- The next day, Telios (Tuesday) -
- 10:40 A.M, Local School, Cafeteria -
“So, how\'s your day going so far?” asks Gina.
Celine, Gina and Helani sat at their usual table in the cafeteria, though this time, Gina and Helani sat together; The pink-haired teen wearing a T-shirt and fitted jeans, while her raven-haired girlfriend wore a tank-top and skirt, Celine was on the other side of the table, also dressed in a tank-top and skirt.
Spooning some mac and cheese into her mouth, Celine gives a little chuckle before answering...
“Well, considering what happened yesterday, not all that bad. It\'s not like it was a complete shock like the rumor.”
“Really?” asks Gina, smiling. “So you don\'t feel like you\'re gonna lose it again?”
“Heh, nope. While some of the questions I\'ve got were a bit embarrassing, some were pretty amusing.” replies Celine. “Like this one girl in my second hour, she asked if Abby absorbing me was like us having sex.”
Both girls giggle, before Helani asks...
“Is it?”
“No.” answers Celine. “Although there is some form of absorption in sex between Geelien\'s, like melding at points of contact to full absorption like what happened yesterday, a full absorption is more like a, um... the closest hug possible, it just feels comforting.”
“I get it.” replies Gina. “Hehe, it\'s like a fat person hugging you, you just get swallowed up. Oh, is there such a thing as a fat Geelien?”
“Actually there is.” answers Celine. “While all Geelien\'s start out with a \'normal\' shaped body and can change their appearance some, we have a normal solid form. Like the way you see me now, I don\'t have to put much thought into maintaining this form, I even retain it to a degree when I\'m sleeping. However, if a Geelien eats a lot, over time, their body gets used to the amount their eating, so they eat more and more, gradually, their bodies get bigger. So yes, fat Geelien\'s exist, their not very common though.”
“Wow...” comments Helani, smiling. “Well Geelien\'s have the benefit of easily losing weight.”
“Sometimes too easily though.” replies Celine. “Just being in the sun causes us to gradually lose mass, plus when we start melting from our emotions, we can\'t always gather up our lost mass either.”
“Easy come, easy go I guess.” replies Gina.
“Right...” comments Celine. “But doing normal everyday stuff, there\'s no real danger for me. Heh, unless I decide to have sex in a sauna.”
“Hehe...” giggles Gina. “A sauna would be like a death-trap for you.”
“Yeah, I\'m sure it would.” replies Celine. “Though I was surprised to hear about such a thing. Are there really rooms that non-Geelien\'s use to basically cook themselves in?”
“Yep.” replies Helani. “If you use them properly, their supposed to be good for your body, you can like, sweat out all the crap in your body.”
“Have either of you two been in one?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Gina. “We both have. Their pretty nice if you can take the heat. It\'s best to go in them naked and bring a towel to sit on so you don\'t burn yourself when you sit or lay down. Feeling your sweat just drip and roll down your body feels great.”
“Does this school have a sauna?” asks Celine.
“Not anymore.” answers Helani. “It was removed for safety reasons. Two students decided it was a good idea to have sex there and nearly died.”
“Wow, really?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Gina with a sigh. “Two idiots ruin it for the rest of the school. All the sauna stuff was taken out, so the room is just empty now.”
“But...” starts Helani with a smile. “The room is pretty much known now as a sex room, \'cause that\'s basically all that happens in that room now.”
“Hehe, really?” asks Celine with a giggle.
“Yeah.” replies Gina. “The room is sprayed down once a day, but I heard, before the school found out what was happening in that room, it smelled horrible. People who used it didn\'t bother to clean up after they were done.”
“Well that\'s pretty rude of them.” comments Celine.
“Yeah.” replies Helani. “No one wants to smell some strangers dried honey or cum.”
“Heh, maybe I\'ll check the room out.” states Celine. “Where is it?”
“It\'s in the pool shower room, just before door leading to the hall that takes you to the pool.” replies Gina.
“Oh, that weird empty room with the drain in the middle.” states Celine with a gasp. “I\'ve only looked in their once and didn\'t see anyone in there.”
