Returning downstairs, Celine was a little surprised when her two half-naked friends quickly follow her, aside from their visibly erect nipples, the two were clean of any honey, bringing a sigh from Celine.
“Is there anyone you two would be embarrassed meeting like that?” asks Celine with a smile.
“As long as their friends, we don't care!” declares Becky happily.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy.
“Heh, right, friends are ok.” comments Celine, before opening the door and greeting Sakura on the other side.
“Hey guys!” greets Sakura with a smile, the blonde Tragelian wearing a white T-shirt and light pink skirt, a hoverboard was also strapped to her back.
“Hi.” greets back Celine with a smile as well, opening the screen door before Sammy and Becky cheer and quickly hug Sakura, bringing a small chuckle from her.
“Heh, good to see you guys too.” replies Sakura, placing a hand to the little girls heads.
Celine was actually a little embarrassed by how calm Sakura was greeting the two half-naked girls.
'Guess this is just normal to her.' thinks Celine, before commenting, “Ok you two, let Sakura step in the house before you try and rape her.”
“Hehehe, ok!” chimes the two, before they each take one of Sakura's hands and pull her into the house, before Becky adds...
“We just had a lot of fun playing with Celine and her parents, they were monsters trying to absorb us!”
“Yeah.” replies Sammy. “You should play with us!”
“Whoa, whoa you two!” declares Celine. “Sakura's a classmate of mine, I haven't did anything like-” she adds, before stopping as she immediately recalled the memory of Sakura and her having sex in the locker-room, causing her drip. “U-Uh, I don't just absorb anyone!”
Sakura smiles knowingly at Celine's altered comment, before looking to the two little girls and stating...
“While I'd be all for joining you guys, that's not what I came here for, I came to meet Celine's parents and introduce myself since I live close by.”
“Aww.” whines Becky.
“Then maybe later?” asks Sammy.
“Heh, maybe, if I have Celine and her parents ok.”
“Yay!” cheers the little girls as hug Sakura again and Becky adds, “That means yes!”
“Well, well...” comments Eda as she walks down the stairs, dressed in a simple spaghetti-strap thigh-length dress. “Those two are certainly attached to you arn't they?”
Celine, sees Sakura oddly staring at her mother walking down the stairs, as if she was transfixed for some reason.
“Sakura?” calls Celine. “Something wrong?”
Becky and Sammy look up to Sakura and they look towards where she was looking and they both immediately grin and Sammy comments...
“She sees something she likes.”
“What?” questions Celine. “My mom?”
“Hmm?” hums Eda as she makes the final step from the stairs and stands to Celine's left.
Becky quickly comments, “It's something bouncy, bouncy.” before she lifts her left hand pokes Sakura's cheek, snapping her out of her staring with a gasp and rapidly blinking her eyes and a blush arose on her cheeks as she averts her eyes.
“What just happened?” asks Celine, before Eda grins and lifts a finger to her lips and comments...
“I think I see what's going on.”
“What?” asks Celine.
Eda chuckles before moving her arms under her sizable, F-cup breasts, supporting and lifting them up a little.
“Your friend here is a breast girl, arn't you?”
“U-uh...” replies Sakura, her eyes darting to and from Eda.
“She can appreciate a large pair of breasts.” states Eda with a smile.
“Yep!” declares Becky. “Sakura likes big boobies!”
“Oh...” replies Celine with a smile. “Really?”
“Fine...” sighs Sakura, folding her arms over her smaller B-cup breasts. “Yeah, I like breasts ok? Sorry for staring...” she adds, looking to Eda, or rather, her chest, before looking away. “Their just so, big and... pretty...”
“Well thank you!” replies Eda cheerfully. “Would you like to see them in all their glory?”
“MOM!” gasps Celine. “Geez, you haven't even introduced yourself and you're offering to show your breasts to her!?”
“Hehehe, well she's your friend, that's good enough for me.” replies Eda.
“Ugh...” groan Celine pressing her right palm to her forehead. “Can't we just have a normal introduction? I don't want you flirting with everyone of my friends that I introduce.”
“Hehe, fine, fine.” replies Eda, before walking behind Celine to the couch. “Let's get comfortable then.”
Sammy and Becky happily lead Sakura to the second couch and sit with her while Celine sits with her mother.
“Hey...” starts Sakura. “Where's your dad Celine?”
“On my way.” comes a male voice from the stairs before Sakura sees Avery, who soon joins Celine and Eda on the couch, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. “Formal introductions huh?”
'Yeah.' thinks Celine. 'Best way to have a normal introduction around here.'
“Yeah.” comments Celine.
