- 6:12 P.M -
- Bragou Residence -
After about a thirty minute tour of the neighborhood, primarily Sakura simply showing Celine, along with her parents, where her other friends lived, not actually going up to the houses to greet the people there, the blonde leads them to her home.
Walking up the walkway to the front door, Sakura points to the house to their right.
“That's Lila's place, she has a brother, Jillian.”
“Well...” starts Avery. “Celine certainly has plenty of friends close by.”
“She sure does...” adds Eda, looking to her daughter with a smile. “You gonna introduce us to them?”
“If you promise not to embarrass me.” replies Celine with a wary look.
“And last but not least...” comments Sakura, as she rushes the short distance ahead to her front door and turns to Celine and her parents. “My home! As I told you before, I have two sets of parents and I have a slightly older sister. My parents are looking forward to meeting you guys.”
“So are we.” replies Eda.
Sakura turns around and opens the door, allowing the group in; although, Sakura gasps as the group sees two blonde women very, sexually engaged. One; the taller of the two, had long, straight hair that reached the middle of her back; pressing a slightly shorter one, who had shoulder-length hair; against the wall directly in front of them, with a moving right hand under the front of her pants. The shorter woman rests one hand under the back of the taller woman's pants and her other up the back of woman’s shirt, while their lips were locked on each others as quite moans leave them both. The two were clothed similarly, aside from their pants, the shorter woman wore a T-shirt and the taller one wore a sleeveless one.
“J-Just a sec!” quickly replies Sakura, red-faced as she closes the door on the three, a brief giggle leaving Eda and a smile coming to Celine's face as they overhear Sakura on the other side.
“What are you guys doing!?” declares Sakura.
“You know very well what we're doing sweetie.” comes a lustful woman’s voice. “Wanna join?”
“No! Have you already forgotten!? I was going to introduce Celine and her parents to you guys!” answers Sakura.
“Oh, that's right.” replies the same woman. “Hehe, sorry, I started trancing and forgot all about it.”
Another woman then comments, “I tried reminding her, but you know how she gets when she first starts trancing.”
There was a groan from Sakura before commenting, “Well just go upstairs then and come down when you finish. I don't want Celine and her parents thinking all we do is frak.”
“Hehe, ok sweetie.” replies the lustful voice before the other woman gasps, “Come my pet, satisfy your masters desire.”
Shortly after, the door opens and a very red-faced Sakura greets the three.
“Heh, sorry about that you guys. You can come in now.”
“That's quite ok.” replies Eda as the three walk in, though Celine adds with a smile...
“I can certainly relate.”
“Thanks.” comments Sakura, before closing the door behind them.
“Although...” starts Celine with a smile. “DO you guys frak all day?” she adds teasingly.
“No! Geez.” quickly replies Sakura, before a mid-thirties man with short, brown hair, walks down the steps, wearing a T-shirt and jeans and sees his guests and greets them with a smile.
The three Geelien's greet the man as he takes his last step from the stairs.
“I'm Sara's father, Kevin Forbes.” he adds, before reaching out his right hand and Avery, Eda and Celine take turns shaking his hand, also stating their names with a shake of their hands.
Sakura quickly adds, “He's my Earth dad.” before asking her father, “Where's the other one?”
“With Reni.” answers Kevin, “They'll be down in a few minutes with Jin and Layn. While we wait though, you guys are free to sit.” he adds, Celine and her parents thank Kevin before they do so, sitting together on one of the two couches, with Sakura sitting on the other. “Would you three like something to drink?” he asks, before looking puzzled and adds, “Uh, do you guys drink, or...”
“Yes, we drink.” answers Eda with a smile. “Anything would be good.”
“Ok.” replies Kevin before heading towards the kitchen, leaving Sakura with their guests.
There was only a few moments silence before Eda begins to comment, “Well, your home is-” that's as far as she gets though before rapid footsteps come down the stairs and the Geelien's see Sakura's slightly older sister come down the steps, dressed in a tank-top and shorts, a little red in the face with shoulder-length blonde hair, which seemed to be in slight disarray, as if stopping in the middle of a physical activity without bothering to comb or brush it.
