The next couple hours of the day proceeded as normal as Celine could expect, aside from entering Sakura's room to get herself dressed and embarrassingly walking in on Reni and her father Gene quite engaged in their own private 'Family Time'.
After that embarrassing event, Celine still wondered about Reni's secret and decided to ask Layn about it...
- 1:32 P.M. -
- Kitchen -
Walking into the kitchen, dressed in her extra set of clothing, a belly-revealing white blouse and mid-thigh-length blue skirt, Celine sees Layn, still wearing her purple robe, standing in front of the sink, washing a single plate.
“Mrs. Bragou?” asks Celine.
“Just Layn is fine.” answers the woman, before turning to face Celine as she drys the plate.
“Oh, well, Layn, there's something I'd like to know about Reni.” replies Celine a little nervously, she knew what she was doing was wrong, but she just had to know.
“Oh? What would you like to know?” asks Layn with a smile.
“Well, early this morning, I woke up to Reni having a nightmare, which seemed to be about her dad hurting her-”
Celine could see Layn's smile quickly fade and a slightly more serious expression come to her face, which actually concerned Celine a little as it was the first serious expression the woman had made since she knew her.
“Did you talk to Reni about this?” asks Layn.
“Uh...” starts Celine, briefly looking away, considering answering with a no. “Y-Yeah, she got mad at me and told me not to bring it up.”
“Then that's it.” replies Layn.
“Celine.” states Layn firmly, stopping the teen. “Just drop it. I'm guessing you mentioned this to Sakura?”
“No one likes a nosy person who doesn't know when to stop.”
“I understand.”
“Do you really?” asks Layn. “I don't want you going around asking other people, you're only going to end up hurting Reni. Unless Reni tells you differently, don't bring this up again.”
Celine left very disappointed, denied an answer three times and now being told to not bring it up to anyone else. Celine didn't want to hurt Reni, but it was such a mystery.
- 2:21 P.M. -
Now, Celine occupied the Living Room with Sakura, both sitting on a separate couch; Celine sat with her legs crossed, while Sakura lay on her stomach. Both were dressed similarly, Sakura wearing the same thing as Celine, only different in color, a matching yellow for each piece.
Celine happily watched the T.V., the current program being live Shakra event, in which Celine became quite energetic and vocal, cheering out frequently. It was during a commercial break that Sakura gives a little chuckle.
“We'll you're certainly into it.”
“After going to a live event yesterday and seeing your fight, I love the sport even more!” replies Celine happily.
“Heh, were you cheering for me?”
“Yeah, I really wanted you to win.”
“Me too.” replies Sakura, smiling. “Can't win'em all though.”
“Yeah, but it's good you're not a sore loser.”
“I can be though, I absolutely HATE it when I lose by ring-out. I feel like it's worse than being knocked-out. You can't prevent yourself from losing consciousness, but you can prevent being knocked out of the ring. So the fact that I would allow myself to be pushed out of the ring pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.”
“Oh, hehe...” replies Celine, not quite sure how to respond.
“By the way...” starts Sakura. “When do you plan to go back home?”
“Oh... uh, I didn't really think about it.”
“Me and Reni plan to go shopping in a little while, wanna come?”
“I'll have to ask my parents, but sure, I'll come. You going for anything in particular?”
“We're going shopping for clothes, I might buy a new swim suit too.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine, before lifting her Comm and calling her mother, who answers after two rings.
“Hey Celine.”
“Hey mom.”
“Yanno, Becky and Sammy came by a little while ago, they were pretty disappointed that you weren’t here.” states Eda with a smile.
“Heh, really?”
“Well anyway, I'm calling cause Sakura invited me to join them going shopping for clothes, can I go?”
“Sure, how long do you think you'll be gone?” asks Eda.
“Uh...” starts Celine, before looking to Sakura, who answers.
“About and hour and a half, two tops.”
“Ok.” replies Eda. “Hope you have fun. Oh, Sakura?”
“Yeah?” answers the blonde.
“If you can, I'd like a picture of Celine wearing something sexy.”
“MOM!” gasps Celine, immediately dripping considerably, before the call ends and Celine looks to Sakura, who was smiling. “You don't have to do that!”
“I will if I can.” replies Sakura.
