Moments later, with all three girls spent and Sammy laying on top of a very 'melted' Celine, Sammy soon lifts herself to look at the Geelien and gasps at the sight of her. The Geeline's looked considerably younger, smaller and her breasts were nearly gone, Celine looked closer to their own age.
“Whoa, what happened to you!?”
“Huh?” replies Celine.
“What? What happened?” quickly asks Becky, lifting herself up on her hands and knees and crawling to Celine's left side and gasping as well. “You got smaller!”
“Oh, right.” replies Celine with a chuckle. “Yeah, I'm sure this is a shock.”
“Now it makes sense why I was bumping into Becky.” replies Sammy.
“Yeah...” states Celine. “The more mass we Geelien's lose, the smaller and younger we get in appearance.”
“Wow, that's pretty cool.” comments Becky.
Sammy then looks around them and sees a quite sizable puddle below herself and Becky.
“Hehe, your mass is all over the floor.” comments Sammy, giggling as she moves to Celine's right side, though the Geelien's gasps and sits up.
“The towel!”
All three look and see the untouched towel near the bed, quite a distance from the three as they were near the wall, even Celine's puddle didn't reach it.
“Hehe, oops.” giggles Becky. “We tranced and forgot all about it.”
Taking a moment to look to the two girl's eyes, Celine sees that they were normal again. “Well it's not that big of a deal.” comments Celine, before Becky and Sammy gasp as the puddle shrinks as Celine reabsorbs it into her body, which grows back to it's original size, along with her breasts returning. “There'll just be a damp spot.”
“Whoa! That's so cool!” declares Sammy.
Celine only smiles, before lifting a hand up towards Sammy's mouth, who looks puzzled for a moment before giving a heave and coughing up a pinkish fluid before throwing up more of the fluid to the floor, which quickly moves into Celine's leg.
“Did you just take that from my stomach!?” gasps Sammy.
“Hehe, well I don't want to be responsible for you getting sick eating me.” replies Celine.
“Well I would've liked a warning before you make me throw you up.” replies Sammy.
“Hehe, good thing I didn't try eating her.” comments Becky with a smile.
“Yeah, well, what other stuff can you do?” asks Sammy.
“Well there's not much else, I can absorb things.” replies Celine.
“Oh that's right!” gasps Becky. “That's how you eat things right?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine.
“So...” starts Sammy. “Any part of your body can absorb stuff?”
“Then why were you drinking that juice earlier through your mouth?”
“I prefer eating and drinking things through my mouth.” replies Celine. “Especially here on Merkolova, people would probably freak if they saw me absorb a piece of meat with my hand or arm or some other part of my body.”
“Oh, I wanna see!” declares Becky. “Would you mind if I go get something for you to eat without your mouth?”
“Hehe, no I don't mind, just make sure it's something organic, something that goes bad if not eaten soon enough.” replies Celine.
“Ok.” states Becky, standing and leaving the room, still naked and her head covered in Sammy's honey.
“So there are things you can't absorb?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, inorganic things, stuff like metal, glass, concrete, certain kinds of candy.”
“Wow, so, basically, if we can eat it, you can too?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, basically.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy, smiling and repositioning herself to sit on her rear and spreading her legs. “What about my honey? Can you absorb that?”
“Hehe, sure.” replies Celine, moving her right foot to the little girl's labia, who giggles upon feeling a tingling sensation around her lower lips where Celine's foot touches, before the older teen pulls away.
“Wow, cool.” comments Sammy, running a couple fingers over her labia, while a little damp, they weren't sticky with her honey.
“Unfortunately, you didn't have much there.” comments Celine. “Although, I had a nice taste when you came earlier.”
“How?” asks Sammy. “I came on Becky's head.”
“Well not all of your juices landed on her head, the rest fell around my hips.” answers Celine, circling her waist.