“Hey-Ohhh...” she greets before gasps as she looks to Celine's parents and walking towards Sakura. “Grown-up Geelien's look a little funny.”
“Reni!” gasps Sakura, before her sister gasps again.
“Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything bad by that!” quickly adds Reni with a deeper blush rising on her already red cheeks, before Avery replies...
“That's quite alright. Are we the first adult Geelien's you've seen?”
“In person, yeah.” replies Reni, before sitting next to Sakura. “Anyway, my names Reni, I'm Sa-chan's older sister.”
“Only by half a cycle.” adds Sakura.
Eda and Avery smile at the addition by Sakura, before introducing themselves to Reni, starting with Avery...
“My names Avery.”
“And I'm Eda, I assume you already know Celine?”
“Yep, we have our first hour of class together.” replies Reni, before Kevin returns, carrying three cups of a pink juice and handing them to Avery, Eda and Celine, before sitting next to Reni.
“The others should be coming down shortly.” states Kevin. “Although Sakura did say she as going to introduce her new friend and her parents to us, things here can sometimes get a little out of hand.”
“I'm sure they can...” replies Eda. “With two sets of parents living in one house.”
“Heh, yeah.” states Kevin. “It was a little rocky adjusting, being from Earth, we had different moral and disciplinary views than what's accepted here, but we were able to adjust and find a middle ground. My wife, Jin and I offered to find a new place to live once we were settled in with jobs, but Layn and Gene insisted that we stay with them.”
“I'm curious...” starts Eda. “What-” she adds, before a number of footsteps come down the stairs and the groups look to see the second father and the two mothers come down.
The second father, who also had short, brown hair and a clean shaven face, was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, greets the three as he walks down and takes a moment shake their hand.
“Hello, I'm Gene Bragou.”
Avery, Eda and Celine, greet and introduce themselves the same as they did Kevin, before Gene sits next to Sakura, the couch now only having enough room for one more as the two women arrive down the steps, though the face of the taller, slightly more endowed woman was still red as they both introduce themselves, starting with the taller one...
“Hello, my name is Layn Bragou and I apologies for earlier if you were at all offended by what you saw, I simply lost track of the time.” comments Layn with a quite happy smile.
“That's quite alright.” replies Eda as she, Avery and Celine shake Layn and the other woman's hand, who then greets them.
“And I'm Jin Forbes.”
Jin sits next to Gene while Layn sits on the armrest next to Jin, a small blush rises on her cheeks as Layn briefly strokes her hair before caressing her right shoulder, before Layn comments...
“It's very nice meeting you all.”
“Same here!” replies Eda cheerfully. “We've been here for about two weeks now and it's still very nice to meet more of our daughters growing list of new friends and for my husband and I to meet more adults here to spend time with.”
“I agree!” states Layn. “It's always nice meeting new people! If you and your husband would like, we can go have an adults night out sometimes next week and we can get to know each other more.”
“Oh, that sounds wonderful!” declares Eda happily. “I'm always up for a night out!”
Everyone else smiles at the two women, having become instant friends it seems. Before the two get much further into their new friendship, Celine comments...
“Before you guys start ignoring your surroundings, how about we spread the conversation around?”
“Ah right.” replies Eda with a smile, as Layn chuckles briefly, before Jin comments...
“I do have a question for you, uh, Eda. I can see the similarities of you and your daughter, but is she really a clone of you?”
“Yes she is.” answers Eda, smiling as she wraps her right arm around Celine, who didn't look too embarrassed by the embrace. “We will be twins when she's older.”
“Wow...” comments, both, Jin and Kevin, in unison, which brings a brief giggle from them before Jin adds, “That's amazing. So Geelien's really reproduce asexually.”
“We do.” replies Eda, before Kevin looks to Avery and asks...
“Do you have any sons?”
“No, I don't.” answers Avery. “But we have given it some thought.”
“Really!?” gasps Layn happily and looking to Celine. “What do you think of that? Would you like a brother?”
“Yeah, I'm very much for it!” answers Celine with a smile. “I'd love a little brother.” she adds, before Eda comments...
“It won't be for awhile though if we do decide to have a son.”
