- Later that day -
- 4:46 P.M. -
- Sammy's room -
“Yeah!” cheers Sammy.
“It's not over yet!” declares Becky.
Occupying the pink-haired little girls room, Celine lies on Sammy's bed, on her stomach nude as she watches her two friends playing a fighting game. Sammy was currently winning and stood in excitement, wearing just her white panties with pink hearts, while Becky sat on the floor, naked with her legs crossed
As the two fighters life bars drained, Sammy was getting increasingly excited and animated while Becky was quite focused, before...
“What! Noooo!” declares Sammy as Becky cheers...
“Yeah! Gotcha!”
As Becky's character blocks one of Sammy's characters special attacks and Becky following with a super attack that connects and drains the rest of Sammy's characters life bar.
“I had you!” declares Sammy.
“My characters standing~ Yours not~” teases Becky sing-songly.
Sammy groans, before stating, “Fine, rematch!” before sitting down besides Becky.
Celine meanwhile, simply giggles.
“Ohh, you two...” sighs Celine with a smile, “You're lucky you have each other, you get along so well. When did you two get together anyway?”
“Huh?” questions to the two girls as they look back to Celine.
“When did you two become a couple?” clarifies Celine.
The two girls look at each other and giggle before looking back to Celine and the two answering in unison.
“She's not my girlfriend.”
“Really?” asks Celine, clearly surprised at the revelation. “I thought you two were in love with each other this whole time!”
“Well we do love each other.” states Becky.
“But not 'girlfriend in love' love.” adds Sammy.
“Oh, well you've certainly fouled me.” comments Celine. “And you've been inside me, I guess I just assumed you two were a couple with how you are around each other and the memories I have from you two just added to my assumption.”
“Hehe...” giggles Sammy, before leaning against Becky and hugging her. “We're just really close friends.”
“Yeah...” adds Becky. “Hehe, really, really close...” continuing before placing her lips to Sammy's and they both moan into the kiss for a few moments, before ending with a giggle.
“Heh, you two may as well call each other girlfriends.” states Celine, smiling at the two. “You do everything else.”
“But we can't.” replies Sammy.
“Why not?” asks Celine, intrigued as to what could come between the two.
“Well...” starts Sammy, appearing to think for a moment. “I wanted to wait until she came for the surprise I told you about, but I'll just say it now, I already have a girlfriend!”
“R-Really!?” gasps Celine, lifting herself up on her hands and knees. “You're telling me this NOW! After all the fun we've had you never even hinted that you had a girlfriend!”
“Hehe, I forgot to tell you.” replies Sammy, looking a little embarrassed.
“You forgot to tell me you had a girlfriend?” asks Celine with a smirk. “I don't think you're a very good girlfriend.”
“I'm surprised though...” states Becky, as she and Sammy pull away. “You've absorbed us, so you should've known about it, I didn't think you'd be surprised.”
“Well, you two may not mind that I can look into your memories, but I still try to respect your privacy.” replies Celine.
“Oh.” states Becky.
“So...” starts Celine, looking to Becky. “Do you have a girlfriend too?”
“No, not really.” answers Becky, though there was a small blush on her cheeks, before Sammy grins and adds...
“But she has someone she likes.”
Becky gasps as her face quickly reddens.
“No I don't!” declares Becky.
“Hehe, her's name's Michelle and she's a Felene.” states Sammy, grinning at Becky's growing blush. “Becky's had a crush on her for a month now, but she's too embarrassed to tell her.”
“Really?” asks Celine with a big smile at the rare moment of embarrassment from Becky, “Becky? Too embarrassed to tell a girl she has a crush on, that she likes her? I don't believe it.”
“Why would you tell her that!?” whines Becky, rather harmlessly punching Sammy in the shoulder, who giggles and lifts her hands up to defend herself.
“Is she cute Becky?” asks Celine.
Becky stops her 'assault' and looks to the floor with a pout.
“S-She's pretty...” replies the little girl lowly.
Smiling from Becky's cute response, Celine's attention turns to Sammy, who asks...
