“Hey...” starts Sakura, walking up to Celine. “Would you mind if I clean you?”
“I just thought it would be interesting.” replies Sakura, gently taking the comb from Celine. “I just run the comb through your body until all the crystals are gone, right?”
“Yeah... well, ok, if you want to.” answers Celine, before spreading her legs about a foot and extending her arms at her sides. “It's a normal thing for two Geelien's to clean each other.”
“The same goes for me and my family.” replies Sakura. “So, where do I start?”
“Anywhere you want. I prefer starting at my head and working my way down.”
“Ok, so...” states Sakura, before placing the comb at the top of Celine's head. “I just move it through your head and face?”
“Yeah.” replies Celine with a smile. “Don't worry, you won't hurt me, it actually feels good.”
Lowering the mesh of the comb down, into Celine's head and face, Sakura smiles as just one pass of the comb down to Celine's neck already made a clear difference as the few crystals in the reach of the comb had been cleared out and collected in the comb, before Celine comments...
“One pass is usually enough, but I like to make several, just to be absolutely sure nothing is left behind.”
“Heh, clean freak, huh?” states Sakura with a giggle.
“W-Well clear is beauty.” comments Celine with a little smile as she drips.
“Hehe, well, do I keep going down or do I get the back of your head too?”
“I do my whole head, before doing my front then my back.” answers Celine.
“OK, then I'll do that too.” replies Sakura, walking behind Celine and repeating the process on the back of Celine's head.
“Oh and make sure you clean the comb out in the sink after a few passes.” comments Celine.
“OK.” replies Sakura, before walking to the sink and rinsing away the small amount of gathered crystals.
However, a brief gaze up to the mirror, Sakura gasps out as she sees her hair and her face reddens like a tomato as she lifts one hand up to flatten her hair.
“Hey! Why didn't you tell me about my hair!” declares the blonde as she turn to Celine, who bursts into a round of giggling.
“S-Sorry! I couldn't help it!”
“Hmph! So your also a jerk too.” comments Sakura, before wetting a hand and placing it to her hair to flatten it. “I'll remember this.”
Returning in front of Celine, Sakura takes the Geelien's right hand in her left, lifting her arm a bit before placing the comb into Celine's shoulder and running it through her friend's arm and hand, repeating it twice more, before, satisfied with the cleanliness of Celine's right arm, moves behind her to her left. Repeating the lift of her arm and a few passes of the comb, Sakura returns to the sink to clean the comb before returning in front of Celine.
“I'm liking this.” comments Sakura with a smile. “Kinda calming, like painting a wall.”
“Well I'm glad you like it.” replies Celine, smiling as well as Sakura began to run the comb down her chest and belly, Celine even lifting her arms as Sakura gets her sides as she circles around her.
After cleaning the comb once again, Sakura kneels down in front of Celine, who reflexively places her hands over her crotch briefly.
“Is it the same with this spot too?” asks Sakura with a smile as she looks up to Celine.
“Yeah.” answers Celine, uncovering herself and placing her hands to her sides. “You're just cleaning me, remember?”
“Heh, yeah, yeah, I know.” replies Sakura, lifting the comb into Celine's waist and making a number of short passes through Celine's waist, passing through her pussy.
Seeing her Geelien friend melting more than usual, Sakura grins and asks...
“Does cleaning this area feel better than the others?”
“I-I'm sure you already know the answer to that.” replies Celine.
Sakura giggles a little as she began to move around to Celine's back.
“You clean your tail too, right?” asks Sakura, seeing the Geelien's tail cover the crevice of her butt and hanging between her legs.
“Can I touch it?”
“Of course.”
“Some people have issues with their tail being touched without permission, that's why I ask.” comments Sakura, lifting Celine's tail in her left hand and giving it just two passes of the comb before circling back around to Celine's front, before standing.
“Alrighty! Your pussy is clean, now it's just your legs.” states Sakura, before cleaning the comb and returning in front of her friend and kneeling again.
“Thanks.” replies Celine, smiling.
“No problem.” replies Sakura, placing the comb into Celine's right leg and moving it down.
As Sakura began cleaning the last parts of her, Celine found the thought of Reni's secret coming to her mind. She knew it wouldn't be a very nice thing to do, but she was just too curious.
