Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 37)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 37

Title: Chapter 10-4


Tammy demands that Celine must prove herself to her, but the Felene discovers she may have bitten off more than she can chew.]

Celine was about to reply, but stopped. Celine never had a girlfriend, what right did she have to tell Tammy how she and Sammy's relationship should be? Not long ago, Celine didn't even know about Tammy, so she knew nothing about the inner workings of their relationship.

Sammy, seeing the concerned expression on Celine face, but mistaking it as her feelings being hurt, pulls away from Tammy and states to her...

“That was a little mean.”

“She right.” comments Celine.

“Huh?” replies Sammy.

Celine kneels down before sitting back on her legs and looks to Tammy with a little smile. “Tammy's right, I don't have the right to tell you how your relationship should be.”

“Hmph!” retorts Tammy with a smirk.

“Wait...” states Sammy. “I don't understand.”

“Sammy...” Starts Celine. “Becky, the true is, I've never had a girlfriend.”

“What!?” gasps the two and Becky getting to her feet and walking closer to Celine and adding, “Really!?”

Though Tammy laughs and adds...

“Ohh wow! You've never had a girlfriend and you're trying to tell ME what I should do!? I'm pretty sure there's a word for people like you.”

“I'm sure there is.” comments Celine.

“You've really never had a girlfriend?” asks Becky.

“Nope, but I've had really close friends, like you and Sammy are, but we never considered ourselves girlfriends.”

“Wow...” comments Sammy. “I was sure you've had at least one girlfriend.”

“Well...” starts Celine with a smile. “Guess we learned something surprising about each other today.” she adds, before looking to Tammy and extending her right hand out to her again. “We both treated each other badly, how about we call it even?”

“Hmm...” thinks Tammy, looking to the Geelien with a little frown, crossing her arms over her chest, but soon looks to Sammy as the pink-haired girl places her left hand to Tammy's right upper leg with a smile.

“Come on.” urges Sammy. “Celine can do stuff that feels so good!”

A small blush rising on her brown cheeks, Tammy answers...

“F-Fine.” states the Felene, before extending her right hand to Celine and shakes her hand again. “A truce, for now.”

“Heh, for now huh?” replies Celine with a chuckle.

“I'm still not convinced you're as good as Sammy says you are.”

“Hehe, really?” asks Celine.

“Yep!” declares Tammy before standing, her bald crotch eye level with Celine. “So show me what you got! Lets see how awesome you are.” demands Tammy, with her hands to her hips.

“Hehe...” nervously giggles Celine. 'What has Sammy been telling her?' she thinks.

Sammy though removes herself from the bed and whispers to Celine's left ear...

“Do that ovary thing!”

“I think that's a little too much to start her off on.” replies Celine.

“Do it!” challenges Tammy, with a blushing smile. “Give me your best shot!”

With Tammy's challenge, Celine quickly recalled her track record with teasing her friends ovaries and couldn't help but smile, the Felene didn't know what she was asking.

Standing, Celine looks down to the little girl with her hands on her own hips.

“Are you sure you want my best shot? You might have trouble standing afterward.”

“Well do it, if you can.” replies Tammy.

“Fine, lay on your back and spread your legs.”

“Ok.” states Tammy as she walks around to the foot of the bed, sits and lies on her back, spreading her legs, presenting the blushing lips of her labia to the Geelien, before Celine lowers herself to her knees between the Felene's legs.

“You can still back out.” warns Celine with a smirk.

“I'm not backing out of nothin'!” replies Tammy.

“Ok then...” states Celine, before moving her right hand towards Tammy's aroused, brown lips.


“Wait.” states Becky, before lowering herself at Tammy's head and pulling the Felene's hands above her head and pinning them to the floor.

“H-Hey, what are you doing?” asks Tammy.

“Making sure you don't try to escape.” replies Becky.

“Oh!” gasps Sammy with a smile. “I got a better idea!” she adds, before taking one of the ropes Tammy used earlier and tying the Felene's wrists together. “Now grab her legs Becky.”

“Ohhh, I see!” replies Becky, before reaching over Tammy's body and pulling her legs up and over her body, lifting her butt in the air.