“So what about you Celine? Do you have a girlfriend yet?”
“Maybe.” answers Celine with a smirk. “I've had a couple confessions.”
“Really!? What were they like!?” excitedly asks Sammy.
“That's private.”
“Aww!” whines Sammy, before Becky comments, with a little frown on her still red face...
“Since Sammy wants to tell secrets, it's my turn, Sammy doesn't actually have a girlfriend!”
“Really?” asks Celine. “But she said she does.”
“Sammy's 'girlfriend' is the one that has the crush on her and one day, just claims Sammy as her girlfriend and Sammy's too scared of her to reject her.”
“I'm not scared of her.” states Sammy.
“Then why do you go along with her then when you've told me you don't like her like that?”
“She's my friend and she gives me good comes too, hehe.”
“But she's not your girlfriend.” retorts Becky with a smirk, before Celine comments...
“That would make sense for you forgetting to mention her.”
“Oh whatever.” sighs Sammy, “At least you'll get to met her Celine, I've told her all about you and the fun we've had. She should be here in a little while.”
“Well, girlfriend or not, I don't mind meeting more of your friends.” replies Celine, smiling. “Your girlfriend must not live close by if I'm just now going to meet her.”
“Yeah.” answers Sammy, “She lives in another neighborhood about thirty minutes away. So we don't visit each other as much as we can our other friends close to us.”
“So what's your girlfriend like?” Asks Celine.
“She's funny and nice.” answers Sammy happily. “She's a Felene, she likes to wear dresses, her favorite food is pizza and she's a cycle older than me.”
“Ohh, so you like older girls, huh?” teases Celine, which brings a giggle from Sammy, before the pink-haired girl gasps happily as the doorbell rings
“That's her!” declares Sammy, before standing and leaving the room, wearing only her panties, while Celine quickly leaves the bed and puts on her clothing.
“What are you putting your clothes on for?” asks Becky, remaining on the floor.
“Well I don't want to meet a stranger naked.” replies Celine with a little embarrassed smile. “Even if it Sammy's girlfriend.”
“But she's not really her girlfriend.” states Becky flatly.
“Sammy doesn't seem to mind.” comments Celine. “Maybe she thinks of it like a play-girlfriend.”
“Just so you know, she's a little crazy.” replies Becky.
“Crazy?” questions Celine.
However, Celine just finishes putting her skirt on before hearing rapid footsteps coming up the stairs outside the room and Sammy's comment...
“She's in my room!”
Partly dressed in her bra and skirt and with shirt in hand, Celine stands as Sammy re-enters the room, holding another, slightly taller little girls hand before declaring...
“There she is! She's Celine!”
While a little embarrassed not being fully dressed, Celine smiles as she sees the Felene little girl, dressed in a white sundress that reaches her knees, with a decorative bow visible in the back. Smooth brown skin complimented her big yellow eyes and long, flowing purple hair that reaches her waist, with pointed furry ears which twitch cutely while her furry tail flicks side-to-side.
“Hi.” greets Celine with a smile. “I'm Celine.”
The Geelien reaches her right hand out and takes a step towards the new girl, but was surprised when the Felene hops back with a frown and a hiss as her ears and tail fluffs up, the back of her dress lifting from her tail raising, she clearly looked ready to attack as she lifts her hands, causing Celine to take back the step she made.
“U-uh...” starts Celine in confusion.
“So you're the one!” declares the Felene.
“H-Huh!?” gasps Celine.
“You're the one that's taken Sammy away from me!” declares the Felene before lunging at Celine.
She gets one good swipe at the Geelien's face, which besides briefly removing her mouth and jaw, did nothing but surprise Celine, stepping back and falling on the bed, before Becky and Sammy gasp and pull the angered little girl away before she could pounce on the Geelien.
“What are you doing Tammy!?” gasps Becky.
“Don't attack Celine!” adds Sammy.
The Felene though was furious, trying to wriggle her way free of Becky and Sammy, before, to Celine's shock, fire shoots from the Felene's hands, but luckily, doesn't have the range to reach Celine, but that doesn't stop Celine from quickly moving back to the head of the bed.
