The comment brings a giggle from both, Celine and Reni, before the Geelien finds herself literally sandwiched between the two blondes.
However, shortly into the two rubbing their bodies against a giggling Celine, the trio hears a couple knocks on the closed door of the bathroom and Layn outside comment...
“I know you girls are probably busy, but breakfast is ready. Come get it before it get's cold.”
“Aww, ok.” answers back Reni, before sighing and adding. “Food or sex? Food or sex?”
Sakura then comments to her sister, “Well you've already had your fun this morning.”
“True...” replies Reni, before removing herself from Celine. “I guess I'll choose food, heh, even though we've made our own strawberry jam sandwich.” she adds, bringing a giggle Celine and Sakura, before removing her dripping body from the tub and retrieving a body towel and wrapping it around her from the chest down. “See ya a little later Celine.”
“See ya.” replies Celine, before Reni leaves the room. “Well that was a little surprising, Reni seemed already worked up.”
“Heh, well food sometimes is the stronger urge, I personally love to eat myself. I'd be fat if I wasn't so active with the IPSL and training.” replies Sakura, before taking a step from Celine. “Wanna put this on hold and go eat?”
“Uh... well...” starts Celine, averting her eyes as she starts to drip.
“What?” asks Sakura.
“W-Well, although I do have fun with my friends, I'm usually the last one to come, or come the least, and I didn't come while I was with Reni earlier, so-”
“Ohhhhhh! I see!” interrupts Sakura with a smile, “You're too horny to go eat.”
“U-Uh, yeah...” answers Celine with an embarrassed smile. “You don't mind, do you?”
“Not at all!” happily replies Sakura, placing her hands to Celine's sides. “The last time we had fun though, I wasn't quite all there, how do I make a Geelien feel good?”
“Well there's no real special method, getting my chest and pussy touched and rubbed still feels good for me.” answers Celine.
“So I can do what I usually do?” asks Sakura.
“Awesome.” comments Sakura, before kneeling, face-to-crotch with Celine.
Before she had the time to get more embarrassed from Sakura's eyes directly on her pussy, Celine gives a little gasp as the blonde gives her a slow lick, a second and third were quickly followed before the fourth ends with a flick of her clit.
“This good?” asks Sakura, smiling as she looks up to Celine with each lick.
“Yeah, that's perfect.” replies Celine with a smile as well as she lowers her hands down to Sakura's head before the blonde resume her licking and Celine moans in delight, before Sakura closes her eyes as she focused on the task in front of her.
Over the next few minutes as the blonde tongue-teased the Geelien's pussy, Sakura found that more and more of Celine's melting mass, specifically, her melting pussy, was flooding into her mouth, which causes her to briefly stop to empty her filled mouth.
Celine felt she was almost there, further encouraging Sakura's efforts with a rubbing of the blondes head and her moans.
“A-A little more, I'm almost there.”
Sakura though briefly pulls her head away, but places her right hand over Celine's melting pussy to continue her pleasure as she asks, “I think I may have asked this before, but is it safe to swallow part of you? You keep filling my mouth and I have to stop.”
“Yeah, it's safe, I can just pull my mass out of your stomach.” replies Celine, before moving her left hand from Sakura's head and pulling the blondes hand from her pussy and using her hand remaining on Sakura's head to push her mouth against her pussy and moaning out as she felt Sakura's tongue again.
With no need for the frequent breaks, Celine's moan grows as Sakura licks and gulps mouthfuls of the Geelien's pussy.
However, moments from Celine's blissful peak, Sakura was a little surprised as she felt Celine pull her mouth from her. The blonde though soon sees the reason as Celine moans out and her melting pussy seeming to explode with a gush of her mass being ejected from her pussy.
Once Celine's ejaculation ends though, Sakura smiles when she sees Celine's teen form melting away to reveal her younger form before a gasp comes from the Geelien as Sakura leans her face to Celine crotch again, successfully prolonging the Geelien's pleasure as Celine once again rest both hands to Sakura's head, grabbing fistfuls of her hair.
Once her blissful moment passes, Celine drops to her knees with a smile, before sitting on her legs and lowering her right hand down between her legs, lightly stroking herself. The Geelien's tail was also lifted and swaying back and forth, which Sakura smiled at seeing.
“Mmmm, thanks.”
“No proble-” replies Sakura cheerfully, before a wide-eyed muffled gasp leaves her as Celine quickly leans forward, placing her left hand to the blonde's right shoulder as the Geelien places her smooth lips against her own.