“Um, Sakura?”
“Yeah?” replies he blonde.
“Uh, did something happen to Reni in her past, something with your dads?”
To her surprise, Sakura abruptly stops what she was doing and looks up to her with wonderment, which causes Celine to quickly add nervously...
“U-Uh, I woke up early in the morning and Reni seemed to be having a bad dream, and she was talking and crying...”
“Did you ask her about it?” asks Sakura.
“Y-Yeah, but she got really angry with me and told me not to bring it up again.”
“Then that's it, if she won't tell you herself, then I can't say anything about it. I will say one thing though, it has nothing to do with ether of our dads, so don't go thinking bad about them.”
“But, that doesn't make sen-”
“Drop it Celine.” cuts in Sakura, with a frown.
Slumping her shoulders in defeat, Celine replies, “Ok.” but she was even more curious, Reni was dreaming about her dad hurting her, got upset upon bringing it up and told, now twice, that neither father had anything to do with it, it was quite a mystery.
“Good.” replies Sakura, her smile slowly returning. “I'd hate to fight over something like that.”
After a few minutes...
“And we're done! Looking clear and pretty.” declares Sakura with a smile as she admires her work, in front of a smiling, dripping and very clear, clean looking Celine, who covers her crotch with a hand.
“Thanks.” comments the Geelien.
“Just in time too, really gotta pee now.” states Sakura, handing the comb back to Celine, before walking to the toilet, turning her back to it and placing her hands to the waist of her pajama pants.
“Hey wait!” quickly states Celine, taking a few steps towards her friend.
“What?” asks Sakura, before grinning and adding... “Want me to pee on you?”
“Heh, n-no, nothing like that. I just, was wondering, if I could watch.”
“Oh...” replies Sakura, a light blush rising on her cheeks with a smile. “Well, if you want.” she adds, before pulling down her pajama pants and underwear as she sits on the toilet.
“It's just, as Geelien's, we have no need for a toilet and I've never actually seen a non-Geelien use one in person.”
“Oh, really?” asks Sakura.
“Wow, well, it's more of a listening experience for the person watching, you just sit and relax.”
“Ok, I'm still interested.” replies Celine, walking in front of Sakura and sitting on the edge of the tub, which brings a little more of a blush to Sakura's cheeks and a little giggle.
“W-Well, kinda makes me a little nervous with you sitting in front of me like that.”
“O-Oh! S-Sorry!” gasps Celine, standing and returning to her previous spot off to the side.
“That's better, anyway, here I go...” replies Sakura.
After just a few seconds, Celine hears the steady sound of a stream of liquid, Sakura's pee, hitting the pool of water in the toilet, which brings a rather big smile to the Geelien's face. A little giggle was added by Sakura as she noticed Celine's clear delight in watching and hearing her as her tail also flicks back and forth.
“Well you're certainly happy.” comments Sakura as she continued to empty her bladder.
“Heh, well this is just new to me, actually seeing a toilet being used for its original purpose. Can you spread your legs so I can see it come out?”
“Well...” starts Sakura with a little smile, before the steady stream ends. “Ok.” she answers and spreading her legs, causing Celine to eagerly return in front of the blonde and kneel to look squarely at Sakura's urine dripping labia, before seeing a stream of pee leave her.
“Wow, so you can stop and start it?”
“Heh, yeah, but once you start, stopping and holding it in only lasts a few moments.”
Celine watches in silence for the next few seconds as Sakura's bladder empties itself, ending with a quick, spurt of pee, before Sakura giggles a little as she kept her legs spread and comments...
“Your interest in my peeing reminds me of the few times Nina would stand on the edge of the toilet seat and watch me pee.”
“Where is she anyway?” asks Celine, getting to her feet. “You said she woke up, but I didn't see her in her bed.”
“She's here...” answers Sakura's pressing a finger to her abdomen. “She likes to hang out in my womb, it's her private little space.”
“Hehe, really? I know you said she appears in your womb when going from her home in the forest to here, but she actually spends prolonged time in there? Isn't it hot and wet in there?”
“Yeah, but she says she likes it and it's quite. She says the outside sounds are almost impossible to hear and she likes the constant sound of my heart beat.”