“Interesting...” comments Jin. “It would be your husband to, I guess, 'birth', the child, yet you speak of it as a unit.”
“Well we are married afterall.” comments Eda, taking Avery's left hand in her right. “Celine may be my clone and child, but she's also Avery's child as well.” she adds, before Kevin asks...
“Couldn't you and your husband create a child together though?”
“Unfortunately, no.” replies Eda. “Because the process in which we clone ourselves, we have to fully absorb food, and if we do so while one of us is inside the other, we would be fully absorbing one of us into each other, which is irreversible and would lead to death of one of the parents.”
“I see.” replies Kevin, though Jin adds...
“But that doesn't sound like a no though. From what little I know of Geelien reproduction, technically, if one parent was willing to-”
“It's not possible!” quickly interrupts Eda, with a sudden seriousness in her tone of voice and expression. “Not for us.”
“I-I'm sorry.” replies Jin, looking a little surprised by Eda's sudden shift in emotion. “I didn't mean to offend.”
Following a sigh, Eda's expression relaxes, with a small smile.
“No, I'm sure you didn't. Sorry about that. Yes, technically, two Geelien's could produce a clone with traits from both parents, however, such a method is borderline criminal and the clone, who is innocent would be treated like an outcast.”
“I see, I'm sorry for bringing it up.” replies Jin.
“That's ok, you didn't know.” replies Eda, before Avery comments...
“I think it's our turn to ask a question now. Earlier, Kevin mentioned he and his wife, had a difficult time adjusting here because of differing moral views, Eda and I are curious, what were those differing views?”
“Well...” starts Kevin, he and Jin briefly looking to each other, before continuing. “One of the biggest differences is the view on sex. On Earth, where we came from, sex is a more complicated issue. Sexual imagery and language is everywhere, in TV, movies, music, not blatant intercourse mind you, but while sex is everywhere, there's also a very strong taboo associated with it. Sex and relationships between same sex couples is a very big deal, such couples often have a harder time, being treated differently or even assaulted. Also, while children are often times sexualised, some to disturbingly acceptable levels on certain TV shows, sex between an underage child and an adult, regardless of even if the child was the aggressor is a VERY serious crime for the adult.” explains Kevin.
All three Geelien's look shocked by the mans statement and Eda asks...
“Really!? How is sexual imagery and language accepted as you say, with children also being sexualized, yet children seem to be banned from enjoying such an experience if their willing?”
“That's really weird!” adds Celine. “I couldn't imagine not being allowed to share something so wonderful with my mom, or dad.”
“Heh, right.” replies Kevin. “So it was quite a shock for us to find out just how open and freely sex was expressed here on Merkolova. Even incestuous relationships between child and parent wouldn't even get a second look if it was consensual. If anything, it was praised.”
Layn then picks up the conversation, bringing a gasp from Jin as she lowers her hand from her shoulder, down to her right breast, cupping and massaging the mound as Jin lifts her hands to Layn's hand on her breast with a heavy blush on her cheeks.
“Heh, it took a little while, but eventually, we rid them of their Earthly inhibitions and morals. I've taught my cute pet well, she has no problems fraking her daughter Sakura senseless.” the ending comment brings a blush to Sakura's cheeks as well. “She can give as good as she takes.” adds Layn, before Jin sighs as Layn pulls away her hand and caresses the woman's lower jaw and cheek.
“Well.” starts Avery. “Seems you guys have adapted quite well with each other.”
“We have...” replies Jin, with a little smile.
- 7:18 P.M. -
The group happily continued to chat, laugh and learn about each other. Sakura and Reni began to tire of the of the conversation though, as the adults were talking more than they were and Sakura was in the middle excusing herself and Reni, offering Celine to come to their room to play a video game, before they hear a tiny voice from the stairs...
“What's going on down here.” asks the fairy Fizer, Nina, flying down the stairs, completely nude and gasps as she sees Celine's parents, whom of which, a big smile quickly comes to Eda's face.
“Oh my! Who and what are you, you cute little thing!?”
The fairy giggles from Eda's excited comment before flying to the small table between the group, facing Eda as Sakura comments...
“Oh right, I forgot to mention Nina, she's one of my bestest friends, she's a-”
Though the fairy quickly cuts Sakura's off as she comments...