“Yeah...” starts Gina. “Usually, when gym class is at the pool, not many people go there. The room gets the most use after school.”
“I see, well there\'s not enough time to really do anything between classes. So after school makes sense.” replies Celine, before Helani adds...
“Doesn\'t mean people don\'t skip classes though.”
Just a few minutes pass while Helani and Gina chat with each other and Celine silently eats, however, Helani spots the Geelien staring at her, with a look of thought on her face.
“Something wrong Celine?” asks Helani.
“Heh, no, just a thought came to me. It\'s nothing.” replies Celine with a smile, placing the last spoonful of mac and cheese into her mouth.
However, Helani could see Cline slight dripping and smiles...
“Well now I\'m curious, what were you thinking?”
“It\'s stupid, really.” replies Celine, getting increasingly embarrassed.
“Come on!” urges Gina, smiling. “Tell us what\'s on your mind!”
“Ok, fine.” sighs Celine, with a little smile of her own. “I was wondering about Tragelian trances.”
“What do you want to know?” asks Helani.
“Well, you two have trances right?” asks Celine.
“Of course.” answers Gina, before Helani chuckles and adds...
“We are Tragelians after all.”
“Yeah...” comments Celine. “Well, although I haven\'t known you two for that long, I\'ve never seen ether of you trance.”
Gina answers, “Well school isn\'t the best place to do that, there\'s so many time restraints.”
“Besides...” starts Helani. “You\'re not with us the whole day. Just yesterday, after lunch, I had to ask to leave the classroom \'cause I felt a really strong Trance coming.”
“Oh, well there\'s these two little girls I\'m friends with at home, and they Trance pretty frequently.” replies Celine.
“Reeeally?” asks Gina with a grin, as well as Helani.
“Y-Yeah...” replies Celine. “Anyway, what I was originally thinking, was how it would be weird if I saw Helani Trancing.”
The raven-haired teen looked genuinely surprised by the comment and asks...
“Why would you think that?”
“Well... how can I put it...” starts Celine, briefly averting her eyes in thought. “You seem, more in control of yourself, even when Gina\'s yelling at you, you try to speak to her calmly, at least for a little while.”
The comment brings a light blush to Helani\'s cheeks and a smile.
“Well thanks.” replies the Raven-haired teen. “But I can promise you, I\'m like any other Tragelian when I trance, a horny mess.”
The comment brings a giggle from all three, but Gina adds...
“Although, Helani tends to have Trance Attacks more often than usual.”
“Trance Attacks?” questions Celine. “There\'s more than one type?”
“Just two.” answers Gina. “A Trance Attack is a rare version of a normal Trance, where instead of the person masturbating like crazy, they\'ll actually seek out someone else whose nearby, usually whoever\'s closest and \'surprise sex\' them, hehe.”
“You mean rape.” comments Helani with a smirk.
“Wow...” replies Celine. “So a Trance that targets other people?”
“Yep.” answers Gina. “Sometimes it\'s hard to tell which is which though, but there are a few things that can tell you if it\'s a normal Trance or not; If you can still talk some sense into someone who trancing or you can easily push them away, it\'s not an \'Attack\' Trance, if it was, the person would be ALOT more aggressive and even violent, you have to knock them out if you wanted them to stop.”
“Wow, really!?” gasps Celine.
“Yep.” answers Gina. “But the most \'serious\' difference, depending on the person\'s sexual orientation and how strongly they\'re attached to it, a Trance Attack completely overrides a person\'s sexual preference. So a girl whose only into girls could go after a guy if there are no girls around.”
“That would be horrible!” comments Celine. “It\'s like you\'re not even in control.”
“Right, plus, Trance Attacks usually leave the person with no memory of it.” replies Gina. “So that lesbian who just frakked a guy would never know unless she woke up with the guy or the guy tells her.”
“Geez...” comments Celine.
“On the plus side though, Trance attacks are rare and if you allow yourself to have normal trances without fighting them back constantly, you\'d only get the Attack one once a month or even less.” states Gina.
“Well that\'s good.” comments Celine.
Gina giggles and adds, “But Helani tends to get\'em twice a month, probably the stress of all that studying.” before teasingly nudging her girlfriend, who smiles and replies...