Sakura though, quickly pushes Celine away at arm's length.
“Whoa! I told you, I don't do kissing on the lips!” quickly states Sakura.
“Oh, sorry about that, I forgot.” replies Celine with a little embarrassed smile.
“It's ok if it was an accident, thanks for not drowning me by the way.”
“Heh, yeah.”
“So do all female Geelien's come like that, heh, with your pussy exploding?” asks Sakura.
“Hey, how about you stay in that form and see how may parents react?”
“I don't have any clothes that'll fit me like this though.” replies Celine.
“You could just wear a big T-shirt, like the one your wore last night.”
“What about underwear? I'd have nothing.”
“I'm sure Reni has a pair in her collection you could wear. Even if she didn't though, it won't be much of a problem to not wear any.”
“To me it would be!” declares Celine with a giggle. “Oh...” she adds, before lifting her left hand up towards Sakura's mouth and the blonde giving a heave, before Celine's mass come up out of her mouth.
“Ohhh, wow, that was uncomfortable.”
“Better than getting sick though.” comments Celine, before re-absorbing her mass and returning to her teen form, then standing. “Well, how about we go eat breakfast?”
“Ok.” replies Sakura, standing as well, before the two leave the tub.
Sakura retrieves a body towel, but unlike Reni, she doesn't simply wrap it around her body, instead, uses it to dry herself. Celine noticed the blonde was quite thorough, taking extra attention to rub her labia dry and placing the towel between her legs and briefly 'sawing' the towel back and forth, before finishing with drying her hair.
Satisfied with her toweling off, Sakura looks to Celine and starts, “You gonna dry yourse-” but the blonde was a little surprised as she sees not a bead of water on the Geelien's naked body, though Celine smiles.
“Water is a Geelien's best friend.”
“Heh, right, I forgot you can just absorb it.” replies Sakura. “Guess you don't need a towel then...” she adds with a smile, before bringing a gasp from Celine as she walks to and opens the bathroom door wide as she walks out.
“H-Hey!” gasps Celine, rushing towards Sakura, quickly dripping as she takes the blondes used towel from her and cover the front of her own body.
“Hehe, everyone's downstairs. There’s no reason to be embarrassed.” giggles Sakura, as she and Celine walk towards her room.
“Maybe, but I don't feel comfortable walking around naked in someones home.”
Sakura doesn't comment as the two enter her room, though as the blonde opens a dresser drawer to pull out a pair of pink bra and panties, a thought occurs to Celine.
“Hey, is Nina still inside you?” asks the Geelien as she stands beside her friend
“Pretty sure she is.” replies Sakura, stepping into her panties and pulling them up over her waist and snapping the sides against her skin. “Why?”
“U-Uh, no reason, it just occurred to me that I haven't seen her since I woke up.”
“Oh, well Nina does like to just stay inside me, even when she's awake.” replies Sakura, putting her bra on.
“Oh.” comments Celine, walking to Reni's bed and placing the towel down on it.
“I can make her come out if you want to talk to her.”
“N-No, you don't need to do that.” replies Celine. “But, how would you get her out?”
“I'd just hit my abdomen a bit. Not enough to hurt, but enough disturb her and tell her to come out.”
“Come're a sec.” states Sakura, before Celine does so and the blonde searches through the sea of panties in the drawer for a few moments, before pulling out a smaller pair of light blue side-tie panties. “I think these'll fit your younger form.”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, taking the panties. “Do you have a large box or container I can use to store my excess mass?”
“Oh, um...” replies Sakura, taking a quick scan of the room, before heading to the closet, opening it and lowering herself to the floor. “We don't have many boxes here.”
“Well I'd rather not have my mass just pooling on the floor.” comments Celine. “We can put this little surprise on hold.”
“Just hold on, we do HAVE boxes, just not a lot of them.” replies Sakura, before standing. “I'll be right back, I know we have a couple in the basement.”
“You don't have to go that far.” comments Celine.
“I really want to see my parents faces, I'll just be a sec.” replies Sakura, leaving the room, dressed in just her bra and panties.
Left alone, Celine gives a little smile as she walks to Reni's bed and sits. After a few moments, Celine decided to call her parents, reaching towards her Comm, just to greet them and tell them she was enjoying herself.
“Hey Celine!” greets a happy Eda on the screen that pops up.