- 3:41 P.M. -
- Shopping Mall -
Following an uneventful car ride, Celine walks into the large building with Sakura and Reni, who wore a light green sun-dress and sandals. The sister's parents also accompanied them, but not for long as the adults and teens split off and head in different directions.
“Where to first?” asks Celine, walking behind the two as she herself was a little nervous, the mall was quite populated and she could see a number of people looking and staring at her, causing her to briefly second guess her agreeing to come, but she was stuck here now until Sakura and Reni had finished.
“Let's check out a few clothing stores first.” replies Sakura.
“Yeah.” adds Reni. “It's the main reason we're here, after we get some new clothes everything else is extra.”
“Ok.” replies Celine.
On the way to their first destination, Celine found that young children with their parents were her biggest 'problem' as they frequently commented at the sight of her. One child in particular, a Felene little boy, managed to escape from his mother and run up to her poking at her legs and asking questions.
Sakura and Reni did nothing to intervene, only commenting that it was funny and cute.
After arriving at their first stop though, about five minutes in, the real 'fun' began, particularly for Reni, for Celine, not so much...
“You like it?” asks Reni, walking up to Celine's left, who stands at an underwear display, causing the Geelien to gasp and flinch in surprise as she sees the blonde, smiling.
Celine briefly gazes back to the matching pair of a pink bra and panties. The panties of the set were almost completely see-through, except for the crotch.
“I-I was just looking!” quickly replies Celine, dripping considerably.
“Looking 'cause you like'em, why don't you try them on?”
“I-I can do that?” asks Celine, before gasping again and quickly adding, “I-I mean no!”
“Heh, you sure can.” replies Reni, ignoring the Geelien's later response, before taking the pair of underwear in her left hand, then Celine's right hand in hers before walking leading her towards the back of the store. “There's dressing rooms in the back.”
“R-Really, I don't need to try them on, I was just looking.” states Celine, getting increasingly embarrassed as she sees a couple of people in the store briefly look towards them, though most were smiling.
“What's the point of looking if you don't try them on?” replies Reni, before the two reach the back of the store and enters a small doorway into a room with five square rooms.
Celine could see that they weren’t alone as one teen Tragelian girl with shoulder-length blue hair, around Reni and Sakura's ages, wearing a T-shirt and black jean pants, sat on a small bench to their left, in front of one of two doors that were closed, which two more girls could be heard talking about their choice of clothing.
Reni walks to the partly open door on their right, were Celine could see a full length mirror on the wall with a small cushioned bench on the other side of the small room, before Reni presents the underwear to her.
“Let's see how it looks on you.”
Celine gasps yet again.
“You want me to walk out in just my underwear!?” she asks, before adding in a lower tone, but still audible. “There's another person here!”
“If it's that big a deal, I'll walk in after you're changed. Now get to it!” replies Reni with a smile as she presses the underwear against the Geelien and pushes Celine into the room, before closing the door.
Shortly after entering the room, Celine hears Reni comment...
“This is her first time.”
Before she and the other girl share a chuckle.
Celine though, groans with her inability to put her foot down and be lead along by Reni. Sitting down, Celine gives a silent sigh as her mass pooled on the bench and floor.
'I'm pretty sure Reni enjoys embarrassing me.' thinks Celine, before looking to down the pair of underwear in her lap and a little smile coming to her face. 'These do look nice though.'
Since she was already in the dressing room, Celine figured she may as well try the underwear on. So, collecting herself, Celine places the bra and panties to her side and stands, removing her clothing, briefly pausing at her underwear as she quickly scans the small room, looking for any camera's. Satisfied that there weren’t any, Celine finishes and removes her underwear, standing nude in a public place, briefly looking to the full-body mirror, a thought that cause her body to drip again, before turning around and picking up the underwear. Before she puts them on though, she calls to Reni...
“Am I really allowed to try these on?”
“Of course. You have to know if they fit good before you buy them. Usually, for underwear though, swimsuits too, you have to wear these little sticker things that cover your pussy and ass; otherwise, you wear it, you bought it. With the way your body is though, you don't have to worry bout that.”
“Oh, ok.”
Outside the room, Reni leans back against the wall in front of the room Celine was in, until...
“Ok, I'm finished.”
“Awesome” replies Reni, before walking to the door and placing her right hand to the door-knob. “Can I come in?”