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I can introduce myself.”
Before flying up to eye level with Eda.
“My name is Nina and I'm a Fizer, fairy type, nice to meet you!” greets Nina, extending her tiny right hand to Eda, who reaches a finger out to Nina, the fairy grabs the digit and shakes her finger.
“Wow, it's very nice to meet you too, you little cutie! My name is Eda.” replies the Geelien woman cheerfully as Nina giggles again from Eda's delight in meeting her, before Avery introduces himself.
“I'm Avery.” he states, reaching out a finger to shakes Nina's hand as well
“Nice to meet you.” replies Nina. “Nobody told me Celine and her parents were going to be visiting, I would have been here earlier.”
“Considering everything else I know from Celine, I'm surprised I knew nothing of you.” comments Eda, before Celine comments...
“Sorry, I forgot to mention it, I met so many new people though, I can't remember them all so quick.”
“Well then...” starts Sakura, standing, “...you guys can keep talking, Celine, you wanna come with me and Reni to our room?”
“Sure.” replies Celine, standing and looking to Sakura and Reni's parents. “It was very nice meeting you guys.”
The four adults return the comment, before Celine follows Sakura and Reni up the stairs while the parents and Nina continue to talk.
“You were right about our moms getting along Sakura.” comments Celine as she enters her friend room, seeing two beds.
“Yeah...” replies Reni, sitting on the right, closer of the two beds, “Our mom can get along with just about anyone, dad too.”
“So...” starts Sakura, kneeling down to a game console. “What sort of games do you like?”
“So we're really just going to play video games?” asks Celine smiling, sitting next to Reni, to her left.
“I told you...” replies Sakura with a smirk. “We don't frak all day everyday, that was just bad timing.”
Though Reni adds, leaning against Celine with a smile, “We could though if you want. Sa-chan had her fun with you, I'd like my turn.”
“Hehe...” lightly giggles Celine, dripping a little. “Uh, maybe later. We probably won't be here too much longer.”
“You could ask to spend the night here.” asks Reni. “I'm sure our parents would let you and we can do more than just frak, since it's the weekend, we can stay up late, eat snacks and watch movies, play games and talk.”
“Heh, that does sound nice.” replies Celine with a smile. “It would be the first sleep-over I've had since I've been here.”
“Great, then let's go ask!” replies Reni happily as she stands and pulls Celine to her feet again and pulling her out towards the stairs.
“W-Whoa! Wait, I just said it would be nice, I didn't agree to it yet. I just met your parents anyway.” states Celine.
“That's ok, doesn't hurt to ask.” replies Reni.
The two quickly arrive back down the stairs where their parents were still happily chatting, with Nina sitting on Eda's right shoulder.
“Hey mom.” comments Reni, causing Layn to looking towards her.
“Can Celine spend the night?”
“Oh...” replies Layn, looking a little surprised by the question, though smiling. “Of course, but she'd need her parents permission as well.” she adds, looking to Eda and Avery.
“I'd be ok with it.” answers Eda.
“Your first sleep-over here, that's wonderful.” adds Avery.
“Well that's that.” replies Layn, smiling, before looking to Jin, Kevin and Gene. “Do you guys have any objections?” all three gave their approval. “Well then Celine, your free to spend the night.”
“Awesome!” declares Reni, before attempting to pull Celine back up the steps, but Celine is resistant as she looks to Layn.
“Wait, but this is your first time meeting me, why would you agree to let me spend the night here so easily?”
Layn takes a moment to simply smile at Celine, before answering, “Well you've given me a very nice first impression of yourself, along with the fact that you're already friends with my daughters and I'm getting along very well with your parents. Plus, the fact that you would even ask me that shows me how mature you are. So I have no reason to have any concerns, unless you have some deep, dark horrible secret you've been keeping.”
“Heh, no, I don't, thanks.” replies Celine with a smile, before heading up the stairs with Reni.
“She's here all night!” declares Reni as she and Celine return to the room, with Sakura now sitting on the left bed, which Celine assumed to be hers as she held a controller in her hands.
“Awesome, now we don't have to worry about time.” replies Sakura with a smile. “You like action games Celine?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “Just about any game but sport games.”
