Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 35)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 35

Title: Chapter 10-2


In Gym class, Celine sees a slightly different side of Sakura than she's used to, before a mindset Celine has held, changes.]

- 11:34 A.M. -
- Gym Class -
- Girls Locker Room -

Currently dressed in her tank-top and panties in front of her open locker, Celine notices Sakura enter the room and the Geelien briefly leaves her locker to join Sakura at hers...

“Hey...” greets Celine with a smile.

“Hi.” replies Sakura, smiling as well. “You doing alright?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to thank you for what you told me yesterday, the 'fake it till you make it' thing.”

“Oh, heh, works, don' it?” replies Sakura with a bigger smile.

“Yeah, I was still really embarrassed, but it helped.”

“Well that's good, I didn't know the rumor was effecting you so much though.”

“It's not so much the rumor itself, but the way people acted that made me lose it.” replies Celine, with a breathless sigh.

“Yeah...” replies Sakura, placing a hand to the Geelien's shoulder, “I wasn't a part of the rumor, but the way people were talking about it in my classes, just made me feel bad for you likely being in the middle of it in your own class.”

“Yeah, well, I'm the shiny new thing!” states Celine with an enthusiastic smile.

“Hehe, yep.” giggles Sakura, before patting her shoulder. “Don't worry, soon something new will happen and you'll become invisible to those who aren’t your friends.”

“That time can't come soon enough.” giggles Celine.

- 11:50 A.M. -
- Gymnasium -

As per the attendance taking routine, the students currently sit on the Gym floor, in six rows of five; Celine being second person in the third row, sitting with her knees up to her chest, wearing the white T-shirt trimmed in red and small red Gym shorts.

Following Roll Call, the Gym Teacher, who was young twenty-something red-headed Felene, wearing a belly revealing tank-top and short-shorts, revealing her slim, but toned figure, happily comments...

“Ok you guys, guess what I'm in the mood for!?”

The cheerful Felene's question brings a round of groans from a large part of the class, which puzzled Celine at the evident, group disappointment.

“Running!” declares the Gym Teacher excitedly, bringing a round of complaints, and some outright...

“Nooooo! I hate running!”

Reni and Gina were part of this group.

Although, there were a few cheers, which Sakura, Takeda and Yaya were a part of.

“Oh quit your belly aching.” states the teacher with her hands on her hips. “The weathers great and you'll feel so much better after a good thirty minute run, with the wind in your face and fresh air in your lungs.”

“Thirty minutes!” gasps a large majority of the class.

“I can make it an even forty.” states the teacher with a delighted smile, which quiets the complainers to a mumble. “Good, let's get going.”

Standing with the class and following the teacher out of the gym, to what Celine guessed to be some sort of track to run around, the Geelien didn't understand the complaints about the exercise, since 'free play' was the same thing to her, it just allowed the students to decide how they wanted to be active, or lack there of if they chose.


Shortly after arriving outside and heading to the oval-shaped track a short distance from the school, a surprising event occurred.

Celine was at the tail end of the loose line the class formed and saw ahead of her, Sakura happily skipping along, commenting...

“This is great, I was planning on running a bit today.”

'Of course.' thinks Celine. 'She has to stay in shape for the ISPL.'

However, another blonde Tragelian girl near Sakura, with shoulder-length hair and a light tan, wearing the T-shirt and panty-like gym shorts, comments... “Not everyone in this class has to train for the IPSL, you could be considerate of the rest of us and at least pretend to be against this.”

“Aw suck it up Mindy.” replies Sakura. “It's only thirty minutes.”

“Thirty minutes too long.” retorts the girl, folding her arms over her chest, which was a bit bigger than Sakura's

“You act like such a princess.” comments Sakura. “A little exercise is too much for you...” she adds, before leaning closer to Mindy and whispering something to her, which the girl gasps at and swiftly backhands Sakura, who staggers back a little, lifting a hand to her right cheek.

“You're talking about yourself you slut!” declares the brightly blushing girl. “Don't you dare say something like that to me again, I'm not your friend you bitch!”

Celine was shocked, mainly because Sakura was a famous IPSL fighter, she didn't think anyone would assault her like that; sure, Sakura wasn't immune to a bit of teasing, but Celine had no idea what Sakura said to the girl to warrant the slap.

“Hey!” calls the Teacher sternly, looking back, “What's going on back there?”

“Nothing!” Answers Mindy. “Just some slut trying to start something.” before she disappears and reappears at the front of the line.