“Well then...” starts Sakura. “My full name is Sakura/Sara Hanna Bragou, Sara is my Earth name and I'll answer to it if I know that's the name you'll use for me. I have four parents; One mom and dad from here and one mom and dad from Earth, I have a sixteen-cycle old sister, I'm fifteen cycles old and a natural blonde. I love spicy food, the hotter, the better! I'm a former model and currently a participant in the IPSL.” explains Sakura with a smile.
“Ohh, interesting...” comments Eda. “You have two sets of parents?”
“Yep.” answers Sakura. “It was a bit of a pain at first. I'd get punished twice for the same thing. But now it's just once since their working together, heh.”
“Well...” starts Eda. “My name is Eda Kellen and as I'm sure you can guess...” she adds, before bringing a gasp from Celine as she hugs her. “I'm Celine's very loving mother!”
“Hehe, you guys are certainly lively.” replies Sakura. “You remind me of my mom- my Merkolovian mom, you'd probably get along well.”
“Really? Well I look forward to meeting her.” replies Eda.
“So, how old are you?” asks Sakura. “Are you like Celine, younger than you actually look?”
“Nope, though I am forty-six cycles young.” answers Eda.
“Wow!” gasps Sakura, “You're forty-six!? You don't look it at all, I thought you were in your late twenties or early thirties!”
“Well thanks.” answers Eda. “We Geelien's have a long lifespan, but we stop visibly aging sometime in our third decade of life.”
“Yeah, Celine mentioned something like that before.” replies Sakura, before Avery next introduces himself...
“Well then, I'm younger than Eda at thirty-two, I however, look my age currently. My name's Avery Kellen.” he greets, before hugging Eda much like she's hugging Celine. “And I am Eda's loving husband!” the comment brings a giggle from Eda and a groan from Celine.
“You guys are embarrassing me!” declares Celine.
“Male Geelien's look kinda weird.” comments Sakura. “No offense.”
“None taken.” replies Avery.
“I mean...” starts Sakura. “Your bodies aren't built like a typical male, well, I guess it wouldn't since Geelien's arn't the same as us, but even the guys are smooth like the girls.”
“Well thanks.” replies Avery. “Comments like that are considered a compliment to us.”
“Yeah.” comments Sakura. “Celine told me that, Geelien's think of beauty as a clear body. You three look very pretty.” adds Sakura with a smile, bringing a bigger smile to the three and Eda replying...
Although they hadn't been long since greeting and talking, Sammy and Becky were getting a little restless and although they didn't verbally complain, they each grab one of Sakura's hands and slide into their panties with a giggle.
While Sakura gives a little chuckle at the two silently suggesting what they wanted from her, which she obliges as she slowly fingers their wet slits, bringing a little moan from them, Sakura looks back to the Geelien's with a slight blush, before Celine comments with a sigh...
“Geez you two, can't you behave yourselves for ten minutes?”
“It's ok!” replies Becky happily, before Sammy adds...
“Yeah, we're with friends. This is normal for us, so if your parents don't have a problem with it, it's all good.”
“Mom...” groans Celine, looking to her mother, who smiles.
“Heh, well we were having our own naughty fun before your friend came to visit.” comments Eda. “And she seems perfectly fine with Becky and Sammy's behavior.”
“Come on Celine...” states Sakura. “Loosen up, hehe.”
“Ha, ha, very funny.” retorts Celine with a frown. “I just wanted a normal introduction.”
Avery then comments, “I think that's a little much to ask for within minutes of us all having an orgy.”
“Yeah...” sighs Celine. “I guess you're right...” she adds, before smiling at Becky and Sammy enjoying the light fingering of their pussies by Sakura. “Especially when Becky and Sammy are involved, once they get started, their insatiable.”
The ending comments brings a giggle from the two, along with Sakura, who adds...
“They certainly are, especially when their Trancing...” before pulling her glistening fingers from the two girl's aroused pussies, bringing a quick whine of displeasure from them, before Sakura stands and the two girls chasing her around in a tight circle, pleading for her fingers.
The little event brings a smile and chuckle from Eda and Avery and a little more of an embarrassed smile from Celine.
Sakura soon ends the little game of keep away as she suddenly turns to face her chasers and sticks her wet fingers into their mouths, causing them to immediately stop with muffled giggles as they lick and suck their honey from Sakura's fingers.
“Sakura...” starts Eda, getting to her feet. “Do you have anything planned for the the next thirty minutes or hour?”
“Not really.” replies Sakura. “I wanted to show Celine around the neighborhood and were her other friends from school live, but it can wait.”