“Or maybe it\'s the stress of dealing with you.”
Celine giggles at the exchange, before Gina questions with a grin...
“So, tell us about these little girls you know. You say they trance a lot, you\'re into little girls huh?”
“Hehe, it\'s nothing like that.” replies Celine nervously at what Gina was implying.
“What is it like then?” adds Helani, grinning as well.
“They were the first two who became my friends when I first arrived here.” answers Celine. “So I have gotten really attached to them, their really nice and fun to be around, they have lots of energy too and they introduced me to their friends around the neighborhood, so in like the first week of me being here, I went from zero friends to a lot of them.” continues Celine happily.
Helani and Gina smile at Celine\'s cheerful comment, before the Raven-haired teen comments...
“That\'s great, moving to a completely new place can suck, so those two little girls were like the bridge to help you open up and not be so nervous and shy.”
“Right.” replies Celine. “I\'m very grateful to them for that. If I hadn\'t met them even my experience in school may have been different.”
“So...” starts Gina. “What sort of stuff do you do with these little girls?”
Celine giggles nervously, dripping a bit before answering, “Fine, fine, we have sex a lot, that\'s what you want to hear isn\'t it?”
While Helani only smiles from the comment, Gina giggles before replying...
“Is that how you met them? Tragelian kids like to frak like rabbits.”
Helani though looks to Gina and comments with a smile, “You talk like we\'re any better.”
“Well I can control myself better than a little kid can.” replies Gina, smiling, before Celine answers...
“It\'s not all we do, the first thing I did with them was join them in a water-gun fight.”
“Hehehe...” giggles Gina. “Wow, that\'s so unfair for them.”
“Anyway...” continues Celine, smirking at what Gina was implying. “It was after the water-gun fight that the two started to get curious about me and my body, which leads to us going into one of the girls homes.”
“Then you fraked them.” comments Gina, grinning.
“Heh, more like they fraked ME.” replies Celine. “I was really embarrassed by the whole thing. Anyway, since I\'ve known the two, I\'ve always thought they were girlfriends because of the way they are around each other, but yesterday, I found out their not, one has a girl at school she likes and the other actually has a girlfriend, who I met and she didn\'t like me at all, hehe...”
“Really?” asks Helani. “Why didn\'t she like you?”
“Apparently, her girlfriend was constantly telling her about all the awesome things I had done to her and claimed that I had taken her girlfriend from her.”
Helani and Gina gasp, before smiling and commenting, “You monster!” before Gina continues, “Coming between two little girls in love, how horrible!”
“It\'s not even that serious you two.” comments Celine, smiling at the teasing. “I didn\'t even know about the girlfriend.”
Helani and Gina giggle before the raven-haired teen asks, “So, what kind of \'awesome\' stuff have you done?”
“Heh, I dunno if I should say.” replies Celine, smiling. “I\'m already dealing with enough gossip about me, I don\'t want to add a flood of horny girls after me.”
“Ohhhh...” replies Gina, smiling wide. “You\'re THAT good?”
“Let\'s just say...” starts Celine. “No place in your body is off-limits to me, I can reach into the smallest of spaces.”
It was Helani\'s turn to coo in delight at Celine\'s tease, before asking...
“Come on, give us at least one thing you\'ve done!”
Smiling at Helani\'s eager request, Celine simply answers, “Maybe later.” bringing a whine of disappointment from both of her friends. During their whines though, Celine sees a familiar, pink-haired Nex, the one who started the rumor, stand from her table ahead of her two tables ahead and sees her head towards the one of the exits. Guessing she was heading to the bathroom, Celine removes herself from the table, commenting...
“I\'ll be right back, there\'s something I need to do.”
Hurrying to catch up with the Nex, who wore a tank-top and jeans, Celine calls to her.
The Nex turns to see Celine, and gives a little smile.
“Hey...” the shorter girl answers lowly.
“About yesterday-” starts Celine, before the Nex cuts her off.
“It\'s ok, you don\'t have to say anything.”
“But I want to.” replies Celine, smiling. “After having time to think about it, I just want to say I forgive you.”