Entering the small room, Reni smiles as she sees Celine, dressed in the pink bra and panties, standing in front of her nervously and dripping considerably as a growing puddle forms at her feet. The Geelien also places her hands over her crotch with a nervous smile.
“Hmm...” hums Reni.
“S-So, what do you think?” asks Celine.
“Um, your boobs look bigger.”
“Heh, uh, the bra is a bit bigger than the one I was wearing, so...” replies Celine, chuckling nervously.
Reni only smiles, before answers Celine's question, “Well, they look nice, but I don't think that shade of pink works with the color of your body.”
“Well I think it looks nice.” replies Celine, with a little frown. “It's not like I'm planning to display it to anyone.”
“I did say it looks nice.” replies Reni, smiling. “No reason to get defensive.”
“You dragged me into this.”
“Yeah, but I'm not gonna lie to you.” replies Reni, before reaching to Celine's hands and pulling them away from the Geelien's crotch. “Like I said, it looks nice, I just think a different color would be nice. Do a little spin.”
“Just do it.” states Reni, smiling, releasing Celine's right hand and holding her left and lifting her hand up, encouraging the Geelien to spin, which Celine does. “Heh, now strike a pose!”
“Come on!”
“I don't see the point.”
“I'm trying to get you to loosen up, you're so nervous and stiff, which is ironic considering what you are, heh.”
“Ha, ha, very funny. I can't help it that I'm nervous.”
“Then try and loosen up! I'm not letting you leave without striking a pose.” replies Reni, reaching back to the door and locking it.
“Yanno, if I really wanted to leave, you couldn't stop me.” states Celine crossing her arms over her chest.
“You'd leave your clothes behind though.”
“Just one pose, come on.”
“Fine...” sighs Celine, before averting her eyes nervously.
Celine decided to do the first pose she could think of, considering if she put any thought into it, she wouldn't get anywhere. So, she quickly lifts her right hand up to the back of her head, places her left hand to her hip, slightly bending her left leg and puckering her lips.
The sudden pose brings an immediate burst of laughter from Reni as the blonde clutches her stomach. However, while Celine felt quite embarrassed, she herself also joins in Reni's laughing.
“I-I wasn't, hehe, e-expecting that kind of, p-pose from you at all!” declares Reni.
“Y-you don't have to, l-laugh so hard!” replies Celine, before dropping to her knees.
“I-I c-can't help it!” states Reni, lifting her right hand up and wiping tears from her eyes.
The two spent a full minute laughing. As it died down to giggles, Reni remained standing, looking down to Celine, who sat on the floor, looking up at the blonde and commenting...
“T-Thanks for that.”
“No problem.” replies Reni, reaching her left hand down to the Geelien and helping her to her feet, before seeing Celine's tail flicking back and forth behind her, proof of her cheered up mood. “How about another pose?”
“I'll pass, thank you very much.” replies Celine, smiling, before the two hear Sakura outside.
“Hey you two, what's so funny? People in the store could hear you.”
“R-Really!?” gasps Celine, before Reni answers...
“Just cheering and loosening Celine up.”
After leaving the store, with Celine choosing to buy the pair of underwear, the trio continued further into the mall, stopping at a few more clothing shops, before the sisters decided to embarrass Celine by pulling her into a store that sells all things sexual, from creams, to clothing, to toys.
“Geez, I can't believe you two would force me to go into a place like that!” declares Celine, frowning as she walks with Sakura to her left and Reni to her right.
Sakura though smiles and comments, “A couple things caught your attention though.”
“Yeah...” adds Reni. “Like that full-body bondage suit.”
Celine gives a groan before speeding up her walking, moving from the two as Sakura comments...
“Guess there's Geelien's who're into bondage too.”
“Hey...” starts Reni. “Let's stop by the bathroom, I gotta pee.”
“Me too.” replies Sakura.
“I'll wait here for you two.” replies Celine, standing at the door to the girl's bathroom.
“OK.” replies Sakura and Reni, as they enter the room.
Celine walks about two yards to the left of the door, standing with her back to the wall, but not leaning against it.
'Those two certainly are something...' thinks Celine, quickly replaying the time she currently spent here with the sisters.
As nervous and embarrassing as it was, she was enjoying herself quite a bit.
