
“I found out today though that being called that isn't a good thing, why are you happy about it?” asks Celine.
“'cause I am!” declares Sakura happily. “I love the feeling of getting repeatedly filled with cum till it's gushing and oozing out of me. That's why I loved it when your dad fraked me, he could fill me up so good! The only downside was it was only one person fraking me. I love getting gang-banged and worn out. If at the end, I'm covered in cum and honey, have a belly full of it and oozing out of my pussy and ass and it's all I can taste and I'm too tired to move, that's a great time to me.”
“Heh, wow.” replies Celine with a smile.
“People call me a slut because I'm happy to be a Cum Dumpster and love getting all my holes filled, but in my opinion, I'm not a slut for one, very important reason.” states Sakura.
“And what's that?” asks Celine.
“I know the people I frak.” answers Sakura. “I can name each person that puts their dick and cerick in me. The moment I start fraking strangers, then I can be called a slut, but until then, I'm not.”
“How many people do you think you've had sex with?” asks Celine.
“Just about everyone in gym class.” answers Sakura, “I don't frak people who are mean to me, but even Mindy had a go at me once, I walked in on her in the locker room as she was trancing and she begged me to help her out, so I offered myself to her.”
“Really?” asks Celine. “I thought Mindy would be the last person you'd frak.”
“Heh, the funny thing is, during the whole thing, Mindy was fighting with herself about it, she loved what I was doing, but didn't like that I was doing it. Eventually she started dominating me and I think the rest could be considered hate-sex on her part, hehe, she came really hard over and over.”
“Heh, geez, well what about your boyfriend though?” asks Celine.
“What about him?”
“Well what does he think of you being a Cum Dumpster and getting gang-banged?” asks Celine.
“Oh, he doesn't mind, he likes it too. Hey, actually, watching two boys frak gets me super horny!” declares Sakura happily.
“Really?” asks Celine with a smile.
“Absolutely! I dunno exactly why, but seeing Takeda taking it in the ass by another guy makes me sooooooo wet!” states Sakura, smiling wide with a blush rising on her cheeks as she closes her eyes at the thought. “Plus when he's getting fraked, he moans like a girl and seeing he's cock and balls flapping from the thrusts, ohhhh...” she adds, before clutching her crotch and closing her thighs around her hands as she stops walking. “Darn you Celine!”
“What did I do?” giggles the Geelien.
“Getting me turned on thinking of my boyfriend getting fraked, I came here to train.”
“Hehe, sorry.”
Sakura pulls her hands from herself and takes a few deep breaths.
“It's not much further to arena six, lets just hurry and meet the others before you talk me into a trance.” replies Sakura.
“Heh, ok.”
To be continued