“R-Really!?” gasps the Nex.
“Yeah, I didn\'t handle the whole thing very well, I\'m not very good handling gossip about me anyway.”
“Thank you so much!” declares the Nex happy before Celine is a little surprised when the smaller girl suddenly hugs her. “I should\'ve kept what I heard in the bathroom to myself!”
“It\'s ok, I said I forgive you.” replies Celine, attempting to relax the Nex, patting her on the back, though taking some delight in being able to touch her wings, before the Nex pulls back with a smile and tears in her eyes, bringing a gasp to Celine as she adds, “Whoa, you don\'t need to cry!”
“It\'s ok.” replies the Nex. “I just get super emotional, even with the smallest things. I\'m just so happy, I was worried that you\'d hate me for ruining the small time you\'ve been here.”
“Heh, well I don\'t hate you.” replies Celine, smiling.
“Thanks, by the way, my names Vivien.” states the Nex. “My friends call me Vivi though.”
“And I\'m Celine.” replies the Geelien, extending her right hand. “Though I\'m sure you know that.”
- 11:50 A.M. -
- Gym Class -
Instead of the usual shorts, Celine decided to go with the gym pants, but she wasn\'t very active at the moment, joining a few other students sitting on the bleachers, Celine was off by herself though, partly watching the other students enjoying themselves and partly thinking to herself, the current topic on her mind was if Sakura really had shown the couple of pictures she had taken to her modeling friends.
\'I wonder what it would be like as a model...\' thinks Celine. \'Geelien\'s are rare here though at the moment, so it\'s not like I\'d be the best choice though, more like the only choice.\'
Moments into her conflicting thought though, the Geelien hears a familiar voice call her name and bring her back to reality as she looks to her right to see the Red-headed Nex she was jogging with yesterday and admitted her feelings for her, sitting beside her, wearing the shirt and shorts gym set.
“So Geelien\'s can space out too, huh?” asks Katia, smiling.
“Heh, I was just thinking.” answers Celine.
“About what?” asks the Nex, resting her feet on the edge of a lower bleacher bench and leaning forward, placing her arms on her lifted knees as she looks to Celine, who notices the brief flutter of her small wings with a little smile.
“Do you think I would make a good model?” asks Celine.
“Uh...” starts Katia, clearly taken by surprise from the question. “I dunno, you thinking of applying?”
“I dunno, a few days ago, Sakura mentioned that she thought I\'d be a good model and talked me into taking a couple of pictures so she could show to her \'contacts\'.”
“Wow, that\'s nice of her!” replies Katia, “You already have an advantage from Sakura putting a good word in for you, plus, there aren\'t very many Geelien\'s on Merkolova, you\'re pretty much guaranteed a modeling deal!”
“Heh, yeah, I guess so...” states Celine lowly.
“You don\'t sound too happy about it.”
“Just nerves I guess...” replies Celine, before looking to her new friend and asking, “Hey, you admitted you liked me yesterday...”
Katia\'s cheeks redden some with a smile.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Why?” asks Celine. “I\'ve only just started coming to this school. I could be a jerk for all you know.”
“But you\'re not!” replies Katia happily. “I\'m pretty sure about that. Heh, but the reason I like you, to be honest, is a bit shallow; You\'re really attractive, your body is so smooth and clean. I\'m sure your body attracts dirt and dust like a magnet, but you always keep yourself clean and clear. And when we\'re outside, the way the light hits your body sometimes and shines right through you, leaving an outline of your body, it\'s really pretty. Plus, although it\'s not very unique, I like your tail too.”
Hearing the lengthy compliment of how this girl saw her body, brings a feeling of embarrassed delight from the Geelien, her body starting to drip, which brings a little giggle from Katia.
“Heh, I like when you\'re melting, that\'s pretty too.”
“Thanks.” replies Celine, smiling.
“You\'re welcome.” comments Katia with a smile. “So, what is it you like about us Nex, hmm? Is it our adorable little bodies?”
“Heh, pretty much.” answers Celine, smiling as well. “You look very cute to me, plus your tiny wings which are too small to fly with only makes you even cuter in my opinion.”