“Good.” states Eda. “Would you like to join us in our little orgy?”
“Mom!” gasps Celine, quickly standing.
“Oh come on...” replies Eda, looking to her daughter with a smile. “The introductions are over, and besides, it's not like you and Sakura haven't had your own naughty fun in the gym locker-room.”
“B-But that was...” comments Celine, dripping considerably in embarrassment, before Sakura asks...
“You told your mom about that?”
Eda answers with a smile, “We share memories when we absorb each other, so I know everything you two did.”
“R-Really?” asks Sakura, clearly a little embarrassed. “Guess sharing memories would make you super close.”
“It certainly does.” replies Eda, placing her hand to Celine's head. “So, wanna join us?”
“Sure.” replies Sakura, pulling her now clean fingers from Becky and Sammy's mouths as they cheer while Sakura pulls her hoverboard from herself and leaning it against the nearby couch before Celine asks...
“Did you ride that here?”
“Yeah, it's my main mode of transportation when I'm outside, it's a lot funner and portable than a bike.”
“Can I try riding it later?” asks Celine.
“Sure.” replies Sakura, before Becky and Sammy take a hand again and lead her up the stairs as Becky comments...
“We're naughty in Celine's room!”
Eda cheerfully follows the three and following a sigh, so does Celine. However, before leaving sight of him, Sakura sees Avery the only one staying behind and heading towards the dining room, likely the kitchen, causing her to stop and ask.
“Hey, Celine's dad, you're not joining us?”
“Oh no, I don't really participate when Becky and Sammy are here, since their not into guys, but it doesn't bother me.” replies Avery, turning to face her.
“Aww, but that's no fair!” declares Sakura. “Everyone's having fun and your all alone!”
“Heh, really, it's fine, I don't mind.” replies Avery with a chuckle. “After all, they invited me to join them in their game earlier.”
“Well then, I invite you to join us!” declares Sakura. “No one should be left all alone when there's an orgy!”
“Heh, well unless you want me all to yourself, I'll need Becky and Sammy's OK.” replies Avery.
“I'll take you for myself.” answers Sakura with a smile, which brings a whine from Becky and Sammy, causing her to look to the two girls with a smirk. “Heh, unlike you two, I don't discriminate, I like both cock and pussy. After-all, I've had my taste of female Geelien's, I wanna see how different a male is.”
“Awww...” whines the two girls.
“Heh, but don't worry, I won't ignore you two.” adds Sakura, which brings a smile to Becky and Sammy's faces, before Sakura looks back to Avery. “So come join us.”
“Ok then...” replies Avery, heading to the stairs. “I'm all yours.”
Upon walking into Celine's room, Sakura quickly noticed a lack of something...
“I thought you guys were having an orgy, I don't smell much of Becky and Sammy's honey.”
The two girls giggle before Becky answers, “That's because they absorbed us.”
“Ah.” replies Sakura with a smile. “That's right, heh, guess there wouldn't be much of a smell if there's nothing to smell.”
“Hey...” starts Sammy. “You should ask one of Celine's parents to absorb you! It feels super awesome! You don't have a body anymore and the pleasure just keeps going higher and higher! You never come, but it's like orgasm-level that keeps going higher and higher forever!”
“Wow, really?” asks Sakura with a smile.
“Yeah!” declares Becky. “We're hooked on it.”
“Well I'd certainly be willing to try it-wait...” replies Sakura, before stopping herself. “Celine, your mom said absorbing you causes you two to share your memories, right? Would that happen with me too?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, heading to her bed and sitting, before Becky quickly joins her, draping herself over Celine back and asking...
“Absorb me again Celine, I wanna be inside you!”
The plea was also joined by Sammy, hopping herself onto Celine's lap and hugging her, sandwiching the Geelien between them.
Along with Celine, Sakura chuckles at the little scene, before commenting...
“Hmm, well I just met you guys, I'm not ready to share my memories that soon.”
“That's ok.” replies Eda, sitting beside Celine, Becky and Sammy. “As long as you understand the risks, and you have permission from your parents, I'll be willing to absorb you.”
“Same here.” adds Avery.
“OK.” replies Sakura, before Eda continues...
“Oh, I just had a wonderful idea, me and Celine will absorb these two insatiable girls while you and Avery have your fun until you feel like swapping, everyone's doing something-or rather, someone, heh.”
“Yay!” cheers Becky and Sammy.
“Ok.” replies Sakura, before quickly adding, “Oh, can I watch you absorb them?”
“Sure.” replies Eda.
