Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 26)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 26

Title: Chapter 8-1


The day Celine eagerly waited for is here, Sakura's shakra match! However, while happily attending her very first live IPSL event, Celine comes face to face with a very negative experience that threatens to destroy all the positives she's had.]

- Next Day, Vivius (Saturday), 1:34 P.M. -
- IPSL arena parking lot -

Quickly stepping out of the car, Celine was literally dripping with gleeful excitement as she looks ahead to the large circular building containing the Inter-Planetary Shakra League arena.

The light, warm breeze of this perfectly sunny day flutters the young Geelien's belly-revealing tank-top and mid-thigh length skirt, flashing a little of her blue and white striped panties. However, the wind flashing her panties to whoever happened to be behind her was of no concern to her as she giddily jogs in place.

“OOOOHHHHH! I can't believe it!” she declares. “I'm actually going to see a Shakra match in person!”

Eda and Avery, stepping out of the car, both smile at their daughter's excitement, Avery was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts while Eda dressed herself in a spaghetti-strap, knee-length dress, who comments...

“I think this is the happiest I've seen you since we've been here.”

“Why wouldn't I!?” replies Celine happily, before rushing to her mother and grabbing her hand and briefly hopping up and down. “I've been wanting to see a Shakra fight live since I've heard about it and I have the chance! This is the best day ever! Come on!” she adds, before pulling her mother towards the arena, bringing a giggle from her and Avery, who follows behind.

“Hehe, I think you should calm down a little sweetie...” states Eda. “You're dripping.”

“I don't care! I'm just so happy!”

So happy in fact, Celine began to skip, her tail flicking left and right, bringing yet another giggle from Eda before joining her, swinging their held hands as they go.

“It makes me happy to see you so happy.” comments Eda.


Skipping along, Celine sees various other people and families heading towards the building, some looking at them. With as happy as she was though, Celine wasn't concerned at all about what they thought of her, just eager to enter the building and see the fights.

Eda and Avery, didn't particularly care for the violent sport, but they wanted to share in their daughter's enjoyment, plus, it was their first invitation to a public event, no sense turning it down.


Entering the circular building, Celine could see that while it wasn't super crowded, there was a high enough concentration of people near the entrance to brush up against a couple. Aside from the crowd though, the entrance area was very spacious and from the view, it seemed the area wrapped around the entire building, with the arena further in, through multiple sets of entrances. Lining the inner walls were various concession stands to buy snacks and drinks.

“Certainly a lot of people here.” comments Avery.

“There sure is.” replies Eda, looking to Celine. “Are you gonna be ok?”

Celine looks to her mother with a gleeful smile.

“I'm too happy to care about that now!” she answer happily, before looking towards on of the concession stands, points it it and adds... “We still have about fifteen minutes before it starts, let's get a snack!”

“Sure.” replies Eda with a smile.

Maneuvering through the crowd to one of the stands, Celine decided to get just a large cup of juice, while Eda and Avery opted for just water, but Eda also got a very large bucket of an interesting-looking snack called popcorn they could all share.

With drinks and snacks in hand, the trio head to one of the many arena entrances, where one of the ticket masters were, along with the sounds of a large crowd down the hall. After handing over their tickets and receiving a stub, the three head towards the arena, with Celine eagerly rushing ahead.

What greeted her upon reaching the end was a bright, ceiling-less arena filled with the loud sounds of the crowd as a large, packed stadium circled the area. In the very center was the elevated circled fighting ring Celine had seen on the TV a number of times, surrounded by a relatively soft, grassy area ended by a tall wall circling the arena, except for one open end where the fighters would emerge.

Celine stood in slack-jawed awe and amazement.

“This, is so, awesome!” declares Celine, excitedly hopping up and down. “I know I said it before, but I'm finally here! I'm gonna see a shakra match in person!”

The excited Geelien was getting a little too excited as some of her juice began to escape from her lid-less large cup, causing her to gasp and stop her jumping, quickly absorbing the juice that had covered her hand.

“Don't get too excited now...” comments Eda with a smile as she and Avery catch up to Celine. “You're gonna jump yourself right into a puddle.”

“Hehe, probably, but I'm just SOOO happy to be here!”

Avery steps beside Celine and places a hand to her shoulder, commenting, “You sure are, how about we find ourselves a place to sit before the rest of your drink finds the floor?”

“Hehehe, ok.” replies Celine.

With their ticket stub stating their area they could sit, it turns out they had to head to the right of were they entered, passing two sections before heading down one section, ending up in just the third section from the first, not too close, but not too far back and up either, the very large eight-sided screen above the arena would also display the action as well.

“Sakura gave us nice seats too.” comments Eda as she, Avery and Celine carefully move by the other visitors.