“So you like my wings huh?” asks Katia happily, before fluttering her wings.
“Wanna touch\'em?” asks Katia, turning her back to the Geelien and lifting her wings.
“Sure.” answers Celine, before reaching her hands out to the small appendages, though adding, “Is there anything I shouldn\'t do?”
“Just no pulling, that really hurts.” answers Katia.
Knowing what not to do now, Celine takes each wing into her hands and began to caress them. From closer inspection, Celine could see that the wings weren\'t as thin as an insects wings, they had a bit of thickness to them, just enough to squeeze between her fingers and she could see small veins traveling through them to make up a sort of design.
“Can they feel pain?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, they\'ll bleed too if cut.” answers Katia.
Celine continues her inspection and moves up the Nex\'s wings, where they emerged from her back, moving her fingers under the wing slits of her shirt, Celine feels the hard joints which allows the wings movement and was surprised when Katia gasps and leans forward, away from her hands.
“Did I hurt you?” asks Celine.
“No, that spot is just really ticklish for me.” replies Katia.
“Oh.” replies Celine, smiling a little, before placing her hands flat against the Nex\'s shoulder-blades, but it was clear than more than just bone was there. “Can you move your wings a little?”
Katia does so and Celine smiles as she feels extra muscle movement from the wing\'s movement.
Celine soon pulls her hand away and Katie turns around and sits up.
“Hey...” starts Celine, looking a little nervous, “Uh, is it true that you have two pussies?”
“Yep, but I\'m not gonna show you out in the open though, I\'d rather go to the locker room for that.” replies Katia, smiling.
“Heh, that won\'t be necessary.” replies Celine.
“Hehe, don\'t worry, I\'m not like those Tragelians, I won\'t rape you. Not like it\'s possible to rape a Geelien anyway, heh.”
Celine only giggles from this comment, but Katia\'s cheeks redden again before taking Celine\'s right hand and placing it on her belly.
“Guess where your hand is right now?” asks Katia.
“Uh, on your stomach?” answers Celine.
Celine presses her fingers in bit, feeling something unusually soft under the Nex\'s shirt and a slight moan leaves Katia.
“Umm, you have an innie belly-button?” asks Celine.
“Hehe, Nex don\'t have belly-buttons.”
“Well I give up, what am I touching?”
“One of my pussies.” answers Katia, grinning, causing Celine to gasp and snatch her hand away.
“Yep, a Nex\'s baby-making pussy is right here...” replies Katia, pointing to her belly. “We call it our Secondary Vulva.”
“What about between your legs?” asks Celine.
“That\'s our Primary Vulva, it looks like any other pussy, just lacking a clit, but it just protects our actual sex organ we call a bothritus.”
“Bothritus?” questions Celine. “So wait, you have three sexual organs?”
“Heh, no, weren\'t you listening?” replies Katia, “Our Bothritus is our actual sex organ, we push it out of our \'vagina\' between our legs, it looks similar to an unbloomed flower, or breast. It contains our dna that we inject into the secondary vulva of another Nex.”
“Wow, so Nex sex involves one Nex basically sitting on another Nex\'s stomach and bouncing until the top one climaxes?” asks Celine.
“For making babies, yeah.” answers Katie. “But us Nex have the advantage of no accidental pregnancies, the secondary vulva is basically only used for \'real sex\' between Nex. Plus, our secondary vulva has a regenerating hymen that hurts a lot when broken.”
“Wow, so Nex have a completely different view on sex.” comments Celine.
“Yep!” replies Katia happily, “A Nex could put her Bothritus into the primary vulva between another Nex\'s legs and cum her brains out and there\'s absolutely zero risk of making a baby, it\'s like two guys rubbing their dicks together, or two girls rubbing their pussies together, the only thing it creates is a sticky mess.”
“Heh, I guess so.”
“But hey!” gasps Katia happily. “It\'s the same for Geeliens! You reproduce asexually, so you don\'t even need another person to make babies, but you still pair up with others and frak.”
“Well you\'re right about that.” replies Celine. “Sex isn\'t even part of the process of Geelien reproduction.”