“Oh, well that does explain why I don't see my honey anywhere on the floor.” comments Sammy, looking around before spotting Becky's puddle of honey. “Oh but there's Becky's! Absorb it!”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, standing and stepping towards spent arousal juices and placing her right big toe in.
Sammy immediately gasps in amazement as she looks on, seeing the small puddle shrink as particles of it traveled up Celine's foot before disappearing at her ankle.
“WHOA! I can see it going up inside you like that drink you were drinking!”
Celine chuckles at Sammy's amazement and within seconds, the puddle of honey disappears before Becky returns.
“I'm back!” she cheers, her head still wet with Sammy's honey and carrying a plate of sauce-covered meatballs. “My moms making spaghetti and meatballs and she had extra meatballs!”
“Hey Becky!” happily starts Sammy, getting to her feet. “Celine just absorbed your honey that was on the floor with her foot!”
“Aww!” pouts Becky. “You already started absorbing stuff without me!?”
“Hehe, sorry.” replies Celine.
“Well fine.” replies Becky.
“By the way...” starts Sammy, circling Celine once as she looks her over. “I never bothered to look since I was trancing, but now that Celine's naked, you're really pretty.”
“Heh, you really think so?” asks Celine, with an embarrassed smile.
“Hey your right.” comments Becky, standing in front of the Geelien and looking her up and down. “Celine is pretty, she's so smooth.”
“Yeah, she is.” comments Sammy. “She's just nice to look at.” she adds, before kneeling down to look squarely at Celine's crotch, which causes the Geelien to cover her crotch, along with her breasts as she began to drip again.
“It's kinda embarrassing having you two look at me like that.”
“Hehehe...” giggles Sammy. “And now she's drippy again!”
“Hehe, ok then...” starts Becky, before picking up a meatball and offering it to Celine. “Eat a meatball without your mouth.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, uncovering her breasts and reaching a hand out to the food before Becky places it in her hand and the two little girls gasp as they see the meatball, sauces and all, sinking into Celine's hand, particles of it traveling up her arm and within a couple seconds, not a trace of the meatball was left. “That was pretty good.” comments Celine.
“That's SO COOL!” declares Becky excitedly. “Have another!” she quickly adds, placing a second on Celine's hand, which also began to be absorbed.
“So you can taste it too?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah.” answers Celine.
After the second meatball had disappeared, Becky gasps, “Oh! Oh! What about your chest!?” she declares, picking up a third meatball and placing it between Celine's breasts and holding it there as she giggles, seeing it, like it's two previous, dissolving into the Geelien. “Hehehe, wow, any part of you really can absorb stuff huh?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, smiling. “You can keep feeding me if you want, those meat balls are good.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy, taking another meatball. “How about HERE!?” she declares, kneeling again and quickly inserting the meatball between Celine's lower lips with a gasp from her.
“I would've liked a warning for that one!” comments Celine.
However, nether girl pays her any attention as they see the meatball inside Celine's pussy began to dissolve.
“So cool!” declares the two in unison.
What proceeded over the next two minutes were Becky and Sammy amusing themselves by feeding Celine, placing meatballs to various parts of her body; her arms, each breast, the stomach, a few more even in the Geelien's pussy and one actually found it's way up Celine's rear through her anus.
“So what other kinds of things can you absorb?” asks Becky, she and Sammy happily standing in front of Celine.
“Well, the only thing I haven't mentioned I think is absorbing more complex life, like you guys.”
The two little girl's eyes went wide at the statement and they both declare...
“You can even absorb us!?”
“You can absorb people too!?”
“U-Uh, yeah...” replies Celine, feeling a slight pang of concern at the two girls excitement and taking a step back, but the two girls took two steps towards her.
“Do it!” declare Becky.
“Yeah, absorb us!” adds Sammy.
“I-I'd rather not, sorry.” replies Celine.
“Why not!?” asks the two in unison, looking quite disappointed.
“Well it's something we Geelien's take seriously, after-all, it involves breaking down every part of your body and trusting me completely, plus, you two are still too young for me to absorb you without your parents permission.”