Celine quickly hurries to Sakura's left side, the blonde rubbing her stinging cheek as they continue with the class.

“Hey, what was that about!? What did you say to her?”

“Heh, I may have crossed the line a bit.” replies Sakura with a smile.

“But what did you say to her to make her hit you?” asks Celine.

Sakura leans close to Celine's right ear and whispers...

“I said, 'but being on your back isn't huh?'”

“What!? Why would you say that!?” gasps Celine. “Especially if you two aren’t friends?”

“Heh, yeah, it was a bit over the line I guess, but it's not like she doesn't say similar stuff to me, we have a sort of love/hate relationship.”

“So, she picks on you?” asks Celine, clearly intrigued.

“Yeah, why do you sound surprised?”

“Well, you're famous. Why would someone pick on you?” asks Celine.

“Heh, fame isn't all good, there are plenty haters and jealously.”

Just seconds after Sakura's comment, the offended girl reappears in front of Sakura, clearly still angry.

“I'm not jealous of you!”

“So you're a hater then?” asks Sakura with a smirk.

The angered girl groans in aggravation, before calming as a sinister smirk forms on her face and quickly grabs Sakura's shirt and shorts at the waist with her left hand, before the two articles of clothing disappear, and reappear in the girls right hand, leaving Sakura in just her underwear, an average looking white bra, but her lower underwear consisted of a black, lacy G-string thong.

“Ah!” gasps Sakura, quickly covering her crotch and butt as her face reddens. “Give me back my clothes!”

“No.” replies Mindy with a smirk, before teleporting from Sakura's lunge at her and reappearing behind the near naked blonde and quickly snapping the shirt at her exposed rear, bringing another gasp from Sakura, before trying again to claim her clothing but Mindy teleports away to the front of the line.

“If you can catch me, you can have them.”

Celine felt a little conflicted as she watches as Sakura is embarrassed in front of the class laughing and whistling at her as she vainly tries to claim her clothing from the teleporting girl, running up and down the line. Part of Celine felt bad for her friend, but another part felt she deserved it.

However, Sakura's embarrassment, to her relief, was short lived as Gina teleports to the teasing girl after giving Sakura the slip again, taking the clothing from her.

“That's enough.” states Gina, before allowing Sakura to reach her and taking the clothes from her and quickly dresses herself again before looking to her bully angrily, who comments...

“Hmph! Hopefully, you've learned your lesson slut.”

Before teleporting to the front of the class again.

“Yanno...” starts Celine, but Sakura quickly interrupts.

“I shouldn't pick on someone I can't catch, right!?” declares Sakura angrily.

“U-uh... y-yeah.” answers Celine nervously, not wanting to incur Sakura's wrath.

“You were asking for it though.” comments Gina with a smirk, which brings a groan from the blonde and walking ahead of the two.


The class reaches the outdoor track just a few minutes later and began to jog or run around, a few students, Mindy a part of the few, simply walks. Sakura chose to run, quite possibly to run off the feeling of humiliation.

Celine briefly wondered, given Mindy's earlier display, why she was so against the run when she could just use her shakra and teleport around the track, but that was until she remembered Shakra use by students wasn't allowed, and while the Gym teacher was a little more lenient with this rule, she made a point to mention that shakra use was not allowed during the run.

Opted to simply jog, while Celine started alone, she didn't stay that way for long. One lap in, Celine hears a girl call to her from behind before seeing a Nex with shoulder-length red hair run up to her right side.

“Hey Celine.” greets the Nex.

“Hey... Katia (ca-tia)?” replies Celine, hoping she recalled the name correctly.

“Yep, you remembered my name.” states the Nex happily.

“So what's up?”

“Nothing really, I saw you were alone and thought you might wanna to chat.” replies Katia, briefly looking ahead, as Celine watches the Nex jog beside her, her tiny wings rising and falling with each step, which Celine smiles at seeing

“Oh...” replies Celine, looking ahead as her smile fades. “You wanna talk about what happened in lunch, huh?”

“That wasn't my intention, but if you wanna-”

“No, I don't.” states Celine.

“Ok.” replies Katia. “There's something I'm been wondering about with Geelien's, can they get out of shape?”

“Huh?” questions Celine, looking to her jogging partner.

“I mean, I know Geelien's don't get tired.” states the Nex. “At least, not like flesh and blood people, Geelien's have their own form of fatigue, right?”