“Hey mom, good morning.” replies Celine.
“Good morning to you too, having fun?”
“Yeah, Sakura and Reni are pretty entertaining and their parents are really nice too.” states Celine.
“I'm going to eat breakfast in a little while with them, I just wanted to call and say that I'm ok.”
“Oh, ok, see ya later today.”
“Seeya.” replies Celine, before the call ends and placing the device back to the nightstand.
It was shortly after this that Celine sees Sakura return, carrying a sizable cylindrical container about half her height with a wider top than the base. Placing it at the foot of Reni's bed, Sakura asks... “This big enough?”
“More than enough.” replies Celine, standing and walking towards the container.
“It's actually a trash can we don't use anymore, but it's been kept clean, may be a little dusty though.”
“OK.” replies Celine before carefully stepping into the bin, then quickly shifting to her younger, flat-chested, narrow hips form, causing Celine to be a little more than waist-deep in her mass from her lowered height, which also brought with it, a slight problem. “Umm...” comments Celine with a smile as she looks to her left and right around the container. “I don't think I can get out, hehe.”
“I'll help.” replies Sakura, smiling as well, before walking around and standing on Reni's bed, reaching down to Celine's sides and with Celine pushing herself up, the Geelien is successfully pulled from the bin, before Sakura lowers her to the side of it. “Well, you're not as heavy as I thought you'd be.” comments Sakura.
“Well I did just get rid of about half my mass.” comments Celine, with a smile as she takes the panties from the bed and begins to put them on.
“Awesome, they fit.” comments Sakura, as she sees the side-tie panties stay in place after Celine made the last tie.
Celine though, simply smiled, before retrieving her shirt she wore last night and a giggle leaving her as the extra large shirt was more of a dress on her now with her smaller form, reaching down to her knees.
“Hehe, you look cute.” comments Sakura.
“Welp, let's go eat before it's all gone.” states Sakura, heading out of the room, dressed only in her bra and panties.
Arriving downstairs, Celine sees that nearly everyone was eating, the only exception was Gene, who sat on the living room couch watching the news on TV. While Reni, who was dressed in just a T-shirt and a small pair of blue panties, sat beside her father with a full plate in her lap. The remaining three, Layn, Kevin and Jin, sat at the dining room table eating and chatting.
Layn, wore the same purple robe tied closed and was the one with the least amount of food on her plate, Kevin was dressed in a two-piece pajama set similar to Sakura's, but gray in color, while Jin wears a sleeve-less shirt that reveals a pair of pink boy-short panties.
It was almost expected of Reni and Sakura, but Celine wasn't quite expecting one of their parents, or rather, Jin in particular, since she was human and not Tragelian, to dress so 'comfortably' with herself visiting.
“Good morning.” greets Celine.
A return greeting quickly followed, but so did the confused looks...
“What the!?” gasps Reni.
“Celine!?” asks Jin, wide-eyed.
“What happen to you!?” asks Layn.
While Celine was a little embarrassed, Sakura giggles as Celine explains...
“I can change into a younger version of myself by losing mass, Sakura wanted to see how you guys would react.”
“Oh...” replies Jin, before Layn adds with a smile...
“You look so cute!”
“Heh, I get that a lot.” replies Celine, before she and Sakura head to the kitchen.
Before Celine enters though, Layn quickly stands.
“Celine wait.” she comments, walking towards the Geelien. “Is their anything specific you have to eat?”
“Not really.” answers Celine with a smile. “While we require liquid and lots of protein, we can eat just about anything you can, as long as it's organic, or can go bad.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Layn.
After getting herself a rather small plateful of the last of the morning breakfast; consisting of scrambled and one sunny-side up eggs, sausage patties and a couple of links, a few slices of toast and bacon, along with a glass of milk; Sakura finished up and piled the remaining food onto her plate.
Joining the three at the dining room table and starting on her breakfast, Celine found herself being stared at by Jin and Layn as she places a third sausage patty into her mouth and absorb it into her body.
“Is something wrong?” asks Celine.
“Oh!” gasps the two women with a small blush and giggle, before Layn continues, “Sorry for staring, but, you don't chew your food?”
“Oh, no.” replies Celine. “I don't. Most things are too tough to chew for us, so we either pull or tear what we eat into pieces and put that into our mouth. Or, like my mom and dad, just put the whole thing into some part of their body.”