Though Becky soon offers Tammy's right leg to Sammy, before moving to the Felene's left side and the two girls display Tammy's flexibility as they spread the Felene's legs to nearly a full split

“W-What are you two doing!?” asks Tammy, squirming in vain as her face reddens brightly as the lift and spread of her legs fully exposes her pussy and anus to Celine.

“The same position all the time is boring.” states Sammy. “Plus, this way, when you come, your come will shoot up in the air like a geyser!”

“Yeah.” adds Sammy, looking to Celine. “Tammy's a squirter!”

“I noticed earlier.” comments Celine with a smile as she moves herself a little closer to Tammy's lifted body.

“Aww, geez you two. I didn't want my pussy right in her face.” complains Tammy, before her tail lifts up and covers her exposed pussy and anus.

Celine though smiles at the futile attempt to cover herself, before grabbing the Felene's tail in her left hand and pulling it away.

“You have a pretty little chocolate pussy though.” teases Celine, smiling before patting the Felene's puffy lips with her right hand a few times, before stroking them, bringing a small flinch and groan from the little girl. “Sammy, you wouldn't mind if I warm your girlfriend up a little more, would you”?


“H-Hey!” states Tammy. “You're just supposed to be doing that one thing!”

“Well you're not really in a position to demand things right now.” comments Celine with a smile, before releasing Tammy's tail and using both of her hands to tease the Felene's labia, stroking, spreading and squeezing them together, messaging the lips for just over a minute.

Celine feels the Felene's light trembling from her tease and sees her anus frequently winking at her.

“Hmm, I've just teased the lips so far...” comments Celine, before patting the puffy mounds again, causing Tammy to moan softly and squirm. “Seems like their pretty sensitive for you.”

“They are.” states Sammy. “Especially when she's horny. She'll come if you play with her pussy-lips long enough.”

“Really? I might have to try that later, but for now, I just want Tammy nice and wet for me...” replies Celine, before pulling her hands from the Felene's blushing labia, with a small sigh from her, before Celine places her left hand to Tammy's right cheek of her butt, stroking her while moving her right hand to the upper cleft of the Felene's labia and bringing a flinch and gasp from her as Celine teases her clit poking out of her clitoral hood.

“Let's get this little girl here to full attention then we'll get to main event.”

During the next minute or so while Celine flicked, rubbed and squeezes the Felene's little nub, urging it further from its protective hood as it grew, Tammy continues to moan and whine, squirming her hips as her labia and anus clinches frequently, in the mix of her moans though, were groans.

Celine assumed the groans were from fighting back the urge to orgasm, but she was only partly right; bound as she was and with an unusual stranger teasing her, Tammy's groans were the evidence of her fighting back requesting more. A strange new person was teasing her so well, Tammy didn't want to embarrass herself by asking for more when the 'main event' hadn't even begun.

However, Tammy traded one potential embarrassment for a guaranteed one with a hard groan and Celine was delightfully surprised when a small, brief spurt of clear fluid ejects from Tammy's urethra, and falls on the Felene's face. A second, slightly larger spurt leaves the groaning Felene before a gasp and moan leaves her as a forceful stream of cum shoots from her urethra a little over a foot in the air, before slightly arching and raining down on Tammy's face for a few seconds.

The Felene's climaxing pussy quivers, along with her body before her squirting ends abruptly, but two more weaker, but quick spurts leave her as she shutters and shakes, moaning out from the pleasurable spamming of her climaxing pussy while Becky and Sammy 'Ohhh's' and giggles from the sight.

Grinning, Celine waits for the Felene's climax to run its course through her body, a final, tiny spurt leaving her with a flinch, reaching an inch or two in height, followed by a relaxed sigh. Celine brings a gasp and another flinch from Tammy as she lightly strokes her sensitive labia, her fully erect clit in clear view now.

“Nice orgasm.” comments Celine.

“S-Shut up.” replies Tammy, with a frown, turning her dripping, blushing face away.

“Heh, I'd say your warmed up enough now.” states Celine, before looking to Becky and Sammy. “Make sure you guys hold her good. Don't want Tammy running away.”

“I-I'm not gonna run!” replies Tammy.

“Good.” states Celine, stroking Tammy's pussy again, bringing a small groan from her. “Has Sammy told you about the time I played with her honey-makers?”