A Felene man sitting with two empty chairs to his right and one to his left, spots the trio and stands, commenting...

“You three want to sit together?”

“Oh, no, you don't need to get up.” quickly comments Eda.

“I don't mind.” replies the Felene. “I only sat down a minute ago.”

“Well if you insist, thank you.” answers Eda, before the Felene allow the three to sit next to each other, Avery sitting to the right of the Felene man, with Eda to his right and Celine to hers.

Celine could see a pink-haired teen Tragelian sitting to her right, similar to her own visible age, dressed in tank-top and skirt, occupied with something on her comm, so she didn't bother interrupting her with a greeting and sat eagerly awaiting the start of the event.

A few minutes pass before an announcer began speaking, welcoming the crowd and listing the planned fights to take place; eight exhibition fights, five of which are 4th class, newcomer fights, those not long starting their IPSL career or making their debut, the fights would last only ten minutes. The next three fights being 3rd and 2nd class fights, with a Main Event being a 2nd class Title Release match between Sakura Bragou and Sammy Daylin, all four lasting fifteen to twenty minutes.

With the event underway, Celine attentively listened to the announcer, before hearing... “What the...” to her right and looking to the pink-haired Tragelian, who looked surprised seeing her.

“You're Geelien's.” comments the teen.

“Yeah.” replies Celine with a smile.

“But what are Geelien's doing here? Isn't this like the last place you'd want to be?”

“Not really.” answers Celine. “I like the IPSL, I've really been looking forward to seeing it in person!”

“Wow, you guys sure are weird.” comments the teen with a little smile, turning her attention back to her Comm.

“How does that make me weird?” asks Celine. “Sure, I can't participate, but I like watching.”

“Well I don't try to understand you things anyway, just don't bother me and we'll be cool.” states the teen, looking to her Comm.

“W-What?” asks Celine, quickly getting irked by the Tragelian's words.

Eda, hearing the little chat, immediately looked a little concerned as she gave a brief gaze to the two.

“Don't bother me and we'll be cool.” repeats the Tragelian.

“No, before that.” states Celine.

“What?” asks the Tragelian, looking to Celine.

“You called me a thing.” clarifies Celine, clearly looking upset.

“So? That's what you are.” comments the Tragelian. “What else would I call you?”

Celine was getting increasingly agitated from this girls comments.

“How about a person, that works.” retorts Celine.

“A person!?” gasps the Tragelian, before giggling, which only upsets Celine more. “You'd have to actually BE a person first!”

“I can't believe you just said that!” declares Celine angrily. “Of course I'm a person!”

Eda had kept quite, but the teens latest comment had crossed the line with her and she was about to turn to give the young girl a piece of her mind but felt a hand on her left and looks to Avery, who also looked upset by what he was hearing, but shakes his head before commenting in her mind...

'Let her defend herself, we can't be around her all the time.'

As much as she didn't want to, Eda understood Avery's intention, they couldn't intervene in every conflict Celine had, she needed to be able to defend herself without the aid of her parents. Eda's held hand clenches into a fist, frowning up as she hears the argument continue at her side...

“That's such a load of bull!” replies the Tragelian. “You things arn't people, you're just random collections of memories you've absorbed from people!”

Such an awful comment had clearly hurt Celine deeply, more than any physical wound as her body quivers and began to melt considerably.

“T-That... That's not true at all! I AM a person! I have feelings!” declares Celine with an angry and hurt frown.

“Really? Then who the frak are you!? Do you even have any memories that are your own? You're kind are just blank slates wanting to be filled, using other peoples memories and saying that their yours. Hell, your just a collection of your own mothers memories, and her mother, and her mother, on and on, you're just copies, that's all the frak your kind are!”

The series of increasingly hurtful comments were too much for Celine to handle as she cries out, “You're a horrible person!” before leaning over and crying against Eda's shoulder, who quickly held her melting daughter.

The moment the Tragelian's eyes meet Eda's, the teen's smile of satisfaction immediately fades as a chill traveled down her spine from Eda's angered glare.

“Listen here you little racist bitch!” declares Eda. “I don't know where you got your information about us, but while I may be a clone of my mother and the same with my daughter, we are much more than just clones! We Geelien's are not just a collection of various memories, we have and make our own! Sharing our memories brings us closer than you could ever hope to be! We're not blank slates wanting to be filled, we are individuals with unique personalities! You may be able to make my daughter cry, she's young, but that racist attitude will not bring a single drip from me. It'll only make me angrier and if you think me representing my race will prevent me from teaching a small, pathetic little bitch like you a lessen, say another mean, racist remark and you will personally experience the anger of a Geelien mother defending her child!”

The teen starts to say something, but quickly looks away fearfully, looking scared to even look at Eda, before quite a few people around clap at Eda's defense of her daughter, a few even verbally praising her.

