Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 28)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 28

Title: Chapter 8-3


After coming home, still very excited from her very first live Shakra event, Celine shares her experience with a friend, before Sakura visits again.]

- Kellen Residence, 4:22 P.M. -

Entering her home, rather than walking, Celine skips happily into the living room, stopping with a gleeful twirl, facing her parents following her in.

“I still can't believe how awesome that was! It was so much better than I even imagined! I could actually FEEL the impacts and the cracks of lightning were so loud!” declares Celine before running in place with a giggle. “I'm so excited I don't know what to do!” she adds, before turning and rushing towards the kitchen, leaving Eda and Avery standing at the door with a big smile on their faces.

Avery was the first to comment...

“Heh, it's like we're back home, I haven't seen her THIS excited in a while.”

“I know.” replies Eda, though looking a little concerned as she walks to the nearest couch and sits. “It's wonderful.” she adds, but not sounding very happy.

Seeing Eda's unhappy state, Avery sits next to her and comments...

“You're thinking about what happened between Celine and that girl, arn't you?”

“It's just, for a moment, I regretted forcing this move on her. You and I haven't experienced anything like that while we've been here; but Celine, seeing her get attacked like that right in front of me, it hurt just seeing it. Celine's still so young...” explains Eda, beginning to melt.

Avery places a comforting hand on Eda's head, before kissing her cheek, with a smile.

“She's young, but strong, just like her mother. She may have needed a break, but she returned to face that girl, she didn't let it ruin her experience.”

“You're right...” replies Eda, with a small smile, before looking to her husband and lifting her right hand to Avery's on her head and pulling it down in front of her, before their hands meld together. “After-all, Celine said she liked it here, that's good enough for me.”

Skipping out of the kitchen with a bottle of protein in one hand, Celine smiles as she sees her parents, who return the smile, before the teen comments, heading towards the stairs...

“I'm gonna go to my room for a bit.”

“Ok.” replies Eda. “Celine?”

“Yeah?” answers the teen, stopping and looking towards her mother.

“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.”

“Heh, me too, I just gotta call one of my friends and tell'em how awesome it was!” adds Celine as she continues up the stairs.


Entering her room and seeing her bed, Celine had the sudden impulse to jump on it and quickly places her bottle down on the nearby dresser. Running and jumping the short distance, the teen lands with a splash, as she and her clothing goes flying; much like her first day here. Each article of clothing thrown in a different direction; her shirt, landing on the floor near the closet; while her bra is flung on top of the closet door. Celine's skirt is tossed against the wall beside the bed and her panties are flung up high near the same wall, but hit the window. However, because the panties weren't the liquid-proof 'Geelien-approved' kind, the wet underwear sticks to the window with a splat, before slowly peeling off and dropping to the floor.

The room is once again a complete mess with clothing and Celine's body everywhere. Celine is only spread throughout the room for only a few moments though before beginning to come together on the bed, reforming her nude body sitting with her legs crossed and giggling. Hopping off the bed, Celine retrieves her drink and returns to the side of the bed, sitting and taking a small drink, before lifting her right arm and giggling as she shes her bare arm.

“Heh, oh right...” she comments before looking around her room for the device, finding it laying on the floor of the opposite side of the bed and putting it back on.

“Which friend to call... heh, it would probably be weird to call Sakura and tell her how awesome she was, plus I'm sure she's resting up and wouldn't want to be bothered right now. Oh, I can called Patty!” comments Celine before quickly locating her friends contact information in her Comm.

Three rings in, a window pops up, revealing the pink-haired Felene, she appeared to be in her room from what was seen behind her.

Hey Celine, what's up?” greets Patty.

“I just came back from Sakura's Shakra match and it was awesome!” declares Celine excitedly.

Oh right, that was today.” replies Patty with a smile and giggle. “You sure sound excited, you know it's over right?” she teasingly adds.

“Hehe, I know, but I'm still so excited! Seeing it on TV doesn't even compare to being there in person! You can really fell the impacts and loud explosions, the cracks of lightning... Ohhhh, it was so awesome!” repeatedly declares Celine, leaning back and repeatedly lifting her legs before rolling onto her stomach as her tail flicks side-to-side excitedly. “I was already hooked on it, but I'm even more now!”


For the next fifteen minutes, Celine continued to gush about her IPSL experience to Patty, who didn't add much to the conversation with Celine eagerly talking, though the Felene didn't mind, figuring out quite quickly that Celine just wanted to talk about her experience to SOMEONE and she happened to be that someone.

“I can't wait to go again!” declares Celine.

Heh, I bet you can't.” replies Patty, before seeming to stand. “I have to go to the bathroom right now and since I'm not the type to carry a conversation on the toilet-

“Oh, ok.” replies Celine. “See ya later.”

See ya, you can call me back in a few minutes if you still want to talk.” comments Patty, before the window closes.