“T-That's what you're gonna do!?” gasps Tammy, wide-eyed.

“Scared?” asks Celine with a smile, before slowly plunging her right hand into the Felene's still climax-sensitive vagina with a groan from her and Celine felt the walls clench around her hand.

“N-no, of course not.”

“Good.” replies Celine, before threading her hand through the Felene's cervix with another groan from her. “This shouldn't hurt, but I'm sure you'll speak up if it does.”

From practiced action, Celine was able to quickly locate the opening to Tammy's left fallopian tube and with a gasp-turned-groan from her, feels Celine moving through the tiny tunnel.

“Ahh! Nngh!” groans Tammy as she squirms. “Y-You're reaching, s-so far into me!”

The experience was completely alien to Tammy, she never thought someone could reach so deeply into her, it felt violating in some strange way, similar to feeling another person fingering her pussy for the first time. Tammy didn't voice this feeling though, before another gasp leaves her as she felt a mild sense of relief as she felt Celine reach the other end.

“I'm through.” states Celine.

“Y-You're, inside me... comments Tammy, with shock in her eyes at the imagined and felt depth Celine had reached.

“I sure am.” states Celine. “...and the real fun starts now, hope you're ready...”

Tammy's breath quickens in a combination of nervousness, anticipation and fear at what was to come. The Felene's body immediately flinches hard, Becky and Sammy holding her steady as she felt a pleasurable jolt shoot through her body as she felt something very sensitive deep inside her was touched.


“Ohhh...” moans Celine with a smile, pulling her tendril from the little girls ovary. “You're the first Felene to react that strongly from the first touch, guess everyone does react differently. Tell me Tammy...” adds Celine, placing her tendril back to the Felene's ovary, bringing another gasp and strong flinch from her, before continuing to moan out and squirm as Celine began to slowly caress the smooth organ. “What does it feel like?”

Tammy was not at all prepared for the sudden, high degree of unusual pleasure, because of that, she could hardly think straight and instead of not answering, which was her first thought, the pleasure she felt overrides that thought...

“S-So weird!” answers Tammy. “Y-You're n-not in, my pussy anymore!”

“But it feels really good, don' it!?” happily asks Becky, continuing to hold Tammy's squirming leg, but adding to the Felene's pleasure as she lightly teases her leg with a hand.

“You come really quick too!” adds Sammy, mimicking Becky's action, though adding licking her girlfriends right foot.

Celine doesn't let up on the Felene and circles the girls ovary, bringing an increased squirming from Tammy. Unlike Sammy and Becky, Tammy's organ didn't swell very much and since it didn't produce honey like a Tragelian, from past experience, Celine didn't need to pull her hand out when the little girl came.

Which didn't take very long, perhaps thirty or so seconds into the continued stimulation before the Felene groans hard and a tiny geyser erupts from her urethra, no higher than maybe an inch, before Tammy gasps out and the tiny geyser suddenly growing, quickly shooting a little more than a foot in the air and maintained for a few seconds before shrinking in height, but the flow doesn't stop as the tiny stream gains strength with another gasp from Tammy.

The stream briefly ends with a quick sigh from the Felene, before suddenly starting up again with another moan and decreased height as she showers herself in her cum, moaning and squirming frantically in pleasure as frequent, tiny spurts leave her for the majority of her orgasm.

To Tammy's shock however, Celine didn't stop her action and while the pleasure of her orgasm starts to fade, as usual, but slowly, it seemed her ovary had gotten even more sensitive. Just moments after the end of her climax, she felt another speeding towards her and could do nothing to even delay it as she moans out again, climaxing once again, though just two short spurts of cum leaves her.

Following another rapid orgasm, but her body unable to forcefully release her cum now; unable to produce enough of it fast enough, what remained simply streaming out of her like a poorly closed faucet and dripping down on her face; Tammy felt if this continued, her pussy spasming wildly and her ovary throbbing in pleasure from Celine's continued actions, she'd go crazy. She had to stop this and quickly wraps her tail around Celine's arm before declaring...

“I-I give up! I c-can't take it, Nngh... a-anymore!”

To her great relief, Tammy felt the teasing of her ovary come to an end, before groaning as she felt Celine pulling her hand from her fallopian tube, The tiny passage throbbing as well as the Geelien retreats from her womb and free of her quivering, slightly gaping pussy.