With a renewed smile on her face, Celine noticed, nearly at that last moment, that a pair of teen boys were walking her way; one, a Vehen, wearing a T-shirt and jeans; the other, a Felene with black hair, wearing a tank-top and shorts.
“Hey, it's one of those Geelien's!” declares the Felene with a smile.
Celine immediately felt a pang of nervousness and embarrassment as the two quicken their pace towards her as the Vehen adds...
“Wow, it is, you're the first one we've seen in person.”
The two now standing in front of her, Celine was at a loss for words as she stutters out, “U-Uh, u-um... I-I...”
“Hey, you're pretty cute.” comments the Felene, which brings a further embarrassed smile from Celine.
“You're melting...” adds the Vehen.
“I-I, uh...” stutters Celine, before looking down to the floor, trying to stop her melting. 'Why am I getting so nervous!?' she thinks.
“Hey, I heard about this.” replies the Felene. “Geelien's melt when their embarrassed, scared or horny, heh.”
“Oh, she's probably embarrassed or scared then.” states the Vehen. “Two guys she doesn't know walking up and talking to her, she must be shy.” he adds, before presenting his right hand to her. “Hi, my names Kyle.”
“I'm Jessie.” greets the Felene.
Celine lifts her head from the greetings and a little smile comes to her face.
“C-Celine...” replies the Geelien, before lifting her right hand and shaking each hand.
“Well Celine...” starts the Felene. “Sorry about freaking you out.”
“T-That's ok.” replies Celine.
“You're just the first Geelien we've seen.” states the Vehen.
“Hehe, am I what you thought?” asks Celine, smiling despite the nervousness of being the first Geelien the boys had seen in person.
“You're cuter than I thought you'd be.” comments the Felene with a smile.
“Heh...” giggles Celine, briefly looking down to the floor as her tail flicks back and forth and the Felene gives a little gasp.
“Ohh, so you do have a tail.”
“Y-Yeah, I do.” replies Celine with a small smile.
“Hey.” starts the Vehen with a smile. “There's a question I've been wanted to ask a Geelien. How much weight can you lift?”
“Uh, not that much really.” replies Celine. “The average is about thirty pounds, give or take a few pounds.”
“Interesting...” comments the Felene. “So if you try to lift something really heavy, will your hand just pass right through it?”
“Yeah, so when Geelien's pack things for a move, we use a lot of smaller boxes and containers that we know we can lift when their filled.”
“So...” starts the Vehen. “What are you doing here by the bathrooms? I thought Geelien's didn't need them.”
“We don't, I'm here with two friends of mine, I'm waiting on them.” replies Celine.
“Those two?” asks the Felene, pointing and Celine gasps as she sees Sakura and Reni peeking out of the door towards them, before they gasps and duck behind the door.
“H-Hey!” gasps Celine. “You two were watching!?”
Only the sound of their giggling was heard, which brings a groan from Celine.
“Well then...” starts the Vehen, smiling. “It was nice meeting you Celine.” he adds, before walking into the boys bathroom.
“Y-You too.” replies Celine.
“Same here.” states the Felene, following after his friend. “The first Geelien I meet is a cutie.”
While smiling embarrassingly from the compliment, the smile quickly fades as she rushes into the girls bathroom where she sees Sakura and Reni giggling to themselves.
“W-What the frak you two!?” declares Celine, dripping considerably, before Reni comments...
“They were kinda cute themselves, especially the Felene.”
“Geez you two, you could've at least helped me out.” states Celine, before Sakura comments...
“To be into girls though, you got pretty nervous around them.”
“T-They caught me by surprise...” replies Celine, before averting her eyes from them and adding in a lower tone, “One thought I was cute too...”
“Huh?” questions Sakura.
“N-Nothing!” quickly replies Celine. “Geez...” she adds, before turning and heading out, but being stopped by Sakura, taking her by the hand.
“Hey, hey, we're only teasing, come on.”
“Yeah.” replies Reni. “Sorry.”
Turning to look at the two with a frown, Celine states, “If you promise to stop trying to embarrass me, I'll forgive you.”
“I promise to stop.” replies Sakura.
“Me too.” adds Reni.
“And dripping in front of complete strangers who arn't Geelien's is super embarrassing in itself.” comments Celine.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that.” replies Sakura.
The sisters then double hug Celine, apologizing to her, which brings a sigh from the Geelien after a short while.
