Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 27)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 27

Title: Chapter 8-2


After a small encounter with the unfriendly girl next to her, Celine happily watches Sakura's anticipated fight, will she win?]

- One hour and ten minutes later, 3:10 P.M. -

And we have a winner!” declares the announcer.

Celine sits back down in her chair with a big smile on her face as she sees the current fights winner, a level four lightning Shakra wielding teen Tragelian girl, helping her defeated opponent, a level three lightning Shakra using teen Tragelian boy, to his feet.

“Man, those higher level fights are really something when you see them in person!” comments Celine excitedly, unable to sit still.

“Heh, yeah, they sure are...” comments Eda, not looking nearly as excited as Celine; actually, she looked a little worried, while Avery seemed more amused.

“Something wrong mom?” asks Celine, noticing Eda's look of concern.

“No, not really. Like you said, it's really something in person.” replies Eda, with a smile.

Celine knew her mother well enough, for obvious reasons, to know something was bothering her.

“Are you not enjoying it?”

Eda smiles, she knew she couldn't hide anything from Celine...

“Sorry, it's just a little too intense for me, the fighters are just so violent with each other.” replies Eda.

“Oh, if you didn't like it, you didn't have to come.” states Celine, looking a little saddened for not realizing her mothers lack of enjoyment from how preoccupied she was with her excitement.

“It's ok sweetie, I wanted to come and see you enjoying yourself, which you certainly are.” replies Eda, placing her right hand to Celine's left. “I probably won't come again, but seeing how happy and excited you are makes me really happy.”

“Oh...” comments Celine with a smile, briefly looking to her mothers hand on hers. “Well thanks for supporting my enjoyment of this awesome sport. I know it's weird for someone like-”

“Don't you dare!” suddenly declares Eda with a little frown as she grips Celine's hand. “You're free to like anything you want!”

“Heh, yeah.” replies Celine, smiling. “Sorry about that.” she adds, before looking to her dad. “Hey what about you dad? Is your reason for coming the same as moms?”

“At the start is was.” answers Avery. “But I think I'm starting to see why you like this sport so much.”

“Really!?” gasps Celine with a big smile.

“Yeah, I don't think I could be as into it as you are, but so far, I'm liking what I'm seeing. The way the fighters can control their abilities and use them in the ways they do, it's quite amazing.”

“Awesome!” declares Celine, before Eda gives a playful pout...

“Hmph, guess I'm the odd one then.”

“Hehe, all the matches are done...” comments Celine. “So Sakura's should be next, I really hope she wins!” she adds, before the announcer confirms it as he states...

Our final match-up will be the Title Release match between level four Fire Shakra user, Sakura Bragou and our three time Championship Title Holder, level five Earth Shakra user, Sammy Daylin, defending the release of her title, allowing it to be at risk outside of a tournament setting if she loses...

As the announcer continued to hype the match and growing cheers from the crowd, Celine felt a couple pokes to her right upper arm and looks to the girl to her right with a frown.

“What!?” she asks sharply. “I'm trying to enjoy the show!”

Although averting her gaze and frowning, the girl's face was completely red.

“Well what is it!?” presses Celine as the girl delays in answering, though after a moment she groans and briefly lifts her gaze to Celine and speaks...

“H-How... do you know Sakura?”

“Huh? What's that got to do with anything?” asks Celine.

“F-Forget it!” quickly declares the girl looking away.

Although, a few moments after turning her attention away from the girl, a realization occurred to Celine. It was only after Sakura's call that this girl seemed to be interested in her again and now, she seemed to be embarrassed to speak to her. It was only speculation, but a grin quickly forms on Celine's face as she assumed the reason for the girls turn in behavior towards her.

“Ahhh, I see now...” comments Celine confidently as she looks directly at the girl. “You're feeling really stupid now huh? I know a famous Shakra fighter and now your too ashamed to speak to me about it after what you did!”

The girl crosses her arms over her chest with a frown in response to Celine's accusation, which confirmed Celine's assumption.