“Heh, and how did you come to that thought?” asks Celine, smiling.

“It's true, right? Geelien's may not get tired like us, but all living things get tired in some way. A planet that doesn't get sun will droop and looks sad, but perk up in the sun.”

“You're right.” replies Celine. “The length of time I can do something is related to how much mass I have. While I don't get physically tired, if I'm doing something for a prolonged period of time and don't have any liquid or protein, it gets harder and harder for me to retain my form to do what I'm doing.”

“I see, so you Geelien's are like us, just a bit different, you still need food to be active.”

“Yep.” replies Celine.

“What's hunger like for you?”

“H-Huh?” questions Celine at the odd question.

“Hunger.” repeats Katia. “Do you even get hungry or do you just eat to maintain a certain amount of mass?”

“Uh... well, yeah, I do get hungry. Heh, no ones ever asked me that.” replies Celine, smiling. “Hunger, feels like... hmm, a void I guess. I've never had to describe hunger before, heh. I can taste what I eat though, so I do have food I like.”

“Interesting...” comments the Nex. “I know Geelien's don't pee or poop, but you still produce some type of waste, right?”

“Uh, yeah...” replies Celine, a bit embarrassed by the subject of conversation. “Our bodies produce tiny crystals that can grow if not removed.”

“Ohh, yeah! I read about that!” replies Katia excitedly. “The crystals form daily, but increase from lack of movement, like when you sleep, right?”

“Yeah.” answers Celine. “For Geelien's, a clear body equals beauty.”

“Well I can agree with that.” replies the Nex, looking to Celine's body. “You look very pretty.”

“Thanks.” comments Celine, smiling from the compliment.

The two share a few moments of silence between them, though Katia stole a few glances at Celine with a small blush rising on her cheeks, before asking, looking ahead...

“Was it true what you said at lunch, about not wanting a girlfriend?”

“...Yeah.” answers Celine, looking towards the Nex, who continued to look forward.

Celine though could predict where this was leading.

“I don't think you can just deny love though, what if you met someone and just feel that attraction?”

“Ignore it.” answers Celine flatly, which brings a saddened look to the Nex's face. “I'm not looking for a relationship right now.”

“You may not be looking, but you can't stop love.”

“That's debatable.”

Katia quickly stops Celine as she grabs her arm and walks in front of her and looks up at her with a blushing frown.

“I like you!” she declares.

“You don't even know me.” answers back Celine softly.

“If knowing a person is your requirement, then you'll never have a girlfriend!” states Katia, clearly upset.

The comment silences Celine, as she looks down to the ground.

'Maybe I'm in the wrong.' thinks Celine.

“Celine...” calmly states Katia, taking the Geelien by the hand. “I know the thought of developing a relationship after moving to a new planet may be scary, but you just have to try it. You would like to have a girlfriend eventually, right?”

“Yeah...” answers Celine lowly.

“You may not choose me...” states Katia, looking a little saddened at the thought, but smiling. “But you shouldn't push people away.”

Smiling a little, Celine replies, “You're right. To be honest, I've never had a girlfriend, sure, I've had a couple really close friends, but we never considered ourselves a couple. I'm only five cycles old, I may look like a teenager, but I'm still just a kid, with the knowledge of my parents.”

“And that's ok.” states Katia with a smile, before walking back and pulling Celine, encouraging her to resume their jog, which she does. “Even with the knowledge of your parents inside you, you're not perfect, no one is.”

“True.” comments Celine. “I guess I was being pretty stupid, during the process of liking a person, you learn more about them and get to know them better.”

“Right, if you try to get to know the person, then try to be more than friends, you might get friend-zoned.” replies Katia. “...and that never feels good.”

“Yeah, I've heard about that, but never experienced it.” states Celine.

“You don't want to, trust me. Better to get it out in the open early and if you're rejected, it's not that awkward to just be friends.”

The comment brings a smile of understanding to Celine, before commenting to herself, “Abby...”

“Who?” asks Katia.

“O-Oh, it's nothing.” quickly replies Celine with a smile.


“By the way...” starts Celine, dripping a little with a smile. “While we're on the subject of relationships, I think Nex are really cute.”

“Really!?” gasps Katia with a big smile as her tiny wings flutter a bit, which brings a bigger smile to Celine.

“Heh... I'm a really big fan of the IPSL.” adds Celine.

“I love tennis!” replies Katia.

To be continued

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