“I didn't take Sammy from you!” states Celine.
“You're all Sammy talks about!” declares the Felene, still struggling against her friends. “Celine did this! Celine did that! She makes me come so good! Celine so awesome! I'm sick of it! It's like Sammy's forgotten all about me since you came!”
“I-I'm sorry, I didn't even know about you before today!” replies Celine.
“What!?” gasps the Felene, before turning her angry eyes to Sammy, who giggles nervously and releases her girlfriend and backs away, leaving Becky to hold her back. “You never even told her about me!?”
“I-I didn't do it on purpose, really. Celine's just so-”
“Celine! Celine! Celine! Celine!” declares the Felene. “She's all you talk about!”
The Felene manages to squirm her way free of Becky as Sammy gasps and the Felene begins to chase her around the room.
“You're gonna be so sore when I'm done with you!” declares the Felene.
“Guys! Help me out!” pleads Sammy as she circles the room, bouncing over the bed.
Becky though smiles and crosses her arms over her chest.
“I think you deserve this one.”
“You're so mean!” whines Sammy. “Celine!”
“Uh, I don't think I'll be much help.” replies Celine nervously, truthfully, she was a little scared to the Felene, her shakra didn't seem too strong, but she didn't want to put herself in possible danger with an angered little girl with control of fire.
“Just accept your punishment!” declares the Felene, before she materializes a small rope from her Comm on her right wrist, which surprises Celine and brings a comment from Becky...
“Ohh, she brought the rope, you're really in trouble now Sammy.”
“The rope!?” gasps Sammy, before quickly looking back and confirming that her angered girlfriend held a white nylon rope.
However, looking back and heading towards the bed, Sammy failed to clear the edge of it and falls face-first to the soft mattress.
“Gotcha!” declares the Felene, before jumping on Sammy's back and Celine, who had a front row seat to the action, was shocked at how quickly the Felene manages to tie Sammy's hands behind her back, this certainly wasn't her first time.
“Uh...” starts Celine.
“You shut your mouth!” declares the Felene, looking to the Geelien. “Unless you want to be next!”
Celine lifts her hands in surrender.
“Tammy!” states a squirming Sammy. “Don't do this in front of Celine!”
“Why not? Don't want your new girlfriend to see you get properly punished?”
“Celine's not my girlfriend!” states Sammy.
“Of course not, I AM!” declares the Felene, before taking another rope from her Comm and twisting herself around and just as quickly tying Sammy's feet together, before lifting Sammy's hips, the little girl on her knees with her face on the bed and her butt up in the air, before the Felene pulls down her panties, then looking to Celine. “And I'm gonna show YOU, why!”
The Felene then removes her dress, revealing her near naked brown body, flat chest and perky dark nipples, wearing only a pair of pink panties, before Sammy squirms and asks...
“Which punishment is this!?”
“The one you pretend to hate.” declares the Felene with a smirk as she pulls her panties down to mid-thigh, before materializing an odd dildo Celine had never seen from her Comm, V-like in shape, but with one end shorter than the other and flared a bit with a slightly larger nub at the end. The Felene sticks the shorter, flared end into her own pussy and what remains looks as though she had a penis, but Sammy's squirming immediately increase.
“No! Not that one! Not in front of Celine!”
Celine was a little puzzled at why Sammy seemed to be so against this particular punishment, before Sammy gasps out as the Felene grips her butt and plunges the dildo into Sammy's pussy, Celine then realized why.
“Has that Goo Girl Fraked you like this before Sammy?” asks the Felene, with a smirk as a light blush rose on her brown cheeks, before pulling back and thrusting back into Sammy with a gasp from the bound little girl, followed by a groan.
“N-No...” replies Sammy.
'This is wrong.' thinks Celine. 'She shouldn't treat Sammy like that if she's her girlfriend.'
“Tell Celine why this is your least favorite punishment.” states the Felene, as she steadily began to thrust into Sammy, gripping the bound girls butt.
Sammy though, only groans, turning her head away from Celine.