Both girls give a pout and Becky's states...
“The 'too young' excuse? You're really gonna use that?”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “Especially after the naughty fun we had!”
“Hehe, yeah, I'm sorry, but I just can't without your parents permission, even then-” replies Celine, before Becky cut in...
“Fine!” she states as she heads towards the door. “I'll go get permission then!”
“Wait!” declares Celine, hurrying to towards the door, but immediately stops upon remembering she was naked, looking back towards her clothes, Celine sees Sammy using her Comm. “What are you doing?”
“I'm calling my mom to ask her permission for you to absorb me.”
Celine could only sigh and slump her shoulders in defeat, before seeing a window pop up above Sammy's Comm and a woman's voice answer.
“Hey mom.” greets Sammy with a smile. “I'm at Becky's and we made a new friend, she's a Geelien and-”
“A Geelien!?” gasps the voice of the woman. “Didn't I tell you I wanted you to keep your distance from those things!?”
The reality had suddenly hit Celine again as she looked to the floor, with Becky and Sammy so accepting of her, she had forgotten about the negative view people had of her race.
Sammy though sees the hurt look on Celine's face and looks back to the screen with her mother.
“Don't say that mom! Geelien's arn't bad at all! The one I met is really nice! I was afraid at first, but once I got to know her, I really like her!”
“Samantha!” gasps the woman.
Celine was shocked, she barely knew the little girl and Sammy was defending her against her own mother.
“You've never even meet a Geelien before!” declares Sammy. “You just believe what other people tell you without any proof!”
Celine didn't hear a reply from the mother for a few moments, but soon hears...
“Is this Geelien there with you right now?”
“Yeah.” answers Sammy.
“Let me speak to her.”
Celine was dripping bullets upon hearing the statement, but quickly tried to collect herself as Sammy looks to her and walking towards her, standing beside her and moving her Comm screen in front of Celine, who sees the older woman, who looked at her with a frown.
“What is your name?”
“Celine.” answers the teen.
“I don't know what you've done with my daughter, but, if she says your a good person, I'll give you a chance, but if you ever hurt her in any way, you will regret it. Are you familiar with Shakra?”
“Yes.” answers Celine.
“Well, my Shakra is fire, and if what I know about Geelien's and fire is true, you really don't want to make me angry when it concerns my daughter, do I make myself clear?”
“Y-Yes, absolutely!” replies Celine, dripping uncontrollably now.
“Good, Samantha, I want you home before dark.” states the woman, before the window closes and Sammy gasps...
“Dang-it, I didn't ask her for permission for you to absorb me.”
“Hehe, I don't think she would've approved anyway.” replies Celine.
“Yeah, you're probably right...” comments Sammy sadly. “But what was my mom talking about with you and fire?”
“Well, us Geelien's are weak to extreme temperatures. Cold can freeze us, but fire is lethal for us since it melts us.”
Celine soon soon gets another shock as she sees Becky and her mother, Hazel, walk into the room, Celine gasping out and covering herself.
“Oh my!” gasps Hazel with a smile and looking away as Celine quickly grabs the bath towel on the floor and covers herself. “Sorry, I didn't know you weren’t dressed.” she adds, before glancing back and seeing Celine was covered. “Anyway, I just came to tell you myself that I will not approve of you absorbing my daughter.”
Becky stands with her arms folded with a pout, muttering, “I would've told the truth.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine. “I was also against doing it myself.”
“Well, that's very responsible of you.” comments Hazel, before turning and heading out, though turning and giving the parting comment, “Oh, and if you'd like, I have food downstairs your free to eat.”
“Ok, thanks.” replies Celine.
Although, being left alone with two pouting little girl's unable to have their way, Celine was a little concerned, but quickly thought up an idea.
“Oh, how about instead of absorbing you two, I put part of myself into you?”
“Huh?” replies Sammy.