“So, she's sleeping right now?”
“Most likely, I haven't felt much movement from her.” answers Sakura before gasping with a smile and presenting her right index finger to Celine. “Pull my finger!”
Celine started to do just what Sakura asked, but stopped as she recalled a similar memory with Becky and Sammy and their reluctance to pull her tail, which causes Celine to lower her hand with a smile.
“Heh, Becky and Sammy already told me about that.”
“Aww, so you know what a fart is?” asks Sakura with a little disappointment on her face.
“I didn't at first.”
“Oh well...” comments Sakura before a loud, long, thunderous expulsion of gas leaves her into the toilet bowel, which ends with satisfied sigh from the blonde. “Ohhhh man! Too bad you guys can't know the relief of a good fart.”
The comment brings a giggle from Celine, before Sakura adds...
“This next part though you should probably leave the room for a few minutes.”
“I gotta poop, so-”
“O-Oh! Ok! Right...” replies Celine, heading towards the door, unlocking it.
Upon opening it though, Celine got a surprise as Reni was on the other end, as naked as she was in the bed with honey trailing down her inner thighs.
“Oh, hey Celine, what are you doing in the bathroom?”
“I was going to clean myself and Sakura wanted to join me, and we're basically sharing our morning routine with each other.”
“Oh, cool.” replies Reni with a smile, entering the bathroom, as Celine began to leave the room, though, Reni turns and grabs her hand. “Where are you going?”
“Sakura said she wanted some privacy so she can poop.”
“Oh, well how can she share her routine if she tells you to leave?” replies Reni, with a smile as she pulls Celine back into the room. “The famous Sakura has smelly poops like the rest of us!”
“But if she doesn't want me to be here-” starts Celine, before Sakura cuts in...
“It's not that big a deal, yeah it's embarrassing, but we've already frakked and you've seen me pee.”
“But even I know pee and poop are different.” comments Celine, before turning her back to Sakura. “At the very least, I won't look.”
“Ok, thanks.” replies Sakura, smiling.
With her back to the blonde, Celine sees Reni walk to the sink and began to brush her teeth as she hears three clear plunks from the toilet and a soft moan from Sakura.
“S-So...” starts Celine, clearly the more embarrassed of the three as she drips. “What else do you guys do to get ready for the day?”
Reni answers as she brushes her teeth, “I usually masturbate before I get out of the bed, after, pee slash poop, brush our teeth, ether wash up a bit, cleaning the armpits and pussy and any lingering honey or just take a shower or bath, maybe put a couple pieces of underwear and/or clothes on then eat breakfast.”
“Oh.” replies Celine, before Sakura asks...
“Wanna shower with us?”
“Heh, no thanks, I don't need one.” answers Celine, smiling.
“Come on...” urges Reni. “It'll be fun!”
“Yeah...” adds Sakura. “I cleaned you, you can have a turn at cleaning me.”
“OK, fine.” replies Celine with a smile.
While hearing two more plunks from the toilet, Reni finishes brushing her teeth and turns to face Celine with a smile.
“By the way, thanks for earlier, you were awesome!”
“Heh, you're welcome.” replies Celine with a slightly embarrassed smile.
“I've never been frakked so deep in my ass before.” declares Reni happily, moving one hand behind her to her butt with a giggle. “It's still sensitive and loosened up. It sucks there’s not many of you guys here, you frak so frakking good!”
“U-Uh, thanks, I guess.” replies Celine, before seeing Reni walk towards the tub, commenting...
“Welp, time for our group shower.”
Pressing a couple of buttons on a flat-panal screen in the wall of the shower, Celine was a little surprised just now noticing that there was no shower-head, but the water rained down from the ceiling as she saw the tiny holes in the metallic sheet in the ceiling.
“Ohh, that's cool, I've never seen a shower like that one.”
“Yeah, it is pretty cool.” replies Reni. “I can even change how the water comes out...” she adds, before with a few more button selections, Celine sees the water come from one end of the ceiling and travel towards the other, then back, another pattern consists of both ends coming together and appearing to criss-cross, another was a pulsing, stop and go. “I can play music and the screen doubles as a T.V. too.”
“Nice.” comments Celine with a smile.