“Interesting...” comments Jin. “Can any part of your body absorb food?”
“Yeah, but I prefer using my mouth to eat my food.” answers Celine.
“Is there any specific reason?” asks Layn.
“Not really, it's just a preference, but I feel like it does help in me fitting in with other people, to eat like they do.” replies Celine, before Jin comments...
“Well I can understand that. Moving to a completely new planet can be pretty stressful, I can speak from experience, so I think I can relate. As long as you keep trying and be yourself, everything will work out.”
“Thanks.” replies Celine, smiling from the encouragement, before Layn asks...
“So, are you enjoying yourself with us so far?”
“Yeah, more than I thought I would.” replies Celine. “You guys are really nice and I enjoy being around you, even though I've only known you a short time. I got to know Reni and Sakura better too.”
“Well that's good.” comments Layn, before her smile grows a little and asks. “I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's this I hear of you having a girlfriend already?”
“W-What!?” gasps Celine, immediately looking to Sakura as she started to drip.
“Hehe, sorry, I mentioned it before you and your parents came.” comments Sakura.
“W-Well it's not true!” states Celine. “I turned her down.”
“Aww.” replies Layn.
“Why?” asks Jin.
“I'm not looking for that sort of relationship right now, I just want to focus on being comfortable here before I add the possible complications of a relationship.”
“Such a mature answer.” replies Layn, smiling.
Minutes later, with all but Sakara’s plate empty, a few bites of egg and sausage left, Jin asks...
“If you don't me asking Celine, do Geelien's have a religion?”
“Yeah, two actually, but I don't believe in either. I believe in science and proof.” answers Celine.
“Oh, would you mind explaining why you don't believe in your people's beliefs?” asks Jin.
“Well, if there is a so-called God or spirits that watch over and protect us, why would they allow us to become the way we are today? Our race were nearly wiped out from the parasite. The way I see it, it's nature, you can't stop it, you ether adapt or die, and we adapted and evolved. Now, we live in peace with the parasite, or rather, a symbiotic relationship.”
“I see.” comments Jin, before Celine asks.
“So, I guess you're a religious person?”
“I uh....” starts Jin, appearing a little confused. “I was, before coming to Merkolova, my believe was in Christianity, would you be interested in knowing about it?”
“Uh, not really, sorry.” replies Celine.
“Well that's ok.” states Jin.
Celine felt a little bad turning down Jin's offer, but she didn't want to waste the woman's time with talking about something she had no interest in.
Over the next ten minutes, with Sakura and Kevin taking the empty plates to the kitchen, Celine continued to chat with her friends parents, Layn and Jin in particular, as both men, Reni and Sakura leave to head upstairs. Celine, Jin and Layn currently the only ones in the area.
“Celine...” starts Layn, with a smile as she stands and walks besides the Geelien, to her right. “Would you be interested in joining us in our Family Time?”
“U-Uh...” replies Celine, giving a nervous and embarrassed smile as she quickly assumed what 'Family Time' meant. “Family Time?”
'Maybe it's not what I'm thinking.' thinks Celine.
However, that thought was quickly proven wrong as Layn unties her robe with a single pull of the fabric belt, which opens to reveal Layn's nude, curvy adult body, displaying her ample D-cup breast with pinkish nipples and her hairless mound between her long legs.
“I'm quite interested to see how a Geelien has sex.” comments Layn with a smile.
“U-U-Uh...” staggers out Celine as she quickly stands and backs away with a little smile as she drips. “T-Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.”
“Aww, really?” asks Layn, giving a little pout.
“S-Sorry.” replies Celine, before Jin sighs and stands, walking between the two, facing Layn and pulling her robe closed and tying it.
“For goodness sake Layn, it's only her first visit. It's too soon to start throwing yourself at her.”
“Hehe, I know, just my way of breaking the ice.” replies Layn, before Celine comments lowly, smiling...
“I think you're crushing the ice now.” quickly recalling Sakura telling her that she could tell Layn where she'd like the draw the line, Celine adds... “By the way Layn; I uh, I don't mind the flirting, but I'd feel uncomfortable going much further than that with you.”
“I see.” comments Layn, smiling. “Well that's nice to know. Am I allowed to touch?”
“U-Uh, as long as it's not between my legs.” answers Celine, lowering her hands over her crotch nervously.
“So your chest is fair game?”
“Hehe, you look so cute, all nervous and in that younger form of yours.”
To be continued