“Well let me answer your question...” continues Celine with a smirk. “I go to school with Sakura, I get to see and talk to her everyday, I've even seen her naked.”

“So?” retorts the girl, not making eye contact. “Everyone's seen her naked, you're not the first. She's one of the biggest known sluts of the IPSL. She even got pregnant and got rid of the egg 'cause didn't care about it! That's the kind of person your friends with.”

Although shocked by what the girl said, the combo of herself having the upper hand and the fact that what the girl said could very well be a lie to shift the discussion in her favor, Celine ignores it and continues on.

“Geez, you'll even talk bad about someone you'd like to meet?” questions Celine with a smile. “Or are you just mad that I'm your closest link to Sakura?”

“F-Frak off, freak!” retorts the girl.

“Ohh, hit the mark, didn't I?” replies Celine. “I actually happen to have Sakura's number, maybe I should give her call-” adds Celine, lifting her Comm on her right wrist, before feeling a hand on her left and looking to her mother, who shakes her head, with a stern look on her face.


“Why not!? After what she did to me-” Starts Celine, quickly getting upset before Eda cuts her off.

“Don't you lower yourself to that level and involve Sakura into something that has nothing to do with her, she has something more important to focus on right now.”

She had the perfect opportunity to get back at the girl who was so mean to her, but Celine knew her mother was right. No matter how much she wanted rub the fact that she knew Sakura into the girls face, she also knew she would feel bad for doing it later, using Sakura to make herself feel better now, her friend had a fight to focus on after-all.

The double-edge sword of being more 'mature', thanks to the shared memories and experiences of being a five-cycle old Geelien 'teen', was one of the few annoyances that Celine regretted having right now, she couldn't be immature and act, then think about it later, a simple reminder from her mother caused her to be mature and think first.

So, very reluctantly, Celine backs off the girl, folding her arms over her chest.

“You're so lucky.” comments Celine to the girl as she looks towards the empty arena.

“...Says the freak who has her mother fight for her.” mutters the girl.

Celine gives an audible groan from hearing the remark, before feeling her mothers hand on her left shoulder and speaking to her mind... 'Don't let her ruin this experience for you, just ignore her.'

The two teens were silent with each other, but Celine's sour attitude quickly brightens as Sakura Bragou and Sammy Daylin walk out together and towards the arena, amiss the cheer of the crowd and the two greeting their audience with a wave of their hands.

Aside from their identical Void Armor coverage; elbow, wrist, chest, knee and ankle-guards. Sakura seemed to be wearing just a pleated pink skirt as her chest guard covered what she wore underneath, a sports bra. Sammy's skin exposure was even more than Sakura's as her chest guard also covered her upper clothing, while she wears navy blue panty-like shorts, opting for complete freedom of movement, short of being completely nude. Sammy's long brunette hair was also pulled back into a free-flowing pony-tail that reached the middle of her back.

“I bet this is gonna be the best fight of all!” declares Celine happily.

The two walk to the middle of the arena, taking a few more moments to wave to the crowd, before Sakura speaks out...

“You guys ready to see me kick her ass!?”

A large part of the arena cheers out, which Celine was a part of, before Sammy laughs.

“Hehe, your fans are gonna be sorely disappointed when you're going to be the one under my foot.”

The reply brings another cheer, before the two fighters met hands and give each other a friendly handshake.

“Let's see then.” comments Sakura with a smile.

“We will.” replies Sammy.

The two then walk away, stopping near opposite ends of the ring and readying themselves for the fight to begin, before the announcer speaks...

The fight time is set to twenty minutes; submission, knock-out and ring-out are the accepted conditions for victory, with signature attacks allowed. Fighters, are you ready!?

“Ready!” answers the two as they give a thumbs up.