Reni giggles a little, before tapping the screen a couple of times, returning the water flow to its initial setting. “Is it ok if the water is hot?” she asks.
Walking to the tub, Celine sees Sakura wipe herself before standing and flushing the toilet. The Geelien reaches her right hand into the falling water.
“As long as I'm not in it for too long, that's ok.” answers Celine.
“Nice.” replies Reni, before stepping into the raining water, her body quickly drenched and her hair matted to her head. “Don't want you disappearing down the drain, hehe.”
“Yeah, that would be bad.” comments Celine with a smile, before seeing Sakura at her right, removing her pajama's and panties, before stepping into the shower.
“Mmmh, a nice hot shower in the morning.” moans Sakura, before she and Reni's look to Celine, who states...
“Well, guess it's my turn.”
Stepping into the rain of water, Celine ends up between Sakura and Reni; Reni behind her and Sakura in front.
Sakura, opening and reaching into a small compartment in the wall beside them, takes out a bottle of liquid bathing soap and face towel before looking to Celine with a smile.
“Would you mind?”
“Heh, no.” replies Celine, taking the soap and towel, before Sakura turns her back to her, though Reni asks...
“Is soap ok for you Celine? Does it effect your body?”
“Soaps fine, it just rolls off like water.” answers Celine, opening the bottle and drizzling the soap onto Sakura's back and quickly placing the towel over it before the raining water would wash it away. “Hey, since you guys are plenty wet already, wouldn't it be better to turn the water off?”
“I can turn it down a bit...” comments Sakura, tapping the screen in front of her and the rain reducing to a light drizzle, before Reni takes another bottle of soap from the wall...
“I'll wash your back.”
“But I don't need it.” comments Celine, looking back to Reni.
“But it won't hurt you ether.” states Reni with a smile before squeezing the soap over the Geelien's back, returning the bottle into the wall and placing her hands to Celine's back and rubbing the soap around. “Just because you don't need it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the experience.”
“Ok, fine.” replies Celine, smiling, before mimicking Reni's action to Sakura's back.
Minutes passed and considering the situation, sandwiched between two Tragelian sisters in the shower, Celine was delightfully surprised how tame the group shower was, so far at least.
Celine felt Reni was getting a little 'adventurous' as once she finished lathering up her back, felt the frisky blondes hand move around to her front, rubbing her belly as Reni herself presses herself against Celine's back. That wasn't all though, as Reni's soapy hands lift to the Geelien's chest, caressing her breasts and gave a few pinches to her nipples, which Celine did her best to ignore with a smile as Reni gave her small breasts ample attention.
Meanwhile, Celine's focus was on Sakura's back, who was clearly enjoying the back rub, specifically, her lower back as the blonde places her hands against the wall in front of her with a moan, commenting out great the rubbing of her sore back was feeling, which reminded Celine that Sakura had her Shakra match yesterday. Upon remembering this, Celine took extra care to rub the spots Sakura pointed out and smiles from her gasps, groans and flinches.
Until a slightly surprised gasps leaves Celine as she felt Reni's hands slide from her chest, down her belly and to her crotch. Reni's index fingers trace the 'V' down and outline her labia, slowly moving her fingers up and down, bringing a small groan from Celine before she felt Reni's fingers slide up, away from her labia and to her hips, before moving down them and few times, but circling around to her front, before gently cupping the Geelien's labia with one hand, then switching to the other, before both hands spread her open a little and briefly caress her inner folds.
Celine was having a very difficult time ignoring Reni's actions, stopping her message of Sakura's back altogether to fight back moaning from Reni's soapy hands, all the while, Reni lightly giggles.
Releasing her labia, Reni's gives them a few more caresses, before moving her hands to Celine's butt and moving herself from her back to grasp her tail.
“Let me guess...” comments Sakura. “Reni's doing more than cleaning, huh?”
“Not true.” comments Reni with a giggle as she strokes the Geelien's tail. “The pussy still needs to be cleaned.”
“Mine doesn't.” comments Celine.
“I've moved on anyway.” replies Reni, placing her hands to Celine's butt and rubbing. “Plus, I'm the one that has made the most progress in cleaning anyone, Celine's still on your back, if anyone's doing more than cleaning, it's Celine.”
“Fine...” comments Sakura. “Celine, you can stop with the massage.”