“Well..” starts Reni, picking up two controllers from the floor near the game console and handing one to Celine. “Take a controller and let's officially start this sleep-over!”
“Ok.” replies Celine with a smile.
- 8:23 P.M. -
However, the sleep-over didn't really 'officially' start until Celine had returned home with her parents to get an extra set of clothing.
“Have fun Sweetie.” comments Eda from the car as Celine walks up to the Bragou front door, with a clean shirt and skirt under her left arm.
“I'm sure I will, seeya tomorrow mom.” replies Celine with a smile, waving her mom off before ringing the doorbell.
The door opens soon after, greeted by Sakura, dressed in what was clearly her pajamas, a solid pink silk two-piece set, with pants and a short-sleeve buttoned-up shirt.
“Welcome back.” greets the blonde, letting Celine in and closing the door behind her, who sees Kevin sitting on one of the couches, watching TV in his sleepwear, a T-shirt and light pants.
“Nice to be back, looking forward to my first sleep-over.” replies Celine.
Layn soon walks out of the kitchen, carrying a small cup and wearing a solid purple, full-length silk robe tied closed.
“I hope you enjoy your night here Celine.” comments Layn as she walks towards her. “If you need 'anything' at all, don't hesitate to ask, I'll be more than willing to help in anyway I can.” she adds with a lustful tone and lifting a hand to Celine's cheek, bringing a nervous giggle from her before Sakura comments with annoyance...
“I'm just having a little fun.” replies Layn with a smile to her daughter before looking back to Celine. “But seriously though Celine, if you need something, just ask.”
“Ok, thanks Mrs. Bragou.” replies Celine, before Sakura leads her up the stairs.
“Heh, your mom is certainly open with her sexuality.” comments Celine as she reaches the upper floor.
“Yeah, sorry about that, my mom can come on pretty strong, if it makes you uncomfortable though, she'll stop if you tell her.” replies Sakura.
“I don't mind.” states Celine, as she enters Sakura's room, though Reni wasn't there at the moment. “She reminds me of my mom.”
“You can put your clothes in one of the dresser drawers if you want.” states Sakura, getting onto her bed and sitting facing her TV.
“OK.” replies Celine, moving to the dresser and opening the top drawer and getting a little surprise when she sees it filled with bra's and panties. Closing it, Celine opens the second drawer and see it filled with skirts and puts her clothes there. “I just met your mom today though.” adds Celine continuing her previous line of conversation and walking to Reni's bed and sitting on the side, facing Sakura. “As long as she doesn't actually try to frak me, I'd be ok with the flirting and stuff.”
“Heh, she'll certainly flirt with you, that's for sure.” comments Sakura.
“What about your other mom?” asks Celine.
“She's not as extreme.” answers Sakura. “She's more reserved and submissive in comparison, but she and Layn like to swap roles with each other. Today, my Earth mom may be Layn's 'pet' but tomorrow, it could be reversed.”
“Well that's nice, they go back and forth.”
Reni then walks into the room with a satisfied sigh, wearing an oversized white T-shirt, big enough to hide her panties.
“Man, anal makes pooping sooo much easier! The poop just falls out!” she comments, before gasping as she sees Celine. “Oh! Heh, sorry for the TMI.”
“That's ok.” replies Celine.
“Oh hey!” happily adds Reni, hurrying to her bed and hoping on to it and looking squarely into Celine eyes. “Now that your here for the night, time for some gossip! There's this rumor that you have an admirer.”
“W-What!?” gasps Celine as she immediately began to melt. “How did that get out! School was half over Shakrus (Friday)!”
“So it's true!?” gasps Sakura, with a smile and turning to face Celine.
“U-uh, w-well...” starts Celine, nervously.
“Rumors spread around school super quick.” replies Reni. “It could be the final hour of school on a Shakrus (Friday) when something juicy happens and on Nycalus (Monday), anyone whose interested in the latest rumors will know about it and most of the school would know about it the day after.”
“Geez.” comments Celine, before recalling her time with Abby and remembering their silent guest and groaning. “Ah frak, that girl in the stall! She must've started it! Whatever you guys heard, nothing happened, well, nothing to get so worked up about it.”