Having gotten a large part of her excitement out through talking, Celine was much more calm, before leaning onto her left side, looking at her shirt on the floor near the closet and her bra on the door.

However, having calmed down, Celine began to replay the fun she had in her head and her smile fads when she reaches the event with the unfriendly girl.

“Why would she say the things she did?” asks Celine to no one in particular. “She seemed nice when we first met... no ones ever called me not a person before.” The Geelien teen lifts her right hand in front of her face before adding... “A collection of various memories...”

Two memories came to Celine's mind; one of Eda, five cycles ago when her mother was 'pregnant' with herself, bringing a smile to Celine as she sees from her mother's point of view, caressing her very large belly as she sits on the floor, moments from her birth.

The second memory was a complete one-eighty, she was standing in an unfamiliar playground with a number of kids laughing at her. The view lowers to a pair of small female legs, wearing a pink skirt with hands pressed against the crotch and a yellow puddle at her feet, before hearing Sammy's voice, “You're all jerks for doing that!” A second pair of legs, move in front of her, standing in the puddle, before her view lifts to see Sammy's smiling face. “Becky it's gonna be ok.”

Celine quickly puts an end to Becky's memory as she rolls over to her stomach again, placing her face against the bed with a groan.

'Why am I giving what she said any serious thought!?' thinks Celine. 'I may have memories that arn't my own, but that doesn't change who I am as a person... does it?'

Rolling onto her back, looking up at the ceiling with wonderment, Celine continues to think...

'We Geelien's don't absorb just anyone though, plus, sharing our memories brings us closer than any flesh and blood person could ever be, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.'

Celine though immediately groans and quickly sits up.

“Argh! This is stupid! I shouldn't even be putting any thought into this!” declares Celine, before removing herself from the bed. “I need a distraction.” she adds, before heading out of her room, still nude. “If I'm alone I'm probably gonna keep thinking about it.”

Heading down the steps, Celine sees her mother heading out of the living room into the dining room.

“Hey mom...” calls Celine as she hurries to towards Eda, who turns to face her.


“I need something to do.” comments Celine.

“Oh, well you could do some of your chores.” answers Eda with a smile, before looking to the floor. “The carpet could use a vacuuming.”

“Uh, yeah, but I was thinking more of something we both could do.” replies Celine, not quite expecting that answer. “I need something to distract me for a little while, if I'm alone, I'm just going to be even more bothered.”

“About what?” asks Eda, before seeing Celine sigh and avert her eyes and Eda assumed the unfortunate reason as she looked a little concerned. “Are you thinking about what that girl said?”

“Yeah.” replies Celine.

“We can talk about it if you want.” replies Eda, placing a hand on her daughters shoulder. “I don't think just distracting yourself is gonna-”

“Please mom.” requests Celine, meeting her mothers eyes again, who sighs after a moment with a smile.

“Ok then, what sort of distraction were you looking for?”

“I wanna be inside you.” answers Celine, stepping forward her hugging her mother. “Being there always makes me feel better.”

“Ok.” replies Eda, before Celine pulls back and Eda removes her dress, revealing her nude body and Celine hugs her again and Eda returning the embrace.

Soon after, they both moan as Celine's body melts into Eda's.


- 5:21 P.M. -
- Celine's room -

In bed, Celine snuggles up against her mother, her face buried between Eda's sizable breasts as the woman holds her daughter close as their legs are intertwined with each other.

With their unique, close relationship, neither needed to speak to understand the other and Eda knew Celine felt many times better than when she approached her for a distraction.

The intimate moment was broken, however, with a beeping from Celine's Comm on the nightstand.

After a few beeps, Celine pulls herself from her mothers comforting embrace and reaches to the device and putting it on her right wrist before answering the call, smiling when Sakura's smiling face greeted her.

Hey Celine!

“Hey!” replies Celine happily, before rolling onto her stomach. “It sucks you didn't win your match, but are you ok?”

Yeah, I'm fine, a little internal bleeding and a few hairline rib fractures, but nothing serious that can't be healed real quick. I am a little sore though and a bit of blood in my pee, but nothing I'm not used to.

“Wow, internal bleeding and fractures?” gasps Celine, before Eda quietly removes herself from the bed and the room with a smile.

Hehe, it's not that serious, really.” replies Sakura with a giggle. “Those sort of injuries are normal in the IPSL. I'll gladly take them over the broken arm I got first starting out.

“You broke your arm and still wanted to do it?” asks Celine.

Absolutely! The rush of excitement I get fighting is worth the risk of a broken arm!

“Heh, you're certainly dedicated. Oh, about your signature attack-”

Yeah, let's not talk about that.” interrupts Sakura with a bright blush rising on her face.

“Come on! Just tell me how that works!” urges Celine. “Do you really shoot fire from your pussy!?”

Sakura groans shortly as she averts her eyes, before answering...

Fine... yes, I shoot flames from my pussy.