“Look at her and tell her why you don't like this!” demands the Felene. “Or I'm going to make you come like this!” she adds, before increasing her speed, bringing another groan from Sammy as wet squelches began to be heard.
Sammy soon turns her blushing, teary-eyed face to Celine, who was surprised that Sammy actually seemed to be crying.
“I-I don't, Nngh, l-like this because... Nnngh... I-It's, like it's a boy, d-doing this.”
“That's right.” states the Felene. “You don't like being fraked with a strap-on because it's like a boy fraking you!” she adds, slowing her action, but thrusting harder, bringing gasps and groans from Sammy.
“Hey...” starts Celine, moving a bit closer. “I think you've proven your point.”
“You shut the frak up!” declares the Felene, looking to the Geelien angrily, continuing her thrusts. “I'll decide when I've proven my point! Sammy is MY girlfriend!” she adds, before one hard thrust, brings a groan and flinch from her, before gripping the cheeks of Sammy's butt firmly and continuing her thrusts. “She's... my... girlfriend!” the Felene repeats, with each thrust.
Clearly, the Felene was close to her own moment while Sammy continues to gasp and groan and Celine made another realization, the end of the dildo the Felene had inserted into herself, wasn't just to keep it in, but provide her pleasure as well.
“N-No one else...” starts the Felene. “Nnngh...g-get's to, frak, Sammy, l-like this. Nnngh... O-Only me!”
Watching the Felene dominate Sammy, thrusting her way to her own climax, Celine was a little shocked as she now notices Becky, still standing, but with a hand between her legs and the other teasing her nipples. Her close friend was getting, raped? Yet Becky was masturbating to it.
Just a few moments of hard thrusting later, the Felene gasps out and leaning over Sammy, placing her right hand down on Sammy's head, pushing her into the mattress, moaning out as Celine sees a flood of watery cum fall between the Felene's legs, her tail stiffening straight out for a few moments before she shutters in pleasure.
Moments later, with a sigh, the Felene sits up straight again with a smile, before slowly pulling back with a flinch from both girls as the dildo slips free of Sammy's oozing pussy, before falling out of the Felene's pussy.
Stroking Sammy's back briefly, before untying her hands, the Felene allows the pink-haired girl to lower her hips to the bed, though looks to Celine with a satisfied smile.
“Sammy is mine, not yours or even Becky's, she's MINE!”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, with a little nervous smile.
“Good.” replies the Felene, before reaching back and untying Sammy's feet, then rolling the teary-eyed girl over and lowering herself down on top of her. “I don't like punishing you like that Sammy...” she states softly, stroking Sammy's cheek, before lowering her free hand down and bringing a flinch to Sammy as she teases her oozing pussy with a little smile. “OK, maybe I like it a little, but you leave me no choice sometimes.” she adds, before kissing Sammy fully on the lips.
Despite the manner of punishment she had just suffered, Celine was shocked when Sammy lifts a hand up to the Felene's cheek, returning the kiss, before a moan comes from her as she squirms her hips against the Felene's fingers.
It doesn't take very long from the Felene's actions before Sammy moans out in orgasm, closing her thighs around her girlfriends hand as she shutters and shakes.
Celine waits a few moments as Sammy calms down and the Felene pulls her wet fingers away and sticking them in her mouth with a smile, before voicing her confusion...
“Ok, help me out here, what the frak did I just watch!? You say Sammy's your girlfriend, yet you use the fact that she doesn't like boys against her as punishment!? That's just wrong!”
The Felene frowns and replies, “I don't have to explain myself to you!”
“Yes you do!” states Celine, unwilling to back away now. “I care enough to respect Sammy's limits, clearly, you don't.” adds Celine, removing her self from the bed and taking a step towards the Felene.
But the darker skinned girl quickly repositions herself, with her crotch over Sammy's face and on her hands and knees hissing at Celine, ears and tail puffed up again.
“I don't want to fight you.” states Celine. “I just want an explanation.”
“Tammy...” states Sammy, under the Felene. “Cut it out, you're taking this too seriously.”