Celine wasn't quite done with Tammy though, smiling at the clinching, brown wet lips quickly closing around the gape of Tammy's young pussy, the Geelien once again pats and rubs the Felene's labia, bringing a flinch and groan from her for a few moments as Celine messages the twin mounds.

“So...” starts Celine. “Satisfied?”

“I-I guess...” states, averting her eyes from Celine as her body continued to flinch and jerk from the lingering pleasure and Celine's attention. “You're alright.”

Celine simply giggles, before giving the Felene's puffy lips a quick kiss and and tonguing, bringing a whimper and squirm from the little girl, then one more pat before moving back a little, allowing Becky and Sammy to release Tammy's legs. Becky unties her hands, allowing Tammy to quickly lower them down between her legs as she leans over to her right side with a relieved moan, bringing a giggling from Sammy.

“Told you Celine's awesome!”


Once Tammy had recovered enough to stand minutes later, the Felene now sat at the edge of Sammy's bed moaning softly as her girlfriend was on her knees behind her, teasing her furry ears, while Tammy repaid the affection with lifting her tail between Sammy's legs, teasing her pussy with the furry appendage.

Becky had briefly left to get them a snack and Celine sat to Tammy's right, still only partly dressed.

“So...” starts Celine, looking to the Felene. “Have you're opinion of me changed?”

“You're ok.” answers Tammy simply, though a small blush rose on her cheeks.

Celine smiles at the response, before looking to Sammy, who pinches the tips of Tammy's furry ears and lightly pulling them.

“So, which of your ears are the dominant one?” asks Celine, hoping to get to know Tammy a little.

“The ones Sammy are playing with.” answers Tammy.

“Is Sammy the only one allowed to touch them?” asks Celine.

“Yep, so don't bother asking.”

“Heh, figured as much...” replies Celine, before leaning back on her back, looking up at the ceiling before adding. “Sorry about bringing it up again, but can you help me to understand you and Sammy's relationship?”

Tammy sighs before answering, “It's not that hard to understand, Sammy likes being tied up.”

“But what about fraking her like a guy?” asks Celine.

“I told you, she likes it.” repeats Tammy, before turning around to look at Celine, while Sammy pulls her hands from the Felene's ears, though lowers them between Tammy's legs, bringing a little flinch from her. “S-Sure, it may not be her favorite thing, but I-I like it.”

“So that's it.” states Celine, sitting up with a smile. “You like dominating Sammy in that way.”

“Fine, I do, so what?”

Celine looks to Sammy and asks, “So what do you think?”

“It's not my favorite, but I do like it a bit, it's not like Tammy's a real boy anyway. It's like I'm not supposed to like it, but I do, and that makes it really naughty.” answers Sammy, before a small groan comes from Tammy and the Felene spreads her legs a bit as Sammy teases her clit with one hand and stroking her labia with the other.

“So, let me see if I got this straight, while you're against the idea of being fraked by a boy, which is what that odd dildo represents. Tammy, whose a girl, dominating you and fraking you like a boy turns you on?”

“Uh, yeah.” answers Sammy, after a moment of thought to understand what Celine was saying.

“That's still odd to me.” comments Celine. “It's a contradiction- wait a sec!” adds Celine before gasping. “That's it! A contradiction! That's what you're turned on by. You're not into boys, but Tammy fraking you like a boy is a sort of naughty loop-hole.”

“Uh...” replies Sammy in confusion. “I think you might be over thinking it.”

“Maybe I am.” comments Celine. “Just one more question, you'd be 'against' Tammy using that dildo on you while you're on your back and she's on top, right?”

“Yeah, but I like that one a bit more than the doggy-style one.” answers Sammy. “With the other one, I can still see Tammy's face, so I know its her doing it, it's the same when I'm on top and Tammy's on her back. I was really against Tammy doing it earlier because it was in front of you, it was really embarrassing.” she adds, eying Tammy during the latter end of her statement, who comments with a blush...

“I-I was just proving my point, and I was angry.”

“I have an idea.” states Celine with a smile. “Sammy, how about you punish Tammy?”

“That's a good idea.” replies Sammy, smiling.