“OK.” replies Celine, before moving the towel around to Sakura's belly.
“You can lose the towel if you want.” comments Sakura.
Celine's mind quickly guessed Sakura's comment to use her hands would lead to more than just washing and decided against it.
“Uh, I'd rather not.”
“Awww.” comments Sakura with a little giggle, joined by Reni as she lowers herself to rub Celine's legs.
Celine continued her original goal, cleaning Sakura, starting with her belly and moving up to her chest to rub the soapy towel over her breasts, which Sakura wasn't very responsive to like Celine assumed she'd be, but Celine was wary of lowering the towel down pass the blondes abdomen.
“Go on, it won't bite.” states Sakura a smile.
'Screw it...' thinks Celine. 'Like Reni said, it needs cleaning too. Plus, Sakura seems to have more self-control than her sister.'
Lowering the towel, Celine was surprised Sakura didn't even flinch when she cups her toweled hand over her friends labia. Although finding it a bit odd, Celine began to rub the area clean, only a few strokes into the act, Celine hears a single, soft moan from Sakura.
“Mmm... OK, that's good enough.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine, before moving the towel down Sakura's right thigh, moving around her butt and switching hands and moving the towel over Sakura's left thigh as she adds. “I have to say though, you surprise me.”
“How?” asks Sakura.
“Well you're so calm when I cleaned your chest and crotch.” answers Celine, which brings a chuckle from the blonde.
“Heh, you expected me to turn around and jump you from cleaning my pussy?”
“Hehe, yeah, I'm probably hanging around Becky and Sammy too much.”
“Heh, yeah, but like Reni said, the pussy needs cleaning too, I can behave myself with a simple cleaning...” comments Sakura, before looking back to the Geelien with a smile. “Unless your looking forward to some misbehaving...”
“Heh, I'd rather finish with the cleaning before any of that happens.” replies Celine with a smile as well, though Reni commenting as she stands...
“That's not a 'no'.”
“No, it's not.” replies Celine, before Sakura turns around to face Celine, before the Geelien squats down to clean Sakura's legs, like Reni had done with her. “If we do though, I'd like the drain closed.”
“No problem!” declares Reni happily, before begins to clean her own body.
“Oh...” starts Sakura, before lowering her hands down to her labia and spreading herself open. “Wash here too.”
Looking up to Sakura's spread labia, Celine asks, “But didn't I get that area though?”
“No, you just cleaned the outside. Normally, it would be ok cause regular soap can burn, but not the soap we use, so I like to make sure the inside is clean too.”
Seeing a smile and a bit of color to Sakura's cheeks, Celine smiles back, assuming this was the beginning of Sakura's attempt to begin what she had been expecting.
“Fine.” replies Celine as she stands, placing her left hand to Sakura's right shoulder as she places the towel between the blondes labia and beginning to stroke her, which, unlike the rubbing of her labia, brings an immediate reaction from her as she closes her eyes and moans softly.
“Mmm... that's good enough.” comments Sakura after just a few moments, before giving a shudder as Celine, slowly lifts the towel up, it's soapy surface rubbing against the blondes emerging clit. “Hehe, you tease.” giggles Sakura, before grabbing Celine's hand holding the towel and moving it around to her butt as she steps close to Celine, pressing her body against hers as she lifts her hands to the Geelien's shoulders. “All that's left now is cleaning between the cheeks of my butt and I'll be all clean thanks to you.”
Only giggling, Celine moves the towel between the cheeks of Sakura's butt, reaching down to her anus and rubbing her there, bringing a moan from her.
“Do you like anal as much as Reni?” asks Celine.
“Nope, I'd much prefer getting my pussy fraked before my butt.” replies Sakura.
Celine gives a little gasp as she felt Reni press her soapy body against her again.
“I'll take all the anal love you'll give!”
“Heh, I'm thinking the actual cleaning is about done now, huh?” asks Celine.
Sakura pulls back with a smile, reaching back to take the towel from her butt and Celine's hold and dropping it over the drain, before turning her upper body around to reach the screen in the wall and with a tap, the falling water comes to a stop.
“Yeah...” states Sakura, looking to Celine. “The shower's over and the misbehaving begins.”
To be continued