The moment the bell rings, Sakura gives an explosive start, propelling two horizontally arcing fireballs towards her opponent, which she quickly blocks with the arm-guards, pushing her back a few feet as Sakura rockets towards her with flames jetting from her feet. The blonde fires off two more straight fireballs which Sammy swiftly dodges, before Sakura quickly reaches striking range and the brunette just barely avoids Sakura's flame-covered right hook to her head by stepping to the blonde's right as her forward motion carries her forward.

However, even as Sakura passes her, she manages to react, jutting flames from her hands to stop her forward motion and spin quick enough to swing her fiery left foot towards Sammy, who sees the follow-up attack in time, lifts her hands and right leg up to guard, along with a raised pillar to shield her.

The earthen shield seems to do nothing though as Sakura's foot connects with a small explosion, crumbling the wall and hits Sammy with a second, larger explosion, propelling the guarding teen quite a few yards away, skipping along the ground before righting herself on her hands and knees, sliding back before the rising ground at her feet aids her in stopping with dust kicking up around her.

The moment she comes to a stop though, Sammy looks up to see a volley of fireballs heading toward her.


“Oh my!” gasps Eda in shock as Celine cheers out excitedly as explosions, dirt and dust surround Sammy's location as Sakura continues her assault. “She's quite vicious!” adds Eda. “I can hardly believe she's the same sweet girl I meet yesterday!”


About ten seconds into Sakura's continuous attack, she stops suddenly with a fireball in each hand as smoke billows from her area of assault.

“Come on out!” demands Sakura. “I know that wasn't enough to take you out!”

“Hehehe...” giggles Sammy from the cloud of smoke, before Sakura gasps as a boulder comes flying out and she dodges to the side, allowing it to hit the outer wall. “You're quite right.” she adds, before Sammy calmly walks out of the smoke, with earthen gauntlets around her hands and lower arms and earthen greaves. “Wanna try again?” she taunts as she does a 'come-here' motion with her left hand.

Sakura frowns before prepping another large fireball her right hand and lobbing it towards Sammy, who lifts her right hand to block it, successfully doing so, but as the smoke quickly fades, reveals her bare hand, before she lowers it to her side and the ground below her rises and reforms the gauntlet.

“Haven't you learned yet?” asks Sammy. “You're long range attacks don't work on me. You're gonna have to get, close!” declares Sammy, before quickly lifting her right hand over her left shoulder and Sakura gasps as an angled pillar rises and hit her from behind, knocking her forward as Sammy runs towards her.

Knocked off balance and Sammy using the ground at her feet to propel her forward at a higher speed, Sakura had no way of defending herself in time before Sammy's right, rock-covered fist finds her gut, knocking the wind from her before Sammy delivers a spin kick to the blondes right side, knocking her her a few yards away, rolling repeatedly on the ground and coming to a stop, face down.


Coupled with the announcer commenting how much the one-two combo must've hurt, given Sammy's fist and feet were covered in hard rock, with Sakura laying on the ground in pain, clutching her stomach, Celine cringes from the attack.

“Oh wow, I think Sakura's really hurt!” she comments, looking worried for her friend, even more so from the sounds of Sakura's groans of pain.

“Both of them are vicious!” comments Eda, looking worried as well. “Was that really necessary? Punching her in the stomach like that, she doesn't have armor there.”


Sakura clearly struggles to get to her feet, coughing up blood as she holds her stomach with her left hand as she lifts herself up on her right hand and knees.

“Done already?” asks Sammy teasingly as she walks to Sakura's side, before lifting and stepping on the ground forcefully with her right foot and bringing a pained gasp from Sakura as a small pillar shoots up and rams into her gut, the same location she was punched as she coughs up more blood. Sammy though lifts her right foot again before stepping down on Sakura's back, pushing her flat on the ground.

“S-So, you've i-increased your range huh?” comments Sakura with a groan.

“Heh, well specializing in defense only goes so far.” comments Sammy, stepping down hard on Sakura's back repeatedly, bringing a groan and gasp from her with each strike as a small crater grew under Sakura's body with each step. “Besides, I need to keep my opponents on their toes and expand my options of attack and keep the crowd entertained.”