“What do you mean?” asks Becky.
Relieved at peaking their interest, Celine uncovers herself.
“Ok, what I mean is, I can put my hand into your pussies and push some of my mass into you.”
“Ohhh, so our bellies get big?” asks Becky, before Sammy gasps at the statement.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “From what I know about you Tragelian's, your wombs can expand when you have a lot of eggs to lay.”
“You're right!” replies Sammy excitedly. “Last week Becky had a ton of eggs to lay and her belly was really big!”
“Yeah!” adds Becky, grinning. “It felt SOOOO good to lay them, we had so much naughty fun that day!”
“Heh, ok then, so you want part of me inside you?” asks Celine.
“Yeah!” declares Becky.
“Fill our bellies with your goo!” adds Sammy.
“Hehehe, ok then, let's get on the floor...” replies Celine, lowering herself to the floor, sitting on her legs.
Becky and Sammy quickly follow, positioning themselves in front of Celine, sitting down and spreading their legs.
Celine moves herself a bit closer to the two before reaching each of her hands to the little slits presented to her and easily pushing her entire hand into the little girls, which brought a giggle from both and a comment from Becky...
“Wow, you can put your whole hand in so easy and it didn't hurt.”
“Well I have no bones after all.” replies Celine with a smile, “I can move through the smallest things.”
“I bet your awesome at Hide and Seek.” comments Sammy.
“Heh, I am.” replies Celine rather proudly.
Becky and Sammy soon gasp upon feeling Celine's fingers reach their cervix and a quick moaning follows as they feel Celine's hand loose form and pass through the opening and into their womb.
“O-Ohhhh, hehehe, that feels weird.” giggles Becky.
“Hehe, yeah, but it's nice though.” adds Sammy.
Only a few moments pass, before the little girls giggle again, each placing a hand to their abdomen and Sammy first commenting...
“I'm already filled up, I can feel her stretching me now.”
“Me too.” adds Becky, poking her abdomen.
The two soon look to Celine and giggle as they notice her shrinking, while not as drastically as before, Celine was noticeably shorter and breasts smaller, in the A-cup range.
“Hehe, your shrinking again!” giggles Becky.
“Of course.” replies Celine with a smile and before Celine herself moves, Becky and Sammy move themselves closer to Celine to compensate for the Geelien's reduction in size, thus her reach.
It was seconds after that each of the girls give another moan and laying on their back as their bellies began to noticeably bulge and Becky placing her hands to her belly.
“It's starting to feel really good!” moans Sammy.
“How much more do you two think you can hold?” asks Celine, appearing closer to the two girls age.
“More!” declares Becky.
“Yeah! Fill us up more!” adds Sammy.
Celine happily indulged the girls, bringing out more of their moans as their bellies grew bigger while the two squirm with pleasure. When Celine finally stopped, Celine herself appeared Becky and Sammy's age and height, flat chest and narrow hips. Though the two girls both, whine and moan in disappointment, caressing their bulging bellies, both looking a few months pregnant.
“Why'd you stop?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah!” adds Becky.
Pulling her hands free from the blushing little lips, allowing some of Celine's goo freedom as it oozes from the girl's slits, Celine smiles.
“Well it's all I can afford to put in you.” states Celine, poking each of the girls bellies, bringing a moaning from them as they scissor their thighs together. “I didn't expect how much your wombs could hold, especially with you two being so small. Hehe, so how does having a part of me in you feel?” she adds, caressing Becky and Sammy's bellies herself, bringing more moans from the two as the pinkish goo continues to ooze out from them occasionally spreading their legs.
“Really good!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah, my belly is so tight!” adds Becky.
A few moments of rubbing the two girl's bellies, an idea comes to Celine with a smile.
“Hey, I'm going to try something, tell me if it hurts, it shouldn't though, I don't think.”
“Ok.” replies Becky and Sammy, continuing to moan.