“Ok, ok, I forgive you guys.”
“Awesome.” replies Sakura as she and Reni pull back, before Sakura takes her hand again. “Hey, there's something I want you to do.” she adds, before leading Celine towards the stalls.
“What is it?”
“I'll wait outside.” states Reni as she leaves.
Sakura opens one of the stall doors and leads Celine in, the Geelien's back to the toilet.
“How about a little modeling?” asks Sakura.
“I was a model at one time.” states Sakura.
“Why'd you stop?”
“I got pregnant and my mom said I had to stop, I haven't went back to it though.”
With Sakura confirming that she was pregnant at one time, Celine was reminded of the mean girl she met yesterday at Sakura's Shakra fight.
“What happen to your baby? If you don't mind me asking.” asks Celine.
“I don't, I gave her egg up for adoption. I actually had a pretty hard time with it, but I got to meet her new parents and they were really nice, so that made it a bit easier... Anyway, I want you to do a little modeling for me.”
“But why?”
“I may not be a model anymore, but I still know a few people.” replies Sakura, smiling.
“W-Wait...” gasps Celine, dripping once again as she guessed where this was going. “You're gonna see if I can be a model!? I-I-I don't think I could be a model!”
“Oh come on, I think you'd be good at it. Geelien's are currently a rare thing here. So you actually have a good chance.” replies Sakura. “You don't have anything to lose, so just give it a shot.”
While initially very reluctant, hearing that Sakura thought she had a chance, being a model once herself, boosted her confidence quite a lot.
“Y-You, really think I could be a model?”
“I sure do, you're cute, shy, easily embarrassed. Your original form has a nice body, you can change from older to younger, which doubles or quadruples the possibilities depending on what sort of modeling you do, clean or erotic.”
“Heh, and even if you have a green light, you could always turn the offers down. Nothing to lose, but lots to gain.”
“Well... Ok, if you think I'd be good, then I'll do it.” replies Celine, with a little smile.
“Great, I just need three pictures...” states Sakura, lifting her comm and bringing up a couple of windows. “A face shot, body shot and fetish shot.”
“A-A f-fetish shot!?” gasps Celine.
“Calm down, it's nothing too out there.” replies Sakura. “Now, I'll do the fetish shot first.”
“Why do that one first!?”
“Cause we're already in the bathroom.” replies Sakura. “Pull down your skirt and panties and sit on the toilet.”
“Huh!? That doesn't even makes sense, I don't use the bathroom!”
“That's the point.” replies Sakura, smiling, “Contradictions are a popular thing. Like Vehen's having gentle, passionate sex, when it's almost always violent; or buffed up, muscled Felenes, who are thought of to be quick, not strong; Tragelians who are shy about sex, Nex dressed up as guys. Then there's the ultimate contradiction of a Geelien using the toilet. People eat this stuff up.”
“Really?” asks Celine, looking quite confused.
“Yeah, I won't have you expose yourself, you'll be covered.”
“Well how about I keep my clothes on and just pretend I'm using the toilet?” asks Celine, with a little frown.
After a sigh from the blonde, Sakura answers, “Fine, if that the only way you'll do it. I'll show you how I want you to pose...”
Sakura and Celine swap places before Sakura lifts the toilet lid and sits.
“You'll have you legs slightly apart.” states Sakura, displaying the slight spread of her legs, before placing her hands to the front of the toilet seat. “Put your hands here, lean forward a bit and smile like your finally peeing after holding it in for a long time. You can even close your eyes and sigh too if it helps.” finishes Sakura, before displaying the pose she wanted from the Geelien, complete with the closed eyes and sigh.
While Celine found that the pose wasn't as exposing as she thought, she still found the idea a bit embarrassing, but there was one problem...
“Thanks for the display, but I've never had to pee, so I wouldn't know what kind of face to make.”
“Well I'll help you out.” replies Sakura, standing and swapping places with Celine, who nervously sits, spreads her legs a little and places her hands down at the front of the toilet seat like Sakura had done.
“Like this?”
“Yep, perfect so far...” replies Sakura, lifting the window of her Comm up. “Now lean forward a little, close your eyes and smile.”
Leaning forward and closing her eyes, Celine starts to smile, but quickly begins to giggle.
“This is silly.”