“S-So do I.” replies Sakura, before quickly rolling towards Sammy when she lifts her foot, causing it to come down on empty ground with Sakura between her legs and the blonde quickly lifting both hands and Sammy only has enough time to gasp before receiving a near point-blank double fireball to the face, propelling her up and away from Sakura with her head billowing smoke as the brunette gasps in pain with her hands over her face. Sakura though quickly gets to her feet, briefly holding her stomach with a groan and gasp of her own before reaching down to Sammy's right ankle and bringing another gasp from the teen as Sakura flies up into the air.

“How about I use the ground against you?” comments Sakura with a grin, before tossing a screaming Sammy up above her, the flightless teen flailing her arms and legs before Sakura gives her a few helpful pushes up further with a few fireballs, before Sakura's body is engulfed in blue flames as Sammy falls pass her and propelling herself down to follow, pulling back her right fist.

The two nearly meet the ground at the same time as a large thunderous blue-hued explosion occurs at the impact sight.


“My Goodness!” gasps Eda, as she even felt the impact in her seat. “That looks like it could've killed them both!”

“There not dead!” cheers Celine, standing. “It's just one of Sakura's awesome attacks!”

“Oh, is it her signature attack?” asks Eda.

“I don't think so!” replies Celine. “Sakura only told me her signature attack is embarrassing and she rarely uses it in an actual fight.”



Inside the sizable crater, Sakura giggles as her fist meets hard rock instead of Sammy's soft body.

“Armoring up so soon?” teases Sakura.

“Dying isn't on my list of things to do today.” answers back Sammy, a little muffled.

“Or maybe you just didn't want to lose that quick.” replies Sakura, before flying up and out of the crater, her body no longer aflame, though briefly placing a hand to her still hurting stomach.

Moments later, a rocky figure emerges from the smoke facing Sakura, Sammy covered from head to toe in earthen armor, only a horizontal slit in the head to see from, along with her pony-tail still exposed. The armor was quite bulky, much of her female figure hidden behind a thick layer of rock. A walking tank would be an appropriate term.

The fight is really getting intense!” comments the announcer. “Sammy has entered her armored form, only a few have managed to fully break her out of it. Others tire themselves out in the attempt, this is only Sakura's second fight with Sammy's armored form, how will she handle it this time?

“You watch and see!” declares Sakura confidently. “This fight isn't over yet!” she adds, readying herself as red flames cover her body.

“Confident, arn't we?” comments Sammy, before running towards Sakura and throwing a few punches and kicks, which Sakura easily dodges, Sammy's movement was clearly slower than before though.

“I have good reason to be.” replies Sakura, before successfully catching Sammy's swung right foot against her left side, the momentum still pushing her a couple feet before sending her right fist down on it and shattering the armor there with a small explosion, before delivering an explosive spin kick to Sammy's right side and exposing a large portion of her body there, Sammy staggered, but didn't fall, before both damaged parts of Sammy's armor quickly repairs itself.

“Hah!” laughs Sammy. “You're doing the same thing as before! How do you expect to beat me like that? You're just going to drain all your energy again!”

Sakura giggles as she resumes her attack, Sammy confidently allowing the assault without defending as parts of her armor is repeatedly shattered, but quickly repairs itself almost as soon as it is broken. Sakura though gasps as one punch is deflected and an armored punch to her protected chest sends her flying away, skipping once before rolling to a stop and quickly getting to her feet, breathing heavily from the hit as sweat trails down her face.

“I'm disappointed in you Sakura, you've learned nothing from our last fight!” declares Sammy as she runs towards her.

Sakura though grins, dodging a swung fist from Sammy, before resuming her gradual picking apart of Sammy's regenerating armor. Sakura is soon countered again, though only pushed back a few yards, relatively unharmed as Sammy's armor now slowly repairs, though with a quick spreading of Sammy's arms, Sakura gasps out in pain as the ground she stands on pulls her legs in opposite directions, forcing a painful split, before another gasp of pain comes from her as Sammy lifts a hand and a rounded pillar swiftly rises between Sakura's legs.