“That\'s just amazing to me!” comments Katia. “My understanding of sex and reproduction is like, two sides of the same coin, as some Tragelian\'s would say, but for you, it\'s completely separate, two totally different coins.”
“Heh, well I guess that\'s one way of putting it.” replies Celine.
“How does it work anyway, Geelien reproduction?” asks Katia. “From what I\'ve read, you eat a lot more to gain mass and when you get enough, you split.”
“That\'s pretty much it.” replies Celine. “A Geelien would absorb a ton of protein and water, a bit more protein than water, but once they reach the amount of mass they want, they split and create a younger clone of themselves.”
“How long does it take?” asks Katia.
“From the absorbing to the splitting?” clarifies Celine.
“Yeah, it doesn\'t take months like us flesh and blood types, I know that.”
“Well, it depends on what \'age\' the parent wants their clone, but it doesn\'t take more than a day.” answers Celine.
“A day!?” gasps Katia. “You could clone yourself in a day!?”
“Heh, well I\'m too young to clone myself right now, but when I\'m older, yea.”
“Wow, I can\'t believe there aren’t billions and trillions of you, if you can clone yourself in a day.”
Celine only giggles from this comment, before Katia adds...
“Hey, what\'s the earliest thing you remember?”
“You mean my memories right? Not my mom and grandma and so on?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, what\'s your first memory? Can you remember being born?”
“Yeah, I can.” replies Celine with a smile.
“Ohh, really!?” asks Katia with amazement and shock.
“Yep, the very first thing I remember as my consciousness formed was being surrounded by a warm, comforting feeling...” replies Celine, smiling from the memory. “I wasn\'t scared, sad, worried or any of the negative feelings. I didn\'t know where I was or even who I was in that brief time, but I wanted to stay in that place forever. Then images came to me, they were coming so fast and I couldn\'t keep up, but then, a voice spoke to me, it said: “Everything\'s alright.”, at that moment, I knew that voice belonged to my mother. It was only two words, but it calmed me. She continued speaking to me, telling me who and what I was and where exactly I was and she prepared me for the moment I separated from her, which was still a shock. I felt so free where I was, but then I felt like I was being squeezed, closed in and I felt like I was being pushed and the next thing I know, I feel myself laying on my back, naked. My mom tells me to open my eyes and the very first thing I see is her smiling face looking down at me and saying: “Welcome Home”.” explains Celine, smiling through the entire retelling of her birth.
“Wow...” gasps Katia, wide-eyed and her wings fluttering.
Celine begins dripping a bit before looking to Katia, “Heh, you\'re actually the first person I\'ve told that story to.”
“That was amazing!” replies Katia. “So you were conscious as you were still forming!”
“Heheh, yeah.”
“Is there anymore to the story?” asks Katia.
“Well, after my mom greeted me, I smiled and spoke my first word, \'Mommy\', hehe...” replies Celine, giggling, along with Katia, who comments...
“Anyway...” continues Celine, “My mom told me I might not be able to move for a while and she was right, I couldn\'t move at all, so she lifts me to sit in her lap and she just holds me, talking to me as I got comfortable in my new body and the sounds and sights around me, we were in my moms bedroom.”
“Aww, that\'s so sweet!” replies Katia happily.
“Hehe, what about you?” asks Celine. “What\'s the first thing you remember?”
“Nothing like what you just described, I can tell you that!”
“I don\'t remember being a baby at all. The earliest memory I can remember is peeing on my mom for some reason.” answers Katia, with a blush quickly rising on her cheeks with a giggle, along with Celine.
“Hehe, really!? Why were you peeing on her?”
“I don\'t remember, all I do remember is climbing on her bed, standing over my moms head and pulling off my diaper before letting lose on her face.”
“Hehe, wow, I\'m sure your mom was mad at you.”
“I don\'t remember if she was or not, but when I told that story to my mom, she said she was angry and I got a spanking.”
“What\'s a spanking?” asks Celine.
“Oh, it\'s a type of physical punishment, someone would take some sort of flat object, their hand usually, and hit your butt repeatedly. It really hurts too, especially if you have to pull down your pants and underwear, a bare-butt spanking hurts the worse! You\'re lucky you don\'t feel pain.”