“Does your attack have a name?” asks Celine.

Sakura groans and looks away again before muttering...

Vagina Cannon.

“Hehehe, Vagina Cannon?” giggles Celine.

It's not the name I wanted!” declares Sakura with a pout. “It's just the name that stuck. Going over the fight in my head, it was stupid of me to use the attack in the first place, I had over heated myself too much, it's not a shock I passed out. Argh! Embarrassing myself like that in front of all those people for nothing!

“Hehe... So how does the attack work anyway?” Asks Celine. “I think you mentioned sources of energy in your fight.”

Yeah, there's three sources in our body to draw our Shakra from; the chest, which has the smallest pool of energy but is the most powerful and also more risky to the person using it; the stomach, which has the highest pool of the three and is the most balanced and easiest to draw from; then there's the crotch, or in a girls case, the womb, which is almost as strong as the energy in the chest, but has a bigger pool of energy, but less than the stomach, however, the downside of using it is it causes a high amount of pleasure, which can be very distracting and more of a hindrance because of the pleasure it gives if your using it to fight with.

“Wow, so your attack caused you to orgasm too!?” gasps Celine.

Yeah, a massively strong one too, which is why I don't use it, if it doesn't work, the fight's pretty much over for me.

“So it's all or nothing then.”

Yeah, anyway, the reason I called, I didn't get around to it yesterday, but you still up for a little tour around the neighborhood and visiting my place?


Great, I'll be there in about ten minutes.



- Ten minutes later -

Partially dressed in her previous clothes, now putting on her skirt, Celine hears the ringing of the doorbell and hurries out of her room.

“I got it!” calls out Celine, heading down the steps and to the front door, where she opens and greets Sakura on the other side, wearing a T-shirt and the same skirt she wore in her fight, with her hoverboard strapped to her back. “Hey.”

“Hey to you too.” replies Sakura.

Celine then calls back in the house, “I'll wait for you guys outside!”

An “Ok.” from her mom and dad answers her back, before Celine joins Sakura outside.

“Well it doesn't even look like you were in a fight earlier today.” comments Celine.

“Yeah, the IPSL have some pretty good healers.” replies Sakura. “Still a little sore though.” she adds, placing a hand to her stomach.

“Hey, it's not gonna take long for my parents to get ready, can I try out your hoverboard?” asks Celine.

“Sure.” answers Sakura, pulling her hoverboard off, the straps retracting back into the board before dropping it, never touching the ground though as it floats about a foot above it. “It's a little tricky trying to balance on it the first time, so be careful.” adds Sakura, reaching and taking hold of Celine's right hand as the Geelien places her right foot on the board.

“Ok.” replies Celine, before lifting her left foot onto the board, immediately wobbling unsteadily. “W-Whoa!”

Sakura quickly takes Celine's other hand and helps her steady herself. A smile also comes to the blondes face as she see's Celine seeming to use her tail to balance herself as well, lifting almost straight up, though the attempt didn't seem to help much.

“Place your feet horizontally on the board.” states Sakura.

Celine does so with Sakura's help and steadies herself a little more, before her wobbling balances out.

“There ya go.” comments Sakura with a smile.

“Hehe, how do I move forward?” asks Celine, smiling as well.

“Just bend your knees and lean forward a little.”

“OK.” replies Celine, pulling her left hand from Sakura, slightly bending her knees before leaning forward, giggling as she immediately began to move forward slowly about a yard as Sakura walks with her, still holding her right hand.


“Ready.” declares Eda as she and Avery walk out of the house.

“Ok-AH!” answers Celine, before gasping as with the assumption that leaning back stopped her movement, Celine does so as she stands up, gasping as the board flies from her feet and the Geelien falls to her butt.

Although Celine giggles from her painless fall, Sakura was immediately, but briefly concerned as she still held Celine's hand.

“You ok!?”

“Heh, yeah, I'm not that fragile.” replies Celine before accepting Sakura's aid to get to her feet, before looking to her left hand and seeing a lot of dirt and small rocks imbedded in her hand, up to her elbow.

Pulling her right hand from Sakura's though, Celine retrieves her cleaning comb from her comm and cleans the dirt from her arm.

“I'm sure that's an annoyance huh?” asks Sakura.

“What?” asks Celine, as a few more passes of the comb cleans the last bits of dirt from her lower arm.

“You guys can get dirty so easily.” clarifies Sakura.

“Oh, heh, yeah, but it's just as easy for us to get clean.” replies Celine with a smile, before returning her comb to her comm.

“Well then...” starts Sakura, before retrieving her hoverboard and looking to Celine and her parents. “Ready for the tour of the neighborhood?”

“We are.” answers Eda.

“Yep.” adds Celine.

“Do you guys mind walking or you want to take your car?” asks Sakura.

“I'm up for a little walk.” answers Eda.

“I don't mind.” adds Avery, before Celine finishes...

“We can walk.”

To be continued

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