“What did happen then?” asks Sakura, smiling wide.
Seeing both eager faces looking to her, Celine sighs in defeat as she realizes she wasn't going to be getting out of this.
“What does the rumor say happened?” asks Celine, before Reni answers...
“That the other Geelien, Abby, trapped you in one of the bathroom stalls, confessed her love for you before fraking you.”
“That's only partly true.” states Celine. “She did confess her feelings for me, but she didn't frak me, she tried repeatedly, but it never happened.” clarifies Celine.
“Aww.” whines Sakura. “That's disappointing. Is it true you shot her down too?”
“Uh, yeah.” answers Celine.
“Why!?” gasps Reni. “The two Geelien's who left their planet, becoming a couple, it has to be fate!”
“Hehe, I dunno about fate, but, I'm just not looking for that sort of relationship right now.” replies Celine, smiling.
“Well that sucks.” comments Reni.
“Sorry to disappoint.” states Celine.
“Oh well...” sighs Sakura. “I do have a slightly related question, is 'Fleshie' a good or bad term?”
“Ah, well, it's a little complicated...” states Celine, with a nervous smile. “It's not really good, but it's not bad either, depends more on how the person uses it. It's a blanket term for non-Geelien's, although I understand it's purpose, I won't use it when referring to you guys.”
“Well as long as you don't mean it negatively, I don't mind.” replies Sakura.
“Me neither.” adds Reni.
“Thanks, but I'd prefer not to.” replies Celine with a smile. “It's not a word I like.”
“Ok then.” comments Sakura, before Reni comments to Celine...
“By the way, you should change into your pajamas, no since in keeping your normal clothes on.”
“Heh, uh, about that.” replies Celine with a slightly embarrassing giggle. “I don't actually wear pajamas.”
“Oh, so you just wear your normal clothes until you go to bed?” asks Reni.
“Sometimes, or I strip down to my underwear, but most of the time, I just walk around the house naked.” comments Celine with a little smile, melting some.
“Oh.” replies Reni with a smile of her own. “Well I guess that makes sense, you said yourself that Geelien's like to wear a small amount of clothes and in the privacy of your own home, going naked is just the obvious next step.”
“Yeah.” agrees Celine.
“How about you change anyway?” suggests Sakura removing herself from the bed and heading to the dresser.
“But I only brought a change of regular clothes.” comments Celine.
“That's ok.” replies Sakura, opening one of the dressers and pulling out a large white shirt, before walking to Celine and offering it to her. “You can borrow one of my shirts.”
“Are you sure?” asks Celine, taking the shirt. “It'll get wet if I wear it.”
“That's alright.” replies Sakura. “This way, you don't have to feel weird wearing your regular clothes while everyone else is in their pajamas and you don't have to sleep naked in a strangers house.”
“Heh, thanks, but you guys aren't strangers.” comments Celine with a smile, before standing, placing her gifted shirt behind her on the bed before removing her own shirt, then skirt, revealing her bra and panties.
Celine drips from embarrassment at disrobing in front of her friends, but the two didn't seem very interested in her during her change, no expected stares or remarks, the two allowed her to put on the slightly oversized shirt in peace. Her panties were nearly completely covered, the shirt covered the front, but her tail caused the back of the shirt to lift and expose her rear, until she lowers her tail, before sitting back on Reni's bed.
“I'm surprised you two actually let me change without trying to jump me.” comments Celine, she knew she was tempting fate, but she had to comment on it. “I'm just so used to being attacked by Becky and Sammy, hehe, it's nice to have a non-sexual moment.”
“Hehe...” giggles Sakura and she laying on her stomach on her bed, facing the TV. “Well like I said, we don't frak all day here. There's plenty more to do than just sex.”
“Yeah.” adds Reni, before draping herself over Celine's back and wrapping her arms around her in a light hug. “Besides, your spending the night, we have plenty of time to get to the sex.”
“Heh, well I guess I can completely relax around you two, I probably don't need to wear this shirt either.” comments Celine, before Sakura replies with a smile...
“I never said I wasn't tempted though, so you probably 'should' leave the shirt on.”