“Here I go...” states Celine, before lifting her hands straight up and immediately bringing a gasping moan from the two. “How was that?” asks Celine.
“Amazing!” declares Becky
“You can still move your goo around in side us!?” asks Sammy.
“Hehe, of course.” replies Celine, smiling. “I could pull it from your stomach, I'm just moving it around now...” adds Celine, before the two girls gasp out again as Celine gently pulls her fluid up towards her hand, before Becky and Sammy began squirming and scissoring their thighs together as Celine began to move her hands in a circular motion.
Just seconds into the unique manner of pleasuring the two, Celine grins in delight of the two girl's squirming and moaning on the floor from her moving her mass around inside their womb. Celine's younger looking body began to drip again, this time from arousal as she amused herself, varying her motions and the two girl's squirms and moans as she alternates between circling her hands and simply lifting and lowering her hands. Even circling one hand over one belly and lifting and lower her other hand over the second belly.
What proceeded was a sort of 'song' of moans, the slower Celine would move her hands, the lower and longer the moans would last, on the other hand, the quicker she moved, the louder and sharper the moans would be. Celine had her own little musical instrument.
Becky was the first to add her orgasmic moan to the song, which Celine delightfully drew out as she slowly rises her hand higher and higher above her belly, the little blonde even lifting from the floor a bit. Shortly into Becky's orgasm, Sammy adds her own climax-induced moan to the melody.
Even after the two had come down from their cloud of bliss, Celine didn't let up as they lay temporarily limp, legs spread, allowing more of the pinkish fluid, mixed with a little of their own honey from their climaxes, freedom as Celine lifts and lowers her hands.
Quite amused, Celine was content to continue and the two girls didn't ask for a break, so Celine continued the 'song', bringing each of the girls to multiple orgasms over the course of about fifteen minutes.
By the end, the two were clearly exhausted, breathing rapidly as a combined pool of Celine's fluid and their cum rests between their thighs. Celine now rests her hands on Becky and Sammy's belly, quite the satisfied smirk on her face, before the smirk grows when their bellies quickly deflate as her pink goo, mixed with a large amount of the two girl's honey floods from them and surrounding Celine herself.
Celine lowers her hands, from the two girl's bellies, briefly teasing their puffy, aroused labia's with a soft moan from them before reabsorbing the fluid and the girls cum back into her body and returning to her original size. Celine's body was a little clouded from the additional honey, but it slowly began to disperse as she absorbs it into her body.
“Hehe, have I managed to tire out two Tragelian's?” asks Celine with a smile. “I'd say that's quite an accomplishment.”
“Just...” starts Becky, panting. “Gimmi a few minutes...”
“Same here.” adds Sammy.
“Sure thing.” replies Celine, soon occupying herself and placing her right hand between her legs to rub herself and lifting her left hand to her left breast and squeezing it as she takes in the sight of the two naked, tired girls, tending to her own arousal.
Celine is soon interrupted from her self-pleaure as a knocking comes from the closed door and Hazel speaks through it...
“Celine, I just want you to know your parents are back and your mother came by, I told her you were here playing with Becky.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine. “Thanks.”
“You're welcome.”
Celine removes her hand from herself and placing her hands back to Becky and Sammy's labia, teasing the blushing, puffy mounds and fingering the warm slits, looking to them with a smile.
“I should be getting back, I really had fun with you two.”
“Come play with us again later.” replies Becky, smiling.
“Heh, sure thing, maybe you could introduce me to your other friends.” replies Celine.
“Yeah!” states Sammy. “The more the better!”
Celine smiles and stands, licking her fingers of the two girls juices and bringing a brief giggling from them as she places her foot to each of their blushing lower lips, absorbing what little honey had remained, before retrieving her clothing and putting them on.
“See you two later.” states Celine.
The two girls decide to follow Celine downstairs to the front door and happily waving her good-bye, Celine gladly copying the action as she heads next door to her home.
To be continued