“That's what I thought!” declares Eda, holding her sobbing, melting daughter a little tighter, before speaking to her mind... 'You want to leave for a little while to calm down?'

'Yeah...' cries Celine.

Eda and Celine slowly stand and leave the arena, the crying Geelien leaving a trail of her melting mass, before Eda locates a nearby bathroom. Entering and walking into a stall, Celine sits on the toilet, her melting mass pooling below her.

“W-Why would someone say something like that!?” cries Celine.

“I don't know.” replies Eda, kneeling down and hugging Celine against her chest. “Unfortunately, there are people like that. On the plus side though, people like that are the minority.”

“But it's people like that I was afraid of!” cries Celine. “So much hate and they don't even know me!”

“You've had such positive experiences here so far.” replies Eda, beginning to drip, starting to cry from how hurt Celine was. “Don't let that girl take it all away.”

Eda allows Celine to cry into her chest for a few moments, the teens clothing getting a little too big for her as Celine's form shrinks to her younger one before Eda continues...

“She is just one negative in a sea of positive, think of your first day here, how nervous you were; then you met Becky and Sammy, so accepting of you, the same with their friends. There was a small bump your first day of school, but you made plenty more new friends, even your bully became your friend later. This girl likely won't be, but you'll probably never see her again after today. You've had so much fun with your new friends here as well, Becky and Sammy come over almost everyday, just to play with you and they enjoy themselves so much.”

Shortly after Eda's words of encouragement, Celine pulls back, her crying dying down to a light sobbing.

“You're right...” comments Celine, briefly meeting her mothers gaze. “But what she said hurt so much.”

“But it's not true.” states Eda, placing a hand to Celine's melting cheek with a smile. “You know that.”

“I know, but...”

“It's not true.” repeats Eda softly. “I know what she said hurts, but it's not true.”

“Yeah... you're right.” replies Celine, looking down, but not for long before Eda lifts her head up, smiling at her and bringing one from Celine. “I'm glad you guys came with me.”

Eda stands and helps Celine to her feet, causing her skirt and panties to fall to the floor, before hugging her daughter once again, with Celine returning the embrace.

“Well we want to share in your enjoyment, this is a special day for you after all, attending your first live IPSL event.”

“Yeah...” comments Celine, before a low, brief chuckle leaves her and adding... “For a second though, when you were defending me, I thought you really were going to attack that girl.”

“I would've, someone hurts you like that and I'll have a hard time controlling myself. That girl was one comment away from experiencing my anger.”

“I'm glad you didn't...” replies Celine, pulling back to look at her mother with a smile. “I like it here.”

“Me too.” adds Eda, before kneeling and giving Celine a quick kiss. “You ready to go back and watch the show, or do you need a little while longer?”

“Yeah...” replies Celine, reabsorbing her lost mass, returning to her original form and pulling up her panties and skirt. “I'm good to go back, I don't want to miss the very first fight.”


- 2:07 P.M. -

Returning to the arena, Celine found that the first fight was just about to begin as the fighters were being introduced, a fifteen-cycle old Tragelian female with long purple hair pulled back into a pony-tail, with a level 2 Water Shakra, facing an equally aged Felene boy with black hair and a level 2 Earth Shakra. Both were wearing the mandatory full protective gear called Void Armor, which consists of wrist, elbow, chest, knee and ankle guards which helped prevent serious injury by absorbing a portion of an attacks force. The armor came in just one color, black and was quite form-fitting and light enough to not interfere with movement, so there was little reason for the fighters to not use the armor.

“Awesome, they haven’t started yet.” comments Celine with a smile as she and Eda make their way back to their seats.

Reaching their seats though, Celine sees her dad had taken her spot next to the mean girl, who looked more annoyed than fearful as Avery calmly speaks to her, before noticing Celine and Eda's return.

“Hey, can I have my spot back?” asks Celine.

“Are you sure?” asks Avery.

“Yeah.” replies Celine, before placing her hand to her dads and adding in her thoughts... 'I can't avoid people like her, so I need to learn to deal with them.'

The comment brings a smile to Avery's face, before standing and stating, “Ok.” the two swap spots and Celine sits next to the girl, who attempted to ignore her.

With Eda and Avery returning to their seats and Celine's mood quickly lifting as the fight began, the two adults were still a little on edge, especially Eda, fearing a recurrence of the argument. However, minutes into the fight, Eda's concern began to fade as she noticed the girl to Celine's right was also getting into the fight playing out.

The event with the girl had become a distant memory to Celine as she excitedly watched her very first live Shakra match. Being newcomers, the fighters weren’t too aggressive, like the more experienced fighters, but Celine still watched attentively and happily.

The fight ended with time running out and the Felene boy being declared the winner.

“That was awesome!” declares Celine, before looking to her mother, who smiles.