“Ah, right.” answers Celine, smiling, before Reni comments with a playful pout...
“You weren’t relaxed around us?”
“Not really, I was expecting one or both of you to attempt to frak me.” replies Celine. “But now I don't have to worry about it- It's not like it would be a bad thing though.”
“I know.” replies Reni, smiling, removing herself from Celine and sitting to her left. “You can get tired of sex after awhile.”
“Wanna watch a movie?” asks Sakura.
“Sure.” answers Celine happily.
- 1:23 A.M. -
Retrieving the movie disk from it's player, Sakura manages to place the disk back in it's case before a lengthy yawn comes from her and she stretches her arms.
One person was already fast asleep, Nina, the fairy, sleeping quietly on her stomach in a small, cotton-filled, upturned box lid on the nightstand near Sakura's bed, with a pair of panties used as a cover.
“Man, three movies back-to-back.” comments Sakura, walking to her bed and falling face-first to it's soft mattress, before looking to Celine, sitting with her knees up against her chest at the head of Reni's bed, though the bed's owner currently in the bathroom. “I'm too sleepy to even want to frak now. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I had a lot of fun watching the movies with you guys.” replies Celine removing herself from the bed.
“Me too.” replies Sakura, sitting up with a smile, though her eyes clearly droopy from evident sleepiness. “I noticed you crying during the second movie.”
“I-I wasn't crying!” gasps Celine, though her embarrassed dripping betrayed her statement.
“Hehe, Geelien's only drip, if their aroused, scared or sad. There was nothing arousing or scary about the scene you were dripping from.” states Sakura with a smirk.
“F-Fine...” retorts Celine with a little pout as she heads towards the door.
“Where are you going?” asks Sakura.
“To get a towel I can sleep on the floor with.” answers Celine. “I'll only partially retain my form while I'm sleeping and I don't want to create and big wet spot.”
Sakura suddenly frowns.
“You can't be serious.” comments the sleepy blonde. “You're not sleeping on the floor, you'll sleep with me or Reni.”
“Heh, thanks for the offer, but-”
“It's not an offer.” quickly comments Sakura, getting off her bed and walking to Celine and taking her hand. “It's a rule, unless there’s no room, guests don't sleep on the floor. Our beds have plenty of room.”
Celine soon sighs with a smile.
“I'm not going to win this one, am I?”
“Nope.” replies Sakura, before another yawn escapes her. “You're in our house, you follow our rules.”
Reni then returns, seeing the two near the door.
“What rules?” she asks, before Celine answers her.
“The rule that guests don't sleep on the floor apparently.”
“That's right!” declares Reni. “You can sleep with me if you want.”
“I'll be a mess to sleep with though.” comments Celine. “Literally, I'll partially melt while I'm asleep.”
“As long as you don't drown me, I'm ok with that.”
Another smiling sigh comes from Celine. “Fine, I give up, let's just go to sleep.”
After Reni closes the door, and turns off the lights, with moonlight being the only source of light, the three return to their beds, Sakura quickly making herself comfortable under her cover while Reni strips completely nude.
“You don't mind if I'm naked do you?” asks Reni.
“No, I was actually going to ask you the same thing.” answers Celine, as she pulls off her shirt. “Wearing anything while sleeping is pretty pointless for a Geelien.”
“Well I certainly don't have a problem with it.” replies Reni, before moving under the covers of her bed and pulling them back, inviting Celine to join her.
Celine smiles and removes her bra and panties, briefly standing nude in front of Reni before climbing into bed with her, facing the blonde as she giggles a little from snuggling up to Celine.
“Mmm, you're warm.” comments Reni.
“So are you.”
“Oh, by the way.” starts Reni. “I'm a little grabby in my sleep.”
“Well as long as you don't try and rape me in your sleep, I'm fine with it.” comments Celine.
“Heh, you don't have to worry about that.”
The two soon hear a light snore from Sakura.
“That was quick.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, well she did have a fight today.” replies Reni.
“Oh, right, well that's understandable.”
A yawn then comes from Reni, before commenting...
“Well, good night.”
“Good night.” repeats Celine, before the two close their eyes and wait for sleep to claim them.