“No it isn't.” replies Sakura with a smile. “Hurry and pose while your happy and giggling, those make the best pictures.”
“Ok, ok...” states Celine, getting into position again.
However, Celine quickly began to fight the urge to giggle, but hears, “Got it!”
“H-huh!? But I wasn't ready!” declares Celine, before seeing Sakura looking at the screen above her Comm and giggling a little.
“Ohh, it's perfect!”
“What?” gasps Celine, quickly standing and walking to Sakura side and gasping again as she sees herself clearly, NOT smiling, but frowning. “That's not perfect! I look like I'm taking a crap!”
“It's even better!” comments Sakura.
“No it's not! Delete it! I wanna do it over!”
Shortly after, outside the bathroom, Reni leans against the wall to the left of the girl's bathroom door, before Celine and Sakura leave.
“You better delete that picture before we get back to your place.” states Celine with a frown, which brings a giggle from Reni, who comments...
“I'm surprised you actually agreed to it.”
“Heh, hey Reni, check it out.” replies Sakura, lifting her Comm, before Celine gasps and and quickly covers her hands over it.
“Don't show that to her!”
The rest of the outing proceeded relatively normal, Sakura and Reni weren’t so intent on embarrassing Celine, but the Geelien still found herself in a few embarrassing moments. After satisfying themselves with shopping for clothes, with Celine even buying herself a few, the group spends the rest of their time visiting a couple other stores and finishes with a visit to the food court for a snack, before Eda calls Sakura asking if they were ready to leave.
- 5:35 P.M. -
- Driveway of the Bragou Residence -
After the group leaves the vehicle, Celine comments...
“Thanks for letting me spend the day with you guys, but I think it's about time for me go home.”
“OK.” replies Sakura.
“It was fun having you around.” adds Reni, before Eda comments...
“You want me to take you home?”
“No, I don't mind walking.” answers Celine.
“Ok then, you and your parents are welcome anytime.” replies Eda.
“Oh, one more thing Celine.” starts Sakura. “There's a saying Humans say, 'Fake it till you make it.'”
“What does it mean?” asks Celine.
“Even if your super nervous and embarrassed, pretend that you're not, eventually, you really won't be. It really works, try it next time you're nervous or embarrassed.”
“Heh, thanks, I'll try it if I remember.” replies Celine, smiling from the advice.
After retrieving her other pair of clothing, Celine said her good-byes before leaving the Bragou home and making her way back to her own home, smiling from the embarrassing, but fun time she had with Reni and Sakura, along with their parents.
As she nears her home, a few houses pass Sammy's, Celine smiles as she recognizes her and Becky's laughing and cheers further down the street, along with a few other girls.
“Guess their just fine without me, heh.” comments Celine with a little giggle of her own.
As she advanced, Celine could tell where the source of the fun was, in the backyard of Patty's home, while Celine couldn't hear the Felene's voice in the giggles and cheers, she could hear all three of her sisters, Rachael, Kali and Janice.
“I wonder what they're doing? Sounds like their having a lot of fun over there.”
One clue Celine could hear was the sound of splashing water, a lot of it, which brought her to a realization...
“Oh, right, they have a pool in their backyard, it is pretty warm out. I'll go visit after I put my clothes away and greet mom and dad.”
However, just yards from her homes driveway, the Geelien doesn't make it as she hears Becky...
“Hey, it's Celine!”
Looking towards her, across the street and behind the house off to the side, Celine was a little surprised as she thought the little blonde was completely nude, which seemed to be proven as she sees Sammy and Kali move into view and they also seemed to be nude, especially Kali as all of her blue skin was visible.
“She's back!” declares Sammy.
Celine soon gasps as she sees the three nude eight-cycle old girls sprint towards her happily and without care that they were naked outside. The Geelien quickly smiles though as the street, luckily, was clear of moving vehicles as the three cross it, however, they weren’t slowing down...
“H-hey, slow down, I'm not going-AH!”
Celine doesn't finish before she's group tackled onto the grass, covered in three nude little bodies who giggle excitedly.
“Geez you guys, you only knew I was gone for a few hours.” replies Celine, seeing the three girls hugging her.
“But we still missed you!” declares Becky.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “Why don't you spend the night with us!?”
“Or me!” states Kali.
“Hehehe, I'm only one person.” answers Celine, smiling.