“What are you gonna do, spank me?” teases Tammy, before Celine comments.

“I think a similar punishment you gave Sammy would be good. Sammy, what's something Tammy would be against?”

“Hmmm...” thinks Sammy, looking at her girlfriend, before gasping with a smile. “Ohh, I got it!”

The pink-haired girl quickly pulls her hands from Tammy and heads out of the room, but nearly runs into Becky coming back, holding a tray, which carried a couple of baloney sandwiches and a few cans of pop.

“Whoa, sorry.” comments Sammy.

“That's ok.” replies Becky. “Where are you going?”

“Gonna get something for Tammy's punishment.” states Sammy happily before leaving down the stairs.

“Tammy's punishment?”

Entering the room, Becky sees Tammy sigh and comment...

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this punishment?”

“Got an idea of what Sammy's thinking?” asks Celine with a smile.


Becky though walks towards and on the bed, placing the tray down between the three, before they each take a sandwich and a few bites from it.

“Becky...” starts Celine. “How would you feel about being fraked like Sammy was by Tammy?”

“As long as it's not a boy, I'd be fine with it.” answers Becky.

“Interesting.” comments Celine. “So I could absorb my dad and you'd be OK with me fraking you like a boy?”

“Um... I dunno.” replies Becky. “Wouldn't it still be your dads thingie?”

“Hmm, you have a point there.” replies Celine. “I would need my dad to even have the cock.”

“I dunno if I'd be ok with it.” states Becky. “You're dad would be in you, so it's like he would be doing me too.” she adds with a frown.

“Good thing I asked then.” comments Celine.

“Sammy's pretty weird with it though.” states Becky. “But it doesn't bother me, everybody has things they don't like.”

“True...” replies Celine. “Is there anything sexual you'd be against?”

“Yeah, being rough.” answers Becky. “I don't think pain goes well with coming.”

“What about you Tammy?”

“I like pretty much anything, except if it involves poop, or treating me like cat.” answers Tammy, groaning at the latter end of her answer. “Argh, I HATE it when people do that, calling me kitty or kitty-cat or offering me a glass of milk, that's just rude and disrespectful!”

Celine only chuckles a little at Tammy's answer, during her short time attending school, she quickly learned that most Felene's had a similar view, Canine's as well.

It was shortly after, that Sammy returns and Tammy's eyes widen in shock as Sammy held a small bowl of what clearly looked to be milk.

“You have GOT to be kidding!” declares Tammy.

“Heh, this is payback.” replies Sammy, walking to the foot of the bed, before placing the bowl down on the floor and kneeling down next to it. “Come on Kitty-Kitty, come drink your milk.”

Tammy's groan started low but quickly rose in volume.

“I can't believe you would talk to me like that in front of other people!” declares Tammy, removing herself from the bed and looking down at Sammy angrily.

“And you fraked me like a guy in front of Celine.” replies Sammy.

“Yeah, but you still liked it a little!” states Tammy. “This is completely different!”

“This is your punishment Tammy.” replies Sammy with a smile. “You don't have to drink it all, just a few licks, like a kitty cat.”

Red-faced and groaning in embarrassment already, Tammy soon looks to Becky and Celine.

“You two turn the other way!”

“Nope.” states Sammy, bringing a gasp from Tammy. “You made Celine watch me AND made me tell her why I didn't like it while you were doing it, so your going to be watched too.”

Tammy groans with a her fists clenched tightly, before without another word, lowers herself to her hands and knees, looking down to the bowl of milk.

However, just as Tammy began to lower her head, Sammy covers the bowl with her hands, causing Tammy to lift her slightly teary face up to Sammy in wonderment, who smiles.

“Now you know how I felt.”

An immediate smile comes to Tammy's face.

“So I don't have to drink the milk!?”

“No, I'd feel horrible if I made you do it, I just wanted you to feel what it was like for me.”

“Oh thank-you!” declares Tammy, before quickly hugging Sammy, who giggles and returns the embrace, before commenting.

“I'm not as crazy as you.”

However, a chill runs down Sammy's back as Tammy whispers in her ear...

“You're so going to pay for this later. I'm gonna tie you up and rape you doggy-stye hard till it's not rape anymore and you're begging for more.”

Which brings a nervous giggle from Sammy.


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