Falling back, Sakura's fiery aura fades as she clutches her crotch with a pained groan before seeing Sammy loom over her, between the armored girls legs.

“I'm ending this fight before you further embarrass yourself.” states Sammy, before lifting her right fist.

However, before Sammy lowers her fist, Sakura's quickly lifts both hands to Sammy's crotch and a gasps comes from her as an explosive blast shatters her armor there as Sakura propels herself from between Sammy's legs with fire jutting from her feet.

As Sakura stands and the smoke clears, Sammy had reflexively placed her hands over her crotch, but slowly pulls them away, revealing while Sammy's crotch was exposed, aside from the shorts she still wore, she looked unharmed, before that spots armor began to reform.

“You're just wasting time!” declares Sammy.

“Am I really?” asks Sakura with a grin, though she looked visibly tired as even more sweat falls down her face as a light steam rises from her body. “I've studied your fights since our last one and I discovered something quite interesting...”

While Sammy's face was covered, judging from her body language, Sammy seemed surprised.

“Wanna know what I found out?” asks Sakura, before charging forward punching Sammy in the chest, shattering her armor there and pushing her back a few steps as it slowly reforms. “While your armor is quite strong and makes it hard to directly hit you, your armor makes you slow and it's like my flying, it eats up a ton of energy, repairing it and attacking while it's up eats up even more. Plus, once you armor up, you tend to commit to it until the opponent has tired themselves out, trying to blast it off.”

“Hah!” laughs Sammy. “True, my armor uses a ton of energy, but your doing the same thing as all my other opponents, your going to run out of energy before me, and when that happens, your done! I'll still have enough energy to finish you off!”

“Perhaps I will...” comments Sakura, continuing her attack, though instead of simply taking the hits now, Sammy lifts her hands to block, quickly and repeatedly reforming the armor on her hands. “In fact, I'm counting on it!” as she ends her flurry of punches and kicks as she draws back her right hand, covered in a blue flame before sending her fist towards Sammy and propelling the teen away with a gasp as much of her armor is shattered before falling to the ground.

Soon after though, breathing heavily, Sakura falls to her knees, nearly out of energy as her body billows smoke.

“Heh, perhaps I should've held back a little.” comments Sakura with a chuckle. “My plan won't work if I overheat.” she adds, lifting her hands and seeing them smoking, before producing a small flame in each hand, which flickers.

“P-Plan?” questions Sammy, sitting up with a grown, her entire torso armor gone, along with her helmet, but it slowly reforms as Sammy gets to her feet. “What sort of idiotic plan involves you draining your energy to nothing in a fight like this!?” she adds, as she walk to Sakura's exhausted form. “Your opponent is still able to stand while you're on the ground.”

“Heh, a plan that's going to beat you!” declares Sakura.

With her armor fully repaired, Sammy looks down at Sakura...

“I think your Shakra has fried more than a couple of your brain cells if you think you can beat me in the state your in.”

“Y-you should, nnnever, underestimate your opponent.” replies Sakura, groaning as she slowly gets to her feet on shaky legs.

“Hmph, this fights over!” declares Sammy as she pulls back her right hand and sending it towards Sakura's head, but the smoking blonde quickly lifts her left hand and grabs her fist with a smile as red flames engulf her body once again, this time with a moan. “W-What the!? You don't have enough energy to do that!” gasps Sammy, before sending her left fist towards Sakura and the blonde catches that one as well while the two push against each other.

“Hehe, mmm, you don't know me very well...” comments Sakura with a lustful tone in her voice. “I will do anything within the- Ohh-mmm, r-rules to win. If e-embarrassing myself is what it takes, especially f-for a shot the title, then it's ohhhh so worth it!”

“Embarrassing yourself?” questions Sammy, blushing under her armor from Sakura's seemingly sexual mood.