“Awesome!” states Sakura, before quickly undressing herself, stripping down to just her bra and panties in seconds, before the last two articles of clothing were removed as well, revealing her nude teen body, small B-cup breasts and erect pink nipples, along with the small, neatly trimmed patch of blonde pubic hair crowning her smooth labia, which were covered by a familiar white strip.
With Sakura undressing, the others followed, Becky and Sammy, quickly slipping out of their wet panties and Sakura eyes briefly locks onto Eda's sizable, exposed breasts.
Celine was the last to undress, she knew she shouldn't be, but she still felt a little embarrassed with how quickly Sakura was willing to take off her clothes. Nervously taking off hers, her body dripping, Celine exposes her fully nude body to her schoolmate for only the second time since she'd known her.
Sakura smiles seeing Celine's embarrassment, but says nothing, before looking to Avery and gasping as she saw his crotch was bare of anything, like a doll...
“What the, Geelien guys don't have cocks?”
Avery chuckles before answering...
“We do, but it would be a bother having it there and not using it, so I-”
“So you can make it disappear!?” gasps Sakura with a smile. “That's so cool!” she adds, before looking to Celine and Eda. “Can girls do the same, make their pussy disappear?”
“Yep.” answers Eda, before lifting a leg up onto the bed and spreading her legs to expose more of her pussy before it melts away. “See?”
“That's pretty awesome.” comments Sakura.
“I can change my breast size as well.” adds Eda, before her sizable breasts reduce to half their original size.
“Heh, nice, can you do that too Celine?” asks Sakura.
“Yeah, but I don't like huge breasts.” replies Celine.
Becky and Sammy quickly grow impatient as they whine..
“Absorb us already, come on!”
“Hehe...” chuckles Eda, before standing. “Ok, ok.” she adds, before Celine stands as well, still dripping a little, whiles Becky and Sammy eagerly await their pleasurable fate and they stand next to Eda and Celine.
“How do you two wanna go this time?” asks Celine, before Becky quickly answers...
“Eat me whole!”
“Me too!” adds Sammy.
“Ok.” replies Eda, before Becky quickly adds as she hugs Sammy...
“Oh! Absorb us together!”
“Alright.” states Eda, briefly looking to Sakura before back to Celine and adding, “Oh, I have an idea. Celine, since Sakura is your guest, how about you show her you absorbing them?” as she lightly hugs her daughter from behind.
Melding to her, Celine hears her mothers thought, 'Yanno, show her how much you change when we're together.'
'OK.' replies Celine with a smile, before looking to Sakura. “Me and my mom are going to join and absorb them.”
“Really?” asks Sakura with a smile. “Absorbing your mom would make you look older right, with bigger breasts?”
“Yeah, if I wanted, I GUESS I can show you if you want to see.” answers Celine with playful sigh, which brings a smile to Sakura's face.
Seconds later, the older blonde “Ohhhh's'” as she sees Eda melting into Celine. It was as if they were two sticks of sun-warmed butter, with Eda being the hotter one as a large pool of excess mass pools on the floor at Celine's feet. The process only took a few seconds before Eda had disappeared, though not completely Sakura figured, since there was a large pool of excess mass on the floor. Celine didn't look very different though, perhaps a few inches taller, slightly larger breasts and wider hips that Sakura could notice, but that was until Celine absorbs much of the pooled mass on the floor.
“Whoa...” comments Sakura as she sees that Celine had visibly aged about five or six cycles she guessed, about a foot taller, along with her hair growing the same length, her breasts a full cup larger and her figure had more curves, not counting her constant melting.
Celine though chuckles nervously and places her hands over her breasts.
“You think I look weird huh?” she asks.
“No, of course not.” replies Sakura. “Well, a little, since I'm used to your original look, but you really do look a little older and your breasts did grow, but to be honest though, I was expecting something like what your mom has.” she adds with a smile.
“Ugh, my moms breasts are way too big.” groans Celine.
“But could you make'em that big if you wanted now that your mom is inside you?” asks Sakura.
“Can you do it just this once then, please?” asks Sakura with a big smile.
“Yeah!” declares Becky as she removes herself from Sammy. “Make your boobies big!”
“Fine...” sighs Celine with a smile. “You guys and big breasts...” she adds, before lowering her hands from her already larger breasts and Sakura “Oooh's” again, her eyes widening as Celine's breasts slowly expand. They soon mirror Eda's large F-cup size breasts, perfectly shaped with only a slight sagging, bringing a groan from Celine as she supports her large breasts with her arms. “I seriously fail to see the fascination with huge breasts, their such an annoyance and heavy. Geelien's don't even breast-feed.”
To be continued...