“Heh, lucky me.” giggles Celine, before asking, “So, how does a Nex give birth? I\'m assuming if it\'s the pussy on your belly that receives you\'re, sperm, I guess, that means the baby grows in your stomach.”
“Before I answer that, just to clarify, we Nex don\'t like the term \'sperm\', we prefer \'dna\' or just cum.” replies Katia.
“Oh, ok.”
“Afterall, I look nothing like a guy.” adds Katia with a smile. “Anyway, a baby doesn\'t really grow IN our stomach, our secondary vulva leads to our uterus and it\'s positioned in a similar area that other females are, just upside down. As the baby grows, our bellies get big like all the other females of the other races. But giving birth is a bit different for us, instead of laying on our back or squatting, we position ourselves on our hands and knees, with a pillow below us, but someone else usual has their hands just below the mother\'s belly, ready to catch the baby as it\'s pushed out.”
“Wow, that\'s different.” replies Celine. “Though it makes sense, there\'s no way a Nex would be able to give birth on their back, or even standing.”
“Yeah, it\'s impossible.” confirms Katia.
“Hey you two!” calls the familiar voice of Sakura jogging up to them with a smile, wearing the Gym shirt and shorts. “What are you doing just sitting there?”
“We were just talking.” answers Katia, smiling. “Did you know Celine remembers being born?”
“No I didn\'t, wow, really Celine?” asks Sakura.
“Heh, yeah.” replies Celine, before looking to Katia and adding. “I told you, you were the first person I told that story to, of course she wouldn\'t know.”
Katia only giggles briefly, before the two turn their attention back to Sakura in front of them who \'Hmmm\'s\' as she eyes them curiously.
“What?” asks Celine.
“This is only the second day you two have spoken to each other and you seem awfully friendly for such a short time meeting each other.”
“You\'re one to talk.” comments Katia with a grin. “How long was it before you threw yourself at Celine?”
Sakura responded with a giggle and blush, “Anyway...” starts Sakura. “To the point I was going to make...” The blonde steps closer and leans forward with her hand on the level of the bleacher that Katia\'s feet rest before whispering... “Are you two a couple?”
Both girls in questions gasp and Katia was quick to deny it, however, while Celine was about to do the same, she couldn\'t will the words from her mouth and found herself recalling yesterdays talk with Katia. She did like her, Katia was nice and cheerful, the fact that she was a Nex only helped and the small teen admitted to liking her.
\'If knowing a person is your requirement, then you\'ll never have a girlfriend!\'
\'Maybe I should take the first step...\' thinks Celine. \'I\'ll have to eventually if I ever want a girlfriend... and Katia, could be my first...\'
Dripping considerably as she had made up her mind, Celine answers lowly...
“Huh?” replies Sakura, looking to Celine and smiling. “Hey, you\'re gonna melt right out of your clothes, I didn\'t think you\'d be THAT embarrassed.”
“Y-Yes...” repeats Celine, more clearly, looking to Sakura, then Katia, who after a moment, blushes deeply with a look of shock and Celine smiles. “I-If Katia wants me.”
It was Sakura\'s turn to look on with shock as tears brim Katia\'s eyes and the Nex throws herself on the melting Geelien, both nearly falling from their seats as Katia answers...
“YES! I want you!”
The Nex\'s wings flutter in excitement while Celine giggles nervously from Katia\'s happiness and briefly returns the hug. Celine though sees Sakura smile, before turning and leaving, giving them some degree of privacy.
Moments after the blondes departure, Katia pulls back, tear streaks down her face with a smile.
“Do you really want to be my girlfriend!?”
The question was not at all quiet, and Celine giggles nervously as she was sure more than a few eyes were on them, but continued to look at Katia\'s excited face, into her deep red eyes and was confident in her answer.
“Yes, I want you to be my first girlfriend.”
“And only girlfriend, hopefully.”
“Oh, heh, right, should\'ve left out that first part.” replies Celine, bringing a giggle from Katia and to Celine\'s surprise, she hears a bit of clapping behind her and looks back to see the other students who were sitting on the bleachers as well, looking towards them, clapping and congratulating her.
To be continued