“She gonna do it!” gasps Celine excitedly.

“Do what?” asks Eda.

“Her signature attack!”


Sammy soon notices a dripping from between Sakura's shaking legs and from the announcers comment...

Could It be folks!? Is Sakura going to perform her signature attack!?

“What!?” gasps Sammy, before snatching her fists from Sakura's hold and backing away.

“Ah, ah, ahhh...” comments Sakura, before moaning out as she propels a fireball from her right hand and hits Sammy, shattering her chest armor and knocking her to the ground as more of her armor crumbles from her head and legs, left only with her gauntlets. “Don't try and run now...” adds Sakura with a smile as she shakily walks towards her opponent.

Before Sammy has time to recover, she feels a warm, almost hot, liquid dripping on her face before seeing a darkness come over her closed eyes and a very hot heat surround her head and a pressure pressing her upper arms down. Opening her eyes, she's greeted with Sakura's honey-flooded panties before the the blonde's hot, wet, oozing crotch rests over her face.

“Mmmm, y-you see...” starts Sakura with a moan as she sits on Sammy's face. “When your opponent has r-run out of energy, it ohhhh, m-means your nearly empty yourself.” she adds wriggling her hips and briefly humping herself against Sammy's face with a smile as she uses her legs to pin Sammy's upper arms to the ground, along with holding her armored hands, the last of Sammy's armor is finally shattered with an explosion from each other Sakura's hands. The blonde giggles and moans as she feels Sammy's muffled pleas and vain movement of her head against her and sees Sammy's legs kicking out.

“S-Shakra energy can be a-accessed f-from three sources!” declares Sakura, followed by a pleasurable moan as she closes her eyes with a brief groan. “Ohhhhhh! M-Most fighters only use one source...”

Following this comment, Sammy's struggling rapidly increases as she squirms and kicks her legs frantically.

“NNNnggggh!” groans Sakura, as she shutters and a relatively small explosion comes from below her, briefly fluttering her skirt. “I-I c-can't hold it in, a-anymore... h-here... it... COOOOOMES!” declares Sakura, throwing her head back as a very large, explosive blue blast in produced below her as Sakura moans out loudly in pleasure and her skirt flipping up and fluttering wildly, revealing her white panties for all to see, if not for the obscuring flames.

The attack lasts just seconds, dark smoke rising from between Sakura's legs and around her as she shutters and trembles above Sammy's now motionless body, the two now in a small crater. Sakura's own body was quite red, as if she had been in the sun too long, before Sakura herself limply falls forward, luckily face-first to Sammy's crotch and not the ground as more smoke billows from her oozing and quivering pussy. Hot honey dripping down onto Sammy's darkened face as the entire crotch of Sakura's panties were blasted away and her pussy on display for all to briefly see on the large screens above as it focused on Sammy's unconscious face.


“Whoa...” gasps Celine, watching the display with shock. “I see why she said it's embarrassing. Did she really just blast that girl point-blank in the face with her pussy as she climaxed!? I didn't know that was even possible!”

Quite the impressive display!” comments the announcer. “Sakura very rarely uses her Signature Attack. Unfortunately though, while it seems to have knocked out Sammy, Sakura needs to stand within ten seconds or the match ends in a draw and she fails to release Sammy's title.

As the ten count began, with a large part of the crowd counting along, Celine sees Sakura, aside from her trembling, was just as motionless as Sammy.

We may have a double knock out here!” declares the announcer as the count reached five.

“Come on, get up!” urges Celine.




And it's a draw!” adds the announcer. “It seems Sakura's exhaustive state was too much for her signature attack and has passed out as well, such a shame, both fighters put up a very good fight.

“Aww...” sighs Celine. “I was really hoping she'd win.” she adds, as she sees two people enter the arena and pick up the two unconscious fighters and carry them out. “She was so close!”

“Well...” comments Eda. “That was quite an intense fight.”

“Sure was! It was awesome!” declares Celine.

To be continued

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