“It sure was, they wern't very aggressive, but that's probably because their new at this.”

“Yeah, it's just gonna get better and better with the later fights!” replies Celine.

There was a brief pause between the first and second fight, the arena being cleaned of rocks and smoothed out. In the brief downtime though, a beeping comes from Celine's comm, causing her to lift her right wrist and answer the call, smiling when she sees Sakura's smiling face.

Hey Celine!

“Hey Sakura!” greets Celine happily. “I saw the first fight and it was awesome!”

Heh, yeah, I like watching the newbie fights, reminds me of when I first started.” replies Sakura. “I was so used to practicing with my friends that I froze up in my first fight with such a huge crowd.

“Really?” asks Celine, with a giggle.

Yeah, you can find the video on the net if you search for it, it's kinda embarrassing though.” replies Sakura with a rising blush on her cheeks.

Celine suddenly felt like she was being watched and looked to her right to see the girl next to her looking at her, with some surprise before gasping with a blush and looking away. Although puzzled, Celine said nothing to her.

Something wrong?” asks Sakura.

“No, it's nothing.” replies Celine. “So where are you right now?”

I'm in the waiting room with the other fighters waiting for their fights.” answers Sakura. “Hey, you wanna say hello to Sammy, the girl I'm gonna mop the arena with?

“Sure.” happily answers Celine as another girl off-screen cheerfully comments...

You're gonna what!? Who are you telling that lie to?” before a smiling, long-haired brunette girl's face moves into view. “Ohh, is that your Geelien friend you were talking about?

“Hi.” greets Celine with a smile.

Yep.” states Sakura. “And it's not a lie! I'm gonna win and release that title and beat you again for it!

Ohh, that's some big talk for someone who hasn't beaten me before!” teases Sammy as she pokes her finger into Sakura's cheek.

Today's gonna be that day!” declares Sakura.

Celine giggles at the friendly competitiveness before hearing the announcer signaling the start of the next match and seeing the two fighters in the arena and shaking hands.

“Oh, it's nice meeting you Sammy, but the next match is about to start.” comments Celine.

Ok.” replies Sakura. “Talk to you later, after I win!

Such and li-” starts Sammy before the call ends, bringing a giggle from Celine.

“They sound like good friends.” comments Celine. “I wonder if it's hard to fight a friend.” she adds, before feeling eyes on her again and looking to the girl to her right and seeing her looking at her. “What?” asks Celine, clearly annoyed.

“Nothing, freak!” retorts the girl, looking towards the arena.

Groaning in aggravation, Celine turns her attention to the arena as well just before the start of the fight was signaled.

The second fight immediately started more lively than the first; Two teen girls, a fourteen-cycle old Felene with a level 2 Fire Shakra, versus and fifteen-cycle old Vehen with a level 2 Force Shakra.

The Felene starts the match aggressively, rushing forward, firing off a series of fireballs, while the Vehen dodges most of them in a zig-zag as she hops back with a brief floating, deflecting two with a wave of her hands before the Felene reaches striking range and swings her right fist towards the Vehen. The Blue-skinned teen quickly leans back to avoid the hit, followed by a second, before suddenly jumping over the Felene, dodging a third swing by her. The Vehen lands behind the Felene and delivers a quick, spin-kick to the Felene's unprotected side, knocking her her to the ground and sliding a few yards.

The exciting start, coupled with the announcers commentary, had quickly brought a cheer from Celine, she was part of only a few around her to jump up from their seats as well in excitement. Eda's smile at Celine's excitement only grows.

The Felene didn't stay down though, as she quickly gets to her feet, with a hand to her side, wincing in pain. The Vehen takes the offensive and rushes towards her opponent, propelling nearly invisible balls of air towards the Felene, which seem to find their mark as the Felene is pushed back repeatedly despite her defensive position. Clothing fluttering wildly, before the Vehen reaches striking range and prepared to thrust a fist towards the Felene's gut, however, at the last second, the Felene dodges to her right, enough for the fist to graze her before swiftly lifting her left knee up to the Vehen's unprotected stomach.

Briefly gasping out from both pain and the loss of breath, the Vehen fails to recover before the Felene quickly lowers her left elbow to her back, knocking her to the ground. The Vehen though manages to see the Felene pulling back her right leg to follow-up and just barely rolls out of range before thrusting her right hand towards her opponent and propelling the off-balance Felene a few yards away with a blast of air.

Celine's scream of excitement was even louder than before from seeing the quick exchange, before they both get back to their feet. These fighters clearly had a little more experience.

The next couple fights only continued Celine's excitement, amusingly, more than once, both Celine and the unfriendly girl to her right had cheered out in excitement, the first time, they shared a brief gaze, quickly looking away from the other.

To be continued

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