“You're the one that's not taking it seriously!” declares the Felene, looking down at Sammy. “You you want another punishment?”
Celine was surprised yet again, this time, by Sammy as she flips the Felene over and quickly straddles her hips and pins her hands to the bed looking down at her with a frown.
“I've had it!” declares Sammy, surprising the Felene into silence. “I wanted you to come here to met my new FRIEND, Celine! Yeah, I forgot to mention you, but I remembered and you're here!”
“But nothing! I put up with your crazy side 'cause I like a part of it, but if your going to attack Celine and treat her badly, then I'm breaking up with you!”
“W-What!?” gasps the Felene, clearly looking hurt and near tears.
Celine was shocked, she had never seen this serious side of Sammy, she could also take control of her seemingly abusive girlfriend.
“Be nice to Celine or I'm not your girlfriend anymore.” demands Sammy.
“Y-You've never spoken to me like this...” replies the Felene lowly and averting her eyes as a blush rose on her cheeks and she shifts her thighs together.
“You've never made me this mad with you before.” states Sammy. “I tell Celine your nice and funny and you show her your crazy side.”
“Really?” asks the Felene, looking up to Sammy. “You told her I was nice?”
“Yeah, I want you to like Celine as much as I do.”
“...” the Felene didn't reply as she looks away.
“So you won't attack Celine?” asks Sammy.
“Ok.” replies the Felene.
Sammy releases her girlfriends hands and removes herself from on top of her, allowing the Felene to remove herself from the bed and stand in front of Celine, covering her crotch as she looks to the floor.
“I'm sorry for the way I treated you.” starts the Felene. “I was just so angry with you for taking so much of Sammy's attention.” she adds, lifting her head with a frown towards Celine.
“W-Well...” starts Celine, lifting her right hand towards her. “I forgive you. I wasn't trying to take Sammy away from you.”
“Really?” asks the Felene, eying Celine intently, which Celine smiles nervously from.
“Yeah, really.”
“Good.” replies the Felene, before taking Celine's hand and shaking it, bringing a relieved sigh from Sammy, who removes herself from the bed and stands to the Felene's right.
“I'm glad that's settled.” states Sammy, before smiling. “Now I can introduce you two! Celine, this is my nice slash crazy girlfriend, Tammy-”
Tammy quickly interrupts, looking to Sammy.
“Don't introduce me as crazy!”
“You did that yourself.” comments Becky, who was now sitting on the floor, calmly fingering herself.
The comment brings a groan from Tammy, before Sammy continues her introduction.
“and Tammy, this is my new super fun friend Celine.”
“Nice to meet you.” states Celine, unable to think of any other greeting.
Tammy though, simply groans lowly, before sitting on the bed and Sammy sitting beside her.
“So...” starts Celine. “Would you mind explaining why you treat Sammy like that?”
“She likes it.” answers Tammy simply.
“It didn't look like it.” comments Celine.
“You clearly don't know Sammy as much as you think you do.” replies Tammy with a smirk. “Sammy likes it when I tie her up and do stuff to her, don't you?” adds Tammy, before draping her right arm over Sammy's shoulder and pulling her against her, bringing a nervous chuckle from the pink-haired girl.
“Well, I don't hate it.” answers Sammy, before Celine asks...
“But what about fraking her like a guy? Don't you think that's over the line?”
“She likes it.” answers Tammy. “Maybe not as much as the other punishments, but she does.”
“Is that true Sammy?” asks Celine.
“U-Uh, it's my least favorite one.” answers Sammy with a little smile.
“That doesn't really answer my question.” states Celine. “The whole punishment is based on the idea that your being fraked by a boy, which you'd be against.”
“Yeah, but it's supposed to be a punishment.” replies Sammy. “I'm not really supposed to like it.”
“That doesn't make it right!” quickly states Celine.
“Hey back off!” declares Tammy, with a frown. “It's not like I'm having a real boy frak her!”
“But it's nearly just as bad!”
“Why don't you worry about your own girlfriend! If you even have one!” declares Tammy.
To be continued